.If r T5i t' I u . i w JL i ! 1 J JL THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE PUBLISHERS' PRESS AND HEAEST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. WlNSTOX-SALUM.y. C, WEDNESDAY IIVENIMJ, .I ULY 10, KK7. thick 5 cunts. DA n N - i r ! nerican Tobacco Company Is Sued DEFENSE SPRINGS REAL SENSATION ! n?nt A.ks For Its Dissolution -and Appointment of k.fjyffVUIIUU3 uuiyvo luuuu nyuitiov OU-IXHIUU IU ust jSoutiicrn Dismuoi icw iui. in tho Pofltinn Fllnrt In II S f'lrmft jiev . . . a at r I. I ,i-w in'i li' Suit has been f!V ' vi.rat Hi.-triet Court "tuuvni district of " ., i,.r ;: t Sherman autt fU, lli,',-J of the Amerl ;,,,Min, Known as the r,. , ..Mft is also asked ren'i"'1" top the concern. j 111,11 U ' , enu'i'!iin't has yet at- , sat l no cnirg- The t!"'' t ,i .v. ''in I .r IT , " I MR- f" . ulmle world ur.l.iT lueuious. uiiyivo ,.,,ni),riiiiiin and eoti ,!,i.liil the trust to apilalization ...uui 1 1 1 :i corporal ion, wnone " , jS gainst the American ...:..) '1. I. .,,,. f-i, 1, 0. I"1'" " v-m t'invr, an Co.. American Snuff near Co.. I'nited Ciar a;..! fit"' nine other corpora- (tu,2,., iluit the Hrltlsh-Anivr-t.iiunii Com i.iii y is given all in not AHM'I lt illl, Willie ,: . . I-..H...I ot.ii..u Tlis (j t isiiiu ol me worm has ever since beeur strictly observed." says the iietition. It is claimed that 7; per rent nf tin total output of eight hundred million founds of tobacco is annually purchas ed by the American Tobacco Co. its assoi dates and allies, at prices unlaw fully influenced In the combination; that the trust manufactures and sells SO per cent of the chewing and smok ing tobacco, per cent of Minff. sit per cent of cigarettes, 15 per cent ; cigars. In its prayer for relief tit,, gnwm inetits usks court to make it unlawful for stock to be held in any of the do fendant companies liy any ileUndatit corporation. under ciicituistances shown In iH'titioii. Among the- did'ettdants nanicd ate: R. J. Reynolds Co., Winston-Salein ; HlackweH's Toliaico Co., Durham; K. rellll Co.. Helilsxille; Wells-While-head Co., Wilson; all in Ninth Caro lina; and A. R. l'atteison Co. and otli ers in Virginia. This will lie the biggest and most stubbornly fought suits tried in many years. i; fi)criiitemleiit Speas has ic"iv cf his annual reiwrt to ;iniiti'inleiit or I'ublic lu ll jni tier. It show a Very if iucri.iM' ill the enrollment !.... mtilicr and value of school Hair enmity; utiiiiberof white W sUhii llts, etc, i n-i.irt :ts sitlnuitted U given i .i: School Houses. nf rur;il school property i C'liired, 7,7(M); total, im of rural school houses k;), culurcil, IU; total, H.S. jiirr ol Ki-limil houses with only i'jj-Witite, r7; colored, H; to- V'wof lwuses built during year. I ::mis, i, Intnl. 1. in cit of new houses built, $3,- rofuil luiiises repaired .Si; colored, &; total, 25. .1 cost of repair White, $179.S8; i total, $,vi6.as. School Furniture. M of houses furnished with r 'Ms While, 5o; colored, 4; ,s ' 't of lumfes furnisht'd with O'lt desks White, 2i; colored, "!al,3S, Districts. !'tof schonl districts White, 'N, lie total, US. 'ro( iiistricts having less than ;-White. I.'.; colored, 10; to- Schools. ' W of different schools taught : colored, l'J; total. Bit. ff having only one teacher f Milmcd, total, 7. rrh.tiiin; two or more teach pi'. :::; colored, (i; total. TJ. 'f ''f h'-no-ds in which 'ur,J"'s are taught i : tnt:il of schools in which only '"tgrad. :, at.- taught White, 4; U total, 7. Term. "Mertn in days, all school "". colored, 100; total Mwn i ic.(1 tax riintricts Libraric " nitnilipr of rlinil nbrarlw . colored. 5; totai el r I'siabli.-ln j during year : m, r t vfnm8 'I": '. ,!',,, ', ,4. totaI 654, SuPennttndent's Work. ml'iT days employed, all !:!"l'niitetiiloni spont'ln office, MlieriliOndctit spPt out of ls''r of tinie. Lcal Tax Districts. ,;r,1,"l'"i loci tax districts, 3. 