.... T, 'I) K V. f ! f .v TION THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PP.ESS AND HEARST SPECIAL. f?ZLLG EAPHIC SERVICES CITY EDITION VISTO-SALEM,N. C, MO DAY EVENING, JAN TAK 'JO, li08. riacEsixNTs. ELECT OFFICERS ; FOR SIX MOUTHS )amage by Flames rown-Carter Block t ) vin-City Causes .rregating About ORK SAVES RT OF BLOCK arts of the Firemen f From Devouring Prop nt to That Which Was ( Fireman Overcome by Soon Recovers Largest Sustained by the Big itore of Brown-Rogers Concerns Sustain Loss and Water Damage fined to Upper Floors of ig Firms Affected to siness as Scon as Quar t Secured. Carter, owner of the Brown Holers Hardware J Frank C. Brown sus favifst losses by last reus conflagration. I Carter's estimated Iosj t $i:,noO with $9,500 iu lied with the following Commercial Cnhm, f in of Toronto, $1,900; j liuki writers, kdUyn, $1,900; $1,300; Virginia Roge rs, manager for the 1 Hardware Company, leern carried a $75,000 t places their loss and ritor at. between CO and j Their insurance, carried towing companies, a'rgre- i It ate, $2,000; Atlantic, ul, $1,000; L. & L. & (J., inn American, $2,000; fire, $2,500; North Uiver, ilii y. $1,000; V, City, pa & Lancashire, $2)500; j 8: Southern Cnderwrit Underwriters oi Groon-i-f; Prussian. Na'ional, ! !'i Stock Fire $1,000; i.uuU; Firemen's, $I,0()0; ,fl00; Jefferson, $.1,000, Sleiis Kails, $2,000; West on; Virginia F. & M aumi, $l,oiio; Milwaukee $1.5ii!i; Atlanta Home, etican Central, $1,500; National, $2,000; Cn- v, York, $:!.0n0; Contln ; Royal, $1,000; Sun, 'Pet', $1,000; Georgia : Hanover, $1,000. tells The Sentinel that will secure other quart as possible and resume c stock, in the large on tin; first floor will uptc d until the insu-ancj ive and pass upon losses C. lirown, who carried a and $x,non insurance J' hit these companies: tl.onn; Culled Firemen's. Suviuss and In 11,0(10; Michigan Cnm P"0; I German-American, 'ii'ii and Lancashire, State, $1,000; iii ver sion Globe, $1,000. I will resume business at laud at, soon as his lossoj land the building can b" was hi mod in. It was filled with moke uul the fax-man lost conscious ness ai d Ltd to he carried out. Ha!! an hour Liter he was found at his post libel-tins his men and working as fai'h'ul.v m aliy of his associate. Regained Until 4 A. M. One oi tile Winston companies re nicined on duty until 4 o'clock this morning ami when a blaze was discov ered thi. Ikivs promptly proceeded to extinguish it ine other companies retired fraiu service at 2 o'clock this month,, r Second Alarm. TI;e Viv'.ac department of the U J. KevuNJs Tobacco Company vol unteer. (1 ius services to Chief Taylor early in the niht. He told the fore man that if it was found other at.! was n.-t-ded a second alarm would In turned in. This came at 10 o'clock and in a few minutes the company ap peared upon the scene and were soon dispen.Mn-i two large streams of wate from the tank at the new tobacco factory. One of tip. Winston companies, for several hours, hi.d a stream pl.iyln upon the tlanies from the tower in the municipal buihlii.g. The fact is the boys took advantage of every Means and opportunity to save the block, which frequently seemed (loomed to total destruction Damage And Losses. The bunding, as stated above, was the property of lirown and Carter. !t was erected over twenty years a. The occupant on the first floor In cluded the Brown-Rogers Hardware Co., which did otie of the largest re tail mid wholesale businesses in it: line in tin- state, and Frank C, Brown disiler in shoes and cents' furnishings On the second floor was Stanford and Hetmef's pressiig club, which was completely destroyed. They place their loss at about $2,000 with onlv $000 insurance. Capt. R. P. Henr civil engineer, who had his office o ;he same Iloor, Buffered loss of few li u mlii u dollars. The Young Woman's Christian Association, in which room tho fir originated, stitfered a lots of $250 with no inSitir-nce. The lirown Rogers Co. only n few months agi- completed extensive ini-j provoiucnis