"City daily sei I 4.- : A . I I X I I '4 . ' THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE PUBLISHERS' PRESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. SAU:M,N.r.,Tl'i;si)AY KVi:NIN(i, .Il'LY t, 1H7. riSU'K SC'KNTS. YKAU WINSTON MXESE. PAPERS ' JOflfi PEACEABLE vsDite Announcement That United States Is to Send Strong Fleet to Pacific Waters. ! o ,t !l ,.siair8 here, s '"'!. A-uN. ""y )rint l'a" - unreive "f If11 wil1 r !jol. Th.'V 1 ot 8ttach . ,.'s.m:- " movement !,i,s :r fleet t the l"a- I lw,MriJily expected that f He i 1 1 1 ' 1 , uj J g fleet to the Pacific ' ,..,- pal" ,s uc 1 Tak in Washington. .JuTO' Julv :t.-While na , . Mi-.' to l'!levp Japanese 'iife .a tu was nt r ctly quot 1 on the bravery of mh, ii Is no secret !l'''i,r.imit disavowal of state ""' mw- governiuont would greatly clear the situation. It is u.,t likely the I'nited States will make formal representation to Japan, as in,. Japanese minister says he diste-l.ei.s the statement It is hoped hue he mil call his government's attention to the matter: It was decided today at the Navy Department to stud only ne ships to the Pacific; aN the average aue ,,t captains of these ships is reduced from three to five years These u,, points are thought to lie siiri: itit :ti. I The fleet will he thoroughly modem and commanded hy young mm. In tin Pacific fleet, according to lodav's de cisioii, there will lie sixteen battleships,- eight armed cruisvrs, two gun boats and six torreilo boat destroiets, making a total fighting force of thirty two vessels. iil 111 W PROGRESS ffffi iN VILIUTIOnS IN EVERY TOWNSHIP L fniiiiiv h'liiaiizaiion iuuru in ,;, iirwuws. A meinoer buu V that very little work has 'm, ttwiigh lie explalnul that ital a big task to perform if LniKin ail the assessments in oun-hip. hs have lieeii made in every :ii lassul tipnii. In liroadbay irse aggregates over .',I)U0 itKital iiiiiount sulimitted hy the irssdi'S. tfnlav's meeting of the board Wsoftht listers' and assessors am over and a record was ,f real estate and other property siotc assessed too low. Today in briiii; passed. uion. gf the in assessors named uutuwnshii staled this after lilt owing to the absence from i of Prof. .1. K. Ilrower, of Sa- i ifiiiiii WDtihl he taken by the r tmtfl l'rof lirower returns, home, tomorrow or ft are many kicks ngulnst the ifd assessments made in Win Itis, o! eoiirse, was to be ex tat one of the new assessors M the niiiniiin this afternoon i-Kiimld he some reductions, jute frit rnnlideiit it would he ' the new board to please ilt. isnotlieeti decided yet Whether I bnanl i take over the i the former hoard and pass ttx)ii them, or make new assessments in tut- entire township. This Is a mat ter for the Equalization lUmrd to pass upon. Duty of Equalization Board. The duty of the equalization board, which was established about live years rk;, is to examine the tax books every three years. Just after the assessments have been made on the property of the county. If a party claims tii.it hi property has been assessed unreason ably . hiKh. he files his complaint Willi this board, and this board, after thor oughly investigating the matter, cle rides as the facts in the ca-e indicate what is riKht. Hut this is not all the committee does. After carefully ex amining fhe returns of every list tak er in the county, if the board notices a piece of property that seems to be assessed unduly low, it seta about an investigation, and if the facts brought to light during the Investigation up pear to warrant a raise In the assess ment of the property tinder Investi gation, such a raise Is at once ordered. In the past there has been a great deal of complaint from several town ships, claiming that they were com pelled to boar more than their pro portionate part of the county's tax. While such has been the cas In n number of Instances, Ihere are cer tainly more instances where property has not been assessed at Its true value would warrant. The board in a sense is a final court of appeals. St