1'irINCITY SENT! rf EDITION THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PRESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. CITY EDITION HVINSTON-vVI.KM.X. ('., TV KMAY V.X KN1N(J, SKITKM KKl! 17, 1107. nil .' 't ruin: r riixTs, Ft, A ITT ".r UtJrUULd .IL andard Trying to H. H. RDGERS IfJA U6 BEFORE CHICAGO TO HAVE KITGHIN TALKS OF Escape That Fine DYING CONDITION; SUPREME COURT AMTER'i POLITICAL ISSUES S. Ol :W;:i (Gigantic Oil' Mirmpt t- Get Legal Tcch- toWICTIOX WILL XOT STAND ., S A esses Co A 0" T :os Is That the e Been Notified unity Made To n Railroad So , d Have Been at Line. STATE BASEBALL E KojI Head of the Standard Wake County Case. In Which Citizens of That City Will De- Fifth District Congressman. Oil Company Is Critically; Ii! at His Home. i COMING I'ln' Standard '. ,l that they i ws wi'h v, ipo init the i, ' ! a r tint' i m They depend mi claim tliat , ,.ruiiiis c i::o A; Ation heir COlltell- the defense . of ,1,V , I n. il mi tilt' xaintllcd wit- iMany Towns in North and South Carolina Want to Get in Forsyth Riflemen Invit ed to Contest For Prizes at Guilford Fair. M. uno Prys.cians and Close Friends cf the W at y Known Financier Say That He Is a Very Sick Man, Not Able to Attend Standard Oil Hearing in New York Today i: STo S. .t. 1711 II K,.g. rs. '!! v.i;:i,, head f il,,. Standard Oil im ..ny. is ii ! init man today, ai' ' i ! t ". iii ill., stall Hi nts of hi, pin-y-'. Mil .i:nl business as-miaies. iiiaili' ! i'Mii ' today. It will In imiwiss'hle I ! linn to attend ttio trial uf th.' iS!;ifilari Oil cast, in New York which 'I tor a lirai ir.a today. I'liy sav ho is MiuVriiiK from his Judge Long Imposed $30.-' 000 Fine on Southern. Be ing Argued. j cide on This Matter at An Election Being Held There1 Today. j Now a Candidate For Gov- ernor. Addresses Large Audience. Mess-s. Pou. Redman and Avery ! Proposed Charter Would Give Mayor Speaking For the Railroad Compa- ny and Messrs. Aycock and Jut- j tice For the State of North Carole I na. Much More Authority In Directing Attain- Republicans Favor It While Democrats. Socialists and Other Or gamtations Oppose It. It VI.F.IF.H, in (nosroh t Sunn ine t J l 11,111 flu,. Ml III. IV at It may lie atioplexy or it sonit-liiing el I'nit. d as nil ical. Ills Colllll 1 7. Argument In before the State li t in the appt al case of imposed by Judge 1-oiiir Hallway. Messrs. Avery for 'the rati Ay i .irk and Just ire In s-,ed the dull t. 'or tlie decision. It Sown any t.ilie dm- ' !' STATE CONVICTS PASS THROUGH l: tl An. IB OR THE , Je: Begm at Sunset Today i st So emit uuservance in I tnd.ir. OKFr.N'SIN KO, Sep!. 17 1.. ,., Brandt, who is taking d- tl of interest in the win ginizing a State 'i.isi liail ! next season, says tli.it th,. progressing nicely. Tin' on elo in sight, says the ntaym in iU riding what tow ns ale ' eluded in the circuit, when t i : hi is taken n- and detcrmin I'.n'tidt has received Utien t'li i envil'e, Spart;iui:ing and . ill, three S mill ('ainlina row 1HK that thev lie allowed 1 p ague who!) it is fill .1 I'll. The first of Oi to'ii r l her, wi meeting here ,,f 1 1 pi esetil ill i v c all the t"'iis desiring to ent league, and at that time a pettna oiuntti?.a:io!! will ii" funned 'and teams COIISlitlllin.lt it Will lie del .tl. .n. Malinger Lintigrnf. who b originator of. the, movement, is in , vv j At lain ic Coast Line. There wi re 771 I if ('"'1st Line under tlie Yurk now but will return in tim 1 "ii board, most of whom were Idack j of Oovernor Clean wherein have oyi rvthing in readiness fi.r liio moiig the