r" iv. ; i if i 'n 7 1JL! It -s A ITI0N THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PRESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE. CITY EDITION VISSTOX-SALEM,X.CM SATUIDAY EVEXIMJ, FE1HI"A11Y 22, li08. 1'IIICE a CENTS. vi:ak. OBSERVED HO ORPHANAGE NOW HUGHES III MM CUT III WAGES ENTERS INTO RESTjGOV. IS Ifl WRECK 'v t.f B:rth ofWJSh-.That' is the Way Twln-Clly New York Governor Is Very Popular Out There The Vanderbuilt Lines Give Assurance to Employees. Dr. L W. Crowford Passes o One Hurt However, By Away at AshevlIIe. I the Accident noral Holiday ijuuum imirtiwuuu i P1 1M t Nat ,,,e AH the Echa"g j , Are Closed And the Sunday Hours. C : . Fi ona! Capital Tics Present Conditions Do Not Justify the Establishment of Such an Institu tion in North Carolina This Year Joint Celebration by Four Local Lodges Largely Attended And Greatly Enjoyed. rvC 22. T! 1 ll -i-Has . Kt - ,-- l c '. "l J ill.- K ,HV-.'Vcil : mi c t. i I''1 '!' i No the aniiiwr a distinguished lent. uamel . ;h ' ur.-i.i. Hi IllK'k I TT7 a Holiday. Wa-hiitg-ittgiiished name ,,I Washington ' iK, ..'reels were jiiii llie Stars ami ..i i:.. I. ..II, I I tl! ill! pnonc imiimi i,,, ,. ;y was observed. vCn Observes Day. !.Y I '.mil , Ki ll. 22 ;,:,; ,, Will llf ll i ,,:!,!,.,: ii'iil Socirtv of ... ricall Revolution , ! '..night, to which i, hi national renuta- "ivl'i.l. Old Child illy Burned Today i,i, miii uf Mr. ami u,i4r; m. who reside s':,,- co'toii mill, fell .i ,n! 11 in lock today 'ti,. which resulted ln r t!ii Tn i i is later. fv;is pushing by ail open -t dress ignited. The vi,i,;ii I in Humes and ,-. 'Hll'lil',1 off OF YOUNG MAN. t ;y. Brother of Mrs. Geo. I.eet, of T:,;s City. I .;., iii Mr. and !. nl Washington, I). : !i-m ! nf his parents m1 a.-e of 21 VMurs, - cut-., of his u.'nltl. ' was nl Knoxvllle, i' 2 iii lm k. Deceased l Mis. (ii-ornf S. Nor i". I'l'il as a frequent Twin-t'i 'y. He was a ihimiic .. mug inau anil t.iili.-r. who u chief law Seat hem Ihiilway. He bisln-i esteem by the neither nf his ffieiuls sic-renu.ii.- i,j dieir last 10 LOCKER CLUBS, s Petit, on of Savannah jf State Charter May Be jw To Georgia Lockers. Keli. 21. Judge l"' Miii'i',nr court today '"'i'i'-ti of Hit- "Palmer '"' a 'ate charter. "'''- lw to to Siivan 1 i,! Mi.ii death blow. "' 1 "'in nf (ieoi uia sus- ;i " f 'In- i lnlis have ;'i'e ,11111 city licenses,' tliinkiiiK the stale l iu lu lu tu keep liipior '::iH liii'luiiei-.s. would ' 1' 'if i-olll'se. "' ' secured the '---ei-iaiiiMis, instead or "Hi! eai-li will be still IHiiliiliiloiy rederal ' ini-iiiher.. I tlirou-;!. il, , mi a tin in. sk I bis llf !- in davs with t II. lino... Piesein t niditieiH do not justify tlu-establi.-liiiietu uf an orphanage in North Carolina by the sraud lodge of Pyfhi.ins, but when ihev do .the lusti- ' tution tan and will be fiM thcoruing. , This was the sentiment uuaiiimoiisK exiiresM'd by the representatives of Damon. Salem. Wachovia anj Forsyth lodges at the anniversary celebratiou held in Damon castle hall last night. During this discussion one speaker said: "I would also like to see a home for aged and infirm Pytitians those who have been true and loyal to the order bm wii have met with reverses and have neither home nor means of support." This suggestion met with hearty endorsement. The joint meeting of the four lodges last night was attended by about 125 members and the occasion was one of Interest and enjoyment. Chancellor Commander Ueo. It. Cieen piesi.led duriiis the business session of Damon lodge, while Mr. A. li. 1 1 11 u tit oecupied thp chair during the anniversary exercises. Mr. H. S. Womhle made the opening address, his subject being the "Origin and I'ui'iioses of the Older." He spoke iiistiuctlvely and entertainingly and his message was greatly appreciated md enjoed by all who heard