THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SESTINEi; WINSTON-SILEM, NORTH CAEOLINIL SATURDAY EVEN: -New-HotelJ? Corner of Third and Cherry Streets r : ri .-W : s'a ' PEOPLE FROM f.Wfjy national communication and a coa quent fuller nndertaniinf of the ir Jc "fcroiherhocxi cf man," COUNTRIES 1 TO GATHER DEMISE OF WILLIE'S BROTHER. , ' .. m ' V V -s -i ..... . s.Z.-'", I . WASHINGTON. Ausust 6 Men and luun ..from -Ihlrlv-flve countries wil! "ather jn Washington soon but there will be no babel of voices for (By H. M. Tandy.) Willie wan an office boy, Willie was a fan; . Wiilie knew more about baseball Tain many an older man. Willie said his brother. Wag sick as man could be And tease could ht? eet off today To bear him companee?" "Yon may," the Hogg gaid. Rently, thf.: uazine at Willie the while. men and women will be the delegates All ' WiI,le'?, as,h tM there ' ' t V -in tikt-tJIv Iron from nulla U. the Sixth International R-p.-ranto1 lli8 nea(1 ow ith norrow i oiiKresi wnirn is to ue in session i Aut'imt 14 to l'. Though the deU-Katea are coming here from the fanlwrest points of thei worl.l yet there ill b.- no confusion ; xt day he showed up at the office, of mother roixtiea but a free conver- with a frown as black as night; The alove ut is from a iltotoKr:ti It tv.cnty five room annexe will he noces J,mt takn of the new Hotel Fram eg. i'ate! duriiiK tin year. M.f-nl of Airs T?fii K Vinm tttT"To This 8ileiHll( hotel ,., i,s,(.r,..i on n, 'i,,.m hotel ,,!,. has cnly been open a sh irt while hut iwrn in the slate, and she is nutklnti lias been taxed to Its full capacity al- tho Kranoi an Ideul hotel in every re rtady. It low seetna ir.liulil that a F!xf. . ttt trre - i oriier t reel a. this city He slowly went outside. While gloom nuns over tlje office And the secretary cried. Struck a Rich Mine. S. V. IUikIh, of Coal Ci'y, Ala.. sas he struck a ' perircl inine m health In Dr. Kim;' Xew Life I'ilki, fur Ihey cured h1m of Liver mid Kidney Trouble after 11' years of Huflferinh. Tliey are the lies I pills mi eurtl: for C ustlpation. Malaria, Headac hi Dvs liepsia, IH'WIily, I'.'ic al I'. . Thonitv fnn's. Lawn Party Mr. A. II. Dialler's ChriM church Sundav a liiwn party tonis lot at the corner o stiecis, Salem, Th ru ight. ass of boys of ' hool will give on sin Vacant Wesf and Liberty public Is Invited. Flir.SU CHAR MKAT tomorrow. Hose, City Market. San FREE TO YOU-HY SISTER A4SS I (in wnmsn. 1 know woman's luCwuuri. 1 navo f nuiid lha curs, l win mall, trm or aur rharim. -t i. iwith full llwtllttlo.1Il,,!?:.T.?? ih" J? .,x-i. hSvy:j,v. S. woman aaiiiuenl i-ure-wa, n.y r, tor vuUrWf tout . o,'iUi.h1uw J" l;Br" f fl- hmiB with uut fhe hujp of adoctor. Mi u una un r-tand 'urtmnp What w " Zu kmm hi i,?v.i'?!:'',.,.r,i,,n"-" f- nu .uri rwMi, ii a U . h.H . . j . .. - ' ' trttilM tmia( N M tpm, MlMCMf. ,m t, tj3 sat ion in a common laminate. Approximately 1,.',ihi delegates are exiected . and a program, elaborate for a convention of such a nature has been prepared. Distinguished lingu ists of this and other countries will be present, and those men will transact the business necessary to the dissem ination of their Idiom. Aside from the serious meetings and discusHlons many interested features have been prepared for the seven dava nr-tti(-mnsreTs: There--wtlHie an elaborate open air presentation of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" by the Hickman players. The lines have been translated into Ivsperanto by I)r Ivy llelletnmu. of Washington nil ' with the players drilled until they'are about perfect-. -.The spectacle of men and women from all sections of the Klobe easily following the performance will he witnessed. Another of the features standing out (rim the program of the week is the hall game on the afternoon of Thurs day, August Hi. Spacp has been re served at the ball park of the Wash ington American league team and the delegate to the Ksperanto conven tion will nttend the game In a body. Many of the delegates will be trent eil to their first exhibition of tho Am erican game but the plav will be un derstood by all. The officers of the American Association of Ksperantlsts ve had translated into 'Esperanto a1 iseball guide especially prepared for The lloss, with kindly manner. Inquired if all was not right. "Not on your life," said Willie, Forgetting himself in his rage. Which was rather Improper of Willie, Considering he wasn't of age. "Oh. tell me. Willie, tell me." v The little lloss then cried; "Your brother is he safe at home? Or has the poor chap died?" "I shoulj say he wasn't safe at home" tThpre tths "venrmrin every-wordl, "In tho end of the ninth de score a tie The sucker DIED AT THIRD!" ARE TO MAKE INSPECTION OF THE Mill PARKS I. ttttriM TiMMff, w tcwih; Mu M M tact tat , atxiat im fliii. mooiihu. ttiilni. VfllrtwM. tiaMi ud Hum.. i,'kk. -l... A'. I v. pavaiia w Mill .. 