white men in the crow il i t oad cutiil allies w-i to eompel 'it. on Uie Sunt In mi IN ai. Koilmaii an road and Messrs for the S ate. No da:, is set a a he hand" d itig tlie term. , j Brief Review of Case. j The Indictment i f the So'iile rn k ! Kuilwa.i Company Aent T. K. j Two Coaches Filled With Prisoners Ceen. tlie tu:et;on of liolh, the re i lease ol'tliteti on pa'uint of a luuil il h train Wife Kikin - ti r i , I and Guards Sent To Elkin ,-j A'taelud to the passenger , I : ui I ii ," i.sImii-.i last evening Jiwo i iia coacln s. lilli d with a ino'i'ins and i;iiiirds, uoinn to n to dn yiadiiii; work on the new Kl -i e ! l.iti and Alleghany railroad b'itK con ! , n. siructed out of tlinl place. The pris ' i . ,.!.. I - Hi re Ii- '; luom'hl friini Itocferj , j I Mount where they have heeii einploi j t:,iei iii hiiildiiif; doalile track for the : il line with the iiiiderstaiiilim; that wniilil sell no Hiole tickets at all unlawful rate a';d the impo'-iton of the heaw line of Ihiiix ihoiisand d'd hits on the Soiittiein for its persist ence in the sale of tickets at the ex eessise rate, it It .il' !l'Cs! in the niniln of the reHiliiiB-puldic m are also the silse,iieiii sensational pro seeniidn of the Southern and Allan- direct loll the rail ed til I'll- CHU'AHO 111 , Sent. 1 7 - Chh at will d.'cide tod. iv whelher Ihe cilv is to have a new charter. Opponents oil Ihe ploMised hl'l ColiiKCIll it as one fi .lined solely in the iuti rests of He piililieaus, corimra! Ions and wealth of the town. The charter would aholish the present civil service, tt'llliall'e power in hands uf mavoi- an, Tim cah iiM i and di priw the people of icf etvndulil on sell Mil iplestiolis. Hxpen ditiires for nmiinaiiiance of alt city di partlneiits would re-t enltrety with the mayor and commito e direcily mi dr his control liepiil.ln atis on one side and iMn ocrals. Socialists and oi y,aiii.i d suei eties on the o her lioth claim vlctolv Delivers A Stirring Speech That Is Frequent'y Applauded -Greater Part of His Address Devoted To Discus sion of the Railroad Question and the Winston Salem Public Building Matter. K..s MiiloW a IickIiis the . a i h holidays. It . w hicli is Hi drew ,tleii,eiit. It lasts I is a day of li'Toc the i! o .lew Will llllt n il iood or drink, of wal-cr is I'orhwl h ui in iiiediintiDii ill roll lesslon of i ui r-in. hi li.t... ii is ('IIS 'i ui' charity, and lie dead are re-:;-v ol Alom iiicnt ,, :.'t I - nils. IK'-. I Atonement all o; .i Cud, Iml nut :m. unless the par t:U person he s' - Im s. linuoKile in of Alulieliieiit will Will -non orthodox ' r ill" store of .loo This ovoninn at ii. I lie solemn ser- llashnmih, the ". Yoiu Kipiir !'-i. I'-; ' eotldlll ted hy j '.i':' ille, assisted city. The Day tile di'Stl'llclillll day of ivjiiiclnt: j ui ihe Hay oft Since the do-1 i'1' Hie Day of j mure an tirra-l i of rejoicing, in j 1 the hidi priest i ot I lulles after oat" bv a spe- i" wilderness to' in. tin in the f r-! I ! lie eliililriiti .f : . . i- .i . i I 1'1'oacliin tti oi the hif;ti . to 'he teriiph ;lt'' ' nt i'itaci i'i-ed (o snow the sins of the 1 he "ii for:;ivfn. 1 ttic I'liniti i" c d ''a carried on i . oi. fr miles IlleetlllL'. Forsyth Riflemen Invited? The lnanaeirent uf the t'euttsl Carolina Fair litis announced its in lelitioli of offeriii'-' $l'i'l ill prii s lo the hest drilled conipaniis within a r'iiiiius of one hundred miles i,f Creeiislioro. The compel it iv e drill lo ilk'teniiiiio which companies are m titled to the pii.is will he held ,,t! the fair grounds oti Friday. October. IS. ('apt. F. H. llubood