VVTO-ciTVDA V .Q IhT i.-4 THE SENTINEL GET? TH, THE UNITED PEESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES, CITY EDITION AI.i:.M,X. C WKDNKSHAY KVtMMi, SKIT KM KKK IS, ;07. riJH'i: .-iC'KNTS. ABOUT 100 PERISH MR. ROOSEVELT IS REFEREE PATTERSON FILES REPORT J E L-L 11 .A Edition ?TT7Tp win.- BFELLERWILL OKLAHOMA UNF P HOLD AGAlNj DEMOCRATIC HULE: N BURNING SHIP STILL DETERMINED IN BIG PILOT M NT LAND millionaire to As-, Candidates of That Party Are A Big Japanese Steamship Man Who Has Just Visited PlalntitTs and Defendants Take Exceptions and These Will it . r n M in - n. ol Oil Trust's Af- H,,.,e,s Again After Eight ,; R,..,itent Numerous j( tpf Gigantic Trust Are H ,v jo Take This Step. . i, . :. Is John ,! i. i nii iim1 to ,, ; , i j: ! in lln' man- i s li.il.u.l Oil Co.. af , ,'. , ,.f r. iiivii!c:it. Ho , 1,. ,,;hce twice in the . . . ., s. Ili haJ no , uf tin- company , , , . i he many troubles ;U.e company cause r ;,. ;;!!! control. I -t startling Figures. (; S-. J 1M videitclt, .,. r I . ; al srxk of Ct" , .., ; . ,i ., the Standard ,.,. !!n, title and net .,,,!, r in Rockefeller ... This fact became !','! y i i's the earninga - uiary companies ; : ;.r mystery, but at ;. i. ... i.-MURht by the , : .! to dissolve the i ; my.of New Jersey ; , from a veWta.it Mi.r Comptroller Fay. ik.ai'js hat BtapRered' ex- in -Minings ol the sev i i":V; eiiipanies ' of :1. ' Rid, i f the seventeen s ii.iij.t by attorneys u, iii i ipii-tl over ninety-two i , y..U paid i 1903, over i il l profits the same A'y ltee millions; divi .:. mt f tiny-one million..;; in;.' icir. over fifty -sev n Chosen at Elections Held In the New State Yester day. Prohibition Adopted New Constitu tion Adopted Now "Up To" Presi dent Roosevelt To Sign the Ena bling Act Results of Battle At the Polls Yesterday. Burns and Many of the Crew and Passengers Lose Their Lives. i '5 YEARLY ISAM,!,! key Corporation Controls the Ic' More Than Seventy Corpo- E.-g.-'yed in the Refining and nation of Oil. Y'M'K, Sept. 17. Delvin :;t.;.iit ial Aorklniw of the tii- ('(imp my, of Now Jer- . iinur company of till tlie "iLMiiiz.itUins of the so Fl'iink B. Kellogg, con f"'!t ial suit for liie disso- ' ... i i itiiwny, brought forth : view. for i lie first time is .mil's made by Stan- ''"liii.ilH. 1 '! "f i'iht years, fror inclusive, the Standard ill I stiltemetlt sprett.l . 1 of today's liearin i ii ;iave earned the total ""i.V'.l, ov at Hie rale ii '. I.'um.uun a j,.ar a,.d 1 ' idia.-eholders in tne "n, in:;. ' ' i , ..i ny was earning n t lie refining of oil, I'lus'el at tin- hear -i-"' ."ti between 18113 Hlltl i - .f Hi., (winipaiiy grew ;'" iiiiiils. i'ritm "1,791, : 'i. '.: The rupital stock K p!:..iiniers and thoso ''" '"e exact profits ' ' ' 1 I '!. hav.. (striven ' ' 1 '' twines Aliieh Mr. ' i today in , placinK ' f ;he coiit. The "'; ;,any niiikes no ,: ''isiiltys a)td olhei i' n of 'a dividend ii .iinounitinient. by ' " be paused. ' "MASTERS' MEF.tlNG. "'cn Vii) Be Hr.d , Ra!. " Octoter 15 and' 16. yiept. l.-it'ostmaster ; ' 'trued from Washington t to a range ft,r the cou- nh Carolina Postmasters letober and if. ttrlirrS vill be several hn nshts of nenl, includinK Postmaster n Meyer and Assistant Mc W. II. Snllman, sttperin free delivery. Indications will be hundreds of post katten. lance from all over OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept. Jv-Tlie election tn this State resulted in tin adoption of the new constitution elect ioA of 'In lietuoeiutic camlicl.iirs and ! ' adoption of prohibition. It is noWff ' l to" I't'esiditit Roosevelt to sigiifj; l. enabling net. The new gov vnji i '. X. llaskill . lietnoeiat. win. defeats pres. in territorial gov ernor rruutz, who ran as the Keiiub- liciui candidate. EXPLOSION THREATENED. Fire In French