V I ifh A t i w N) ifi 1 1 i- t EDITION THE SENTINEL GETS EOTH THE UNITED PEESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. CITY EDITION JLJ'Jr lilip tt 1NSTVAI.KM,N. ('., SAT I'll DAY EVENING, SOVKMr.EIS i, liOT. riiHT.Sl'KSTS. New Africa" to be Closed Fore er? in Arizona v.Yii'xk'tins, Tram Explodes Were Railroad rber of Those be Learned at Nov.'U Two on a niov r tin' town of huge number itt t atoms. --Mile to state p.. train wns a-e filled with ,nii came. Like the Cml.-n .if r '-' KillS j while ha i 11 i station 1 i by Us J' w w pent to creep m and ici, from a 1- ii i t n n , ing. ass. il j , despising:, now niiii truth of t t n r l t i is a fail i in 1 i. i r served notice on (; juauu.u n i- ft t silently t 1 1 t i es abo i I morning ( X . . in t n W. 1U 1 Greensboro Negroes ere Not Here Today r, p, usually a . from Pomona w ho get on t.i wmslon-Salem. i lit of the iv t innliar with ; from that point ..-. showed him his morning. - tin- industries ins; off in script ue afraid to t U iritig that U not go .with It is said that a m i m i n looking; -i,:ir;ing train for es anil the script plaved havoc with morning trip, i ti as been arrang nre enough drunk 'IM S court In this defendants are jnstu' tnat city tit-r it tnl making over im the script good In iing Work For the New Car Line i ii i i s were busy L ( i ic i ,n 1 Third street i ti 1 iving the trac i i East Winston. 1 m ving tli.'it re ,1'iai . 1 he engineer in t th line from Third the hardest part !! tmin to survey as i Mi city scales, a I u ii ( in for wagonr i t ii1 lirown's ware i lhe plans will iti-it tin- new line will i i titer the city i 1 1 1 i or the man 1 ! lit would be the t i it citizens. This t 1 1 i ' of surveying m glad that It i' t-u teilnv. ans Will Organize nation at Hopewell th. I is said,; ca:i:e as a u. .n n.'n.m ,. i... negroeji who wore spot. T) t i 1 t anions t ii mi outsiders tatnk mat somen, - dead, and there a mhiic rati. r .,: . away to tt ml nt I ca and tint i t i K land" or II tn t II II i lishlug :i string of holdiv i.uivs i,, run niidt r it I i t tn 1 t tit of the tutute sons of Hum with.- out molestation from mini: m,! .' tiioi ities. On next Wednesday flit! new .!-) ony will lie as effectiialU lost as 'hat; ill-fateil cidony at ' Ro:;ni,-.e llaail. j who left only the word "Croattm" as a guide to their pt ople. The c ,hnn wil he lost hut every tttr.e the word! "hobby horses" is mentioned-1 in 'he future, reniini scent dreams of "N. w Africa" will no doubt circulate in t'-.ei minds ot its tornter devo'ers. No mere will the girls frolic around in the chariots, or the twys yl; their pratre m g" t eeds"w i t h "dl fllcitfi v; orlTte old people pretend they are riding blind mules. All this is over now or will soon he lost in the progress of humanity. The colony which sprung up on the lot in one nlg'tt will disap ptr next Wednesday and the lot will he a barren desert again. The reas.in for its downfall is evi dent to everyone. I'atroimed by re spectable colored people at first, the lot was the scene of much happiness and joy, but finally It became the loafing place of tne county road and penitentiary material and it was these that caused the trouble. Another rea son was that the man tried to stay here too long and those who worked and had money lo ride got tired of it and stopped coming, while those who were unemployed hung around ai! the time, jumping on and olT and cans i"R all manner of trouble. When the novelty wore off the working negroes ceased to come but those who Were Idle formed the hulk of the spectators toward the last, and these are respon sible for the downfall. All the joy and happiness of the place departed some time ago and was superseded by fanatical chaos. Yes it is gone- and the policemen are uttering thanks. V vs - 4r? Mt. Airy Man Hurt CnMPTPQ TO DCP! V in Automobile Accident'DUlilirtnO IU IlLrL! i Mr. J imt it ft hile n toUtobde. tns the u .ichut ran into an em .. of Mt. Airy. ideut Thnrsdav. ; Sensational Speech Expected at Labor Convention. K. Key nob a paint i! a unite to thts 1 1 t In J,;s mi j Another man was upvjut ! aitit tv some means ' anktut-nf ne.ir 1U ha , ma. and side n, d .