him. Mayor V. II. V'ogler. of Salem lodge, led the discussion on the orphanage question. He favored the establish ment of such un institution when con ditions justify It, hut he did not be lieve that the time was ripe for the ';rand lodge (o assume such an ex pense just at this time, as there are anl about twelve or fifteen K. of P. orphans in the state now and these have been provided with good homes mrt are being educated. Mr. Vogler said Hint he was advised that the ;rand lodge orphanage fund now amounts to about $tM,0o0. He was the speaker that advocted a K. of P. home for aged and infirm Pythlans as well is their children. Mayor O. II. Katon was spokesman for Damon lodge, Rev. E. E. William son for Wachovia, and Cranri Chancel lor Marl in for Kors.Mli. With Mayor Vogler, they agreed that the orphan age should be established, but they di(' not believe ' present conditions justi fled such action this year. State Crand Chancellor W. C. Crist was admitted with the honors of the order during the discussion of the or phanage question. The grand chan cellor made an inspiring address 01: the life and character of Justice Rath bone, founder of Py thlantsin. He also spoke of the growth of the order in North Carolina, saying that an active campaign is being waged to reach the ten thousand mark by the next meet !ng of 'he Kftind lodge. There are lfir, lodges In the stale and with n acces sion of six members to each the goal wil be reached. The speaker reported that at FleU-hcr. a small village, 03 of the ',; male citizens are Pythians. He confessed that this lodge did no! have the material to secure the six mem bers desired. The grand chancellor urged every liiember present to do his duty by living and working for the principles of I he order.. Encouraging talks were made by C. E. Crist, E. A. Ebert and oth ers. The entertainment conimttee served oranges, apples, bananas and cigars, and the Pythlans dispersed declaring the anniversary celebration to be both enjoyable and profitable. SGOVERED S i- Tim NtW (ing 0, 1'UllUJOl fePle Said many a "aord Be Impli- rrests Have Been nary Precautions ,0 prot:ct the King. tin :i'-r.Feb.22.-.i8Jon p f.'Uett nnnu.-u ,iiu. lildt "1 Process nf in. 'liMltniPV l ..!...!. in UillllJUt- Hl'K'k Cross Soci "n in, hiding niem '';"' and men in ';i'ii', arrests are ary urnraii. 'n protect tli. Tlip I'Ulace is ""'''1 officers na aim ' .-,;,..,! "noways and . n;ive bepn lub.. ' Pvei-jonp n(Hr a n Kxtt; I.IK.-I, ,d t M, COLORED TEACHERS MEET. aliv Several Subjects Were Discussed And Much Interest Manifested. The colored teachers of Forsyth county met in tneir rotirtti quarterly meeting n I o'clock today in thi court house. "Difficulties in Teaching, Reading and hou t.) Hvercmie 'Ilieni," and "How to Teach Children l.tinguage" wtrn the principal subjects discussjei I'rof. C. (i. O'Kellcy, of the Slater School, was the' leader in the discus sions. Among the other who took part were F M Fitch. .1. .1. Jones, Ora E. Jones. J. 'A. l-owe and J. C. William sot,. The meeting was very interest ing to all present. The as-ociation (s arranging to, hold educational meetings ln different parts of th county during the sum mer, to fonnulaic plans to lengthen the school terms for the iiexi year. Rt. Rev. Satterlee Dead. WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Right Reverend Henry Satterlee, Protestant Episcopal '.ishop of Washington, 'I led today alter a brief illness of la grippe. Mr and Mrs. James II. Cyley, Jr.. of Seiicei-, arrived in the city todiy and are the guests ol Mr. Coley's :1-e 'er, Mrs. Swift Hooper. He Speaks nl Chicago Today And Much Interest Is Being Manifested by Republicans Receiving Many In vitations From Nearby Towns for Speeches. CHR'AilO. III.. Feb 22 Covei nor llugius. ot N.