annTc: i ftit:' Fx! f 1 kl IP - J ! 1 WINSTOX-SALKM.X. TUESDAY KYEMNd, MAY SS, 1007. rinci: scents. m I BBS IIEOI SDUTOR DANIEL Ute Entirely Sus Via canton. Ohio. 'J Funeral of Mrs. president to Re- Canton Only Short , ... tv Sentinel. 111 . ... s presidmt en in Canton to .... -nnmin o ' " i H:"5 .... ucKinlev. The M : ; and f,t Mt's st'ort'tary it i: ni j i - 1 1 .. ..i tw funeral ai "" .': ,.,. leave for vi-lTi'sioVut and Mrs 1 ' ..f lucl ll'O and Mr. I. president's L Willi .1 .11 i fill will le j u McKinlt'V w " .1,,..... til ir i mi,,- ,je today work on the ..!..-,! anil vill h.' at a stand 'T. hour. A de- ,,,l,ir troops Will be !t th. tomb to act as w Prt'-Hdt'nt- biTsETTER CLUB. i Hold Their Field Trials Uln Hands of Commit ... Virginia Statesman Says the Democratic Party Should Get Best Available Man For Presidential Candidate Re gardless of Locality. Special to The Sentinel. LYNCHBURG, Va., May 28. In an Interview today Senator John V. Dan iel, of Virginia, eaid: "Neither the South nor any other section should have a candidate for any place oi tut presidential ticket account of locality. The country is one and the lfcmucracy as yet is one. The chief requisites for candi dacy are ability, acceptability and availability, Lxpieney should be the hand-maid of principle in tut present situation in the Democratic party. As for the candidate take the right man from anywhere, iNew England, West, North or South. We must follow the example of Washington and, like Mm, raise a standard to which the wise and 'prudent can repair." I uh alter Club will prob ' . . i ,.l K.,1,1 hair hlir 1 HOW mm ie L ,mmtv this fall. Col, ... I.. 1.1.. 1,1,1, k ell 11 S USUI: IU mo ,1U ... I,riiis the shovf lo this sec nuke Vt ttston-Saiem neaa h the swtrtsmen. 1 he toi r . . t fi a reporter tins morning ltSalt'in would havie L slisht inducement to se iw.liut that the advertising J fur the city would offset f. The matter is In the i committee appointed by oltrade for final action. isti Setter Club Is composed of wealthy men men who n the 11' Id with their dogs i investments for their ould the club come to this rubers could not fail to be fnipressid. NOT LEAVE PRISON. Will, in All Probability, There Through Second Trial jind Mother Fitting Up n nouse. t til to The Sentinel.) RK, May 2X.-Tliat Harrv not leave prison on bond liliir trial Is amply proved h'ery that his mother ami niiiTiK up a new home York mi Virtv. ninth p luxurious furnishings itliiw I)!I10 n Iilts.1iiiri? iwnny to lie abandoned e ileitis used. Hot li Eve- mother-in-law will devote pWjs to securiiitr Hip nn. SERIOUS 111 TROUBLE III CHIIIESE PROVINCE IS Hi OUR GOHTRDL BIG SURPLUS 111 Foreign Warships Have Been Dispatched to Scene of Dis turbances to Protect Foreign Interests. SHANGHAI. China, May 2s The situation at Li. ii.m'hau ;im l'abhoi Is critical today. Viceroy t hou Fu Is In structed to suppress the r. bels. The rioters are plundering inhabitants lit UNMENT TO HELP. Celebration 0f Georgia and iys at Jamestown Exposi l to Thr- Seiilln..! V f ' o., nay 2S.-The gov f " ""it to maKe Georgi t W (it the la.,u... " "is success. The Presi- s inroiish Hampton Miesn 11 CnrL' !i V, will il,.ti,.,., , ... " 1 iiuun nie I'rcsnlent will ;"nt on Virginia Day. bul "hi mil hi, in-,,!;,,,,. ""wuiy review llu, nf l' ,. . .. ' " 1 "nil. ii :,, ,! rar'liiis nu Virginia rv,v , " fBE BIG STRIKE. '.Mjchme Shops of Entire Road W'll Be Affected. - no road ;lKn;l.g t() '"tern-Hi a i-hvoi,, i ' 1M units r . lias refns,.,i n aim r I, ....,. t,. , ' " the assucliiii,,,, m- 'willing to say at f "Orth tirnli.. .... to p. " oxion Po'ble CaH,w,.. " i 10 Hie R... ., " May KTf.ij,., , 1 Moore, As ' lh" x tav.u X?'lin- '"" is 'J " "r?"'in'ntl.v ..I.1""' CaiH ,l;,to f... f "" "r