General Stores and Ordnance Guarters Extinguished Before Serious Damage Was Done. i.Ol'LDX. France. Sept. IS - Fire in general stores and ordnance depart liient threatened explosion today which could not have failed to cause damage running far into the miliotis and probable heavy loss of life. Uuty al'ter the most desperate efforts wi re Haines finally extinguished and pre vented Iroin r aching ammunition magazines. The tire is believed to be of incendiary origin. Delightful Social Event. .. .Misses .Mabel Sharp and Faye Richardson entertained last evening at their home on Spruce, street. Tie occasion was made more enjoyable by the singing of Miss Gertrude Dean and Mr. Frank Thornton, accompan ied by Miss Klizaheth Fetti r at the piano. Miss Helen Urown rendered several violin solos, which were thor oughly appreciated. Nun-ber of Those Who Perished Is Estimated At One Hundred. Al though This Is Not Certain Vet A Horrible Disaster at Chiang Kiang. I President Says lie "Stands; Pat" on His Refusal to Kun, Again. I i This Man Adds That His Enemies Might Possibly Do Something To Cause President to Run Again But j Be Argued Before Judge Moore In December Has Been in Courts for the Past Nine Years. CIVIL SERVIC E That Under No Other Would He Do So. Conditions LONDON. steamship Citing Kiang passengt rs i Sept. lv The lapanese I'aifit Mai n but tied a Many id the crew ;m,l til E KAMINATIOr . missing and most Mi in are probablv dead, according t i 1 Shanghai dispatch to the I.IomIs. The number ot ib ad is e.-timated a; one h'uudivd. CRISIS IN BARRTUCKER SCRAP. Charged With Fraud in Connection With the Erection and Furnishing of the Pennsylvania State Capital. ls.- IIAUUISHl'IKi, lVnn., Sept Warrants were issued today tit In stance of Attorney General Todd for John H. Sanderston, contractor; Jo seph M. Huston, archlti ct; Congress man Cassell, of Pennsylvania Con struction .Company ; George F I'ayno. contrator who built the rapilol; Clias J. Vetter, Payne's partner; James M Shuiuaker, former superintend, nt of public grounds and buildings; Win L. Mathciis, former State treasurer: Win. P. Synder, former auditor gen eral, all charged with conspiracy to tdieat and defraud the coniiiionwealth In connection with erection and fur nishing of the cupitol. There are thir ty count!) included under one general charge. Civil actions to recovi r a po'tion of the money alleged to have been grafted w ill now be start! il -In follow thi' criminal action. BOND OF SIX MILLIONS. Mr. James M. Ban-. Recently Created Head of the Jamestown Exposition, Requests to Be Relieved as Director General. NOUFOI.K. Va. Sept. 17 In a lit ter aiMie-sed to the conuiiiUee of ill rectors which arranged a seitb tnent of liilTuences existing some weeks ago between himself and President Harry St, George Tinker, of ,,e Jaini stow ti Kxposjtlnn. Janu s M. I'..ri ri (Jin sts to be relieved of his dul iv s as diiector genera.1. Continued con tiicf between Mr. Tinker and M.. I'.arr over the social features of ,!u exposition caused Mr. Mart's aciim, He cltims lie cannot continue in ins present position and maintain his si ii re peed-. Director General James M. Hair's resignation came is a biuubsliell In the camp of the exposition officials today, although It was Known to the committee named by the directors recently to settle the misunderstand ing between Mr. U.ur and President Tucker, in reference to the social fiincilous at the exposition, that Mi. Ha rr was not satisfied with the ad jiistment announced. In making public his letter of resig nation, directed t; Hie committee I la it declared the matter settled and refused to 'make any further stale mi nt. GOVERNOR JOHNSON TALKS. Chief Executive of Minnesota Says He Is Not a Candidate For Demo cratic Presidential Nomination. NKW YORK. Sept. IS. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, who wai In town yesterday, while declining to talk politics, said be was not a can didate for the next Democratic nom ination for president. He said it would be anybody's rrize when the coiiu ntion met. The governor declur '(I the next Democratic platform woiiki tie a ilociipie.it to utterly con serve the rights of I be people against trusts. The railroad problem will come in for as iniicn H-ltcntmn as will ilie tariff. NKW YORK, Sept. Is. -One id the glles's nf President Roosevelt is to day iiiotod as saving that the presl ib nt is still ti rm I y determined not to accept another nomination. The state ment is added that Hisslbly his ene tiins might tlo something to induce him to run again but not otherwise. Roosevelt Is iitoled as saving that he still regards Taft as the l ..dim. candidate but rtvognies liie I'lowth of the Hughes boom. CRUSHED UNDER A TRAIN. Body of Charlotte Young Man Found on Southern Railway Track Near Coal Chute. CHARI.OTTK. Sept, is - Mr. Wil Main II. Desmond. Jr., aged 17 veais. a .stenographer in the olHce of the American Machlnei M.innf.ici nt i:ig Company, was run mn Hint killi d by Southern passenger train No. :i." just below the old coal i bine at l'l.C'i U.d night. Conductor Gilmer, as his train wa. pulling out, notice I some one ' Jhiu'i off, W'lieu he reached Castoni.i he win d back to the' tnen in the local office, telling them of what liad hiip pened and suggesting an Investiga tion, A short search toealei a giiasti." find. To one side of the track, alxiu! Inn yards , south of the Fast Second stieet crossing, a boy's head w.i; found lying In a pool of blood. Tb-' skull bad been crushed In and the neck was severed as if with a shaip axe. Fifty feet below the bead lay the body. It was partly across tin track and bote such marks as if the entire train hud parsed over It. The trunk had been rut almost in two and the bgs severed just above the an kles. Kvery hone in Ilie 1mm! y .inn limbs had been broken, lilooil icd fragtnenUs of flesh spaltiyed li,e tracks nearby. A ci.il. all fatten I and torn, lay to idle side of the bisly A new bat was found near the sev ered head. MAY GO TO SEATTLE IN STYLE. Will Be Held In This City On November 16 Por Clerk and Carrier In the Postoffice Service. The I'ldt.'d State,, Commission nnoii.i.'. ili'l'tou will lie b Id Nou nihi r I'it'i to' cleik ami ct ' r, el se! i ice. Clerks in o.'Mc. s ond class and Iheii set ice ( hll Si rvi.i , that an e,ui. in 'his ci' ie. tii. hisI'Io:ih ot l.i he iMsiolIlci s of 'b.e tils! iiml sec 1 1' i n , in the city de ale ilnided Into six HIS MISSION ACCOMPLIbHCD. ew Advertisementn. ''hiiia Hall 'niportant . au nt In tomorrow's Sentinel i-.i ' wedding gifts. Hill-Stockton Co. Good heap. yes, we shoe t-"i)h, the Standard Oil Company, of Indiana, Required To Give Bond in Tnat Sym CHICAGO.. 111.. St pt. IV Jmlg" Grosscup today fixed the bond for t.ie appearance .of the Standard Oil Com pany, of Indiana, in appeal from .l.idce I .n lulls" decision. ;it four millions. Ile lixed bond in plea for writ of supi r. e deas a. two millions. The Standanl. of New Jersey, was accepted as .-iilr-ty ill both Citses. LOCAL INVENTOR SELLS PATENT ISSUED SEPT, 3 General Drude has Practically Suc ceeded In Forcing Submission of Moroccan Tribes. PARIS. Seid. IS. -General Dnid has accomplished his mission i i Mo rocco and the submission of till the tribes is pow practically as.