. li V Z3 M t H Vv I I) s I-i V Xcx I -J i . ; ; -1 fl THE SENTINEL GETS EOTH THE UNITED PEES 5 AND HEAEST SPECIAL TELEGEAPHIC SEEVICE3. CITY EDITION ION VINSTON-SALE3I,X. ( MONDAY i:VLMN(i, JAM AllY 'JT, UHS. riSIt'i: St'KNTS. r Local Measures ?ass In The Senate t ss of State Interest Transacted In Either )f General AssemblySenate Confers 15 AHRESTED 0(1 fr Rate Bill Tonight. !u the iegL'.a i j- i.iif consumed tin' ti disposing of tli'' t !,i!U passed fv an j, must of Item being tsr character, j, j.- important lulls p., In an1: A bill of ! ! - inn the ponite'i li i'.ii- payment of it: .m limits given in DEFENS EINT HAW E COMPLETED e .-ta'e farm, ih's hi' Ar. Jerome Will Now Offer iMore Testimony. -aid .Mr. Aycock. has j."i to tin- state t ro;is i :-.,! funds available. . ..surer should moot Miliitiuil of Soiiato. li.; i ommiitee to ar I .speedy printing of pe. 3 amending act of the jping to the extension mi!, s of the mails .)!, :! cent rate and jo li 1 1 ; aid referred to I! 1 1 1 i 1 1 eo. li -g 'lie pay of jurors I Wagum . M and ai:l a Three Experts Called to the Stand by Defense Before Luncheon Recess. This Evidence Closing the Case for Thaw Other Evidence Offered That Is Very Favorable to Defen dant. '. county was pas's -d. ii- ; Saturday had been i day for new hills a lima: n res bested the'r ji.de loday. Hut those senate passenger ralo d and discussed In the I latthews Did Go Out On Run. - o ? p, f ; - - - V. v : . , f '. r v a-o The Seiitinol ii' niaile by Captain niie of Hie passenger and W. road, to ! f;iw on his engine mini; message: Uovi d lie killed January u s, hji.se veracity iiii'si Iiiaed, was ad- s of his family linn 1: i out on his Salur- ; i! iheir advice by li.. leis decided tn V i ! i 1 1 -day. as says that the i.ni Tan d to him, may Jir.iiii aa iniai;iiiative !. lie argues that I' ! ircihly that the ho tel be shaken. 1 WILL BE NK'vV hI;K, Jan. :'T, The', deffiise in the Th.!- I rial is complete.'. iti the ieiiM- i mis of evidence tot feci- i.h a r-i-li Mr. Littleton, 'betrpe the l.uii li. .hi recess was ircleri'd, called ;!n. i k rts in insanity, Mrs. lis and Jellift'e, to the once began propounding to tlieui ;l e llfteea thousand word new In hi n -:ical fpiestion, to which they are e,iected to reply that Thaw was insane when he killed White. l!y in , ins of three physicians and a nurse ?.ir. Littleton this morning showed Thaw on two occasions at least was tivat'd for acute maniacal i insanity, during a spell in which for six days he acied not only irrational hut extremely violent. Dr. (lauja also corrolxirated Kve wi's story of Thaw's attempted sui cd" at Monte Carlo by drinkins laud aiiuiu. Dr. Burton lirown, the eminent Eu ropean upeiialist, who attended Tliaw in Rome, said lie was suffering from mania, "simple numla or hypeniu uia:" that "lie found no trace of de lirium tremens." The European wll ne;si s oroM d strong cards for the defense. LITTLETON AND JEROME QUESTIONING EVELYN NESBIT THAW. narry Thaw's pretty jiuim: wife was not x-nnitteil to reiea nil of the tory which she liad ndate.1 t the for mer trial. T he prisoner's mother, hmvever. gao detailed tesilmony i'ieei iitn Thaw'x ' lol. tit affection for the girl mid Iioav he lu: 1 lirun IihI over the w1 ongs he said Kvely n had undergnio' at the hands of Stanford White. Many er tioiis remtirUed apuii the l oolnvss tl4 was apparent U'tweeti Harry Tha w's mother am! Evelyn. At th pmloua trUI the T haw family had show u cousi 'able cordiality toward the young woman. DISCUSSED iuuary 27.- The rail ;i : ( n i n in North Caro t. lit si airing in the 1 tonigh: when 'th" p the senate railway laown as I'he (iraham I not mention mileage in does it incorporate ,L it.g the stale C'U'po' 0a au hnrity luieafie.' Diallers with the rail- oiiitiiendations which a.'i eeineiit strongly ac- 1 in i lie house that will morrow that. v liile nor "oad.