TWIN-CITY Tl'TnnTTTTCI J TWELVE PAGES. WINSTON-SALEM, NT. (.'., SATL' HDAY EVENINU, AUiUST t, li10. SECTION ONE. sivcij: contN Tca cents. ON TRAINS, FIVB CKNTtJ. Vice President Denies AS TO MEETING HELD fll PROMISED STATEMENTS OF GORE ITS REGULAR li IS! LOCAL SCHOOL 1 1 RTTHAT SPAIN;CURT!S DENIES THE SALEM HAS ORDINANCE fl ICESSiS s s AMENDED ., V;, ,;-Tbo anti-clericals 'aro",l i.k!.o over the re 'a,,li3 huve abandoned , Mh..!.V.i lr Minaay as i: rro:n , s of loni'f ssions to h, V.r; b- llie glvern" Supp"" Disorder. ASTIVN. A',! "',, rrepar ,rsi, n of expectedis- art being m;ltlt' bjthe ...frnrefir1tlff-pro-.',in; of tvholics has been The official meeting has Joned l it several thousand thf dty f-ay they will hold and public meetings. llHEl ' 1 1 Hi MASONS ressman H. V tiacKeu, 01 kwilinro. was here today, re -om KaU-ixh, where on Fri "rtJid a meeting of the di ilic of the Ased and nni and their wives. The iirpatiized by electing Grand .u-hett chairman and Dr. F. ,.ster, f Charlotte, secretary Dr. Winchester, Mr. L. M. Greensboro and Mr. V. H. of l.a'iritibiirg were appoint nmmittee to decide on the .rman llarkett was added to :,ittwi on mption. ppka thU commission will our of Investigation and will .11 sites offered. Mr. Hack' here are indications that a ber of places will offer sites ind'ueinents to secure this He slated that every lo rine to'secure the Inst it u i! within two weeks notify mttee so the proposed site visited. Greensboro has of- 1'imber of sites and also a iteration. Other cities have visp an.l it is understood of the cities have already choice of sites and large nnslderailons. At any rate mailer will soon be set- MUSKOGEE. Okla., Aug. 6.-?er.a-tor Curtis, of Kansas, on the stand to day in the congressional investigation of the (lore charges, said there was absolutely no foundation for Oore'a statement connecting him with Ihe bribery charges. Senator Core's Comment. "It should be surprising to no one that a person who would be willjm; to debauch should be willing to do fame.J,-Fatd Seitaror-tnre Trr.tayr re" ferring to the testimony of Jaco!) llj mon before the congressional invesii gating committee' in which llattton made accusations against Senator Gere. Whether the Senator will be called to the stand to tell of the method used In. passing the Indian laud bill.t in Washington or whether Represeiv tative McGtiire will be askd to tell as to his alleged connection with Mo Murray contract is a matter of con joe tu re. WOMAN'S CLOSE CALL. e Smith, of Rutherfordton, on Trestle, Throws Herself port the Track, the Train Over Her, Leaving Her Un: 'IIT. Amz Itv remarkable 'if niind Miss Nellie Smith. ordioii, saveil herself from !-ai)i. .'h is one ,,f a party of twen Si hiiol teachers and mtpils, rhiiivronaKe or Rev.H. H. 'aster of Hm Uiiihorvordton 'rch, who have 'been camp "innui fr ., frw ,,1J.Si Tlie '"'i to ai).- t old .-ort nmI d t'ie treui,. io miles this lm,m. Miss sinith and a re considerably In ad- 'iie Other? mill nlmnt 'he trestle 'I' htm tt-.iin V t'VH Mtmti n.m. -n,e bov" the. hi l,v landing )n smith started to '..""'"k to folinw him. hut ' !':'' and kI: fell astri.le w Hie middle of the (rack. il would lie impossible to 'ore the train reached her, ,' , ",,(- r'osely (lugging he !"e train ,flti((,( over her. ; few scratches and bruis 'nce f h,.r iliirrow,ng. ex. 633 FET f0 DEATH. f .mo raie as er-Wife Looking On. nt" W"8 killed - ""i m nis Brother I yau? uijurea at ,,S was In the air one P ,, stopping It. iltH " IS" . the unfortunate ' .n death 'I"!CSS,.,I ' . 11 i, w I. .. ,lrrl(lpnt. -nr.l ',. rL'"11 8 "P a i .... ' u hours and .-! lUT't' T"" record :.-,!.,., ';' !o h's brother fl h- ' ",,Ue known nan " a 'nome r"ford r... - . .'. ', ,naS broken aain r3r ,,n, new with M ban, , .:11(1"nnelon to i.6,nnce of fifty- H:irilfJlh 1 low. man to meet driven ma- rh:i.l,v;7 ui fntPii.. A "ipmher of I tm w.