7 -J WlNSTOX-SALKM,X.(- FltlDAY KYKMM;, MAY 17, 1!H7, If U a m f VICTORIES ,,Ts!,:p Lines Grant Serous FlgMs Bc r.,...anrt strike- lefS Trying to Desert IT.-Scveral, r i,,b and others .srt ol.v.:t today ,..(, d.'i-ni fin ployed - ,ork " fifl"''"1 a,1(1 I Tbc itiii!,,s , sc:", HurAer ere ut to hos- ' injured. '.hoiwen Encouraged. 'ent was offered today to lunp-hun-iiM-u when the entw mail.- that Michael lite largest employing steve- Lrtfflii-nt to pay the sehed ,m demanded by the strik e stevt-doas are In sympalhic i the longshoremen. No out iaj kind arc reported to- M Tittle, a white man, whose I war Rural Hall, is In tail ;lto!a J.W lKtitd The charge i Mm i fnriwrv. Ilii will he elv- )m during the next term of Superior Court, which opens van that Eld borrowed some 'nan i woman residing at Ru- . giving a chattel mortgage on 'itr to secure the payment k Later, it Is alleged, Tattle ik woman he had borrowed wfrom to come to his home, Tk led her to believe that he ly to pay off the debt. After ji receipt and an order In st the register of deeds to can- (mortgage against TuUlo,, Ed. 'i to drive the woman away, j tie paiiors without turning jit 'woman had a warrant issued j Utile tor forgor.T and at the ji ot court Judge Fcrgu ji tie bond at $:!oi), Inst meting ."I to see that It was justified. 1 been in jail since February. u recently sued for an itMTuuiii oi unoiit t,ss, i lie Beard before Justice It. A. yesterday afternoon; who wnt RKaiiiHt tho defendant aount sued for. DEATH TODAY OF II W3 P1E11 Mr. Thomas 15. rarnell died at noon today at the Twin-City Hospital.1 where he underwent an oieration last Tuesday morning. Mr. I'arnell had been ill about two weeks with ty phoid fever and the operation was necessary owing to complications re sulting from the fever. Mr. Parnell's relatives and friends were hopeful of his recovery uutil last evening, when his condition under went an unfavorable change. fhe deceased is survived by a wife and littlo son, the latter Just two weeks old; four brothers; Messrs. W. II. Taniell, of this city; Charles and Dorse, of Mocksville, and Hugh, who is in the United States army; a sis ter. Miss Mary" Parnell, and his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Paruell, of Mocksville. The remains were conveyed to the residence at 662 Holly avenue this af ternoon, from which placo the funeral will be conducted tomorrow afternoon by Bishop Itondthaler and Dr. II. A. ilrown, provided the latter, who is in Richmond, can reach tho city in time. The Interment will be in the Salem cemetery, Mr. I'arnell had Held a position with tho Southern Railway for four years, having for some time been conductor between this city and Charlotte. He was universally held In high esteem by railroad men on his division and by all , who knew him, his genial, free hearted, good-natured disposition mak ing a warm friend of everyone with whom he came in contact Mr. Parnell was united in marriage last year to Miss Louise Wiles and to the bereaved young wife the sympa thy of the entire community goes out lu this time of deep sorrow. fhe age of the deceased was thirty years, nine months and throe days, WORKED SMOOTH GAME. Money From Danville Citl- !!U To Buy a Coffin. &l Va., May 17. William sro alxmt r, years of age, ! Bailing trial on the charge i-ing money under false pre- . it is alWorl !,., I i -v ... nun ut-t-n wotk- r suae on me charitably M8 ot Danville for the f'fjl weeks, i,,, viKit(.d a Intones on the nnrthsido and H I of the death of some flive and asked for mon uinayhiK for the coffin f'wsed. A laru number of ,'ed th,.y ww, ai,Iilg a f benevolent lniri,S(. Raye J Wf dollars, and dollars, I W-Seil that he nppropria le. The suspicion of contiibui,, before ; a,!" th" l'Hee were no- CJ?? Officer Jhatheluol bee,, en- "0,,"1,' "s ,M,"S jl'fieb.d theni. MVE FOR VirgTnia. Hrly to Spend Several tJ'" " "P'ne Knot." " C May ,7.