-i to sel mileage' ha:i funuT rates; does B I'naii- that- sell tlies" C iiis, shall be etititln i 1! 1-2 cents, and no; 'bis otherwise. . This afortiied, is Insisted on I'd. of counsel for the aught unsm-cessfully to (ra ted in the senate several days for the o get togetlter on ifle is enacted. The Son people are still insist ad cannot opera re on ml Tare without losing re is unii'iesllonalily a to fix the first -3 fen Is, which Is 1-4 !ion am) make a see 1,1 - 1-2 cents. Th "l.licians and many' a Is Ic ing looked after ,,ii:'-'l Stales senator. "'.' general and stnu Mission Society Holds Interesting Meeting Yes' i -lay al'iernoon, notwithstand ing the very inclement weather, a large iiiiiiihi-r of the young people as sembled in ilie annex of Centenary church, this in ing the first, meeting since ors.'.ini7aiion of the new mission ary socit iv. A very, interesting pro gram was tendered, .the topics handled being hole timely and Instructive. Fine p-ip.'i-s were read by .Miss Ida llinshaw en "The Haystack l'raye. Meetin::;" Mr Sit.ip-jn on "Villlam Cary;" Mi White on "The 7'resent Crisis in M mccn." Miases Ali(e Kose and li ! t 1 1 1 .i 1 1 also liad excellent pa pers. The full'".-!'.", idli-ers were dieted for tin; i-oi.i.. year: 1'rcsidonf, Mrs. T. F. hin lii -i vice-president. Miss Sadie Wal'i ,-; s. ciind vie" president, Miss lies.-i. li.nry; coi lesiiondent for the, foreign inii.sionary work, Mis KHie Miiler correspondent of th Home no.s e 'i wni k, .vitss Morenei Harrow: tr. ,e ner. Miss Sallie N'ait- Inn: rec inli i- si cretary, Mr. E. E Lindsay: u- : t.' recoriiing Keet-e-tarf, .Mis- !' --ie Upon; musical di rector. .Mi-s liic liose; assistant musical din i '';'. .Miss (".race Taylor. Five i)i w ii.uucs were enrolled, making a ne inlei-ship now of 45 names. Big Damage Done By Fire in Three Cities Destructive Conflagrations Occur in Chicago, Balti more and Portland, Maine Fires Under Control, roitTLA.NI, Jan. 1. Another big tire of undetermined origin begun ear ly today before daylight in the whole sale dry goods district. After a des perate light of three hours the Are was under control but broke out anew and again got headway. There was mote than a million dollars" worth of damage. The Miliiken-Curstcrs Com pany lost f.uo, in ii i alone. I.ati'i- A i hast a million dollars' damage was caused by lire sweeping I'ottiand business district today and last night, and although it is now un der control it is still burning briskly. Worn out by their efforts in the city hall fire Friday, tile uToim'n were alli ed by cea auies from several cities In Maine and New Hampshire. Fire in Chicago. CIIIC.UlO, Jan. ST. A small fire in which more than one mail was killed and property valued at over half a million was destroy id utarted In the priming house of Dunn & Company eaily tills morning. The place is h ciite.l on Adams street and gave the tiienicn a tough fight ! supr res it. Fire in Baltimore. HAI.TIMOKE, Jan. 27.-Fire Is to day raging here in th" tniniensi' tanks of the Standard Oil Company. Thous ands of gallons of oil have burned so far. The fire threatens the big refin ery and oilier property. II CIVIL STRUGGLE SEEMS. PI! E Clash Between Argentina's President and Congress. If Congress Meets Despfte the Presi dent's Edict Trouble Will Probably Ensui It Is Not Known Which Side the Army Will Support, in That Event. MISS ANNA UVEHGOOD ACCIDENTALLY Tl SHOOTS YOUNG MAN IN THE LEFT EYE IH KNOS AYKIvrf. Jan. 27. The griaiest excitement preallH hero to day over Hie iiiiirrd between l'resl di tit Aleoi ia and conurcHH. which j Ihiciiii'tiH to i i broil country In civ ! il war. There is much doubt as to which side Ho. army will support, i Trimble lias beep precipitated by (threats of congress, to meet today do 1 -pile I'reMilcnt Alcona's edict, wl Ijoiirning the M-sslon. If Hie houses aiiempt. to met t Alcona declares ne wiii prevent such action by force and di dure mart ial hiw.