rni if- wixstox-salem,x. r.,Tiin:si)AY i:yi:mm;, may so, 1!ht. ri:u'i:3(r.NTs. U V i : -.0 sro IMFS I nr uiniiLu IS CHARGES P Ferguson Alleges Horrible Immorality I. F, I 1,1 IIU 5 ill i"" Gives tnstances- of Canal Commis si Disposed to Take deisms Seriously. E H'WH FC 1 CLEf.!!Ii5 S ' i , The Sentinel. '4.t0.- u,v ;!i..-Oflictals 10.- ..iion c-riini.-Ov the state- ' ,,..f..lrr. a proniui iT"p v., Ynik. concerning mural and colli 1 , ",.!. health conditions : Ls,,u (ailed t ii"" ntipiik'n of conditions ;C ami to distinguish 1 ' . ihnama i the canal u lilt' mber of the ca- s"TLWcd the preach- e .".! to do with f ( olun am' I'anama, wh eh i!vtvl.mt1 the jurisdiction I'ted States. Smith also de Ltfhrr's statements regard hall f vice across the U the ltol1ice at Colon i-pd the cumin ission is igno ;,r allepd traffic In girls u if tewis.ni knows of such u is his duty to give the l,e president and secretary iiniediatfly. Rev. J. E. Hall, principal of the Clemmons School, was in the city to day and reported that the commenco ment exercises this week Wire the best In the history of the Institution. The enrollment of students the past session numbered 132. The trustees have decided to build a dormitory mis sim.iuer ior smau boys, the management deciding to make a specialty of boarding students of this class. Principal Hall says the prospects for the next term are decidedly en couraging. He already has the prom ise of several small boys from Winston-Salem. The negotiations looking to the conversion of the Clemmons School into a county high school have tven declared off, as the trustees find that they have not the authority to trans fer the property and management to the State or county. It Is thought now that the county school board will establish two high schools, oue at Lewisville and the other at Walkertown. BE REBELS ARE DEFEATED AND DUE 1110 ARE KILLED Detachment of Triads Encounters Provincial Troops With This Result More Fighting Expected. ,IN0 FOR MURDERERS. HONG Kong. M;iV ;;n. provincial troops t,lay defeated a detachment of rebellious Triads after a bitter fight. One hundred rebels were killed and the leader of the baud raptured. r .at.s and a large store of amnmuiliou of the Triads were also ea,! Hired. A force of two thousand provincials is now proeetdiug to Choo Chow. To Protect American Interests. WASHINGTON, May 30 The na vy department has ordered the gun boat Helena from Shanghai, to Aim rl- rmna. one win proceed thence to Miutow, the scene of the revolution Her mission is the prlection of Am encan interests. She will not Inter fere' unless necessary. NEW YORK, May 30. Members of ROAST FOR WINSTON BALL TEAM in lYird Officials Engaged it to Unravel Mystery. i-ial to The Sentinel. i IV X The admission -i Yard officials that they . the alleged accomplices r4tr of Father Caspar Varta- nian priest murdered in has aroused great Interest I suspect is believed to have Wed, but the police reiuso to be rumor. It Is known Scot- believes the niurdw was C-th of an Areimiian or Ser ai plot. All steamers from ill be closely watched, as Wved the actual murderers in the ocean. IRQ GOULD'S ANSWER. lift Hit Wife Because She t Drank Too Much. . rial to The Sentinel.) ftHiK, May 20. The nature Gould's answer to his wife's in divorce suit became ay. He alleges he left her 9f her had habits. He says i Milled lo the use of intox jd drank too much. After ling to Induce ht r to quit, r. He evades her charge of kd her with detectives. Made Only One Run on Error in Game With Mt. Airy. The Mt. A1ry Leader deals Out a roast for the Winston boys who went to the Granite City last Saturday to play ball with the "Champions'' of that town. Here is the leader's re port of the so-called contest: "five hundred people went out to the furniture factory grounds last Sat urday afternoon to witness a game of the national sport that was decide! y the "worst ever," for there had come to this city a crowd of boys purport ing to hail from Winston-Salem, and whoso purpose it was to play baseball against the strong Mt. Airy team. The home team had been strengthened by adding two ntw players, Messers Fra ser and Horan, and the public expect ed a good1 game, but it