A i - teh EixmrzL clij roxn urn united rr.r:3 A:rD hza:t epicial TiLianAniic sinvic:: WIXSTOX-SAIXM.N. Ct Tl'Je.SI)AY EVENING, MAY ll 11)03. rmci: s ciints. j CENSOR wActl'p- -i Designed to ; e .Mils, Vig ' "s atc Lodged. IS To aia list ;n i r MINI FIOEfiS fiIDHf01DS TOR FORGERY. Kentucky Barn-Burning Band Sing Hymn As Flames Destroy. has fixeil .lllk'O I- is: tn: e-L.Z Hi" nsh- t' censor VS incite vitiation. "' i 1 x 1 wr ilKh puUicauo.! V:sonmi protest h.-ie been re- j r,!i::e:. but they !.; , iinke ii on;, an.l I n to both, houses as -,n,v rt'P'Hi I. VCKNTER. Ky.. May 19 After pi aver meeting last night, a baud of nihi riders burned a large bam on the farm of H. G. Maddox, Bear here. Hiut Randall and Maggie Tate, re. turning from a party, met the hand and were forced to accompany them. They say the riders' leader led In prayer before applying the torch. Ev erything was done -by signal, no word iM ing spoken except when in prayer, and later. -when the destruction of the barn was assured, the band went away singing "Nearer My God to Thee." 'House" Probers J Hi) 1-The gran I -y wni d;iy prub isai? murders on . jfif Gunness. Soon il heiun Prosecutor avf evidence enough Uuijihere for his j liairsalc butchery." 4 letters fnun New tMfjn. has also anrln 'hx m ' .J perhaps death will .nwciilioiis, Inn .Smith i;5 keei on until he nine thousand dollar.i piMtmy to dig to k matter, j k matter. West Salem Mystery Is Solved at Last J Typhoid ; Raging in Russia pm. May lit. An I U U wins In sev- 1 tall cities. The j xiisaan type anil th" i nceedinely high. Tim :t-rof it particularly t than 2.000 persons i iterase (f. a !limdiT kit, Kiel also Is suffi" J epidemic started i;i ;o Hire iis capacity to Scene of Scrl- rouble: Injuries je Reported. H May lil.-Serious "wi car t rikt look . wverai ears were M lnws were broken I ilunm. Mrs. David j'Wjaw lnokeii and Mr j" 'an ripen Iiy a ' 'indennTe car liarn ;-' eklilc feed wire. :"v;1" I'V strikers, were 1 l'.v a crowd of ' "Hit! t ;owGooi j Gains at Opening X" '''-I', ft II. was ?';he, ,,.,,,,,,, and . m IVihV f '..irifir Anaconda '"w Gas lti-v 1 '"w i'aoiftc 7-s IVim- After Freieht ay in Chicago ' -T:,e transfer f '"ffHiniio Subway I; '" Ttmn,., C(mniiiny i'm on the pan C.kM P"n'ro1 f '"'""w llist "Arm, a id, net. It wur inlerPs w, c fnntrol. to Speak lute's Rights" , :fA'. ... ... - It T. 1:'Se! ! "-ane. i;S Rist" " The enator oil ess. X J -" 'h. ., hl' ollcerK It !!.. "i In ihe v, bin IKlCkct Excitement hag subsided In West Salem. The mystery of Ihe fresh eanh, strangely upturned, and ihe brown down wheat In the field on Mr. D. A. Robinson's farm has been solved. ' The story of the finding of thu mys tery by the owner of the property was told Ir. yesterday's Sentinel. The pro gress made by the party who had 'aken up the task of discovering the dark deed was also noteik Here Is Ihe colntlnuailon of the story: ' " While The Sentinel's press was roll Ing off to the carriers hundreds of copies o the paper telling aboi t ihrj mystery, Mr,' Robinson and his assl tants were, by the sweat of Ih.'lrbrow. slowly but nte:dlly digging up the bet ter part of a nice ten-acro field of wheat. They had been at It since Sunday afternoon. They were on the point of quitting In disguest when one of the party struck the point of his shovel against something that felt 'de cidedly creepy." The object was gen. ly uncovered so a not to mar It, and there law revealed to the sight of the onlookers, after niatiy hours oZ toll the carcass of a hog. The theory of murder;, the thought that possibiv a hidden treasure had been removed; ?nd various other suppositions hav' thug perished. The hos? was burled by a mat glimmer before the wheat was planted. The fresh earth whlfU Ai- tractrd Mr. Robinson's attention was caused by dogs scratching In the earth The trails left in the field which were supposed to have been made by tho mysterious men of the grave episode were only the disturbance cause 1 by the canines as they took their departure. Henry Scott. Alias Ed. Scott, Pleads Guilty to Three In- laments for Attempting to Forge Checks on Banks and Citizens. In the Superior court this morning the negro Henry Scott, alias Ed. Scott. wno