- ITJess an agreement Is ipihkly i f fi" led f' ifrs are entertained that a rev olution Ii unavoidable and many per sons are already Hoeing, f' arlng such nil outcome.. Here To Adjust the Losses By Recent Fire. Eight or el's arrived the losses i Magration in block on Sur The re; lie suiance com several day A local that the s'ei Hardware 1 Hrown. de.t! furnishings, be turned ie action, of i agrei j i lent amount of d t- In. insurance ad.iust ,ii re today to investigate in 1 1 by the sei ions con- ioi' lirown and Carter , i i niedit. January lfi. -. -ninth os of the fire in ! will likely be her- ,, i,; .-;a'ed this . inorning c'r.s of the Hrown-Kogers '..iii: any. and i-Tank ('. ir ii. siloes and , gents' would. ..ii all probability, w' io the owners. This :u'ie. depends upon an ieir;r readied as to the aluagi s. Charles ll.-ee. a young man. about, twenty years of a so, whose li-itne i j four Jlliles so'llh ( f Ailiinee, Davie I county, was accidentally shot in He', left eye by his sweetheart, Miss Anna I l.ivengoed, about 7 o'clock lant i-m n I ing. ' The nnfortumile accident occurred t at the home of MUs Livengood. luj Davie county. According to the in-i formation furnished The Kemim-U Mr. Heue and Miss Livengood were; sitting in the parlor at the home of ; the bitter, liege had an unloaded' pistol and lie aid the t-'irl were snap ping it at each other just lor ainii i ment. Later I lege lei'! the rn"!a. loaded the pisid and upon his return failed to Inform Miss Livengood wha he had done. The girl took th--wenpnn, at'.tl Iliialtittg It was stiii iinpty, pointed ii at lor lover's face and pulled the trigger li'dore. he had lime lo hpenii or gel out of tie1 v. a . The ball, I! 2 calibre, entered the lef eve. entiling out just above tie- lelil.ll. The young man was brought to lie hi.spiial here this morning by Dr. .1 1. Martin, of Davie county ,for a 'n .riiigh examination and treatment ihe wound. The Sentinel was advised Hi's ii! -erlHHin that Mr. lb-go Is doing nic-ly, lunudi the 'glit of the h ft en -. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 t I y destroyed. It is tieir-iii ih.it lie will be able to re' urn li'ine- in i lew days. It is learned that Miss Livemi-od i .deeply grleveiT.over the uiilnrnoial accidetlt. LABOR LOSES HARD BATTLE. Supreme Court Decides One Settio" of Erriman Act Unconstitutional. WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.- Labor In-' a hard fought battle loday when the .supreme court decided the hit I inn of the Erdiiiiin act prniiil li in,z railroads emriigerl In interstate coin ineiee from discriminating againa employed hef-anse of nieiiiliership In lain r organizations Is iiiicnnslltu tiotial. Postmaster's Suggestions Miss Gladys Vanderhilt j to Rural Delivery Patrons Weds Hungarian Count j INVESTIGATION BEGUN? Rumor That Grand Jury Has Started Inquiry Into Affairs of Big Bank. NEW VOItK. Jan. 27. About He federal building It was freely rumor ed that the grand Jury had begun in ventilation into the affairs of the N,i liomil Hank of Ann ilea, which failed to open its doors this morning, and f'hfirles M. Morse' connection' v.iili that liisi itut ion. ier Keynolds ib sin io of sum. M ed Cilliam. who wa. ' red . continues 'it 'iidi he is no' P"lav th:it n l.ifil tiiiieiii will send n 111 a few i Chief r i'eni e I-'. O. Johnson, nf -Mount Air... i .i'im to the city today to carry Dixie .lan.es, the yoeng man who is wan:nl ile-re for breaking Jail ami who was arreste.1 here Satur.ln". He left this afiernooti for the Granite City with his prisoner.. 