TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINE W1NSTON-SALKM, N. t, TI KSI) VY EVENINli, MAtiCl! 2i, 1910. SIMILE (X)ril-S 2.CTS. J. C. Buxton Cnnnnd Tiirloro RELIGIOUS WDRKERiEASTER EXERCISES iii Mi-cm S TOUR OF 'ttrl Jones, Resigned 18,67Q MILES Tl i MAKE Dill ,v;1 !S b.);J,uSj ,v. wk vM. rluy ..TfiW LV .. 1 1' . ' ! hi. . - a-in to r..imjr r. (t to Ulie"ir a ... ihe i, w al learn-v . ...... ..i fin the Uilia r"-"i - s tar an I people ts nave of his .'iicst ii-rni' , ...... 1'ii.tiinl hat m:W'' "" I. M..ra!ly beiu-vea ,11 !Hin anuiHinn- ' .1.. IL 111. m tor in-- i" "" i(ir fongr' ,t and if ft- aites u lWthat U will n-VP v and if " ,hl' ill ,,ak.- a stirring .;ire litnn n i l!iis frw eipials in the canvass with .M vvcral years ago v pvitv in! iiician in .if .lotl.'S n'dtu'ed the . T-itv of alxint three L; un htmilri-d. The was u imiiior- I .(cj was nnnlnated L a camlid-ite for bo- nvntiott wat hi'ld ,in i r was a di-ad-lock three n'cliK'k in was only broken by ride by some of the Jiidio .lones ihe :.nv S. 1 Graves of iwr. After several nt through. Judge tit tile judgeship, but kmiiailej to accept it. lion Received. S'Minel from Ual- fcniw.l tod;iy' the .loni of Winston Court jiiiiite of the , effective May 7. I h'. the resignation Is that Jinlgp Jones I freely into the cam :iwratic namination the Fifth district. ! ,lke no action for 1 'Kb it Is certain the I he acceded. -.No ap- f orapiwntment.flov ' exjutssril his pref- ne action of the Ju saying he would "onvention nominee MD." a- raised today ( al fonvemjfln. eon id mm June in which M be a vacancy for lbs. ID II TUFT ntlcni-n r present stors-SaN In and the i leave tnmorrniv WashitiL'ton I'iK. i, " 1"::'." nVWl ' and a number nt- relative 'to the Mil :r M for a S'.'iio.Mio , a;Klitii)n to 'Hie in tins oitv -Moms, if. r N-or. , rlni smith, J. t ' J. L Cralmm "!T, A. II w. vnykemlali fLEBRATED'" "T RECtNTLY tlave be, n i.,.f.,. P followv- " Mas rather fi;s ine W'-re mnr- if Mi 'arch !,v i. , The graol daughter of the ' lteni?ni.l porLh!ity, SOn Tarn H. a! "as, md 3n . 'Mrs W u ! y' jwrrwd l,v r, Mmll. and Mie.- a..... df ,l. -'IHTT if! T ! H A F Mrs 7 -r J"P -iar- this ri,. , r el'v j . la ll si L IS F AGUE ED s a iw in accordance wttn tne can by the ,'i tlie , , officer of the Y. M. C. A. and outlined .hi term miiu . . ....,- recently, a gioui of Su- Jrt'ct next .lunuiur jntpn(1(nt3 and others, represent ing several of the largest Sunday Schools In town, met at the Y. Mr C. A building Friday night and discuss d thoroughly the atvislblllty of organ izing such a league among the Sunday School of the city, to encourage Sun day school attendance, foster clean sport, and purify athletics anions; boys. It was not thought best to take def inite action in the matter before tbose interested in the Sunday Schools and in toys generally could learn little more concerning the league so the meeting adjourned till nex' Friday Light t o clock to which 'i simdav School Superintendents In town will be invited Those present at the meeting ex pressed themselves fav.irable to such a league, giving their reason as fol lows: The Sunday schools .exist for th" boys and not the. boy? fcr the Sunday jehfiols The Sunday schools fiioh manll ifss. truthfulness, honost). purity of spee-rh, and- fair play. The Sunday cni hiust enter Into the boy's play life during the hours outside if Hnn nv scbool and help him to practise those virtues. in Avr Reamn of the year, every red-blooded, healthy boy, durim ''ery m'nute of hi leisure time will be found on the back lot, behind thp burn. In the street, on the dlatrfond, playing some form of athletics for ail he is worth H is instinctive for him to do so, and. In the God given order of meat and bread to his Mfe, physically, mentally and nior dly. Ninety per cent of the