.-OTITIC IM WIXSTON-SALEM,X. C, WEDNESDAY EVENLSU, MAY 'Ji, 1107. THICK SCENTS. In !! IlOli'l" DEFENSE n ina Will Probably Shoved to Another m:,v 29.-When j, plain ri-simi" that today it unwritten I mi i'"" . ..f venue nKiMit . for a FIIII1L OF 15. Hlllfl TODAY . i uH at Tin nT.lnrk This Af. .:)" f Tr ,1 ldiO vi ana ouiuuis ui ixhuuu Closed at Noon Secret Service Men Looking For Brother of Assassin of McKlnley. Trouble In Chinese Province Continues Troops Being Rushed to Scene As Rapidly As Possible Hardly Any Anti-Foreign Feeling Manifested Yet. v , "... i i nchburg for beV-i seasonal B many yc-irs . . of Venu Granted, L.rKitile today murder of granted a a . . , , in tin- case in Juiik: r ......I iih th . and decided to try fanning J"n, ' .Tfinley speaks. I National Millers' Conven- .. . -... h Railway Sit- iL WW'" u - L the United States. L,1 in Th' S.il'lnel.) hi u Mav 29 The railroad It question of governmental b was presetueu iu uic m.. L.n.n here today l)y Presi W. unity, of the Southern li wid he favored govern Lulatimi uitd declared this L the "right and duty of Uwit tu protect the public Lsltlon and wrong.This right hi in a property, n is a tn fact that faith in Ameri L. investments has been it'hin the nasi few months r . , , . ... i... k:nn s 01 siiiucieiu Kiaviij ibe iirofoimdest. attention oi k- of the country. , (Special to The Bentlncl.) CANTON, Ohio, May 29 The fu neral of Mrs. McKlnley occurred here this nf tc moon, .at, X o'clock. .Rev. Buxton and; Holmes officiated. The favorite hymn of the late pres ident, "Lead, Kindly Light," and Nearer My God to I nee were ik hymns used. All .of the business nouses ami schools were closed at noon. President Roosevelt and vice Presi dent Fairbanks were among the many distinguished pVople uieseiin. The body was placed in Westlawn toa.b beside the body of her distin guished husband, as heretofore an nounced. Secret Service Men Active. CLEVELAND. Ohio, May 29. Se cret service men have been alarmed over the discovery that Michael Czol- gocz, broth r of the assassin of Pres ident McKlnley and who lives here with his father, had gone to Canton where "the funeral of Mrs. McKlnley is In progress. They fear he may at tempt to assassinate Koosevelt tnere and are scouring the city of Canton to find him. The father of the boy ad- mils that his. son has gone to the- funeral. Extreme precaution 1s being taken today to guard President Roosevelt during his visit. The observance yes terday by a son of Justice Day of three men having the apparanee of foreigners near the McKifiley home caused an extra guard to be stationed there. VETEEN INDICTMENTS. knber Returned Against The Comptroller of Equitable ke Co.. Who Pleads Not ial to The Spntlnel.) SORK, Hay 29. Thomas D Sumier comptroller of the Lite Assurance Co., today Vn Riiilty to nineteen indict- jtnrni'd ytsterday by the fy, charging violation of the Sis former position, eighteen )u charge forgery in third Jil one charges perjury. Hall Iniisand dollars was required M Jordan paroled in custody I in others. Hail was fur- E. C. Potter, a real estate he privilege of substituting l'i before the lirst Monday f was granted. HONC KONO. May 29. Two large . detachments of tnps are now en route to Swatow and Shiuhing, In the retelliatis Kwangtung province. I It is reported, that Hhe rebels fcap- tur.d the family of a Chim-se briga dier general and romitellt-d e:u h'niem- tier l commit-suicide bv jiuiirfng Into a well. Trixios marching from S-nttow. Canion anil Shiuhing are only three thousand, while the rebellious triads number thirty thousand. I'niil heavy reinforcements arrive it is expected little will be accomplished toward uucIMng the uprising. Missionaries Fleeing. FWATOW. China, May 29. Mis sionaries from Interior districts are fltx king here, fearing for their lives in the Triad in rising in which the Herman mi-sion at Uen Chow has been destroyed. Missionaries fear rtu tu rning will assume an anil foreign character. Tired of Dowager Empress. CANTON, China. May 29. The M.inchu dynasty In China is serl msly threatened by Triad uprising, which utreitdy covers a Urg part of K Malig ning province. Hundreds of thous ands of Chinese are tired of the rule of the Dowager Kinpress. There Is no anti-foreign feeling In the move ment, but It is directed wholly ugaiust the rulers. t If the Kwungtung movement gets ft good start it Is hound to spread rap Idly to other provinces. SEABOARD I LINUS SUING Action Brought In U. S. Cir cuit Court In Protest On Rate Reductions-Will Put New Rates In Force Pend ing Result of Suit. T T (Special to The Sentinel.) RALKICH. May 29. A suit by the Seaboard Air Line, to tent the eon stltutlonality of 24 cent passenger and reduced freight rate acts of the Inst legislature i Instituted In the V nlted States circuit court and pa pent served on members of the cor poration commission and the attorney C I ION OF rip looi! Cotton and Stocks on New York Exchange Opened Stronger. Cotton Showing Gain of 7 to 17 Points Wheat "OfT a Little-Other Quotations. 