3 lt,i! I'h cviilf.np,, ...-;1nl -V''es!,.rn a;w.,y f(. rim1 ilisr-rimhiaiioiis will t. jln.n(1,i ovpj. in rfHuniission to be 1 pending before the free commission. I Mr. J. A. I'rara.v. of Woonsdf'keit, K. I., is heie iusliiliitig a modern glossing machine ' for the Chaihani Maunfactn rh-s Co. The machine wa ; manufactured by a comnany of which Mr. Prarav is a member. Fe.siui.1s alien, i'. li to ihe piaci Hons i.i' rural deliviiy of placiiu I", coli.s in tin Ir b ;:.es each time ": desire to dispatrii letiers' insieinl supplying themselves with posi.ire advance of iheir needs. This practice imposes undue ). ship on rural carriers in renin J loo: e coins from lci.va iind d -i; tlicm on the service oi' iindr r. i ' - - The postmaster, therefi re, mi: : requests that pa: runs of rural (hi:., provide tliem.e.M-: and keep on !i , a supply of s:aiiips coiisi.-t'en . and in a.ivai.i e .,f their net ds. also very desirable iiiat rural pa place in their mail boxes sma'l tariiable cups of wood or tin which to place coin-', when ner-,- i in purchasing 'supplies of stamp.-;. Two Burned to Death. NKW VOItK. Jan. 27 Two -p.-i -jwere burned lo death ioday in a n terioiH fire at lfi.'! Mulberry str'.c. NKW YOKK. J ;,;::li noon today aliderbilt. dilllgll ; ': -is Vanderbi'.t, b 1 1 mint La.zle : l ai inn. j No expense or i produce an t-ffec; i ; Ic elegance. Contrary to ear' Hollh ill the Vai.e ; the wedding c the eldest br . r , her away and :in iiiilieii:e that :is iilete I'econciii.llin! Pope Sends ; I'ope Fins -. I . ; benediction to .'.! Iiilt, who tit vn-i ! Count S7eelienyl ; to Archbishop l'.o an. 27. -.At evu-iry Mi l Cl.i l s Moor-: i ier of M:s. Cir'ie i c;ime Hi" V.-ife of! Ze. lieuii. a 1 1 tin- j d'f iil was spared to uf in anty iiwl artis- j nt'iir: disxen- . ri.il; fanii'v over r .dins Vaioi. rliili. il the brid", gave .' .( ii t ken to e lias 111 ell a Colli i in Ilie family. Benediction. .-lit Ids iipoxtdic -s Gladys Vairb-r n was wedded to It came by calil CAPITOL GRAFT CASES. Securing a Jury Will Take a Good While. IIAKKHHt'UG. I'a Jan 27.- Fen J IlIK Court llltllH"MH Iieeellllllg till mediate diHpo-.il ian-. . long delay 1.1 getting under w.r. tudr in the trial of Capitol graf-hi" e.-ien. The work of securing a v;. ; - i vpected to con sume mail In ii FDHCEBYCHABCE K. or R. M. Pool Passes a Draft -r J 1 00 on McDowell .& Kogrrs. Ceek W D'jn on A. J, Draughan, Durham Bus ness Man, Who Will Cone Here j",i T-st.fy Against Pool Defend vr-t Locked Up in De fault of 11.000 D nid Has Been Here About S'x Months. Chief of Folic, lam ,s and FaHol man Fulk arn-stitl 11 I i'-.d, alias IL M. Fik'I. a white Ulan j.iareilly hIhiiiI 4i years old, )-'' is after noon 'nhont I ehk en i warrant cliitrging til lit i'h foi gins ii,.- i one of A. J. Diiuidmn. of Duihani. to .1 draft of $iuii and pashiR It on M.Uiwell i Hogers. a dotl.ltig firm lien- sour day night. INhiI Weill Into the i,.re and prisented the drilft, staling tie wanted to purchase wime clothing Mr. Mcloell accepted It tttld sold tiiin $12 worth of chiihtng. ll'i5 him III cash. Fool was committed to Jiitl In de fault of a ll.iHin bond. He will be given a hearing hi fore the recorder to. 1 errow 11101 nlng. Fool came to thin city about sin nnuithi ago fiom Diirhum. ami ii is !n en working for Jenkins llros. Shoo C.inipanv for some time. He has bent hour. ling with Mr. J. II. Fry on West Fourth street. The Hillc here have been watching lilm for some time mid It is alleged that he endeavored to practice forgery on Mr. Fry. Foul admits thst he got the draft rushed hut shvm he can prove that he Is not guilty ef forgery. The party on whom the last draft wast drawn con duits a wholesale house tit Durham. Chief Thul as phoned Mr. Iiraughati this morning, lie slated that he would