-h ,U ho '.' t'Pfn ill ' 'it ,s . 1 'Pr, is 'l-i'ic , . 111 'I able to ' '" fhort time kZ v"'J ,Mrm, of '1 at Ar,,T " Vlsmg Dr. " after;;;- rm, ,o wai. davs h n ,0 vi3it rela 9 b'e going borne. WILL HAVE EXHIBIT OF "WINSTON-SALEM MADE" GOODS The exhibit o? Wlnston-Salem-made goods in fhe rooms of the Board of Trade will be made as complete as possible and will be one of the fea tures of the new rooms. The manu facturing industries here are widely varied and a splendid collection will be secured. The many products that can be secured on the lands in this county will also be shown in the arl cultural exhibits. In speaking of the display of this kind at Chattanooga, Tenn., The Tradesman says that last month a total of 219 people representing 19 states visited the .exhibit or, to be ex' act, "Baw Chattanooga through the ex hibit." This gives some Idea of the practical value of the exhibition. "WILt MARRY HIM OR SUICIDE." Pretty Jessie Muttner, of Portsmouth, Elopen With James McClanny. ELIZABETH CITY, Ailg. 5. "I will marry him or kill myslef." was the declaration of a pretty brown-eyed girl in the register of deds' office this morning when Chief of Police Thomas informed her that she was in his custody. Chief Thomas received a 'phone message from v. M. Mutter, of (24 Clreen street, Portsmouth. Va., that his 17-year-old daughter, Jessie had eloped with James McClanny. and would probably arrive In Elizabeth Oity on the 11:33 train and to hold her until his arrival. Vpnn the arrival or the couple the chief was waiting at the register'a office and immediately served notice on the young lady. He Kept lief In his custody until tonight at 7 o'clock when her father arrived. EVENING SERVICE ON - CAMPUS SALEM COLLEGE Rev. J. K. I'fohl, having returned from his vacation, will occupy the pul pit of the .Home 'Moravian church both morning and evening tomorrow. 'The evening -service will be held on the beautiful campus of the Academy and College. This spot is Ideal for the cut-door" service. Nature Seems ft have done her best to make It beauti ful. Under the shelter of beautiful trees, with the Inspiration of good music aid the uplift of a message from the Word of God, everyone feels like worship. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the service, which begins promptly at 7:4.1. SETTLE DEFENDS CAREER OF MR. MARION BUTLER RAIiEIOTI. Aug. (!. Thomas Settle addressed (he Wake Republican c;m- venllon this afternoon. He declared for local self government and appealed for abolition of the referee system In eomrol of federal patronage in North Carolina and other elates. He de fended the political career of Marlon Butler, urging that Republicans give sutler a snare In party affairs against the "one man referee system:" BOSTON WOMEN TO JOIN IN PROTEST TO MRS. LONGWORTH BOSTON', Aug. 6 Women here to day are nlannin? in Inin In nottllnn tn Mrs. Alice Ixmgworth to stop smoking cigarettes or mil) r v denv that Khp does. Mrs. Ellen A. Gleason, president of W. C. T. I!., said' women of the middle west are starting a crusade against women smoking cigarettes and are doing the right thing. Lave Cross and his aggrega tion of Hornets from Charlotte will be here Monday for three game with the Twine at Pied mont Park and three superb contests are assured. The local team confidently expects to take two games of this series while the Hornets have different ideas about the matter. At any rate some good games are certain to be played and big crowd should attend. The Twins are going at a lively clip now and deserve the encouragement that comet from a big attendance. The games, as usual, will starf .at 4:30 o'clock. j 4 --. V , i V ' ----- v? w 1 if : -V-.v'J v k r 9' V-' A '.H f i ; ' ' rJ, ' JLaJw- V 1 VICE PRESIDENT SHERMAN. BIG - MOOSE, N. Y Aug. fi. Vice President Sherman, in a statement sued'bere