1 i ' 7 1 jL-.11' J THE SENTINEL GETS EOTH THE UNITED PEESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. CITY EDITION NVINSTON-SALEM.N. C, TJ II" IIS DAY KVEXINU, MA1U1I IN 5, l'.08. rilK'i: oCKNTS. ;eak. v Ji A- T10N t Kiliers Burn Large jOPENS IT'S DOORS SURPBISED II Juilding in Covington TO (1(,e Wires in Neighborhood and Destroy j inn fluxes Occupants of Adjoining House Narrow Escape. Favorites of Senator Davis Are Defeated --A1 i lli'HIO are mt d Hi had rs of the intiiis Company , ; j; IS ICS ..I of the cui. i: i mini King .K.t 1.ITTI.K ROCK, March 'hough iho re in us (linn ill cut ic t i i m ti n s i'i Arkansas complete, enough is known ti sliow :)i.it ill! 'In- fsi'ial favorites for whose nominations 1'lliH'li Stales Senator Jeffreys Davis particularly worked are defealeil. l'nise.'illoi Rhoton, whose sietvh retently severely rousting Davis created a great sciisaiion in tile stale anil against whom Davis winked hurl, is retumiin.ii cJ by a big mujoiity lea: ing Vinson, Davis's frit-nil raiidiilnii . ile al! il Immigrants Coming To Eastern Carolina .1 as i reiary li. Sin j'1 ,iri-i-!er.- of lit I iy af'ei noun, J li.- follows: p.-r. icc-presi-v.-cM-tary ini'l ilui- .il. !. I'i Ires In mi mil. Iii- lime In ire .liinriial anil ' .1:111 nal. two li ii-. both of iig. w!i .is manager t . ir m i nil wins, lull uili Hi.- S'iiiii- Printing , jin.kt'. Vh . fur several I n n il lo his lirsl love, i i i i.' 'ii.tiMs-fim-nt of I i if language of tlie I ii j. ;i i ngi aihical l'ii m ' tnanuge I., J Hil' ii'ii'l pairuiiage j i mpu'ittion lor doing -h r kitnl that liatt I l ii ''I'l.ili .l, In North itachc and yke Association w ''- and Viiii ) ke !" ''' II!. 'Ug.ltll,el thi-i '" :-ltl.HS I'I "let its i wait- i ii'iv member "la li .i-l,' i a-, lo w lio '-'ini il is not i ill -t lew dat-i. i hose on " '-4-ih di-tmgtiisliH "-.'I'I'-.- el' the illy. '' 'I llfll iiy tt "I IIIIIS "' iieum, next M'' I'i.iHy ,!. f"nia a run WILMINGTON, March y. The im migration Ileitis promoted in this sec Uoii of North Carolina so well ami in illicit iiinslj by the North Carolina Truck Development Company is ter lainly on a boom these days, hut it ap peals to he of most substantial charac ter, ami it is miilerstoo.l that Commis sioner Hell, a member tit large of the l lilled States Immigration Commis sion, has made a most' favorable re port upon the condition of the colo nies in i his part of North Carolina and upon the immigration iptestion In general us advocated in this secliott. Thus week a family of fourteen stur dy Germans arrived from New York nipl went to fake up their abode tl the splendid German colony known as New Merlin. Two more families for this thriving settlement re expected to arrive today, coming from Philadel phia. Others are already booked to arrive at tin early date. The Italian colony at St. Ileeni. is also progressing, holh as lo popula tion and industry, and there have been a number of recent arrivals. A party of business men from Wilmington vis ited Si. Helena yesterday an" wire delighted- with what they saw.- The recognized the substantial worm of the select colonists who are there and the progress now being made. Knickerbocker Trust Com pany Resumes Business. Hundreds of When Doors Suspended Panic Were posits Made. People Were Waiting of Institution That Duimg the Recent Re opened Many De- NKW YORK. Mm h -y, -The Knick erbocker Trust Soiupati) opened its doors at noon today. Its big Ki ft tl av enue purlers, was the storm centre of hiin.lii'ds ,,f H-op!e long before the time si-i tor opening, hut many an nounced that they in'eiultd to make deposits as they were satisfied the concern was solum. There were many, however, who came to draw out their money. Ti. uMicials said they had on hand over tweh,. millioiw to meet the demands. Inn tult the) were contidenl wilhdtawals will be made up b deiiosits. FAVOR COPYRIGHT BILL. nil., i.uini '" 'I':-'' i"ii as hi '"ii"!.