-w York, ad lress-j .the Cnion League Club meeting lu com uieiiuir.il inn of Washington's bir'.h.idy day. lie declared himself in favor of guverumem.il oolicv that wotil 1 prevent discriminating rate allow ances, wlncti precludes tuna! i.ecess to markers for all members of indus try, and against crushing smaller in dustry by misuse, ol large aggreg.i lions of capital and unfair cum pet i lion. He declared tines upon corpoi.i Hons, particularly upon large coruort lious w i'li mouoiHilistic power:. :tr unjust becaiia tney are.eisily trans ferred upon the public or upon stock holders. Tile local committee has received couinitiuiealioiis from scores ol west em cities asking that Governor Hughes be urged to extend his trip. The great desite shown by Repub licans in the West to see and hear hitn is considered one of the most sig nilicant phases in the presidential nil nation. Requests for the Governor's presence In Wr.-tirii States have been coining in ever since the adjournment of the legislative session Inst summer, when it was thought lie would be at leisure to travel. Hut it was not until he had delivered his address on na iloual issues before the Republican Club in New York that the pressure became really great. That address be fore the Republican Club met with a most gratifying reception ; 11 over the country, but nuwheie more so than from the Republicans of the Middl" West. The newspapers in all till., ireat section of the country gave up in unexpectedly huge amount of space to it. and the comments both by the newspaper press and by Individ tal Republicans hove been comp'imen ary to a degree. Believed That Proposed Reduction In Vtages On All Railroads Will Not Come, as Several Big Roads Ar Op posed to It However, Som Roads Will Probably Onder a Reduction In Wages. NEW of a nn that a g tCI.eil 11H .111 YORK. Feb. 22 As a lesuU ting here to consider r.'KUt gi Metal cm in wages was thiea aniong the rairfoa 1 employes, is ot j ivnittee of nimteeu. repre.ieuting the virions railway uivihciiioods, are greatly encoti.iged. When they leave here tht v expect to Ik-r a-stira'ice to member of , the var ious unions tli.it on a great majority of the raiiroals. el least, no reduc tions are to be feared. hi addition to the declaration made :o the committee by President New man, of ihe New York Centra1, that no relitr'ii ns are contemplated on the Yaitilei bil; s stem, it is Intimated totiav that assurances have been given the coinmli'ee by herds of other easte'tl roads tint a iirilar Miilcy will be maimum d. Southern Holds Conference. WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 21 The conference as H wage adjustment be tween Vice-President and General Mananger Ackert. of ttie Southern Railway, and representatives of loco motive engineers was resume today, and a general conference was hell with a committee representing ,the conductors and trainmen. Tile proposition made to these class es of employees is substantially the same us that made to the machinists and other shopmen, which Is to the effect that In view of the condition of business and the falling off In traf fic, the lower scale of w-jges In effect a year ago shall lie restored. No dellnite action has been reached and a further conference will be held tomorrow. Steamer Afire Near the Mouth of the Mississippi NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 22. Lack of news from Ihe Morgan roa'dwis.' steamer Coinus. which left Wednesdav for New York has caused fear here that she Is the steamer reported afire off the mouth of ihe Mississippi by the Hrilish ste inter Greystoke Castle. T'.i" lite ot the vessel is unknown. Captain Lewis. o,f the Gre st ike Can ;le, reported that flames shooting from the vessel could be bight ed tit a con siderable distance. He rat' toward the steamer to offer assistance, but she steamed away toward the Florida straits. Lewis