last night, denied emphatic ally that he was ever interested in any Indian contracts as Intimated by Sena tor Gove in the congressional inquiry now on with reference to Gore's charges' of alleged attempt by certain parties to bribe him. Mr. Gore stated that he had been informed that Mr. Shetmau had an luterest in certain Indian land transactions. This state ment was made while he was testify in with reference to the alleged at tempt of one Jacob L. Hammon to bribe hlin. IIIOI REYNOLDS B THE The Greensboro News has been handing out some pretty het roasts to District Attorney Holton and Pi: master C. A. Reynolds for their activ ity III behalf of Congressman More bead for the slate chairmanship. The Republican organ seems to think that men holding the best offices, in the gift of their party should steer clear of doing things that would tend to pro duce strife and bitterness in the ranks. District Attorney Holton went to Durham on the early morning train and lie was scheduled 10 speak at the Republican county convention there today. He staled to a friend that he had decided to pour some hot shut into the party organ, the ownership of which is controlled by National Committeeman Duncan, a man whom the district attorney thinks a. 4 Mile of, perhans, as he does the rankest Democrat In North Carolina. CAN'T KEEP MAN AWAKE. Peculiar Sleeping, Sickness of Aged Chester Resioent. A committee representing tho IJn vllle family met In Kernersville on Friday and formally organized by the election of ex-County Oimmiasi.iner R. S. I.inville .of Belew'g Creek, presi dent, and Dr. A. Y. I.inville, or Waugh town, vice president. It was decided to hold a family reunion at Goodwill, sit miles north of Kernersville. on Saturday, October 1. Cards were Is sued today which read as loll ws: Linville Family Reunion. ' Yourself, family and all relatives In jour vicinity are invited to attend a reunion of the I.inville fan.llics at Goodwill church, six miles north of Kernersville, N. C.on Saturday, Octo brr 1. lflin. I'leaae bring all data possible as to ancestry, as we want to complete a long chain of hislorv at this met iiiii.. 'i lie committee of arrangements Is composed of Win. 8. f.invill. Kd. W. Unvllle, J. Iverson Crews, C. B. IJn vllle. W. A. Linville,. A, V Linville and rtumulus. Linville. ITALY FORMALLY ASKS FOR PORTER CHARLETON, CHESTER, Pn..- Aug. fi Perry De rt,r,tf ) vanrt filil ulnneer reniuent -)f this city, Is suffering from an ailment WASHINGTON, Aug. fi.-Whut Is that is puzzling the physicians. j assumed to be Italy's formal denial) I weeks ago Delaney lay down to take fr t lit xr ra'lit ton of-Porter Charlton his usual afternoon nap and since then, t,,e.j.OIlnK in n,0 u,,,.,' he has been in a sleeping trance. ritnutiiur - -ting Killed nis wire. Mnrv S'olt nvnlrnnlna frtti a lto? 4 1 1 1 It I - 1 r't t. ..... . iiriMin .,.., - - , ( uariton, at uiae cotno. Hnlv reeiii hor nut oniv Keeos awiuc mm a i' county (N. J.) Jail, (barged wH), r.v moments, when he again sleeps, re maining in what seems 'o lie a stupor for ten or twelve hours. .During tluw brief periods of activity the peculiarly afflicted man Is given a little nourish ing food.; Delaney is a veteran ut the Civil War. He worked hard every day until he was SO jcars of age. EX-GOV. GLENN TO STUMP . DISTRICT FOR MAJ. STEDMAN. Ru iner Governor R. Yi. Glenn has written to MaJ. CM. S'cdmnn. Demo cratic candidate for coiitrii-sa , from ibis district, voliuiteerli g to sn:iiip the district in Major Stedmnn'a behalt in 0tober. says Ihe Greei!dfto Tele cram. Mr. A. Waylatul Cmb, in be half of 'Major Stedmau, wrote Govern er Grcnn thanking him for bis gner ciis off"r and acceptite.T h'f services. Among the others who have offered their tervices and whoce offers have or will be accepted are Senator Lee S. Overman .former Ftate Senator Whitehead Klulz. Walter Murphy. Oeorgc 11. Hastings, A. W. Graham and Victor S. Bryant. tiie State Department yratenlay. 