1 want to at nd on i cwnilitt ha tii't liMtual niim? i n to dhit vo you inat you can cure V jtountilf at horaa. raallr n n t n k i - . ...i Xatiri-lT. BoroHmbaJ, tha,H cat! rot attaint to rlT tha treatniunt a miupU tu trial : and If joq Will no InU-rf.n. with Tonr w?, ''"."TZJ":' "r".rH .nT. H anff, r If you vino, and I will and ion thn Iroatiaamt for timrnM. i iitirnl. fl. in i..i.. ..i.." Mo'laiiatorT I IhitnVllon. -1, wT0U ',,,S'nJr "';'-" MFOICAl UHitf wll "voi XL ThI T t,:ra''.'. hnTB ' nd 1rn hl-n whm tha doctor aaya J" 2 wh n.T h''L0"' roU ?"n i"nlde TO"--" Thosaand, of woman have"urTd itauan. " -".rmin(nBanoiiiiiiaiWBrsrtuliairom Ml MVrMhaMhtaTLI,.7n? 40 IT41" lmT VI "ho know and will gladly thK'jf Vm. I j - '' "- " itnn- n(4 th" f " tlVtiwtnienttoToura,aJao tltobiiok. w rlt to-day. mjruu may "ut a taia or?..r again. AiUsuh ".u Mrs. m. summers, Box h Notre Dame, Ind., U. s. A. The BIGGEST- Quickest Strike in Mens Shoes If Is y Vrv'-'x'tH- li , a..'. CrJ ' and stvle iust sticks but best shoes vou ever saw atAt thth. igMn ask for r FE7S W I - aaB Positive Guarantee i I You'll be satisfied wi r once wears them; they'i ' If When you buy shoes 1 4W0L Our shoesand our euarantee i made an emphatic bit with men everywhere. TbV guarantee gives them confidence in Uks slioe and the wear ng qualitiof and general elegance oi the shooi gives them confidence in us. Trie price (13.50) binds the bargin. m Sohere is absolutely no way yon go wrong on Wolfe's umbus" Shoes. The quality fit 11 over them. They're simply the price. Smart shapes, all styles. i shoes, as is every man who made to satisfy. GOOD WEAR - : OR A ! NEW PAIR I COLUMBUS" ells-Brietz Co South' Main St. this day by one of the leading baseball writers of Washington. It has also been rumored that lTm plre Silk O'Loushlln has been drilled by an Ksperantist and will Rive his decisions In the common language. S:me trouble was experienced In translating the "strike tub!" slogan of the famous umpire. On the Sunday of the congress spec ial morning meetings will be held In the Episcopal and Catholic churches where as much of tho services as pos sible will bo in Ksperanto. It Is ex ixicted that sermons In Ksperanto will be delivered. On the following day the congress will settle down to serious work. The Kspcrunto Academy, whose duty It is to preserve the language In its virgin will meet, as will also the Interna tional Council and the International Scientific Association of Ksperantlsts. On Wednesday evening ten hand some premiums will be awarded to the winners In literary contests, each hav ing presented a thesis on a certain as signed subject written In Ksperanto. lietween the business sessions of the congress the delegates" will enjoy many opportunities for sight seeing of fered by the capital city. ' Mnny busi ness men of Washington will have advertisements printed in; Esperanto. One of the largest sight seeing auto companies has already secured a Washington guide book printed In Ks peranto. At the congress will be detailed policemen of the 'Metropolitan police department who have been especially Instructed In Ksperanto. These officers-a class Instructed during the lust several months by (ieneral Sec retary Iteed pre now experts and this loo Is looked upon as bneor the ex pected triumphs of the congress. On I'rlday the "(Ir.-ind lntcrnationl hall" will be held and this promises , to be one of the must attractive so cial features of the convention. The; dance cards will be engraved In Ks- pcranto and the delegates will appear i In their national colors. No attempt is being made on the ' part of the Kspernntiata to substitute i their language for tho mother tongues' of the world but they are trying to! convince the world that the universal! language, is Invaluable from many! standpoints. If successfully forced forward It will mean a revolution In 1 business methods and make Interna tional trading, the Esperantiats claim,! a simple work. I In a commercial way, they claim, j It is of practical