THE TWIX-CITY DAILY SENTINEL. WINSTON-SALEM. N.C.MAY is. . " "' Candy For Everybody. Brown Seal Chocolate $. 50 Forkdipt ----- .80 Maillards - - - - - 1.00 Learn the Way to Simpson's HOME COMPANY If you wish to Insure your property in a home company we repre sent one of the very best In the Stale. There Is no stronger Insurance agency In Winston-Salt m than ours. GALLOWAY & JENKINS, Next Door to Owens Drug Store. A LW7 Is an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compare with the pain and. horror of child-birth. The thought of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a hadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women tah:y through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares tho system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness, and other dis comforts of this period, n rl (77) if P 1 F? Tc)P '( &oia by aa druggists at jyJJJ J UULmiUM K-J I.oo per bottle. Book . containing valuable information free. , ' ; ) flj H tft 1 Tk Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ca. U U XuLmL J UJJ err -?djfc for PHONE 16 FOR THE BEST 1 IN LIVERY SERVICE FISHER LIVERY CO. Church Street, Opposite Hotel Zinzendorf. Items About People Who Are ' Coming and Going. Also,; Those Who Are Here. A. H. Holland came in this morning ; from KaMgh. Miss KJiih Moore, of High Point, is a gu.-st of Mrs. J. P. Fearrington, j J. V. Lal-). of South Boston, Va., ! s spending a few days in the city. j J. W. 1-asley. of Smith lloston. Va..' is spending a few Jays lu the city. E. V. Oanull returned this morning j from a visit to liU inotner, at Mizran. Messrs. P. T. Wilson and V. R. Uak returned today from High Point. Tin Mt. Airy Hall team arrived in he city on the 11:45 train this moro nic Mrs. W. E. Penry, of Lexington,, is visiting Mrs. K. A. Spaugh, in Vest Sahwu. Mr anil Mrs. J. G. Kerner, of Ker- tiersville, attended the rendition oi The Creation' last evening. Mis. IVssie Uneback, of Salem, went to Clayton, N. C, today to visit htr sister, Mrs. Mattlo Gowers. Mr. and Mrs. G. i. Yarboro, of Clus ter Springs, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yarboro, In Fairvlew. Messr.-. Sterling Smith and J. J. Norm. m returned this morning from High Point where they attended the T. P. A. Convention. Misses Fannlf ami Mary Owens, of Smith Boston Va., after a three days' visit to Mrs. W. P. Reld. on Southslde, left today for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Cmy U Carroll will diive thiough the country to tneir home at Mountain View, Stokes coun ty, to Rpend Sunday, returning Monday. Mrs. F. G. Crutchfield left this morn ing for Raleigh to visit her son, F. G. CiuUhfleld. She was accompanied by tur daughter, Mrs. A. F. Moses, as far as Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jennings left t'.iis morning for Danville, Va., whew they 'will visit Mr. Jennings' parents, Later Mr. Jennings will spend some time at Suhlett's Sulphur Springs, in the Interest of his health. W. L. Fern 11 come in this morn ing from Rural Hall. Mr. Ferrell is in the market for blackberries. He has already contracted for 75,000 bushels, which he will dispose of to wine manufacturers. Mm. C. A. Hunt and daughter, Miss Carrie, of Lexington, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon to attend commencement. Mrs. Hunt Is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Boozer, on South side, while Miss Hunt is visiting Mrs, R. A. Spaugh, on Poplar street. KIHG PRiriTin g CO. Having tht love of one woman and respect of all others renders great happiness; Still it it ab solutely necetsary to have let terheads and Envelopes, Bill heads, Notehtads, Circulars, Dobgers, Catalogues, Calendars, Price Lists, Invitations, some times Wedding Invitations, Pro grammes, Etc., Etc. When you want them them you want them PROMPT LY. We will do your work with UTMOST PROMPTNESS, and In BEST STYLE. BUY YOUR SHOES AT HOME. Through the hot summer mouths, for the conveiiHnoe ot our customers ami the public, we have inaugurated the plan of "buying your shoes at home." Many of our customers pre- r that we send out a selection Of izes and styks for their