1 lie papers came In a packet pest marked "Manchester, Mass," but as the case lias not yet reached the Juris did ion of the department, they were returned to the -Italian Kmtntiorrr whence they name, and which has its seat for the summer on the Massaehu. setts coast. Aecompanjlng the packet upon its ret.urnatid explanatory of the rea son forVlJie course taken by the de partment wUa a note from Acting See. retnry of State Wilson submitting tiiut the case lay with the New Jersnv eeurt and that papers hearing upon It should lie presented to the miigisirate before whom the rase was pending. N it nntil action has been taken by the court will the case of Charlton reach the State Department. . GOLD MEDAL FOR CARNEGIE. Pan-American Congresr' Gift to "Ben efactor of Humanity." WASHINGTON.Aiig'i. Andrew Car. negle was voted a gold medal by tho Pan-American Congress, now In seg sion in Buenos Ayres, according to a dispatch received here by John Bar rett, director of the InJrnational Bu reau of American Repir ilieg. The medal was awarded because fi! Mr. Carnegie's prominence as a "bene factor of humanity," anil it will be the Joint gift of all the 'Republics of the Western Hemisphere. IS BOUND OVER ON A GHARGE OF FORGERY PM Baker was given a hearing before Recorder -Hastings this morning on the charge of forgery and was bound ovnr to the October term of superior court, his bond being fixed at $400. Baker is charged with forging the name of the Carolina Engineering Company to a check for f 22 !", which was cashed by the Fharp-Modlin Com pany. Two other cases were docketed for trial but were dismissed. The Salem commissioners made the tiiiUi'l lety of $1 per $ t (Ml valuation of tenl and personal property, and $J pull tax at their regular niuiithly meet ,n last iiUi-.t. The strret etim.Lli'sion was lutnn t. el to look Into the condition of the streets on Columbia Height; to de cide the advisability of doing some Wvirk cn Ashe and Walnut strwts: to put West street into better condition, and to decide whether or not Kufiin Shore sba'l be compensated for t han iii; the grade of Kim street in front of his residence. - The board stated that, If pwyle on UreenNtnd... Hunter strevta who want hter will put In the line the city will redeem it in water; it wa agreed that a water main be laid on Walnut street to Ashe street, provided four or more citizens will connect: Ihe contract from the New York Filtevatlon Com pany was read and referred to the a ler committee. a ordinance was passed forbidding tract lun engines from being driven on bltullthlc streets unless the wheels are encased, and another ordinance was passed requiring all building per mits to be Issued by the clerk. Mavor Voglcr was authorised to have new steps placed on the south side of the mineral spring. Dr. Phin Morton was elected as a member of the board of dlivctora of the Tuberculosis Hospital from the Sa lem board of commissioner!. The chief of police reported that 52 warrants were insued In July. JOHN D. ACCEPT!-. SUMMONS. Creetr Sherlf; Cordially and Showt Him Grounds. CI.KWri.AND. O., Aug. fl. John D Rockefeller, was served personally wlih summons to appear In court In the suit for ;i'0,niio damages brought against him and the Standard OH Co. ut Klndlay. O.. last week by Thomas L'. Kelly and others. Deputy Shpriff Mallnrau took Ihf summons to Korest Hill, the Kockcfo! ler home. Gate Keeper Pat Lynch sent the deputy on to the house In a carriage. .Mr. Rockefeller was standing on thr front porch when llalloran arrived He cordially si ook the oll'cer by tin' hand and invited hint Into the house. The carriage was again placed at llalloran'i disixisnl when he wns lo leave. He declined, saying he would lather walk and get a good look about the grounds. "O, if you