i,f t . , Afrrtfiilture. JN PRESENT. i 3 Intern . .uuna, Cotto ' Vltn. Austna. I(J May 2VprcHl. C , 0f ,hp ler,,,.1: "'teniHtlon VeK10I1 ,)ore ""'rnltiR h '' Moore'. . h' r'' will FIR ATTEMPT ARSON The tral of J. G. Goldstein, a Ile- Ifrew, on the charge of attempted ar son, occupied lotiay sessions ot uie Suptrior Court. The defendant is rep resented by Manly & llendren, while Solicitor Graves Is being assisted by Mr. J..C. Buxton. W. A. Scott, assist int to State Insurance Commissioner Young is attending the hearing. About 4:;!0 a. ni. on the morning of October 25th last, a fire was discover ed at the home of Goldstein, w ho re sided then at the corner of Trade and Eighth streets, the house being owned by Jailer O. W. Hanner. The firemen responded promptly to the alarm and succeeded in extinguishing the blaze, which originated, it is alleged, In one of the back' rooms. A kerosene oil can and rags were found near the fire These, iwth the actions of Goldstein aroused suspicion and an investigation followed, which led to the arrest of Goldstein. He was given a hearing before 'Squire - J. C. Bessnit on Octo ber 4th on the charge of attempting to burn his place for the alleged purpose of securing $1,000 insurance on his household property, stimated to be worth $700. The defendant was bound over to the Superior Court, Ins bond being fixed at $000. He put up the cash for his appearance at court, the 'money being di posited with Clerk Tran sou. The case was continued from the February term of court on account of the Illness of Mrs. Goldstein, who, with her husband and children, now reside In South Carolina. She Is still unable to travel anil her deposition was taken to be used In evidence for her husband. Ihrce witnesses were examined this morning for the 'prosecution, these be lng Jailer Hanner, Superintendent i. H. Holmes, of the .Winston fire de partment, and Robert' Holder, a mem ber of the voluntet; fire company They gave a description of the house told about the fire, saying that the back door had to be broken in in or uer 10 ri acn uie uiazo. The room was rilled with smoke and it was with dif- r...,,.. .. .. ... utiiiiy uiiu me nreinen mi -.timed in. the room long enough to extinguish the flames. Mr. Hanner testified tint he sawa cook stovt, but thero was no nre in it. J ne witnesses quoted Mr. Goldstein as saying that te believed the honst was get all re by somebody, expiring me opinion that a party might him Hipped In the house the evening be fore while, the family were at supper mr. Manner was positive that the Uie winch burned a hole in the floor start ed from the top instead of from uiuler uenin. Tl, ... im uuu r witnesses lor the prose euuon, include Chief It. C. Tavlor, of the Winston fire di 'IKII'tninnl Tlminnc ipn.'K, C Ku k. Jacob f'mnsf. W A Scott and U. L. Hopper. u. Ciouse wi L'ivo n n pslln :ilo nf vaiue of the-Goldstein household prop yl LJ . Hill Gets 20 Years. After hearing two or three witness ror the Stale yesterday afternoon 'imgo ferglison sentenced Alfred Hill oiored, to the penitentiary for term 0f twenty years for the miirdi oi parley Palmer, at the home of ilili in saiem last February. The defVn "ant stiliniitUd to a plea of imirdci the second degree. Hill is about. yeais old, Judge Ferguson remarked 'Hat while the evidence in dielment of the defendant for murder m tlie first degree, he thought Soliei i r Graves did proper in accept In the plea of murder in the second d gree, CONTESTING RATE LAW. Atlantic Coast Line Stockholder. En. join Corporation Commission From Executing Law Passed By Last Legislature. (Smh1.i1 to The Svnilm-I.) KAI.EIGH. May isThe I'liltm! States marshal today served nn In corporation commission and attoruo neral noliee of a restrainim: order by I'nited States Circuit Court .Indue l'ritchard, enjoining these oftii'lalu igiiinst any steps toward enforcing acts ot the hist legislature, ri-ilueiin- passenger and freight rates as iii plied to the A. O. 1,. on complaint of tile stinKholdi rs of t ie coiiinanv Tlie hearing is to be in Aslieville line id. Counsel recently retained bv the State are in conference here today, making out Hie plan for conducting tlie litigation. Those participating are W. K. Daniel, of Wilson; James K. Shepherd, of Italeigh; F. A. Woodard, of Wilson: Winston & Itrvant. if Durham. SPECIAL TRAIN TOMORROW. veterans' Special Will Arrive Here at 9.20 Tomorrow Morning and Will Leave at 9.25 Will Reach Richmond at 5.30 Tomorrow After noon. the special train tomorrow for the accommodation of parties attending tne Cejnfedernte reunion at Richmond va., which opens Thursday, will l-ave lluntersville at six o'clock tomoiiow morning. The train will reach Win "ton at 9.20 a. m., and leave at 9.25 a m.. arriving In Greensboro at K).:;o a- m., and reaching Richmond at 5,:'.o tomorrow- afternoon. The round trln fare Is $ Quite n number will go from thi city. and destroying the schools ami churches. Foreign warships are hurrying to the sci ne. The uprising Is attributed to execs sivo taxation. MR. CANNON IN GREENSBORO EXPORT TAX PROPOSED. if This Tax Is Placed on Raw Tobac co Price of Havana Cigars In Amer ica Will Soar. Special to The Sentinel. HAVANA. Cuba, May 24. Should Governor Magoon accede to the re nin st to pliice export tax on raw to bacco the price of Havana cigars in America will soar. General Carlos ireia Valez, a politician leading the movement, declares over seventy mil lion less cigars are manufactured in Cuba now than in 11)00. lie believes an export tax will result In inducing factories which have moved from Cu ba to return. Speaker. of National House of Repre sentatives Being Entertained There Today Speaks At Guilford College Tomorrow. Soci;i1 to The Sentinel. GRKKNSISOKO. May :'S --Sienker .lose-ph G. Cannon, of the National House of Representatives, arrived on au early train from Washington this morning and is a guest of the Guil ford lt nbow. Today he has been giv en a ride to Gulllord battleground, to the place of his birth and other Hints of interest In and about the city. Com mittce'S from Guilford College and tu city of Greensboro are entertaining him. Tonight he will be the guest of the Guilford College alumni ami to morrow morning he will speak at tin commencement exercises. Ik will probably be entertained here tomor row night. United States Government Is Nearly J63.000.000 Ahead For Present Fiscal Year. Which Is Not Yet Finished. SHi:il lo TtlO K. llllM.'l ) WASn.XGTO.N, May ;s.-As the enu oi me Kovernuunt a Bscaf ear appriuu'hcn the siie of the tnasurv surplus becomes fairly astouiulug The surplus Is now uliout nlvty two mil lions as against bss than four mil lions for the same ih-iIimI last year tlie same ralo continues till the end of the year, only six wieks away. it is believed the surplus will exceed seventy niilUons The surplus for the present month alwut seven hundred thousand. is WITH0LDING LAND. ARE PLACED ON TRIAL. Two Revenue Officers Arraigned In Federal Court At Raleigh, Charged With Murder of Blockader. Special to The Sentinel, RALEIGH, May; 28. Downing and Stanclll, agents of the United States government charged with the murder of Jernigan in Duplin county while the officers were attempting to cap Hire him and destroy an illicit distil lery, was planed on trial in the Feder al Court here today. Federal District Attorney Skinner is defending the men, who uri' being prosecuted by State Solicitors Jones and Duffy. The case will not be concluded until late. Southern