was sxn dem onstrated that the home team had been marked for a trip to the moun tains by a crowd of fakirs who knew nothing about the game. Nine Innings were played and not one of the Win ston crowd rcache thlr base until the last inning, when Dobbyns, for the home team, threw the ball away and gave the visitors a chance to score. The home team was in fine form and made twenty-nine runs, which could easily have been made twenty-nine hundred. The home team has gone to considerable expense to get together a team that is a credit to any city and it plays good ball, and while they did not do It, it would' have been nothing amiss had they allowed that Winston crowd to . go hungry while here and walk home after the so-called game." the etlicial Chinese mission to James town Exposition who are In this city do not view with alarm the reixirts of Triad uprising In China and the refuted danger to Manchuria. A cui tain of the Imeprial army said to the Publishers' Press today: ve received no word ol atiy up rising, and certaiuly would if the re volt were serious, it is easy to see that the revolt is among thieves. rol- bers and uomadic ieoplo living In the mountainous portion of Kwantung province hut there is no sympathy among the people In general. News paier reHitU are not causing us the least worry. The government is not uiiKpular In China and there Is no reason to believe this uprising will prove a serious matter." ODIDSTHI JLGQUITTED o:i m of is: The Jury Debated Case About Twenty Hours Ed. Tuttle Gives Notice of Appeal From Two Year Road Sen tenceOther Cases. CASE OF DHEID ORIENTAL DISEASE AII.1S THE HEALTH AUTHORITIES OF NEW YORK .PUGILISTIC CONTEST. pest in a Fight at Tonepah, .Nevada, Tonight, rial lo The Sentinel. rm, .Nevada, May 30. The Mvenon the prize fight here f een itart and Schreck. It "Bin to a nnish. -There is F'st. A IiIk crowd In tWO GIRLS FOUND DEAD. Each Bullet Hole in the Temple of One Mysterious Case. (Special to The Sentinel.) SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 30.-Carrie Lederbrang, aged seven, and her sis ter, Cora, seventeen years old, wire found dead In a creek near their home today with a bullet hole in each girl's temple. The father, a farmer, insti tuted search when the girls failed to attend supper last night. The sheriff, coroner and deputies are investigating on the scene of the supposed murder. .MINGS A CANDIDATE. Nal to The Sentinel.) ("INKS, May :). -Governor I ami(iiiii,.,.s (iclinitoly he I candidal.. l sucee-,,(i Sena " " is not known positively ff"" 'H1 !' a candidate Mined tntlay to say posi plMlth is failing. Dismantle Vladivostok. Halto Tlw Sentinel.) MaJ;"nTh,! """"'"n ' l' W1'1 to dismantle . razing the. walls and I'M' guns. Lew Rudy to Leave. Low Rudy, who has resided in Win ston-haiem for several stars and up to a few weeks ago was vice presiitrmt and manager of the King Printing Co., has sold' his intrest in that business and accepted the position of g'tieral manager of a large printing establish ment in Chicago. Mr. Rudy has the rfusal of taking the management of his firm's Chicago house or having charge of their plant in Ims Angeles, California. Both houses make only hotel and railroad booklets and un considered' the leaders in the United States in their lines. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy will leave next week for New York, where they will spend ten days, after which they will visit Chicago and lxs Angeles. M I'' f'i-'V'' ""S,,?.0?" WAVE HITS NEW YORK, "May at As a result authorities, are dismayed owing to the diath here of a midshipman from the lirazillan cruisiT Totnayo, from the dreaded Oriental disease, beriberi. It is said this is the first ease that ev er reached this port. The sailor was taken from the ship to a hospital in INOTUPR At I A RTF R. """"kin? '1, I , '""o'lR Borne of the women s organizations "N,, Item nl1"K characters from the pages of the mod- tho clly anil the nature of the dis ease disclosed only when the ship's physician arrived. Despite a .statuueut that the dis ease is not contagious health officers are greatly, worried and It Is msslhle the Tomayo with her crew of one hun dred and eighty men and ollictrs will be