recently attempted to forge checks on l local banks and seeml SitUrus. pbi,,i guilty to the ttire "true bills " of indictment returned against him by the grand jury. After hearing the evidence against the de fendant Judge Ward notified the pds oner that he could spend the next two )ear8 with Forsyihs county ruad force, building ue and repairing old thoroughfares. rrauK tturiey. saioon-keeper. was acquitted on the charge of selling spirituous liqWs to a minor. This case was appealed by the defendant from tne Recorder's court. It was al leged that (Jug Caiewood, the young mau wno was tried and acquitted on the charge of shooting and killing Den nett Swalm, on the Mickey Mill road, last December, was the party that pur chased a flask of whiskey from Hur ley. r The case of "Jack'' Walklns, Indict ed for selling spirituous liquors to a minor, this also being an appeal from the Recorder's court, was continued until the next term of court. Hugh Fulp was arraigned before the court this morning charged with retailing, but after hearing the evi dence, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty'. Lewis Johnson pleaded guilty to Ihe charges of assault with a deadly weaion and trespass and was fined $10 and the costs In each cas. The case against Spencer DaVlB for carrying a concealed weapon, was (ontinued, the bond of the defendant being renewed. j I.evl Johnson was convicted of as sault with a deadly weapon and tres pass. Ten dollars and' costB In each j case was the Judgment of the court. 1-ester Long, colored, indicted for rl'lzen i it wmPrcMiy In two caws, pluad guilty and was givein term of el pjp the ro,nnjy roads. George McRride plead gnjlty to the charge of larceny. Judgment was sus pelided upon payment of costs. Ill PIE HIE TOBACCO TRUST Proceedings Which May Kc suit in Dlsolutlon of the J50.000.000 Combine Com menced In United Stales Circuit Court. Denies Engagement to Girf Found Dead TROY, N. Y., May 19. Charles Mil llman, a sludont at Rensselaer Poly technic, denied today an engagement with Uertha Vanderbilt, assistant II brarlan of Princeton University, whose body was found yesterday in the Rarl tan Canal after several days' search, lie said ho was a good friend of the dead girl and had a letter from her written the day of her disappearance referring to the commencement at Rensseluer, declaring she would Br present. Mllliman wfil be graduated tonight. ' PRINCKTON. V. J., May 13. The authorities here liave declared to hold ihe body of Uertha Vanderbilt another day hoping to solve the mystery of the death. Bruises on the forehead lead to the belief that she may hive been murdered. No reason for the crime can be found. ' Congressman Kitchin to Speak Here May 27 'or,a;reismnn W. W. Kitchin', one of the leadin? aspirants for the gulicrn t- toi'lal noniiniition waB In the nity this (horning en route home from Wilkes county. He was m- t at 'he station by a num ber of friends from here who are In terested In his candidacy and alihon;;h Mr. Kilchin's time Is very nearly taken up Mr. A. H. Eller, of .this -city, succeeded in get;ingan ensawinent 'flth Mr. Kltehln to deliver an address ill. this city on thu night of May !7. at the courthouse. Mr. Kitchin regards his pro.iect3 an being very encouraging, pnd was enthusiastic i the passenger Million this mornlnf. While here ho was so'.ii'lit out by a number of peopl. and greeted with eery aptiearanee of hope for his success. .9t, on. 'h" woods. Mr. Cleveland's Condition Reported to Be Worse LAKEWOOD. X. J., May 19. Dr. J. B. Bryant and Dr. G. K. W. Lockwood went to the bedsUle of ex-President C. rover Cleveland today. Both are stomach specialists. It Is reported hat Mr. Cleveland Is worse. Mrs. Cleveland stnys at the holel.. seeing nobody. , ' , A WHALE AT BEAUFORT. Monster 50 Feet Long Captured at Cape Lookout Sunday, Will Be en Exhibition, BEAUFORT, X. C, May 1N.