flHG r i JL V THE SENTINEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PEES 3 AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICI3. CITY EDITION ;1TI0N WINSTON-SALEM, X. CM UIT1JSDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 190S. TRICE 5 CENTS. Ifi KILLEDjLILLEY Oil SID. COIIil ESCAPES. FAST BAIL PLAYERS MITCHELL SPEAKS. HIIIT IDE MILUD Congressman Gives Evidence to Support Charges. Bob Cobbler, a Trusty, Leaves County Camp. Manager Carter Has Two Left: Hopes for Peace But Hardly Request Is Made of the House Committee. Handed Tjvlrlers. Expects It. ITEM!. w Lost Lives in tan Trouble. !,teB Furniined By P"" Vtg.a Steamer Fr0n1 p: !s. Who Say Recent ; N trate F.elds Was Far viSfO March U -Ac- , r iti Norwegian i.-i , lii't". in rcm Cmi- i less- " in 'm' jSr it.-. tiK)K- and pi'rJ'e beds in i. -,.ly nii-represelited by i SlV..,iim.-ni. They de . (if only a hundred I -..,.: the titin.lrf.1 lost I .r(,,s limits machine .-.., i,e'ween troops and nike "Ien I, w .rl, a eek ,a"'r . ;n 'he in' rate are . , .ii the verge of !lar Report. NlSn. March 1- A i .-..re t-.dav frimi Chile f .. .i ..l fat ,;ns Illiee I inmiiu'i Ii mowed iloWI uy . lit 'lie ni' rare beds, re- r .1! Ismtqtie. rour . .1 1. h iiiarcimig woou.. Simple weie ordered to ln-iiii:. i he troops Bred inks wiii machine K'His. 4 nun. Over 2 mm are I l,r,n l.uueil hy the sol- Claims Electric Boat Company Hat Maintained a Powerful Lobby at Washington and Hat Made Certain Campaign Contribution. Iain's Daughter Is to Appear Here ! , )tncr Distinguished Musi- ve Concert in Zinzendorf i Saturday Nignt.. S Cliineiu-i. contralto, and nli.iis, violinist, assisted Jil's Kdiiiiiiid Walk, plan-f- a iiniceii lii tile Palm i-ii'l Zinzeiidarf Saturday Such It. .Miss Clemens, indner of Mark Twaln.t lie f lis!, ha k a c lendiil repu- acciirn plisheil singer.whlle 'Miiin'is of the company k-t as finished ariislH in It ne lines anil will doubt- :l la 1 tie ;) inli.-noe. it will start at H:::o p. m. 'II Will lie lil'tv cents. Ill BUY pt Under Admiral 5 Arrives There. f For at Least Two Weeks, jhch Time Extensive Tar ft Will Be Had Ships All t.O. Maii-h i:.polir ,lys f1"!'!!' time lh,. battleship 1 i :n . -:ij Kvans arrived a' ?'- la- iiiulit, The ves f 1'iaciice or lor hat f "f the vovage of four ' l miles are ) !,,.,. f I'aa when ,i,v started, l.i.piuln here earlv t,. !" The ilis,,,tclie.-! said 11 ",,llii"i "in .-hie of the ''"'hdii to l-.iy am! lnFn cicliurag... As soon as '" 1'l.lCed the vvtL- .!.!. HI 'ie stalled. The tar r Wli enminiie for two '"Ii Hi- He,., will s.l for 'I'taniire r,,im r,lla() f bill's has average'! vr part f i. vov. 0FfER REWARD. ! 'Take This Step as Result pK on Creeks. I March !,, . " . t.overnor rma atternoot, offer a re- f , h" I in running l "-r " f Uelhavet, "y- Tn-'lav ni,,,, ,. i'",)"i'l'-:rl.,ll are not im f ;"' '"-"eks are unnatu- f'l'l'l Were I,,-,,,,,,,,; f "' ;"' iii'-niaiional ? Suicides As A Result of Panic '"'"ei ri o.il- s"ior, niak.a i-.nown New , "mown New WASHINGTON. March 12 After savins he woukl assume no responsi bility for the results of the congres sional Inquiry into ais charges if cor ruption by the Electric Boat Company, becsusr i be investigating committee would not act as he advised. Represen tative Lilly, the author if the chargt-s, I took the stand as a witness today audi said he had little to add to DUs state ment made before the committee on rules triti dayJ agw. .He protested against being examined first. He said he had learned to his own satisfaction of the employment of a lohby by this company and of several campaign con tribution, one to a member of the naval affairs committee, whose name he did not mention. He charged that the company maintained a powerful lobby at Washington, or which Elihu Fr ist was the head: that the company had received a million dollars exces sive profits from the government throimh ex.lusive legislation, and that the boats furnished bv the company