p M ff 4 XL j 4 ( THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PEES3 AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICZ3. CITY EDITION WINSTON-SALEM, X. C, "WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUAliY 'Ji, IDOS. TIJICE o CENTS. :aii. ote On the Rate Last of the Week IT III f , ION FIRES OCCUR li'I II Attorney Littleton Makes Masterful Plea Harry Thaw's Chief Counsel Delivers Magnificent Ad dress to the Jury Synopsis of Argument. IS JB- 'SESSION Apected to Dispose of the Matter Friday irday Difference In "House and Senate :s Other Legislative News. 3 IM CITIES Destructive Blazes In InJi m apolis. Chicago and Kan sas City. I :). The . leuisla hr.ii of deltu- on !nit rate the.-"' j house coiiilictijiS in 1,;. Interviews lK.il -te r 'SiulU';'llt Willi 4 in each Lramii In 1 ill w'-.i'.-h. "tlin.nh ,:t;eo to In1 appointed lutd-iy," will finally passed, will contain ! a li lt 2 1-2 Pont pas cm Is -in increase or i in nV law passed a if i.i. e a?vid on by j riilw'.v officials and i :l.e governor: that ;i K : lit.oks ho It-It j-.ir.'ly aed left io Ui -prices; that any mat 3 judical ion that may wween now and the ; Mature In January, ken to the state eor SMii fi r adjudication: ) i guiles or less, i ti tles cs in present law, fur not exceeding 3 speech today by Sen Robeson, was listened x-lilih-s and galleries. 0! he reached before lav. dilate today Senator eson. made the prin r unfinished special Jtt-ay passenger rate lowed by Senators bd others. Us that passed final rblature today were j the state board of ell the states st runia comity, which j. (1 by the agrlculttir ad a number of bills inly, applying to c.er lens in various coun- I lion of Senate, lie convened for the iator Webb offered a the next discussion perches be limited to i'l'his was passed in order that the cal Cleaied of local bills, n up again and a mo liarr that it be tabled riehy leaving discus id arose to a question 'ilege to set. hlniscli' 'eretice to a report of S liie morning session ',v Evening Times had n its report, re passed by the sen- janllng eld tlon of nd nstees. ie payment of Initial federate pensioners, tec of loeation of Yan .liouse and jail, n powers to notaries I r 217 public laws of 1m- (lid of tilt? section iMt the section does innriTriunii iiiitp LONG STATEMENT Reviews Part Taken by Treas ury in Recent Panic. Secretary of the Treasury Furnishes Information to the United States Senjte on This Subject Says Ac tion Taken by Treasury Chtcked Panic And Reduced Premium On Currency. on past- three.) ting of air Association fc County Fair Associa . Grove, Vienna town lay and reorganized, wi re re-elected. Mr. er is president. The enthusiastic over Tis for the next. fair. ;solu!ion was unanl- th County Fair Asso- express our thanks 3 and business men K .V. C, for their lib : the- Forsth County ; from time to time inns." EARS SHOE OFF. 'as Almost Miracu- Fro Death. : -Ian. 28. A mirac- death by' lightning i'er a fierce thimriei 'ioiiday nisht. A P'.nially wreck Crossnian iiter- fiD.n mie of Mrs. -i:i-,m ,i,,;nK her ' !" liainliilly bur ii. f;i-n Crossnian, r, -iHir.-d the at-ci.in. ''e, of cjr-enslioro. the city, th,. jrijpgt !- p'ie N on her r. -a where she has I.'ili.in !';,vii.. Mrs-, ernom, fr h(,ll-. WASIilNCTDX. Jim. 29 Today Secretai-y Cartelyou scut to the sennit a statement of the I'uited States treasury's aciou and part it took in relieving the tinanehl panic recently. Anion"; the main points Is the state ment tlmt while the mi'lora! banks were seeking and t-xerlinR them -selves to increase ilie circulation the treas ury, by the new issue, placed at tneir cumin. uul the means to do po, that this was the means by which the panic was chi cked and the premium on cnrreiic) reduced. It is a Ionj, document. In his reiew of the financial situa tion since the last session, when he first siiirtcd to meet the perceptible shrinkage in currency the secretary claims for bis administration full credit for preventing a dis astrous panic. He says it was "iih delieberate intent" that the offer of -bonds was made more attractive than certificates, the pur pose being to avoid havliiR money withdrawn from banks and to Increase hank circulation. He defends bis cotiise in allotinK bonds to national hanks on the iirounds that proper res ervation was made in his circular so liciting proposals. Ho meets the charRe of favoritism In distribution of bonds