MEETINGS IJiESTOI lESTOWX, July 9. Following is of meetings at the Jamestown this month: I'-Hfctlioard Air Line Sur )l, Auditorium, small hall. i tod P. Ill State Kinnlnvees' f.v Si a. in. to 2 : 30 u. m. In- ' Xumial and Sociological Con- Munry s a in to 2:30 p. m. '1-Swilioard Air Line Sur "Hi'oriKiii, small hall. 10 a. m. 1 Stage Employees' Day, Ar P m Interstate Normal and i. Omitr, ss, armory 8 p. m. V1'11' Alumni (Mrs. H. II. '"Murium llmm'a w,a t a to In ,,. , '-Stage Km ploy-ens, Armory 3 ate .Von,,.,, Rlul Boclol. S'-'W, Armory 8 t. m. to MtagP Kmployees, Armory, 'l'1 P. 111. Inlerul.,,,, K' , p. !IC4I umm-iHui a .. o ( " . 'Miooiy o a. m Mmersta,,, Normal and So "l "Stress, Armory, 8 a. m. to orgia I'nss. Interstate '"Kieal Congress, Ar- mV:t(h nay- Unl- t i 1 "oerstate Nor- Nwioi,,;;!,..,, Coneress. Ar- '"-'I' in. i!rI':r,al,'A N"rmal and So- , Ar"M,ry 8 a- m- t r t i.'.., h Hon, v Virginia, Ati- "in I , , , Klka n'"y. 'Ht'T u L 1 Imlstrial Congress, 'a V ' ' !' ' Nun Vni?1' "f Statistics h 1 n,' ' ' A,l,i,orliim, small , ; Hdlogical Congress -! , 1 P. in. (jf, " rs,,... XortnaI ftnd So ' Arnory. ti,',''r,'':''i,,;i1 Hanneman- Illlerslatp V,rn,.,l J.. ,Jgress. Arnw.ru- o . ' "j o a. in. "Illteri . ( r "mi "onto! and a "ns, Armory 8 a. m. Whiter,,.,,,. . . ' . ,: """Minai llahnnmnn. WANT MORE FARMERS. li .. '"lion rfAril;'""r Photographers' I ,. 1 ,fl .1 I, n, 'Suiiflav 'Ja.v. Conven- tii,ja WisiatWe Assembly Si,-',, ' ,. 'ar Association. . "Ml,il ''Id Fraternity, In- Chamber of Commerce Committee Takes Steps to Induce Other to Come Here, to Settle. ORERNSHOItO, July 9 The Agri cultural and Immigration committee of tho Chamber of Commerce held an Important meeting in the chamber of commerce rooms yesterday afternoon. The com 11,1 1 tee, which Is composed of some of the city's most active work ers, took up the matter of ascertain ing from the farmers In the county who have heen engaged in farming for the past several years information In regard to their ideas as to the farm ing conditions, and-of securing other matter which will be published In pamphlet form. These pamphlets will be distributed in agricultural sections of the Northern and Western States to induce other farmers to come to tiuil ford county, where conditions aie most favorable for this line of business. The consumption in the county Is greatly in excess of the supply, ami, the comnii! tee hopes to secure tarm ers from other parts of the country in order that the supply may be increas ed. The committee desires to obtain suggestions from any land holder who may wish to Induce farmers to come to the county. SON VS. FATHER. Wade Smith Fires Upon His "Dad" for Refusing To Obey ureters. Tho mlv raw In RiL'ht at present to come before Police Justice Kills, of Salem, at the next court, wnicn win i,o hr.i,t PHflnv nlirht. is against Mar tin Smith, the charge being nuisance Smith, it Is alleged, went to tne nome of his wife, Kliza Smith, who lives near the Salem creek, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Smith do not live together and it was tinder the pretext of carry ing a toy watch to one of the children that the father culled at bis wife's house. The father was forbidden to enter the house by Wade Smith, one of the oldtr sons. Smith entered the house regardless of the order to stay out and was fired upon by his son. Thn f,ii)iir then nicked up a rock and handled same In a threatening manner. VVn.lu Smlih was bound over lo me Superior Court by Justice Kills last Friday night. HIGH POINT BOND ELECTION. u-,. n Offer From Mr. Carnegie, of Library Fame, But May Not Accept It. ii mil PfllVT .fnlv 9 High i'oint t,iH- 1ft n a' special lax for ,h ninlntnnanep of the ll OPilSed Car neH library . where Mr . Carnegie proposes to donate $ir,.