-aiied Tliev will soon lay down their arms and return to work. The police sys tem will be put in force as soon as peace is established. SCORES LOST LIVES. Over 100 Passengers and Entire Crew of Ship Reported Drowned. SHANGHAI, Sept. 1 S. Over one hundred, passengers and entire crew of a ship lost their livts near here Thi ship burned to water's edge. TO m EVERY DOLLAR Local Eagle Lodge Planning to Attend Annual Meeting. The Winston Salem aerie of Kagh may charter a Pullman dining car to go to the annual meeting of the Grand Aerie, which will be in Id in Seattle. Washlng'on. next August or September. It has In en sitggestnl that a fund for this purpose be nils eil by the members eonl rlbiillng so ii'uch a mmilli. A cnmnilliee has bei it ; 1 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to secure latcs from the railioad company and decide uhui the kind of uniform to be worn In tue eieii' the 1 Ian ciirrl-s. I!y this nr taiigeipept the members of the local ai rie would be able to stop over in a bod at any poin's ;if Interest til they desired to visit. They .iKo sleep and dine on the cat.' at Seattle, thus saving boti ! roiit won w hi! bills CONAN DOYLE TO WED. Marriage Takes Place This Afternoon But Hour and Place Are Kept Se cret: LONDON, Sept. IS - A. Conan Doyb is to be married this afternoon but theliour and place Is being kepi secret from the public. iir LiiiiNay i alters, n. referee In the new famous P'lol Mountain la ml case, h.is tied Ids n-pot t. but It In not satisfactory to either the plaintiffs or the i!eieml,ini Tilts cae has bt eti 11 C, i i for nine yeuis ,b -ie :r .". '. I of land itindv.il On Ibis U : J the old Pilot Mountain Ilie lawMis for the plaintiffs hiuI defetidHUtii will to have argued rx (cptlolis tn ken M the ri'lillTS leNin Im fote Judge Moore in chambers here today, but bis honor ttxul mini he" dale this morning the opening day lei m of Forsjlh Su glades, us follows; First grade ry. $'iiin; second gt .tde, ' salai i . $sti.. Iliiril graili'.s.ilai . yni'l. foiittli f'rad'. salary. fifth grade, siil.uv it. l"a; slyili grade, salary, $.''uo Clerl, . and carriers at Mrsi iiass otlices h(1 iifoinoteil successively to the DIM grade, and clerks and catrleis at sec iind class idllces will be (ununited sic reisiwly to the foiptb grade All promotions of both clerks mid Mt-rtets- - will , lie iiiad at Hie. .bi-iui. ning of tlHtipiaiter following the e, ' ration of a year's service In Hie next lower guide No promotion will Ii made except upon evident e sulisfac lory to the postofli,." iH-partnieitt of the efllcicllcy and fiiitllfulness of the employ ep diirlug the iieeiiug yeio When a clerk or caivter fails ot pm motion because of unsutlsf.iciori i r vice he mav be ptonioted at the be ginning of the second ipiiirter there afler, or of any suiiseiptent ipiarl. .'. on evidence that bis record hits beer. satisfactory during the Intervening period. Clerks and cairieis of I'd highest grade In their n-uwcthi ollices are eligible for promotion lo the higher xisto:u in said imstol lices. Age limit, all po.dtlotis, 1 to I", years. Tile ne limits tire waived, however, In Hie ca.ii's of personn lion ot a I1 v dlscliariri d from the mlliiaiv or navttl service by reason of dlsabil Ity resulting from wounds or slckm.S'i Incurred In tlv line if duty. Male H pllcauts for the iioslollice sen be luiisl be in least ,'i feel I Inches In height it bale feel, and I..', pounds In weight, without oietco;,t ami bat; othetwise llieir application w ill be canci b d. Female iipp'tcati . i are not required 'o be of am specif!.' height or weight. Applicants for the postolllee seniie are required to be pliy sically soul,.; I1 11(1 In good health. The. postolllee Depart ireiit has udvie'd the Coiniiil slon dial no person who Is delective 111 any of the follow ini; tiann il aric ulars will tie uppolnieil in tbe no.s! office Wt V ice 1 1 ll II I Ii ell l.s , peiHOII having tb-fe. t.lie heating', ifglit, or speech; person i bll el III one eye; onc ai lie d. oiieliab.bd, or one b gge , persons, nl lo.