by producing records to show they went to forty states and certifi cates to etehlecn states. He concludes the report as follows: "In every measure taken the secre tary felt he was bound to have regard not simply to operation of the treasury but to the effc i t of these acts upon financial conditions of the country. The present head fif the department has not assumed this obligation wil lingly and would be glad to be reliev ed of it at least in part, by suitable action.") Big Damage Caused by Conflagrations That Destroy Valuable Business Property Splendid Efforts of Fire men Keep Blazes From Being as Disastrou, as They Would Havt Otherwise. Interviewed Independent Tobacco Manufacturers It is understood that a representa tive of the I iepartmeiit of .Justice in Washington .-pi lit several days here last week iiinn iewing Ilie local to bacco ma n ii t i 1 1 i it -iH "not in a trust, " inesi loning i hem as to whether they nrp being "oppressed" bv the Amer ican Tobacco Cniiinany or its allies. The ptirp.ve of the visit of the ;-V eminent officer wa.; to secure evi dence for the prosecution of suits now pending in the 1'nited States courts against the tobacco trust people What information (if any) was fur nished the gentleman who caller1 up on the itiili-p.-nden: manufacturers, was not le.ir;;eil. A BRIGHT LIFE GOES OUT. Death of Miss Cassandra Vaughn, One of Winston-Salem's Popular And Beautiful Young Daughters Fun eral Service Tomorrow Afternoon. Miss Cassandra Vaughn, the lde.i! (larghier of .Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I). Vaughn, and oi:- of Winston-Salem's most beautiful and beloved youin? ladies, died at (lie home of her parents at 1:2" this afternoon. Miss Vaughn had not enjoyed the best of health for several yun. though her condition only became serious, las; fju:Klay night. Since then the attending physician gave the parents no encouragement regard ing the daughter's recovery. Diabetes was the cause of her death. The deceased was seventeen years old and possts-n-d a blight, lovable and attractive personality. She was a student at the aleni Academy and College and uas exceedingly popular with her clas.-uia'es and in fac'. every member of the school. The funeral t rvice will be con ducted from the Presbyterian church tomorrow afternoon, details of which have not been arranged. The Inter ment will be In the Sab-tn cemetery. IMMAN'Al'Ol.iS, Jan. ::i Fire which start. d here last night in the f-eneral shipping rooms el Coburn A. Co. is siill bi iiiin-;. Over a itiiiliou J'lik-rj worn of p.i K-ny has beti destroyed already. Fire in Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, U., Jan. 2. The packing plant of Nelson .Morris & Co. was partially disireyed by lire, the loss being; over a half million. . Fire In Chicago. CHICAGO. Jan. :':i. One of th most disastrous fires affecting down tow n district since 1S74 consumed practically live buildings, entailing a loss of more than a million dollars. English Law-Making Body Convenes In London. Address of King Edward Contained Nothing Out cf the Ordinary Great Number 0f B Hs in Interest of Poor Pj?ple Are To Be Introduced in Lower Branch of Parliament. l.ONlviV Jan. 29 What London papers c!in,eu "poo-- man's parlia ment" on account of the great mass of letl.ttion to Ih asked la the in terest chictly of the working class- s convened today. King Kdward drove down in state from lliickiiighain l'alace as usual to deliver his speech which was nothing out of the ordin ary. An immense mass of bills is slated for et-rly Introduction In the lowt-r blanch of the assembly. The In l!ca- lions ate that the lords will either 'eject the incisures or modify tlu-m uriil iheir owi: .itPhors will not recog nise tin m. NEGROES LYNCH NEGROES. Mississippi Mob Reported to Have Taken Lives of Three. COMMEItCK, Miss., .Tan. 2!. Ne groes are reported to have formed a mob which ran down and lvnched two or three of their fellows last night. The victims of the mob were accused of killing and rubbing their fathers. Mr. H. D. llarwond and several nu n.bi ts of bis family aie wrestling with the mumps. Murder In Wilkes By Unknown Parties NORTH WILKKSIumo, Jan. 2! Civil court Is In session again this week. Scarlet fever Is epidemic In the eastern part of the county. Jesse dreen was found deal In Jobs Cabin township last Friday morning. The coroner's Jury return ed a verdict to the effect that (in-en was murdered by unknown parties. The Finley store room, next to Vaughn Hemphill & Co.'s is being lilted up for a skating rink. E C C I'Tl llfJ HIE SOUTHBOUND ill Tl Fred Ilium, who has been wrestling with an attack of the grip. Is conval escing. "Will the Southbound Itullroa-i ever be built?" this question is asked almost daily by those Interested in an enterprise that would prove of incalculable bent tit to Winston Salem and in fact ev ery section through which It would pass. The Sentinel speaks wilh authority in saying that the contracts for the Construction work would have been awarded a year ago bail It not been for the "tie-up" caused by the com pany failing to make satisfactory terms with certain land owners In Davidson county for rights-of-way. This morning's Charlotte Observer coutalns the following special from Lexington; For a time last summer 'It wa.; feared that the building of the South bound Railroad might be abandoned for years to come, hut it now looks as if such will not be the case. It is learned that the entire right-of-way through this county, wtih one e.vcep tion, has been secured. One nwt'. through whose farm the road is to ruu has not come to any agreement. Judg ments given .against the road at lie last term of superior court where con detonation proceedings bad been re sorted to 'have been settled. Tin action of the company in setiling up these mutters is looked upon as mean lug that the project, has not been ab andoned by any means, and It !s be lieved that work will probably be re BIClAf!D COM! ORGANIZED HERE. East Winston Land Company Is Incorporated With $16, 000 Capital Subscribed and $125,000 Authorized. . Tlie seere'ary of utate has Issued a charier for the Fast Winston lnd Company, of this city. This concern has an authorized capital of 123.00il witti JHI.imrt already subscribed. The incoiirator'e W. B. and J. P. Tay lor, W. 11. Wheeler, W E. Franklin and others. It Is the Intention of the company to do an extensive business and to de velop the eastern section of the My. It is understood that the land of the eontii any will eii.bnice that owned by R. J. Reynold. Dr. W. II. Wheeler a.l'l other nice tracts. The Idea Is to have the street car line extended into East Salem as early as practicable. The ney company will doubtless be a spier, did factor In the upbuilding of the Twin-Clly and will be a success from the very start. siimou on tne roaa next spring. i "The building of the Southbound would be a great thing for piedmont Carolina, and especially would th manufacturing enterprises be licncftl id, for It would give a direct coal Hue from the vast mines of Virginia. The public feels that when the rate law is permanently seMlcd capitalist will again be willing to let loose helr money In this state." The Sentinel Is advised by a repre sentative of the Southbound Railway Company that be has been authorized to close up the rights-of-ways In Davidson county, provided It could be done on a fair basis. This represen tative Visited Lexington last week and succeeded In making terms with all but two land owners, who con tended for prices regarded exhorbl tant. ('apt. O. II. P. Cornell, chief engl neer of the Southbound, retains mi olflre In this city and he Is still on gaged In the work of planning to r duet! the grades, the cost of eotis'.ruc i ion work, etc. "The Southbound proposition Is one of merit and I feel confident that Ii will be built, provided the land owncr-i in Davidson county will ever nmec to terms regarded reasonable," remarked a gentleman today who was in position to say that nothing will be done, so far as the construction wmk is concerned, until all of the rights of way are secured to Wadosboro as prices regarded fair and reasonable. NEW YORK. Lin. 2S Steering en tirely cl-'nr of .!, iM.-ntia Americans" and other i !;-' -,. ii p roteehnlcn.Mar I 111 W. Littleton tikt i, u .tiie a plea to the jury which wai ,p. ,' ihe pun ishment to lie uvied ,v -it ii) Hrry K. Thaw for the muid-r ..f Architect Stanford White. 