(HiO on the us ual conditions. There has been tntie a light registration, which no-en a tirdav. and it Is very doubtful iiwlHtu from surface indications, If the elec tion carries. However, those wiio lie lleve It Is a good thing for llj'-'h I'oint can hardly see how the riiizen-inp can turn down such a gxxl thing J. H. Baity, of Jacksonville, Fla,, was in the city today. INSANITY MAY BE TEMEFOISE Chester B. Runyan Arraigned In New York un Charge of Embezzling About! 1 00. 000 He Pleads Not Guilty With Privilege of Changing This Plea by Monday Statement of His Lawyer Leads to Belief That Insanity Will Be the Defense. NKW YOKK. Ju:v Chester II. Human., former teller of the Windsor I rust Company, urraiiMitti on charge of Stealing llllll.UCMI, t-utpred a plea of not guilty Willi the privih'je of with drawing and entering another plea by Monday. Kimyaii s lawyer announced he will have alienists to examine the defendant, indicating that the defense will probably bt insanity. COLDSB0RO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Gift of Woman's Club of the City and )UU Annually Appropriated To Sup port It. I he city of (ioldslxiro now has a public library of l.loii volumes whieh has come to It from the Woiiinn's Club, of which the president is Miss Sarah Kirhy, daughter of Mrs. (. L. Kirby. The recent legislature authorized the city of (iolilsbom to acquire Hiid maintain tin library and at a recent meeting of lite board of Hiilcrmen a committee appointed by Miss Kirby appeared before the board and ten dered the library of the Woman Club. I his was accepted as a public library and .",no annually was uppro priatid for its inaintalnance. The library has a fine collection of hooks and the Woman's Club of Colds born, with Miss Sarah 'Kirby as presi dent, lias done a great work for the city, this resulting in the establish ment of a public library, which will be a great help to the city. TEAS FOR 4 NEW EipfflSES One Is Granted for the Boy les Brothers Company of Winston-Salem. Negro Life Insurance Company of Durham Organized With V0.000 Capital News Relative to Other New Concerns Incorporated Today. HM.EICH. July It Charter issued t.Ml.iy were: ltob Hros. Co.. of Win ston, clothing an, men's furnishing, etc , six thousand capital, subset I'wd by J, It. and C. O. Holies. It. W. (lor fell and IV A. C.orr, II, lMbuig Cotton Mills, Davidson, authorised capital Hihi.iHiu. begin with Ill.iHiu, by J. l. Monroe, V. K. Cray, A. H. Young; Cheiryville Drug Co.. $l..iin subscrlb ed by J. C. and It K Carpenter and others; Southern Fidelity Life Insur ance Co., of Durhaiit fifty thousand, by J. K. Sheppurd, John C. Daucy and others (negro Insurance company I The Winston fir committer met this morning mid dcldd to give the Are department morv modern and con veiuetit quarters Th store -nni In W IniiiiU'ipHl Imtldtng now occupied by 8 O. Heiiiiett. gincery merchant, ts in be occupied by the fire fluhters. Mr lleunett Is given until August I to move his stock to another stand The book Miel U.M.r tr-lt wtlt h JAPANESE AMBASSADOR SILENT. HITCHCOCK TO SUCCEED LOEB. First Assistant Postmaster-General Is Slated For Secretaryship to Presi dent. WASIIIXCTON.n.C. July 9. There is good reason to believe that Mark II. Hitchcock, llrst assistant postmaster general, will succeed - William Ixieb, Jr., as secretary to the president on December 1. On that date, it is un derstood. Mr.l.oeh plans to retire from th secretaryship to enter private busl ness. Mr. Hitchcock was at Oyster May last week and had a long conference with President Koosevelt. He was in formed of Mr. Ieb's Intentions anil the secretaryship tendered to him. Mr. Hitchcock will doubtless accept the appointment. PLANS FOR STATE HOSPITAL. Commission Meets at Raleigh With Dr. , Collier, of Sonyea, N. Y, HAI.KICII, July 8. The Slate hos pital commission In session here this afternoon had Dr. Collier, of Craig Colony, Sonyea, N. Y., before It with reference to the establishment of a colony for epileptic patients on the Grimes tract of land recently purchas ed here. Commission decided to have the firm of linrret! & Thompson, nrcht tects, visit Sonyea colony, and w(th the advice of Dr. Collier, prepare plans for the colony here. ROCKEFELLER WATCHES