i! nil '7 -1L iL ji DAILY 71 p T, iriiiLj WiysTOy-SALE.M.X. (, SATrHDAY KYJ:NIN(,,.U INK 1, 1!H7. risii'i: o( knts. b 111! II, I III (MI 1 nf -Knocking ... prjvi w f-,nyofthelnsurance Ujons That Were to Beenwageu. .... ..uision of the su rf1-11"' . .. trial (Wilier SCond M,al Reserve f'. r,m..uy. promise to C r ,ffert .Kan flt x I ,:,., attorney's of' is allowed to stand :;tica:iv impossible to se- 1 ' ... i the remaining in ..... n..ndiiiK. The ap- i :iim held that the books j L M..I he used as evl- .,f tho ir- jst (tit omn ' - .rin,in:i nroceeuiiiRB- ,.,n,.nts lie based wholly (..,, .i,ned from the Mil omul ft" . r,,nm;inv's books, IMS- Lev Jerome intends to ap- decision ol tne appemir tie court of appeals In or te iiaius of the remaining 0" FROM FEDERATION. Workers' Union Hat Been L on Order of President Vial in The Sentinel. ivilTON. June 1 The Drew. ' union, comprising four orcanizations scattered Ji country, was today ex the American Federation ,o orders of President Gom . expulsion of the United Workers of America from niton was caused by failure irkniHi's union to carry out Lie of Hie Minneapolis con refrain from further Inclu- membership of workmen us firemen. engineers or According to the . order kident fiompers, beer manu (he expelled organization -r lie considered as a non tact. WPED- SMALL. BOY. jil Train Unwittingly Takes K-Year-Old Passenger. ial to The Sentinel. , Mich. June 1. A di iient of Prefirtent Roose- ms trip West came whin -its car unwittingly, kta-slrywold- boy who had Ion tlie platform at Albion, tains the hand-shaking. Nit took the little fellow on vp him an orange and told ' stay. When the next sta- Noheil the boy was left in natives. GUGErJEIIT AT JirilVERSITY Exercises Began This Morn- IngSenlor Class Day Ex ercisesLaying of Corner Stone of Carnegie Library This Afternoon Other Fea tures of Commencement. Three Provinces In China Now Involved Revolt Is Constantly Spreading Seventy-Five Thousand Triads In Arms-Many Civil Authorities Killed by Rebels. Seclal to The Sentinel.) CHAPEL HILL, June 1. The one hundred and twelfth commencement of the University of North Carolina began this morning. At 9:30 the seniors had prayers In the chapel. At 10:30 the class day exercises were held. President J. J. Parker, of Monroe, of the graduating class, wel comed the audience. William H. Duls. of Wilmington, uext read the history of the class of 1907. He traced the history from entering the University four years ago to today, speaking of the sorrows and pleasures the class had experienced and of the class's great success in college life. Oscar V." Hicks, of Goldsboro, gave the class prophecy. Ho foretold the future liv es of his fellow classmates in an in teresting manner. Quincy S. Mills, of Statmvllle, read the last will and testament of the class, which afforded much laughter. W. S. O'H. Koblnson, Jr., f Goldsboro, the class orator, closed the exercises by presenting to the University the class gift, which Is a fund for the improvement of the campus. This afternoon at 4:30 the corner stone of new fifty thousand dollar Carnegie Library was laid. The ex ercises were conducted by Lieutenant Governor Francis D. Winston, grand master of Masons. . At 5:30 the senior class holds open-air exercises under the Davie poplar. Tonight occurs the lnter-soclety banquet at which Senator Overman, Gov. Doughton and E. D. firoadhurst are speakers. Following this is an anniversary meeting of the literary societies. Last night the Y. M. C. A. gave a delightful reception in their new building. HONG KONG, June 1. The Chi nese revolt now includes three prov inces. The rebels number seventy five thousand. luang hi is the latest province nf fectid. Otlicials have been attacked NEW PAPER FOR TWIN-CITY. N DID NOT BEGIN. ten Pnttn.j c. i-L ... jsy At Least. ;W to Th Ri'utinel.) J Ulfc !'nko oi coal miners, ex- 'Kln twill V hua l.cr, Kl,l : . i UI. V.U iiiu after a long confer IMtcr of taking out the Fhlnes was left to a n. Hw' meantime the miners 1 yeHU nlay have returned