7 I ! i t w v THE SENTDtEL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PEESS AND HEARST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. WDs STOX-SALEM, X. C, MONDAY EYEX1XG, A1TJL 15, HH-S. riHCEuCEXTS. ;ai 7TTr (H ii a "n I I u Tn o Firp Tn City of Chelsea, Mass. In Boston Suburb Aggregates Over ... ii. lmv Ppnnlp nrp Hnmp- ''Oil UOllJ'3 .'umj .vv.v- -.v Relief Fund Being Raised. ;mrt s s big ! , a il coin- I Ofi TRESTLE -o tit- - Mooresville ;n mintta i ,e .!! ! Train Delayed Last Saturday Night. in :u' have ade-i i ' 'M ,. ,-, ; rami i ' .. in tin 1 ." ' i . ! ...a on .i:.1 '!"': Ua-T I .... .,..ir.-!i f ""' I ,,.;,: :Un '"'"'a ,": ; j 3 Otitis j E sal:. I ''.u 1,1 .. -its rn-us- ,, j.iM'n- nf iHiU- , a-, .! sacfial '' I ' " ' I ...-,,;., rn- 'hat escap- j !,..!' ini ami S ' " i . ., , an' en a:,,l viiroillld-j Rtecrt. ! p.;,. ,- .iMatf.i j ,,, ,;. n( i In- man- J .. ! :,,rtl)'tlt lis- j . leai'tiiis a loss i , T'tej I a. in. near thej works 'in J . l-.yereit :...! 'a- . ii v. a ilis-j .,! a i'iiirT to I i -la. K.i-i Huston ;ii v lairtied there ii.i'.f a bawl red per- j. : ,::ml were 13 j a,,..:!. Children's j a.' I.t..w. tivi'l r iiiort- facto-! !-;:. ti!.-i,t atll I . .; i. si t the fity j :r "-Ij-s Mde. I hrBish wliicli J . Tin- I'tiUi'i! :!'i:!i:s' wctv not (dtp Control. .,- i:ai 'ii ally un . ii im:;lit. Tw o t" ii.. .!"a-l as a i IMit !!!; lia.s been ni Mil' fur of - ''. '!i:p iiiy's works "! ii' .ir !!u' oasii'rn 't -n k Maine Rall . ii'":niii io the A ' niSc talc from ' ii lia.l a an hiinia carrii'il and niyr- j a - H t. of wooden : ' ' T. '' i':;. ap WHO.J. 1 i liVKt ill l(. .-! "J S'-cMnii of l,o I !": ' ml of Mav-j i :r.-'i!i. iif i"? l)f-:ist - j - w !-a h aor.lt': s on rK I" twt is nbwit I 3"'r '''"in (lie ;-oini ' :.': 'la' ia;)-. f ,,; in .it,. I " ii w as ""It :,.. -,, ,.x. ni" nr. 'r!,,''ia.s ilrsiroM.rl r ' !wt's.iU -hp! 'i.'il. fiu. school; '!' :?. tioaih :i i I a,"l 'lizards of linn I r la. -. , 1 ""'I "f-i s'!'"''!s. an.l df-! ! lr "'ill. Oil.! I-Vllnu- ! Pard Property. I 'r? 'I'l'l-ll" sho.'! a".' Cli.-ls.-a M,S':JI1 'li-"trict and! s;,! "''" oliliir,,, As He Was Rounding a Curve Engi neer Discovered That Trestle Was In Flames Message Sent to Mocks vtlle And Train Secured In a Short While. What oatiif nt-ar bvins; a vt't j sT iotis wreck, cjtisuis; inih-'ps th l-s- of the lives ct a K l many passen- n is, occni rt'd Saliml:y niht when passenger t rain No. 2S. which leave's this city at T:o p. tn., cann' vet) nt'.ir l-n un i liu: In I'm chnian Chm-I; tri-.- lf. which is hot ween 'h's cUy and Mi.rksvllle. r.nphieer K.iy Cleineiii, whilo tnrn i!i n a curve about thrt'e huntlied l vt trctn ihf7 trestle. IcMikoiit ltd saw 'he . hole ties'le Jil hi". Slwin clown his etiu'ioe he ci'ine to a :nop ill a few var.ds of the honiii' ;restle ami he. wi'h HaK.aKeniaster Will liass jiip.iptd off the tiaiu and went down i i make an In vesication. Wher they arrived on the si ene thev found sev eri'l of the s'et pers and about four h i t of the trestle burned away Th y ilun' went hack to the tram and In formed the passenseis and other trainmen of the aff.'.ir an.l th?y Set about plaunliiK a wey to keep til en tire trestle from btirnlnf!: A flagman was then sent on: to ke p oilier trains from running in:' them and the basnageniaster was sent to Mocksville, which is only a tew miles from there, to telegraph for a special to cany 'he passenRori to their destination. The special ar rived in a short while and the passe'i s;ers were transferred. There is no certainty aa to otiisn of the fire hut so-ne if the iiainmen arc of th opinion t'.ia! ano 'icr train just ahead of them set on ::-e uNle crossing. The passenger train was delayed n.bowt 12 hours, arrivii; In Moorefiville at 12:40 yeeienlay after noon. This makes the third Mine ;lm trc-j-tle has been en lire. The o'h'f two times the tire was extinguished with out any loss to amount I1) nnyihlnv; A force of men we at tvork replac ing the trestle. It will lake two or three days to set it in proper shape. Dr.Clewell's Illustrated Lecture at Burkhead TROOPS Ofl SCENE EflO OF COflGIIESS IlEWS IT RALEIGH.ISELF DIAL WEEK SIxCompanlJsofM'litlaArelnjwhen Will Present Session Be Pensacolj Now. ii.