-.ii.staincl of his lace w ..is throw u out ,iili tl iiiirtses. tluej is disfigured and hej tt I ThcujHt M W.tl MaKt Viyorout Attack on Nt,cnl M jnaf jtturcr' Aiiotut oi it a Rriu t of Ctiargrt Unit, I has an ugly sear on one of his Twin City .til l placed in she-p for repairs. H was pret;v badly il.mi.if id Tiie owner think tie was lucky o have escaped drain He went to Cre uslmro liulay. Recently Org.n. Made In Its Official wasihm; ion, , teunjit-rs, o( the Ann v - I're-idi II ! ue in Keder.itior. f if i r . r ,t ti. t ' f ;- -t f 7 f ; RAYMOND HITCHCOCK. POPIT.AK coiiiedhin who disappeared mysteriously after IndietmenN on six charges of febmy had been returned against hitu. U mid tun charges wen; the result of attempts to blackmiill him CUT SON'S THROAT. When He Wat Called To Defend Ht Mother. '1 HtntASVli.t.R Nov -This after noon. Joi.n I.. Black had Ms throat cut by bis father, Hober; Hlack. who lives about five miles south of tills lace. H i!ei-t lll.uk was heating his lfe. in, I their little girl inn and told her Mo-othei. .lohn. that their father was heating their mother tu death, lie ran to uts father house, which was about half a mile from where he livel, and as ae stepped ill the door his father jumped a; him with a shoe knife In bis hand and tut ii fearful k:u: m his neck from tielnw his left ear Herons his jaw to uts iio-.o.cu! ling hi jugular vein ami through his jaw and grattlng his Ciirtid artery. John ran out of the House and ii foUrtWerf-bT titw-fartTer"whn ;rrnc"khfiii la the head with n large rock, tearing his riititt ear partly I mm his head Hubert lilack is still at huge. Dr. I'eacock was railed and foiiim thai the pal font bad alnu st bled to death, hut it is thought that he will recover. Chairman Adams Talks of His Visit to President ft Siatesvlllo, and u. of Rural Hall, Hopewell, where ;"s oi protracted egui hiindav and It is the pur oi? to organize a i'enell a an early li clicrcii us umler Mr (ienrdeii.of the is ciiv. iiiul in the "s win in ;.: t to Carrying State Cases t-ectpi-,11 Court. tlecis carrving of f). .ol ;'i" to Hie " " i eiiera; courts by iiitnued down ! ts -te ( ircmt Judge "''''I against, the ' v "ne Company, 'I"-'i bit m ii injunction ""iioiiil coininission i it isMon tiom fix cable tolls across " ' !. Judge. Saun m,i tec federal Courts "" over this rate. crsae( Under Two-Cent l', S. An in 'til in pussen- Mtl) ot K''ten. ht'g periiod n the statement 1 I'nint Rail-hi-5 is one of ia uii'Ier clss "I eommif siou. -tfn'anon are wo cents . The 'S In increase 'ii under . 'Mitor of the s in the city i in i-s He reports v "-ksville has ta ''"hsvilif have ta- ensures and that ! -for more than n today for the on Tt. Jones, of ' 1 I (Hubs, of PIGS BEING SOLD. A Number of Them Have Alreadv Been Disposed Of. Mr. H. K. Itutnei-. of Rural Retrea Vn.. who shipped 'HI fine thot-oug:. bred roland China and llerkshi-' shoats to the local market a fev. day tgo. has idisposed of nearly Itiu ot them. The . people of th" city an tihi"g advantage of this oiiottinft to buy th"ir future, pork. ' he v av. it) exhibit at the stock yard t th letint and much interest is uui'iifest r in ht ni. There was a fatal flgln at the lot the other night when a huge black oig ni''k-named ''Cain" by lboc who witnessed the fiht attacked one of his smaller brothers and comntiMi d "hoglcide." There was uNo at, other one. that wi'S trampled to death whth they were being fid. This U the only trouble that litis occurred tint1 the hoes tire vt rv peaceful,- ami so. -in 'o be enjoy in;;' the Wiiistoi.