-e Ih.villg ilildei aims or legs or those stiffi ring from asthma or luinla Applications from pel soiis who haw air. of the iliihii.il defects liient loin (I will be canceled, unless such persons are lioiioiably" discharged l iiited Slates Mold'iei s or saiioi s la ti'il women will not be admit ted to this i xatnina; ion. This proh1 biif ii. however, does not apply to ill vor. id won i'li or women who are sip urate,; from their husbands and sup Mir' themselves. ot tile lh eelnber penor Cnnit Two of the lawyer cunniite.l will) the rjM' nay Mr Patterson remr' is liotfi I' ngtbv and complicated Mai D Hold, of pinnacle, who Is In chaige ot the priperty, Is one of the iletemlants Howling Whitfield. ot Atlanta, lei, Is one of the principal plaintiffs It was In his name that the suit was Instituted "Afier you lawyers get throug't with It Ho re won t be much of tbe old 1 Hot left. I suppose." suggested , newspaper man to two of the counsel tliis nun iilug ' I iloii t know about that, but I do know that I have never Ims ii utile to get a cent out of It," promptly re plb i one of the lawyers And neither have I." suld the other member of the bur .tin, account of tin; lime that will be li(iilrid lit tilgue the motion, Judge Mi Mire made an order that th punts drawn for the December term of court be untitled to appear on Tue day. Instead of Monday HANES 11 MM--. ' NEARiNG COMPLETION New Plant of the P. H. Hinei Knit tiny Company Will Be Put In Regur lar Operation About the First of th Year. new four story and basement and Im Ial i.k.I addition to the M ines Knitting Company Is nl completed, and the machinery The brick P II most, will lie Installed soon. The building Is of (lie must approved mill coll striictioii type and will be Ottist I iliioughout with modern npplinnnceri foi preventing, lire I he stall w ays are r ;n up In a tow.r built for Hint pur 'lose I he building Is we liKhleil by numerous windows, mid will be a very i pleasant pl.oe to Wot k III The basement will be un'd as a dry ! ing, lo iiii. ami for stoinge, wiilb- the j llt'-i lloor will be used for packing the ! Mulshed goods The second ftonr Will ! be i i ' 1 1 1 1 .in a (HiWhlng room, and . the third Hour for tii.inufaeturfiig The I fourth floor wdl be used as a stotage In. Ill Tills is Hi" same plan In Vonue In the old building it will i i i i iieui iv two bundled oiieliillveH lo tun tins new nddllloll, which will pi.il.,ib!v be rjiitllliK regu billy by He IP. I of Hie j .fur. JUDGE CLARK'S OPINION. TO ASK FOR REMOVAL Of ADMINISTRATRIX: ELECT CLASS OFFICERS JU: XBW YORK. Sept. is It is officially reported by tile L'biied S ..o.; patent. offKe that Wlotley Iv Main' inventor, of iiistoa-Salem. has soid and itssigtied let t fin patent No. m.,V liul, on a levelling ma. hine mechan ism for vehicles jusi granted io him September third, lo the Standard Cross Tie .Machine Company, of New Orleans. La. Tim considi ta! ion is ie ' stati !, t i ROGERS'S CONDITION. Tim rnnr; ' day io ro'iut v N Ii Hie fl'ii w a liuanee c(imMiiliee of Sui ty will nice' at lloltsott next Mne pass upon the . report ol the coiiiiiiisiioncrs and Sheiift J.- I lav is. i.s claimed 'ha: the sinuiif owes county about JVunn, bib his ;.ds argue that if this is iue it the resui; of roi's' made by tie' .Tewett r.yp. .Office 310 and ear. 312 bert D. ; ii ii oit . Temple Marti n v-A'v attractive page Study 'Your Style." Standard Oil Magnate Does Not Look j So Badly and Says Nothing About" His Illness. FAIR HAVKN. Conn.. Sept. is -II. II. Rogers mav be fully as sick as luwyu's. reiatives. physicians and re,i j bod recent alive townspeople have said, but it i.s generally agreed he doesn'' look it. He is out every day fre quently and make a long trip alone, runs electric victoria without chaf feur and talks wiih old friends am! never says illness. count v coiiimis-ioni ; s in m iking set tlement with Sheriff Davis. A' citizen of Suit, county tells Tii" Sentinel that SheriiT Davis is prepir ed 'o pay every rem he ow... m (ouii'y. ciuiimitlee has lain engaged To sev i i al u ii'n'hs in v estigatiiiL' f'l f the vai'ou.i c( iintv ofheial ale! in e t!i" final a: the m settle illetlt 'H !.o next M(dii!ay. of Viigiuia ier Hue bet. i Ie. i.s now the a word about his reported guest of her sister, yns t. i Mini mers, on West rout Hi t.reut. Mrs. Hardin who has been Mrs Hall, at Ha.r.