is In cliainc of the arraiineiiients and has writ ten the Dm ham, linriliiiuloii. Keiilsvill. , Winston-Salem, Hi;;li I'oint, l.e.xin ton. Salisbury, and M. Airy iinupa iiies exieiidiny: an invitalion to nmv pete. No ollicial ncceptance 'has as yet reached him, but private iul'ur'n n lion slreiiKtlii'ils tile belief that s"vt r al of the companies are prepariiiL' to enter, with the expectation ui carry im? off the lirst prize. The contest will .include all com pany n.ovt nieiits, close and extiuided oilier, and the manual of anus. Three impartial juldp'S will lie secured and will make the awards. The Fair Association offers the $n0 to he i;ive!i either as a whole or in three part's, $.V !.j the best drilled company, $:!u to the second and lo the third. The captains of the coiupetini? lompanies will ileciil, to divide the award.i hi fore tin test. I To Build New Church. Tile coniii'epa'ion of tlie Wetii.in ! ster I'tesbytei'iait church has decided to erect a chur'h "ditiee. The woil; of liuildinj? will no! hoKin for sonic lime. Tilt? church authorities have al- .-as .Tiirjier Welker. tin' was unvicteil for beill (ui the wreck of train No. Ill at niuna about two years ai?o when ral persons lost their lives. INSANE MAN HERE. itMiiau who j t r -hito an nun respoHsiiiii l edijctroti would ; lpM I'o St.iti how con- Was Being Taken From Ashe County To Asylum in Coldsboro. Ilepuly Sin liff A. (I. Yilllersmnl, uf Ashe county, passed tlnoiiuli here m sienlay liny ins in cliarce an ato il colored man by the inline of Culvin Cole, taking him to the insane asylum at Coldsboro. Fpon his arrival' nl Clienstioro .Ml'. W llllerspoon placeil his man in the county jail for safe keeping until time to leave on the three thirty o'clock train for (lolds li'io. The crazy man was very vio lent and it required tin hard work of two men to take him from the rail road train to the jail. Such u sight on the street excited no little atten tion and by Ihe time the party reach I'd the jail there were at least fifty curiosity seekers following on behind. THREE COTTACES BURNED Early Morning Fire on Linden Street Causes Loss to Colored People. There was a fire on Linden street tiii.s morning' a little alter three o'clock. The alarm was turned in friim box :!.", and the firemen ha.slen i d tu I he scene. It w as found that -ev'eral cottagis, occupied le, negroes, wire on lire. The lire originated in the dwelling ii i ii i ti t .1 by Stun. Daniel, and lie tiiinks il was of incendiary origin, lie lo-t his liirtiituie, valued at $l.",n. The i wins kent out of debt and it is nro- I nosed to continue Ibis nolicv. w Ii irli i '" ' owned by Kd. I1M1, was al ! will be carried Into effect bv aslcim: I for yearly cont riiittl ions and in tins manner providing the greati r part of tfle-needed fund' hefoiV tile coli-truc-I t ion work is begun. Subscription (blank's were passed among the nietn- I I. I.oui llanla to titiiie. They :'-s Charlotte Ludlow, who "hi to confer '''' t'eftai'iling ;h' il V iili t bets on Sunday nd a sum closely a. .J.'Miii was raised. Child Scalded. Willi.. I.1-..1.1. f-,st M ,s Knour 1,1,.,.., I -..,1 i oiiiiuay moiiiiiig ai ille liuiiie u .1. 0. I Carson, liv'ng al 122 ' North Davie I street, his ll-monllis- old daiitthier. j Alice, was seriously burned about the j fare and chest by the accidental spill- ing (if a cup of hot coffee. Toddling' along the Moor near the . ilinng-rooni j J table the Mule lot reached up and graspeu uie saucer, putiing uie ((in tents down upon Ijer ftice am! chest, and caused her to scream out in at?