could not mak out th" vessel's name. Senator Fulton Makes Reply to His Accusers WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 Denuuuc inr; Francis J. Henry and the men as sociated with him as "a desperate gang of conspirators" to injure his name and reputation and declaring their only motive Is "revenge ati l politics," 1'niled Slates Senator Ful ton, of Oregon, lias prepared U red hot reply to the charges thai have been made against him by Henry. With characteristic straight fo'ward ness Fulton meets every charge an 1 his statement will ocntaln letter:! and documents to sustain his contention. The reply will be printed In full In Sunday morning's papers In 'Portland. Mrs. R. V. Swan and children ar rived this afternoon from Waynes ville. They will be here about two months on a visit to Mr. Swan. Jim Smith Bound Over nO the Charge of Murder. Jim Smith, of Smithiown, who has been in Forsyth county jail since last Saturday night, was escorted to Greensboro on the early morning trai l by Deputy Marshal Carrol!, wlier- Iv was given a preliminary .hearing be fore CniteU States Commissioner J M. Wolfe on the charge of eouspiracv to obstruct the process of the liw. and In furtherance of such consnira.'y Deputy Collector J. W. llendilx was killed on December 20. Eight or ten witnesses were exam iued for Ihe prosecution, but the coin, sel for the defendant deeiih d not to offer any testimony. Smith was bound over to tin term of the federal court, to In in Greensboro In April. Comtnis vYolff stated t'-iat he would ami, the amount oT the bond to be n t'd this evening or Mond iy nrobablv not be less iban $".'"' irici Attorney Hollon is couu-.i.lii . that it be a justified bond. The principal witness ag iit st S-Mtti-was ihe w-il'e of Oscar Sisk. who ar rived In Greensboro yesterday. Hr claims to be an eye-wll ness to 'ie nex heb lone eili.'i -qui' Hi' I'i Was Presiding Elder of Ashevilie D trict An Active And Honored Church Worker Chaplain In Ont of th Commands During the Civil WarFuneral Services in Greens boro Tomorrow. GREEN SilORO, Feb 22 1 he bjd; of ltev. L. W. Crawford. D D , ieji!J ing elder of the Ashevilie district, who died iu the Mountain City at 12 : yesterd.'v, after a brief ilhies., caused by pneumonia, ai lived here thi after noon mid was lakeii to the residence of Mrs. E. C Watling'on, in North Edgewortli stieel, where it wl'l re main until the .inie for the tuneial services, which will be held at West Market Street Methodist chinch to moirow afternoon at 2 in o'c'ock. 1' in understood that the entire Metho dist clergy of Greensboro will sid in t lie services. Dr. Crawford was born lu Sallsburv iu DM!. Early In life he (oliied the Confedeiate arinv and was mile a chaplain ot' one of the .North Carolina commands Following the cessation of hostilities he took a coii'e In theo logy, and Ht'er tilling a number of up polntliients came to Greensboro lu 1S.XI), when he beraiu pastor of West Maiket Street clinch. R -malning la this pastorate foi four v'-im. during which time he whs U.rgely instrumen tal ln building up the church, he was called to New Hern, where he con'itl ued for anoiher term of for years, ami then returned to his former charge in Gr-'ensboro, remaining therein fo one year, and then In Ing elee'ed to rill a pt'cfes"oi-!hlp In Trinity College. For a time he served as editor of the Christian Advocate. nd w.ia then, call ed to the pastorate of the Sprlu.'t Garden church here, then a mission church. He served there foi4 five years. His next charge was at Main Street church, in Iteidsvllle, anu alter a service of three years there, he was elected to the presiding eldership of the western North Carolina Confer ence. At the time of bis death Dr Craw ford was a trustee and also the reas urel el tile conference: trttsteu if the Greensboro Public