boys from 10 to 18 this summer will play base ball, somewhere, under some condi tion, good or had Amateur baseball l of itself a tuaij? ly, innocent snort, calling foitlj-nKlll. strength, aeiUty. good nerve, an even temper, ability to take care of one's self, and, under prouer supervision una stimulation.' resnect and admlra tion for the other fellow Then things being so. the Sundny Schools can and should enter into he ibov's, own plans by helping him olay the sports that make for nianli ness and strength of character, nn.l help him' piny hm so that they will count most for manliness nnd strength of character, believing thai the Sunday school should be ready to bo to him his most synvpathetlc and helpful friend To the meeting next Friday nicbt all superintendents and adult friends of l)oya are invited, at which time definite steps will be taken to organ ize the league. DEATH OF MR. THOMAS C. Mr. Hiomas Carmalt Smith, one of the city's most popnlar young men died yesterday morning at ten o'clock at Hi? home of his parents, Maj. and Mrs. 8. h. Smith, on Brookstown ave nue. He returned from Florida to t his clly about six weeks ago and was with, tils parents until his deaHh from (right's disx-ase. , The deceased Is survived by his pa- rents, two ItrotOiers, Mr. 8. H. Smith Jr., of Atlanta, and Mr. Marvlrr Smith of this city, and four sisters, Mrs. .las k. urecn, of this city, Mrs. John unite, of Brookline. Mass.. and Miss Helen and Almarine Smith, of thi cny. All were with the yonng man at time of his death. Mr. Smith spent four years in the United States 'Navy out more recently was with the Southern Kell Telephon l orwpnny at Jacksonville, Fla. H was to have started Installing fel' i nones for the Southbound Railway uad tie lived. . The funeral services were conduct ed this afternoon at four o'clook by itfEbop Rondthaler followed bv th in terment in the Salem cemetery'- . UNIVERSAL GRIEF OVER DEATH OF JUDGE BREWER WASHINGTON'. March 29. There is universal grJef over the death of Supreme Caurt Jmlgo Brewer. Presi dent Taft said lie was an able Jiid- This leaves but seven active mem- 'ra of fhe United States Supreme Court. It may have a far-rfching ef - feet on the Standard Oil and tobacco ''rust and corporation tax cases. At torney General Bowers is likely to ie a candidate for successor to Judge Brewer. Mr. J. H. Dillon and Miss Ur.ti Whitakor, loth of this city, were qui etly married 'Saturday afternoon about thrf e o'clock by 'Squire P. T. Lehman at hia office In the presence of a few wituesees. II SCENES ON DAYTONA BEACH, FLA., WHERE AUTOMOBILE RACES HAVE JUST BEEN HELD E Xn mere successful dances have lieun given In the Twin-flty tnan those of yesterday at the Twin-City Club rooms. Morning German The morning gernian while much less Informal than the owe in the even- nn. was largely attended and greatly enjoyed, the young ladies looking es pecially attractive in their lovely' has ter cost utiles. Evening Reception and Dance. flie climax of. the Kaster pleasures, however, was the brilliant reception md dance of Inst evening. The club rooms wer? (thronged witth visitors from 11 o'clock on, while a nmst cor dial greeting was given tlwm by the members and ladies on I lie rerepnoii committee. !' Receiving Party. Those on the remdvlng committee were Mr. A. M.Coleman, Miss Bessie Carter of Danville, .Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Hustings, .ur. anil Mm. " Co.