-.on, v isit ing lugli-i Ie. It was learned today that a mo! ion will bn argued before I'p'gc Mooi tontoridw to remove Miss ('ol'rcltii Hoyden as iiilmitiis"a'fi ix of h r f,. tiler's esliite, tbe lU" N A H'..,.l":i of Surry cituntv, p. is alleged that Miss Hoyden is Incompetent fo man ago the affairs of the estate, whit ',. consists, principally of real ;0 Mr, P iy.. ii owned a va'eab'e farm in Put rj county, m ar ipx-kford. MAN DIED FROM POISON. 'Aged Millionaire Took an Overdose i of Morphine Administered By Him I self. j NKW YORK. Sep- is. -It wa-, I learn-d today thai c .lotu -i s iir. es'i i g.itiou reveals the fact that the aio-d ; millionaire, r W arner Sbeoiierd. wlio died suddenly Sunday, dud from poison, an overdose of morphine si If- adminisiereil lie left over ;i million He manieil a young gill September a. ' The leiiih made : tb Jl'laded -lho.,1 :ei,( ,, ,- I It," - l,n.r.,ll. -i. 'I .-el, j L- low Im; olllce; 's were , .. ensuing ;(e;ir. Pie .Idc'it, V ice ptl'slilell! ..VI ill :,ic I ,l"e retary. Hay wsid Watnon Roger Fiank 1 1 n 'I lie foiiow lllg pel -(l,s IIS 'he I -blsS I( ! -"lit M t tn X' ( nililnenei u ei" ; Oia'or, llenrv" r'.,.,tal, hi-' Virginia Molr; P Ma!i- ., Piophct. Klizalu-th I'l,;;.!!.;. Vai" lian. lioiiise Hor'oii, I' has been custom, i . y luu eb-Ct IjersOllS to take I (lay exercises towiud tin ses.-doli, but as this i nl K:.' 'in. e West a-" lie and the ;. ted for H Joe Dallol Henry , m- ; t rea sui' were el'-c:. m s for ie o, ! i woik ia Cj(o,J h 'he s.iiu i elected i'-!i a -hot I lie i t t ft. Se tofoie I, the cI.h.j Ciieie of the ils so much il win d. le.i'ives ,1 liie i,cli s fiK'ii.- ia will tuak -music at the opening .,f the Hinb cock Trotter Compaii; ' .ctoro toulaht. ' boy Ie, j wards1 chati' ((-iil-d , I now oi i China ! ts K.iHi;. vi-it ' From : ri. ( .Mr ; un wi friends ,li nl ti n, iu s W fe I prop. bov ,e I'ai ;!) 1 Believes Statutes of Various States Bearing on Peonage Practices Are Unconstitutional. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. IH-- I Tin depm tllll'llt of jiSlei. .f I Idled over the recent opinion of Chief Jus Me ( buk. of North Cutoljiia, who in coin urt liig In the decision 111 peonage cii-e will out of bis way to practical ly declare the State sliituteH untie, which the action Is defended urn tin- fe, eousi 1 1 u I local. Ilie W(4-.il- Mro pil t I io be altiitu'.t idctnlciil with TfTose of -r-half doen Suiitlo in Stat' and It 1 i. against their const it ut boot III y thai tin fi dcral government has l.feit striving I'M lll'Hi.iii. oi ui.-.in ii(i b.iiiik- ii. - ticis lii Florida. G orc . Alabama, Louisiana and Aik.ilisasj ONLY CASE ON RtCORD. Chinese Merchant Adnpt White Child and They Are Now on Their Way to China. (: Sl-i TVI.R. Wa-li . S-Mt. 1H - The fiist a:,d only ci-e on record of a Cl.l iiamui: aiiopilng a white chi'd and tak ing liini to Chin a nar us his own son, , ii s'ancid I-', he selling of Ml nallif d Sam KI ii .1 Chinese Hii-f. pa p' s w i I e exe ul iis pnient ate ii'i4in Umml for Smith ,. el daughii r, H ,- efl. 'O I iiUtldlte ledV lo ! !, of Mr J A. M Mlibiu. i w ii- go lo ('..;, inihiii, ! Mrs. C. H lo Cleinnio Sbeel, a is lod.u Hill" yi-.;"

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