were inferior in many ways. Had Only About Six Months of Two Year Sentence To Serve Convicted of Stealing a Watch From Chas. Morris His 'Partner Wa . Killed While Attempting To Escape Offi cers Reach Cobbler's Homt Just as He Goes Out the Back Door. The "Big Four" May Organize Saturday Col. (i. E. Webb, manager of the Piedmont Fair, Is in receipt of a let er from Secretary S. T. Dorselt. of tlie Yadkin Valley Fair Association it Salisbury, calling a meeting of the secretaries of the fairs of Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Raleigh. Charktte Mid Salisbury, to be held in Salisbury next SatTirday to consider matters that may be of mutual benefit to the different associations. This Is fl. step for t.ie organization f the different fairs iuui n mutual association. It is a noticea ble fact that Raleigh, which was not a member of the "Itig Four," Is asked to meet with the other fair secretaries in Salisbury Saturday. ,, Report of New York and Chicago Markets NEW -YORK, Marach '12. Only slight change occurred In the stock market, mostly fractional advances. Cotton Market. The cotton market was weak, owing to bearish sentiment and failure to respond to firm I,lverMol cables. After the call the list dropped slightly but recovered the losses. March opened 1D.5.-,; May, IjO.CT; July, 10.4H. Chicago Markets. C'HICAUO, March 12. Firm and higher prices prevailed In grain and provisions market. Wheat advanced one cent. May wheat 94 1-2; pork 12.10; lard 7.SU; ribs C.T5. Old Fiddler's Convention At Mt Airy Big Success Ye' Olde' Tynie Fiddlers Convention was given at the Granite City theatri in Mt. Airy last nlKlit by Messrs." V. Z. and K. P. Whltaker, of Oak Ridg. and Herbert H. Lovery. of Kernels ville. The convention was n bis; suc cess. N'otu ithsta.iding the Inclement weather the opera house was packed to its utmost caapcliy. There were about forty fiddlers' present, among them heing ' Tncle Hilly" Hill, o;' Rittheliord College, who icap'ivlited Hie audience atil Messrs. McRay, of this city, Imnan, of Westfteld and Crews of Kerners'vi'ile. Thi;i conven tion was given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society o' the Meth odist' Church at that place. THp per formance will be repeated tonight. EVELYN TO MARRY. Report That She Is to Wed a Wealthy Financier. NEW YORK. March 12 A story to day which lawyer O'Rciley, Evelyn Thaw's personal attorney, does noi deny but rather confirms Is to' the ef fect thai as soon as Evelvn secures her divorce, she will at once marry again, this time a wealthy financier., and go abroad for a time. Fairview Water Main Extension. A force of twenty men are working on the ditches for the new water main extension from end of the Liber ty car line to Ziglar's stable in Fair view. The new line will reinjlre about 4..1INI feet. Money in Barred Rockt. HI) hens laid in 29 days, 1,(144 eggs. Eggs 7."ic, 11.00 and $1.1.') per setting. Satisfaction guaranteed. 19 nice hen'i for sale $1 and $1 2." each. Forsyih Poultry Yards, 512 Elm street, Salem f 1 panic. , , uta the Audito T. ft. llalley passed through the city this afternoon from Kaleih where he had been to attend a meeting of the Democratic Executive Oommittee which was held in that plf.ee last night. He was on hU way to Mocks ville. This morning a hint 2 o'clock Cobbler, a whl'e man. escaped frun the 'county convict. ramp. He wa$ .ent there about a year aud a half agV to serve a two-year sentence for steal ing a watch from Charres Morris. Cob bler had served all of his time except about six months. Some time ago he as made a "trusty" by which means he was given moit freedom. It will be recalled that a petition was sent to the governor a few month ago asked his excellency to pardon Cobbler, but it was not granted, the governor holding thai Cobbler should serve his full sentence. A fyw- minutes after Cobbler"s es cape Patrolmen Thompson and Royal. In resjtoikie to a phone message fffmi the