-.n. Mr. nml Mrs. J. L. Craliam, Mr. and Mr'. Hirti'T Manes. Mr. and .rs II .? Hevnolds, Mr. and Mrs. A. .S. Hanes, Col. and Mrs. M intagne, Mr. and Mrs. Peter lorrell, iMr. and Mrs. R C Xorllit", 'Mr. nd Mrs. Hugh fnalliam, 'Mr. H. M. 0. Swanc of New Vcik Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman, Mr and Mrs. W. II. Wlllard, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Manly. Beautiful Decorations. Tin. rooms wer nio?l effectively decorated in purple nnd -white un'der he skillful direction of Mr. Mermttn Vt.itplipr linrinir the evening a most delicious collation in thr e conrces was serve.1 bv Msdames J. Gilmer. W. T. Brown, J. h. Uidlow and Watt Mar tin. . .. , . Till the wee sma' hours the; faiiias;ic as gaily trtppen Mr th voun? iieoi)l! Dugan's orchestra ror ...i,.u- finrme tins niHiins exqm.i - - UT7h' dances were led -by Mr. Henry Sh-dton and Miss ..Marguerite l.mllow and a large ni:m!T partlcijiated there- '"in everv respect the Eavter recep tion w,s a most snec ssfnl affair be-in- dccidedlv the best In the histon rM-he Twin-City Club. Th- officer? i.r hat organ'rition and others who aid ,d In making the arrangements for t,',. Vonsntnluted on the success at lending tiieli' efforts. U I ... IItMt.ll'"- " '' ,; IA NAPLES. March 29. Author. L L to Mt. Aetna's ties today, owinq resumed activity, have oroereo the excavation of the entire Southern slope of the mountain. This means seventy-five thn.ia ,nd necple will be temporarily homeless. At vet no death, have b"rt reported as a result of the earth HSTER RECEPTION IS 11 NOTABLE SUCCESS Promotion for Ticket Agent Mr. W. It. PnrtH'll; for tin yeaw' ticket agent for the Southern Rallwnj in this city, has been notified that h is to receive a deserved promotion, having been appointed travelling pas senger agent for the same company, with headquarters in Halelgh. Mr. Parnell will tnter on his new du ties April 1. He will succeed Mr. It. H. Bebutts, who goe s to Charlotte, to relieve Division Passenger Agent It. 1 Vernon of sonm of his arduous du ties, Capt. Vernon has been with the Southern many yeart and has always been heWin thj highest esteem by the officials oNrhf company and all with whom he came In contact. His quali fications have also been recognized and appreciated, a.s fihotvn by oontin- ied promotions. Mr. Parnell will likely be succeeded by his assistant, Mr. S. I). Klser. who ROOSEVELT IS NOT CAIRO, March 29. That the Na Hiinalist Prcs did not attack Col. Itoowvi It yeuteiday was prolwibly due to a prlvaje talk Iloosevelt gave tlic editor, this being considered a clever political stroke. The family this morning visited the bazaars, 'buying Bouvenirs. Commander Tanakeo of the Japan ese fleet, called and expressed J-ipan cse graiHude for Roosevelt's efforts In ending the .lnianese-flusnUin war. Ccunt HatzvBlt.of the Gentian ag-n cy. gave a lilnclieon In honor of C:l onel and Mrs. Roosevelt at thi agency this afternoon. The Roosevelt visited the citadel cf Carlo, two museums jwl Mx mo STATE SENATOR ALLDS ' RESIGNS FROM BODY. ALBANY, March 2:.J3t,te Senr.tor lot hum P. A1U, lialf an hotrt before the wnate met to vote on sustaining or reacting the, rharties of soli it- ing and BceeptlDK 'brlU. nmght by Senator fionn Conger, filed bis tenria tion with the secretary of state. Death of Mrs. Baggerly. Mrs. Maggie Haggery died fi-.intlay afternoon at three o'clock at her home on North LKierty street at tin age o' To yters after having been sick with pnuenionia fcr pome time. The fttnera' net vices were conducted ft itn ti. home this morning. The deceased leaves l ttrrVitid 'and one child. St was en r-r unable dy and rk lovea iiy all w'.io knew her. Views of Englishmen. LONDON. Match 2fl.