want' to walk," said Mr Rockefeller, "go this way. It la much prettier." He accompanied llalloran a short distance. SAFETY DEVICES TO BE USED INUISH MINES . WASHINGTON, Aug. C-Ownera of coal mines In Kngland are considering life-saving plans similar to those that carried out by th newly ere a 1 1 J bureau of mines In this country. The scheme, Cimsiil Walter C. llamm. at lull, report", !? to establish rescue stations near groiis of mines. H is proposed in the Durham field to establish a station for Ihe housing of motors equipped with pump pow erful as those of the largest engines in city Are department service, breath lug helmets and other appnriitus and quarters for six or eight highly trained men. X liquid air plant will be erect ed. Direct telephone connection will be arranged with all the mines In Durham County, of which th most distant could bo reached In an hour one met nod is to make use ot a trend t! reigns hi supplied with Tre air by means of bellows, through tHi )ards of armored tubing, and fitted witu telephone a. It is thought that in most cases AO yards will be tifUcieut and It. is promised that each colliery should be equipped with one or more of these. To cope with cases where longer distances than CD yards from resnirable- air might have It b dealt with, the use of "aerollth" helmets Is proposed to supply air In a liquid form There are no valvea or complicated parts to get out of order, and tbev can be used without any sjieclal training A supply of tbese would always h" kepi ready for use at the central std tlo.n. The 'near hwr" ordinance ws amend.-d last nUht by the Winston al dermen requiring applicants lor li cense to show their Btness to conduct a business of this kind and also giving the aldermen pcniiUmon to w.mio the license for six months. Gils being done with the view to having a b.ll lussed In the next legislature giving the alileimea the right not to Riant any Hcynaew at all and do mm ay ith the suloon altogether if they wlh. There was perhaps, more public In terest in this matter than any other brought up and the rear of the council chamNr was filled with rltiaena who came up to tee how it would come out. D. W. Specr appllivt Tor license to con duet a "near beer' saloon on Third street, but the aldermen look no ac tion on the application. In tl future the "near ber" sold in this city must be labelled with the name of the con cern brewing It and showing on the bottle the percentage of alcohol It contains. An ordinance was pasted to the ef fect that all streets running east and west be numbered regardless of w hether they have been named or not. Some discussion as to whether or not the city should collect water reuu from the owners of building Instead of tenants was Indulged In but no ac tion will be taken until some changes can b made In the charter. All "deadheads" on the water list will also probably be cut off except the member of the board of aldermen, water having been given to them free a a matter, of courtesy since the wa ter plant was established. The petition asking for curbing on Woodland avenue between Kourth and Fifth streets was referred to the street committee. The aldermen ordered that curbing he placed at the upper end of Liberty street as soon as possible. The citizens were represented by Major J. E. Alex ander, who stated that the property values increased In that section of the city over $nm,Ono this year, bringing something like It.noo more Into the city treasury, and lie ventured to say that the Increase next year would be as large, since this I one of the most rapidly growing section of the city. The R. J. Hi nobis Tobacco Com pany wns given permission to erect an overhead bridge across fifth street to the building on the corner of Klfih and Church streets snd also to con struct an undereround tunnel from the building west of Church street to the leaf