mi ihelr store, converting! three largo rooms into one, makim; It one of the prettiest and most at tractive stores to be found anywhere The concern's stock is badly damaged by water. One Insurance man places it lit 5o per cent, It may be more. JIv. Frank C. lirown had a $10,00o stock of goods iind carried $S,000 in surancc. l ii to the first of January he had policies amounting to $10,0iM, but dropped $2,000. His entire stock !i or ictici'tly . ruined, either by fire or water The Winston Clothing Co., on the west, side of Mr. Brown's store, with two stairways between them, escape! with very little damage. a 4 1 iV;,4,v::.fiip . 1:' ' " V s v tNv 1 rUftovK B-H .I 4 , . . . V Dr. Anderson New President Ministerial Association. Other Officers chosen Resolutions Passed Asking for Passage f Statt Prohibition La Telegram Sent to North Carolina Delegation In Con SCENE DURING THE FIRE LAST NIGHT. Defense In Thaw Trial Wins a Notable Victory All of Evelyn Thaw's Testimony Allowed Despite Jer ome's Strenuous Objection Public Not Excluded. WILL CALL ON BRYAN. (was : visited by a disas f ni.ghl.. The loss and Riding and stocks by fire, fcregati d about $00,000. liginatc d in the room oc e Young Woman's Chris union, over Frank C, ,in Hie second floor of i owned by Maj. T. J. t'. YV. -ii. Carter, on th il the courthouse square. f was turned in at 7: IS lor six hours or more is of water were playing .Tlif fire fighters ir. toti'fs three white and one Sanies; Salem's two com Hie R. J. Reynolds hose 'en did effective work. ?d In keeping tie ftamP3 'ofr, ("amain Frank C of l h. Salem d -part-was the meanest fire- h; and he has lJ(.f.n !tl th(, lh"';v Mrs- , The diffl-UM-ed by rhe firemen was the fire !.for(, a l(,rlion ad fallen in. of people witnessed Hon, the streets1 around -.e wpuuo )eins tllrongpd tic- sp..(-taior? frwjv.Gntlv a opinion, when the de. p were le:,ng high in the entire building was erofore wji,.,, t l,rcltmp the nremen had it under iTatubnions and enmmen i showered upon them, rcome by Smoke, mius Martin, of the Mb ompany, entered tho Y. u shortly after the alarm Some Prominent Democrats Expect to Ask Him Not to Run. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. W. J. Ab bott, In charge of Bryan publicity bureau br. savs the report circul ated today 'le.it liryan had Indicated his williiinio.--s to withdraw if i :i of the delegate-- to tho national conven tion oppose -his - nomination, is not true. vVhen I'.ty oi comes to Washington next Satun'ay a delegation of prom lnent Dcnuriv's of national standing will call on hi ni-.md ask him to retiiv from being a candidate in the in terests of suce "'ss and future hojie oi Ihe Democratic party. Governor Swanson writes that h will not attend Hie anti-Bryan meet ing called to meet in New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 2o Tho Thav, defense won a sweoping victory today when, after Littleton began examin ing Evelyn Thaw relative to the fam ous Interview In Paris in.l!o:t in which the girl confessed to Thaw she couldn't marry him because of alleged wrong at the hands of .White, Jerome entered a strenuous objection, but was overruled. Evelyn told of the first meeting with White; how he took her to a house on West 1 veity-toertii sireet, where they had luncheon, alter which they went driving; of accepting an In vitation to dinner In the tower of Madison Square; how White sept her mother to Pitlsbiirs, paying aU ex penses.. After her mother departed White sent a carriage to bring her ilnvn town to meet him '111(1 went to a iihotoirranh gallery where she posed witness tor a number of pictures; hew next night they went to Twenty-fourth street, to a supper party, but White was (here ah lie and showed her trough the rooms, finally an eb-gnnl-ly furnished bedroom, where he pour ed out a glass of wine. After taking a little drink she knew no more for sonietitpf She Until Iv came to her self to find iter clothing taken from her. She. screamed and White 'eld her not to worry. Then -they went to