VT:iN-CITY 1M SEN r tf tf N EL - THE EINTINXL GETS BOTH THE UNITED PEESS AND HEAEST SPECIAL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. WlNSTON-SALKM,N.C.,SATl lI)AY EVENINU, 0(T0I5KK 17, IDOS. 1'ItU'E 5 CENTS. ILY nUSSI ENGLAND AND 1 J I llliw II MCE """ i , ;n :;iu i' ... 4 ..' '!'' iiis;ua ., .,. ,;t, been 'i' a. H Is ,,1' ".. ,! wellt UP SJU '".""...'tV I" " " "'' ;!.' .1 I'"' 111,1 V- . .. : ii lieald. Lk Notable One at Elks' Auditorium ... .5,. -u:i-iilit of .'V ' K ""' AllJit0' ,ire b.mkeil and r. .i ua -.i'ia! reputa- ',".,'y ' wi" bo T ; ..'. b.- here 111 .''l,-!t' Moii.Ijv lii.nhl. T,',e .' -1' Divide" .. .,,1 : . thought at t j -: .ii " niii would i I.. .mounts for lilt f i. .-ii a thorough j j- othcis. "Th" ,j, ,, .1 ilMil'.t Of WCStl'lll t, !M;,.r throughout the f .i- ii wonderful j,. Man Marble wPJ ::.;iii hi His Hmioi belaved By Storm Off Coast of Luzon t !7 A w n -s UK'S I i. ilo Mom Admiral 'I-1'-! ill not !n"li il s i:,''.i moriiing. l.o- i Mi' a si"! ; ,s t ll.lllliliei --.' fi, i I'.-" Ii Li.17-111 Tit . . ill ill ct has cv s-,ti-i tin- rnii-i' lii-Kaii. lull -i,i is w irhout injury. Twn : .irlii i mi l board, ntlcoi .liiuiu K'l H'r. of I lie Rhode ,S Ui t M li'll T THERE BE LIGHT." Iraskan Guest of Denver Last and Was Given a Rousino s Crowds Line the Streets date Greeted by Many Un- ti fowds On His Way From ruth to Denver. R. i.'.ii.. Oct.' lii.-Williiini J. ilh- L"ii-s; of Denver for '!i!. milr. In spite of a - :-?: :t i . iicccri I ua i ed by a! . sri-a- -row da lined the A "inch the candidate if a ili'miimi where he de All, alone the line .V! w,is rifcivcil with on an'i.iitn. Mure than two r-Sib from all parts Ll ;":",:l i he candidate l: '"iv -Mil the !iiw of red Hi'' lirilli.ini'y Of tho 3 liai'"'l :lie parade thrice ill' innvils stationed at -' 'in' -mi- of m.iih. It re- "wMui.e'i'is of m it hour tn "iili'iiriiiiit in which was as- Sf'St lllllittttlltl' 1 fi.nl. iro r an etlipi f i wmms the Kepuidiean in :he shaft m of "S'llK Kiich, spear 'Ai'.l Millie Df'inif-l-iillr. MHll , Cillll," "Anti-imblicltv Tariff Revision,' 'an wtinurt l0 Omahu late iiiwiis and cities Ills trip from liver todiiv. No ""'li M'lieiliileil hut ri'f i its in imiiiv .v - o.nrtK r Hrj-iin in 'ii In 11 ii'- makeiii'il. lnuvever. lie- ;- ;i i-rnwd at the train nni a snori m '13' llllle until he renph. 'Mi:ht every stop found " '' '''"'li a xiieecli ';' !,i;t "i ci'ipai.sn con ' " ,,!' i'l'-i" a t-XI ill - -,'-"--..(ini he varied ,'J "; smtr,wy of ban: ;1 1 i'ciis.-iion of the pub- " !i''- Hcmncratifi pariv -"" ""i'lUdi -an partv 10 11 'il- p.-epe. - V" ;'"r' at Wrav, , .""i-ii - I-'imi Moruiin. A; Hi'1 first two r,", iimtle, Mi- "' "''-t'l'ii hand ;"' " Mryan and "- iinttils vvi-ie sore LECTURE IN Impatience of Balkan States Is the Trouble This May Precipitate War In Spite of the Conservative Altitude of the Great Powers. LONDON, IKt IT.- It is learned that Rix-fl! mill bit ir- at Oxford alfir IiU Afrit-au tup. in 1M" Hi ill rtfi-ivi the hoimniry .leree ot I. ('. I... already liestui-, upon Km lieror William He also Paris. His datet. and sulijeiis an- not announced. .Mis lino- vel; wi join i him at Khartromi. The l.omi in Tiling in an editorial savs the wiu 'ti iii-i. j put. lie ill wi'lcome : is. v, I, v.itht the sinci-nst ileasiitv, II. s reputj- j lion is se-uii in KiiKlnnd. The ri port is Xiritied ,.t Wasain ton. TAFT SPEAKS IHjPREBENT- WEEK III LOCAL COURT SALISBURY AND GREENSBORO CIRCLES LONIOY ( war da ni r in day. a-.viii.l: lilt ,1;: Montgomery May Sue Thos Dixon For $50,000 utter i.ii k or ii lace of pe, iv interim1 ion.;, , powi rs an- vv tile Cllllfeleti cisive niov. thi- pi'op'i oi Moll'i lleji.i I -some ovi ii a. will irii-ii:a-Inliii ma; mu Kins; I'eier. i : " II. The lit i-a to It.i'ikan sitnatiiui t 4 t.l COIU-ellstlH of a tip opinion, is ;li ' ' ra.nt .miiilitf t lie -i,iii i l kill .