-.itih'iit sttiiHi -lihere. VIRGINIA SHERIFF IS KILLED BY TRAIN. DANVll.l.K. Nov, .VPnerilf John H. Heard, of Amhearst conn y, Virgin ia, was run over tiy a honttiern ran way train in front of tne passengei station here early touigiit. suitainim; injuries from which he died several hours later. Both of. u;u legs were mt off at the knee. He was about fifty-three years of ane. and his daughter. Mrs. NY C I'erkins, of Sanford,. I'Ta... was at station at the time of the trtmed: GUKKN'SHORO, Nov. 9. State Chairman Spencer B. Adams has re turnee from Wm-'hingron city. He went there, he said, on legal not po litical business. Judge Adams has a large business with the revenue de partment, uften having to go to Wash ington to get some case compromised v here clients have gotten Into trou ble with the government. In the mat er of infrat Hons of regulation) re warding the manufacture or sale of ' speerits." Ii, is reported that Judge Adams has been "spoken foV to look liter the Interests of several big whis key distillers over in Virginia who are being "persecuted" by revenue ollicets for alleged big frauds against the gov rntiient. A good many of these ac cused distillers are old North Caroli na .manufacturers, former clients of 'udge Adams, skime of these left, the State on account of the Walts law and some left, on account of "being .ersecuted" here by District Attorney Holion, the federal count Juries, Judge Hoyd.. etc.. two or three years ago. Judge Adams very ninth enjoyed his visit to the President. He says ae as in fine. 'humor, and "delighted" a I'll his trip to the Louisiana cane brakes and . his experience in the south. Of course the State chairman is confident that the President, will be compelled by an uprising of dele nates all over the l'nion io accept a forced nomination for the preslden- T I Reports of New York and Chicago Markets NKW YORK. Nov. 9 The st.x-k markm opened with general declines Losses in some railroad stocks amount to 2 14 and 1 1-8. down to 8-4 and 5-8 in Northern Pacific. Cotton Market, NKW YORK, Nov. 9 Influenced by cables from Liverpool, the New York cotton market opened unchang ed to HI points lower. There was less selling than expected. December opened lu.ii": January. 10.00 ; Febru ary, HUha; March, ln.ns. Chicago Market. C1I1CAOO, Nov. J. Wheat opened unchanged to ;t S up on light world's shipments, destruction of wheat at Superior hv fires an(! smaller offer lugs. , Wheat, K'U; corn, 57 1-2; oats, ah; lard, tt.15; ribs. 7.12. EXPOSITION FINANCES. the SAFE IS DYNAMITED. Robbers Get All the Money in an Ok lahoma Bank. OUTHRIK, Okia., Nov. a Robbers dvnamited the safe of nie Farmers' Marshall, securing ah valuable papers in the Slate Bank at the money and vault. Y. W. C. A. Vesper. Vesper service tit V. W. C. A. mom tomorrow ui'tei noon tit . 1: ". e'etec' will he conducted by Rev. J, A. Ho; kins Tin- mule d'lar'ette of ill Christian rhnrch hp kindly ron. to furnish stteiial music All I cordiallv in Red. Pastors of ;li Permit tIpiitvifs tilease at'ponr.ce the service. tiled diet judge regretted vefv miiell that he had not heard before going to Washington the accepted cause of the WnH- 3'rret p.'infphythe- fte',iu!)Iiratis; of Stokes and Surry couiities, hi.-, ohl ;!,'! in ping ground.