-i'r-'t and son. ''' 'ree-elimbing ",5.'rio. ! ;ir Allowing 'nSrK;r i,rivate AC- K'"". t 2:3 K;n,4.,h; t str. '" ;r ""l.niarto.rs . ,v'M-, ,u. "lfh ,L, 'HI l ' H'rt iv,i,lt. who and 1 wek, 'iiroutp ADDED ID THE FORCE The Winston police committee met last night made two additions to the force. Edward Apple and "Dock Clark were chosen to sere until the regular election by the aldermen in September. They went om duty to day. Another man may be added lai er. ; 1 The committee has decided to change the hours of service1 for the farce, the same going into effect Sat urday night. The plan is to have half of the patrolmeu serve from 12 o'clock in the day to the samo hour at night, thic: others to go on at 12 at night and serve until noon. It is believed that this arrangement would prove acceptable to the officers, es pecially since the time for holding the recorder's court is to be changed from the afternoon to the morning. T.P.A. STATE CONVENTION T North Carolina Division of the Trav elerB' Protective Association of Amer lea will hold its annual State Conven tion at High Point tonight at 8 o'clock. Delegates from Greensboro, Hal eigh, Wilmington, Charlotte, and this city will be in attendance. After tho regular business session which includes election of State offi cers and delegates to the National Convention at Norfolk, 'June 17-21, Post D, of High Point, will banquet the visiting delegates. North Carolina has Increased her membership during the past twelve months, which has been very gratify ing to tho national officers. The following elected delegates from Winston-Salem will attend: J. J. Norman, P. T. Wilson, Sterling Smith, Walter Leak, B. H. Marsh and others MAYOR SCHMITZ OUT. Relinquishes Government of San Francisco To Committee of Seven Prominent Citizens, Following Ruef's Confession. (Ry Publishers Tress I SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. Charg ed by Abe Reuf. in his confession and evidence today before the grand jury with having received fifty thousand dollars bribe for his consent and sig nature to the secret sale of trolley franchise, Mayor Schmltz todav relln qulshed tho government of the city to a committee of seven prominent citi zens. It is reported this evening the grand iurv h.-m fnnnr) mu.tlw.r Indict ment against the mayor and that he win do forced to resign. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blackburn d sire to return heartfelt thanks to their many friends for the kin-'.iiesK shown them through tho lllneis ani Mnce the death ot their little blighter. COTTON fflfAETIBEfiS COIR 1ESE Uf A FOHEIbfi MARKET FOE THEiH F1UCTS PHILADELPHIA. May 17. Todav will he one of the most important days in tin- convention 0f American Cotton Manufacturers' Association, al though the ritel.ir sessions tnritil yesterday. The manufacturers inter ested in extort trado conferred this morning, dlscussaiis plans to overcome bstaolfs lu the way of foreign Cotton markets. William Whittam, Jr, spe cial agent of the department of coiu uu rrf uud labor, bureau of btatisiics. presided. 0, 5, EXPORTS OF CAIIBED BEEF THIS TEAR WILL 8E ONLY ONE-FOURTH OF LAST TEAR'S EKPORTS WASHINGTON, D.'C. May 17. The statement is made by tin burrau of iUiti-sti of jth dt'purlnientjrf commerce and labor that the present flsxul year's export of raniMd benf from the Cnited States will be only one fourth of last year's export. A dccirease has been nohd in the (mined beef trade with .nearly every country uclng it during ten months of the present fismj yar, ending with April,' SDr.,017 poiiudYor cahnol beef were extorted. as agiiK-t 4.121,000 liuiids in corn sihiihI lug months of the preceding fiscal year. The gnat t falling off has been with Great Britain. Flags Streaming Over City. RALEIGH, May 17. Government (lags loaned to the State are strung all over the city todny In honor of the un veiling of the Bagky monument Monday. Eleven Persons Arrested For Plotting Against the Czar IAESE KDL1EEB OF V1SITBH5 MJEHDT HERE The attiu!aiuH of elsiiors u;hu the rotnniencHnHnt cicreife el Salem 1 niale College, whi h oiv ti tonUht. with the lenditifMi nf "The Creation." in the ii: w Memorial Hall. ptwtniM'S to be unusually large. . nuuil-r of former students and imtiMiis ef the iiiKtitutKxi arrived last night an, I bf day. Alining the number whocaiiit In this morning were: Mrs. Louk ttnd wood, f Mobile. Ala.; M ra. Jnes T. Hunter and Mi M. O. llunt:r, of Austin. Texas; Mrs. T. C. Wwtluwk. Monroe Miller and Handle Miller, of II. time, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ku.'iuss, Bethh-honi, Pa. Mr. John Young, of New York, who will be t. nor soloist for the music fs tiai.as prew-ut M the rehearsal last night