-ta'es. p-lld;lii iiterilice All lilt U'.i m to await action ot iu-fere niakiiin a dc Hi! the turlillliQi't of itn!a.iria. Servia an I siiill lliat il is feared li! he commit Sell ih.t' Ini-: ill! ies. tiiiay is that wliih Siivia. has not vei iuiMii.. llllllSI'lf In a ll,i-lli--ut .- not lee a.Hl:ea'. In-n-mlilii -s to tl. lie i.- r.i ct:i-:an; tear of a.-sassiuat ion , Servian Mobs Violent. j I Kl.t.KAHK. iHt IT - Servian nioh' iiuitiina wi ll rc-i-ii moot towards Auk- i iia. aildtd tin-! ,o the war Cinii'i iti-; day li a'teniptitii- -in l lu-tl a Una! ci'i',esiiHl.-ii: of tlu Vienna N'eiil Kri ie I'resMi and at tat kink a iiiiintvi-r o! iistrian ft-Aid-Mi's. The jHiiiee res cued 'In- one. iindi-nr after he had in-ill mjilv kiiled Mini A tut: nan i.-i-Men's an- now housed in Austrian i-miiassv wlu-ielliey an- under a heavi uiiard. Others are aimed and liar rica-li'd at iheir homes K A I.K1 1 ; 1 1 . IVt. 17. It is ii-iMirted l,.,r.. Ilol In. In.. M. I.... :., I ii.-i. nun .Miui.1- -non i i na.i in stiluied $:.n.iMio suit for damages auaiust Thomas Dixon, .Ir. The suif is brought because of llie letter re cently written by Dixon denounciii Montgomery for the speech made heie last week defending "carpet bagism." Argo and liattle, ihe counsel for Montgomery, say that the suit is con templated but rel use to say whet he: or not proceedings have already lieen begun. The clerk of the federal court, in which it is said the suit is brought, ilso refuses to talk about Ihe matter. Ill ALL '"1 liic local leir "R-'n-itateil 2 ;,; Wt, h:in,i,-,., Tilis j.' l'""n "'' larR. -., ' ":, ''"'"I market .-,1 , "" ''"'iii'i'kalil- ., i, . " "ai'ib-r ibis ;.""" "lid the pros- ''"'taiiiiy pieas- Tomorrow At Broad Street Baptist Church Tomorrow wiM be an i och-makiiig lay for llroad Strert Plans will trans die that will give new life and impe tus to our iievjple. At Sunday school the aims of the school and its standard for the winter wll be set forth and every member is urged to bf present. At thP 11 a. in. services the pastor will make known some facts and pre sent some plans tint will occasion joy md thanksgiving to cm rv true mem ber of the church. It will be a last ing misfortune fur anyone to fail to be pnselit. Kvcryoue interested ill Broad Street's future ought to be present. The pastor makes an earnest ippeal to the member to come. At 7 p. m. the H. Y. I'. I", will nieei A most interesting iirogram has been prepared mid it will have vital tela tlon to the meetings fur the coining week. Misses Davis and Mallard wll! sing. The revival services formerly an nounced wil liegln with the evening service. The paslor will preach on "Responsibility for Our Brother." Rev. R. E. Neighbor, of Spartan burg, S. V.. will arrive in the city on Monday afternoon and will preai h for the people twice each day. A fuller announcement of the services will ai pear in Monday's issue of this paper. Mr. Neighbor is one of the best gos pel preachers in the South, a man of great magnetism, deep sympathies and great spirituality. His coming to our city will be a benediction indeed. The public Is most cordially invited to these services. , 0. V. Ll'MI'KIN, THE FIGHT IS WON, SAYS MACK. National Democratic Chairman Confi dent of the Election of Mr. Bryan Goes East to Look Over the Sit uation, CHICAGO, Oct. It;. National Chai:' tnan Norman K. Mack left tonight for the Kast. After registering at his home in Buffalo .Mr. Ma. k will leave for New- York to look over the situa 'lon in the Kast. He said before his departure: "When I came West some two weeks ago I realized that the tide had turned toward Democracy and every indication pointed 10 victory for the Democracy in November. The situa tion is far better now than then and I return Kast confident in the ;-loc-tion gf Mr. Hryan. I have not receiv ed one discouraging report. Mi'. Bryan will not only re eive tiie majority o' Ihe electoral vote but one of tbe greatest popular voies ever giv.