TWIN -CITY DAI ENTME1 X. l, THUliSDAY EVENING, AUtiUST 'JG, 1910. sixcuc cones Tiro cent 3. ON TRAINS. '1VB C TS. eeen People Are lied In Collision On Tlireats Of Revolution in Portugal Frighten King Manuel and Duke of Oporto That Col. Roosevelt Will Make a Fight Seems Certain No w edrandTrunkR.R. 'Lp JLY jit BEE THEN (IK- FIRE IS 10 HORROR Chicago and Mon- bpress N'car a Sta ll in Michigan. IIS WEBE ASLEEP. Lber of Those Killed Were Passtnjers Identification y Difficult In Addition Tn Quite a Number Were In- l,ny of the Bodies Horribly When Removed From the L Some Being Burned Be- gnition Fire Makes Work i Especially Difficult, Many atter Being Badly Burned. M:i li., Ana. "". Nineteen sily Pullman passengers, ikii and .Mont real (ftauu ,-ss, were killed mill inrin mil s cut of here early Crin.l Trunk paohongpr rra.ilHtl Into the rear en J f!i, cutting I lie Pullman In tpu.nt; tscuty passengers. e ranch! lire and at dawn fuTcc'v. r of bodi' -s w ere taken oilt ird tin- train fur Flint. The. 0 women, one middle-aged r a nwt 12, ere taken to 1 irs'ic. t eirht o'clock " bxlk'j were taken from leitrii. and sickened reseti ' rilifci io see others si vly eil. real Ki:trea consisted or it sinlied at Outfield -iit repair to ill ' loeimiQ- er M,Kieli was under the i the crash canto. Ho was i.jni'f'l.. Fin mail Nelson waliltil. Ilntlnim. pen to the rear ' I" I'wt danger signals. sun k the signals n), Imi nidi liims.-Il as to the rear ir.iin. Engineer Snencer, routing last to make up 'i declares -ho put on thu reversed as soon as lin .irnini; tnrpeipios on (W I'l-ii a was tin l:,n. M M""- Lad n, end lights. iia'Ts in tiie I'ulhnan, with Mill U- lives, v-cre Itrrcely liana" Hiat were quickly '"'"'.-isilile ever to kno l'K o,i' life. l.lUlcrc d iln ir whole - .'iilnms of the FOREST FIRES ARE REPORTED TO BE UNDER CONTROL ClhU li. .t - .it . . ci wi.i.m,, .is. ij. ah sell! rs wh i escaped the forest firm lu Idali'j and Molilalia are now safe. The tins wt re ctllcuHv declared today to lie un der control, with the danger removed to a minimum. A statement is-and today report-; nineiy-fiHir kn,wi dent lis. most of them lajig'.rs. It is believed 1X5 other runs rs. who wore eitchvled liy the tire last Saturday in the "Coeur lV.leue lores.!, have probably perished. SHORTSTOP MIOKiFF LEAVES a Shortstop Midkiff, who has been with the Twins throughout the pres ent, baseball season. will leave tomor row morning for his home at Hunting ton, W. Va, He regrets very much !o leave the team before the close of the contest, hut he was taken ill while in Greenville, S. C, last week. being threatened with a Berioim attac k ol fever, and has been under the care of a physician ever since. Realizing that bis health would not permit him get ting back in the game for several weeks, he very promptly askeuV for permission to go home, and the same was granted by the management. There is not a more, popular man on the team than the one who has been playing shortstop this season. He Is it bard worker and an all-round good player. His enthusiasm and aggres siveness In every gaino has been worth a great deal to the Twins, .Mid kiff fcocs away carrying with him the best wishes of every fan who has seen him in action at the baseball park. "I like the people here I could not feel otherwise, because they have been mighty nice to me," said Midkiff today in diHcussitia his work here. "I am oing to carry my bats home and sea son them foruext year," ho continued, adding that he hoped to be a member nf th' Twin family again, during the season of 1911. , I ne rihs train-iden- ail il exec..,! Hi-en in tli. a, i, ",l h' '' that noili crews. of the em'itie r,KHst! ov.t tw "v,k. 1 JUST 11,153 I'K. An il" South- r.i "v 1MB liniiiKlii ,1 Il" -v and account 'yl ran in. t,t 0f (jic " llir 'he year elirti.-l " in:. I'S "t'fll't to ll-l Hit in t.,. - itm the rcrstri Ifr'isti.l.dem v. t ;i. ""'i ins account "'piT'SGnte.lspee.