- I'l'dteet Wll ih0 i , i ,., ,, "'a , r"ll- I .ij';'(i'i"ali' K"t!frw j ' - la' 1 irriper-1 ,'. fm imild-! .;"S';i'- Colo-j h v a i f Vlu Vara ,,,,! r.:,f.,-h" -mii! V':'1" yard.! . H". ,; the " fire .;,oi-R-ar Ad 'a'''!. a-so '''''ii 'lie re- ,;a' !,. , ,,, "ie not ' I'll..... , 1.., , sailors .: "n:l"''"'l of anv faa-.l ,, ' The services at Bulkhead M. E. 'hiirch last evening werV conducted by T)r. J. 11. Clewell. of the Salem Academy and College. In the opening Dr. Clewell asked that I be congrega tion consider themselves a college class and h would endeavor to prove that alcoliol was a poison and let each judge for himself the moral results of the use of this liquid, which Is not la beled "poison." nor does it bear the skull and cross-hones, when in reality it is as deadly a poison as aivsenic or strychnine or any of the other many substances placed in that denomina tion and the citizens protected against the evil effects by the laws of the slates and tne I'nited States. By the u-se of an exceedingly valua ble chart he proceeded to Illustrate the terribly destructive effects of al cohol upon the human body. Not only on the body does alcohol put forth its poisonous efforts, but the mind be comes impaired and ceases to do its work,; the ar.nimeii substance of the brain is changed to a solid substance. This was shown by taking some albu men in a test tube and pouring some alcohol in with It; a reaction Immedi ately took place anil the albumen In the tube became a solid white sub stance. The lecture was very interesling, as he went on to say that if those who use this substance occasionally or ha bitually would only stop and consider the terrible results surely they would join with the good men and women who are at present doing all In their power to get this subslance labeled as it should lie and placed behind the skull and cross-bones. Adjourned? Called There to Prevent Lawlessness j President To O.scuss in connection With Strike of Street Railway Empices Street Car Variety of Items Reported Salvation Army Observes this r rom state Capital. From April 1 9 to 26. This Matter With Representative Watson Tues- ddu Nl.nht I i.t Want AriiAnrA- tompany Mas A'ready Begun to ment Before the First of June. Operate Part of Its Cars. PKNSACOI.A. Kia. April 13 Militia companies li.uc b.-..ii a.rivitis here om- a: a lime iin-e iaie yesier day. Six are now on the groutil aad the strike-hound Ptre.-i car company has already bo-uu a kind of len ative opera ion ol is lin-s. Mayer Co 1 man's oi ler r ;ti,. arr. s; of every one ove-jt tiie otlicer.-i actually on duty who veiiiured u;m the stwvts after ten lat ni ili! h.cl the effect ol checking the rioters' demons! tvrions. j While doin.u their inmost 10 eeabii the coiupartv a, ,. , ;ls ,..,..s , a,h orities are 1 endeavoi ing to settle ih. differences WASIUMiTON. April 13. With a view to .iea rii.ining when vongress shall . aij.irra I'resideiit Roseell to day aii .ime l for a conference on Tnexlav nuht with Representative Watson .;iie Republican "whip" of the house. i is understood the president wil ! ake.i to nullify his program to iHTinit congress to get away before June. Dates for tp K0FJ Convent.on Changed Proh,bit,on Speeches by Juoge Pritchird Inte. estirg Pomt Daised by Supreme Court Opm.o.v Other Nev.s Repotted From Rai-eigh. During This Week by Self Dsn. at the Member of This Great Religious Organization Will Contribute Thou sands of Dollars to the Work of the Army Throughout the World. I ga Man Shools Woman; Then Kills Himself NEW YORK. April l:; -Julia Si! lagle, ag-d 21. i. sho' probably fatally, by Hilla Wach. 2., -.vhc i sh told him she was ;u r. c eive a cail lia.m a nice yomu' tnau who was go ing to ask her to marry him. Wasch. desperately in love wiih the girl, went to the third siory ot t'.ie hou.