-.Whlie they nm'v R-Hwevelt's fear esst. t as. :'ne Nattonslists Kuglltbmen fear If. ;r,av disturb llif delicat Egyptian re-, iitiotis or tnvite assassination, 'The foreign offlc? , will tvjolco when be leaves Egvpt. AHAGKED WEB W. H, Parnell regarded very capable man, not vithstsndlng the fact that he has had inly a t.w months' expu-lenee The HinJiicfurs and othein have endoised Mr Krser for the po.ltim. His snr eisar as asiistam agent has not bei-n te1e-trd yet. Mr. Parnell Is a ihulve of Miwks vllle and came here about fifteen rears ago. His first position was In the baggage room. In every tl"part meat he mde good and today he Is recognized as one of the htoat capable ticket agents In the service of Hie ftnithem. Before coming here Mr. Parnell was a printer, holding a ixisl tiim wkn the old Davlo Times, pub lished at Mocksvilln. The Sentinel Joins his many friends In extending congratulations upon -his .ircmolion and predicts that, further I oMlons of honor nd trust await him In the railroad world. DR. STEEL TO ft IT Dr. Samuel A. SI' el, of Texas, one of the forunohl men. of Methodism, will begin a revival meeting at Cen I nary church next (Sunday morning. Dr. Steel is a native of Mississippi. Ho was educated at Vnuiry aI), .Henry College. Ho w chaiilnln of the I'nl HOLD MEET NG CENTENARY verslty of Virginia or two yearn. AlM'Hy r5.';rc,,(?Bj J""' l.astor lie h.ia wrved th" lending churches of his denoinltiatb n In Rlcn- mond, ljOtllcvllle, Nsbvl!le, iM tinplils and Kansas City. In 1S8H he was fra ternal delegate frotn the Mmhodist Episcopal Church, isouth, to the (i n eral Conference of the Methodlut Kds copal Church which met In New York City. On that occasion ho mado one of the moA noublv tm-cnliis that was evtr heard iy (but l.timrnilied bi1y of men. He was de-rtod by the fit n eral Confi renc ol hbi ui.iircii the first general secre iary of the Kpworth league, and for four years he was editor of its official organ, The Kp worth Kra. Dr. Steel has lectured In all lhrt kad cH)- f)f (be VniM 8t(t((,,, 'Ie Is a finished scholar, a brilliant jrator and a (ireacher of the first mag nitude. - SENSATION IS SPRUNG BY PRESIDENT KINGSLEY. 'NEW YORK. Mirth 29.-President Kinasby, of New York Life Insuranc Co., tmlay testified before Hie Insur ance Investigation that William Pluck- lev. an Insurance libbyist, had sollcti :A a three t'lousand dollar brllte fr.m itlm for "six senators" to lnfluet"e 'egiVlatlon on ihe Armstrong bill. Klngs'ey rt 'um?t.. A bill was later BJMed requiring companies to makt toMhefr inlJcrtoKlers 11 t !ntn.-. 'Hncklcy o ref illed to th'. str.nd, and rr fused to ex-tl:iln how 1m- accrui I Mg checks fmn fire Insurance com pa-1 nies hlch he cashed or depositee jbli own crtdlt la banki. The t:irt tjur vr ntd il Amerh- by a r-t!j;hn wntkor his Just be tHHil. te4 by L"Jh-r M. TU. of this rity, KWI4 S.frt-tary of the WrJ-Vbe ItanK-m-Phllatheei ftl h'.e Clwus I'Bton. hc Is tww h-ie vtr Tej-h Mri.d friMii Win .u-Ailem :-P. ma. w ni N r h far s Watmtin. . Y.. rnrning by Syraci. N. Y.. the honir offlee of tht gl It twiNemeBt, with oly fwr dv nwrstl.iB f(r thru loin Jourey; h started for the Nurthwimt. ! Ihiffslo. iVtroit and Chicag. from watch p!e a every night sixuktni tour wss b.'- iib in rl parnem. xthliBg thrwiah litwt. Kansas and Nlrsks. A ICO mile Jump then made thmiign South Uik.iu. Wvnniini!. Montana and I Is bo to Sisikane. Vh . -. After niM-ukms In th Niwbs and cHles la 'shlngtnn ml Oregun the trip wai foiitlBul d'B the I'wcirlc Coast o .Me Ira, wher BBolh.r tump was made to K Pao. Texas. Htlll IB thM (Vs; Satf he tmshed forward around the tiulf of Mexico tti th ex Vreme nd of Flnrt tn. fmm wh'"b i!ce a h dy nn.l nlghta oo the rain brought him fe back to his hoi. in North Csndlnn. having flnlsh- d the btngeft trip of Ibis kind ever under ak. n Jv relilotMt worker. In making this tour. It ww hvm- srv to go Into thlrtr srii. Canvla ind M ex ten, snd travel IX To miles. 