anl hi magnificent voice captlvaiiij aH who heard him. Mrs. tlraet; Bon iter Williams was prewnt and well did tdie sustnln her previous reputation as a sopran" singer ef remarkable attalnnionls. Tim rvhear sal was emiiwmtly satisfactory In ev ery rettpect, ST. PHTEKSUl'RO, May 17. Elev en alleged conspirators in the plot to assassinate the Czar have been ar rested and scret service men are on the trail of more. Prom official sources the Publish ers' Press corresjiomlviit learend to day that the conspirators had planned to hurl a bomb at the Cuar and palace officials assemblui at worship In the palace chapel. Other means failing, a revolutionist offered a Cossack offi cer 10,(MK) to allow a stranger to en ter the chapel during tho (service. Thf officer reported the incident and the discovery of the pkrt followed. It Is believed the name gang of of terrorists Is Implicated who attempt ed to kill Premier Stolypln a year ago. Seven Cars Thrown Today Through Bridge Into Creek .CHATTANOOGA, May 17. Three men were killed, five dangerously wounded and 7 cars tiirown through bridge into Chattanooga cr?ek. The destruction of a pile driver and six cabiu cars Is the result of a bad ac cident near the tunnel .of Uxtkout Mountain, on the Southern Railway. FOR SIDE TRACK Civil Engineer A.Bruner, of the Nor folk & Western, arrived here this af ternoon to make the nectssary survey for a sidetrack to R. B. Horn & Co.'s candy manufacturing plant on East Fourth street. The work Is to be done at once. The Norfolk & western Is arrang ing to begin the work of enlarging Its yai'd here. Tho hillside south of tht depot is to be removed. Tho compa ny will operate a big steam Bhovel. It is 'understood that a largo culvert will bo built across llolew's Creek street. IDENTITY OF ORCHARD. Governor Gooding's Efforts to Dis cover It Are Not Successful. BOISE, Idaho.May 17. The Identity of Harry Orchard, the chief witness for the State in the HsiywwxWIoyer I'ettibone trial, is further obscured rather than clear d as a result of Governor Gooding's personally' con tucted excursion with a number of newspaper men to tho penitentiary for an interview with Orchard aboul any subject excepting tho Steunen berg murder, No light was thrown on his antecedents. The mysterious- stranger is claimed by some to be a detective, by others to hi merely an informer. Orchard is forty, weighs BIO, Is atheltie, five feet nine Indies high. He has the appoirance of a pios(M'rous business man. Orchard admitted being a close fii;nd of Haywix.d and insisted he was promised Immunity for anything he n'-iy have revealed. He said he was burn in Canada, but, refused to sity where. FALL RIVER HILLS (By Publishers' 1'rens.l -"FALL RIVER. Mass.. May"I7. Ten Ier cent Increase in wages was an nounced today to. employes of the Iron Works Mills, which Is one of the seven great cotton ml'la owned by M. C. D. Borden, of New York. This mill Is operating outside of the opera tors', agreement. Tho raise Is effect ive May 27th and will add about flJ5, 000 to the wekly payroll. I he fac tory employs five thousand hands. With this increasj every mill In Fall Rivtr, employing about 3'J.OOO hands, will havo had an advance In wages. Mr H. W. Kroiiheimer Im p.n chased a large block of stock in tlx King Printing Co. and has hc-niuc president and general manager ol !- well-known printing plant. TWs me uis that Mr. Kroiiheimer will li".kc Win sloii Salem his home. He will vntiin." his connection with the Soutlnin Fur niture Journal and Southern WInclc Journal Mrs. .1. C. Slar.py and daughters. Misses Mamie and Gladys, and Mrs. Sterling Slappy, of Fort Valley, Ga are stopping at the Hotel Frances. Mrs. Slappy was fomerly Miss Stella Neale, of the class of 1S!, at the Sa lem Female Academy and College. ' The following students of the Sa lem Academy left today at II:.'..'. fr their respective homes to s ml vaca tion: Misses Tussle McMillan, of Kiiyetteville; Lottie Arey, of Sails bury; Ilirda Nunn. or GreensUnr; Marv Hundley, of Chesterfb Id. N. C; Stuart Haulen, of Greensbiro, and Virginia llawes. C. I!. Mount went to Greensboro today. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. Lively Discussion Today on Charlotte Agreement Affecting Church Union. BIRMINGHAM, May 17. The Pres byterian Assemoly was enlivened to day by a discussion provoked by the presentation of 85 reports from pres byteries oil the Charlotte agreement affecting church' union. Dr. Lyons, Glasgow, Thompson and Mcl'heters led the discussion. The report, of the theological seminary ut Richmond was received and read. Referred to Committee The Charlotte uiiiou argreement matter was finally referred to a spe cial committee to report on Its consti tutionality to tho General Assembly. RALEIGH MAN ARRESTED. Charged With Using the Malls With Intent to Defraud. RALEIGH, May 17. W. D. King, a fish dealer, was arrested this morn ing em the charge of using the malls with intent to defraud. King, who Is nearly blind, would order goods through mail and by alleged, sharp practico bent the wholesalers. Tho trial takes place netxt Tmday. Shoe Store Improvements. Russell Ij. Vaughn & Co. have let the contract for a handsome new front for tholr ho store on Trade street. Extensive interior Improve ments and alterations will be made on their store, Including new and up-to-date shelving and decorating and, In fact, a new Interior throughout. This work will be done during the month of July. The purptwe of the firm Is to fit up one of the handsomest choe stores in the Stae. Mrs Allen Johnson died yesterday at her home, corner Liberty and West streets, Salem, at the age of .'.: years. The funeral service was conducted from the home ut 2 o'clock thl.e after noon by Rev. J. K. Pfohl. The remains were sent to Yadkin county for Interment. PROF. NOBLE TO CONDUCT rrof.M.C.F. Noble, a member erf the faculty of tli University of ,North Carolina, and an educator of wldV rep utation, has iieen secuiiMl to conduct the Forsyth Teachers' Institute, which will probably bo held at the Sulein Academy chapel, opening on Monday July 2. It wilt be a two weeks' ses sion and Superintendent Siieas U a surcd a large attendanne of teach ers from this and perhaps other coun ties. The last institute wu held two years ago. it was a great success, many teacher from other counties being lu attendance. NOTED JERNIGAN CASE. Will Probably Bo Triei at Term of Federal Court to begin in Raleigh Next Monday. (Special to Tlio loiitbiel.) RALEIGH, May 17. District Attor ney Harry Skinner has arrived from his home ut'GreHivlik- to perfect the calendar for the ter.h of fe-Jerul court whleh will bt, convened hero by Judge Thomas R. purnell next Monday. Col Slilmier thinks It highly pitjbhbte that the noted Jertilgan case will come to trial this term. It has been pending since 1K!)5 and la a e-ase In whleh, Rev enue Officers D. C. Downing and J. 0. StancM afe utider Indictment for mur der in that they killed Watson Je.nl gan In Duplin county while raiding Jernlgan's block udu still, At the time, the: officers claim tho blockadu er was trying tej shoot thern wtth a Winchester rllle. In the first, place, the two officers were Indicted in the State court, and later tho case was remove! to the fodiual court, and when the trial to had District Attor ney Skinner will defend tho officers and Solicitor Duffy, of the Fifth, and Solicitor Joins of the Sixth, district will prosecute. C0II1S OP MARKETS TODAY New York Cotton and Stock Markets Rather Irregular Considerable Excitement at Opening of the Chicago Wheat Market (SpevUI to-Tin- i.-nilnl I NEW YORK, May 1. The potion muikel niN'iieit with an Irlvirular nil. Jeiloiie, the first pikes being two p. lnis higher lo two point her. Af ter call the list showed teudvney to advance. The ooeulnc: Mrtv.pl.91: Julv.MM: Oetotier, 11.06; January. 11.21. Nw York Stock Market. The Ki'iw l- market nhowed lrr irnl.ir it.V at the opening. The (imitations) tiie k-Ughtly higher than yesterday. ,'Spot cotton close'd at 12 15. Chicago Wheat Market. OHU'ACO Mnv 17. .There wns great cxrltement li the heut pit' tea day, wBh decline as tuiieh m twe cents at the slart, but henvy buylntt fer outsider caused, price to rallly to a little! advance oiv yesterday. Reaction In Grain Market. CHICAGO, May 17. A reaction from the sensational rise In the grain market followed further rvHrts today of Improved weather conditions Wheat Climbs Again. CHICAGO. May 17 Wheut climbed above the dollar murk again this after noon. A rise of four cents took only thirteen minutes. i Scenes In tho pit today are simply