sent to quarantine, PRESIDENT GASTHO TO VISIT UNITED STATES ' TO HAVE CONFERENCE WITH MR. ROOSEVELT CARACAS, Veneiuela, May 110. President Castro Is preparing to visit the United States to confer with Pres ident Roosevelt about affairs affecting the two nations. From Washington he will proceed to European health resort. It Is probable Vice President Gomez will bo delegated to act In his place during his ubsenco. Castro's absolute power In Venezue la affairs was shown when on lis re suming duties today congress up proved, without a single dissenting voice or question, all of ('astro s ex cutlve acts and expenditures froln 1905 to 11)07. AT EXPOSITION TOMORROW. Program of the Various Events Ar ranged For the Day. Special to The Sentinel. JAMKSTOWN, Muy 30. Following is the exposition program for tomor row: 8 a. m. Gates open. 8 to 9 Regimental drill," 23d In fantry. Iu:u0 Guard Mount. 1 p .in. lilgraphlc. and Stereoptl can Exhibition, Interior Department; scenes on government reservations, Government building A. 2 p. in. Scenes in Yosenilto Valley, Government lluildlng A. 2 p. in Hand Concert by Plilnney's United Slates Hand AudUorlum. 3 p. m. Scenes on Indian Reserva tion. Govi rnnient Kuildlng A. 4 u. m. Yellowstone National Park with lecture by Mr. K. C. Culver, at Government Building A. 4 to a Drill by Maryland Agricul tural Cadets. 4 to 5:30 Organ Recital, D. Mer rett Scott. 5 p. m. Regimental Parade, 23d In fantry. Departure Staunton Military Acad emv. Slauntti, Va.; Georgia Military Academy, 'College Park,, Ga.; Went worth Military Academy, Lexington Mo. X p .in. Hand Concert, Phiiiney s United States Hand Auditorium. 11 p. m Gates close. ANALYSIS NOT COMPLETE. It Will Be Several Days Yet Before Chemists Make Their Reports. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH, May 30. Magistrate Separk, to whom will be made by Chemist Symes tho reixirt of the anal ysis of the stomach of the late Engl ueer, Strang, whom Dr. Rowland and wife are accused of poisoning stated today that ho did not expect a report hefore next week. It is ab solutely imiKissiblo to get any infor tualioii from Prof. Withers about the ontents ol the stomach or young Rowland, son of the doctor, who, it is alleged, was also polHoned by tin father, There is nothing to do but wait for these reports on which ul most the whole case depends. NEW BOARD MEETS. Introduced by Home School. In the Home Moravian Sunday school a very attractive aiWitlon to tlx regular exercises Iiub been Introduc ed. Each Sunday a designated class furnishes a short special program at the close. Thus far there have been recitations, addresses, vocal and In Btrtinientat music, etc. The Idea is suggestive to schools. A iiiunber of the Home school says it adds much interest and relieves In a great mens lire what at times tends to monoto nv iu the routine exercises. Trustees of the A. & M. College Con sider Various Matters. Special to The Sentinel. RALEIGH. N. C, May 30.-The firt meeting of the n w board of trusties of the A. & M. College since its divorcement, from the department of agriculture by the legislature was held here today and elected a thair .T.an all the trustee b ing present except three. W. H. Ragan, of High Point, was t-lected chairman and C. W. Gold, of Wilson, secretary. The principal business transacted was the authorization of fifty tluuis ,111,1 ,l-iII:iiK for a heating plant, etc.. At tlir a M. College, under the dN reel ion of a committee appointed. Other expenses of the maintenance of the college were pluced in the hstuls of tlu same committee. Etatements Unauthorized. Mr; W. A. Graham, Jr., who Is very- close to ( ommissioncr S, L. Patterson made this statement yesterday, says a Raleigh aper: "The rumors that Mr. Pateersou was going to resign or would not be a candidate for renomln atioii are. very annoying to him. He has authorized no one' to make th'se statements and he will- notify his friends and the public in ample time if he Is not a candidate for reiionilna ttion." Thp J. G. Goldstein arson case was given to the jury almut o'clock yesterday afternoon. W hen court iv convened this morning the tele men apH'nrd before Judge Ferguson and asked for