'l"rattnK undpr special !"r "Ws under general Dnll. )h.'''V!"1 !,n'p''h poll. 12.70. SrtiT'" ' s'hool.s, $1.50. L!fi.;;,H " i.. 21) male, 3.097; ,,. ' II, Y.l Hi. high- -White, 6; " "1) male, 1,103; retnale, 1,0'Jl; total, 2.191. Total census (i; to 21 r male, l.Sdd; female, 4, 5H; total, 9, ulo. Rural enrollment, male, 2,;il3; fe male, 2, 121; total, 1, l:U. Rural average daily attendance, male, 1,1X7; female, l,:;t; total, 2,M1. Number rurtil teacher-i etninployed, male, 41; female, til!;-total, Mr. First grade teacite s emp'oye l iuale, 34; female, 42; total, 7. Second grade teachers employed, male, ill; female, 17; total. !'T Third grade teachers, employed, female, 4. Number of teachers having normal araitting, male, 1; female, ;i; total, 4. Number of teachers having four years of experience, male, 2S; female, 30; total, OS. Number of teachers having college diploma, m ile, 3; female, 7; total, 10. Illiterates ( 12 to 21) male, 95; fe male, (17; total, 1112. School Census (Colored.) Rural census ((5 to 21) male, SGS; female, SI5; total. 1713. City census !i to 211 male, 920; fe male, 1,022; total. 1,942. Rural enrollment, male, Cnl; female, CM; total, 1,215. Rural average daily attendance, male, 33S; female, 300; total, 9S. Number rural . teachers employed, male, 1(1; fenialf, 10; total, 20. First grade teachers, euiployednale. C; female. 4; total, 10. Second grade i teachers employed, male 10; female, G; total, 1(1. Number teachers having normal training, male, 5; female, 5; total, 10. Number teachers having four years experience, male, 12; female, 3; to tal. 15. Number teachers having cn'teu-e ili plonw, male, 2; female. total. 5. Illiterates, male, 32; female, 23, to tal. 55. Enrollment (White.) First Rrade, 1.209; average age, 7; bovs enrolled. 009. Second grade, (iSO;, average age, 8 1-2; hoys enrolled Third grade, H7; boys enroled, 401. Fourth grade. 735; boys enrolled, 370. Fifth grade, 67C boys enrolled, 275. Sixth grade, 407;average age, bovs enrolled, 210. Sevenl b grade, 172; average agi, 17: bovs enrolled, 90. Eighth grade, C; average age, IS; bovs enrolled 3. Ninth grade, 2; average age, 19. Total. 4. 4r.fi; average age 12, boys enrolled, 2,313. Enrollment (Colored.) First grade. 443; aveiage age. 7; bovs enrolled. 210. Swond grade, 217; average age, 9: bovs enrolled, 109. Third grade, I'.Wl; boys enrolled. 100. Fourth grade, 211; average age bovs enrolled, 110. Fifth grade, 9X; average boys enrolled, 50. Sixth grade, 44; average ag , boys enrolled, 20. Seventh grade, 6; average age, bovs enrolled, 2. Total. 1.215; average Bge, 12. . boys enrolled, flni. Moycr to Be Called As Witness In Spite of Recent Widely Circulated Reports. Before He Is Called to the Stand De fense In Haywood Trial Is Examin ing Witnesses Who Swear Orchard Had Made Threats To Take Life of Governor Steunenburg. HOISK, July l'i.-The dt fense in the Haywood trial sprang a sensation to day when it announced that the next witness would Ih .Mover, president of the Western Federation uf Miners, whom it had Iwett retmrtnl would mru Mate's evidence against llavwood Itefore Mover Is called the defense is examining wiltiesos who swear Or chard had .made threats against the life of Ciovernor Sleiinenlwrg NO CHANCE OF WAR. So Says Japanese Minister of Marine While in New York. NKW YORK. July lit. Japanese admiral, Karon Yatnouto, minister of murine, . arrived In New Yoik today. He declared that "there is no chance of war between my country and the I'nited States." Oilier prominent Ja atiese with him expressed friendly feeling for the I'nited St;(fie. "1 wish you would all do your best for peace" were the lirst words of Ad miral Huron ' (ionbey Yamonto, who arrived today from IOitroH The baron sa.vs his visit is not significant and he thinks war between the I'nited States and Japan is the remotest iHissildlity. AsKed his opinion of sending of Amer ican battleships to the l'uclrlc he said, "That is a question for America to un swer." Through an Interpreter, us he speaks no Knglish, he said: "Peace de lieltds on the newspapers." Continuing he said; "You cannot be too careful. You should understand conditions thoroughly before publishing things." The baron was the Mikado's minister of marine during the Russian