8ecial to Th Sentinel. NKW YOUK. May 29 Cotton open ed 7 to 11 point higher. IhilU sup ported the whole list vigorously, slatt ing an active movement snioiig the short. Trade was active. Oiienliig quotations; July. 11; ()cto general this morning. The charge Uiber, 11:;1U; lumber. IMil; January made that the acts have the effect of and February, 11 &o. depriving the company of Its prop- Sh( rotton closel at 12:if. erty rights under the constitution of the l ulled States. The court Is ftsK ed to construct th acts as unconsti tutional and to Issue perpetual In i. ...... i. . ...hind ttiinll..atliiii of rali.u to the Sealsmrd. The title of the case ut opening Is Morton Trust Co. and James I. Hurke, trustees of creditors, vs. Sea Condon Securities Market 1.0NIX).", Mav 29 The securities matkK shows a general Improvement. American securities r covered stiarply New York Stock Market. NKW YOUK. May 29,-The- sUk Interesting Program Carried i Out at the Twin-City Hos pital Last Night Mrs.John son and Miss Butner Re ceive Diplomas. New and Inspiring Music to be Rendered by the Winston Band. Which Is Perhaps the Best In the State Open to the Public. ARGUING GOLDSTEIN CASE. Will Go To the Jury Late This After noon Four Speeches Made. The Goldstein arson case will go to the jury late this afternoon. Four speeches were made today. Mr. J. C. Httxton made the opening argument for the prosecution. He was followed by Manly and Hendren for the de fense, Solicitor Graves concluding for the State. The -defendant was one of the wit nesses examined this morning and those who heard his testimony say he made a good witness. On cross- examination he was asked ' If he would not deny It if he had been guil ty of setting his home afire to secure the Insurance on his household prop erty. He replied that If he had been guilty ho would not have been nere to stand trial. . Quite a large numhtr of jieople nt tended the graduating exercises of Twin-City Training School for Nurses last evening at the hospital. These were most pleasantly conducted in the womens ward, which was attrac tively decorated in the hospital col ors, white and blue. Ribbons of while and blue were carried from the elec tric light: to the corners of the room, and draped the arch at the entrance to the room. In the rear of the hall was an effective background of mag nolias, miles and ferns, while ar ranged about the windows were love ly vases of roses. On the daisy-starred table were placed the diplomas. and the beautiful floral tributes of carnations ' and sweet peas, sent by admiring friends to the graduates The exercises were opened by prayer by Dr. H. A. Drown, after which Miss Lora Ferrell sang beau tifully "May Morning. llishop Rondthaler, In the absence of Mr. David lilair, made a most Itn pressive address, on the importance of the trained nurse Mrs. R. S .Galloway then played exquisitely a lovely waltz from Faust Bishop Rondthaler, In presenting SUU'S NEW WORK. Bandit Expected Soon To Military Adviser of Sultan clal to The Sentinel.) K, May 29.-Halsuli. the f lit chief, after defying the skiing capture for several ii'ted soon to become piser to the sultan. Raisull f'iiosal to the sultan and Mi, Knglish commander of f'm lorees, is now arnine- "ti the sultan on which 's submission will be re "iroiiean residents doubt In- wh an arrangement. UMMINGS SNYDER. f Pie To Be United In Mar- "ge Tonight. piase of Mr. kVmn p n Md Miss J"1 .11 I' tn.iu.L,. l.l - -n I- ..in-- ui r an - celeliratHl at the home r parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 tonight ilt 8 -clock t",'"h"kl- ,l Kemersville, l Only a ftw relatives s lave been invited to the ,8- Ciimnilngs will leave train tomorrow niorn Jamestown Kxpositlon, 1 m spend their honey- SCHISTIC