Instructions as to the character of the defendant. His hon or told the Jury that the character of Goiustein was not referral to by the witnesses for the prosecution and de fense, adding that a mini's character must be presumed to be good until proven otherwise. The twelve men then retunnd to their mom for furth er consideration of the rase A tviHirt was current aliout Hint o'clock last night thut the Jury was dl vided 7 to T. the majority Mng for acquittal. This morning tho only d tl nliii st.iieiiitnt made was the men had not agreed and It was predicted iy many that a mistrial would result. the belief being expressed that an agreement would not be reached. The Juror In the case are as fol lows: Frank Taylor, John L. Si'hs, Meb- ane I , Charles. Y. V. aw aliu.hilinuml Haulier, J. A. ItiKise, Philip C Ri minger. Win. Chilly, W. II. Mctlehi-e. A. Suuudtrs, E, L Riser and J. W. Marshall. At 2:l." this afternoon the Jury re turned a verdict of not guilty. Boys Pay Cost. Volney Groves, Arthur Green and Clay Simmons, three young white men, plead guilty to breaking Into the Temple Pharmacy a few wicks ago Judgment was susieiidoil Ukmi pay ment of costs. Divorce Granted. Adelaide Moser wus granted a di vorce troui ner nusiiami, l nonius Closer. Judgment for $500. The Wachovia Natlonul Hank wus glen Judgment against E. Spencer Hlackburn and his endorser, s. r. Vance, for $r00 borrowed money with Interest from March 29, litou, at the rate of 6 per cent. Not Guilty. Marshall Lawson, a negro boy, wan acquitted of steullng a wulch from Chus. V. Hupp, Jewuler. Two Years for Ed. Tuttls. Counsel for Ed. Tuttle, convicted of forcible trespass, iimde a motion .yesterday afternoon for a new trial, Tlits was overruled and notice of ap peal to the Supremo Court was given. Appearance bond was fixed at $."nu. Judge Firgiison gave Tut l lo iwo years on the county roads, but agreed to reduce tho sentciieo one year, pro vided the defendant would pay Miss Jennie Audi rson, of Rural Hall, the $100 he borrowed from her. It will bo remembered lhat 1 utile gave Miss Anderson a ciibhoi mort gage on some property to secure the payment of $1011. A tew weeks later MtHs Anderson signed a paiier in structing the register of deeds to can cel the mortgage upon the promise of Tuttle that he was prepared to pay hack the $100. After getting' her sig nature he declined to ny the debt and by threats forced Miss Anderson to leave his home. Indictment of Tut tie followed. He bus been In Jail since February. Accused of Stealing $13. Goldi n Itnllock was arraigned this afternoon on the charge of stealing $13 from Rolit. Hrlggs. The trial will be concluded late this afternoon. Jury Out In Larceny Case. Li e Martin, a negro man, was trb d today on the charge of stealing clolb Ing from Mr. U. C. Jones, of the For- svlh Hardware Co. Mr. Jones testified that, the clothing wus left In Ms olllco Martin bud been ill tho employ of the company as driver for Home time bo fore the Indictment for larceny and Mr. Jones said so far as he knew bis character was good. The case was given lo the Jury before one o'clock today and the twelve men had agreed at 3:30. STATUE WILL BE lEILpOIIf General Lee Issues An Order Requesting That All Busi ness In South Be Suspended For Five Minutes During Unveiling of Memorial to Jefferson Davis. Greeted President. rSicc!sil to The Senlliifl.) YOUXUSTUWIN. Ohio, Muy President Roosevelt and party reached Yoiingstown this morning titter a run from Washington without accident. Ellwood, Pa.. waB the President's first apiiearan . He shook hands over the rail with a few of the several thous and factory employees who had gain en d to greet him. New Salem Lodge Officers. t the regular meeting of Salem Lodge, I. O. O. F., Tuesday night, the fntli.wlmr officers were elected for the ensuing term of six months: grai.il, L. R. Hix'd; vice grand, Sticiise: recording secnuo Clingman; secretary, O treasurer. J. I. Newman. Noble W. it. K. P. W. .lines; The above with the apiHdnllve oinn-rs, win e Install ir the first meeting nlRht In July. Coats' Spool Cotton Advances. I lie wholesale price for years on Coats: S))ol Cotton has been 6,ic ht doz.cn. Today the tail merchants were