a hotel and White came to her room TO BE ORGIZED THURSDAY N T Winston-Salem Y. W. C Will Be Formed Then. and sihi she must not worry, every thing would be all rlghl; she must not tell mama, saying everyone does these tilings, that was part or life. During the recital the witness brol'e down many times, tears rolling down her cheekh occasionally. Through it all Thaw Bat with u handkerchief to his eyes. The witness said during the recital Thaw pared up and down the room and pulled tils hair, wrung his hands bit his finger nails, and sobbed aloud. She told Thaw that is why the couldn't marry him. "lie declered I was unfortunate and not to blame and my story nind no difference in his feelings for me. Thaw declared White ruined his life." Public Not Excluded. When the Thaw trial was renimed ' today Mrs. Evelyn 1 Inw was 'lie first called. District Vtoruey Jerome at once renewed Ihe motion Hint the public !' excluded from Cie c.e.rt reom during the time she was en the standi IBs argument was ex tended and legallv technical. Uut.-tmi declared the matter w.n one for the court to pins upon wUlnitit sugges tions from eMier side. Justice Dowl ing in denying Jerome's motion de eland tee publication of Up.! details v is a ii-,.tilf, for the no of new.-, papir e I Bora und not tor the. court to ; ass tip an Organization Meeting Is to Be Held at the First Presbyterlsn Church Miss Casler, the State Secretary, And. Other State Officers Will Be Present. , - The Young Woman's Christian An sulfation sustain. d a loss of alout $2r.O by the pre last night. There wan no Insurance. Those in charge of the work pre now trying tb find Bull able quarters for the association, whose work will go on in spite of the fire. MUih Hawkins was handed a contribution or $2."i as a nuchuis for (lie fund during the lire last night. At the First Presbyterian church Thursday night the Young Women 'a Christian Association of Winston .Sa lem will be organized. Miss Casler. Hie slate secretary, will be present at that time, ns will also souie ef tl.e other state ollicers. All Indies und ait', gentlemen interested In ;he work are Invited to be present. I'asiorsof the varioiiH hurdles -ire especially invited. At the meeting of t e- WUisioti-S.'.- lem Ministerial Aswk ianmi Cats morn ing officers for tho eii.- ii- 4 six mouth were elected as follows; I'resldeut, Dr. Neat 1- Anderson; vice president, Uev. E. H. CroKlanc"; gecietary and 'Treasurer, Mr. r. M, Colbert; assistant sivretary and tread-. urer, Rev. J. A. Hopkrns, The following telegram was sent by the association today: Winston-Salem, N. C, January 20, North Carolina Delegation, Care Hon. F. M. Simmons. I'uited States, Senate, Washington, D. C, Ministers' AssorlatUm of Winston Salem iitRe piisxasui of J.ltllefUld bill remilatliiK Interstate traffic In liquors. NKAL. U ANDRKSON. President. I'. M. COl.BKHT, Secretary. The followliiK resolutions were adopted by the association: Wlirn'on Salem, N. C January 20, I'.toS. To the Honorable RepreHOtitalves of Frs.Mh County, Kaleigh, X. C. Crt'iiilemen: The Vlnntoil Salem Ministerial As sociation at a regular nieetlnx held this day, unanimously uassed the fol low ItiK resolution: ' Whereas, The people of North Cur ollim, In almost every large coniunn Ity, have expressetl themselves In fa vor of regulating the liquor tranic by prohibition. It Is Resolved, That our representative in the senate and In the house of rep-11-sciilHtlven he mentioned to vote for a Htiitn prohibitum bill at thin adjourn ed session of the legislature. In addition, believing thla Issue should he definitely settled, we would further urge the adoption of a hill providing for a Constitutional ameuil ineut favoring prohibition, to he sub mitted to the people of the (dale at tho earliest possible time. J. K. I'FOHB, ChaliJin.li. NRAIj L. ANDERSON, ' J. K. ABEUNRTliy, H. A. BROWN, H. T. COCKW, O. V. MIL. LOW AY, Committee. Capacity of Winston Water Plant Shown 1 ho capacity of plant was amply night There wer water, throwing infinite, in