THE TTIN--ri T Y T ATT A SEXTTX E f ; SAT.I-f.X. It! TPr " win lUL 1 , igtf soce L5 of Local interest j'socUl Doings and .:ed Topics. : a! 0 , ,,h-U a nur ,, ,!:,. Academy. Kri.-s. l. ft S-,y 'r f. river. ,1 11 , ..1 . ,l.v. s oatins l-,i;i!c. tin" mil !iv will a1 S n. that 1 lace. :1 r l"Hl!' B;is enicriamru , irost delight- l'Yn--- J';':-'" K ,,"";1- t:w!. '. ., , v(, waiiuts was uiu wn. lu this contest. Miss lu:t0 won the first prlie. L ,,in while a I'ottlf of . . Miss Marv lhe second piizt. !-e tames. Mi.- t leftwlmients. ?..u ,.,mli.-rs who bus hospitality were Miss j BrigssRuth Critz. UUIaii t;Mh rVarrington. Louise Loo Henry. .Mary Pollard, Grace enjoyed by Mayor Murphy With Reference cf 1 i:;s5 cf Z3 LBGAL CHURCH SOCIETIES Two Missionary Mpctinns Yesterday other Societies to Meet Next Week. 'Minnie i viT.iMh I lM)e Smith. Theo Liipfert. ! and Margaret Norman. lio were chill inem- 1, Siitton entertained -Misses Dal'on.llt'len McArthur ami r Cray. ,1 Mrs. Hansel Thomas and ;vn arc wi'li 1M. and Mrs. ,no,.r. on Kiiih street. In Au- S. K. A!l"ii ami family y their home on Spruce ,m nhitii Mrs. Thomas has have improvements made. lira. Allen moves to the isf Earnhardt, of Lenoir, bii visiting her cousin, 1 Crist, left today for home. 1. mtf.'-w was received by firiffiih yeslerilay, minoime ricus illiu'sa of her mother, ,W. Miller, near Cletumons th left at once for her bed ay Mrs. .Miller's condition lK'ful. 1 I fnjovalik ianee was gUon Jim Room of the Zinzoiidorf linj by the young gentlemen It y, ctimj liiiKMitary to tin ps. Almtit twenty-five cou- i ciliated iii the dance. Jiith Williairis and Miss I,ou- 'Hus, of Pantlicn Creek, were ' yter!lay, tho girsts of Daniels. and concert at. the Sal. '-I evening was ww (r n !'f given at this institution. miller of p it runs w ere m t. is!i!e,i at the fine music -hi rradiegs. He-arty ap "'(I tlie iierformers, and '' niucli tlioso 'presi'nt en ' 11-r.crtlert.l program. Es "J'iyithle was f'ie humor- "" "Secrets of the Heart Order Issued Greensboro, Them. I. Tin- S.Hiir.ft ) GREENSBORO. May 4 Th-re w-'S n.iuniir.g ia teuaiu quarters of tinrnrbro Thursday and there .tvms to be 110 balm in Gilead for th. o t fottless o'.ii's, who are ImiwvJ d iwn 03 j,i,iinr fit in r'i'i.r Ivn.-.l K.- t,,.. Murphv Thursda-.- ilirectint: that .i'l ' "onians Foreisa Missionary ac pcU's ia the citv f.,r whk.-v sucu't" of '-ie:iary M. E. Churva eliut up shop. Chief of IV " n' 'y !ll'""n in the la lice Ne. iev yestenlav ftfreriioon sc rv- . Iial!"r l'h tt a large atwen- ..,1 notir ,,., th.. .-,itJ , Utt"- lr.ideut. Mrs. Kr which there are four, and they agreed UMiT' tr the , first to close up their offices trd did not n.V eive th;; officer a-y tr.r;-..-. !i U nn- , hV "ml va1 srati- derstor-d that they ha 1 been advised j m thrt mm" fr 'jy tboir -attornies. It is eeuera-iv- uil ' 'J '1 s. Willhl,u Hen. d. rstood that rone of the aVn.-' i" S'lr and Mrs' Ku,U8 attempt to resist the M.noi-'s iinli-i ""i as they believe he is supported in J thf. bus!BW8 uiltl ir' his position by a rvrent , of ,!e anm d,Uate' the Supreme Court, in which art of Z lcT the time-honcted traditions as l0 the T r r' 6j sacrcdne. of instate commerce 1)lai.k,nlrn Wt.rP ewf0(J . ' haw beea knocked sky-hisli. A the society 'tr.i of the decision of-he higher cou-t MesdamVs W. p. mn and L A h, been in the hsnds of an nfo-.ny Vaughn were apiaied u the pre,: here for some tune, but no action Bram committc-e to arrange for the was taken in the matter until ve.-ter- next tmarterly social mertlnR of the llny- society, which will be In Jane The caj in pout went up from Mrs. T. U. Cozart who had South Dakota. A n an there who charge of the missionary lesson ou acted aa agent for a ltiuor lirm cut-! 