Pacific Not Carrying Out the Terms of Its Agreement With the Government, (Speeinl to The Snntlnol.) WASHINGTON, May 28. The Southern Pacific railroad, of which K H. Harrinian is president, Is withhold ing three million acres of valuable land from stttlenient and desplua the demands of the government refuses to carry out the terms of agreement by which It originally got the land President Roosevelt is consulting Senator Bourne, of Oregon, .almost daily regarding the matter and If pivs sible Fulcra! Statutes will be in yoked to make the railroad release the land. "The railroad wus given an original grant of six million acres of land," said 'Bourne, "with the under standing that the land bei sold U homesteads at three dollars an acre The railroad sold much of the Ian at lifteen dollars and now refuses to sell the remaining three million acre at any price. Meanwhile the develop ment of the last territory Is being helel up and business oil tlw Pacific slope suffers." GAIN OF 108 PER CENT. Capital Invested In Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Supplies Shows Increase For 1905 Over 1900. (SiH-rliil to The Svntlnr-1.i WASHING TON, May 28. Accord ing to a bullet In issued by the cen sus olliee the capital invested In man nf act ure; of electrical machinery and Kiilinlies has increased 108 tier oelit. from 1 !( to r.Miii. Teh amount now invested is one hundred and seventy four million; the animal value of pro ducts one hundred and forty million; employees number sixty thousand. W. J. Liiprert, Jr., Cove (his afternoon days fishing. went to Walnut to spend a few STRIKE AT SANTIAGO. . Situation Today Is Much More Se rious There, According to Dispatch es. (Special to Th Sentinel. 1 HAVANA, Cuba, May 28. The strike situation in Santiago, accord ing to advices received here', Is much more serious today on account of par ticlpatloii of anarchists. It, Is .feared the miners will quit work and join the strikers. They may have dyna mite; to desroy piers or kill olflceiH Nothing has been accomplished yet through arbitration. MURDER SUICIDE CONTRACT. Mrs. J. 8. Moir and Misses lleltle Christian and l.illie Moir, of Walker town, who have been visiting Miss Siillie Nailing, on I-iberly street, re turned home today. They wore accom panied by their hostess, who will be their guest for a few days. Mother Agrees for Her Son to Take Her Life and Then His Own. (Special lo The Sentinel.! KALAMAZOO, Mich., May 28. murder and suicide contract in wlilc i mother seventy-one years old, agree for her son to take her life and the his own, became known today whe !t. was dlscovi red that Williaat Mc Kie had murdered his mother an committed suicide In Bright, OnU rio. McKie, a druggist of this place known to be in financial stTails.visifi his mother Thursday in Bright. Nolh Mil; w as seen of ( illier until the Iioiim was brokm Into and the double tiage dy eiiseovercd. mk i l mil 1 v;" THEASURY ll'l STOCKS OPEflED IVEAKER TODAY Cotton Started Active But Im proved Weather Conditions Inspired Caution Stillness Came Later Other Market Reports. H. MONTAGUE PRIZE. Examination To Determine Winner of Dictionary Will Be Held on First Wednesday In June. The examination on Webster's Pri mary Dictionary .familiarly known us the 'blue back speller" will be held at tlie courthouse In this city on the first Wednesday III June, from tf a. m lo I p. in. The winner in the compel titlon. namely, the boy or girl lie tween the ages of twelve and elgh teen lvllng In Forsyth county, who shall Bland the best competitive writ ten examination on the entire con tents of the blueback speller will be awarded a recent edition of Web ster's International I'nalirldged Die tlonary, given by Mr. 11. Montague The examination will be conduetiHl