PLOT. ('fining and Circulating hL , ""archistic ti!nl!lr(''.ll:"" lrge conn- ' " IIISCi HIS IDENTITY REVEALED. Prisoner Had Long Kept His Real Name a 8ecret, to Spare Feelings of His Sweetheart. Special to The Sentinel. CONCORD, N. H.,' May 29. The se cret of his Identity, long guarded by William. G. Gillespie to spare the feel ings of his sweetheart, has Anally been revealed. Under the name of John Doe, Gillespie Is serving a life sen tence for holding up a train and kill ing one "passenger. When on- trial Gillespie refused: to disclose his iden tlty, Imt now has been recognized by a chance acquaintance who vi-sited the. prison. This acquaintance, says Uilespie was engaged to a girl in Mon treal at the time of his conviction and Gillespie admits his refusal to tell his name was to spare her. A SPLENDID SERMON. Mr. Sledge's Fine Discourse At First Baptist Church Last Night. The main auditorium , of the First Maptlst church was filled to its seat. ing capacity last evening to hear Lvangellst Sledge's serpion, which in many respects was the most Impres sive yet delivered a,t this series of meetings. ' The sermon was on theme that never fafls to touch the human heart, .."The Riches and Pover ty and Crucifixion of Christ." He pic tured the humble birth of the Savior His humble, yet noble life, His ago ny and despair on the night of the betrayal; the unjust trial and the aw nil hour of the crucifixion. The meeting will continue through out this week. of a cent. July porn, M; pork, rlbn, 8.75. The band concerts, which gave pleas ure to thousands last summer, will be resumed on courthouse square next Tuesday evening (by the Winston Cor net lhmd, under the auspices or tne public amusement committee of the board of trade. Everything is In rtadiness for the first concert. The band Stand has been erected and the Winston Hand which Is perhaps the finest organiza tion of Kb kind in the State, has se cured new and Inspiring music, and the inianagement promises to make the concerts more enjoyable even than last year. Two concerts will be given each week Tuesday and Friday nights-1 and The Sentinel predicts that each entertainment will be attended by a great crowd. Oil !.!! STREET KILLED BV 8WWCR8. Man Who Escapes Arrest Exchanges Shots With Sheriff and Deputy Special to The Sentinel. CRISFIBLO. Md., May 29. Fredr ick 1mg, aged twenty-eight, of Kings Ohti L'au uhnt 1mi(l t.ulatr- liv the. diplomas to Mrs. Estelle Johnson D (fr Ww cllcl)oll. Um imH I si Mlla Hntner wan verv hnn-i ' . ... was indicted tor stealing an overcoat. and Miss Ella Hut nor, was very hap py In his remarks, speaking in the highest terms of their noble calling. Mrs. Galloway then rendered, If I Were a Hlr4," In her usual delightful style. Mrs. J. P. Taylor, the president or the association, who was to have pre sented the class pins, was unable to be present on account of a recent af fliction in her family. In her absence Dr. Rondthaler made the presenta tion. Verv attractive looked the nurses in their uniforms of blue and white. which will be laid aside in the fall for the pure white. At that trine ilm two years' course will be completed. The benediction was pronounced ny Dr. Vestal, the father of Mrs. John son. The visitors were then Invited Into the dining room and served to dell clous cream and cake. Heretofore two years has been re quired for the course; hereafter three years will be necessary to get. a ui ploma. Misses Walker, Fleming and Tay lor are the undergraduates now ut the hospital training school. He was on the way to jail when he escaiwd from his guard while chang ing cars. The sheriff and deputy wait ed for Ixing at his home. Long open ed fire on the officers as soon as he apeared this morning. In an exchange of Bhots the fugitive was killed. 1Mig recently served a term for shooting a policeman In Philadelphia. board Air Line, corporation rommU-l niarUt opened with general advances Burners ami attorney general. I from one eighth to out and one elgtitn. The Seaboard wilt put in oiieraium n., hmimvi.iiient wim central. reduce,! "" ' I"""-- Chicago Markets. pending tne resu.i oi in aim. rilir.uio Mav 29-Wheat nrle CONCLUDED THIS AFTEHNUUN. . . . . . ..i - i com, nii k, jd.ou, Annual - - Clemmons 8chool Presentation of Diplomas and Medals, The annual concert Riven by the Clemmons School last evening was at tended by a large crowd, the chapel being packed. Winston Salem was well represented on tnis occasion, i ne exercises were creditable and great i eijoy'0- ... Afire which, togethtr with water. 