war and is known throughout the world. SHE EXPECTED AT THREE POINTS Probable a Walk-Out of Tele graphers Will be Ordered In Cnicago. New York and San Francisco. MATERIAL B ORDERED. WORK ON EAST WINSTON CAR LINE TO BEGIN VERY SOON. This Action Is Expected As a Result of Conference To Be Held In Chica go Sunday Strike Centr About To Be Moved From San Francisco To Chicago. BUYS A FINE ENGINE. Recorder Griffith Will Not Devote His Entire Time to Trying Evil Doers. Recorder (irllllth does not propose devoting his entire time to passing sentence upon violators of the law front "Long Itranch, "Ramcut." "ilul- t tlmore" and other well-known sections inhabited by good, bud and Jndifter ent Classen. The recorder has gone Info the wheat threshing business with Mr. John Holder. The hitter owns a mod ern machine and Mr. Griffith owns a thirteen horse power gasoline engine. Both were tested yesterday for the first time on Sheriff Zlglar's farm. Ills crop of wheat was threshed out in a hurry and the county's chief executive says ho never saw aa engine and ma chine work more beautifully . The thresher Is just like the one owned by Mr. Vatidcrbllt, the million aire, and operated on his Ililtmore es tate. The engine Is claimed to be a hitter one than Mr. Vanderbllt's , average age, 10; average age, 12; average age. 14; 151-2; av. . ge age, 1 1 ; Bge, i:i 11 14; It; N NEBRQ STRUCK IT Hill EEM THDWIASV1LLE; DIED ftT HIGH POINT TDOAY . .Illtv 10 A .. .... tiff, ' nu v'l, "t 'HS l'i,'k"'1 n'Br ' ' '''""' night bv tl,o ,.r t""!,"l'n,i,, ;l ... ....... ', '!' " morning. Th ' k-,.: I" Identified. liv a , ""I'lioxed to have I 'it CT'' '! 011 the ARheboro mem Un luut laniil" from High Point. A N. & V. car loaded with, coal left the track first mid cans' d the derailment ..r unveral other cars. Mr. Finest Carr, of High Point, was one of the passengers on the imxefl tram ami sustained pHinrul Injuries, though they are not regarded serious. Two cottages occupbd by negro families, nearly in front of the Central fair grounds, were destroyed by fire jat noon today. Very little household properly was saved. MAYOR OF 'FRISCO. Plans Perfected Today For Selection of a New One. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Plans were perfected today to choose a per manent successor to Schmltz, the ron victed mayor. A convention Is called for next week. The labor organiza tions and commercial org animations are each to have fifteen delegates to select the new mayor. Meanwhile flloxton will foutiiiuo to act as mayor protein. EXCAVATION IRK FOR Y.?J.C.A.EUlLDi:;9 BEGUN The excavation work preparatory to the erection of the handsome Y. M. C. A. building at the corner of Cherry and Fourth streets was liegun today.--As son as this preliminary work Is com pleted the laying of brick will liegln at once and the work will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible It is hoiied to have the building ready for occupancy by the first of the coming year. ROWLAND CASE. Wake County Grand Jury It Consider ing It Today. UAI.KICU, July 1(. The grand Jury today took up the case of the Row lands. Many witnesses are being ex amined. A true bill will lie found. It is expected, but a resirt may not he made before tomorrow. Death of W. 8. Martin's Brother. Mr. W. S. Martin returned yesterday evening from Thrift ic, Va.. where he attended the funeral service Monday of his brother, Ram 1$. Martin, who died at his home at Thrifltic Sunday at the age of yi ars. The deceased had only been III alxiut three weeks. Reside Mr. Martin, of this city, one brother and three sisters survive. These art- U. K. Martin, of Norfolk, and Mesdamis Geo. Reynolds, of Glen hind. Va.; William Pay lor. of Danville, and V. It. CabaneHs, of lirook Mill. Va. The interment was In the cemetery at Thrlftlc Monday evening. Mr and Mrs H B. Nelson and chil dren, of Ysdkitivllle, spent last t.lght and this morning with Mts. M A Ziglar. on'Relews Creek sti-ee. They left this afternoon for a vl.it to leli. tives at Martinsville, Va. CHICAGO. July in A crisis In the lelegiaphers' strike