The Southern Business Educator Is To Appear Monthly. The new Business College will pub lish an eight-page monthly, the title of which will be the Southern Busl ness Educator. The paper will be strictly educa tloual. Its editorial columns will be rflBn-ted to the discussion of education in geneWn,"-vith special reference to practical education. r:."re will also be a general discussion ot th, great opportunities throughout the erHire country and particularly In the South for honest,' energetic, practical educa ted young people. All young people and parents who are Interested in an education that Insures against adversities, that mul tlplles earning power, that is a sure foundation to any vocation, should call on the college, or phone or write for a free copy of the paper. Tele phone 888, Winston-Salem, N. C. - W88 OF $100,000. jon Today In A Small Town Pennsylvania. ral to Tho r-E. .. June l.-A fire 7r " swtion of about "any today caused rtnm. F to a hundred thousand r namis originated in the i1"1 "'irks, soon Bi,P,wiin 1 oil and i?i , N rim,, Smith machine 1" a uozen dwellings, all destroyed. N'5 CANDIDACY. t''can Attorney Gener f 8,J, of Kansas. VtilV s'ntlfc., J""t l.-Attor-'IV I" an interview to ' ,ht "I'lnioti that liryan rn again if Taft Is CJ,le candidate. Colby 'ER's ' "'i FIELD. L ' Mtmber f the British ,M,"l Soon. t; '!.'".1'!- Stln.i '"rv hii, '-' 1 , """ 1 A( vlcf ro. 1 teinl,..,. llf . hi Ul" Iris" Na- i... "l:'ke him th mrty. Uta"bS school com- BIRMINGHAM GETS REUNION. Next Meeting of Confederate Vete rans Will Be Held There. ' Special to The Sentinel. RICHMOND. June 1. The United Confederate Veterans will meet in Birmingham. Ala., next year. This decision was reached today. The veterans continue to have a great time. The crowd hero Is im mense. Officers Elected. Officers were electee) today by the United Confederate Veterans as fol lows: Command'ir-In-Chief, Stephen D. Lee. Department Commanders, Generals Irvln Walker, Clement Evans, V. L. Cabell. WILL COMPLETc JURY TODAY. Ten Men Have Already Been Secured To Sit In Haywood Trial. Special to The Sentinel. BOISE, Idaho, June 1. Tho actual trial of Haywood begins Monday. Ten jurors were in the box this morning Tho other two will be secured tolay as the State has exhausted and the defense has but one peremptory chal lenge left. Wm. D. Haywood was seized with a severe attack of neuralgia in the head today and though two doctors worked hard to get him in physical shape to be present In court it was found im Possible. Court recessed until 1:30, when he may be able to be present, Appointed an Inspector. Ir. J. W. Petty has been apKinted a veterinary Inspector by the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture and has been assigned to duty at. Nash vllle, Tenn. He left for Nashville last night and after it month there will go to some point In South Carolina. Dr. Petty practiced his profession In this city before going to Greensboro, and has many friends here. and the families of a numlxT killed. At Pakhoi all the white women have been sent off by the British con sul und all the white men are guard ing the consulate. News of continued sprtad of the r volt Is constantly being received. in ilu SlDJGETie Carolina and Northwestern Joins Southern.' Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line In Fight on Law Providing Lower Passen ger Fares. HAND IS MANGLED Luther Uiggin, a young white man, accidetitly caught his right hand in a lump machine at the H. J. Reynolds tobacco factory this afternoon man gling it so severely as to make an am putation necessary. Mr. Uiggin, who works on the machine floor, was en gaged in changing the "set" of the machine at the time of the accident. The young man was assisted to Thompson's drug store where an ex amination was made by Dr. ltymnn, who decided that the hand would have to be amputated. Mr. Uiggin was carried at once to the Twin-City Hospital where the operation was performed. SIDLE I.UT MEET BEHT WEEK The Winston graded scliool hoard will