-' union - .isaiiisi Hie or " !- i 'iii-ii.-ri-i "III ll.lVe Id h,. iii'l''. id Hie I'm-,. """ Hi.i. tii'eliar- ' flr !'! I It I'r-J . t 'I Hie association IT l. !!' tin- uppi r i,, MMi-I,", , ,, " "ho nmilii not "Is Of 11,. 1 iiik signeii Hi'' "white ''I II! Chicago Markets I Delegation of Producing Theatrical Managers In Washington City. XKW YORK. March L'll-A largv delccation ol producing managers of .New York is In Washington today lo aflend the copy right hill hearing. The delcgalion is under ihe leadership of tlie niiiiona' association of theatrical protlucing nianagers who are In ac tive charge of an effort being made to secure .-iilciiinie copyrighi protection lor authors' plays and aelyial proline. Hons from operations of ' play pirates and talking piciute V,','l'l!'-" The hearing will occupy several days. Condition of Senator Tillman is Better WASHINGTON M,aih L'li. Word was received front South Carolina this morning that although Senator Till man is somewhat imurnved there is very Utile chance of his being able to return lo Washington before the ad journment of congress. His friends here are considerably encouraged over the report of his phy sician thai there is nothing alarming in his condition at this time. BIG HOTEL IN FLAMES. Be : .: '"- s "'" '""s in tt-.n ... . I i ...... ' I ""lie, I J , f - but I : " "'"I :'"-uli,, ;.," in-,.,. :,,-,; ,(,. i. . ,' ' ''-; !f iij !""l'. lll,',ll; ,, Wa-kets. C!" "'' " ''; l!" "" 1 t ', -:"""!.-: Mavj i; ,' :1' I'ork.S hi C .i'k'' ""m' ,,,,.,! v ll'i,i,i.""i H -it.-s i '' '' 'li'- lone ' . ,, " I'assei , ' to viij i I Lcland House In Springfield, III ing Destroyed by Fire. SI'ltlNCKIKI.D. Illinois. .March The l.i-lan I Hotel here is in flames It is oiie of tlie biggest hotels in Illi nois and' filled whit lie publican stale couvt ill ion deb-gates. -Mrs. W. X. Reynolds has return- 1 from Concord, w here she attended meeting of the hoard of directors of the Stonewall Jackson Manual Train ing and Industrial a' liool. It was de cided to begin work upon two build ings at once and that it is expected the faculty w ll he ready for Opening of a late fall term, in October. This morning about 11 o'clock i wreck occurred on tin- Rainseur blanch of the A, & Y. divi-ion of the Southern Railway in which two cars of a mixed train were dm -ailed. No cause assigne I lor Hie derailment. The track was cleared in about two hours. There were no trains delayed on this account other !ian tli one wrecked. Mesdamet L. C. Klli.-t and T. H. Tay. lor Uf; this afternoon for Ch-inn on-, to attend the funeral services ' f .Mrs. Kills' mother. .Mrs. Kli W. M ilican. wlvch will take place tnm.urow at 11 o'clock. Tlie interment will be at Mitildv Creek church. Items Relating to the Work of the Y. W. C. A. The moms c association are nun, appreciated daily a, a place to rea l and re.sl during any lim,. ,,f n,,. ,av. We believe Ibis privilege will be es pecl.illy desired a: the noon hour. The looms an- also a go id meeting place for friends on Hn-ir way to keep a social, business or church en gagement. We are glad to leport an increasing number of callers. Tonight Miss Shaw's Bible class meets from S tin: il '.