1 took days, during which time Mr. Tesh visited 1ST towns and cities in which he had dflnlte engagements, wws the gio-st of ;i! Itsrsea rhH n I large number of Phllathe. made 2S7 un Iny Schd talk, fn a combined audience of 4B.M. people, The Harara-Phllathe niovenx-nt s said to be one of the greatest Tllg Ions movements of the present cen tury. It is speelnl form of Sunday School class oignnlxallnn for yotiDg men and ladles, nd Is known throughout the world, having been organised In tstw by Marshal A. Hud son, iuieftil crokery merchant of Hyrscuse, N. Y. It has enjoyed remarkable growth and now has over 1000 rlasxps enrolled with combined uietuliershlp of nearly SiKi.omt, EMr. Teh Is wy enthus'.ajilc over this trit. and'sitenk of It ss Mlown ."! afn Sure In my etperhnco is i religious workef I, have Bercr been quite wo happy as I mil to-day The remarkable incri.isc In lllble study Is enough to make anyone happy Never before In our isl history have men In every "work of life been near m ready for the tlci;rel is today. T.i sit in one's olllce, and think of net gain of 72 per cnt In Organised lllble Class work, In six months, I a pie. ant experience, but lo go nut and come In contact with tho actual of-tailon throughout Amcrl'W In Joy too grut t'j express "The experience one has on trip of this kind Is so varied It would take volumes to tell of It. 1 have spoken in all kinds of place and under nil conditions, front the wallliv church in Chlcogo to the streetM of Ran Vran- clsco. from the mountains of Wsoi Ington to the plains of Texas. The ex perlenee with jwqde Is Inst as Vrd men from every walk of life, from the Judge Aft the convict, from the million ul ii to the tramp, each presenting IM-cultar oMarle tbnt must w oyer come to win them to the study of God's Word Not only were their so rial conditions different, but oniinef their nitlonallly sn.l the Ntuguag. they used, recall one of the must nleoHant engNgiiiii'tits was with r edHh Congregatlim. My host and hot-U'fttt were Hwedeg atid they p jeh ed, enng and tiiugbt Hwwlinh In all the church services. "One who travels In work of thi kta4nnist be prepared to take fli unpleasnnt with the pleasant, the a. comforts with the comforts and th sorrow with the Joy. With the uti pleasnnt we might ttienilon the rtls witnforts of travel., change of food cllmute and water, toweihnr, with th sin, vice, deception. Indifference and oixy, The efTt of all tills, however Is soon overcome with the Joy that comes from hrUtlan service and b many pleasant things that go with It, the happy home. Christian fellowship, great lllble cla demonstrations street parades, auto parades, boo quets, receptions, ond great mas meetings, and. were It not for these, the Joy that comes from seeing eyeti one soul bora Into the kingdom of (iod makefl nwh a trip well worth while." Two Small Fires. Fir causing a lo estimated ' al about I'.'iO occurred . Sa'tirtlay nlfcht at II: to ut the h-ime of a tnlored woman Itj- ihe name of lllckeisoti on the corner of Nlttlh and Ieist streets. Pie ill and part of the main roof be ing consumed. An alarm wa turned In yet rd.iy al 11:25 and It was learned I bet seve tal Ktiinc'es iiround tlw flue at the home of Mr. II. M. Hitchcock . hl ignited but the fire was put out lth the (hemical extlmoilcben i. DAYTON, fla.. March 99. The attending phyaielant today report no Changs In Senator Daniel's condition during the past twenty-four hours. Hit Int. provement I maintained, al though his recovery from his re cent serious attack it necessari ly slow. 'oj j, ,. EAtr. beautiful BjMer. ba cwc lime conk iid fvktie Bud th Ttn'tty im dans hHf eery-tfy lbi Bud Borstal roudltktti " tt nved. It l rll. for to lovely, aiul eryody e U Biinh, it Bitixt h conS kaed that lh roatmunity Is bwm M- le ora mi. The wealh rr has l--n perMt; u nay irwi 4k if pi.m Mum tJui luM BK1 Ber Vmtttt and 10 am lo ny. ail lu rt a to r mti.t.Uu a.Vxit the hse of dut r i! hun over iXn etr-4t. urday, Honda y and Monday afternoons, as cnid -d tr.-le : rt aud A)Ui( bb totitoudek hJtffi aih other wp an f Uiin tin street, Wvti r-b ; 1 1 lirg yer the Bum- h, - n( inters at KvsteT tlUM U- M t.