-u candidates. "The fight is won. but we inns' keep everlastingly at it for the re inaining two weeks of the campaign II is too early to give out figures and I will -not attempt to do so. but I will say now that New York. Ohio ar.-l Indiana are Democratic this year and in v prediction docs. not juke into con sideration a number of other scales which will swing from the Republican to tbe Democratic column two weeks from Tuesday." Dr. N. L. Anderson to Deliver First of Sunday Talk Tomorrow The I'll st of -be series of Siindav Afternoon Talks to Men will be given tomorrow aiieriioon at t o'clock bv Dr. Ni I.. AiideiMiU. His subject will be "Out and On' for Christ." Mis Cynthia .loin-?- will sing a solo. The meeting will be held ill the gymnas ium ai the Y. M. ('. A. building. Y. M. C. A. Calendar for Next Week. Monday Afternoon--Business Men's gymnasium class. Monday Night Night school ,-lasses .Monday Night Bowling tourna ment.. Tuesday Afternoon Roys' gymnas ium classes. Tuesday Night -Bible sfuilv clubs' lirst sessions, taught by Secretaries Colbert aii.l Lewis and Physical Direc tor Stock. Widtiexi.lv Atlellioou Itllsllli-SS Men t gv mtiaiiim elns.v Wodtii sd.l.v Night - Kducatioal class is. Thiirsd.iv Night- .Meeting of l.oliliv full. Thursday Night - Young Men s gym na -ii ni cla-s. s. Friday Afternoon Business Men's gymnasium class, Friday Night - Bow ling tournament. Friday Nighl Kmplo.vcd boys'gym naslum class. Saturday Morning School Boys' gymnasium class. First of Star Course Series. On Monday night. October li. the liist of the series of Star Course at-tra.-lions will be given. (u this o" casion Dr II. W. Sears will speak on "More Taffy and Less Kldtaphy " Little Girl Killed Accidentally at King Miss Lucy Hall, the iliirteen-v ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hall, of King R. F. D. No 2. was accident ally shot uml killed this morning about eleven o'clock by her fifteen-year-old brother, the shot taking effect in her thigh, causing her death in a few min utes after the shooting took place. Neither of the parents was at home when the accident occurred. It seems that the bov got out a shot nun anil was handling it near his sister, not knowing that it was loaded, when Weill off uc iib-ntallv and caused the death of his sister. I The gunshot tore n bad wound In i the little girl' bodv. as it was tired lit such (lose range. The act blent created a great deal of excitement in I the coiinuuiilly. The little girl was j popular with her neighbors and wi! ! be realty missed by them. ! The little girl's brother was pros j Iraled wiht grief and notified bis par I ents, who at once went to the scene I of the tragedy, but It was too late, us j the little girl had breathed her last. : No arrangements for the funeral set ' Ices ha e yet been made. District Meeting of Red Men Is Held Here; A Good Attendance Meeting the the Y. W. C. A. of Special Interest To Business Women. At the vesper service tomorrow at four o'clock the subject.' "The Chris tian Woman In Business I if''." will be discussed. The principal speaker will bp Miss Kiln Orrclt. Miss Kli.a belh Fetter wil have charge of the music and there will be a duet by Miss es Sallie Teague and Donis Milbi. All young women are always mad' welcome to this