Indescribable. Brokers went mad. September and December wheat closed at one dollar and one and half cents. July closed at 9'i cents. ILLINOIS FOR CANNON. Senator Cullom and Other Western Politicians Say Other States Will Also Support "Unci Joe" for Presi dential Nomination. (Hpeclul to Tho HemliHd.) WASHINGTON, May 1". Senator Oii'llMit and ether prominent Western politicians here today tttat pcwHlvely tit at Illinois and other Western Suite will cast their vote for Cannenir tho preside utial tiomlnutlem. CANNON WILL SPEAK. "Uncle Joe" To Deliver Address At Guilford College Commencement Other Features. (Hpi-Hiil to The tfiilliii'l.) GUILFORD COLLEGE, May 17. Followlng Is tho program of Guilford College commencement: May 2.", 8 p. in., music -recllnl. May 26, 11 a. in., baccaluareale ser mon, Robert E. Pretlow; 8 p. in,, ad dress to the young mini's And young women's Christian Asso clatlons, W. A. Ijimbetli. May 2S, 8 p. in., Websteran ora torical contest. May 2S, 8 p. m., uliimui address, Jo seph H. Peele, clans of '!)!. Commeticeiiii nt day, May 2D, Ora tions. CentrailzatUHi, Cyrus Clifford Fia zlei. The Interparliamentary Union and lt Work, Corlna Llnule Shaumbrug er. The National Spirit of the South, Eugene Jarvls Colt.rane. Conferring of degrees. Baccalaureate a del res, Dr. Fran cis P. Venable, president S'ftte l.'nl ve-rsliy. . Addles, Hon. Joseph G. Cannon. The graduation diss mimbeiH lcv en. 8EARCMING FOR EDWARDS. Dr. S. J. Montague returned this ntternoon from Hot Spring. Ark., where he has been In the Interest of lis health. Washington Ddtectlves Looking for Prominent Politician and Newspa per Correspondent, Who Stabbed Senor Garland, of Peruvian Lega tion, Yesterday. Hp".-l,i1 In Tb Pi-ntlfK-l ) WASHINGTON. May' 17 D-ti Ives fent lat night and this mrn lug huntliiii Charles A. Edwards, Hen--retary of the Democratic Coii(tr wlotb nl citnmlttit' and a pi-otiilm-iit iiews apr corresjiun.ieiit. but he wae not found. Edward It charged with siale bing jt.-nor tlnrland, itf the Peruvian legHtloii yesterday, Thf trouble w.h over a woman. Verdlet for Plaintiff. The suit If a L. Martin vs. T. B. Knlglrt, administrator of W. L. Falhyi, which bus been on trial In tho imiurt since iast FTIday, was ended yesterday In favor of tho plaintiff, Th defendant npiieulKel to tho Hiipretinn Chilli t. Over :i,ooo Is Involved lu tlm Riilt. J. C. Buxton Htid Lindsay Patter son, of this city, represented tho plain- tir New Advertisements. Whlto Star Co. Sunday dinner menu. RoHoiibiicher & Bro. But urday mer chundlso inalinee'. J. W. Hester Co. Special prices for Suturday shopHTS. A. Daye & Co. A big saving on cotton goods. Meyers-Wi si brook Co. Further news of the "Old Price" sale now on. Huntley Hill Stockton Co. lied sprilgs urn! mattresses on trial. Temple Pharmacy The whole fami ly eats Saturday candy. E. Robinson A big clothing sale; three days of sensational selling. Joe Jacobs Clothing Co. A fit for t 'very body In Schloss Pros, clothing. Bishop Entertains 8enlors. Illshop Rondlhaler entertained tho Senior Class of tho Halcin Academy this morning. The young ladles spent an hour with the Bishop during whleh time they placed all their Ijilln pu-ix-rs, (iilx tablets, etc., in the grate In tho study and tho bishop struck a mulch to them. Miss Ichninn was present and en joyed Bishop Itniidi baler's hoMpltaily with the Seniors , , Delightful refreshments wer serv cd. -George W. Winkler has sold his rrefe north of the court house to 8. A; Pearson and F. H. Row-He, who took charge at 12 e'-lck last night. Mrs. Shirley, of Salem, who has been finite- 111 with erysiiedas, Is r lirt"d Improved toelay. IIt condition now Is very encouraging. Miss Marguerite Petty, who has been attending the Sah-m A cade my, ! ft today for Rocky Mount, N. 0. She was accompanied by her nKitlier, Mrs. M. L. Petty, who ariiveil in tho city several days ago. II. E. Fries returned thin morning from Roaring Gap. lie rerln that his cotlnge l he cotnplee,l by alKiut lb' Uilddlc of June. Misses Flor nee M'lorniaii.of I.ytw h burg, Va Kucha Shcrrod. of Hamil ton, N. C , and Cmn Llndley, of ponio na, ale the guests of Mls Ruth Slew ers, in Salem. LOST Clans pin wl'h Inltlnls "W. If. fl." Return (o thlx office. Reward.

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