probably meet next week to elect a superintendent and a corps of In structors. Supt. SniHs, at this sea sion, will submit his annual report. I lis re i lection is practically assured. Only two resignations have been sent In by teachers, so far as known These nre Miss Robbie Mlekle, who will teach at the Salem Female Acad emy lind College next year, and Miss Daisy Crutcntield, who retires on ac count of 111 health. Both were In structors at the North Winston school TWENTY NEW OSTEOPATHS. By That Number Granted License State Examining Board. RALEIGH, June 1. The North Carolina State Board of Osteopathic Examination and Registration, which was created by an act of tho last leg islature, and whose members were appointed under the act by Governor Glenn, held a meeting in the office of Dr. H. W. Glascock In this city yes terday to pass upon applications for license to practice osteopathy in the State. There were twenty-seven appli cations before the board and licenses were granted to twenty of the appli cants as follows: Drs. H.W. Glascock, Raleigh; W. K. Hale, Hendersonvllle; R. K, Markham, Wilmington; L. C Markham, Wllmiugton; C. H. Grain ger, Winston; A. A. Uasye, Statesvllle; Delia Kevll Stevens, Sinithfield; S. W. Tucker, Greensboro; E. C. Armstrong, New Bern; E. I. Carson, Wilson; M. J. Carson, Rocky Mount; H. M. Arm strong, Salisbury; W. B. Meacham, Ashevllle; A. H. Bealy, Goldsboro; H. F. Ray, Charlotte; R. S. Collier, Sa luda; A. R. Tucker, Durham; E. B. Hale, Hendersonvllle. (SiH'cial to The Sentinel ) RALEIGH, June 1 A temporary retraining order swired from Judge rltrhurd III lluf United States Circuit 'ourt by the Carolina and Northwes ern Railroad Co. to prevent the cor poration commission and (he attorney general from taking steps for enforce ment of the recent acts of the legisla ting reduclnc freight and passenger rates were served on members of the corporation commission and the at torney general by Uulted States Mar hal Dockery today. The hearing Is -et for June 27 at Ashevllle In ronneo- lon with suit ot the Southern. Shi board Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line. TOWN CLOCK STOPS. WATERS PIERCE CO. LOSES. Kernersvtlle' Faithful Tlmeplede W. D. Stockton Changes Posi tions. (Rpwlal to The Sentinel.) KERXERSVILLE, June 1. Mr.Wm D. SUx ktou, who has been In the em ploy of Fulp & lAnville, merchants, Kernersvllle, for six years, ceasid his connection with that firm last night So regular and punctual has been Mr Stockton to go to his meals at a cer tain hour during the.se years, that the housewives on his stnet used him as their timepiece. During these years, by actual coimi! nretnent and count he has walked and from his meals six thousand, four hundred miles, a distance which If he had walkfHl the high seas would hav huided him in the- Philippine Islanls. Mr. Stockton leaves this firm with the strongest friendship to accept position wWi Uh woolon mill firm which brings htm much nearer to his home In West Kernersvllle. A feel Ing of loneliness steals over us since the town clock stopped. ARE TO BE 80LD. This Branch of Standard Oil Company " FcV--' .Guilty and Penalties Aggre gating Million anda Half Imposed. (Special to The Kc-Hpel.j AUSTIN, Texas, June 1. ' '''he Jury In the case of the Waters-Pieux Oil Compan, a branch of the Standard returned a verdict of guilty. The pen alty is one million and a half and the company Is prohibited from doing business In Texas In the .future. Property and Other Interests of Chrl tian Catholic Church of Zion City Must Go to Satisfy Creditors. Special to The Sentinel. . CHICAGO, Juno 1. The. property and all interests of the Christian Cath ollc Church, in Zion City, are to be sold under the hammer to satisfy the demands of creditors. The order was granted on a petition of Receiver Hat tley. Mrs. Mary Price, accompanied by her little son, Albert, went to Madison this afternoon, near which place he will spend a few months with rela tives.. Mrs. Price will return tomorrow. Dr. E. Kernor, of Kernersvllle, is spending a few days at Moore's Spring in the interest of his health, which has not leon very good for sev eral weeks. He Is reorted to be Improving. TWO ARE DYING. List of De-.' in Elyria, Ohio, Accident Will Be Increased to Nine. Special to The S."Mnel, ELYRIA, Ohio, June ?