department on the east sldo of Church street. The resolution to put a tax on sign painters and require them to give bond In the sum of $.100 was lost. Mr. 11. J. Shepimrd asked that the city reqillre the carriages at the sta tion not to stand In front of his build ing on the corner of Kourth and Chest nut streets, and the policemen will no tify the hack driver not to stand In front or on tho sldo of the building. W. It, lloger, keeper of the sralea, reported collection amounting to $:t:i.2.1: R. O. Curtis, market clerk, re ported collections amounting lo I.IOS and reported that l.floo pounds of Krk and TiV.1 siiiul of veal were con demned; T. L. Karrow, city tax col lector, reported collections amounting to H,3.1n..H; and W. T, Penrv, clerk of the recorder' court, reported col lection amounting to r,3Jt .5.1. FARMERS' INSTITUTE AND PICNIC AT FOREST GROVE. There will be an Institute and picnic at Forest Grove, sin' mile northwest of the city, Thursday, August 11. All farmers are Invited to bring their fam ilies and a full basket. Prof. C. R. Hudson, of Raleigh, head of the demonstration department, and E. 8. U'lllsapH. of Htatesville, will also be present and make an address. Biggett Warship Launched I .ON DON. Aug. 6. The cruiser Lion. Great Britain's blgeest warship, was launched successfully at Ivven port today In tbe presence of an Im mense crowd of spectators. The Lion has a displacement of 21,000 .ton. The graded school commissioner met this morning in Cot. Webb's office- but, contrary to gvneral expecta tion, no action wa taken today in a- slgnlng the recentl elected teacher to the various grade. The assign ment have been made by Prof. La tham but the board ha to approve of the assignment ud this was not done, and probably will not be dons u&tlLJJitt-Mddje.-oj: m-iLweeJi The committee on building and ground will make an Inspection ot the ichnol next Tuesday morning st i o'clock and s meeting will probably be held oa after to hear their re port. - - ' -- - - I At the meet lug this morning. It was -decided to order between. 300 and 4O0 ' mtw desks for me In the city schools, anil Prof. Ijitham wa authorised to have the boiler and other school sp-' paratus repaired where this Is needed. COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE CONGRESSIONAL CONTEST. Democratic State Chairman II. Kller last night announced the com nilttee to Investigate the contest In the sixth congressional district be tween Mr. O. L. Clark and Congress, man Godwin, the members being rs follow: T. J. Jarvla, C. Tt. Ayeock. A. C. Averv, Sr., It. A. Doughton, Theo. P. Klutti!, Hr. Ily order of Mr. Jarvls, chairman, the committee I called to meet at Wrlghtsvllle August 11 at night. ' Wlneton-Salem vs. Charlotte Mon day afternoon at Piedmont Park. W. T. WRIGHT BUYS STOCK OF VAUGHN BROS.' SHOE STORE. Mr. W. T. Wright yesterday closed a deal whereby he secure the Vaughn Urns. shoe store liuslnes on U'wrty street. Mr, Wright will til a few da atuiounie a great cluee-out sale. Kv pry pair of shoe )n the present stock will in- old snd a line of new foot-wear put In. the celebrated Krippendi'rf Dltman sbois for lailUs. also (tie Hoyden shoes for men. Th" lines will be complete for the fall trade. DETECTIVE BELIEVES MAYOR BAiiiuiu sTtnrn siaum uiuii bV ROASOKK, Vs.. Aug A special from Kidgewar. Vs., ays Ietecttvs Joseph Kunk of the Haldwln letectlve Agency of Roanoke, whs ha been In- . testlgatlng the dynamite explosion which canned the death of Mayor A, II. HoiHtoHii, of, Rldgeway, on the night of Sunday, July 24, I satisfied that he has solved the mystery. His Inquiries have convinced him that, the case wa a peculiarly horrible one of self -destruction. He hs so reported to the town council of Kldaewsv snd the report ha beert accepted officially and I universally believed to be eor- , ract ivin liv llonHmnn'tt rtitHftut