camp, went to the house of Cob bler's wife, but ihey reached there a few minutes too late. Just as the officers went in the front door Hob went out the hack door and made his escape by climbing over the fence in the back yard. Cobbler and another white man nam ed McCoy were sent to the county loads at the same time for the same offense and were given the same sen tence. About a year ago .McCoy, In trying to make his escape, was shot and killed by one of the guards. It Is thought by i he police to he a question or only a few days until they will have Cobbler back on the roads to serve the remainder of iil;i sentence Names of the Men Who Have Signed Up Fishing for Two or Three More Experts Two Men Coming on Trial Team To Btm-ucinfl About April J ImDrOvementsxTo Be Mad'' on Ball Grounds. IN JAIL EIGHT YEARS. Caleb Powers Has Already Been (Jon fined That Length of Time. LOl'LSVILLE, !'., March II Ca leb Powers, more confident than ever that he will soon regain his freedom, uid'iv completed eight years of run flpeniein in Kenitickv Jslb- as li e re sult of his altered ernni Itelty In the nni'dt.r of William floehr I. I'nder the direction of C;loiie Sidney C. Tupp, a pro'iiin'Mit Atlanta lawyer, a' moisier pel.iil'm Is being prepared asking f'-r I'le pardon of Power. It is expected ti resent ibis application for pardon to Governor Wilson at Fia n't fort wiihin the uexl two weks. If the lie i t Ion !s not isranied Pow ers will be placed on trial next sum mer lor the tll'lh time. The fourth tilat ended at Georgetown list .ian nary in u disasfeem"i; of the jury. At his llr-t ilia' Powers wis con victed and his punishment fixy.l at life imprisonment. This was in An 'iis:, lltln. Al the second uial. which was granted by the supreme court, again the verdict was guilty and th' n.inlshmetit fixd the unnie as before Then came the third trial in August. Klu.'i. This time the verdlc; was guilty and the de. ih penally afiyed. HITCHCOCK TRIAL BEGINS. Jury To Try the Well-Known Actor Is Secured. NEW YORK. March 12 Soon after court convened in the case against Raymond P.' Hitchcock, the actor, the Jury was completed and Assistant Dis trict Attorney Gamin began his ad dress to theory. He began by stal ing the technical charges against the actor and then launched into an on; line of the first case against the actor, and his alleged relations with Helen Von Pogan, the complainant, lie staled how the actor had taken the girl to his Great Neck home during his wife's absence and how he had made an appointment one night In December with Helen and Flora Whestou. ''meet ing them, and taking them to "lie Forty-first street house where he had a room. There, Garvan declared, the alleged assault on the Von Pogan gh'l was committed, Manager Rol.t. Carter, of the Wi ston Salem nines, returned lat night from an extended trip in search of fast ball flayers. He signed up with twthe men. hut two of ihertl are ac cepted on 1 1 in 1. If they make good tliei will he retained, otherwise they will lie permitted to deiart with the best wishes of the management. "I am well pleased with the men I'TrUC BlIlS RetUITied have selected, though I am fishing forj two or three more fast men. with good Wage Agreement Between Coal M.n i ert and Operators Expires April Vid Gigantic Strike. Involving 400,. 1 000 Men, It Feared When the Agree I ment Ends. ' Payment by Congress of That Amount l Ex Slaves of the South Is Asked by Freedman't Saving and Trust Company Congressional News. INDlA.YA!OI.IS, March 12. Presi dent Mitchell, in oening the I'niled Mine Workers' convention, admitted the dangers unending the expiration of the wage agreements April 1. H" aid he was hopeful of peace but did not see how it could be accomplished The operator seek to reduce wages and the miners demand an increase Tlwre is strong sentiment for a strike involving four hundred tbetuuiud men chances ef success, and if 1 land them, Winston-Salem will have a winning learn." said Manager Carter this af ternoon. .