advantage to all 1o- lug business beyond their national burdersf elintHicall.v by offering op portunity for an international version of all the great scientific works of the world. Fur travelers, they state. It is an Immeasurable blessing, eliminat ing the Inconveniences of having to contend with so many tongues. Last year Secretary Reed traveled from Northern France to Harcelona, Spain, speaking nothing but Kwpernnto. With the full establishment of this International language. It is claimed, will come a greater amount of inter wA.siu.Nu i u., AK. . With a view to securing the Information of experts and dependable facts for rec ommendation to Congress regarding necessary Improvements Secretary Hallinger. of the Interior Department, has arranged fur an Inspection of some of the national parks. The men chosen for the work are Clement S. I'cker, chief clerk of the department and R. D. Marshall, chief geogranher of the Geultigica! Survey. In connection with their visit to 0 lacier National Park, a wonderland of living glaciers and wild mountain scenery reserved as a playground for the pecplo at the recent session of Congress, a question anise ns to pay ment of their expenses. It seems that Congress appropriated $1.".."U0 tor trie "improvement of (Jlacler I'ark by tne construction and repair of ronds and trails." The question was whether I'cker and 'Marshall could use a part of that appropriation In securing a pack train, guides, camp equipment, etc.. and also in paying railroad fare and Pullman and incidentals, not to exceed ft; a day irom tievtis Lake, .North Dakota, to (.lacier Park. .The problem was referred to Comp troller of the Treasury Tracewell. whose decision on the expenditure of government rutins is final. He an swered that It Is an administrative question. If. in carrying out the or der of Congress tn "construct and re pair roads and trails" it is necessary to first have an Inspection, so that the work may he done to the best advant age, then the aforesaid expenses of the Inspectors can lie paid out of the $1".,0(H appropriation. PlumbiW Heating In Our New arters. Second to Establishment In the State. : : : PHONE 57. L B. BBICKENSTEIN, Cor. 3d and Main Sts. Qu Equipmejii No LikeM MR. THOMAS WILL MAKE TRIP TO CADILLAC FACTORY. .Mr. Gilmer C. Tboraua. tie Cad.liac wan, who recently sold his infereat in th Southern Meter Csr t.. i'it re-i:tiiit-d the Cadillac aeen.V leaves to- . . . .... in. tut n.r Detroit. Mien., m a business llr.'p to tlie Cadillac faftory. While jaway .Mr. Thfmas wilf purclfase the nxtufes fir the-Cadil!,- saraee, which is to be erected at ti corner of Th'rd and Kim streets ( once. The Cadillad' garApe i)l be a brick structure. aisiut J? fire prooi.and will mudenr m Wrnr detail. Mi. Thomas ji sold the Cadillac for years. I.Wt year 4.1 cars were sold and delivajed. His contract for th:s year is f i sixty cars. A temp'inryf office f.r the Cadillac nas been openld in the Masonic Tein nle in the suite of rooms recently oc cupied l.y the Board of Trade. The parM'se of this temporary office is to give service to Cadillac owners and sot ply any parts or arrange fur any re pairs that should, be. needed on any Cadillac car. Every Cadillac is sold u ap absolute guarantee. icuowea ty p See the Vernon Sisters in their high class singing and dancing act at the Airdome. sours stomach "I used CascareU and feat like a new tnaa. 1 1 have been suffaftr from dys pepeia and sour stomach for the last two "ytars. I have been taking medicine and Other drugs, but could. find no relief only for a short tim I' will recommend Caacarets to my Mend's as the only thing for indigestion ai4 tour stomach and to keep the bowels rn good condition. They are very nicf to eat." Ilarry Slucklejt Munch Chunk, Fa. Plrasant, Halatablal Potent. Tastetinod. IJoUood. Newrak-kea.WealirjorOnpe. Oc. 23c, 50c. Never K.kl In bulk. Tho tren Vlne tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to dm or yuur niuuey back. K Built On Honor Sold on Merit i Thero aie no ifg and and about our guarantee, and no re bate schemes about our sales. We prefer to believe that our customers are entible people In search of a square deal, and we make It our business to treat them as such. When you buy a Stieff Piano you get what you vy for, and pay for what you get. Experi enced buyers know, that this con stitutes the only bargain you can count' on -all othter bargain forms are gambles, and the pur chaser is usually the loser. Hon esty may not be the best policy, but years of practice convince us that it is good enough. If you contemplnto the purchase of a piano, don't fall to examine the Stieff. A showdown is our de CMS. )JI.!SIIEFF ManufactuKiof th Artistic Stieff; Shaw and Stieff Self-Play Planoa. 