friends. Mr. Ilotisman wns deeply In debt and the belief now Is that the mortl ftvton if failure, financial ruin and th dread of poverty for bis family which he maintained always comfort ably and In good stria drove him to deseprate mean to save himself at the cost of mutilation'', of being a crip, pie the rest of his days and of deadly risk of his life. Me held sn accident Insurance policy for ftl.noo. and had recently taken out two life policies. tone for ll.'Mio and another for $2,000 for w hich he give his note. A paper bag found wrapped about some dynamite in bushes near the mavor' house (he day following ttw explosion wa Identified as one he got at a store tho tlsy of his death. Ma had recently experimented with dyna mite, tt Is believed he lay on his lawn at nluhl, touched the fuse of a stick of dynamite with his lighted cigar, balanced It on his legs and awaited results, There was no hole In the ground tinder the tree snd tt Is claimed both legs could not have been , blown off at the same point unless the dynamite bad fallen directly across' the limbs. FIGHT TO A FINISH FOR HE8ITANT SWAlN. PITTSIH'RO, Amr. . Hetttlnr thi quostlnn of exclusive rights to the at tentions of a yming man with their lists whs a little by play Indulged In -Wednesday evening bv Tiny Watson and Ticriha Swope, of Wheeler, Fa. Tho fight was according to Queens berrv rules and wa ended in the third round when a left to the wind snd a right to the Jaw sent Miss Swope down and not. The fight was witnessed by about fifty persons, friends of the young women. Bert Connolly, the young man over whom the girls fought, left Wheeler today, and it Is reported that he wilt haro nothing more lo do with either girt t The young women are about twenty one years old and have been friends . for year. The Inability of Connolly to give a decision ss to which one of tha ulrta he liked the Mter Is thought to have caused the trouble. On , hearing; tlimu dispute over him the other day, . I,.. -..If I I .... shonld flght It out." Flertha Bwop , took the remark literally and vent a challenge to her rival. Kurly last evening the pair met with friends at a spot agreed upon and went tif It hammer and tongs. It was . announced by a mutual friend of the' pnlr who nrreed to act as referee that there niiint be no hair pulling snd no hille-sr. The Watson girl was worsted In the opening round, being sent to the ground thre" time by hard blows, as sifted by clever tripping, but In the second round she Rot her second wind and foiifht : well, punishing Mis Rwope badly. In the next she knocked hr out completely,. . The 8enti'nel has purposely misspelled flv words In th homs-builders' sdt. In the ec- ond section of today's paper. To the first person detecting these trror and reporting them to Th 8entinel office by mall only between the hour of t - S. m. Monday, August 8, and 10 S. m. Tuesday, August 9, we will present one excursion ticket to Norfolk vis N. and W. Rallwsy; to the sscond party, six tickets to serlss of baseball gsmes with Anderson; to th third, fourth snd fifth parties, on ticket each to one of these games; to the sixth party five ticket to th Airdome; to the seventh party three and to th eighth party two. Good Crop in Bandy Ridge Section, Mr. Robert George, of the Bandy Rblge section of Sttokes, was here to day and reported the tobacco crop In hi Immediate section the best In year The farmer of that ectlon raised a big wheat crop this year also. Mr. George got IS bushels for every omf sowed. The corn crop is by far ihe largest ever plnn(ed ,h Bandy Ridge seoHon. Th Sentinel wilt award a - scholarship to th Horner Mili tary School, st Oxford, to th f rt boy of chsracter making applica tion ts thi effice. Th prise is worth 100. Gerirge W. .forrls, of the Old 8 dlers' Home, I spending a few weeks. In this section. Me went to Dennis this afternoon.