-e and got a revolver. Ihusi into th kitchen and shot her three times Then he shot iiiniseil (b ad. No Opposition Now To Judge George Gray WILMINGTON. Del.. April 13. The iast panicle ot opposition to ii'slrtic lions for Judge (Irav in the slate Democratic convention at Dnier to morrow is removed. .No primaries therefore , will be necessaty in New castle county. The Bryan men cjiii' the fight vesiei Ji.v. Report of New York and Chicago Markets i-'. 9 hiifii. S.lti; low. May. oie: Jillv, y L'O; .'1 ; tl.lll1,; II. 07. OiMohet. H. la; ! IT; H.02; it U3. Dici iuber. '.121:. D.2I; tt.o:'.; '.Mil. Spou dull and weak. 10. 10; liftetfii pointa oft. Wheat Market. CHICAGO. April I.V Continued dry woathcr in Kansas and Nebraska and light receipts in northwest caused wheal to advance ill over Saturday. Mav !2 3-S to 12. WILL RETURN TO WORK. Miners in Ohio and Wesctern Pennsyl vania Will Resume in a Few Days. WHEELING. W Va., April 13. "Ninety-four thousand miners will re turn to work in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania at loam by Monday of next week and probably by Thursday ef this week.' Th above statement was made by President Lewis of the I'nited Mine Workers of America today. He fur ther said he expected to see all union miner.-! in the r nited States at work bv Mav 1. Fleet Arrives at San Diego Tomorrow SAN DIEGO. California April 1.1. The city is in holiday dres today for the arrival of ihe battleship fleet to morrow. Ten thousand colore;! bulbs were put up ;Mid bunting everywhere. The fjeet remains three days. FOUR MEN ARE KILLED. Explosion at Mills of Dupont Powder Company. CHICAGO. April 13. Knur men are reported killed in an explosion at the Aetna Mills of the Dupont Powder Company, near .Miller, hid. , at 7 a, m. The shock of ihe explosion was bean! eighteen mile.s away. Doctors a nil nurses hurried to the scene, a special train bringing in the wounded. EFFORT TO DEFEAT TAFT. Appeal Sent To Labor Leaders Throughout New England. CONCORD. N. II.. April 13 An ap peal to labor men for a bitter war on Secretary Taft, both to prevent his nomination and defeat him at the polls If he becomes a eanilldaie, was sent to labor leaders throughou! New England today by President Charles J. French, of the New Haintshire branch of the Federation of Labor. CAR LINES TIED UP. Y W. C. A. Notes. The Basket Hall Club meets at the Y. W. C. A. rooms this evening at half past seven o'clock. Tomorrow evening at X o'clock I-r , Everett Locket t will give ihe talk postponed from last week on the sub-1 .;ect, "First Aid to the Injured." A i was mentioned before. Dr. Locket tj will make his talk ihoruighly pai' tical by demonstrating the art of ad-; justing splints and emergency hand ages. It is hoped that a large number j will avail themselves of the privilege, of hearing Dr. Locked. The Imr l .'! directors will meet tomorrow a. m. Employes On Strike in City of Wil mington, Delaware. WILMINGTON, IH.. April 1:1 Cm b of the Chester Traction Company,! he Marcus Hook line, and the Darby and Wilmington system were lied up at light today, when all employes went on strike. Strikebreakers from out of town-had narraw escapes from In juries at i he hand of strikers. Tron .'