ves-er s. i v ; on Sunday afternoon and the meetings so far this fall have been splendidly in tended. The social hour following the meeting is proving a real' help to Un voting women in their desire to know each other better. NKW market, to four rallied ed. COTTON MARKET. YORK. Oct. 17. Th. after Initial decline iKiints, due to easier a little again, lint cot ton of one ; calib'S. ! Hg iln rend - I The district meeting of the Sixth district of Improved Order of Red Men convened yesterday afternoon at half past three o'clock. The meeting was called in order by the District Sachem. V. 1 1. Blake, of High Point, and ihe regular ceremony waa carried out. The adiliess of welcome .-was made by .Mr. T. W. II. (ties and the . response was ma le by Mr. .1. It. Branimck, u! Altamahaw. A loner was read by Mr. C. F. Sapp from the Kaglea in which they extended the use of tln-ir cbri rooms to the Red Men and I be com tesy of the Kaglfii was appreciated very inii.b. The minutes d tin . last meeting were read and it was seen that tin" affair.-, of ibis ilk-trie: are in good cdikI i t ion . A committee was formed to rais I be money necessary lor the expense of the district meeting and Ibis sum was raised without any trouble. The following delegates were pies fill at th" til st session: Sioux Tribe No. :!-S -V. .1. Donaho. II. C. Pace. II. ('. Freeman and T. C. Lgglestoll, Tacoma Tribe, o. i'.l -.1. Ii, Bran nock. II. M Ireland ;nil bim'-s Hawks. Chickasaw Tribe. No. V. L. Stanley, W. Iv I leriiilon. N. M. Fox, W. tl. Bridges. It 11. Serlir-st, ('has, Rei'lt. .!, I. Cannon. I". D. Blake and S. W, Bowman. - Croiiian .Ti ibt:.No. 31 L.. ,A,, Kbei'L f V Mi-Dowe!1. C P. I.ltieiiai k. C. F. Sapp. It. 1). Have Frank Stags. T. W. Manes, Clyde Heine-'' and M I.. I.an cat let . Minnesota, No: ,"'-'-.-S. F, William', li. It. Wvrick. S. A. Taylor. .1. W. Shaw. A. F. Brady. .1. W. Stewart and .loo Telllpie.. Kno. No. CI W. W Newell, .1. A. Montgomery. M II. Price. R S. Smi'h. .1. A. Mnhbs. It. B. Batesinger. C. II. Preddy, F.. Cruson. V. M. Sbeuatd, Frank Furlough II. !.. Saii'h. K. K. Mill.-, I T. It.'iiiill. F. It Price, .1. A. Smi'herman. Chail'-- darner.. .1. A Oakiev- N B M-ir-in. Heorge Sear.-y. Minneiiaiia Tiil-e. No. ;- D. M 'e.!C!i,v. l ie, No. s'i (', ' K. Kiniii-niii n. Kewatis.-e No h7 .1.1-. D. Coopinan .1. A. 1 1 eland Nignt Session. The el.atioii of.otbcers for the dis trict wis 'he fi.s' luisiness taken up at th" tiiithl tess!on which convene. I at 7 :1" o'c'ock" and the following of ficers Were ele'eed proahe' F. D lll:ike.ligh Point. Sachem - I .' M. Ireland. K!on Col l.-.-e. Senior Sagamore T. C. Kggleslon, II. Martin, Spray. Junior Sagamore-N Ureensbore. Chief of Re-oi ds W. L. Siainev. High Pidiit. Keeper ot Waiiipum W. K. Hern don. 1 ligh. Point. Flint SijiHiitp- II. It. Wvrick, (ireens born. iliiard of Wigwain John A! Ireland Burlington. C.uard of Forest -S. L. Willlatns, if flreensliom. After the election of ollicers. a Hum her of short -speeches were made, Mr. I). M. Wealherly.' of Vra nkllnloii, speaking on. "Fraternity"; Mr. W. L. Stainev. of High Point, on S nips and Straws"; Mr. N B. Martin, of (ireensboio. on "The Degree of Poca hontas"; Mr. W. Is, llerndoii. oT High Point, on "The Haymakers' Assocln Hon": Mr. Iv A. Klieit. of this city. ton "The I'liwrittin Work." and a ; number of members on "Kxpeiience of Red Men." Croat interest was manifested In 'he. meeting by the members and all i were determined when they left to i do all in their power to increaae the value and effectiveness of the order, i It was decided to hold the next meet ing at (ireensboio This will come ; In March hut the da'e has not yet been determined.. A vole of thanks I km- ii-inb 1 to ...the, local ...tribe foi ! their bospi'aiitv. (juin. a mini tier of , prominent Red Men wen- present, and the Ho oting was a great success. STOCK MARKET. NKW YORK, O'l, 17- Slo ks are under depressing in ueiin-. Umdoii Prices showed losses, Canadian Pa- ' cifie declined I I iiion Pacific 7 -V i Cleat N'ol'llelll prefelll-d off . r.