is at hand Pres ident Small, of the TelcgrpherV 1'nion, hates. San Francisco this afternoon for Chicago, and wlih his deimrture the center of Hie strike situation Is transferred here. The failure of llnal cfTurU of operators heie to effect a compioii.ise or g t a hearing lnm the otlicials of the Western I'uion leads to the belief that the union will act detinitely Immediately on Small's ar rival. It is said Small is determined to get satisfactory conditions (or telegra phers or cull a strike in many widely sepaiated points. Small will meet the local union Sunday and It Is expected at that time a siiniiltaneMis strike wil lie -called, in Chicago, San Francisco and New Yolk. ENGLAND DISCUSSES WAR. Possibility of Conflict Between United States and Japan It Acknowledged There. U)NIK1. July 10 F4igland today acknowledges IHissildlity of war be tweeu the I'nited States and Japan Kugllsh legal mid diplomatic experts are studying the Anglo-Japanese trea ty, and it Is said have found a loophole by w inch Kngland need not aid Japan is case of war with Amerlcu, , The treatv would not drag Kngland into the war unless the I'nited States tried to seize Japanese territory intending to hold It, which is the remotest ms slblllty. Newspapers here today for the first time opi lily mltiilt the possl Idlity of Japanese American war. SANTA FE INDICTED. Sixty-Five Counts In the Indictment Against Big Railway System. CHICAGO, July 10 The Federal grand jury today returned Indictments against the Santa Fe Railroad, alleging It gave the UnltiH States Sugar and Lund Company $:!r.00lt (n rebut s.' The Indictments contain sixty five counts. An Indictment was also voted against 10. H. Stafford Furniture Co., in connec tion with the furniture trust cases. The concern Is charged with violating the biking anti-trust law. HAGUE PEACE CONGRE8S. Warmest Argument of the Conference Engaged In Today. THK HAGUE. July 10. Tho Amerl can pnqiosltiou granting Immunity from Helium of private property at sea during the war called forth today the warmest argument of tho peace con feronce. 'The vote was postponed till next Wednesday. The question will probably be voted down, as It Is con sidurcd by most of the delegates Ideal Istlc. IN 6ESSION TODAY. State Board of Education Considering Selection Site for Eastern Training School. RAUKK1II, July 10 The State board of education is in session today con cemlng final selection of site for the eastern training school. It adjourned till three without a decision. Reprcsen tatives of five towns are here. Il'J WDDLEII MILL TO START OCTOBER The roof Is luting put on the new Chatham woolen mill building In the iKirth western part of th city. Presi dent Chatham was asked today when the plant would be put. In operation "There have been so many delays and causes for others, 1 cannot Hiieak dell nilely, but we boie to start at least some of the machinery by October 1st" said Mr. Chatham. The company will give employment to l.Vt or morn people at the start. This number will be Increased every mouth, If. the help desired can be secured. The company. has purchased the very best and most modern machinery that could tie secured. INNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD TOMORROW Large Order It Placed by the Fries Manufacturing and Power Company For Material For the Extension to the Eastern Part of the City. An otd.r has rie'n placed hv the Fries Manufacturing and Power Com piny for nun h of the mated..! to be used In the -construction of the new strevt car line to Hist Winston, A aunouuictl tester. lay, cro-s ties are being pl.1c.4I along the route of the extension and the work of construc tion will be 1111111111 need veiy soon The building of this new line will lie a great step forward and will In- a great thing for Winston Salem. NO SUNDAY TRAVEL. Governor Glenn Orders Change In Time of Soldiers' Departure For Jamestown. RAI.KICII, July 10 Governor Glenn today ordeHd in order to avoid trav eling on Sunday, the S-eond and Third regiments and the Charlotte field artillery shall start for James town