-. s, tttrotrd l Hie Ul tia by In itikiipie o rvaiice of lb x'sson by ( hi M,svli. A meal ll ouOi reverent, company (tended the great Htdwth lowfeist m Saturday tttrnoi, due:ed by ltlhtip Kotidthilr, who exollnrd ful ly the tUgnifWairt' of thee tervl M tu geiM-ral and tbia one In partlcul ir,' , tK count the early service of Eister Jliy on the Moravian God Arte la th ii'- most widely known nd attix-t- n ha kirvevt iMmvlnliUire. It la Da unting rather a uttv xprelun to say every ymr t'iBt ibl tlm the Urgnsi crowd was ri'sent In I he hist u y of Sat Ml. lVSi! n li' '." BCiuai iari; It U sri iier wbb oaU ICastertlde; thi ear the gilbftlag was etlnted at en thoiufthd. The clmn h band, under (tic leader ih'p of Mr. It J. PI oh1, ttad started out ut two o'l'oik for their rounds of tl ItyT They numlieied fil-y-on l-ee an ! Ibe first choral plyed In lb Salem square y, the chttra b)dy Of musicians. After this the cominny .wrsttd Into thtee dUUl-ms, gotna to all part of th city, from Kalmew to wuttntou, v announce wim Joyoua liiualc Ui lleaurrectlou mm liar. Tlirongjiaiit the day B Sunday, and even on Saturday evening, the .Mora, vuui graveyrd atd also th centelary never waa thms smb. ut arruy o(1ik.. I nowrnt pth w mw-Tmw w fore r the enT I n '"fvirri T'irT?f' xrouiiila wen geiitiously dtcotated. It was quite noticeable rhat tb raves in the centre of lb tve)sr.l wr patbetliUlly hate of flower, but A I,.... It... Mm A.k ti.n,.ll w lien mr uve m w i'i i, w , wtre deciphered and lume of them Kid 1771, el., II wb readily under. siood that no reMvea remained: how. ' r a certain class of the Home Sun. day Hchoml had placed palm leaves aid Msgnolla loaves on many of these lew greini mounds," In memon1 of what. Hiese early, fathers wrought In ihelr day nd getirtlon. Practically all Hi. chtirdieB In the city o'merved iCatter Sunday with rpwlal music and appropriate di ror. lions. At 'l of these htrrehen the iongr(.gatl"tts wer large Mid the ser vice utumiMlly Inion kttng. MR. WATSONIS TO BE SPEAKER 10 Hon. C j rus II. Walton has been i-horicii as the similiter for Memorial Dny which will Am celelH-ated on the It! to of May and every veteran In Urn otitnty will prolmlily try to lent out. to hear Sir. AY at son. He la it rare speak er and stands amonw the foremowt In tlv IwurWf f ln i nUi of this county and section well as in tho state and lie will have a large audience. BELL COMPANY TO SPEND SEVERAL TH0U8ANO HERE. .Mr. and Mr. J, Kptm mown,' of At lanta, were the guests of Mr. mid Mm E. II. Wilson Hut urday and Hundny, left yesJetday for home. Mr. Brown, who In a ib m sff.ildo gen rb man, u vl;e preeidetit and freueral mtlnagnr of the Houihern lull TeU-phone end Telegraph Company and wblla here h' give out the statemtnt that his, com puny w ould Sud several tlions " and dollars this year Hiak1tfl( lmproe-' menu on the W'imtton-tlft'eni plant, H veral telephone I! l)e will rje ex-t-'mled In H'.ilrvlew,, rtituthside and other parts of the city. A numW of cable Hue will Imi Installed at once. Mr. and Mr. Iliww attended the e&ily morning Kter sorvlce on the Moravian graveyard end they rr. gatded It the most bcititlful and 1m presive they bad ever witnessed. Mr. Itrown accompanied Mr. Wilson over the city In an automobile and be was favoriubfy Itppr sued with the evidence cf K'ut:i nnd prcgre, lis Keen In every rArt of the city." Rev,, h. W. ( ollinit, pastor of the Mtlodist churches at Mudieon and Mayodan, who arrived In the eiiy tWs I afternoon, rp-ted thtK the first and b'eft id -nlc of Ihe season w is held at Mayodan yemterday by the Metbcd- 1st ami Moravkati Huo.lur sciurd. Tlte crowd was Immense ami the day wttrf a hayi.y one for every patticliwu'. 'fliete ts is a bl lui-hall g.mie and ' ihe dinner served was it deeded tea-