'Christus Redemptor," conducted it side of the State ht receiving onleis in her usual pleasant style, all the was tried, convli.M a id st,!eot ladies taking part in the discussion, for retailing. Thc! wast a section Those present yesterday were In the South Dakua luw that makes Mesdames Kntelt Dalton, . Samuel the place of dcihvvy tiie place of lllackburn, V. p. Hlil, V. h. Marler, sale, just as it dees in North Pcrc- E. C. Iiowman, L. A. Vaulm L r ana. An appeal !o the Supvcuie I O'Urien, Court of the Stat? Yas tv.kin by die attomles for the South Dakota tlw fendant. The opinion of the lower court w,os sustained and U Saprem,1 Court of the United States upheld M.e opinlon of the S'il courts. The count says that the interstate commerce principle does not apply in C 7 r. THE DAINTY DESSERT iEtOip ni of h,n m wtr, jtm w.ll k pt pwrj a iirwtt w!l:. U urfw i.,J d., .til I !K lA-le it. W tim 11 bu brctni coJ it 11 tud tw rr-i!i to nt. tuc (wn Banana Creim. Pfel Jr Urn bnn, n; b imoaih wit In t-,'' urr. A JJ u cup crnua bnm to a it. i f roi li, thm one pock w Ol Leiuoo Jei.-Od'.oooml IB on ord tD-&o, rnpaof Hi:nK wolor. tn luu-d or bowl n. I wbrB mid nrmok withatodlnl clifirrto. N-rro lta iu.pd CTTKOL I rWantifattr PlmNn. W r"i bouc fra. Addmo . 1 1 . ..-s-' L. A. Vau-;hn, I Duke Hay, H. I. Dalton. L. Starr, R. 13. Dalton, William Heck, James Newman, Henry Harrow, 1. H. llanos, Frank' Martin and Miss Nora Dodson. D. C. Rankin Society Meets. The 1). c! Rankin .Missionary Socie ty of tho First Presbyterian church, cimK8od of the young ladies and the Prisoner To Be Released. WASHINGTON, May 2 The only thing between William January, of Kansas City, Mo., and liliertj from the penitentiary is attachinR of sig nature of attorney general to reconi ion for mercy and signature of presideut to pardon which is already agreed uion. If there is w hitch in the proceedings telegraphic messum will bo sent before nightfall to the warden at Leavenworth prison direct ins that January be released Imme diately. Thousands of petitions for mercy, surpassing all previous cases in number and dignity, have been received by Attorney General Ilonu-parte. such cases; the Wilson act passed j young married ladies in the congrega Ire men wante-o. :i-taie good fashionable 'iii? footwear. You know ''J".vs a worli!-wde reputa " fl-'O'S at cconomipal pric mo local agents, and m thirty (iirf,.rpt Rtvl0). '".Mil styles of lasts; nt . mul four dol- "!' are vv.,,11, ovm. , , , . mn.r styles ready. Ra -"' : (., Trade St. COMMISSIONERS MEET. W Session of Present u "eld Last Nih " 11 r Sah,n, Com , f U'"ir bt regular Ses-'-Jt. May,,,- i,i,ti:er pre tPT" Shadier. 'Wt' and nutner were Sa the town. -nil's-- traii'saelel to ihe fonnnl Hi Water u,.i.. 'I lit- lle. aL r':l,l', f Mr. H."j. a,"llld the . HUM,, , """i, anti """.Ilk Imiii,i,. 1 ..... .. ., , ",,t witn Hie ' '" "v,,r. tliese I, -Hit fVhn flotii the 'll I 1 it v en- ':i W;S i''ii'l. asking ll'ilke n. ... ' 'TV,,,", "l'l'l.).IKl- - il'icugh Salem. 'lie r irUt ' 1 .no any 3 a' tho main two years ago meets that point. It says' that a man who acts as agent for tho solicitation and delivery of sales of whiskey in prohibition terri tory is the seller, where the law de- lines the place of delivery the place of salo. This Is certainly reversal of the Supreme Court's opinion in a case carried tip from Monroe. The four agents' here had been do ing a Mr business and were aima- rontly undisturbed by the disapproval that was heaped upon them by the prohibitionists of the city. The South ern Kxpress Company had also profit ed greatly by tho agency business here, and almost every train that came from Virginia has -brought its supply of whiskey. WITHOUT A KICK. When a government inspector miss es on the plumbing' and heating plant of a government contract, vou niav be assured that it is done correctly. The plumbing ami heating contract for the Winston Post