-A large whale was captured at- Cai' LookoM on Sunday and was towed in licsufort today, where 4 wil1 be puliod out of water by Ihe shipyaitl railway. The -monster Is aliout fifty feet long and twenty-five feet around Ihe body. It wil. lie oil exhibition at the ship yards ofr two or three days. Esti mated value of bone and oil, six linn dtj'J Joiiars. Piatt Too III to Attend Convention. ALHA.NY, X. Y., May 19. Senator Piatt, according to an aurioiineenii nl by one of his friends, has d'-rided, lo calise of jo-health, not to aiie"d the Republican convention at Ciilcagn. Slate Senator Allds, altennte, will take his place. Y. W. C. A. Mi's Willie Mlddlelon will conduct Ihe class in physical training this evening at 8 o'clock. As the das. will finish the spring course next week It is desirable that all members of Ihe class be present for the last 1"smms The Round Dozen Itook Club will meet with Mrs. W. A. Whitaker on West Fifth street tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Atlantic Coast J.ine. Sea board and Southern Hallway will give reduced rates from all points along their respective lines on account of the Salem Female College commence, ment. .NEW YliRK. May 1 Pruwdings whit fa niaj result In the entire disso lution of the $,'iimi tMHi.iMMj combine which practically controls the tobac co business ol the country were com menced today in the United Slates circuit ourt. The case of the gov ernment againsi t'ne.Ametflcau Tobac co Company is set lor a bearing today, and while the brilliant legal talent employed by the "trust" may be able to ware) off the blow for a tlim. it Is alleged that sufficient evidence has been procured to bring ajout the forcible dissolution of the combine by the federal government, acting un' der the Sherman antl (,niwl law. In addition to Ihe American Tobac co Company, the government suit names as defendants more than sixty allied and subsidiary (ompanies, and about twenty individuals connected therewith , .Anions; the concerns af fecled are the American" Cigar Com pany, the United Cigar Stores Com pany, the American Snuff Company and the American I.lcorice Company. The American Tubacco Comimiiy was Incorporated oti Oet. 19. 1904. In New Jersey, as a consolidation' of the American Tobacco Company, the Consolidated Tohaco Company and the Continental Tobacco Company. Ii has ItO.ooo.uPO common stock and $7S.T0.tM0 preferred stock. Tht pieferrse stoejc has no voting power that being solely vested in the com mon stock, which Is limited to C pel cent, earning power. lAccording to g statement by Spe cial Prosecuter McReynolds. the evl lence gathered by the government shows that the American Tobacco Company, with H 27t.O0.OUO of as sets, and the subsidiary companii with their $100,000,000' yf assets, IB geiher with the llritlsh-Anierloan To bacfo Company, with Its If loo.ooo.oot of assets making nearly , $500,000, 000 in all are controlled by eight men or esfaref. These eight men ot estates art1 James B. Duke. Thomas F. Ryan, An thony X. Hardy, ' Benjamin X. Duke Col. Otlver H. Payne; the estate 01 the late William L, Eelklns, of Phlla delphla; Teler A. B. Widener, of Phil adi'lphla, and the state of William C Whitney. Ryan owns 60,000 sharet of Un common slock and draws an Income of nenrly $2,noo a day, or $CiOO,000 a year. . from his trust holdings. Col. Payne owns 52.000 shares the Eiklns estate owns lO.Ooo shaVs, Presidenl Duke holds 15.000 shares and George Arenls, of Ibis city, one of the orlg Inal organizers," holds 12.000 share The trust has been doing until the recent slump, a tremendously profit aide business, paying as high as 22 per cent, dividends. The dividend on the preferred are not limited In amount. The 1 rust Is controlled by the Ryan Syndicate, which . first organized the Union Tobacco Company, and then rlubbeil the American Tobacco Com pany into absorbing them at a fancy price, after which the Ryan crowd proceeded to snatch thi reins from those whom they found In power. The executive brains of the trust is President, Duke, who began life In the South without means. The finan cial brains of the combine, since W. C. Whitney's death, has been Thomas F. Ryan. The tobacco trust has a practlal monoMdy of the cigar, cigarette. snuff, licorice cheroor and chewing and smoking trade In Xorlh and South America and Great Britain. m t. pjjpiii::: Discussed Exchange System of .Mileage Books-B. H. Marsh President. Tin- aimtMi convention of ihe Trav eler's Prot. t in,. AsKOciaiinn in sion ai Wilmington run. laded the bus inss of the mefting Ute Saturday UiKht and adjourned until next year. The matter of the exchange system of mileage books was rsken up and dis cussed. A number of railroad officials were present and off. red several plans in regard to the matter, but no definite action was finally tnk.