GOLF. Appears on Links At Cleveland To See National Golf Tournament. CLKVKLA.ND, Ohio, July 9. John I). Rockefeller appeared on the golt links to see the National Coif Tourna ment play today. Rockefeller ex plained he had engagement with a den tist but njtended to that early so he iSmld see Kben II. Myers, the national champion, 'play. C. O. Hallow and family, of Florida, are guests of Mrs. O. W. Whaling, on Cherrv street. It s not improbable that Mr. Hallow will accept a position md remain In this city. Declines to Discuss Reports Indicating Indefinite Suspension of Negotia tions for Renewal of Present Trea tyEmbassy Officials Discredit Re ported Utterances of Admiral 8ak omoto. WASIIINCTOW July it. Viscount Aoki, the Japanese ambassador, de clined to discuss the reports indicat ing an indefinite kiisimmisIoii of the ue- gotlaltons for a renewal of the pres ent treaty between Japan and the I'nlted States, if (he government re serves the right to retain a clause in the compact permitting the exclusion of Japanese collie labor. "That Is a matter, about which you must ask the State Department .officials," he - said. "I cannot discuss any feature of it for publication." The reported views of Foreign Min ister Haiashi received here yesterday through the-personal representative of Count Okauma, the leader of the pro gressive party in Japan, outlining the Japanese government's altitude on this subject, were read with a greHt deal of Interest by the ofllclals of the Japanese embassy, but they would not aiake any comment on the subject. Ambassador Aokl s attention was called to the published statement thai the battleships of Admiral Kvans' flet were to be sent to the l'aclllc to which ho replied: "You don't hear any word of this in Japan, but In Kurnpe and In the I'tiited Stales there is plenty of talk about It." At the Japanese embassy the oltl rials discredited the nqiortcd utter ances of Admiral Sakomoto. Mr. Mas anno Hnnihara, Ihe second secretary. expressed his strong belief that the admiral has not given voice to any smli ulerances ns those printed or anything like them, and that if lie spoke alMHit the matter at all, he; has been badly misquoted. Admiial Ilrownson, chief of the Bu reau of Navigation of Ihe Navy IX1 partiiient, said today that he was sat lulled that the Japanese Admiral, Sa komoto, who Is reported in a Japanese anti-government paper to have qnes Honed the patriotism of American na val crews and the ability of Ihe Amer ican naval officers, has been mlsquot ed. Said Admiral lirownson: "While spurred on by a spirit of unrest or homesickness, sailors have Bomet lines left the American navy they have at ways done so In lime of peace. There Is no record of a blue jacket deserting 111 time of war. DEATH OF C. F. REAMS. Was Formerly a Prominent Tobacco Manufacturer or Durham. DCRHAM, July 9. C. F. Reams, n prominent retired tobacco nianiifac tiirer, died this morning He was a native of (Jranvllle county and widely known. The contractors have begun work nn ,1,,. ,. fi-nti, ts, tlio llroi. 1ttoelr mi Oil 111," ,1. 111,1,1 VU. ..If.J HI"' "' Fourth street. When completed It will be one or the handsomest and most modern 111 the Ntate. 'git pjr iIstm mm to hive f.:::EE: S III LlilCIPl HOG moved from the building nccupltnt by Steamer Company No. , rornnr of Main and Fifth street, to the Hennott store room "Tet and haih rooms art to be Bited up mid pilipM Th pivnent partition tK(nn 111 lU'imett store and the quarters of Sieu,r Company No. 2 will pinUldv W takn out, making one largo depaxttneut for the ttreiiien. Mr Sorrowful Satan (to Mr. Orchard) You lake charge down here, I'm go ing to quit. Compared to you I'm a mere amateur. OSTOFFIGE CLERKS WORK ONLY 8 HOURS; POSTMASTER REYNDLDS TS Wl SYSTEM Since the appointment of two addi tional cleiks for the Winsl n-S.ilem office, I'ostmaster Reynolds .tut, his as Mailt. Mr, S. F. Vance, have reoigan- Ized the force, by which the clerks are on duty only eight hours out of the twenty -four. The first