-rfore night it Ib believed that the docih lis of the Elyria trolley wreck on Memo rial Day evening will be Increased to nine. Two of the injured are believed to be dying. REPORTS OF HIE Lip TODAY Cotton Opens With Lively Sell ing. Being Eight Points Higher-Stocks "OIT At Opening From An Eighth or a Point to a Half-Other. Markets. PHOTOGRAPH SOCIAL. Ben Lacy Jr., of Raleigh, who Is one of the faculty of Davidson College, passed through tho city yesterday morning en route home to spend his vacation. - (R9 WJR' fl III mM Roosevelt I'll sort of keep that band wagon In repair In case It may be needed later on. . Delightful Event Given by Railway Department of Spencer Y. M. C. A Siieclal to The Sentinel. SPENCER. June t. The Southern Hallway Department of the Y. M. C A. at Seneer held an milium enter tainment Thursday night known us a photograph social, which wnu largely it tended and quite a success. Photos if prominent persons were exhibited uul prlxes allowed to those success fill in getting the names of the larg est number. Seasonable refresh ments wire served by tho ladles. Effective at once J. R. Thomas was m yesterday elected manager and nd treasurer of the Smii or House Furnishing Co., of Spen er. Tho concern Is doing a large furniture business. NOT A GAMBLING CONTRACT. Circuit Court of Appeals Decides Cass of Buying Cotton on Margin. A8HEVILLI0, May 3i.-The United stales Circuit Court of Appeals heud irgiimmil in the last we of the dock t today. Adjournment for tho term will take plate tomorrow. The courl 'oday hatwh-d down four opinions, one by Judge Dayton, one by Judge PHtch ird und one by Judge Goff. Two ol hese cases were from Maryland, me 'rom West Virginia and the fourth 'rom Greenville, S- C. Tho opinion In he case from Grtenville was by Judge ruff, as follows: Springs & Co.-iipiiny plaintiffs, luerror v. W. C. Carpenter, )t al., defendants, In error. In error o the Circuit Court at. Greenville, S. C, reversed and remanilid for n new trial. TlKMourt held that the contract in the case for the purchase of cotton mi a margin was not a gambling con tract. THE OLDEST MASON. Robert Ambler Bruce Dies In a Poor House it the Age of 107 Years. RICHMOND. V May 3l.-llobert mbler Bruce, aged 107 years, died In 'he city almshouse, here today, lie as born nt Westover Halt, Acromas county, Va., and was the oldest son of Wallace Bruce, of Virginia, and his wife, pertla Argentine, of Chiapas, Jfexico. He was a a veteran of many wars and boasted of having Keen Na poleon Bonaparte In 1X17.' He said hat Naiitif? n presented to him a cross of honor C' 8t. Helena, ell had traveled a great' iit'al and declared lit had become acquainted with many celebrities, He claimed fo. ho a Mn. ton, and1 If he was , It Ik sa'fr he wan the oldest Mason In the world. ' (SiH'cial to The Sentinel ) NEW YOltK. Jum L To cotton market opemd with constihT-tlile Sell- ng by rof'lon!s, which gav the Hit a belter tone and rallied prices eljjht point. Commisslou houses b- Kan to pick up rotten. Openly quota! Ions: June, II 4S; July, 11 .rii; October, 117"; Ifcccmber, 11.8. Slt cotton closed at 12 Srt. New York Stock Market. At the opening of the stock market majority of shares uhowed loot es of one fourth to one-half of a point. North rn l'ncltli; excepted, which aV vaticed onefoiirth. liiler the market showed slight Improvement hut the rally w Irregular and feeble. Weekly Bank Statement. The wekly bank statement shows an Increase of over thirteen millions in loans and an Increase of over fif teen millions lit deHslts. Chicago Wheat Market. CHICAGO, June 1 The what war- kot was xhiulo higher at the open ing, but local buyers were bearish. Trade was fairly active, but a alight falling off In receipt was noted. COURT