.lo is feared when the '.lrst attempt to siarU cats is made. I" Death of Mr. J. L. Hauser. Mr. J. L Mauser died about ! o'clock this morning at his home on Marshall slreei. at Ihe age of about 3D years. Mr. Hauser was taken 111 last Thurs day evening with appendicitis anil de spite tin; efforts of physicians corjlln aid to mow worse until the end came. Mr. Hauser was a carpenter and had a poiiiou Fogle Kros. He leaves a wile and three children. The re mains were sent to Dilinalia this af ternoon fi.i- interment. R. C. Glenn returned today from a visit to relatives in Sioneville. - Regular meeting of the Retail .Mer chants' Association at 8 o'clock tonight I Hi..; ' If.,,., ;r'"'s heir, I - f.. ., "'oo la i . : , ."" ahead i . m !; ,..u I Il ,. ,, I , I'll II 1 '""'k af,,r Looking for Mexicans. DALLAS. Tex., April 13 A posse is looking for Mexicans suspected of killing M. F. Gorsell, wife and chil dren, of Wantoga. Tarrant county, la-' night. The victims were brained with an axe. block with asvonishing rapidity. The crowds were easily handled Occa sionally some excited house owner would burst through the cordon of uiiiiiia nun marines to clasti into a I house for some forgotten valuables, j but the presence of so many uniform- ed guards overawed the rougher ele I ment. GREENSBORO, April 13 The a; i' of Jim Smith, oi' Smitlllown on ;a charge of conspiracy to tak" :'" 'i of Revenue Officer . IleuJiicK was killed in Deciuibei, wils taken in the Federal four; this mania-' District Attorney Holton this morn ing consolidated l he two bi'U i' -a-diclment. The defendant's, brother ami : .;:i-t In-law, William Smith and v ..i VI son, respeol ivelv. who are in, ' : I -I j the indictnienl, have not in ' lured. I Smith is represented by '- ' ! I Hynum and other abie couiim-i. i' i. . four government wiines.es v. : sworn this morning. It is n 1 1 t . - - - 1 Hiat no less than lb or 12 win : for the defendant. . The hearing will probably la or lliree days. j DisTrict .Attorney Holton is .-:! '" be quite c-onlident ol securing i '' diet of guilty. Only about an hour was miua'd this morning in ihe s leciion r " jury. J. C- L. Nonnan, of Dolison, and T. i'. McCoy, two well known revenue oilieers, who pliyed a proniin:Mit par. in the raid In Smithiowii, at ihe time Mr Hendricks was shot down, were liie oniy wiinesses examined for the ;)'. ernmeiit at the morning session. They toU In deaall of conditions ex isting in Smilhtown and the stoiii tnenl of Ihe people, in that se ion to thwart every inoveuieut of the of ficers as far as possible by conveying information to blockaders of the ap ieai"tncs of I'licle Sam's lepreseiita tives. Dismissed by Judge Boyd. In the circuit rour: this morning Judge Boyd (li.missid at1 inirt ant case at the tost of the nlaiinjff. It was the suit of Col. John S. Hender i son. rteeivt r for the Whiiiiey Power I Vo.. vs. T. A. Gillespie and others. I Ihe contractors eiiipi '-'(l to build th'.! tbig dam at Whitiie-, Colonel Heuder- son, aa receiver, uiovel to attach the i properly of the defendants at Whit- ney and elnewhere. The amount In jvolverl is about one million dollars, j What effect Judge Boyd's decision 'will hav'e on the hearing Is not de finitely known yet. RALEIGH. April l.: i; u ! James Blount Cheshiie l i . of the diiK'ese og North C.uol. i.i. : at I ho Church of liie (Jood She; . ; last I Palm Sunday) uigh: aul ,, firmed a class of eighteen p : pn-senied by the rector. Dr 1 M. K Hi linger. Convention Dates Changed. After Ihe service anuouuciui v was made that the date for the ninety second animal convention of the di cese yf Nor:h Carolina is changed from May 13 1.1 to .May 6 S, this change being In order that Bishop Cheshire can sail thereafter to attend great AngelUaii church couveirion in Etig land. The eoiivenllon of the diocese of Nonh Carolina will be held -with the Church of the Good Shepherd. Fire Sunday. A fire thin started about noon Sun day rendered three afmllles honieles.