1 .0 1 h i , , s pi,n wa a masterful argument. o n t,. t in di rect terms and delivered ri ah emphat ic and impressive stvle. f s from all spread eagle tactics. He m , b- a plain Insanity pb-a wLh' no other tegument advaiK-cl than that Thaw coii'. i imt b adjudged guilty of murder bictu-e of mental Incompetency at the time he killed White, The- armm-nt mainly comprised a review tlu- eiileuc and development of Its worth. Ho comhatted absolutely the Insinuation that the defense of Insanity was pu k ed up by him as a subterfuge and only Intended for use to 'ae the defend an;. Thaw was plainly nervous during the argument. Payssoux's Feats Delight Another Good Audience Fayssoux, the mind reader and hyp not let, delighted another falr-si.ed au dience at the Auditorium last night Sonic really splendid feais were per formed and everyone present seem I to be well please, I. The young n an who has been a.-lei p in ti e window a' T. L. Vaughn Jr., , ("o.' Htere, was awakened after a large rock had been broken on hi; chest.- Much interest was manifest 1 in this feature of the performance. All indications point to a very large audb-nce Ir.nlght. as Fayssoux's per fornv-ances the first two nights bi.--given tuch general satisfuci Ion. Those who intend to go tonight would ! . well to get their seats early Watkins' Book Store In Handsome New Quarters Messrs 11. .1. Itoiveu and Hie have purchased the stuck cf Ei'i.-. m phonograph:? aud records carrl'-d- !;. the Winston-Saleui Phonograph Co This stock wa-; today moved- -e ii music store of lb-w en and liro. in tie Gray block. It Is the purpose of Mr Howeu to have a talking machine (' partni'-nt In connection with his music store and carry a full and compl' i -line of iiiflehines and records Mr Spaugh sells his phonograph store ' order that be may have more time i devote io the drug sioie biisjne'S. Miss Inez Davis, of Kernel -t ilie, was In the city today, The new (piatlers of the Watkins'' book store at 111 12 West Fourth s're.-t, next door to Rosr-nbac her's. Is one of the handsomest stores in lb" ei-y and the handsomest book and -M-ionery store in the sta'e. The in terior Arrangement of this store wa i- signed and worked on: l-y Mr. Wa' k i i s and It Is Indeed n modern book ..ime. in which the department idea , well carried out. Several ot the various lines of this -tore will bo strengthened. The blank hook department is now very com plete and the line carried is the engest and most varied ever carried i,v this store. Among the other de partments to be isic-efiseu h that of otlice supplies, oilier- fixtures and lilitig devices. This one line alone Is to be a -department in Itself and all :h" methods fir horiening and Miiiplifylng (.dice v, oik will be ihown and demonstrated This new fitore, a a whole. Is on.1 that would do ciedij to a city much larger than Wins'. Salem. Death of Father Kirwan. MOLII.K, Ala.. Jan. '.'!. Rv. FalUf Kirwan, 41 year- pas or of St. Pat rick's Catholic (hurcli. of this city, died here today. He as an authority on church matters of the Vnited States, Negro Woman Star Performer In Court. The recorder's court this morning was of short duration. There were only five cases to be heard. Anna Mabln, a negro woman, was the star performer In the court. She was arraigned on a warrant charging her with the larceny of $.'u from J K. Burton, n young white man trout Davidson county, yesterday mornln? ItniKi gave the money to Harrison Fleming to get It changed. He took It to a store and got the change Keeping ii ami giving the wotuxn $." of It iiik k. Fleming was arrested mid the $15 was fourtd on him. Anna, through her counsel, admitted prob able cause and she was bound over io the next term of criminal court, her bail being ItxeJ at $HMI, In default of which she went to jail. I. lib I Pou and Tom Ash, two small negro boys, were tried for loitering on the streets nt night. They were fouu l guilty of the charge and a sentemi of. Ill) days each on the county roads was given them. The case against Charles Meyers, chargnd with cruelty to unlmals, wio continued on account of tin1 absenc of some witnesses. Baxter Smith was mad. to pay a line of )" mid taxed with (he costs, In a case ii :,i i ti si hlni lor trespass. The case . against, t'al Martin, col orcd, for mi assault on Illaiiche Sim minis, was continued. Fleming and Hill Tried. At a n ectal session of the recorder's court, which convened this afternoon at l .::u o'clock, Harrison Fleming and Worth Hill, the two negroes alleged to have accepted money from .Vnna Maliln, knowing at the time that II was tolen, wens given a hearing, Flem ing acknowledged accepting Ihe mon ey, but stated that he did not know It was Htolcn until the next morning. He said Anna passed him on the street and gave him fl and told him to keep It until she called for It. She slated thai on the same night she met Worth Hill and he told her If she .11.1 not give him $,") of It he would tell on her and tjhe gave hlit that 'amount: Fleming nhjo stated that after they had arrest ed Anna her mother came to him and told him to give $10 to Mr. J. S. Cm gan to appear for her In court, which he did. Hill denied having any knowl edge of the money. .Anna stated that after he had given Hill Ihe $:, that he went back to Iit lions" and came back saying to her that "then- were to pollcemens and a pto'eftor" down there looking for her . The judgment of th.