-ony. iiiust totally destroyed, the hiss beiliR about $ "inn. The home of I'eiors Kn-ni.- was consumed by the lhi:t.( s and that of Milla lirock was partially de stroy! d The total loss will amount to JL- A GOOD PERFORMANCE. Black Patti Troubadours Pleased Large Audience Last Night. The Llack I'atii Troubadours picas ei a lame audience at the Fiks' Au ditorium last night. The balcony and STILL Tise Suit IN PROGRESS. " county will I'faff'own. tit 10 a. in. itiiis,', speak 'ptesiion box ' itili-ts, trade ' iiiiuirers and ui' invited. "n'ary and t 'tWi sll.rook ' Rtay at :. Va yes- :i ' mi jia n ; tl ;'"'. Sr., who ti Winston Sa- Anainst the Whit.iker Har vey Company. The suit oi .1. (', Tise amiinsi Hie Whitaker llervey Co , to jirivi nt tl,e closing up of the all y . b, Iweeii Hi" fiKtories of the plaintiff ttcl lie fendanls, is s'ill being heard in 111" Superior Court, and one or Hie conn i el expnsi, d 'he opinion llii; .if'er sulh i hi i I"'"! of I lugll Wen Wile filled with llegroes, W II il ipiite 'i good many whit audience. The shiro; atil. some of the n .on' and houp-rulling "stiii,!- t'ie best fe it ares, uf a pleaMti ,1'liialice. w e in II ae I'l w ork Leave for Knoxville. R. v II. W. Laker and Mr. M H Stockteii It-It iliis tifteriioon fur Ktiv villi . Teiiu., to iittelid the iayiiieii -mis.-ionar.V conference of ihe Su'iill- I'll Melliodist (lnil'cll. They wid re. turn Thursday. Mr. Haiou will be nu t in liven, boro by his wife and -on and ilu'.v w ill go to New Yoi k Af n ut hereby the int. i effect iil.d The lis In the Slate nild tile ITliled s Courts to be caitieil up in .due i form and as rapidly as im issihle. Contentions of Southern. llroaillv stated, the contentious of llov Si.'itttjej.ty.l.ih' the appeal being ar gued today are that 'neither the bill of indictment, com i I ion, nor the judgment luiKised in this ( ase, caul under the law. be sustain d. In Iheir .iigiinieni today Mi .-sis. Uudinaii and I'on took the position that it Is not an Indictable offense for a railroad company to charge more than the I wo una) a iiiarter cents rate In North Car olina for the rertson that the act re ally makes the violation by the agent a n. isilenicanor, and for the railroad merely imposes heavy penalties to he sued fur by the parties agrievcil. Ill th,. hiiefs tiled this colitenlioii is elaliuialeil at great lengili and numer ous authorities cited. Another contention is that, the fine i in ; (,.it i is not authorized by the stat ute and is in conillcl with the con--liiniioti. and judgment should have been arrested; further, that the line Is excessive and In violation uf the constiliitiiui of th" I'niteil Stales and Judgment should Ivor this reason be a: ti ! The contention Is also made that upon the Whole evi'leme tlie nelelid ant railiniid company was entitled to the I' lpicst for instruction to Ihe Jury 'till! tl videiice was insufficient to find cither the Southern or Anont Crc' i; giiipy. There is also the con tetiLnii that the defendant did not have a lair juiy to try t he case. Fnflierniore ihe Southern contends in tin- argument presented that when .luiii" Lung refuse.! to continue the case, or allow the defendants tltne In which to prepare for ibfenso ml luH'i'il lliein to trial within twenty four loins after the finding of the bill, tin' railroad company was ther by ib iii' il due process of law and the equal protection of the Fourteenth Atiietiilnii'til to the ( (institution of the ITiilcl Slates. Then there Is the (.'en crai ami final plea of the iincoustitii- a'tionaldv