jihy for four hour!! yet when th? fire was over the p the Witistou water demonstrated last cig'ht streatns of 1000 gallon I"'1 utd WRECK NOT SERIOUS, Nobody Killed In Accident On the Atlantic Coast Line. RALEIGH, Jan. 20 Investigation proves-' tin t reports cuirent hre about disastrous and fatal v, reck (in the Coast Line near Dillon arp great ly cxaggi rated. There was little damage am' no lios lost. . HOLD A CONFERENCE. Governor Glenn and Speaker Justice Together a Good While.' HAI.EICIi, Jan. no Governor Glenn and Speaker Justice have been in con sultation much of today. It Is re ported there are serious differences between them w hi; h' will show up in the house. ;tpie at the standplpe showed that there was as much water in the tank w when the fire began. .The big pump out at the plant were put in moths' as room its ti e fire bell ta ped and the pnmns were sufficient to sin.tph the firemen. The .water in the '.hi', resirve i; h n at the station ww sc-i cely missed, not withstanding . tha over IwO.OUO gallotiB were punipe.l oie Churches Take Action Concerning Prohibition During the morning serviee at. the First Baptist church yesterday the following resolution, which explains i self, was udopted by a large congre gation: . Whereas, The history of our church u veals the fact, that we have always stood for the removal -of the liquor i i raffle, therefore be It Ri solved, .by the First - Ftpi'si ciiurch, in conference assembled, that ; we ask our legislature to give us state j , prohibition CASE IS COMPROMISED. Suit Against Durham Traction Com pany Goes Off the Docket, DI'RIIAM, Jan. 20 -The big iliini icio suit of Allen mvilnst the Durham Traction Company caste to a sudden (lose today, this bi ing by. compro mise, and tin! case goes off the docket. Mrs. Allen and her husband secured a Judgment, for damages in, tho sum of eleven thousand dollars at the last trial and It was expected there woulu he a linrd light nt this trial of Ihe case. The Judgment sigt)"d does not i-late the amount of tlv damages allowed, hut It Is let'i'm-d that the plaintiffs get five thousand dollar. MESSAGE FROM THE POPE. Card of Thanks. Chief Tnlor. of the Winston fire department, asks The Sentinel to say thai he ri-ily uppta cintes the heroic and successl'iiP work accompiihe, hist night by members! of the Winston ami Salem departments. He wishes especially to lii.uik the Salem and the' It. J. Reynolds companies for their prompt response, in ccming to the as sistance of Winston's tegular fire fighters. The oolored ra'pnrtr-ient t,!so did some praiseworthy work, ENGINEER DIES AT HIS POST. Only Vietini of a Wreck on the Cen tral of Ceorgia Railway. SAVANNAH, Ga.; Jan 11 - A r. ' occurred . on the Central of Georgia Railway, near Macon, ai 2 'o'clock iliw morning when the passenger i is i a bound for Savannah from Atlanta struck a split switch at tue Macon and Alliens Junction. The engine was thrown broad Me inlo the iiwk to expn -s tais w wretVed'aiuI Engineer W. B. 'I isn't was 'killed.- IDs c-clot ed fireman, .It WilliiiHis, was painfully huiv. Ia fireman r,ad jumped, but the engnn ! remi.incd r.t. his post. . Mail Clerks Rootiey and Biftke tits! the exrrss messengf r weje snak, i up, but sustained only slight bruises .None of the passengers were injur ed. Sends Message of Peace Through Archbishop Riordan, of San Fran cisco. ROMK; Jan, ,20. Pointing out that through a Constitutional i it is. to such young and intelligent iiiiendtiietit. to he submitted to a popu- nations as America and Japan, that hi r vote of the people, or hv such oth-th world must look for progr-es of method as their wisdom mav tie-1 civilization 1'ope I'tns sent a message of ;xTce to the new world todav thiougli Archbishop fiibrilan, of Bun Francl'd, r'sciiuuieiuliug to elm work for pacllieiition of warlike spirit.