-u The last business a;in.d In was th election of the tinVet, fur tin- en suing year, th election resulting follows: President. Burrell H. Marsh, nf Win ston Salem; vice presidents. Uunk H Hewitt. Asheville; Frank Wilkes, Charlotte; J. E. I-AiraUer. Ro, k Mount; T. D. Ixve, Wilmington; t b Wilder. Raleigh. Secretary and treasurer, C. C Mi Uan. of GreeuslMro. lreclors: C. H. Ireland. R, E Sie. 1 A. W. McXalry. Greenslmro; Walter Leak. W4nsfoti; J. N. Jacobl, Wlliuing ton; H. W. Eddy, Charlotte. Physician and surgeon. Dr. Charles Robertson, Greensboro. Delegates to national convention at Milwaukee, June 22nd, C, G. Iee.Ashe vlile; C. C. McLean, Greensboro; B H. Marsh, Winston; T. Edgar Harvy. Charlotte; C. F. Tom II n son, HUh Point; J. J. Norman, Winston) T. D, Iove, Wilmington; Geo. $, Edwards Rocky Mount. Each delegate will ap point his own alternate. Committee chairmen: Railroads, P. R. Masten, Winston; press. T. Edgar Harvey. Charlotte; hotels. T. M. Tor- gerson, Asheville; legislation Jas. I Johnson, Raleigh; employment, E. O. Wilson; sick and relief, J. fl. Fnrchess. of Wilmington. t LIl'.l'l FIlilEYTO ADDRESS UIHHE PrcsIJcnt of Southern Kail way, With Mrs. Finely and Two Daughters, to Attend Salem Commencement Points About May Music Festival. State of Washington for Bryan. SPOKANE, Wash., May 1 After an all-night session Ihe Washington Democratic convention Instruciel delegates for Bryan. The pla'foiin de clares for constitutional anietidii.cnl against spirllous liquor. DENVER AUDITORIUM. SCENE OF THE DEMOCRATIC NA ..... AAailllllHIAll I f I I J TIONAL UUNVLNIIUN, JUL? . jj, wmi in joi unions Manufacturers to Inject New and Vital Issue Into Pres idential Campaign. . NEW YORK.May 19. A determined warfare wt all U1m( naiMoMik lll have the silpHrt of I bo :i,000 members of thu National Association of .M.inu farturers, represenllng an aggregate lapltal of fifteen billion dollars, will soon '-ie commenced. The action wa determined uism at today's sessloi) of the association, which Is holding Its annual convention at Ihe Waldorf-Astoria. Iiilll leal methods will lie used by the manufacturers In the fight, which will Inject a new and vital Is sue Inio the presidential campaign. According to President James W. Van Cleve, the membership of the as sociation is practically unanimous In the matter of fighting the unions. It is alleged that of the 30.000,000 labor ers In the country, less than l,F.on,noo are affiliated with the American Fed eration of Ijttxir, and that any deter mined stand against what Is termed lite "tyranny" of organ lied Libor will receive the support of the great ma jority of these unorganized workmen. it Is staled' that, the association will not attempt to disrupt the unions, but will make Its fight against some of thu principles which the unions stand for and which are obnoxious to capital Among these are the closed shop, the iKiycott, sympathetic strikes, appren ticeship restriction and 'compulsory use of the union label. Nw York labor leaders are appar ently Hot alarmed by the promised warfnre of the association and dec lare that it Is but another outburst of (be which hns heretofore found feeble ex presslon In citizens' alliances and slml lar bodies. f Cotton Weak Upon Heavy Selling Today NEW YORK, May 19. Poor cable and heavy selling made cotton weak today. July was erratic ."land 4 points; ihe late month were steadier; May. 9.70 bid. January, opening. 9--', n't.li. !' 2-1 low. 9.12; close. 9 1 March. 