80UTHERN WAREROOM, 5West Trad 8t, CHARLOTTE, . . N C C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. (Mention This Paper.) RETAIL MEttlTS' SPILLS CHICHESTER -L.S- a r. if i a Mil VI SOlOrVilRITfiwrVFPVfw Oftlci, 414 Liberty 8W0vm Vaughn'. Shoe Store. .Phan SOI. Mlse Maltle Williamson, Office Sae'v Office Houre: 8:30 a. m. to 11.30 a. m.: 12:30 p .m. to 5:30 p. m. Regular meeting 2nd Monday nlghl of each month. Merchants will please report eaet) month tustomers who will 0t paj 'belr bills, and all new customeri coming to the city. In order that th. 'atlng flies may be onmnlHf. - - I finding her yisl Pared far tte leayes her w:rh -lowers md metts. Th . . V A ). V . I T. i .V- 1 . ' " ' I.'1 ivuuuu m. iinuiuj awiuci. At la .uq V"ijwemeuy that Uf" '' prepares the system for Wealthy motheAood, and brigs' V easy consummation of the4rm. Woawn who use Mute-Tr eared much scJerinf when the Uttla ne arrirea. and r.Z .... with no ill effects, or ehromc'.trouble; Every expectant ia' h . - iw inun vj using mutnrr 1 1 neau, thus preparing her physical condition for the hour cf motherhood. This meaicine la for tale ai drug .stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. , i BHADFIELD EECUXATOR 0 Atlanta; Oa. "lr,1a is s. f , tie, '"- ii ",:e Unparalleled Offering For Fiction Lovers Truly, this is "short story" time w hen vou W for breezes at the seashore or iff the hills, when v make a business of being lazy, jjml want to read not mgnai isu i miuii.uhu goou,anu so Ihoroivkhitim .i. . i.: . .i i-" J Jrmmxl!lZ.KVFn luc weather unnoticed. . ' iT The b,est Short Stories jiov beinj; written art published iu "The Best Mj&azine in America " uKU i LI August On lale Now 15 cenh Take this August fuimbcr, for instance. YontJ hnd it actually stujid ith story-delight. Dcn'i these names and titles sign some pleasant halT Lun? O. Henry Here is the itory upon which this master to icticr was ai worn vo me time ot his recuit dati-l "Tho Snow Man." Couverneur Morris Injr Tract ice Makes Perfect "the A I gust iiAMHTtN s ra a dcliciously humorous love to in tho very best st) lo.if this favorite writer. Frederick Falmer-VA s;fit-stirring tale of airship advent -oiiviatiiig urn imperial miacne, witn UanburyJLoij Martha BruereAfipthcK treasure In the August "Hum tons' is Mrs. lUfuerfc s "bpintual liond,"the tribal tions'oi two " Afftnitian" in a certain fashionable siM I "Chanteclcr" The grcat&t romance of the fjreatestrfil! French romanticist Ihaiond liostand. I Many other lcatfcrs ve of their best for the summer numl)er: oR" Hampton's." Edwin Balmer and WrnvJacI Iarg continue the stories about "Iiithcr Trant," the young psycholopcal dctcciivei Arthur Stringer ex cels his Wire Tappctstorics in his "Advcn. hires' of an Insomniac". George Randoluh Chester's brilliant wit furnishes a new series. George Fitch and Owen Johnson will gener ously give of their humor. Also In This Issue : Is Roosevelt Inevitable" by Jud.on C. Welliver. "Tlie Final Fipmff ot Commander roarf proving hss Polo Discovery. A arte Ijn Charlaa Edward Ruasell on K.tilroad Kculation which docs not Ktf late. A vnluuble and witty description of "Kakc Ur;un.itic SrhocVV Henrietta Croaamao. ."A Hghting Chance lor the City Child" by tt balKM uon. Where Can 15c Buy More 1 a n . f The VICTOR isihe Greatest Instrument the world has Eier Known, Yo ran Jwljro of ifs . crnwnptl hpnda of Kuroiii pleasure limy lie nipnluitvi many, the Klnfc of Italy, the Shall of Persia. With nil the monev , nothing that gives then fecrion . by the f;u l ti :! and Asia who use the i. k he Kins of Kflfil.uiil, thr- 'icQueen of Spain, t ho Ki'i - ', their command, those n i i i S'mucit pleasure as the Vt ' unions i,,r -iifirrf ..u.ror uC1' ! t.tB)r (.in f': You can get a wefor for as little as $!0 Othe' up to $100. Vicfroas $125 to $250. I mis tost WatkirM Boot Ston, COME -TO. THE REC EIVER'S SALE ! ixTSSSS: fr rf and be convinced that men's furriishing goods, dr SttllT1"1' clothing, boys' clothing, high and low cut. Time .imBW1 s' women s and children's shoes, gains ever offered iilllSSWl&L 1 the greatest bar' Receiver's Sale of f U Wlntnn Coj c:,Io nf the r-r.nrthntisesqu