( o'clock. Tomorrow evening Miss Shaw will be ulad lo receive callers from 7 nil ' iT it o'clock. The (tilling Club is about io be o: ganized and registrations are desired at once. The association wishes publicly lo express Its thanks to friends who have contributed articles of furniture pictures, 'plains-, tic. whi h all very materially in f'urnis.iiiig ihe rooms The cut flowers, which have been brought in from time to time by vlsl torn lo ihe rooms, have been niiic'i appreciated ;ind have done much to wcrd making the place homelike und attractive. ..PANKER ROBBED OF. $5,030. Monthly Payroll of Mining Company Taken by Thieves Who Retain Swag. LINCOLN, III.. .March 2.1- Frank Froer, president of a Lincoln, . III., bank and of Hie Lincoln Mining Com pany, was bled up by Hi fee highway men this aliiTiioou two blocks from the public square of Lincoln and rob bed of the J.'i.hon inonlflly payroll of the mining company. Two of the rob hers were caught, hut the Ihird es caped wiih Hie money. Freer was on the way lo Hie mine in a light wagon, rallying two satchels containing the money for iln miners. He mel three men in a hug gy, and two of these jumping ito" Floor's rig. ipiickly bore tin- bankm to Die ground and grabbed Hi- s-itehcls. The rnh hers Froer into his wagon I heir i i; and starti d i at a fast clip. freer was not seriously Injured and reiiirned to his oHic, when- .e i, formed Ho- police, who snirlcd In put suit of the robbers. Two t"iih-s on' of tow n the robbers left Hi" 1 1 1 1 --' and took a cornfield, where they were discovered. Five shots wre liied In Ihe ollicers, and two of lb" thugs .-ir then tlll'-W lumped inn I of the fit' rendered, The third money. but man neither was made away riinie.l i:h BICYCLE THIEF CAUGHT. An Exciting Chase by Raleigh Police In an Automobile.' HALHICII. March y,. An cm i l:.u chase by ihree of Raleigh's big i...;i and Captain Jack Beasley in an aco mobile after a liivele thief iier r fiirnlshid much oM iicment ami re-'.! ed In Ihe capture of Ih' Ink'- Hi'-lf near Apex. The num. who i- ': . well dressed and of resM-c'nb!.- at peurance, gave his name as lb li and sail he live! in Atlanta. N jumped asiride a new hicycb j.' sold by dealer Brewer in fron: .: ih. Kstoflice and I'li'd-- off as n uicb i ,u'r as possible. Al noon he is i.i :ti city station house. Roosevelt Family to Officials Discussing Rejection Of Dr. Hill. Ctrmjnys Refusal to Accept New American Ambassador Causes an Embarrassing Situation Such tiOn Had Not Been Anticipated Those Conversant With Affairs. Ac By i.i:i;i.i loina ii- si (nil.. ii s ti Ol io Ch.i lit ll-T iliri.u. for il-i March y. A serious dip si..i,il.! is Ihre.ttened ttver i s "eleu-n; ii hour" 1 objec: ion l)a il .lay ne Mill as siiccesSo.' ', . ui.iiu- Tower as amh.issadin ii Keports that Coi-many ha. I the doctor io small a mac 1 -rlii) iis- may he stated on j'ltli-iiiiy as uii'rne. If phtyittl remark made lo Caulwell when he sailed that "I want nu to tell he hnHi' s the Kaiser's Vice I'liii-n! tor America I'n-si'lent Uoosevelt that I'm angry iM-cau-e he aceep.ed Aillbassado. Tower's ri-siguai ion" was really in lerprt-itd as an objeciiou to 11:11. ii Is op. -n'y asserted h:-re this private coiiM-isai ion has leen grossly abused It is olliclally stated that when Hill's name was firs: suggested ( many made iinpiiries and signltti American duclor was unite saiiMai torv. The official statement con elude. Willi Hi'- deciaiatioti, remark able in vie- of American embassy's message to the si ate department, that ho tar as Hie (iernian governmen' is concerned the sitiiaiigu is tin changed. The situation is complirated by the fact thai Ambassador Tower , it is believed here, desires io remain In Heilin, that he merely mentioned to the president his desire to retire hut actually look no Kieps in thai direc tion und that official Oermnny thinks he Is disposed lo do everything in his power to retain his post. When seen loday, Tower said: "I can say nothing relative to Hie Hill matter. I refer all inquiries lo the stale diitiailinetit at Washington." Draughan Threatens to Institute Damage Suit Jailer 0. W. Manner, who escorted J. S. Draughan and ("has. Osborne