-S. At j the end of led lulnutej, I railing tin j market wan (inly moderately yllve. j WHEAT MARKET. ' CHICAliO. Oct 17 - Wheat opened a little higher on labl.-s and freeJug temperature -In Argentina, but eised off on forecast for rain in tie- winter w Ins-ii belt, Trad" was active. Cannot Hold Cotrt. l.lll'ISBt'Ri;. O't 17 lie-sage was received here this morning from Judge Cook, saving that owing to ill nt'.-st in his family lie could not l heie next week to bold court It wat- to have convened .Mom'a Mr the trial ! of i iv il ( e e. l S MIS It I KY. Ut IT mvuu ton a' nine eVIm k th:, muini-ii n U' pa 'In .in pii-sit. nM.it noiiiui.-i Mi Tatt. and a ;aiiv if f.-ri ,ii.n;iii'iit pidii li'i.nis win- givin an u-aiioti in alls!.mv wbiih was tiii-.nu- in m.mv res(w eis The Tall m ' lai ir.tn a nut at Si itesv ill.- tn the R, pii'.li. an sjat. i bairm.in. Sj-n r It Vlams i li.nl. s H t 'littles, Rtpiil.tn -an simlid.ite for cmgri-ss in the eighth dislint .) Kl wiMiij Cox. It.-piitiln an iiiiminee l..r goveiniir. and olln i partv b a t. is b.) a. i on n oil. -d the iialsuial , ,i n ,1 1 , 1 ,i i ihniugh the st lie The parly was drtv. n ia ntlv to 111. opera house, wb'ie Mr I'.i!) w is in trodiu-i si bv ex assistant Viiil.-d St !. s district atloriii-v. II Pi,.-, w , gu.-st be was while In S -lis'iui In I he course of bis flfn-n nitioi.e addii'ss Judge Tatt d I . n il Ins vm paihv l"r the South, and sp. . I illv for North Carolina. tn re be has m u,i eisonal friends He urn. d thai H if lime to shed 1 1 adit lonal feelings an. woik together under on.- politi. il need He dei lan d that unlets He proieithe tariff Is maintained l!;i hundreds of Industrial eiitei-priso Hprlnglng up all ov.-r the state must be destroved. and that lo ele-i lirvau would be lo continue the ih-(Misslor started last vear Tin- I nioCials In said, an- courageous in every! lung x ci pt pilules Mr 'I'.i f I said he believed he would be elected without North Carolina, but that it would lie a gnat sal I die tlon to him to have the old North Stale behind Mm ,. dei lareit thi r, would tie migliiv few .-iuociats in thi state who would sit up bile on tin night of November lib worrying ovei a Republican virion Tile president ial candidate ' was heard here In several thousand p.-o pie, among them being maiiv Heuin rats. The parly left shortly before 1 o'clock, for Oreeiisboro and Richmond In Greensboro. (IRKKNSBOItO, Oei 17 The visli of Judge Taft lo lireensboi-o loda-. was made the oc asiou of a great Republican rally, there being present large number of prominent Repnbll cans from all over the siale and an Immense gathering of federal oftUv holders. , The NHpal lieu rill k ihe Tafl party arrived at 1 l.2tt and a large reception committee met the parly at the dep.,i and escorted them ill nulomohllcM, Judge Tall going to the tJraud Opera House and making a thirty minutes speech before ii crowd numbering less than five hundred, the vast throng having ass tiled In the Auditorium lore the speaking V us advertised I i take place. Il was here that Secre I (ii y Shaw spoke while . Indue Tafl was speaking In the (irand, from which place h rode lo the Auditorium and his automobile drove immediately In io the M i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' li building 111 which had gaihered a crowd estimated a several thousand. lie was