of the I t cent passenger rate ;e't in that It t in violation of tie- Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. In arguing the urn a--oliabbiless of the penalties provided in the act, conn-el submitted the cal ciila'ioii that In coiitesiitig the consti tionality of th" te-i a railroad company -neb ni; the Soulli' itt would make It -elf and its aKenl liable in thirty lays' lime to $IT,:!,7".'i.itHii fine again. si he company, the sane aiii'innt against its agetils and In addition ten tlnnis :ind years in jail All this, argument 'a as ill addiiioii to lite plea thai the whole matter of tin ap,Il ation of the new' rate act was already pend ini? in the I'niled States Court to !et the constitutionality of the tin and an injniiciioii issued by the judge ;i si.i i 1 1 s t ciifoicing tin- act until llo MR. KINGSLEY'S VIEWS. President cf New York Life Insurance Company Addresses Convention of Insurance Commissioners of U. S. ItlCIIMOXD Va . Sepl 17 An ap peal lo the convention ul Insi.i inc. euiiiiiiissioiieis ot the l iiiled SI. lit s for supervision based "on a national rather than local view was made bv I'nsideut Kingsley, of ihe New York Life Insurance Co , In all address be i'oi e" i hat ) Iy "Today lie d. . Lit d thai iioiwIttistaiidliiK riillni; of the I'nited Stales supreme court life In sinaiiee can be Justly tuiperv ls d only if treated 'as though it were In Inter state commerce jurisdiction. Spiaklim uf insurance legiilallon lie said: "The future -of life insurance Is menaced by reform through' dclrur tiuti. When will justice and slates liuinsliip, which would 1'i foiiii bv con servatiou, lake the place of the poll tlclan who thinks he has reformed when he has destroyed. IMslionest trustees should be tri al' il as ciilni mils. Deliberate looters of railroads urn-Ill to tie In the penitent bit v. The man who makesa ureal Industrial I'onililmil ion and by means of doctor ed stati Hu nts unloads watered slock on a poorly informed public, piitlin : the proceeds In hU own pot ki t. Is a modern type of high way mini The fu ture of American life Insurance Is as certain as Hie future of American civ ilization. Il must go on lit cause H perforins now and is able to perform functions in civ ill.allon which have not been given any other liiiniiii -s." BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. Major T. .1. llron came In today' on the Charlotte train. Mrs. M. i. lirock. of I la vie coiiiilr, Is visiting relatives In the city. Mrs. ('has. Sink, of North Wilkes burn, Is visiting friends In the city -Mis. Lillie t, waul died tit her huilie in Advance early Mils morning Mr. Itutlin I'rall. of Madison, Is the guest o, Mr. .1. A I'.yeiiy, on Sixth street. Mi sdames Sam and .1. A. L. Miller went lo Clou lotto ibis afternoon to visit lebitives. Mr. ami Mrs, II .1. Ilartsell, of Seat tie. Wil-h , were I he guests of V. IV Iteid yes-onlay Mrs. D S. 'hidings went to Cornel 1 ins l-i.iii'. to atti-lid the beibdde of lu,r lather, w Lo is very Hi. , M -. s 17. Johnson and little Ron reunited yesterday from a visit to King and Rural Kail. T. Morgan and -on, Paul, and l. W. lleilget i,c, re-iirne-l yesterday fto'i1 a trip lo Jamestown and Washington, Judge AdatiiKL of On ensboro, Weill Cotitiessiii.-in V. W Kilcliin. the i I able representative ill Collliless (mill illliS Itlle tilthl lltsllict Mild one of the leading candidates tor the gnber nil t ti ii u I nomination, addiesse, an enthnsiasiic .unlit nee uf ..mi or inotv Voteis 111 the coin I hoil-e last inijit Ihe spitt ll was nil aide uliii dellvt lt d in that siyle Itia! has made "Hill" Kill bin one of the foi eiuo.