to Iho peiiilciitiary yesterday, relumed last night, Mt. Manner says that Draughan. who, after his arrest here tot iprsiwi a cliejjk .onMcDowt'U Rogers, said his nnniti was R. M. I'ool, prolesleil against being taken lo Ihe state prison. He told Ihe jailer that lie had given notice of appeal from the lower coiirl's Judgment to ihe supreme court and he wanted to know why that did not hold good. The prisoner was told that he failed to put up Ihe required bond within the time fixed by law. "Why couldn't I appeal as a pan per?" asked Draughan. lie was advised that he could have done so. but that he had left It la. late. The prisoner was reminded that he had told lit counsel that there would be no trouble In. arranging an appeal bond. Draughan tol, Jailer Haulier thai he would go lo Raleigh under protest ami that if he was committed to the state prison he iproposed to Institute a sni' for damages against his law vers' Benliow and Hall, and Forsyth (in ut Trial of Germany Continued to Tuesday (I RKKNSHORO.Man h 2H. The pre liniinaty trial of Hardin Germany, the while man arrested here last Saturday on Hit- charge of sending an Infernal machine to Caesar Cone, of the Cone Kxport Ciuupany, was set for two "' lock this aflrfTtioon before C. S. Commissioner Wolffe, bill at the re tpiest of Dlslriff Attorney A. K. Ilol lon. font by long distance telephone, the hearing was continued until 2:: 'chick tn-xt Tuesday. Considerable interest is being mani fested here over the joint, discussion here lonlght between rof. Holt and Solicitor Brooks. The ladies have been invited to attend and the Indications are that (he court room will be packed. RELEASE YET. Harry Thaw .Must stay In MdUeawdn Asylum. At Least There Is No Chance for Re lease Until M.dsummer As the Su penntendenl of the Asylum Wiil Not Make His Report Until That Time. GEO. ROOT HERE Granville's Choice for Con gressman Visits Twin-City. Spends Day In Forsyth Greeting Old And Making . New Friends Hat Visited All But Two Counties In the District Epectt to Hear Speeches of Prof. Holt And Solici tor Brooks In Greensboro Tonight. NKW YORK. March . s.t unlay Suiitin!endeni Lamli. o: n M.tltewau Asyiiim for the t'i Insane, wiil sail tor Kurop.- in Im -,,n- sevcial nioribs probably. It is si a-. 1 ', he wiil not make a ie,irt in tin- ca ! of Hai ry Thaw till July or la t r. '; whi.h means Thaw probably r- iiusiii la Mat'eawau till hue In th summer, it he is t iei released at all or transferred to a private kuui toi him. Congregation's Loyalty to Pastor W. A. Aycrs . W. A. Avers. pastor of the First Raptisl church at New Heme and son if Mr. Abram Ayer.s, of this city, is making a splendid record with his present chitige. Mis congregation is protesting against his acceptance of. a call to another field of lalsir. Al a re cent church tonfereuce figures were given showing that during Ihe two and one half years of his pastorate there had ben a growth greater than during any fifty years prior thereto The membership haa nearly doubled In these two and one-half years.i-onlri-butleiis have more than doubled, ami the growth of the Sunday school In number and elflclcncy lia been just as marked. The following resolution was adopt ed unanimously by a rising vote of the membership present more thau :T,u: "The progress this church haa made during ihe past two and one-half years In every deparl nielli of lis Work, its grow th In spii iltialiiy strikingly manifest in tlk zeal and devotion oft Hie work. lis Increased niempershlii ihe nirinliei ship nearly doubling with in that i' t-i'iod the large Increase In contributions to the nuiitiieiiHiice of church and lo Its benevolences all ill test Ihe value of a leadership which Is active, Judicious and consecrated. "This character of