choosing, so we have decided to adopt the above plan for the summer months.' Call phone CI and woo will have the same lection sent to your home that you would find by a visit to our store. Don't hesitate to phone its. We will he pleased to serve you. Russell L. Vaughn & Co., Trade street. My Best Friend Alexander Benton, who lives on Ru ral Route 1, Fort Fdward, X. Y., says: Dr. King's New Discovery Is my best earthly friend. H cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed wonderful euro of Incipient con sumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and thlacconipllKhed,the other symp toms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Dis covery's power over coughs and colds Is simply marvelous." Xo other rem- dy has ever equated it. Fully guar anteed by P. A. Thompson, druggist. 50c and $1.00. Trial battle free. SUIT AGAINST MODERN PURITANS Nissen Park Now Open Free Entertainment Each Evening. OIL ID In the winter we ricked up several hundred cords of wood, 25 feet high this great bulk formed a dry kiln now vve have the dryest wood ever put on the market. :: :: :: EH ETT & CO. PHONK 27 MOVING PICTURES Nissen Park TONIGHT NATURE SPARES The Strlckea Rom From Grief. What a fortunate provision of nature It In, that deprives the rose of mental suffering; for how poignant would be Its trrlcf to dliicovcr, In the height of fta blooming glory, that a canker fed at Its heart, and that Its beauty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature alwayr spares tho suffering; she is r. veritable store-house of pleasing rewards, for those who seek her aid. In the years gone by falling hair and grayness have cunt a gloom over the lives of thousands of young women, but thanks to the in vestigations of scientists the true causo of hair destruction is now known to be R germ or pnrrtslte. that burrows Into the hntr follicles. Newbro's Hcrpleido. absolutely destroys' this germ, thus permitting the hair to grow as na ture Intended. Sold by leading drug gists. Rend 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herptclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Two slies CO cent and 11.00. E. W. O'HANLON. 8pedtl Agent Policyholders of Insurance Company After $30,000. SALISBURY, May 18. Steps have heen token to Institute a suit against the Modern Puritans, an Insurance company which did a thriving business In Rowan last year and which was recently absorbed by another com pany without the knowledge or tn policyholders in this county. The pol ieyholders In this section were great ly astonished when they learntd of the change and Immediately took steps to protect their Interests. The Modern Puritans deposited $30,000 with Statri insurance Commissioner .las. R. Young, at Raleigh, when the ecu'Tiify 'began business in North Carolina and the policyholders pro pose to see what can be done with this money, PREPARE FOR HOT, SULTRY WEATHER. In a few days will come hot, sultry days that drag away hour by hour for the woman who must do the kitchen work. A hot day in Itself la bad enough, but when one is closeted with boiling coal stove It becomes un bearable. A gas range Is tho cure for this ill. A cool house adds to the pleasure of summer and It la easily possible even though three large meals hae to be prepared If a gas range Is used. For a gas range cook the food but does not radiate heat through the house. Call phone 52 and have a talk with the gas man. It Pays to Advertise An cffectlvfc way to advertise your business la by having an attractive delivery wagon. We build pew ones or make your old ones look like new. Cranford and Snyder. Chestnut Street Our Rubber Tires are guaranteed to be the Best CAPUDINE I I Tm 4 rrtnnwi the cn. If H wxithoi tits ttifvf and rvktfvxt tli rhr Mitt) COLDS AND a?PEn lSft1rtr)if pnd Nrnrnlttiik 1o. No bail flVcU.tluc. and feK lnUlt. iLiqiiu.) and WHISKEY HAOIT cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent I-It I K. I H M WIVII 1 I V M II. ' AltmitmteakUllke KM N.Piyot Street. The Minute You Call PHONE NO. 9 your order Is In effect B THE a I I SERVICE answers style, promptness, speed and reliability. Blum & Bitting, THE LIVERYMEN. "Special Attention to Boarders." MID-SUMMER MILLINERY. The fine arts of millinery this sea son is curried to a degree of perfe tlon that impresses all who aro at all interested in the "hat beautiful." For the milliner, too, this Is a season rejoicing. Materials are so desirable and fully come up to one's Ideas what millinery should bo; pretty flow era, fancy ribbons and dainty orna merits an contributing to tho ultra i.iHiiiouuiua enecis wnicn are now hero for your Inspection. Mrs. L. Stanton. KING PRINT ING CO. (incorporated) Phone 300 n .