rkT FT T T Y DAILY w 1 a 1 T M 1 P v 7 71 i WISTOX- SALEM, N. C, MON DAY EYEMMJ, JUS E 3, 1!07. 11 J ICE o CENTS. r Ilni wo . I i I U II HMDG Ua is Now Aflame ,plrlt of Rebellion i Kill Large Number Military Officials ,(oT!K'i"f"""cU Ji" 5.-Inlerior ru-ti'; ,,v,',run f ' C by the revolt f'l! is " .ported to be iu tl.o far interior. :is headed .11 the ,.t of Swatow, t ';;k the 4uv Uur . .... f villages t ,d n.::.r officials to f .ral tcore were r: ut .u authorities are con . ... ti is said that the W ht-avily i the fight- ',mttl Of tills "', uie .." 'jtirt ruuniiiK into the him i. ,,,rte,l that the rebels for 'cumiuest 'f thc st'a' jAnwy siinii"'11"' TfcHRISTIAN CHURCH. Srindle, of Griffin, Ga., As- I listing Pastor. . fj Ai Ilrindle, of the .nrrh. (Iriffin, (ia., began nni.i.-o of a. successful !ht Christian church, on ih street, ycslerday. tc fl Oft Ml attendance. Mr. e two flue discourses. The ? .....I I. CI ..p jlijfCt was Hie iieiieui. i fflitirch Work," text from f At niRlit the text was Jihoii?" from CJcn. 3:9. The L-eeiallv ciftod in exhorta- en persons responded to .on in the tirst two serv- wiglit at S o'clock. A cor ion Is extended to all. ft COMMENCEMENT. Number of Visitors Have rrived Dr. Kilgo's Ad it Night. lal to The Sentinel. Jujie 3. There is a big ii!ors ccmiiIiik to Trinity Mt. w snat address hnt I'siilciit Kilgo,, who deliv- feraiaiireaie address. His i: "The Social Revolu Makay sneaks tomorrow Brewer, of the United "W Court, delivers the t address Wednesday. I LIVES ARE LOST. kk, N. J Today Has Fa- tl Result. Jill to The Sentinel I N J., June 3. Three M, four persons are miss- ty Ihoiisaiid dollars' loss in a lire in Newark flail today. The ricnrl flrp ife ami his child. ' ferial Association met In I the. Preshyterian church BV. ii,. .. 1 as In the chair p' M re: ieVs. Millo- I'av. Hester r nntulle, of Geor- J'SlllUIlL' 1 II... . . " " imiiKins in h eonsisiinpr of D. C. Lll Fi'tins aim n . ""MM avt u . . . . .... ..,.,mray nlgm "dM Merc unit .l ,. lu s"eintioi, hud vol to reeonii , ., . "u inai all ' "f '""""m at 7 "' Presiilent or the " ' -wtimiou. a com- 'I'Killile,! i.. N Mer I, , . " ,1,l'rate JJalhh, merchants i M"'!,kv iiiRi.1 as to tL!;i,Mm,,waV and j this com- "('dtiftti ... 1. thai- r"','iV('d froi' Tow 2 "f. com. ?"Wi SCh00' "fll 111 Ik ! t . I . . rd) r , . tiote i , " " twenty. I -"iiy the past L (irilfi,, r. . -he , "in"i"K Of was r,,,,rfh' a"d there were (IB HOT 10 BE HELD TODAY Mrs. Rowland To Be Arraign ed When Chemists Finish Analysis of Strange's Stom ach Dr. Rowland to Be Given Preliminary Hearing Tomorrow. Elm PLAGED HI Special to The Sentinel. KALK1GH, June 3. Today was the time set for the preliminary hearing of Mrs. Lillian Rowland oil the charge of belngan accessory to the alleged murder by itoison of her former hus band, Charles It. Strange, the engi neer who died suddenly in Raleigh two months ago. Mrs. Rowland (mar ried to Rowland six wteks later) has been out on bond of two thousand dol lars for t.wo weeks. Justice Separk today continued the case till next Monday, Juno 10. The cause of the continuance is tho delay In the report by the cht mists who are analyzing the stomach of Strange. The case against Dr. Rowland at Henderson will conio up tomorrow. Chemist Withers will be on hand wilh a reitort of the analysis of the stom ach of the sou of the doctor, so It is understood here today di finitely. II Appears Before County Com missioners In Regard to Ob jectionable Paragraph In Grand Jury's Report. The county commissioners, in ses sion today, transacted considerable business. One of the first niattters to come before the board was a hear ing with Mr. V. A. Shore, "foreman of the grand jury, which, in its report to Judge Ferguson, left the impression that the white and colored prisoners at the convict camp are permitted to sleep together. The paragraph in the report objected to reuds as follows: "Wo would, however, recommend that the white convicts sleep separate and a part from the colored." Mr. Shore was told that tho report had produced a false impression and resulted In unfavorable comments by several papers. He replied that he did not pay much attention to what ho saw in the newspapers, but the foreman of tho grand jury promised to write a letter to the commissioners explaining just what he meant in the paragraph objected to in the report. Mr. Shore stated that ho mid the other members of the grand jury who visited tho camp were convinced that the white