1 ne Krauuai uiir ni.i "' " .,.. .i .u,ui ..f ,,nan wum at ioociock tins morning, wnei. ' (WOVM(, ,,g morning, at 11 :W Essay Panama Cnnni Mr. Ernest nine. Essay Progress of Our Country Miss Esther Watklns. Essay The Philippines Mr. W. Martin Eaton. Piano Solo La Cachonca a Ca price Raff Miss L-uella Speas. Essay The Age of Literature Mlsa Jennie Mulllcan. Essay The Future of Agriculture Mr. Sidney WommucK. Essay Home Culture Miss Uirdlfl Davis. Essay Co-Eduentton Mr. N. Smncer Miuucan. Essay Events In the Life of Rob ert E. Iee Miss Aildle Siiaugh. Piano Quarter lrus an den Rhelrt Hist llano Miss Kmina Hunter, and Miss Georgia Spease; second PlnniH-Mlsses Delia Klger onl Vallle Vaughn. Valedictory King Alfred Miss Maud Ing. Piano Duet On Dloonilng Mead- tiws Rive King Misses Luella and Nellie Speas, The commencement exercises were Misses Alice Aycock and Harriet Tlewev. of Goldsboro, who have been the guests of Miss Tuchle Vaughn, returned home today. WILL RUN FOR SENATE. General Luke Wright To Open Law Office In Memphis nad Begin Cam paign Soon. Special to The Sentinel. WASHINGTON. Muy 29. It is an nounced today that General Luke Wright, who recently resigned the ambassadorship to Japan, will return to Memphis, open a law office and be gin a canipaigu for the senalorshlp. J. R. UZZLE DEAD. Prominent Lawyer of Wilson Passes Away Suddenly. (Sueclul to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, May 29. An Evening Times special says J.R. V7.7.U; a prom incnit lawyer of Wilson, died suddenly j today at his home, of apoplexy. o'clock In the second story of the Stnrbuck lllock, on South Main street. Just seiulh of ami adjolnliig tln old Orinoco Warehouse. The Are originated In the room of Mr. E. It. WHtklna. totally destroying; the furniture of the room and every article of wearing apparel. From thla room the blase win spreading rapidly to the room of Mr. Robert- Show. whose room is adjoining that of Mr. Watklns, am) to thu hallway and the loft aliove when Uie firemen arrived with their apparatus. After the lire under control, Mr. WaikliiM, with sevtral friends and a reporter, entered his room. Although all the furniture was burned and char red, a trunk, aside from being badly acorched and charred remained' In tact. The trunk was not ock.d. Mr. Watklns remarked that ho had never left his trunk unlocked before and that ho did not believe he did thla morn ing An examination wns nindu by the reporter and one of the firemen and It was found that the lock of the trunk was broken, t'iMin Investigation It was found that twenlyfonr dollars which Mr. Watklns aays he left In a wallet In Hie trnk waa nriss- Inn- Tlin nriiUj.f ufia found .ttimktl In concluded this afternoon, when lllsh- w,(n ,h ()ll,ir BroM.nwi artr(a, but op Kotidtnaier nuuie an atiureHs aim lfi ni01IHJP ha(I ,nHnppeured. Cpon piemen uitj UHM.UIUH o.m frtiier investigation Mr. Wntklna to the graduates. Several medals ,,,,, ,hftt exIM,nKVc Tihg WHH also were awarded by the school. Hu- mlBK,1(? rMn f cMirie, led at once were nappuy pi.M-m.ni u u . iv.ir..i (o ,hp 8,K,(. f theft. The lock llolton, lrm the charred d(Nir was examined. hut found 10 be solid and unilistuilied NEAL VANCE. other than hi- the tire. If alivone en tered the room before the con- Kernersvllle Furnishes the Bride and flagrn(lou (hey t-ltlier luid a key to Greensboro tne broom. the room or else went Into the next (Special to The Sentinel.) room and crawled through the Iran- GREENKltORO. Mav 2X. William som Into Mr. Watklns nsim. Nolh- Neal. of this city, and Miss Lucy II. Ing was found t bo missing In the Vnm.', of Kernersvllle, were united next roctin. In marriage yesterday afternoon nt Mr. Watklns loss was pretty heavy, the home of M1s Emma Moore, tin e:i liilly In clothes. Ills wardrobe Walker avenue. The ceremony was was completely destroyed, only the performed by the Rev. Dr. H. W. Hat- liase remaining to mark the pliuse tl-, pastor oi the First Haptlst church, where It formerly stsil. The ceremony was iwltnensed by The room In which the Are started Homer Vance and Miss Gertrude opens from the hallway almost oppo Vance, brother and sister of the brlile, slie the entrance to Hi hall from the nnd a few Intimate friends. street peiow, and although the lire was Mr. Nial Is a postal clerk on the 1 aging fiercely In the hallway and Southern Railway and tils bride Is a Mr. Watklns' room, It was easily got- charming young woman, whose many ten at and quickly extinguished by the friends will be glad to learn of the llreiiM-n. The blaze in the low loft. Urp.. . ' 'I seven snspicl -red tn " "ri,t" mlnt has 'Zul '"' ',l,nr" ,,f an Jalwi he,,,, located. SHmfoTted. 