-Three pitchers are In the "hunch" of those engaged. Two of them are left-hande.1 iwirlers, these being Kd. Wills, of Prairie, Ills., and Phil Thom as, or St. l.onls. The right-handed chap Is Carl Johns, of Cbambersbnrg. Pn.. aud Manager Carter dii lares that he has never seen a man in the box that could put more sHed Tn his balls. Pat Collins, of Chambersburg. an old catcher with a reputation of taking everything that comes his way, and Mr. PekMjiiin, of Baltimore, another ex pert at the same (sisition, will play behind the bat. The other players Include Dunbar, of Lynchburg, and Harrison, of Cleve land, Tenn., Inllelders. Isilh of whom are lo "show what they can do;" How ers, of Chnnrellorsburg; Hurden, of Mobile, Ala., and Riwiliwortli. of Cam den, V.. J., who can play fast hall either In the Infield or outfield. Manager Carter's men will come here about April irth for practice. The season opens April "nth. Extensive Improvements are (o he made on Fulrview Park, Including the bull grounds.. Thu work will probably be commenced next week. ' ' Against Distillers The March tenn of the federal dlsirict court is in session at Lynch burg, Va , and a press dispatch from there says the grand jury returned the following iudic tmeuts: l'llkev Ayres. Patrick couiiM, illicit dl tilling; W II. Reuigar. Patrick county, fornierh Yadkin county. N ('., removing ami concealing spirits: W, II. Phillips. Pui tick county, removing :tnd concealing spirits; W. II. Rennlgar und W. II Phillips, Patrick county, operating dU tillery wllh intent to defraud ami il licit dimming; Harry II, Garrett. Hal ifax county, removing liquor withoin license. The case against J. V. Smith, of Floyd county, for selling liquor with out a license, resulted in tt fine of $oo and thirty days ia Jan. Young Men's League, of Salem, Elect Officers The Men's League of Salem held their business meeting this week, when new officers were elected as fol lows; J. E. Peterson, president; N. V. Peterson, first vice president; John D. Stockton, second vice president; Doug las L. Rights, secretary; Clarence T. Ilnbach, treasurer, and Fred Crist, librarian. The league has something more than a thousand volumes In Us library, and various newspapers, maga zines and other periodicals on Its rend ing tables. FIGHT AGAINST MORE 8HIP8. UNITED STATES FLAG. NeW Arrangement of the Stars on "Old Glory" Ordered. WASHINGTON, March 12-Todnv the War Department issued an orde" ordering a new arrangement of tic field of stars on "old glory.'" The un ion of the national flag will afie.r :h next Fptirth of July consist of 4ti st.n:; in six rows, the second and fifty rows to have seven stars, the other lour rows eight stars each. Naval Chairman Says Congress Will Not Authorize Them Hobson Says It Will. WASHINGTON D. C, March 11 Representative Tawney, chairman of ihe appropriations committee, had a lonk talk wiih the president yesterday anl then declared himself unalterably opposed to the administration's big hatli'shlp Increase plan. Re roseniatlve Hobson declared that "sixty Democrats and the ma joriiy of the Republicans" would, when the time came, vote for the larger na val program. Hobson s lntrvlew makes me smile," said Mr. Tawney. "I'll bet there won't ho ten Democrats that will vot was talking to Padgett, of thelrN. for four or more battleships. I wa talking O Padgett, of the Naval Com mitiee, and lit said that Hobson ough' lo come down out of the air and touch ground occasionally. He Is left iig hit enthusiasm for the battleships run iway with h!m " "I am going to do my best to keep ihe appropriations for the whole gov eminent down to the mark of ihe pies ent yeo.r, which is $920.0O0.WM. I' ihey put In a naval bill calling for four big hat lie ships, thM will be $tO,noo,(ioo more, and If a public building bill goes through that will be anywhere from $15.iMM),0oo io $lo,ono.0oo more Hut neither the greater naval hill