prisoners sleep in one end of the building and the colored in the ottier end and he agreed to make ti statement to this effect. Mr. Shore contended that there should be a partition in the sleeping apartments. Ho- was told that this would necessitate an extra guard at night which would cost $-10 per month. Report of Road Supervisor. Supervisor Griffith made the follow ing report for May: Three thousand feet 'of macadam was put down during the month. This puis .tile work to the top of town hill, above Hethanla on the Mt. Airy road, and' to the bridge across Muddy Cnek on the Old Richmond road. A small force has been at work on grading, the greater part of which is near Dr. Jones' place. The eight-foot cut in front of Mr. Jones' house is alHiut completed, but the fill is only altout, half done and It will take about thirty days to com plete It. i Teams have been hauling rock, ex cept four weeks, when they were worked to carts on the grading. Report of County Home. Superintendent C. C. Flynt's report on county home is as follows: White Inmates Male, 15; female, 11; total , 2C. Colored Males, 6; female, C; total, 12. Admitted during month, none; died, 5; discharged, 2. The board ratified the - tax levy made at the May meeting. The same was published In The Sentinel. The survey being made on the pub lic road, from .this city to W'alkcrtown was discussed. i It was stated that it was proposed to cut out. ten of the eleven railroad crossings and that the Norfolk & Western Railway was wil ling to co-operate wlib the com mis slonrs in the survey, which Is now in progress. The railway will probably send an engineer to assist the one em Ployed by the county In the work. SEVERE HAIL STORM. One in Robeson County Does Consid erable Damage to Crops. (Special to Thc SenllneM RALEIGH, June 3 A t-pecial to the Raleigh Times today from LumUerlon says a severe hail storm In the lower section of Robtson greatly damaged crops, The itobncco crop was injured. on in loom Former Assistant Statistician County of U. S. Department of Ag riculture Is Charged With Conspiracy Whereby Cotton Bulletins Were Used In Ad vanceFamous Case. . (,S!"'''i:l1 ' Tl'' Sentinel.! WASHINGTON, June 3. Edwin S. Holmes, Jr., formerly assistant statis tician of the agricultural department, was today1 placed (,n trial lu the crim inal court. Holmes wilh Frederick A. I'eckham and Moses Haas, of New York, was Indicted In l'.to:, for conspir acy in the "cotton leak" scandal. Holmes will be tried alone as the government is unable thus far to ex tradite the others. The indictment charges conspiracy when by the cot ton bulletins of the department of ag riculture were used in advance for profitable Wall Street speculations. GO TO CHAPEL HILL. Governor Glenn and State Auditor Dixon Attending the University Commencement t (Special to The Sentinel.) KALKIGH, June 3. Governor Glenn and State Auditor Dixon went to ('Impel Hill this morning to attend the State University commencement. In the governor's office an order is made changing the date of convening the special term of court In Union county for trial of Anson county lynchers from July 8 to July 15. Judge I'eebles will preside. REFUSES THE OFFER. Milwaukee's Mayor Declines Proposi tion to Become a Theatrical Star. (Special to The Sunttnei 1 MILWAUKEE, June 3. No stage iwlitics for Sherburn M. liecker, the Milwaukee "boy mayor," who today turned down the offer of William A. Brady of fifteen hundred dollars a wtek and expenses to jilay the title role In the big stage success "The Man of the Hour." Hecker prefers his four thousands a year job conducting the affairs of Milwaukee. After care ful consultation with friends, Becker wired declination of the offer today. NO AUTUMN SESSION. Interesting Announcement With Ref erence to the English Parliament. IjONDON, June 3. Premier CaniH hell Batuierman has announced In the House of Commons that (here will be Do autumn session of parliament. In view of this decision the Irish-council hill, designed to give a measure of home rule to Ireland, will be dropped at the present session. AT SALEM LODGE TONIGHT. Mr. Chas. F. S. Neal To Address the Pythians of Winston-Salem. Mr. Chas. F. S. Neal, of Chicago, president of the Insurance depart nient of the Knights of l'ythias, Is in the city and will address the Pythians of Winston-Salem at the castle hall of Salem lodge tonight. Every member of the order is urged to be present, Tin re will be work In tho second de gree. Strike May End Tonight. (Special to The Sentinel.) PARIS, June 3. Hope Is entertain ed that the seamen's strike, which has tied up all the French shipping ports, will he ended by tonight as a result of the strikers deciding at Marseilles today to seek a com roailse wilh the government. A delegation from the Seamen's Union has been authorized to submit to Premier Clemenceau overtures for a compromise. 