-. and damaged one other residence seventy, having started from a defec tive Hue In the roof of one of the dwellings burned, that of Mr. O. R lohnson, 712 Wvst Jones street. The stork had visited the Johnson houii early in the morn inn and the excite menl caused by Ihe fire and the nee essily of removing mother and chile from ihe building to a place of safety affected thetn very seriously but it Is believed not fatally. The fire spread trom the Johnson home to a large double house, one side occupied by Prof. John Michael, of A. & M Col lege and the other by Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Pelot, a I raveling man The pelots had their turnlture mostly packed for shipment to Atlanta Practically all the furultur ewa.-t saved from both buildinRs E. M. Martin owned the double house and Mrs. Lewis the one occupied by 4 ho Johnsons. An adjacent dwelling owned and occupied by W. T. Dellan oi ine internal reevnne otlire hero, was damaged to the extent ol several hundred dollars The fire damn was probably lin.nuo. Required I .nut feet ot hose lo reach the fire. Important Question. In Ihe llghl of a recenl rilling of the North Carolina supreme court In which It was held that a shipment of freight from one point wlih ill state lo another point wiihln th.' sate where the shipment, had lo pass over the line Into another stale was interstate commerce, a number of lawyers and others hi re are discuss ing with interest the question el whether shipments of whiskey from one point in North Carolina to another point wi bin Ihe slate, where the shipment bad lo cross Ihe borle; into another stall' In transml was not also constitute an interstate ship ment. The supremo court rnliug wac in Shelby Ice and Coal Co. vs, South ecu Railway In which the rallroal company w as- sued for penalty for do land fr.'inh! under I he stale law. The shipment was from G rover, Cleve county to Shelby In the same, count j ami It was necessary for the fi "igh: to be routed by Blacksburg, S. C. Th" case was decided March II, the coin' holding that the shipments was an in KM.staie Iraiisacilon and thai the Ma., law therefore did not apply. The question Is being asked now why cannot whiskey be shipped, for instance, from Winston Salem to ldx boro over the Norfolk and .West rn in which case It would go via Roauok" and Lynchburg. Va. The same would apply as lo Durham.' Then again there could be shipments over the A' laulic Coanl Line from Wilmington i i Wade.-.boro via Florence, rf C Tln r are a number of other cases on th" same footing where It seems the snip Hieing would be Interstate In h-1 Kgh' of the supreme court ruling "f the Cleveland case. Mr. Young Returns. Stale Insurance C:imniis.-ioie-Young returned Sunday faun Ston-S'tleiii where be went a Ii ire the prosecution of c vV coolred, fur representing tie Knights of Honor hi.-tt; :-' Ihe order having any H n business in t h is a'a it bound over lo com Boys Arrested. The Salvation Army is actively er, ge I in preparing for its annuel week of self denial, which has now become an established cusiom 'hi onghoiit the world. The da'es fixei lie April l til Jti.o I. a t ii'ar th -Aiiuv raised a princely sum by this no tii. which enabled is m pursue lis ';a-.-ion.ii', spiritual and mn-UI work h illlltltcn ilplt d SU Ce-s. V w persons seem to re.ilu wha a a-: and worldwide movement thli i ! eoine These modern crusaders hue now more than l-l.Tl.i oltli-ra in I. :; their li.iiinors. working In some ; titiv t.iur diffen-nt countries and col I "'if s. an I in their own energetic lun- tt'iia It app.ars trolll their ri'Cen. i'1 in - that the following countries and i'o,'inie. have been invaded. riMin, Fran.'c. Sweden. Fln- ..'.lam, Holland. Germany iiel. lViiniark. Norway. Gib- I Great land, Swi. I alter Ceylon, .lava Natal. Oi.ue: Mashenai ihil, vaal, St I Canada, ugn i . Iceland. Malta, India. Japan, Cap.' Colony. Flee .Sialo, 7.ulii!iiud, lleclnian.il rid. Trans- lb den I. Culled Stales. e toii ii I l.i ud, Argenilne. Be. i nula. Ilawill Jamaica,, Bl'ltsh Can ma VIeiori:.. New South Wales. Querii.