Office was com pleted by the Crawford Plumbing and Mill Suppiy Co., of this city and was highly complimented by tho govern ment oflletr. A word to the wise is usually sufficient. CAN YOU IMPROVE The looks of your dining table? Is It possible to make it more Inviting? Pretty dishes help to make the food taste good, you know. We have some real bargains In dinner sets. One hundred pieces white and gold Amer ican semi-porcelain at $11.55. Anoth er, rose decorations, same quality. same urice. D. S. Reld. - - tiou, were entertained on vesterdav afternoon by Misses Mary and Mitt to Wiley, at their home on Spruce street. About forty members were present. Mrs. Robert Nissen had a most In teresting paper ou The Woman Who Gave Herself." "Go, Give and Pray" furnished the themes for most instructive articles, read by Misses Roblna Mickle, Mil tip Wiley and Flora Leak. All enjoyed Dr. Lilly's fine talk. So enthusiastic was Mrs. Henry Roan in presenting tho need of more money for the work in Africa, that $50.0il was pledged in a short while by those present for the work, this In addition to their cut which they keep up in the Elizabeth Wake Hospi tal, at Souehow, China. Two new members were enrolled, Misses Nannio Sheets and Haydie Garner. After the business meeting a de lightful social season was greatly en joyed, the hostesses serving tempting refreshments. Will Meet Monday. The Young Ladies' Aid Society of Centenary M. 13. Church will bo enter tained on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Miss Annie Grogaa, on Cherry street. Woman's Home Mission and Aid So ciety of Centenary, church meets on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the ladles' parlor. Centenary Light Hearers will, meet tomorrow afternoon at. 3 o'clock in the annex. A full attendance is de sired. The Mission Hand of the Home Mo ravian church will meet Monday at S o'clock with Miss Louise Grunert. ITS EASILY EXPLAINED. Many ask us why our ice cream soda is so good.' Jt's easily explained. At our fountain we use the absolutely pure syrups and crushed fruits, as llavors, and our iee cream Is made fresh taeh day, from choice, rich, pure dairy cream, and our nilxerologlst is an expert. His egg drink w the talk of the town. All the popular drinks. Loaru the Way to Simpson'. Girl Is Heard From. NKW YORK, May 3.-A letter writ ten by Miss Loretta Whaley, 17 years old, an heiress, RiipiKwedly lured "away from home by Jere Knode Cooke, for mer pastor t an- ciistocralic ehm-eli at Hempstead. Long Island, was m id" public today. It says she luve ,iwc more than all and will abide by the consequences. The letter wa ad. dressed to Miss Audrey Towuuend, a former chum of Miss Whaley. in her letter Miss Whaley sa Hempstead was too slow for her and she Biippows Miss Towivsend will be surprised to hear of her eloin ment with Cooke. THINGS ARE MOVING. This business of movlntr Is a sno ciaity with us and we are so nccu tomed to It we can't keep still. So when you have anything to move furniture, plauos, safes, baggage let us know. We will move you with promptness and at the most reason able prices. Fisher Livery and Trans fer Co. Phono 227. Church street. A Narrow Escape, . G. W. Cloyd, a merchant of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years igo, what he ran a jlmson bur Into his thumb. He savs: "The iPu-Nh- wauled to amputate it but I would not consent. I bougt a box of llncklen's Arnica Salve and that cured tho dan ,'erous wound." 25c at P, A. Thomp son's, druggist. ; THE OFFICE OF FOOD The office of food is to supply heat and energy, to furnish the vital materials for growth and repair. 