9.27; 9.27: I -I. ' '7 July, 9.7U; 8.S2; "; ,,;i October, .2; :i: I. - December, 9.22: 9 2:!; 12: " Spots quiet and steady, t"M, ten points off. Kills Father, then Self For a Wonpn NEW YORK. May 19 Genrse K 8terrv. a wholesale drug hoio-e ear was shot and killed in his offlc.! this morning by his s"n. James W., and the toy then killed himself The dispute was over a owar Jaw waiitel to marry her and his father opiKised th match. - The First Baptist Stindiy scfint ha senred a train 10 run an cxenr ioii 'o T'loniasvllb' on Mny ".i. Tile airuigeineiil omre led with the cooimem-ement si-asnu at Sa'. iu Academy and College are now rapidly iMdnit complettst. A telegram ha J'tst h'M-n received by Dr, Clewell from lYsldenl Finley, of the Snuihein HjII wsy. stating (hat It Is his Intention trt u present at the coninienc men: cv en-lses. Mrs. Finley and their two daughter will accompany President Finley. The urty will arrive 0.1 S'i:i day evening and will remain Mil Mon day evening Mr. Finley will aldrcs the Alumnae Sm'lHy Hievtllig on Mon day afternoon, and Mrs, Finley wHU a!., 1 attend this ni.-t-iliig, she being an alumna of Salem A udemy and C.d Ii gl I'-ishop Hamilton arrived In our city few days ago, he having coinplelH ail extended vitsl lo Iho West ll,.L'.l, and t'eiiirl America. The blh'iop te 'i 1 .- ilia! among other places rlsliel was the meat i'anal which Is to con nect the .Vlanllc wbb the Pacific ocean. He went the eiillrp length of Ihe canal, and was greatly lulerei'. J and liiiiii ,1 wl.h what he saw. A letter received from President Pit teat stales Hut he Is looking forward with Interest lo his visit o our aggres sive cly and the Interesilng rloslrg ex ercises of Salem College. Dr. Pnleaf, the brilliant and talented head of Wake Forest College, Is Well known In this cly and he ha tbo adnilr. Sion of all who know him. HU ad dress on coiniiieucciiif ul morning Is looked forward lo with pleasant anti cipations. Thus It will be seen that lbs siwik er. on this occasion are chosen with unusual success, and every one atitl eiKi!es a good commencement. Wliy equal success the soloslsi from abroad for the' music festival have been chosen, and this part nf t ooiinunm.iurut will tiring fond her iiinslc lovets from near and far. Mrs Williams, the well known Utis ton soprano, ha been here on lo oc casions, and needs no littroc' icibai. Every one I delighted -lot know .hit they will be able to hear her on 'V several evening"!, but ese.-ls)ly in Iho lmiuDi'lal oratorio, The Messliih. Mr. Young was here Issl year and nimbi many friends and adnilrers. ' He Is from New York and will -onlrlbu much lo Iho succesa of the music fea tlval. Th third professional slugef from abroad Is Mr. Frederick Marilu, of New York, a singer who. It I claimed. Interpret Ihe bass parts In Ihe M01 slah with greater effect than any sin ger of the present day. Mr, Martin visited Winston Salem a year, or two ago. and already has many frtendi and admirers 011 his li.il In (Ills in in unity. All the other arrauKeiioMiis f .r ih coninieiieeineiii are itiui!'y carefully arranged, the class fxerel-wM, Ibe Hit exhibit, mid lb- wh'Ih function. To even a casual observer II Is apparent that Ihe college Is taking lo llself each year added strength and power, but It Is a souce of ntyfartlofto the friends In the Twin City -id else where, that while abreasl of th-wliui- In all that Is good and true, at. in same lime I! clings lo that conserva tive spirit which has forim-d IU foun dation, lasting now more halt oim, iiuiidn d years. Accused of Graft, Politician Slays Self INDIANAPOLIS, May J9.-Jobn Mo lauiihey. 00 year old former county coiiiniissloiier, shot and killed blinself In ihe presence of his family In his suburban home. Ho and two other county official were under Indictment for alleged grafting. McGnughey said the charge were unjust but h was so worried about Ihe affair that lie derided to end his life. He bad askd his nephew, who Is a physician, the easiest way to end life, but (be nephew bad laughed the question aside. Suing Piatt, Says She, Feared Him NEW YORK, May 19 -The divorce suit of Mae Wood again! Unlt-'d Stgte Senator Plait was continued to day, many politician attending. The plalnltf was on the stand all day mi l stuck to her story that "Abe" Hm.noel paid bee ten thousand do'br to give up I'latt letters Ai-k"d by Plat'' coenscd why she did not hold 011 f ir .fifty, she said she knew Ihe men she, ha 1 to deal with and realize It wps case of having 10 meet Pu tt's offer and get out of New York alive.

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