'Mm der cm... , fLaN1ght. t il t U n tlm ,0-r Grosse I'loceeiU'd to covered today NT10NAOJOURN3 i X'Z A,sociil"on Today I 7""0 At Asheville. Awi.'.. , Amerl- ' ;.'" " a"Joiinied nt "HI in ,ay- Mn"V PAINFULLY INJURED. William Chambers Hurt In a Runa way This Morning. William Chambers, IS years old, a son of Joseph Chambers, of Salem, sustained painful Injuries In a runa way this morning. He was driving a spirited horse out of his fathers lot on Poplur street and the horse be came frightened and ran away. I he young man was thrown out of the wagon and dragged two blocks. His Injuries consist of a broken collar bone and a fracture of the left shorn der, besides other bruises. Young Chambers sustained a brok cn leg In a runaway on Main street Saltm, eight months ago. The 19-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pratt died yesterday evening at tfte home of the parents at fii6 Trade street, after a lirlel 111 ness. of cholera Infantum. The fu nerul service will be conducted to morrow morning at 10:. 10 from the home by Rev. E 8. C'rosland, follow ed by Inttrment in the Moravian 7. ;, X w-"ist)' 1 ti'Ji I Txivsw. Us iilw'i happy event. AGED MAN HANGS HIMSELF. Said "The Lord Would Not Kill Me 8o I Killed Myself." Special to The Sentinel. EAST POUT, N. Y.( May 29. With a note tii-d to him, reading. "The Ird would not kill me, so 1 killed myself," the body of Joseph Harteck, so' years old, was found hanging In a shed near his house today. Marriage Tonight. Mr. William TckIi and Miss Sudie Macon will be unltd In marriage to night. The cen mony will be per formed by Rev. J. A. Hopkins lit the residence of Mr. K. It. Messlck, on West Fourth stre't. The brldeelect is sle.ltr of Rev. II. K. Mason, pastor of Hroid Street Haptist church, and Is a popular young lady. Mr. Tesb Is a clever young man and has a host of friends, New Secretary Chosen. At a meeting of the board of direct ors of the (ireenslsiro Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon, Mr J. 8. Kuykendall was elected secretary to surc'cd R. M. PhtlllK. resigned. Mr. Kuykendall Is now In the employ of the Carolina Real Estate and In vestment Company. A Bmall Blaxe. The lire alarm turned In at 2:4 this afternoon wns canst d by a small blaze on the roof of a hoime occupied by colored people, till the corner of Clii-sthiit and Sixth streets. The nr was extliigulsbi-d before the tinmen reached the place. however, was not so easily managed and the. dense smoke made It dlftlnult work locating and extinguishing this blaxe. This wan done wiih dispatch, however, by the uh'i of scaling ladders and the hook and ladder apparatus. With the exertion of Mr. Watklns' loss and the dumage done the hull, practically all the other diirnnge was done by wnter. These rtxilns are leased and fluid up by Messrs. Cletus and Oscar Reece, who sith let them as lodging quarters. The Wiiler hIko dn-nnge to some extent th' stock of dry gmxlH In- I he three Hlore rooms of the Gilmer Urtis. Co., on the ground floor. The wuler entered the quarters of the CocaCola Hufjiug Worlj. but did little damage. Man Jumps From Second Story. Mr. Iloxler, a traveling r preeiita- ilve of Collier's Weekly, who has been In the city several duy, was near the scene of the tin flag ration when Ihf alarm was given ti a man who was engaged In laying the concrete walk In front of the building Mr Ik.xler nisheil up the ntnlrs Hh M-veril otli cr and l coining sapariiied from the party, found bis way to the narrow Mirh on the front of the second story. Nearly (linked by the smoke In the building, although there was very lit tle smoke on the mmc)i, he jumped from the necoiwl floor to a pile of .utiJ oil the street. Mr. Iloxler miUcicd 110 InJJury other than the lot- of his breath for a few le'cnnds On account of tomorrow U-log Memorial Day the pmlolllce will ob serve Sunday hours. Arthur Coleman went to Greens boro today. COMMENMCEMENT DAYS. onerest. graveyard.

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