-.l ciinipai.:ti el's ill the Stale today, and Ihe discus sioli uf t'O ci loio lit supervision of mo liopolics was, perhaps, uev , r( pref ent ett in a more Interest ing and concise m.iniiei bv a sMakei in Ihtscliv. Tin. coiigiessm.tit s speet It was littt-t i ttptt , lime and iisiiin In applause and at Hie coiicbisiou many g.itlu'ied about him to ph due to him ibelr suppoil in his ( iiilt-i for tin1 uuuiliialioii for gmeiiiur At S o'clock Hie congressman came Into Hie i itrooin The Winston Com i. i.l Hand mid Hie audience gave ll'Ill il lleilllv Welcomi Ihe i tiltgre-s-tttat- w as -wconittttuit-d -by - a - striinK coleiie ol poliilcul friends, iiniung the IIIIHllit'l' eellig C II Ihisleu, 11 q , Dl It II Jones, I7x SbeiilT Frank At Kpinull, t i lit pl'eseliliillve .1 tl Wild dill and a halt dozen or mure uilu i . vvllil ll well known in polilleal clr cles The cougi i .' siuan v til e that -1 1 1-t:t 1 1 lit i it 1 1 1 1 1 bat, lung t ii.il and siring lie, three ailieles uf wesiriiu; appuiel thai (Inlliigiii .hes ' lull'' Kitcliln fi'utii oHieis at all limes and places. Intrcduced as the Next Governor. Dr. It II. .loins IhiiikIiii t-, the speaker u a few winds lie mild thai Hie people knew Cong 1 1 ssmall KlKll In; knew his record on all tpiesiloiiM; knew that lie had proven true to Ids const Ii iienls In Coiigi'tHK ami knew that le woiiitl prove true as Ihe next governor of Norlli Carolina. Mr. hltthin Wii.i greeted with ap plause as he arose Turning lo Dr. Jones, he thanked him It.i bis kind words and added that he had known the dot tor to be u good and true prophet and ho-lr Moved ihe pruphc cies uttered by him would prove Due lu Hie gubernatorial contest, , , Differences In the Party. The speaker began bv saving I hut it was uiiiisiiiil for a candidate to be gin bis campaign a year In fore the meeting of the coin I III ion but lie be lieveil Ilia! It Wits necessary fur those who oppose Ihe pllllldol illg of Hie peo ple bv monopolies to iborouglilv etlu Cllle Hie peopte Upon the question. Siiv Ini! that these unlaw mi i oiiibimil Ions are always active In their efforts to prevent the people I I Illl lighting their wrongs. The . leium i ai it party In this Stale Is illvltlnl into two fact Ions; made and so Icnin d by what he term ed the con --ei ', 'a 1 1 v e press. "What are- these ililTeieiit fM? Our ii 1 1 v Pi a unit on Ho. -question of education, we are ad logo ht-r oil the ipif llon of pensions and ail of Uh r't!iet that we cannot make these pension to old Confedeiatos even larger: we all fought shoulder to shoulder for the consiiiutioiial ii ii i ii tin i -1 j t What then are the differences between the HO called- ladlcal and conservative fac tions of Hie party? The diffcrenc ca are on quoKihuiH of tnoiiopollcH ami lit to in appear the F for a ileial ,1. Icn Court. is iittei'tling Cap! John lo Wilkesboro roi Sunv ((unity (Iii Com r. Ciipiaiti VA. II Cuilf'iid Superior Thonias has chun rim ')!! ill I (illtl) of Uie Ht'bl i W Il,l ' of Atonement. -the -t-iir o; Shapiro will In ( lost tl from il o'clock 'bis evi niug Of Cllpt, llol lell'M liiilroails." Not Dangerous Man Nor Dangerous - Theories. ; "I ami the theoiiis I icpresenl have been tirimd llilllgeutus' y my file mies Well, If I am daiiKt ions ' the people-should know It If I am dan genius it Is right ami proper that, every man In He State 'honld know ii now 1 : 1 1 1 the thit.rli - of 'he rad it al clement an' not dangerous lu fact they are safe and censer v at i ve We