- The Surry and Stokes couniy Re luiblicina were told one day his', vtfok at Danbury court that the trou ble all cattle about by Roosevelt's go ing oft to kill some Hears down in Louisiana, and lie left Orover Cleve land in charge of the government dur ing las absence in the canebrakes.ar.il I drover, brought, on the panic. Judge j Adams say k that if those Republicans j Statement Presented at Meeting of Board of Directors. NORFOLK, Nov. ft. At a ni.etlng of the board of directors of the Janies tovn Kinositlon Company a financial statement as read showing the total liabilities to be $J, tUtl.U'lii. of which th' portion due the government Is y.lfHHi'l; die on the exposition firs, mortgage bonds. $ (uo.tutO; due on cur rent liabilities, $t;t;H,mtO; due on stock -.ilbsciiptiotis lo exposition, $(2,'"Mi. No statement was rendered as to the islets hut these are alleged by the di .ectors o -include $1,110,(11111, -estiiunfe-d able of ihe land, at'Werace. etc., with Mi.d'tti in unpaid stock subscriptions collectable, whiidi would leave a (e t of soim-thltig ovt fl.iMm.iHMi if the -Htwtn-are reali,ed 4t(iii as eHimatm! Keanral Judge Waddlll denied th' application for an Injunction restrain ing the disposition, except under or der of court, of $ne,il(MI unnegotittted bonds of the Jamestown Kxposltlon fompunv's original JIO'i.iiuO bond Iss-te on the ground that there wa lio'tieressltv at this time 'or such n;i j n ii'ie tlon, 'i'liis leaves the bunkers' contmit'ee. in vho hands Hie l""tf', , m io tu lio",,!s rt in a in, to dbtpo; e ot th.em. GENERAL BOOTH LEAVES. Head of the Salvation Army Sails For England. NKW YORK; Nov. 10, tieneral Booth, the aged grand old man of the Salvation Army, today bade America good bye and farewell forever, sailing for England on the St. l-ouis, NKW YORK. Nov. 9 -To the music of several hands and the cheering of a thousand devoted followers, (ieneral William llooih. head of the Salvation Army, nailed today for timton, after completing what possibly will be his last tour of the States. "Long life to the general," "Heaven guard our (!' eriil, 'Hallelujah, and "tilory" were son e of. the shouts greeting the man Hands struck up "Shalt we gather at the river." (ieneral Rootli stopped his automobile as A thousand took up the song and, standing bare headed. Joined the choi us. f l.a'sir. is preparing to iaum h a sen sational attack tm the oi 0 't . fat t urers' Association n' !! emi'ia! coiivt nlliMI of the feifei.tlion a! Nor folk tu Vt Week It Will he in the nature el a reply to ttcent charge- if "graft" lfade against tdtii'tais ot ihe fetb ration hv American Indus tries, the oigitn ot the Manufacturer' Assoeiat loll. The evcutne count il of the fi delation held a sfecial met t ing today to go over the matter. Mrs. Davis to be Brought Home Next Saturday Mr and Mr T M I lent on were toh l -eil l ist aeniiiit that their daugh ter, Mrs. W, C. Davis, was able ! leave her Iwil In the tli eetn.tioro hos pital for the fltst time yestertlav. She wis placed tvitn tavcllit rhntr nnil was so titdlghted with the th mg that she p-rj.tHK -a tt4r e- at t ft- rrhtrrr ' to lor bed Mr. Davis' Improve in t'lil continues gratifying She kt unions to come hotee and It ria bet u decided to bring her next Saturday If het Improvement coiiilnui Mr Davis, who ilso sustained ser lonv Inn, tl s in the wreck at liitdl wns able to leave the hosottnl vester da. Ib can walk only hv the use of Cl'lllcltes. WANT WATTERS0N. Many Kentucky Democrat Prefer Him for the Senate. LEXINGTON, Nov. Theie Is an unmistakable demamt, widespread among a large number of Democratic leaders and workers, that Henry Wat terson. editor of tne .Courier Journal, shall he elected Cni'ed Slates Sena tor, instead of (rovernor lieckham. whose friends thought they had the thing all fixed. An anil Beckham Club Is io be formed here with prominent Democrats taking the Initiative, Beck ham's course of late has divorced many former friends from liTtn. Good Sale Made on Winston Market Mr. C. P. Tut kef, of Vinle Meeum Sjiniigs, sold "23 pouiulii.-uf Ii'jiLJreje today which netted him ll:1. 