library and "f Re, lierferd and W'e.iveivllle riilloK.es Dr. Crawford was a man of alndly prrvence, broad in lulled and liberal, a minister it the si.sptd In every sense of the term. He whs loved and re spect d liv the members of his C'i,gr ;ailoiis ami by thine who k.iew hlei !u other walks (u life, and his .lenlli is regarded as a personal loss b a l uge number of people llirnugli hi; tV tate. Deceased leu vis a wife and ;cver.ll children, one sou, Mr. R. II. Craw frd and a broiher, ('apt. R. It. Craw ford, rcr.ldu ln Winston Siileni. Secretary Taft Will Make Speech in Buffalo Tonight HI FFAI.O, Feb .22 Hoeretair'tafl arrived here today fiotn Washington Tonight he will address the members of the Elicotl Club ou the occasion o, the annual dinner In coimneinoi attve of the birthday anniversary of George Washington. tragedy, and sain emphatically th tt Sin it h fired the shot that l:lll"d Hen drlx. Her husband, Oscar Sisk. is in jail at Greensboro and will likely be chn',i'd wiih complicity In ihe nfur der. II is believed bv some people Vnai Sisk Is the one who did the kill ing, and that he and his wife arc try-1 ing to saddle the crime on Sini'h In unlet' to clear their own skirts. Iti'veiuie officers have been la '!; Sit.ithlown section lliis v,e"k, evi dently looking for testimony airaliist the supposed murdered ol OhV-er ll 'il- ! drlx. Those examined today, besides his wife, were all relatives of Sisk Jinnies, nephews, cousins e;c, ; William Spencer, a relative of Smith, testified lain Smith came, to ,'iis house after Hendricks ivas shot land that Jim was told that lie wa. accused of shooting the rev. me riffl ! cer: that Smith declared wiih etn- ; phasis that. "I wl.-h I may die and go to I i h- if I shot 'nun." Spencer also stated that Smith had a pistol at. the time and that he took several blank cartridges out of it. Laughed at a Joke Until he Killed Himself One of the Car of th Tram Left the Track And Governor Ctenn Had t Vv.i-k Back to Raleigh, a Distance of Four Miles Said H Enjoyed th Eerce. ,-R AI.KU.H Fcl'iii!'' 22 iloi t tiior tileaii goi . i i ii' In a small wreck I- day when ., , jr on n,P U., ! U' and Snu b, ,,- :,,,,,) ,.(t (h . r, i. jroke lo( ! -in :b,. ragi.ie and p.i. seiiger'cats an, I .i.isb. l iuut th- woods. The n it, it ims-iii red four miles from ILih ;,i ;ri.l Governor Glenn, cin.Mitg a -malt slp. wslked to the city. lie lie. I ued that tfe tramp through the l u-k m.'inlin air Ass iin igonuiair. tie j. to have male a talk at Holly Spi;ug to lay. Exercises at West End School Held Yesterday Washington's llirthdat was cele brated lu the city s( IliHits lesleidity. For some wts'ks Hie teai-iier have taken a few nilnuiei. each dav to teach the pupils sonic; bin of importance about the life of the ureat hero. Many songs and poems relative to Wash Ingtcn and our country s inilepetiileiico were learned. The exercises were nec essarily short and simple, ami onlv a few of the pupils could participate In them except In the sinning, yet all of them have learned some lessons that were Intetestlug and beuellclal. Following Is the progniiii as carried out at the West End school: Song "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocea n." "Important Fads In the Life of Washington "--Second grade. .Sona; "Where Potomac's Stream Is FIowIiik" "Story of Ihe Flag." Archie (liny Allen.Robbius Lowe, Allen Wright. Lou ise Wllklnsoiilanet Roger. F.leui or Tay lor. Recltat Ion Sixth grade girls, Song "Red, White nnd lllue," 'Washington's Honors"- Fifth grade boys. Poem -Sixth itrade k'hs. Heading EtheU Richardson. The Bonds of Columbus, Ohio, Champion Howlers CINCINNATI, Feb. 22. The great. American bowling congress louniu nieiil has come In an end so far as the five teams aro concerned. The II Is. of Columbus, Ohio are Die pins champions, and today