leadership the iTiunll has had ifuiltig this cwntful period, and no dock has ever shown more willingness to follow such lead ers hip. "Kinbiied now with missionary spir it and eager lo prosecute a larger work aloiiK the Hues mapped out bv hint, this (hutch views with alarm and regret the possibility of losing out shepherd and leader, him who has In spired us with hope and kindled with in us a zeal and planned for n a large and lieeih-d work, the fullest coiu-uu; illation of whic.i requires We believe his conlinueil leadership. "Resolved, That our pastor be earn estly reipiesled to consider no call lo another field, and that wilh this vole we plcdue him our earnest and active support." Immediately im on the adoption of Mils resolution the church took up the refrain of ' Mb-st- He the Tie Thai Minds," iluriiiK which, tlie whole mem bershlp moved down the aisles with streaming eyes to grasp the pastor's hand. Condition of Senator Penrose Not Improved Cell it S It. stir, 4 pivlliilieiit i'-i and l'-mt)cr.t ut Oxfut. i ir be day hen- ttreetlnx hl.t old t il making new fin-lids t;' i. ,tl ltoht.-r Is out- of ttie -- ' 'i i l oan s lor Ihe lleiuecrt.Mt" ii"i-i i i i ui !or t-i'iH',iess in this dl-t tin; I '! I tio! come here to interfere wi n ,'Vtiis of Forsyths cand!- I in i i- daie miss deist. Hi. I mood lor su: l!n'on slim ap; 1 1 i iii- iin -i t;.:..! ,o i;,e. at the ollice o! tlie IWO a-lllll!l geill I' I"!' Millie ma'i spoke In i il Hovsier, "hut my in let the iH-ople mi- I am in a reeept ve o i ami that if Seuaior I tail to will I wool I -io'Ikh i of hi i f i lend !. while here called o! Senate! HllMOU a.i.l c'i.i ! I happily I i nme The 'iia-nlUe most coliillilli til tl :' lei in l ( -;. w 111 oi Foi si : h . tieneral Km some fi i. nil- i hiiice In i h i-m i. In eiiiiM i -ms rclciied lo 'he siiei.il,il ii . oid in, ele by Senator Mux Ion timing Hie r.-galar and -ip-cli' sessam ol the letilaUII'C II" st a, et' thai he had ylsi t-l .tM hnl two counties in the di-trlet, lln-ie being Stokes and Stiuy. Me will probably lake a Hip to best- l-eTni" ihe congressional convention. (letU'l'.il Rov t'-r b fi on He afi'T noon train for home. I!:- il.ul'iel Dial he would ptobably stop over Ii Greensboro loeigii! ami hear I'i, if I Alien Mill and Solicitor lliooki ills cuss issues. Iii response io a 'pu-iy the g m'-iiil said he had no idea of taking auv par: In' Ihe discus .Ion between the two Guilford candidates "I am not on the program," Is Hie way he exurest ed II. Gunerat Koysier Is an alfsble Reii tleiiiiiu and hi.-i siamllng In Hi" coun cils of his pany Is Very high German Rulers are Visiting in Italy VLWM'i;. Match JS.-TIh- G. rm mi emperor and em pu ss arrived Ifoic to day on a visit to Ihe King of Hah' who mei ilieui al ih" station. Tim weather w as bad but a great out pour lug of people lined the hffl.lggo'l line of match to Ihe palace. PHILADKLPIIIA, March y, - Th physicians' liiilleiln Ibis moiniii'--stall s the coiulil ion of Senator !' tl rose Is not Improved. La night his condition was alarming. Visit Southern States . f; Judges and Registrars To Be Named Soon t'bainnan W. , I-;. Franklin will call a inceillig of the eouiitv board of -li-ctinns within the le-x' few days t ir the purpose ol seleciing judges registrars lor th" prohibit io.i is b nd May y,. Thei couii'y board WASHINGTON. March y..