clerk con 's on duty at 4 m. to make up the mall for the 5 o'clock train and the city letter ct rlers The next man goes on st 7 to assist the first one In getting the mall up for the N. W. train to Ro.t noke. which haves at T an. Otbi come on duty at s : ;. Tbe clerks l'l, altelll.tle in Hi lime of going on duty. IWtiimster Reynolds wis lb pres ent arranged!! ut means bettei serif s for the office. There has already l-m a liotloiahle Improvement In putting up the malls over that heretofore fur nished, lletter service what th public has Wen clamoring fon lor some time. It Is hoped that th pr etit Improvement mill be maintained PRESIDENT CRANFORD ENTHUSI ASTIC. Experienced Insurance Men to Solicit Stock In Merchants' Fire Insurance Company. X. U rranford, of Winston Salem, was in Oreciishoro Sunday night, and the News aavs: "Mr. Ctanfoid Is president of the North Carolina Retail Merchants' As sociation, mid is enthusiastic over the plans Instituted at the recent session of the association for organising a Stale Kite Insurance Company by the merchants will) a capital stock of llun.iHMi. The work of securing sub scriptions to the stock has been plae?" In the hands of experienced Insurance men, and Mr. Ci an ford says liiey will probably begin this week the cinvai which will extend from one end of the State to the other. He says that only merchants will be sotcltc at first, and If they fall to take all Ihe stock the remainder will be offered to oth ers; but he Is of tbe opinion that the latter step will not be necessary. Mr. Cranford thinks Ihe merchants (if Win ston Salem alone will -subscribe ,i at least one-tenth of the capital stoclt, or IO.immi. WANTED IN MT. AIRY. Two Negroes Accused of Stealing Money and 8Uverware Captured In Greensboro. CltKKNSHOKO, July 8 Cliestei While and Joe Stroud, two negroes, were arrested her yesterday Hfter noon for Ihe larceny of a quantity of silverware and $'JI from Ihe White Sulphur Springs Hotel, Mt. Alrv,wher they have been employed ns wain is Chief of Police Neely received A dis patch yesterday morning from Sbenff I'ace requesting him to look out for the men Who were expected to iflive hero on the noon train. The ollleein met the train at the station only to learn that the two men had Jumped off near the water works. Ktiowuu that Stroud has a sister living neai t lie water works the officers went Ihere to look for the men and foil, id theitr both. They wei taken to Ml Airy yesterday afternoon. The stolen ware was found in n trunk which Ihe negroes had checked it Mt. Airy, and which was se.. d ty Ihe police before It was placd on iiie train. DUKE 8ELECT8 RESIDENCE. Will Pay Over One and a Half Mil Hon Dollars For House Which He Will Give Mrs. Inman, HI Prospec tive Bride. NKW YORK1, July 9 The Fifth Av enne residence, which .1. II. Duke, for merly of Norih Cnrollna, now presl dent of the American Tobacco Com pany, has select 4 as a gift to his bride, Mrs. Inman, of Atlanta, whom he Is to marry In Kurope Ibis month, was definitely selected today. It. Is at the corner of Seventvelghlh and Fifth Avenue nnd Duke will pay one iiiIIIIohH ind six hundred thousand dollars for the house and grounds alone. HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT. Dr. Thomas, Well Known New York Physician, May Lose a Leg As Re sult of It. NKW YORK, July i -)r Julian P Thomas yesterday underwent an nitr ation on a fractured leg which It I feared he will lose as the result ot an automobile accident Sunday night when Dr. Thomas sod two women were thrown from a rar following a collision with an Iron swl. Miss Frn eta Haas, aged eighteen, a musician, had -her right leg amputated today And Is In a serious condition. Ur Thomas' wife and children are visiting at Arvcrne, ling Island. Mrs. Thomas Is hurrying to her husband s U.iIhIiIh, Dr. Thomas formerly lived In Atlan ta, (in , and Is a well known million, aire nnd ninateur aeronaut ot Interna lioiinl reputation. NOT POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED. Mrs. 