0 SCHOOL FOR LEWISVILLE Board of Education Decides That One of For syth's High Schools Is To Be Located There Another To Be Decided on at Next Meeting-Other Matters. Death of an Old Veteran. Mr. James Campbell died this morn ing at his home on Southside, at the age of OS years. The dec.eatd was a Con federate veteran and a member of Xw fleet Camp. The interment will he ail. Cedar Falls, Randolph ounly, tomorrow morning. Ten Persons Injured. AKROX, Ohio. Juno 3 Tea per sons were Injured, one probably fatal ly, when elevator dropped at Good year Tire and Rubber Company today. It is said cargo overloaded the eleva tor used to handle freight. Free. Enroll for a course in the Twln Cily Business College In cither the day or night school and get a reserv ed seat free for the band concerts. MUs Anne Kate Jones, of Walnut Cove, and her guest, Miss Maude Cra mer, of Elizabeth City, are visiting Miss Sallie Jones in West Winston. .Mrs. M. E Chapman went to David son this afternoon to visit relatives and friends. The item recently published to the effa t that Mrs. R. J. Reynolds was at (he Whiteliead-Stokes Sanitarium for treatment was an error. Mrs. Rey nolds has not been 111. TELEGRAPHERS LIP IRK if Directors of Western Union Do Not Accede to Certain Demands at Meeting June 12 Big Strike Is Expected. The county board of education to day ordered the establishment of a county high school at Lewisvllle, a village altout eight miUs west of the city. Tho cltiy.ens of that town agreed to raise by private subscription $2,111. the amount required by the board for the establishment of such n school The1ord, at its July imTTilgTTIlH likely establish another high school, either at Kernersvllle or Walkertown Itoth places have made application for such an Institution. A iH'tltiou from the citizens of Wal kertown was presented to the school hoard asking for an obctlon for a lo cal tax for school purinises. It was favorably acted uK)ii and referred to the county commissioners. '-to call an election. T!io county oommlsloners ordered that the election be held July 5. The present school year expires this mouth. Rev. J. W. Plnnlx, of Keruersville, the new member, will meet with the board at the July ses slou. at which time a superintendent of public instruction will be elected. It Is thought that Supt. Sncas will be re-elected. The board will also B IHiInt committeemen for the various school districts, apportion the school fund for tho year and fix tho mini mum salary for teachers. SERMON TO FIREMEN. Over One Hundred Hear Fine Dis course at First Presbyterian Church. Over one hundred firemen attended the special strvlce at the First Pres byterian church Sunday morning. Dr. Lilly, the pastor, preached a strong and appropriate sermon. 1 It gave the firefighters some excellent advice. The discourse and music were greatly enjoyed by the large congrega tion. Dr. DuBose t Centenary, Dr. H. M. DulVose. secretary of the Epworth League work of tilt entire Southern Methodist church, occupied tho pulpit of Centenary church last night and preached an unusually strong sermon on the "Crucifixion of Christ," his discourse being based on a verse of the nint'teenth chapter of 84. John. Ho discussed the crnclfixloii and the valuable lessons taught by that event in such a way as to make a' deep Impression 'on all who heard him. Dr. DuBose Is a master of pure English and as a i .ulplt orator has few superiors. Ills discourse lust night was characterized ,by choice diction .'I'lid was an eloquent exposition of liv ing truihs. AT POINT OF DEATH. Man Who Resents Insult to Little Sister Frightfully Slashed With a Knife. (Special to The Bontlnol.) VERNON, Ohio, June 3. Because lie resented a brutal insult to bis fourteen-year-old sister, !eoiiora, lcon Pierce, aged twenty-one, lies at the il.olnt. of d f a t ti today. The girl was playing In the wood's, and came upon a man fishing. The stranger made re marks which badly frightened ,eoiio ra and she ran back and told her brother. Pierce, hot with rage, went Immediately to the scene and as he approa. bed the stranger drew a long knife from his pocket and slashed Pierce almost to ribbons before h' d'ropped the knife. The slrangir escaped. SrH-i:,l to Th 8.