given an ovation and made a Hion spee n, lonoweu uv a oriei talk by Senator Smith, of Michigan The Taft special train left for Dan v ille at I o'clock. Snoke at High Point. IIIOII POINT, Oct 17 - Mr ,L Fl wood Cl'X, Introduced Tafl to his neighbors, lie urged Democrats to forsake their traditional iilleglani c to the Demo' rnlle fin rl y and mte for pros perity and th'' Ke'aibllcan ticket; A Large Congregation At Centenary Church There was a large 1-ongregatjoii ai the services at Centen:iry:churcb last night. Dr. Abcriielhv pii-nctieil a strong sermon on the subject , ol "Skepticism of Christians''' and th sermon bad a marked effect. He pleaded for 'more spirituality in eltv churches mid more practicality in country churches, Me. drew the Hue of dlffereni e between Hieui. saying that the eltv churches would limb magnificent e.lllicen and support mis slonaries, but that' tin-re wai not enough spirituality In tin- city church oh. and thai although there was enough spirituality iii the count!'.' churches, they did not sup:,ori lie inlSsionary cause as they should, bu' often limited their religion ' 'bell ow n COIllllllillil v . Much good Is b'-lng done bv lie meeting. No services will be held to tiigl" GREAT INTEREST. Meeting at Four-Fold Gospel Church Last Night One of the Best in Church's History. The meeting at Hie Four Fold, Co pel church last nig,ii was oik- of H'.e greatest in the i-hurdis history. 'Ha'P' wen- seventeen at On- abai Mrs. Harney's solo was a ben ut ,.fnl one and delighted the 'large rongicga Hon., Tonight Mr. Harm-v will diwuss "The Slops lo Salvation" Brothers Indicted. NKW YORK. o t- 17 Capt Peter C. Mains and his to ol her, T Jenkins Ha in, weie Indicted by the grand Jury tnj-iv lor murder in the flis' degn-e for killing William K Amiis. More Than 300 Lives Lost. A H Y, China. Ocl. 17. Reports irom Chang Chow today say that more lll.'lll llllee blindred liven Were liisl in that citv duiing a Itpboou last Tin. i .d o 1 ti- pa-; tt.-.-k has t-i a v.-iy b.ls "lie ill ti. ill Lnouuoiif ptiitttts have thnuig.-d ta,. ,nv ,-ver since the Ojl-ltlg of the .-i k ThiMH nds of ia 1 111. ifi tr.HH I'.iiMih u all 'he ail'.e.ai on; haie tliroiu.-d Hit. 1 ihe ci y to ni. k. tin- 1 t... .a. is. M litv o; tlii-iii tteie f.iin t lo ilii.i,il f. r s.-v. ia; Ua betoie tin v .-,e nl. to 111.11 ki-l th. ir i-niji And ih.-u ti,-u ctrciis day 4iriv-it, the now.l tail swatiui-d to the i-l 1 was he i.in;i--t ever -. u to re There .l il h I l.llge lbs. g !,ui flulii Y ad kill ISHialv M1.1t a na ive ol iha; 11 iv said tin; the. didu t h ave enough . ii;i .' at home oil l-ilclls .lav 1.1 e.-. I Ille hog-t ine voimg man ti mi ih.it touaiy cam.- in with bis to ide and pioudly toid tils tllillds tliat lie biougbt her I 1 'hi cu. lis on 1 heir wedding lour Superior court a',, convened M-oi-lay an. I I Ins brought a laige nuiiibi-r f ople tn iln' i My soine coming will ingly and oiliei being hustled to Ihe CUV oil Hist. lilt. I sllll..HIia 1. And ille ciowij as mi I'Xliemely oidi-tU line. Intf iii a gathering so Ial ge t le i e ai e a! w av . a tew ho need 1! 'etltb n 1J0 keep l.heiti final overdoing things and this element gave the po licemen pleiitv to look ills r The re older s dockets were largei this tt.