8cott Not Able, to Say With All Certainty That the Negro Held At Wilson Is Her Assailant. WILSON, X. (, July H-Yesterday morning a negro who Rives bis nam as Walker Hiiilth was might breaking Into the homo of Kllrheii Owetia, of ibis cfly, and brought here last night and Jailed. Several people who savr him believed him to he Will Niton, who committed rape on Mrs. Ut Heott als, ut two weeks ago at her homo all miles from here This report spread and lynching was feared. Sheriff Sharp had Coventor Cb iin fo order out tbu Wilson military company fo protect the Jail. This morning Mrs. Hcoft, who Is 711 years old, was brought hers to bleiiilfy her assailant. 'Mils she was unable to do. Thors Is pnsif, how ever, that he was seen at her hoins the day of the crlniH. TO ADJOURN SOON. Hague Peace Conference Will Not Be In Session More Than Two "Weeks Longer. TDK IIAOHK. July .-The pae conference will probably adjourn with in iwu weeks, most likely on July 20. Today a score of new proisisal were Introduced and will consuma moat of tile balance of fhe conference. The Ami rlcan pros,hltloii for a per manent court of arbitration along lines of the Supreme Court of the United States and for Immunity for private property on sea during war am tbe principal subjects for illsi iisslou now. Tbe members manifest ken Interest In American Japanese affairs anil tha coiitentriilloii of (he war fleet in I'aciBc. lbs FATHER HAS RELENTED. LARGE CROWD AT PARK, Miss Vickers' Singing Delighted Au dience Last Night. There was an unusually large crowd at Nlssen Park last night. The sing ing of Miss Birdie Vickers was a new feature that was greatly enjoyed. Miss Vickers pang several solos In a thor oughly artistic manner that delight ed the audience. There will doubt less be another large' crowd In. attend ance Thursday night. FORSYTH MEDICAL SOCIETY. Small Meet- Attendance at Monthly Ing. The Forsyth Medical Society met in monthly session In the Winston Coun cil Chamber IhU afternoon. Tlfere was a small attendance and very lit tle business was transacted. The meeting last mouth was can celled for lack of a quorum. President Diilton and .one member were tbe only ones that came out for that session. FUNERAL OF MRS. PELL. Laid To Rest Today In the City of Raleigh. RAI.KIOH, July 9 The funeral of Mrs. Win. K. Pell, relict of the late Rev. Dr. Pell, occurred here today The Interment was In the family plot In the old city cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Dr. Ivey, an stated by Drs. Bumpuss and Cole. Although He Had Disowned Hla Daughter He Declares Now He Love Her Better Than Ever. NKW YORK, July 9 -Dr. Powhatan S. Si lienck Is en route from Norfolk. Va., home to take bis daughter Klor- enee back into his arms. Though he disowned her when she eloped with Chillies II. Wilson, Alfred (I. Vander- lull's twenty thousand dollar a year show horse manager, Dr. H henek de clares he loves his daughter better limn ever and will protect her to the mid. The former Virginia belle la In a stale of collapse today, raving of Ihe plans to take the ruse against Wilson to the courts anil- threat en Ing to kill Wilson. PREPARING A PROTEST. Leaders of Christian Science Church and Attorneys Meet In Boston. ItOKTON, Mass, July l l.ea.lers of lh Christian Science ehnrch with at torneys are meeting here loday and preparing a protest (o be filed against subjeitlng Mrs. Kddv to alienists' ex amination to determine her sanity and competency. It Is contemplated that withdrawal of Dr. Hinmiiier. ihe Prov idence eXM'lt, Is due to IlilluetiCB of Christian Scientists raiher thin a trip abroad, as the physician slated. YOUNG MAN SUICIDES. ' Kills Himself At Boarding House In Raleigh Early This Morning. RAI.KICII. July 9 J Thomas Wood, from near Clayton, 27 years old, shot and kllhd himself at a boarding house here sometime after midnight this morning. ; i-. J F Armfield. of Statesvllle. was in ihe city today stopping at the ZiQiuu- H,.,f

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