Monday morning, August 12, In stead of the time first 8'-t. CHARTER IS ISSUED. Peoples' Home and Charitable Asso ciation of This City, Incorporated. RAI.KKill, Jnlf In A charter wns issued today to the Peoples' Home and Charitable Association, of Wlnstoii Salem, a negro fraternal onTer with insurance attachment; no capital stork. C. N. Jones. Charles Pace, John Pace. Turner Wright, Yanry Shaw and others arc the inrororators. Col. J. I,. Ludlow returned this morning ttoiii a business trip North I and to. the eautt rn part of the State. WINS ANOTHER PONY. Directors and Stockholders of North Carolina Railroad to (Meet In Greensboro. Eddy Shepherd Makes a Fine Record in the Sale of Papers. F.ddy Shepherd, sou of Mr J. It Shepherd, Is a winner In the truest sense. He was lint Hied toilat bv the publishers of the Saturdav Kveiilng Post that he was entitled to another pony and cart In the contest for June Kddy sold Posts uurlng the mouth, this being the largest iiuinlur of sales made by any hoy in the Unit ed States. Kddy has the handsome pony 11111I cart vwarde.J hint s few month ago by the Post .coil vany and he has not yet detinitely divided whither he will take another animal or the rash prize offered by the publishers. He Is allowed to take his choice. Kddy says the people of Winston Saleui have been exceedingly kind to him since he first entered the lirst con test and he wants all of his patrons to know that he appreciates their pat ronage. TKLASUKLK ELLEK TO MAKE REPORT Went to Burlington Today to Prepare His Annual Report President H. Q. Chatham It Here anJ Will Attend Meeting Tomorrow Various Mat ters to Be Considered at This Meet ing. The annual lini lliig of the stock holders and directors of the Not ill Car olina Railroad wilt lie held in Greene ixiro tomorrow The directors will meet at 10 o'clock and the ttockhold era at 12 o'clock , At the meeting tomorrow (he usual dividend will lie d.ilare.l and other matters discussed and acted upon .One of the principal questions In b considered Is llu prosM-d rebuilding of the hotel at llnillotti.il. a matter that has been under discussion for three years. Secretarv and Treasurer F.ller. of the North Carolina Itutlnmd. expresses the In lief that It w ill be def initely decided to rebuild at the meet lug tomorrow. It Is understood that the stiS'khohl ets of tho road will be asked to grant a right of way over the North Carolina track at Salisbury (or the a branch Hue to be built by the government to the federal cemetery there. II Is tin derstood Hiere Is no ohlocllon to th granting of this right of way Secretary and Treasurer Filer went to lliirllngloii today to get his annual r port ready. He will submit it at lh meeting tomorrow President II (1. Chatham is here to day and will attend the meeting at Greensboro tomorrow. He will proba bly go to GreetiHlHim tonight. BIG BLAZE IN ALLEGHAHY. I PITTSIIURG, July in The town of Alleghany Is being swept by flames to day. At this hour t 11 houses have iM'i'ii burning and llames are shooting '1W feet in the air In the residence dls trlcL A general alarm has been sent in and Pittsburg Is sending part of (Is Are di partineut to assist. HOW TO GET RID OF CATS. Salem Citizen Ssyt Turn the Host on 'Em and They Will Depart. "The best way tu get rid of rats Is to turn a htate on 'cm," remarked a Salem clllr.cn last evening. He ex plained that be gave this advice front actual experience. "My children (and he has several) are very fond of cats, esieelaly klt tes, and they never 1 turn down an offer to give -litem one of these little animals. The number became so large at my house that! decided to get rid of at least a few of 'cur. The other evening while sprinkling the lawn the thought came to me to turn the hose on a hunch of the "mewers." I did so. and I declare I have hot seen a cat or kitten on the hill since," ' This man says he has more dogs than he wants and thai if he cannot give them away he prosscH to try the hose racket Hinin. lint he lias no Idea that It will pioduec the same re sults as It did with the cats. forty