- -Rooseelt and party, including Mi'" Roosevelt ciildreti, leave for the S ' "'h tonight. They will travel by ta l Vicksburg. then make the voya-e to New Orleans, when.p they will r "'" to the capital Iiy rail. This is the !i -t time either Mrs. Roosevolt oi ,l' children have traveled on the Mi--is-sippi. They will return to Washing ton in about ten davs. Hon to be In Id i vacancy on the iho removal of tin- Rt publican mem ber, Mr. Charles llobon. io Asheboro. His successor is exp'-cied D le; named within the next few lays by ihe chair man of ihe st.re board of elections 1' an appointment is not made in tine ihe other I w o members will meet the first of next week to select the judges and registrars, who must be named on or before April - New Advertfsements, Lasliinlt. Faster oxlonls for am member of the family. Fletcher Bros. Save 1' to ." doll ii -on your Faster suit, L'llchcock-Trotter ''i Maiibl--.--shoeing of spring millinery Roscnbacher and Bio --Th' Ing that's the best yc i Forsyth Sporting Good lac automobiles. Meyei-s-VVcst brook I 'o for Friday, Salunlav ami The Misses M a) tin -parasols. op I '! ! iii.l.i--lii'- i,, I ud W.icliovla Loan Savings aii'l i-ne fund deiar, no in Sininsoii In :i. Springs blooil i "in l'alice of io night. VV. S M.,! iu day bargam I i 1 -ilome I!- ;, L-'at I Tin- I i.i. ...n in; f ' i - ,'val'- Moi Open to I'nday and Saiur- loaii and tn-iir ati'-e (', . .w ill sell' you a lo! ami build ii a ii 'Use on easy tern-s Tlr hi, -oi s Ding Si u-e - Mu:.yon'a ci'lel'ia'' il l'..w i'aw ionic. . Xiir.-i i' .soll.w Cnuruie-s Birter Governor Guild Belter. BOSTON, March 2ii. Guild is re ported a Mule improved this morning Iy II. lilease left this afternoon for Charlotte to visit his daughter. MUs Menefi'f, who Is a studem at lili,.i iM'th College. Co. -agi tt But all 'ii ii-.- lorn call make money ; it ail : I'll. . s Bros. ( o. Stetson s hats in new ..as ks. Mrs (J. ('. Hiigtnau. of Charlotte ARE SAME AS ANARCHISTS. So Says Wisconsin Member of Con gress About Those Who Insist Oi -State's Rights. WASHINGTON, March L'fi Hepie yerilatlve JoiiUiii ol Isi ont.lti la Pi day cii'ilihd wlih Ih" -icmuiiloii.il a-t sen ion Mia' Here Is no difference be , 'Ween lb" HI irc.ll.-l-- Who llefy run stituilou,.l aittlioiiiv anil stale otfleblt who di. m i- nd ii Mr. Ji-'iKiii . i.- pioieil as s.n Int' "Th'- ,1' i i-iiiiih ol ih" supreme court IIIUM be U'll( Id 'Illles.S we wa it ir i, lit iii t'i'- laud. This absurd I -ilk ali-uii si, i:r.;' lights as cohimolilv ami long im I t ttM'd, ought lo ce-ise " l.'i-li I ring lo hie l i ent declslo IS of :n- supi'iee i-oiii! in III'- Milllieo'.i and Nor h Carolina railroad t-asei', Air Jeukiiis n.iul: Holh cases meet my lluitiiilllfl'id apiuoval and I think th" decision.! nil meet Hie approval of all goo 1 l i i.ees. Democrats and Republicans, I Il in w-P lis Mitllh. The decis ions ne timely and a jus' rebuke lo . vc ollici.-ils who have b -e mi active ' in making I rouble between slate an I inn ion. "There .; i b,-(ilr te'v iiolhlr.g to Iiml fault about, li Is mil a blow at states or a blow at sta!"," rliHits. The proper tribunal decide I :!ii c m siil ttional ijiiesilom, Invohid "Mow can we expect an uchifcU and the people at large It reaper t and obey the law when sla'e of'blali openly and defiantly disobey It and advise A disregard of il and lalk about an appeal to a supreme conn ami slate pride t) oppo'i- eotis'imiiomi! rttnhor)!)-. "There Is no difleittice between Ih" action of anan liists and those who opetilv defy coiisi I" ui ional a,i thority. They are all lawbieaker-i, for the coriHiilution is Ihe highest law in ihe land and what has lit e-i doii.t lias b'-en pur -tiled strictly uccoi'dliiK i.i coiisilliitionul aiithorUv," Body of Handsomely Attired Man Found CUM 'AGO, March L' This morn ing Hie Iwidy of a handsomely .attired man in a dress suit was found in i descried vehicle in one of he most fashionable parts of Chicago, Th" who lias Ik en In the city the cm si of: man, was ninrdeit-d and was on of Mr- I. C O'Hrien, lei ii'-'u-d home i ihree who were out on a n'-ght of this iirieinoon. tevtliy.

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