-ek than dm lug anv o'Ih-i week in Ihe his ti rv of the lecor b-r e niil But Ihe rush o( liiisinetN eau, bv the swollen ciowils lias subside I and illlliiual con dllions have reached the 1101 inl In the Twin City once more. Echoes of Superior Court. Fifty lour eases were brought up .11 tile present session of siiuOor court In tills county and the billowing neiiallics were Intbcleil l.t defendants were sentenced in the county mails for Hie aggiegale lerni ot II 111,,11'hs. I was senteli ed 10 the peiilteiil lury for 'he lerni ol two yearn, lodgment was suspended 011 pavmeiil of the costs In four ca.es. neevn cases were mil prossed with leave, eight were con tinned, capiases were Issued In thir teen cases, three were lined, the tin ill line iinioiini lug 10 WI. and live were tieiit led The following roa I sentences were passed Fred Halrston, colored, lar ceny, twelve inonfhs, Holier! tilenn, colored, larceny, six luonlhs; Ben Halrston. colored, larceny, six months, Peter halrston, Volon-d, larceny, six months. Will Liimly. white, hiivt'iiy, (ix tuoinhi; Frank Fries, colored, lar ceny, twelve months; Black Cuvlng ton. colored, larceny, twelve months; Will Stewart, colored, larceny. Iw-elvw months; Paul Blackburn, colored, lar ceny, twelve months: Charles Lewis, alias Chillis Robinson colored, lar ceny, twelve mouths; Harvey Walker, colored, larceny, six months, llowatd Lash larceny, eight mouths, and Jim Clement, coloiod, for es ape, line month Oliver II, Cox, a young white, man, was sent 10 the penitentiary for I wo years tor fraud by passing worth less cheeks. From the above, it would seem Unit there are no crimes com mitted here except pctiy larceny but. II must lie remembered that all of the frivolous charges are sidetracked In the recoidel S coiiri and only the more Important ones reach the superior court. . All of Ibi' pilsonei's were taken out lo ihe camp ibis attcinooti by Jailer Hanner. Recorder's Court Today. The recorder's i uni t was a Lime affair Ihls morning after Hie hwoIIcii dockets of llie early, pall of the week. Only live caaes wl-ie entered on llie docket tor trial this morning ami these were trivial ones, Pearl Shelton was arraigned for an assault coiiiinil'ed on W, J. Iliiikley on North Liberty slreei lu-i'ween the two dry bridges, yesterday, and was fill' d t2.n'i ami the costs. There was also a warrant against Blnkley charging him with assaulting Robert Shelton ii the same time and place with a 'Ioh IIv weapon, to wlt. a-pim-e of Iron, The evidence showed thai be did not ttrike Shelton bill thill he drew the piece of Iron on him and this tu.ul" lilm technically guilty of an assault, in I lo- ai.-.o whs lined : on and the costs. Will Molr, colored, was in the toils charged with an assault on Martha Moir with a kutle hut the barges were ao! Hiisiiiliied and Martha Moir, the proseculing witness. w,i 1 taxed with the costs K. A. Hyelt was called tills morning on a warrant charging him with creat ing a nuisance at ihe passenger sta ilon yesterday but he failed to answer to his name. He forfeited bond hr fat Iln -to HpiteHr.".1-""-,-:-,-.-.ij Notes of Police Court. The ease against Daisy I'a'teison, colored, who was tried yesterday on the charge of assaulting Polly deaden, also r ilorod, with l deadly weapon oh the li'iih of September, which was con tinued until today loi judgment, was disposed of today She was sen- , leiici-d 10 the couii'v jail for the term of three months The defendant ap pealed from i Iip above Judgment and her appearance bond was fixed at tlno, In default of whi h she went to Jail. Pink Thomas, colored, who was con vitced of nuisance last Thursday, was unable to pav his fine and was wen tenci'd ni :i.- cininty roads, for the term of thirty days Willie tl on, colored, was also nil. able to attatige the tine i' l, nil Im posed on him Thursday for nuisance and In- was sentenced lo the enmity roads tor ihe term of thir.v days. Good Collections Today. The collecions M the police head (iniirierV were verv large today Sal- ! iird-iv Is always a cm id day us great 1 I 'oil1 iliu.-d on pa"., three. )

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