ille ll)pOSillI those pl II ltel'l I H lei' lellllliniHl Ihey will I'D III let'e about .' four Havana, Cuba. ilayr j const It nt ioliii Ii t y w ;i s noon In; would re The counst I Im niitti-d a minion noon to di-niiss but .hid--'' Moor l.e takins? of evidence concluded t'Miiorro,v Hie defeumil'ls sub late yesteuliiv nlier or non-sin' '. stated that 'erred to lr ii fore ruling t Anion'., tlie iliiv wi re e-i lie all of the evidene c. Hie mot ion witnesses ettniiiiiu ly I'lngiueer It. I'. ease pfe 1,1 d t of Yiiilkin ttig relatives 'ic today. T. If. I eSiiiini, Mi'- an'! Mrs. H A. I K.. ("llt to "I ineta. Clifton t'.v, Ogburn. Miss Nellie Spoof, of Hootivillo, spent the day in the city on lief way to Fovvhattan Colli at Charley Town. V. Va. Matrimonial Papers. Onlv one lieolis' for inarriil'O issued y e .li'iilay. T his was to H ,ee mid Ola Armstrong, In this city. Tie io wa- also a licens" is.-u dav lor ihe marriage of Ceorge ham and Susi w 11 Ch.ls. -Hi ul ar v- Ihe is- Circuit II i Maud nigh' itt tow n ev po.-itlon d to-Ainu- Deveham, of Winston I air boritii s ami pn gtiineiii, taking tli .Smith and daucliier, Mr of Davie County, spent la the ci-v en mute to Jam d upon. Position of Counsel For State Much Hie greater part of the gnrueiit siibliiille.! by ; O ivi tint cock and Mr. .Li-tiei was i sue uf the jurisdiei ion of tl Court of the I'nit",! States the railroad company under suspend ihe operation of 'lie act its Of ill st it mi it ii i .i I it y. Ati- pie -I'd in. oil This jui indict i on conn-el ip nied. fit ing ti'ing lengtnv ar o.-ilioll I hilt the dure d"li!n'ii'l"iy' look tin1 tate nial-ilig out of the han-! of the Cor p ra'ioii CoiiiIiiIssImii aid pi.--e. it-s't-lf an updating' acl to prevent imv injunction a;-, to in operation from the to' o clock Thursday moiulrif?. iwho lite robbing Hie people Ihroiigli I'rof C. L Cel. '.ell went to Klieii ' nofai hum pnietji eu who extort from m il Wllkeslioro t "I ay in the lliteie- t ; ns our iietn- v by let ill s of tli. t i imina f - the TwinCity I'.usini ss Collot'o lung lales; who iioii.ndize our liven ly'hicii now has an ciiiollinciit of hi.'i ; m irdi r that 'ln y ii.ay niak- liKue t ii'le; t s. i money " Mrs. Victoria Holier' -, who lias been j Throws Down a Challenge, and Defies vetting relatives and friends here, left today for Saiilord, S C. to accept a position its stenographer with a in which j ""'' ys "" ink to I four iriuiieii si uihm lessen ariiv i i I I mi nisi nigtii to lake pi i-ions wrn 1 Madam Hancock. She now gives em ployment to iwelve and will add six or eight others to li"f force. H v it .'IS I tie in tie i position 1 1 Mr. Kill I, ' tno dange jthat eleii.. : not a tn i'i ; uie say a i porate in! is Enemies. avoid nothing, I ohllgf at . v. ry ipie . "I dot . ei;. or te it. im - ' itnun yini old ii'.-allisl In brown on mv lion," declart-'l hose who cull -'iipoilor-i of no- Tle-rc is . bo ever beard Is or .1. day W Fries went to Chap-1 (Continued ou l'ag.e Five.) MKV AND LA 1)1 l.S W" I KD- To 1 ducting canvass pim'H of wlusl i -. or tnor-! i,tit r I p? iiic in ed not iippiy i. J a tl i v fur am ,, eigiit hour, wink Call at I liil:"S , mat in;' House from li to ! p. in bela-, or be ' iobb"i fore Id a in on tee 1Mb V S O;,- : burn, iti.t.oii S'ii'-m, .V. C. a Ic 'it Old. w Min-1 I. bat. II, 'I III ite I, - are all ii Is, r If I lllglr, i-'giiitnat' ii'llllliOIIS ill" ss. I 111 lor till Hi . naif ... dt t leulile .t 111 il 11 p or on Hie but Tu lb" ,ple (CiuiUlied otl I'agH i)

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