under the snirvlslou and direction of County Superintendent of Public Instinct leu Spease and will Include sounds ot letters, accent, pronuncia tion, script, spelling, definition, the fables, formation of plurals, ordinary words and phrases from foreign Ian gauges, numbers, abbreviations, punc tuation, use of capital letters, ele. The Ipan outlined alwive Is a spleU' dbl one, It seems to us, and It Is to bo hoped there will be a large uum ber ot contestants. Slvtil lo Tim ft inm-l ) NF.W YORK. .U 2S The M,x k (inrket iHx'lu'd with general declines. I in re wait a loss tf three fourths In Siutliiug. Cnper. Northern Pacific and other railroads were one half lov- r, nicl w as (iff eme font th. New York Cotton Market. The cotion ni,uk l ne. aetlve. but tuipnived weather comiilloii In- Ired cauHon Afti'r the call the list gradually stiffened to last night's lose. Max. II; July, 10 99; January, 11.46. The e'iilng; tletober, 11.20; GRADUATING EXERCISES. Exercises To Be Held By Twin-City Training School Tonight. The graduating exercises of the Twin City Training School for Nurses will be held at the Twin-City hospital tonight. Mrs. Johnson and Miss l)utnur will bo awarded diplomas on this occasion. The program arranged Is as fol lows: Prayer Dr. H. A. Brown. Song Miss I.ora Ferrell. Address Mr. David lilalr. Piano Solo Mrs. Roln rt Galloway Presentation of Dlploinns Blsho) Hondlhaler, Gilts of Pins Mrs. J. F, Taylor. Plany Solo Mrs. Goodspeed. Heiiedlctlon Dr. II. A. Brown. VIOLENCE IS EXPECTED. Another Outbreak Looked for In Rue sia at Any Time. (Special to The Hun I i m l ) ST. I'KTICRSIII'UC, May 28,-Rim sia Is on the verge of an outbreak ow ing to Die refusal of the government to sanction the agrarian program for comnulsory ( xperiulloii of laud. Many persons are pn iwinng to leave Russia and even onservnllvea look for great cr vlnlr.'iie than a year ago. Disor der wna precipitated when Preuii Stolypln announced to the iKiuniii that the Koveni'ii.i'iit. would in ver con sent to compulsory experiiillon. GARLAND DID NOT APPEAR. VIGOROUS PROTEST MADE. Alleged Discrimination Against U. 8. Sailors At Jamestown Exposition Being Investigated by Navy Depart ment. Special to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, May 2K.-C,overn- or hwaiiHon, of trglnla, and lr sl dent Tucker, of the Jamestown Kx- position Company, have been railed lo account by the navy department for alleged discrimination at various amusement enterpriser In the vicini ty of the i-Xosltlon against American sailors In uniform. The matter was brought to the department's attention y Admiral Kvuns after rcieatet complaints and a test rase has been conducted. One of the most Intelli gent and best appearing willnin of the fleet went to the gates of the Pino Beach Amusement Company, where two officers In cltlxens' clothes watched, lie was rt fused admittance, the only e-xcuse being that his uni form was "not all right." Admiral Kviiiih' rcrt has leii made known to tlie president who ordered the na vy department to Investigate. Kvans recommended that (ho licet be remov ed from Hampton Roads unless prop- er apologies are offered,, which would be a death blow to the exiHisltlon. FIRST BAPTIST REVIVAL. Consequently Case Against Col. Chas. A. Edwards Was Not Heard Today Special to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON, May 2. -Ill Hi imJiee court today the case against Col. Charles A. Kdwards, sicretary of the Democratic congressional com miller, charged wit h assaulHiig Ale Jandro Garland, attache of the Perm vlan legation, was Indefinitely kis! polled owing to Garlands failure to appiar as u proserin Ing witness. SAID THEY WERE TORTURED. Wife and Son Shoot Farmer Yohe, Giving This as Their Reason. Speedal to