-lau.l. South Australia. New Zealand. Tasmania Special expedii lolls ar.' expee'ei.fur China, and the native populu Ion of South Africa Of social Institutions the' army ha now a vast network. iiuuilHriug in all about Tsfi. The Army will adopt some verv sell sacrificing liteiisun s In order ti raUe the amount el money agreed upon. Every uieniber. as will as ihe friends Oi the nioemenl, is being re quested to abstain tram any ai'lcb s of focd or clo hlng which may be cm slered In the least d glee luxitrljus or uuiKcesiiary. au l many of the of fleers are even denying theiiiselve.t of that which many or in.e are nol to re fard as absolute necessities. In order that ihey may contribute something lo ihe t'omnio'i fund. That the efforl will meet wltli sue cess goes without saying, and there U no doubt that ihe rrlee-Ia or Ihe lliovemenl, reCoKiil.Ing the V a -0 amount of good already ace. -tup!. shed, w ill not fall lo tiff rd their piactic u n rognii ion when Ihe proper lime ar rives. Insane Man Commits Suicide By Hanging A cltl.eii who was In Morgnntou vesleiday reporta that an old man named Potts, from Davie county, who has been an Inmate of the stale hospi tal al Morgnntou for several years, committed sill' hie yesterday by hang ing iilniseir. The old man wan a "trusty" and was P' rmiHod to go out on the farm nlone Wjien found yes terday le was hanging lioiu lint limb of a tree and life .w extinct. II up- li I'oiis Ib d ii rope around m iii up In the tree, which i ;im end. Ib'd the older end pears l aa bis neck wiis i ;im r th rope to ii limb and Jumped off, THE MR. COAPMAN DENIES SHAKE UP" REPORTS." GKEKNSBOHO. April 13. Capl. E, II. Coapmah, geii'a! manager of lh nor hern dlvlison. Southern Railway who s spending the day hero, says ih'-io i, no iritth 111 the published re pel i i 'he eff. et that Mr. Ilonic r.aki r, now with ihe Iron Mountain Itiil'.i.n. is to return to the Southern Railway Mr C'lapman also denies thai h'1 is o leave the Southern. He contends i hat nf there was anything In the n called rumors about, a K neral shake up he would be apt to know some iliies about It. He regards the reporu inching more than "Idle talk" I II Win took -a linger. ( ''Pored wi' h ni' io do ii was Three win John Yates Raleigh, tin for beating : Raieir.h a-a to Cirv to a beat (hi U l taken up at I their iieopi' lift ecu " s'' .lame 'I'i ii::d. Hay Fle'eher. it'll , of in llamte, ... on (rains. They ef, g ta.i' they were going liall game hut agreed to to Texas. They .were , unlet and locked up and .ere notified. Tlie. ar ntee liyears oid -, Mis llllpl'ii e plea-"'! exi "' ''' quaite't Cent en a li'oriiita' I., W. Crawford continues to la-r inany friends ill be learn. Her four miIis are her next Saturday. The have been Invited to slug at v M. E, church next Sunday , t; Wangh. of Dolison. was In city today. tie JUDGE ALFORD'S OPINION. Sayt Law Against Sunday Ball Games Is Unconstitutional. MOBILE. April 13 Judge Alfoi ( t ofl ay ilecid ad the law unconstitu tional' prohibiting Sunday ball games and Hie proserin ion w ill appeal but Sunday games will continue .1. T. Henbow and ". M. Hemlren went to Raleigh today. The first named may be nominee of the Repub lican party for congress In this dis I rltt provided piw.l master Reynolds does nol change his mind and decide to make the race again. Smith Williams, who sells tobacco for the Wliltaker-Harvey Company, was in the city yesterday. Smith is "making good ' on the road nm! prom isen ic, make an enviable record as a tobacco drummer. -The infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs John Byiiuiii died last evening at th" sue of one week. The' funeral services were held today, the Inter in n't being In th. Salem cemetery. !