come here lo appear Httalnd Fool. It is stated that Feel has a wife and children living In Durham. MRS. EDWIN SH0U8E DEAD. Passes Away at Her Home In Salem at Advanced Age. Mrs. Kdwln SIioiihp, whose maiden name was Mist Joule lirown, died this morning hi her home on Marshall street, Salem, nt the advanced age of 71 years. ' The deceased had been resident of Salem Nlure childhood, having moved from Greensboro ti M lein about IM'I She whr one of thn first girls to cure employ rent at Ihe old Salem cotton mil!. The de ceased was n devoted 1111 mlicr of tlm Home .Moravian church. She Is sur vived by a husband and one slstet, Mrs. Ilenlieii IjongworHi, who lives a few miles south of Salem. The hus band, wlio Ih In hjls T7(lt year, Is In very feeble health and has been rou tined to his bed for seveial months. The Interment of the deceased will he tomorrow but Ihe hour for the hi t vice hax not been decided. Amendment Offered by Mr. Cox Is Defeated It A I lilG II . Jan 27 The house Was Hie scene of u livOH 1llKi1iHhl1.il, liar- haw, I 1 v. 1 1 , Cox. N ;il and ol tiers Ink Ing foil t. It was over Hie prohibition bill and the quod Ion whk the Inner lion of brandy In the firs! section, doc made llil. HiggcMlon hut It. was tost. Tile house lli'i'li tonight at R o'clock lo "oiidilcr the Mil. Although opposi tion will lie made lo t piiswige, the lions" will put It through with practi cally ml changes front Hie senate. I. pile other bushnm wbh done. Mi Sa'n. son i' V. in , lot ... Death r,f V11, En ely Crouse. ! : 1 u e dli d at .' o'cliN'k ! . j : -a .ti at the home of her ' - ..11 . Nol th Main HI reel. . , si;.- was 7fl years old. ller i , , . 1 led her to the grave a i i: h- ago. She is survived by ! dii dren. The Interment look .'.1 Ci k's Haptist clinrch a few moth of this eitv. Ludlow Hirdsong. of was here yesterday. High Foin', II. D. Lindsay, of liockford. was the city today. is Tim local. F:bn loiigeg are dis cussing a "big nigh'" celebration to j lie held in the n.-ar future. A comiuit ! ti ha been npKilntct to decide iti1 wli'Mher it sliall be Jointly or sepniate J iv celebrated. Telegram of Protest. Mr. M. D. Ilaib y, Jr., has h?.it a 1. 1 elegram to the Forsyth members of th" legislature protesting ngiilitst. the pas sage of the .prohibition bill before that, body. The telegram is an follows; "i.uslness Intei 'Ht here condemn prohibition bill as ati act of cowardice and for political ninbltlm purely. They contend that If ninety five p r cent of Norlh Carolina has a re I, voted dry it Is unfair to allow them to participant In election: that it Is like tryflig a case before a pack-d iury. They think further that hi the opportunity that Chailotte an 1 Greensboro have been waiting fur on' account of jealousy of our prosperi y If this theory is made a law ! will injure inieieis here u-n mater., i.ly Try and get an amendment in to allow onlv wet towpj io vole on pro hlbitlm. ' M. D HAILF.V. Jit " A new Juiiiur otih r cou'u il with about :! members. .1 in ti ii'. I at Kn'erprise, DavldH .11 c u-:' Satur day night by a ''.on' ''in f x 1 1 1 r ton. Stale Seci..'ny . hi ."i! out snjiille-t for a new . -,.,ci! at Mid dlesex, Nasli i.-.-irry. ! i;i itave about lilt chai i mi'mher-. Mr and Mrs. A. M Smith, of Flkin, ,)..; ihe night here, returning from a ': ,1 to Florida. They were in Me. "1.1. - i' state s"veral weeks and Mm Sn i'h'R health showed decided Inl- in. .-ment 'liy her visit, Mr. Hmi:h reports the wcliher line when he t T" t Florida. Mr. Fin. j arrived out stenography liess 'llitege it -pease, 1 tr i.'tke . ., the T.. Knral Halt, , . ne 1 In i City finsl- - There mi feiiHeen pa':. 'tils at Hie Twltd'ii' liospii.il and nil or t'n-ni r.rn n-jiorteij to be doing nicety.

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