- court was that the two defi-iidatMs If- bound over to Ihe next term of eouit under bonds of $1UU each. In d--fault thereof both were taken to Jail. REVIEW OF THE TRIAL. Representative of Hearst Ntwa Serv ict Makes Soma Interesting Obser vations. BY DOROTHY DIX. NKW YORK. Jan. 'JH.-.Ylr, Littleton Iihs riveted together tilt last link In his (bain of evidence tt prove that Harry Thaw haa been practically In sane all of his life. He has brought together In dramatic succession four physicians and a train ed nurse, all of whom attended Die prisoner in some phase of his mental abbe rations. These doctors foregathered front many cities, from Plitsburg, from Un don. from R ime, from Paris. It did not take the most ftiluuble of them ten minutes to tell what he had to say. (Continued on page three I Does Twin-City Want rofpfsional Hall Team? s A 1 ,Vill Wlnsloii-Saleni Ret In the na- lonal game? , The Twin City fof the first lime has an opportunity of bcromlna: a in-mber of a baseball assoi lat loll ami seciii liiK a professional team. The local fans say that It will re ipiire a guarantee fund of $2.0M In or der to "play ball"v here. It remains for those interested to. put up the cash. The matter Is to lie decided within the next few days. It npixars now that If this city does not take advantage of Hie opisirt unity to secure a large amount of advertis ing, Raleigh will take her place, I .el every baseball lover gK busy and assist the committee In soliciting subscriptions. PROCEEDINGS IN MOUSE. Railway Rate Matter Is Considered by That Body. RALFI'ill, Jan. :!!. Tin- sum total work III house were three speeches on Ihe railroad rale bill, one by Man ning for minority, obe by Mangum fur governor's compromise and one by Itloinii f.ivoriug minority bill, which Is Io strengthen Ihe present In w. Illoiiiil advocated a two cent into In preference to 21 4 cents, but would accept the best thing he could get A motion to limit speech to fifteen minutes was proposed aud finally withdrawn by Mull, of Cleveland, who will urge the passage at the session tonight. Several minor bills were taken up ami passed. Justice on the floor said the session would probably end this week. Local Pythians Invited to District Meeting The Pythian district meeting to bo held In Greensboro tomorrow nigh' promises to be an Interesting and pro liable occasion for those who attend. A letter was received bete today Ie, Grand Chancellor Crist from Dli'rlc Deputy MeBrlde Molt, of Graham, in viting all Pythians In the Twin City to attend, assurance b'ltig given of a delightful gathering. There will V rank work, addresses and relri-sb inents Veneer Manufacturers Here. The Southeastern Veneer Associa tion held a (ailed meeting here this af ternoon to- iliscu'is business conditions, Mr. o 1. Williams, of Moeksville, is presbb ie. and L. V. Phillips of -x. iniooii sef retary. There was a large a'leniiiince of members. 100.000 POUNDS AT $13.00 PER HUNDRED. Winston market gold about jHMiiids of tobacco todav at an e of $11! no per hundred. This is a high water mark. Among the best sales today were J. 3. Spurgeon, of lit;h Point. Ht't pounds at 22 cents. ,- Ti l'M'.i avel Batik Examiner Hull, who has h'-en here since Monday examining t'-IfK-al banks. left this aftei uooti d I' Elkln ?n'l Mi. Airy, lie w i i 1 t'- urn via this city In a few da s A sociable will tie giuii at th" Methodist Prole -taut church.. Wednes day night, by tie- Ladies' Aid Society, front 7:I!U p. in. to lb:.'!U, All Metho dist Protestants of Hi'- citv are in vited. K.-flV.-dillielll Will h TVCd. Mrs. John Coleman. h hat been III for siiiul .la-s. was reported to be greatlv Improved I Ills afternoon.. Mrs, V. P. Molr's comliiion shows no mat-', rial change since esterday, ,

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