teiehed a check for $s.",n for making 2,ft27 pins, Die highest total made by any of the 2CI teiiiiis. HOLD DEBATE TONIGHT. y 1 Interesting Subject Will Be Dibcuss f at Waughtown Public School. tA debate will lake place this even- ing at 7 :tn oclock at ihe Waugliiow.i gradeil school The subject will !, 'Resolved. That the Prim lug Prcis lias accomplished more Good than th" Railroad' " Pioi. (' W. Williams, ol the Wmigli town school will atg'ie III-' alllili.atlve while Plot. W. A. Good. Id: of 1i Twin (ill Mil. Imps '.'ollege, v.illpb id Ihe negailvi side Prof. C. L, I'adgllt Is also ou Hi program for mi address. NEW YORK, Feb 22-Pe'er An drews, a boarder in the home ol Mrs Mary Murphy, began laughing at a joke at tiie diing table and ill lit' t slop laughing until he ruptured a blood vessel and died. FUNERAL SERVICES TOMORROW. Will The Athletic Association Secures Six Star Players. The Wltislon-Saleni Athletic A -cialien has closed a deal by whh h T secures six star bull players hum la.-i year's pennan. -winning teim in the South Carolina league. "This Insures that Winston-Salem will have a fast I "am from the start.' said a meiebei ot the assorlai ion to dry. The committee is congratulat ing Itself upon Its success in s'uring the pl-iy-rs referred to alove. They include two pitchers, one catcher, urn infielder and two outfielders. The action taken by the 'A'iuston-S.i lem Association is based upon lb support they i're expecting to receive at the hands of lovers of hiuh-ciass hasebtill and ihe business men gen erally. The atsociatloi trust have mni.rai hundred dollar!1 n.ore In ordei to keep a winning team in ihe field throughem the season. Be Conducted From Centenary M. E, Church at 3 O clock The funeral services of Mrs. ,1. W. Alspaugh will lie conducied from Cen tenary M. E .church a' t, o'eloi k t'; morrow afternoon by tl-e pastor, Rev. J. E. Abernethy, assist, d bv Dr T. F. Marr and I'.lsbop Edward Koinltlit'ler. Th' intefmen' will be in the Salem cemetery The pall-bearers will be P. il. Danes. U E. Franklin, G. W Hinsbaw. J. A. Gray. I. (' .Buxton, J. K. Norfleet. fv'ori.-e P. Pell and E. Albea. Floral lieiirets: N. W, Nailing, T. Brown, 7.. T. Hwniui. W. P. Hill. E. Gray, George llodgin, P. J. Hi tune, II Fletchi r New York Has a $150,000 Fire Today NEW YORK, Feb. 22.-Fire destroy ed the factory of this .1, Ilorden ('hair Company. In Brooklyn, today. Two fire men were Injured and fifteen lines of hose burst. The loss Is one hundred und fifty thousand dollars. Night Rider Burn Barn. CARLISLE, Ky Feb. 21. V to bacco barn belonging to Auburn Suioot a farmer and Independent to bacco buyer livir.g near Upper Hlfie Licks, was binned today. Sriioot re centi.v purchased seveial crops nj sold i hem at Maysville, "i2rht ridera" ai" believed to hive set fire lo tin barn. W W. Sell, of Walkerlown. was bete today."' Mr. Selln Is siifleijng from an ugly cut on his b-rt leg sus tained two we"!'s ago while handling an axe. MIC Jfi TIME. Sailors and Peruvians Cclc- bratlng Today. Fifteen Hundred Seamen Are On 8hor Leave And the Harbor of Collao Is Black With Small Craft Carrying Sight Seers to And From the Fleet. LIMA, Peru. Feb 22. --Peru is en Joying Its holiday tody and Is vt lt Ing the oflieers and -seamen of the United Slates batileship Httadroii. Fifteen hundred men are given shore leae dally and liiough their conduct has been exemplary Admiral Evatis has taken the precaution of sending a detachment of marines to Lima, io see that perfect order Is main! lined. The admiral has issued invitations t, the South Americans to come aboard any of the ships that are not coining; between two and live o'clock every afli rnoon and the harbor is black, Willi boal-loads of people availing; , themselves of ilU hcspitalitv.

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