71. or nn average of over 17 cell's per pound. One pile of Hie leaf tirought 4' cents per pound, ,'rblay a pile of title wrap pers hrouglit l"i tents per pound. Today's sales were Hgiit There Is no change In prices and the market is rather dull. ft -hort i Into rten'h he: over there reti head--, nothing get i' out. Xtjli'rtly. accuse;- J to:,. Cy, Wat sen of slatting this report over in S:il.es and Surry, but. he is rn liable of taking as :-erious a case as this (in an rial trouble is. and making out of it some thing so ludicrous it would banish bint.-- or iiitK-eni in tho enjoyment of the "ipop" THE SOUTHERN AND CLEARING HOUSE CER I IFICATES. Winners in the Gun Shoot Friday Afternoon The tl -iftelfiOO! on He if ivi number ot aw finii 'I as K'fs' ta-i th" Hunter T p shoot In- the Motsinger '"I Sunday went with It gittt ;.-: A ; ed lo l'h I'll yesteriiav Winston Clin flu' ilit.tls V t.i attt-I 'b '1 !)V sport sun n. Pi i .: wei-; foi'tovs: '. a y vasej donated h. rms Co.. w n - vvot'i f IRKKNSP.ORO, Nov, 9. Southern Railway District Passenger Agent. R L. Vernon, of Charlotte, yvas here yes terday. He was asked nlHiut the re fusal of the ticket agent here lo accept fireetisboto Clearing House certlfl ra'es in exchange for railway tickets and said that, lie thought there must be' some misunderstanding, as he saw no reason why the rail mid. the same iis-evei y bod'.' else, should not receive the eertilicatea an .willingly as curren cy. He said Ticket Agent DeHults would Hike the mat'er up with the au diting department and Hint In all j probability the ret'Uflcrites would -oon be ret'1-! v aiiie for ruilwav tickets tlu'l same as they are in all oilier lines of! tWt business here. $jO,O0O,OOO IN GOLD. Thi Amount Ha Been Secured from Europe, Some of It Having Already Arrived. NKW YORK, ,ov !' Although gold I'j the amount of twelve millions was (ieiiosited in the New York ban kit ( ''of lav end although eiioegh more Is on the wav from Km rope to swell the sum to fitly millions for thl movement withdrawals from banks ihtoe been so heavy during the wei I that 'he tietring lion ie association jd.cldcd tti withhold the publication I of t.ln weekly bunk Matt-met t till at Iter the close of tin- mock iu;ifk"t to j 'lav. One of the serioftM results of cash shortage is a pfir-iivtls of crop inov'iiat busitiess. fanners refuslnif to accept chit ks for i,roduce in the wi-m PRESIDENT iELLIOT'8 VIEW. Recent Declaration of Harvard's President Attracts Much Attention. HOST! IV, Nov. 9 - That mother hood Is Ihe real goal of higher educn Hon Is the latest declaration of Pros! dent Klllot. which Is attracting more attention than any other recent utter itnct s of the ruinous head of II n vard In an address before the women of the Association of Collelaltt Alumm Klliot said Higher eilllCMtloll otlKht to fit women for the single occupation of beiirluu anil educating children and It Is Ihe most Intellectual occupation there Is offered " HOT POLITICAL FIGHT. There Will Be On When Alaskan Republican Convention Meets. JCXKAC Alitslta. Nov. 9 Ther- will I tie of the holiest IMillHciit fights the Piiclnc count has ever known wln ti the Alaskan UepnbllcHii convention meets November It It will be over the iucstlon of Ahiiknti home rule with an overwhelming nut lord v lined up on one side and al most inexhaustible financial resource-! on the ether. ONE MAN KILLED. Collision Between Hose Waqon and Electric Car. R M'HKSTKR, N Y , Nov, 9 In collision betwien hose wagon and electric cur lodav one man was killed, tyvn fatally and three serious, v hull The hose colitpitliv whs respond ing to an alarm of tln and the colli kIoii occurred while going down a stoop hill SIXTY STILLS 6EIED. That Number Taken in Virginia by Rvenue Men In Past Month. WAHllr.MON 'o-. 9 ('..tiroils. i-ittiier fjf Internal Revenue Caper is advised of the seizure "for the second time tji u mouth ' of Hie big lrv Kork idlstPleiv iieiir lHinvllle, This make taut: tug Mills In Vir ginia seized within a month. Town LOSS OF $,r,O0,OOO Swept by A MYSTERIOUS CASE. Murder bv l;. i 76 Hi; ore Wi !)N out ('apt. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas.' of Winston-Salem. spent Wednesday night here. It is probable- that f apt. p.) Thomas will assume charge of t.ioj " regular freig'ti between (ireensboro , gun. and this point, and that they will irakej O their home here, our people are pleas-1 pi" ed to know North Wilk-sboro Huhi-j Hh Ie;. a! t OIH There were seven protessr'.'i:- a; the M'-tboriist Protestant church!'' no. to The altecdatice w:,s large am .-.odd interest was m-nit'c'i service will be held '(might. - Th' No $.M fell! (lai. hied at the ticlt Club, was tic vl was won by V. M .tl a ,--. 2 Smith on m Vcore being fo", out ' Ilec.'- carried off t a ' plaipie; d-mati d bv r t'o. , Air. Hi-;" hand: h I'uti and his rcotti a possible 1't'b tobacco stdfl on inrv Nov to' er s pounds, this Robert-e-tnggvi : ton Yea r s O l d; G a s to Road. Jim Lane, who left Wiikes county under nentence three or four veins j ago. was arrested the other day In! W'.lkosboro and tiiii;1 week the couniy commissioners ordered him sent to! the- Iredell rolds. Ho is 75 year old.' says the Hustler, t It an Accidental Death, or Suicide? PA' YORK. Nov 9, Airs. Susan Mal'on and h"r tKT-iveyiHi-rni Btrjr son were found dead of gas asphyxia Hon at their hone in Jamaica today It Is unknown whet iter it s a'-olden tal, murder or suicide. BREAKS WORLD'S RECORD. Wisconsin Was Fire Last Niuht. SI'PLKKiR, Wl'ieotlsin, Nov 9 This town was swept bv lite lust, night, destr'tvlni; two and a half mil lion dollars worth of proper! v, princi pally gialn wai'diouses and ("iiitentti, RESCUERS AT WORK. Much Life And Property Loss Caused by Storm in France. mai:si;!i.i.i..-s plan. ,A ,-, Itescte parlies todai are Kc;n hire; the rititiK of many tu:; btilldiiig nlotig th.- water front for victims of las! night's Morns Damage wan i done el' - l.ni ait iig Ho a olc and prupcrt tl th' t b romdiout (l.KHi the gieate lo.s wan sustain.- KAISER C0E5 TO ENGLAND. 'I ipi-tu i Nn. Farm Sold for $18,000. Mrs. L. S. Ri-nbow mis told her river farm, known as the Henderson j Dumouf . pice, on the river above WilkeMioro. t Pefber, Hydroplane's Splendid Performance on the Se.ne in France. PVKfS, Nov. Tt -Timed by Santos M. A," ruder, i and Cap'ain i. I.ep.s t to at wo taiotue- ,n averam of Win- tigiitg Clt 11 the Seine l seconds, v f -'t m oii nun, ti teciird. expected home to r'-ii-ti " state Miss Acta Vick. of litis been visiting Mrs. returned houu today. illir W. ('if.. h- H. C-liitard. AI villi- t" N,h o vi -it Weill I her p; jto Air. W.. S.. Wellborn. The land Hold iters on i IncltttleK the river bottoms and fif'y j and ,11 ! acres of upland, and It is said tbati - -- i the consideration was JIVo1'". i Ke. ('. 17 Hodgin of (;re.-ni.I.or. . ' pa -ed thro'iiit!; tie- cif todtiv ecinii... Ti'.0!;:a;H Wotidruf) e, manager of the to N'or'h Wi'k'.-iboro. !i,-ie on loiuor j North Carolina Granite Company' I row lie 'will install R'-v. c W Robin i plant at Mt. A i rv, was in the city, son as oastot of the Notth Wilk---. I la d nii-ht and totlav. boto l4M.le,tei-f;ii cioinli He And the Empres Will Spend i Week at Windsor Castle. WASHINGTON Nov 9 V H w W iltielut and his ci nsii' .,-tticd rci th"1 llll!iei i!!i VHcht H l "'Ii "ei"tl todit" for P.ngtiifid The iiiifjdi eh mile; tlt'-t to ted a escort Att-i a week t alav at Wtidtot- th - i. liter pi ,n the Udu cf Wight, tor tt (orHitght. ftKitl IV Cess ol l,e tlx! I', the Pr-.tll e Xtif I Son 'iv i' i n a nv I. ( i Is ti'jt n 7..e cri i tdrtu ;t!'l horn inn tin I ft" ,f Do- t ,1 da Im h, , lookim nil lo-d II. c l.-t II aft ei Ollle g'-'-' tod i- twu prin to a son ni Crown I bis eon Norman, here for nnient

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