The Sentinel. PAItKKItSltlTIG, VV. Va.. May 28. While Farmer Harvey Yohe lay ab-cp at his hnuie In Ititrhie county, alu r quarreling with his wife and mm, the the hitler murdered him by shooting two balls Into hltiK They acknowledge Ihe ctlnic, saying they hid bun tor tun d b Yohe for jears. Evangelist Sledge on "Why Men 8hould Repent of Their Blns"Af ternoon Services. Cvangelist sledge preached to anoth er large congregation last evening at the First Itaiitlst rhure h. Ills subject was "Why Men Should Repent of Their Sins." The lexi whs chosen from the third chapter of Second Pe ter, the ninth verse, which reads a follows; "The Lord is not slack etou eernliig his promise, us soma men count slackness; but Is long suffering; to us ward, not willing Hint any should perish, hut that nil should come to ri priilance." The evangelist's sermons thus fur In tlie progress of the revival have been directed more especially to church m mbers, although last even lng"s discourse was an exception. It seems that Rev. Mr. Hle-dge's purpose? Is 1o get the hearts if Ihe church mem bers thoroughly right ai:d then with their help go after thosr outside the church. The service, cotiiineiicliiir wllli today, will be held al Slid, o'clock. Instead of Ii, as heretofore. DISCUSSED BY CABINET, Recent Attack on 'Japanese Placet of Business by Mob In San Francisco Considered. (Special to The Keiitllirl ) WASHINGTON, Mnv 28.- The r--ci'iit attacks made on .lupinese piares of biit lness by limbs In San Francisco were dlsciu'sed at a cabinet ineellng today. District Attorney Devlin, who had beiii Instructed by the ib-part-nien of justice to Investigate, sent a long report by telegraph which was received Hits morning. Attorney Gvn Hal lionap irle -took It to Hp Whltn House when he went to the niecllng LOVING MURDER CASE. Grand Jury Returns True Bill Lengthy Argument by Lawyers. (SM clal lo Th Senlliiel ) " RICHMOND. May 28 Tills after noon th(; grand jury of Neleni comity relumed a true bill for muni' r ag.ilnat Judge living for th sensational mur der of young Tlnodoro J'Mes. At 2 o'clock lawyeiH weie arguing befora fudge Ifeiiksdiile application for ball, alo rliaug' of venue. The aiKunieul will la ? several bout is. RECOUNT NOW LIKELY. New York Senate Passes Bill Provid ing for Recount of Vote in Contest Between Hearst and McClellan. (Hpie.liil to Tli Sentinel.) NF.W YORK, May 28 -The New Y'ork Slate senate today pa- d the mayoralty recount bill, providing for a recount of vole In the Hearst Mc Clellan contest. PNCLK SAM It peals to nie. aln"t the flues but the principle of the Chins that ait- Mrs. C. It, Thomas, or New Bern. Is vlsllltig relatlvis al. Mayndan Machinists on Strike. (Special to Tin- Senlliiel.) DKCAT1 It, Ala., Mr.y 2S I.iiIk vllle ii Nashville Hall road machinists In New Decatur struck today on re fusal of the company to recognize the union. A strike Is rxiM-cted in the entire shops of J.-'.nu men.' PROF. FOUST ELECTED. Is Chosen President of the State Nor mal and Industrial College. ISpeclal to The Henlluel I GKKKNKBORO, May 28. -The board of trustees of the Stale Normal and Industrial College this afternoon elirted Prof. J. 1. Fonst president to succeed Dr. Charles D. Mrlvcr Prof, Fount lias been acting prisldeiit since Ihe death of Dr. Mclv r. Governor Little In Extremis. - (Special to The Senlliiel I (IRKKN WOOD, Atk, May 28 Gov ernor Tilth- Is In extremis today. Ills death Is fkpcrlcU au any hour. Hilfns Harmon, of Keniersvllle, was one ot Inston Salem s visitors i today. K. S I-'-ilk went to Siioiuii today to attend the fiim ml of a Hub- nephew the sou of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Marlon. John I.. King and Col John A. Bar ringer, of Greensboro, were In the city today.