not the public building bill Will go through if I can help It." INDOOR ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. Big Meet of Champions at New York and Several Indoor Records are Bro ken Cornell Won College Relay. NEW YORK. March II. Champions tit nearly every brs'ic'i of the Held and track sikuis veie brought lo ,';lher at the anu ial Indo ir carnival of the New York Athletic ' Club at yadison Square "Garden hm nigh:. Forest C. Prol'lisoii,' tnifueiiry "4 Port land, Ore., hut mw s niemebr of the New-York Ath'ettr Club, In til . third liei.t f ihe 7uy u rd hunl'e liunJIcjn race, made a oi'iv World's recoi l ol 4-5 seconds from scratch In the final heat of this race Smi li-uui sk'ni inrreC ever 'he hnrtles a wlnno'.- In yccond. The record for this dla 'ance nvr high hurdles Hal ii"en ;i I i heconds. made by S C. North . ridge, of the Irlsli-Ameiicatl Athletic; Clito, last year. Th fliil-h ot the spec'al match race at .'.00 yard-t between llar-v Hillinin. oi Ihe New York Aihleie Club, and Guy H.'.sklns, of thn I'nlvesl'.y ol Pennsylvania, wa exciting. Hillniiiu wen by two yirds Cornell won the i,b,y for callege teams with Amherst second, ana Pratt I of r.rooklyn, third. Fob liar vard men made u;i the Piston teiiu whiii ran against the New York Ath letlc men p, one-mile relay, which wis wen by Nev York. Mat' McGrath. of the New York Athletic Club made a new world (K'oril In throwing the .".(i-poimri weight for height. From s -atcb h threw the weight II feet 7 Inches The fanner recoid of 1.1 feet ti .'! K inches had been held bv .h s Mitch ell, of the N. Y. A. (,'., for nearly ten years. JOHN G. JENKINS DIES. Had Been Indicted For His Connec tion With Suspension of a Trust Company. NEW YORK, March .12. .Mm O. Jenkins, Sr., the Brooklyn banker who, with his son, was Indicted for ceritiec lion with the suspension of the Jen kins and Williamsburg Trust Compa ny, of Brooklyn, died today following an illness of several days. Rev. W. 1,, GrlsBOm, of Greensboro, is among the visitors to the city today. A SURPRISE WEDDING. WASHINGTON. March 12. Pay-in- ii' l the government of a million dollars i,i r slave of the South and their heir ha. been asked of 111 house coii.initiee on banking ami cur rency t. i.. resmiaiives of ihe Freed Uien's Saviiit an.l Trust Company. The company a, fmnu-d shoitly after the Civil War under governmental super vision as a t.nlngs bank nr ex slaves. The latter failed and the slaves lost their money. Method of Liquidating the Greensboro Bank GREENSBORO, March 12 -It has been (letlullelv decided thai the GreenslMiio Loan ami Trusi Company will liquidate Ihe Ciiy National Bank, provided the consent of the creditor ( an be obtained. There is thought to be no doubt that the consent will he granted. The method of liquidation chosen is the one calculated lo give desisiiors their money quickest. De positors will be paid In full. GASEISII0I1-SUIIED N Was tntitled Sarah Evans vs. Fries Mfg. & Power Co. Mr. W. C Beavans ond Mrs. Julia ,Steele, Both of High Point. Married In Greensboro. GREENSBORO, March 12 -Mr. W. Carey Beavans, of High Point, came, over to Greensboro Tuesday night, and on the arrival of "C yesterday he was ntlhe station to meet Mrs. Julie Jones Steele, also of High Point. Securing a carriage they drove to the residence of Dr. 8. B. Turreniliie, where at 4 o'clock they were united in mailing.', Dr. Turrentlne officiating. The marriage was a sun rise to Uie many friends of both parties. Mr. Iea vans Is now connected with the lyeon ard Beavan Stanley Company, of High Point. Mrs. Beavans was the widow of the late W. B Steele, of High Point. WANTED TO KILL KINO. The Christian Endeavor Society will Rive a mnslcale in the social room. of Christ Moravian church to morrow (Friday i evening. An inter esting program Is being prepared. will appear in tomorrow's Sentinel An admission fee of 1.1 cents will be charged. A crowd of boys were playing "war" on West Fourth