3 '-"Vi-'.r.Jt mum .!! H. ,1 I t'sH di WHEAT FLAKE CELERY NOT FOR THE PRICE. You never saw a more prefect lit tle ladies' watch than this 8even-few- "led Culled States movement, In 11 plain, open.facc, gold filled twenty-years- guarantee case for twelve dol lars. It's a perfect little gem for the money, and a perfect (lino piece. It In worth more money, but we want to r.el. (hem cm the move"; We are expert la fine watch r. pairing. Chii. F. Sapp & Co., 8 1-2 West Fourth St. mm ::h'iit ARE REASONS. V "' are g. :,r kt; they l,ave been b oil-rTmr "--r. ....'.: . lhe-v last ;(,, ', mo,e surface '"an ot . . it US np nsrd. paints, UG Ne-st Fourth :"n-''na; ' 'i'Mmi 1 to Wiio ms 'Horning """""Won and New. As It is made from the whole grain of wheat, with celery, will furnish the elements to supply, heat, energy, growth and repair. Persons could live a long period of time with vigorous health upon nothing but this Food. Palatable Nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Cm ke served hot. Put Ic t tot uvea for 1 ft w minutes; or cook li boiling milt. All biroeent package Mm Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy with out them, yet the ordeal through which the exoectant mother must pass usually is bo full of suffering1, danper and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by its pene trating and toothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelinrrs, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weitrht in cold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing 1 1?""?! valuable information mailed free. I j I j I Ti:e E:unrir id nrciiUTOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. U li liV- rhfi M l L Ml PLAY BALL. We Jirst want you to know where !o buy your baseball goods. We nre local agenti! for the cekbrated house of Reach. We have the balls, bats, gloves, mils, masks. iiroteptn ntul rules, and If you look in our window as vou pass you will get some it.-a ill own, Rogers Co., on the Square. Death at Richmond, Va. Raleigh Christian Forties, mm of Mr. W. S. Forbes, of Richmond, Va.. died of pneumonia n few days ugo nt the age of 19 your Mr. Forbes ban many friends in Vv histon-Knlem who sympathize with him in his bereavy- iiitiit. MR. BUSINESS MAN! Perhaps right now you want some hint In the .Lrinthig line, Cards. letter or bill heads Do you know we are doing the n.ost artistic line of printing in thl section of the world, and our prices are most be coming? It's rather hard to find you. but a phone call will bring one of ns ta you. for your order or estimate. You'll like our work. L. 1). Womble Printing Co., 417 1-2 Liberty St. WILLIAMS' CARBOLIC 8ALVE WITH ARSENIC & WITCH HAZEL Tho best salve In the world for Cuts, flrulscs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter. Chapped Hands and all skin diseases. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. 2.r.c by druggists. Williams' Mfg. Co., Prop. Simpson Drug Co. A. A. Wells, of C.reenHlxiro- Coo fl Thompson, of Rulelnh: W. f! ilmwti of Lexington; R. II. DeWItt, of Lynch burg;, and R. L. Hlckerson, of Itonda, were among the guests nt the Zinzen dorf last nlghL 1? R;ensboro Floral and Seed Company Florist and Seedsmen WHOLESALE AND RETAIL x CIT H OW F.R DF.PAR TMK.N'T Roses, Carnations and Violets We Make a Specialty of Floral Designs and Bride's Boquets. Budding Plants Pansy Plants Geraniums Coleus Verbenas Carnations Rose Plants Scarlet Sage Moon Vines . Madeira Vines Spirea Primrose Ferns for Fern Dishes Ferns for growing in pots: Pearson, Boston, Asparagus, Plumous, Asparagus Sprin gle, Silver Leaf. Bulbs for Spring Planting: Cannas, Dahlias, Caladium, Tuberoses, Variegated tuberoses Vegetable Plants Tomato Plants Transplanted Hardy Plants Celery in Season Pepper, Cabbage, etc. Surplus Stock of Rose Bushes We can save you money on rose bushes if you buy this week. Anything you want in Cut Flowers Garden and Field Seeds Write or Phone for Prices si GREENSBORO FLORAL AND SEED COMPANY 218 S. ELM STREET F. DUFFY, Manager. Phone 865.