-!itiml ) NEW YORK, June 3. A general demand for remedy of grievances of telegraphers throughout the United . late was made to the directors of the Western Union Telegraph Cu to day Unless the grievances are cor-nn-t'd at the lnceling of the directors June 12 a strike Is almoKt certain. 0terator charge Intimidation and black-listing of union men. It Is clmrg- m! Uiwwtnny to (nihil lis promise of ail liicrea.su of tell ier cent, made In March, although tele graph tolls wire Increased shortly af ter the salary advance was Miiioune- ed. The niH-rators demand -reinstate ment of fifteen iqiorators discharged from the Western Union, the return to fui iter iHisltlous ami salaries of four operators suffering reductions, fixed standard of wages and an eight hour day. COITI OF Hi TODAY Cotton Opens From Nine to Fourteen Points Higher Later Losing Six Points Stocks Show Noticeable Decline at Opening De cline In Wheat Market. FIRST BAND CONCERT T Tremendous Crowd Expected To Be In Attendance Pro gram as Arranged For First Concert. The Winston Cornet Hand will give the first of a series of concerts on the courthouse hi mi re tomorrow (Tuesday) night. The program ar ranged (though It Is subject to change) Is as follows: Part I. March National Reform Miller March The University of Maine Band . t . . t .Crosby Overture "Remlcks lilts" (popu lar songs) Iinipe Waltz Kate Carey lohnson Intermezzo- Golden Roil .. . . .. .. Mabel MeKlnley Part II. March Radium ....Gay Overture Belle of New York Kerker TVo-Stop Arra Waiuin Morse Waltz Take Me on the Roller.. .. ..Smith Medley March Do, Re, Ml, Fa. Sol, SI Do Rcckcr The bitiid concerts made a big lilt last year ami were enjoyed by thou sands. Those to be glvui this sea son will hi; conducted on a larger scale and will be even more Interest ing. A tremendous crowd Is expected to be lu attendance on the opening concert tomorrow night. SENSATIONAL TESTIMONY. New Building on Trade Street. Tin.' oni-story brick building on Trade street, near the corner of Fifth, is being torn down, .preparatory Ui the erection of a handsome pressed brick, three-story building, 2.1x7.1 fet, for P. R. Laml) & Co. The btiildinft will be modern In every detail, the front being of pressed brick and stone, with plate glass windows. Work on .the building will be comm need In a few days by the.Fogle Bros. Co. The store room now occupier) by P. It. Ii nib & Co. is to be remodeled anil a handsome new front put In. Rogers on Roosevelt Speech. Special to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, June 3. Henry Rog ers, the big rallroadi mngante, in Inter view in Paris on Roosevelt's Indianap olis speech on Memorial Day, said lu reference to the President's construc tion of the post -roads clause of the Constitution: "Roosevelt thinks he has discovered a new poltit of law. Whether thafKthe law and will hold will be determined by lawyers and courts. It's a new thing to me." Alumni Day. CHAPEL HILL, June 3. For the flr.t time In Its long history, aluninl day was eeelclmilfd at the State Uni versity today, The principal address was by Major Charles H. Htedman, of Greensboro, N. C. Evidence of Collusion of Army Offi cials at Manifa Brought Out In Hear Ing. Special to Tb Sentinel. WASHINGTON, June S Sensation al (f stiiiiony was given at the prelim inary hearing in Manila of the case against Captain Frederick Cole, In charge of the quartermaster's yards at Manila, who Is a native of Mlsslss ippl, appointed to the army from Florida, and Francis P. Thornton, chief clerk of the yards, according to latest advices. , M. R. Quirke, former clt rk lit Hie yards under Cole, testi fied to the alleged understanding whereby he, with Colo and Thornton, carried many fictitious mimes on the pay-rolls anil pocketed the resultant graft. Qulrke testified that this al leged collusion had been In progress since Unlli. TWO TRAINMEN KILLED. Wreck Ten Miles South of Rochester, N. Y., Has Fatal Results. (Special to The Sontltiel.) ROCHESTER, N. Y., June 3. Two members of a lis'id freight train crew on the Pennsylvania railroad; were kllW'd In a wreck ten miles south of here .today. The dead are: luls Al leu, engineer, Olciili; John Blown, Rnehi ster, Inaki -man. Without appar ent reason the engine toppled over a bank alongside the Genesee Valley canal. Allen was crushed to death under his engine. Brown was scald ed and burned to death. TO REBUILD STORAGE PLANT. R. J. Reynolds Co. Awards Contract To E. C. Bowman A Co. Tne ft. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, of this city, will rebuild Its storage plant at South Boston, Va recently de stroyed by fire, The contract has been let to E. C. Bowman tit Co., of this city. The new building will be brick, four stories, fill by ICO feet. Mayor O. II. Eaton made the prin cipal address at the K. of P, Memorial service held In Greensboro yesterday afternoon. The attendant wait law and the service was Ipautiful and Impressive. Sihi-I.iI to The Sentinel. NEW YORK, Jmm 3 The cotton, market opened from nine to fourteen hIiiis tip. loiter there was n decline of B itoliitH following unloading by traders lu antleliKithm of the govern ment rcHirt, which will be Ihmi. d to morrow. -The owning; June, tl;31, October, ll.KS; iNceiulH-r, II '.Ml, January 12. US. New York Stock Market. The stock market opened weak with extreme declines running lo 23 In Smelling, Amalgamated lost a full Hint. All stocks are under pres sure ami weakness Is acute Sugar Is steady and iiiichnngeil. Chicago Wretat Market. CHICAGO, June 3. Easier Euro eaii advices and belter weather cote (lit Ions caused a thiilnc In the wheat market of seven eighths ut the oeii Ing. Trade later win active, rommls- . shut houses taking large orders on deiilne. IN GOOD CONDITION. Local Typographical Union Holds Its Regular Meeting tnd Installs Its New Officers. At the lust regular meeting of lliu Winston Salem tyxijntphical union the new officers were Installed and the reports submitted show the union to be in good condition. The new president of the union Is Mr. G. K. Marklund, who has been vice-president for some lime. Two applicants for tnenilsTshlp were acted Uhiu and one apprentice ship card was grunted. The union also endorsed the retail merchants' association of this city and u resolution was passed urging the members to patronize, the mem bers of that organization. A commit tee was also appointed to confer with other labor organizations to the end that closer relations may be estab lished. The local printers have been very successful In bettering , their condition since the organization of the union and the best of feeling ex ists between the employees uml their men During the two years of the ex istence of the union (here has In-en only one disagreement between the employees and the men and this was soon settled to the satisfaction of all concerned. A letter was read from President Lynch, of the national organization, slating that Hie eight-hour day Is now lu eiTect In all cities In the United Slates ulld Canada ami that there la In Hie treasury today over $:iiM,nlt). With a membership of only 4.1.H0U the Inli mat tonal Tyitograplilcal Union raised over $.t,uuo,0ti!) to aid In tint establishment of the eight hour day among the printers. This In said to have b en the largest amount ever raised by a labor organization of like numbers, IS GIVE FREE KERIS During tho summer months the Salem Boys' Bund will give each week a free bund concert on lb campus of the Salmi Academy. The concerts will be given from the veranda of Society Hall and will doubtless be enjoyed by large crowds. The concerts will be under the direct litaimgeiiietit of Mr. II. J. I'fobl, dl n dor of the blind. The members of the band will probably hold a busi ness meeting tonight at which limn It will be decided as to which even ing of the week the concerts are to be given; Mr. Pfohl Informed a re porter today that, If the weather proved favorable. It Is not ImprolH ahlu that the first concert will be given next Friday evening. DEATH OF J. A. MEADOWS. Prominent Cltnen of New Bern Pass es Away In a Baltimore Hospital. Hcu( lo Til HMllltiel RALEIGH, June ;s An Evening Times dispatch from New Jtern an nounces the death today In Baltimore hospital of .1. A. Meadows, a promi nent, business man of New Bern. Ho suffered a stroke of apoplexy whil visiting Baltimore, v The four-moiiths-olil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmc Luiuly died Sun day afternoon at the home of the par ents on Branch street. Salem. The funeral was kiIhIik le,) this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home by Rev. Mr. MUloway, followed by the Inter ment In Sab m coneiery. -Luther Mi Ki.uz'.e, of Gera antoli, who' was lure today, reported a fine season In his section and that the farmer. were tuny setting tobacco plants,