notified that the price would he (17 cents j;er dozen. This means that the retailer will have to sell the thnnd at C cents, where It has been retailed for 5 cents per spool and his per cent, of profit will be still less.. Little Madlin Laid to Rest Tin" funeral service of little Madlin Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.au rio Pralt, was conducted from tip home of the parents, coiner of Trade and Sixth streets, at 10:31) o'clock this morning, by Rev. -Edward Ciosland The interment was in the Moravian graveyard. Holy Hush In Honor of Davis. An appeal to all Southerners brief ly to stop business and all moving wneels at 2 p. m., June 3, the moment of the unveiling of Jefferson Davis' statue at the Richmond reunion ol Confederate veterans, has been issued by Gen. Lee, commanding the vett; rans. Mrs. O. .1. Shf ipeid and son. Wil liam, of Wanghtown, left this after noon for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ellington, of Greensboro. Band Concerts at Nissen Park, A contract has been closed with the Winston Cornet Hand by the Frl Manufacturing and Power Company, to give two open-air concerts pi week at Nissen park. I he nrst one of the season will be given on Mod day night of next week Siieclal lo The Sentinel. RICHMOND. Va.. May 30 Gen. Sti phcu I). Ut. commanding tho Con federate Veterans. Issued an irder to day requesting thst throughout the South neit Mitfiday flv minutes (front two to five minutes after two o'clock in business Ih BUHiM-iidcd of what ever nature, the moment of acluiil unveiling of the statue of Jefferson IKt ls. The reunion here la being greatly uijoyed by tho veterans. AT NATION'S CAPITAL. How Memorial Day Is Being Celebrs- ted In Washington City. (Special to The Sentinel.) WASHINGTON, May 30.-Veter.iiia man-lied along the sanni line of n i a n-It today that they and their com raibs followed when Lincoln review ed them at the c ! of the civil war. At Arlington cemetery, whom twen ty thousand hcroen sleep, 1'oniradu James Tanner, former commander In chief of the G. A, R., iiiadu tho prin cipal address. Many Spanish American Wltr vel rans were also on parade, Hpeeche were made under atiHplees of the (i, A. R. Society of Army of Tennessee, and the Society of the Army of Vir ginia. Monuments were unveiled to the memory of Major General Joseph Anthony Mower and Maor General Hen nun I n Kelly. All government bu siness wus suspended for the day. Flags are ut half mast on the public, buildings, and all sinliies of the civil war In roes are decorated In national colors. DEATH OF INFANT. Bon of Mr, and Westbrook Passes Twelve Months Old Mrs. Charles H. Away. Little George Wosthrook, the twelve months old son of Mr. and MrH. Charles II, Westbrook, of this city, dltd yesterday itfteriirsiii at 4 o'clock at Covington, Va., the home of Mrs. Westbrook's parents, to which piano he was taken last Tuesday night. At llrst, the change In his condition was for the belter but the Improvement did not continue long 'runt Tfio llttlo fellow succumbed. He was an unusually strong and beautiful child and there was much Interest In his twhulf manifested by the acquaintances of the family. Tho funeral services were held at Coving ton this afternoon at tf o'clock at which hour the Meyers WVstbrttok store In this city was closed out of rcHpcet to the little one. The sympathy of the entire, com munity goes out to the parents In their sad bereavement. i END NOW IN SIGHT. Compromise Understood to Hsve Been Agreed .Upon by Longshoremen Strikers and Employing Companies. (Special to Tin) Sentinel,) NEW YORK, May :W.- As a result, of a conference today, Hie hint of tho strike of ih longshoremen Is In sight. A compromise Is understood to luvo been agreed upon. SENATOR HALE VERY ILL. Is In Serious Condition At Johns Hop kins Hospital. (Hpeclnl to Tho Mcllltnul IIALTIMORE, Muy Uo.-ll, H. Hen ii I or Hale, of Maine. Is III at Johns Hopkins Hospital, as n result of an operation. There Is some hope of his not I recovery, but Ills condition Is very serious. Miss MiKsle cUieppard relumed tMs afternoon from Charlotte. AS IT IS NOT OBSERVED. DECORATION DAY AS IT 18 AND

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