ADJOURNS. Next Term to Be Held In July Judge Moore to Preside. Judge Ferguson did not adjourn court mil 11 this afternoon. At thin morning's session the motion diM-ket was called and several Judgnw uts signed. The most Important csh tried yesterday afternoon was tutltJed "J. O. Buxton vs. A. V. Young." Tha plaintiff Is suing for $240-alleged to be itue on a contract. The defendant put In a counter claim for fKlfi. Mr. Bux ton wiw represented by Chuwiit Man ly, while Mr. J. Lindsay Patterson ap peared for Mr, Young. The Issue submitted and the an--swers given by the Jury are n fol lows; "What amount If any Is the ibfend aiit Young, Indebted to the plaintiff for the ii.se and occupancy of the prop erty over the Allen store." Answer, "None." "What amount. If any. Is the plain tiff Indebted) to the defendant by rea son of Insurance premium?" Answer, "r.f..ir' This Is Judge Ferguson's last round In this district. His Honor has mads a nplendid impression and he has won many friends (luring his visits In For--yth. His rulings have been Accepta ble and Judge Ferguson Is termed by members of the htcal hut as one of the best and ablest Judges on the bench-. Jink" Moore will preside over the nxt term of Forsyth cinirt, which opens July 22. JAPANESE ARE BARRED. They Cannot Become Citizens of the United States. (Special to The Sentinel.) LOS ANGELES, June 1. Japantse "annot become citizens of the United Itatns. Such Is the decision from the department of commerce and lalxir at Washington, sent here to County Clerk Keyes, who mode Inquiry after several Japanese had made appllca Hon. They will begin mandamus proceed lugs to determine the matter In the courts. . THOUSANDS INVOLVED. Trades Council of Birmingham, Ala., Orders a Big Strike. (Hpc-lril In Th fb-iiHhi-l.) Ill KM I NCI I A. VI, Ala, June 1 The trades council this afternoon Issued an order for a strike on all work by labor unions at Iron mill and other wise next Monday at noon. Thousands of workmen, are Involved. Dudley Carroll, of Guilford Collge, Is spending a few days in the city the Kiiest of his brother, Carey Carrofi. Mr. Carroll graduated from Guilford College with the highest honors and was awarded (he mholarshlp M llav ergord University. Amos liuls, of the postolflce force, went to Walkertown this afternoon. GREENSBORO ITEMS. News Matters Reported Briefly From That City Today. (RlM'clal to Tlw Kenihinl.) GREENSBORO, June LMrs. Lucy H. Robertson, president of the Greens boro Female Collige, was granted a leave of absence ,y the hoard of trus tees when In session here at com mencement and she wiu take a trip to Europe this summer. She will be accompanied )y j,irB, jirandt, wife of Mayor Brandt, and perhap others. The board (rf director liminltnoiisly agreed that she should nceive her sal rfTrv the entire time she U away. The annual meet jug of the Woman's KorKU Missionary Society of the Western North Carolina Confrence iff theM. E. Church, South, will be held heUd next, week, beginning June C and continuing for several days. The Grei nsbort) Vomen are preparing, to give Hie vlslfjprs a good lime, Mrs, Liwy JL Uobertvm Is the president of the Boelely and J.rs L. W. Crawford, of Reldsville. corrcfipondliiir secrelarr. The n cording ccr'f.try, Miss ltmlfl Ikiltrlck, of Ahevlllv was recently chosen i,v ilu, Wimian's'oard of For eign MixsloitH for work inthe foreign fields. After spending surnirH''nl time In the training school In KanVt City, sh. wlil take up work. Another special tax has been Mjled to the alrendy large number In Gil ford township. The Isiest H In Gor- relj town.-hlp. Mr. G. II llasli-n's Infant daunh ter, who has Im-ch III si Kernersvllle, was thought to be slightly improved this morning. Mr D. A. Bodeiilnimer, who has iH-en a resident of GreermlHiro for . .1.. .. ... i.i.. i ii.. i i noun? lone, movr-it nin laiiiny imc to their former home .Kernersvllle, this week. (' D. Powell went to Mud I wut (his afternoon He will return tomorrow afternoon.

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