yesterday af ternoon hy throwing rocks at ene an other. One of the number struck Past, ihe little nm of Dr. and Mrs. .1. P. Fearlngton. cutting a painful gash un der his right eye. Conductor S. Johnson returned this afternoon from a business trip to Rocky Mount, Va. Swede, Supposed To Be Insane, Fusil lades Norway's Royal Castle. CRISTIWV March 11 A Swede. apparently insane, fusilladed the royal cast le here with a Remington rifle at nood today. He fired altogether t dozen bullets, several of which crash ed throiiuh the windows and imbedded themselves in the Interior walls of the cattle. The man was promptly seiz ed by the police and disarmed. At the IKilice station he declared that It was his intention to kill King Haakon. He sill! had forty or fifty cartridges in his IMickets. King Haakon and Queen Maude were not in the castle at the time of the shooting, having recently moved to the royal repidence at Voxenkollorn. None of the palace officials or servants were injured. Wanted f 1,000 For Alleged Injuries Sustained While Gstting Off btiett Car Ellie Hall Loses in Hr Suit Against Same Company Other Court Matters. A non-suit- was taken thla, npvtiuiig In .the damage still of. Sa,idli JCvsns against tk Fries ManiilHttitrltif end Power Coinitany. It Is said that the, plaintiff has left town. It Is known that she was not lu the court-room when the case was called. The woman, In her complaint, alleged that while get ting off a street car on Koiiibslde last June ihe car was started und that she was thrown violently to the g ound, breaking her 81111, besides sustaining other Injuries. She asked for $t,nno as damages. The Jury decided Hint Kllia Hall. 1 lie colored woman who sued ihe Fries company for $5,001) was not entitled to anything, because she was not in jured through the negligence of the defendant co.upKiiy The Jury refused It grant a dlvorcp to E. O. McGhee from' his wife, Mary McGhee. The counsel for the plain tiff will ask Judge Justice Jo el aside the verdict. , A non-suit was taken In the suit 'if John E. Wick, trading as the Wick Narrow Fabric Company, vs. the Ma line Mills. The damage suit of lobn P. Nail va. Brown A Williamson Tobacco Com pany, was continued on ncottut of the" absence of some tmporrant witness es. In the Case of Dempswy Smith vs. Hiiivey S'e.ui-. Hit order wi' male by Judge J ;st'.?e to tLe effect IhU "ihe defend 1,1; Harvey Ktewii.t. Ins since the commencement of this ac tion, married Benha Smith, ihe dan; li ter of ihe plaint in. It is ordered that this act ion be dismissed an.l that judgment be rendered against, ilarvey Stewart for the costs in this proceed ing." i r The action of W. R. Hine vs. N. 8. Reed and Nancy Reed wbh dismissed, It. being shown thai plaintiff ami de fendant have compromised their dif ferences. A compromise was effected in thv case of Joe White va.. tae Malltie Mills. A nonsuit w,s taken In the case of Crawford PI iti.bing and .vt ill .;upp.) Co. vs. R. I,, lot c" in.. Big Case Compromised. The suit of J. C. Tise against the Whltaker Harvey Company, which has been sent up to the supreme couit twice, lias been compromised. In the order signed this afternoon Judge Jus tice say: "The Injunction heretofore issued in the caiwe of J C. Tise vs. Wnltaker Harvey Co is dissolved and It Is de creed that the alley In coijtroversx be not declared a public alley, but that the hand Included by the said alley Is Ihe itoperty of the Whitaker-Harvey Co. to the extent to which the same appear by its deeds." It was further ordered In flcordance with the terms of the compromise that the Whliaker-Harvey Co. release and acquit the plaintiff, J. C. Tise, of all special or other damages by reason of the restraining order and Injunction sued out in this case. The Whitaker Harvey Co. Is given authority to build an addition or front to their tobacco factory. J. C. Tise le to pay the costs of the action. v.

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