- r 7a, 1 -so I ' , , ri r "I j 1 v ' U J v'V : HOW MUCH DO YOU EARN7 How much do you save? Isn't It time you began to lay aside part of your earnings against the time when your future success may depend upon your having a little capital? One dol- lar will open a savings account with this company, and by making small deposits regularly you can soon amass a neat sum. It will draw 4 'per cent Interest, which will help the accumu lation. People's National Bank. Sav lugs Department m keep one oft tfiose new 'iefyei to keep tfiinft eooC and put Abmetimeb I cet hundiu fctuppu J and tfiehe'6 aiwa tontetfune to eat tPiehe. a bpeeiaC salt o jieatoU on now- at .Mntai unilue company (d daddy go and bee tfom today. m have ftutf heeeived ou shipment g the beacon o htM tobb and lee eleam freely aC to attend w ifieeiaC m theie goocU now- on. GRir.l-GANTRELL FURNITURE GO BUGGIES GET IN THE HABIT. If you are not using Pond Lilly flour get In the habit of using it It Is made from the best of wheat by the most Improved milling methods. It Is unexcelled by any straight flour and Is a home product which Is a good reason why you should use It Ask your grocer for Pond Lilly flour. Wachovia Mills, Winston-Salem, N, C. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT IS BEST. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it If you keep yonr bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their ac tion Is bo gentle that the appendix never hag cause to make the least complaint Guaranteed , by P. A. Thompson, druggist. 25c. Try them. The Sixth Day Pabst brews beer five days of the week the sixth day is cleaning day. Tanks, vats, kettles and pipes are thoroughly cleansed and sterilized. Only pure, filtered water and scalding steam bre used. Floors, walls and ceilings are scrubbed and scoured. Cleanliness is absolutely imperative evervwhere. for Pabst knows that the only way to orew ciean Deer is to keep the brew ery spotlessly clean. And one-sixth of the time Pabst considers none too much to insure positive cleanliness in the brewing of Pabst BlueRibbon IT" Beer of Quality Stop and realize for one moment what this sixth day means to you. First the knowledge that Pabst uiue KiDbon is a clean beer. Second the assurance that Pabst Blue Ribbon is brewed under 9 ner- fect conditions as exist in vour own kitchen, where the balance of your (,A 1- n- j It's Money to You. W. S. Martin's 15 day ac tual cost sale now on. No reserve. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT II BEIT. When orderinir beer, ask for Pabst Blue Ribbon. Made by .Pabst, at Milwaukee Ana Doitied only at the Brewery Winston Distributing Co, 620 Church St., WinBton Salem, ruont US. Ladies and Gentlemen We have more to offer you for your money than mj oW' Us kind in North Carolina. More styles, more iummi. " of carriages, buggies, harness, saddles, and brunt s fered In this city, at our repository.Msson ummniv wi house. A special Invitation Is exteudeii to i"' Smoak & McCreary . t . Phone 305. SPECIAL NOTICE IK mil?. t' Monuai. .'. ,i,Pc Nor We will have at our stables on nf ta hArcna nvor ohlnnPil to will have carriage teams, draft teams, siiw1 11 p( ation liorses. We wIU say that there has n"i a,.r(. horses as these together In this city 1 n a year. . '( C(,n,,. i a good horse or team we can suit y ou. t)"1' UClUre tUf fcVt Jiiv. rv v rPFArti .1., s:;i ti'S -' v1 Phone 122. L SMOAK & Mc( r the HINE & S Manufacturers, Jobbers and "'"j, The Oldest and laraest HARNESS Bus pwrnvruiurt IM TUF HARNESS U Special Attention to Repng. THE GRAY HORSE SIGN. HINE & S M4 Trade Street j 11