mm REPORTED Di PHILADELPHIA, July 10. Forty people were killed this a'ternoon In collapse of tht Bridgeman pipe factory building In thlt city. All ambulfancta and patrol wage, aoe) aurgeont have rushed to the scsne ol the terrible catastrophe. RELEASED ON BAIL. Man Charged With Embezzlement From Swift e Company. RAI.KKill. Julv 10,-G. R Kdwards. of the Raleigh office of Hwirt Co,, Chicago meat dealers, etc., was ar rented in Durham and brought back to Raleigh today, charged with embes zllng funds of the company, lie gave bond In the sum of $200 today. The trial Is set for tomorrow. The alleged defalcation-Is said not to be heavy. U. 8. CORN CROP. Government Crop Report Issued Today Gives Interesting figures, WASHINGTON', July Ic.-The gov ernment crop report today gives corn crop of !IH millions acres, a large in crease. The condition of corn Is K0 2. I) K. Allen and son. of Reldrvllle, were hern today Mr. AI.en buy leaf on the Reidsville maikc for It, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. REID STILL IN THE RACE. Rockingham Lawyer Still After Demo cratic Nomination for Congrett. GRKlCNBHOItO, July lo.-Htate Hon ator Reuben L Held, of Rockingham, who was here yesterday, was asked If resirts current to the effect that ha had retired from dm race for the Ihnn oerutle nomination for Congress In thlt district, declared there was not a word of truth In the riirt. "I mil stalidliig just where I have," said he, "if the hcinocrats of thla dis trict see fit to nominate me, I shall es teem It a high honor. I certainly am not taking back water on any of tha iM.sltlons I took in tho last Statu Hen ate. "If by knowing where to dud a man, the lx mm nils of this district should prefer some other whose im.sIiIoii 00 live questions is not so pronounced or well known to myself, I shall not feel hurt personally. Hut I am greatly encouraged from renrls In many of tin; counties uf the district.' TOWN ON EASY STREET. Financial Affairs of Reidsville in fcx cellrfit Shape. KKIHSV'IMJC, July Hi The towu's finances are In quite an improved shape. About $l,noo of the lloullnt; debt has been paid off during lite p.int two years, leaving at coioi aiailvely -mall amount now due. The value of assessed property lu the town Is now $,i'.i;ii,liiiii, showing an Increase of about $i:;7,onn hut the assessment of two teats ago. At the last imetlng of the Itoard of Town Cominlssloiiers a reduction of about 10 cenU on Hie hun dred dollars wis made lu the muni cipal lax levy, ami a corresponding; re duction 011 Hie poll. The city gov ernment Is now 011 "K.isy Street" financially. C. O. Reck wont to Charlotte this afternoon to attend the convention of the North and South Carolina Hard ware I eleis. ISTON IIHERE IN THE INTEREST M II Mr. K. H l'wls, of Kinsloti, private secretary to Congressman Claude Kllehln, was lu the city today. It Is understood that Mr. U-wis is visiting a number of comities In the Interest of Congressman V. Kltehin's asplra lions for the Democratic noinlnalloii for governor. While the convention for nomina ting candidates for Stale ofllees Is at least a year off, the various Demo cratlc aspirants, especially for the gu bernatorial chair, are getting busy and securing a'l the pledges possible. The contest for governor now ap Iteitrs to be between Congressman VV. W. Kltchlti and Hon. ak ke Craig, of Asheville, though some of the politi cians are saying that neither feels as sured of winning the nomination. Tim friends of Hon. R A. Houghton ar stm urging him to enter the race, h- Moving that the close race be tween Kllehln and Cralge will mak" the nomination of a man like Mr. Ixtughton (Kifslble. Mr II f; Thathaui, while here today was warmly congratulated upon hi election to the chairmanship of tho Democratic Stale executive commit tew. Mr. Chatham is a siteci ssrttl business man nnd lie says thai he was only In duced to lake the 1 biiirmaiishlp Umiu Ihe promise that he was only to serv UilHI the hex! Slate convention. Ills reason Is that lie would not have Ihn time required for conducting a Statu campaign.