-) in his (llvcise and urging hku to do hl.i titmiist to pers'wide -al! merlean pre lates to do likfwise, K. IT. Ferrabee, of Times, was in the citj the Raleigh yesterday. Chsrlf.s Emory Smith Drd. I'iilL.' DE1.FI1IA. .Tan. 19. CluuleH Kitiory Smith, editor or the Press, former' minister to Russia and pod master general, died suddenly at his home in this city, todav, naet1 (i"i years. Death was caused by heart trouble. - At Centenary Churcu. At Centeriarv M. E. cnurch last t.ight a resolution favoring a Const! 'u1 tonal nnn ndment for s'ttte prohibi tum or favoring any other method that tnav he adopted hv the. legislature for state prohihitiop, was unanimously adopted. Caiil. C. 11. (,'iihne. oik of the ; aopultir oassenger er,nducu)is -on the run between fir endairo an 1 North . U iikesboro who less been confined to his heme in Gn-ensboi-o for several : weeks hv sicknei-s. came in this af- ; tt-rnoon and will- n surue his run to- i morrow. - ; The Retail Merchattta' Assocpi i i Ion today vi-rv geuerouslv tendered io Ihe Young V omen's ('hrlstla'n As j social ion, wiitist v.s-is bunietl out hist night, the use of ps rooms In the Star buck block, for fifteen davs,' free from re nr.. Jesse Dull, who was arrested Fri day and locked up in default of bond, on the charge oi operating an illicit distilkry in t)v northern part, of the county, fa ve' bail and was released Saturday al'tctiioon, REV. JAMES SPRUNT CALLED. Charleston, S C., Minister Asked to Aisumc Pastorate ef Rstlfigh Pres byterian Church. RALEIGH, Jan. L'O. Rev, Jnmes apntnt. 0I ("lisi lestoe. s. C., has han ealh-il to the imthmc 'of First I'reslc t' rius t-litin 'i of R-tleigh. He wilt ; -bied.v accept. biuee Mr, Monieni liid in November the church Ii.i,! i.een without tt reguhii sis.or. It. is not -'(I for the strong rneri who have liilid its pulpit in the past and Dr Spinril is said to meatiiH-o t') to tin sl;.!i;!srd. IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So Sayr Pennsylvania Supreme Court About Two Cent Rate. h I'llILADEl.l'IIIA. Jan. 20 The state supreme court todnv declared he two cent trilvvay rate lu of I'eiinsvh :iui n,c .in;-tltitlii'inl. Report of New York and Chicago Markets CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Wheat declined 3-4 of a cent at Ihu opening. May wheat' 1.02; corn, 0; oats, 61; pork, i;i.::o; lard, R; ribs, 7.10. Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 20 The slock market opem d ii n gulitr.lhe feature, of the market being the break in smell.. Ins. Cotton Market. In Ihe cotton market new high lev els for the present bull movement were reached today. The first prices showed an advance of 20 to 27 points. Cables were little short of being sen sational, owing to heavy buying from this side of tho Atlantic and room tradeis who went home Saturday generally short. Some traders' In the pit look for 12-ecnt cotton here before the market closes today. Opening i rices; January, It.fiO; February, ll.2; March, 11.73; May, 11.75; July, il.:.. New York Financial News. NEW YORK, Jan.' 20 Cotton is up $1 to $1.50 a bale this afternoon. Wheat is slightly lower. Heavy profit taking was indulged In today on account of Saturday' fine bank statement. The Hamilton Rank . and Its six branches resumed business today. SAILORS NOT DISTURBED. Having a Good Time Despite Disclos ures of Brazilian Police. RIO JANEIRO. Jan. 2, -Officers of the American fleet are keeping com menduhly straight faces over the an nouncement by the Brazilian police that, only the hitter's vigilame pre vented anarchistic violence against trm vlniting fighting vessels. Bra11 Is unquestionably very seriously im pressed with its responsibility in the. matter and evidently don't doubt that a real exceedingly dangero is conspir acy exists or existed until 'he ixilicu broke It up. American ollicers and blue-jackets are not allowing the dan ger to Interfere with their comfort and the nitjn are enjoying themselves ashore today, Patrolman Apple killed a dog sup posed to iierabid thin afternoon, about ?, o'clock. The dog was shot, on the corm r of Spruce and Fourth streets. When aeon It was siifippiu.f: at everj tlilnt; in sight,

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