-lios and ili.i.ver, and I be served. DRUGGIST J.D. HELMS IKS --SI.1ZS WIST HLTOI Mr. .1. I). Helms, of ("Jreenshoro, wlio recently purchased the st k nnd lms iness of the Simpson Drug Co., here, won un Important suit In (jullford Su perior Court 'Wednesday afternoon. Mr, "Helms was seoking to compel the defendant, O. B. HJdion. of (Jreeiis hoio, to pay a note in favor of the I'laintifT, full amount, heiii'; s,2.y The defcnilHiit ndtuitted the execution of I lie Bote, hut put up a counter c l.ii n and alleged' ta I he plainlin made Ronio ii.lsreiiresenlall aim in seiaiting hin Higntiliire to the role, T5ie jury found that theso churgca were nat sus tained. Thu Crecnsbnro Telegram sas 1 1 1 i is the fourth time the case has been before a fiuill'wd county jury. The lirst time there was a mistrial, the sec end 1.1 me lne verdict was set a:dd on l!io jr.roimd that one of the jurors hud talked vl(ti" (lie ' defendant wliile (he IWlil w:is in progress. Ti e third time Hie case was a M ."tiled to the Supreme (Vurt, which tribunal sent the cast hacR fijr another trial. II is practi cally cerlain that the defendant will appeal tlis caso and carry it hef re the Siipiinio Court for I ho second time. A SOCIAL MEETING OF LOCAL WHOLESALE DEALERS. There will be a social meeting of the wholesale dealers! and commission wna'tiHtiis in thasctiiliir room tif the Imard of trade in the Hancs building Satarday nislit from S to 9:-'!0 o'clock. There will be a number of impromptu light refreshments will f? N l"' ,- "' ' 1 ' 1 " ' I -rSwffv' Ti . . . . f - - m 1 fACCO CIO I'sideraal, The obiect of the meeting is purely ' account social The wtintesnle dealers have nl. t, rhrrt.: mr not been toirolher lor it limit time ami Irawn. it here are rome of I hem who are not now examin-1 nr.,i., ,.i.,i. ,i .in, ,h nti.r.p . i,,c iii riHrtment up 1 inaile iie-epsiirv "'"""I 'll the ,-itv Olri ,"w a.- ,1;,;;,"r'"'e.!(i, -vn- t,'l'7 y' '""eased -lUlili., ! "I the care o! r,,l-. Which rn "" Treasurer A. f ei, Kill, Ne3ro Congreg,. "''-n-f 1? "'lh del- i ;n uh,l"'ati.''! Con- -:i.';,:hH,' ,o,,av for U '"""WW of (j. ' ,!'"a ' the om- ,r v.,. Pln for "''''of negroes rwiin,,. . V""'ai'on. A " ,)r-"o clmrch- i0na fnen anA v; sai uer- Secietury Kuykcnlall went around to see the jobbers today for the pur poseof getting them U attend the meeting and while it was iiiiKss!ble to se- them all. 49 promised to attend the meeting'- This gUcs some idea til the large number of wholesale dealers In the city. Bverjr wholesale dealer and commis sion merchant is cordially invited to be preftcnLJXhet are a largo number of wholesale houses In the city a larger number than even some rf the jobbers themselves realize, perhaps, and the meeting will be of interest. "'' tn M"r. George Monroe Warren lert this afternoon for Atlanta, where to morrow evening he will be united in marriage to Miss Nellie Pailpteti, one ff Atlanta's attractive and popular I'aunhters. Mr. Warren met Mits f'odgett for thp tinst time at the l'hil- , tithea-Baraca convention in Assevilie last year and the friendship formed thfre noon ripened into love, terminat ing in the nuptials. t", rv ml i x. . r I W. TBI . -. IuU Ifl J'L': mm i : IT i; j . t. A nL YirCW Uf I mw mmn i.. I i - fcM.:- t fit. it 1'i .,fff DA USiUQADE TWO SUITORS CET.A BIG ATTRACTION I PAPERS TO WED S IE GIRL TRI',N'TiN, Aug. Za.-'Miss Isahelle Omroy Is facing the most scrioiu proh. lems of her carwer. Inasmuch as both Edward Hillings and Arl.iur, (leunls are carrying marriage licenses, on each of whicii is inscribed her until I'.oih have chown t lit; licenses to Miss Conioy, but she has not as yet an nounced her Intentions, I'lling Id'h sullors she is going to consult u law er and act upon bis advice. Miss Conroy admits that she cues i whole lot f'.r both young men. hut says her affections for them are n tal ly divided. S-'Iie inliniates I hut she would niftke no ohj-ctlon to marry ins one of tliem, tint s'lyi Klie does ttit think it would lie proper t lnle iKItil. ' "I liked both the boys and Hi y came lo see me freipn ally, hui I ur lacged their visits ho they would leu meet," Miss Conroy said. Hhe edd -i: that she thought one of Hem would propose, but says she had no idea that ImMi would run ofl and get marriage licenses without consulting tir I'.ilii'KS declares that heUius tiouried Mfes Con roy for six iiionili.-i and too!; it tin granted that h" was the only. duly. Why. the night before I -et the II fense." ho said, "wh fall-'ed a tha''i every1 hinsc was arranged; she kissed me and told me that she did mi tare if 1 did not have a Mg iii'-u.'e " lieuuis also admits that ire n ver its Keif M iss Conroy lo Id- his wile, hut he avers: "I was so sure of her that after taking out the marrtaue licn.-e in regular form 1 engaged a minister and iiaid him his fee in ndvirice." The 'lirst time tiic sullors iiietattlie fTmroy" lioi s" was w h-m ia"v went to tueseiit Miss Conroy with their re siiectiv" ruarr:ne licenses, Pne f I'ntd when bath etfhiMted the ducnmcnts. FOR THE COMING ' ,'' ' 1 ' f -' - -it' 7 - i v'xf .','.- .;'-. I ';-' ' m '):; : v Vs- V .(.V, -4 , ' . Vqpujuo I PIEDMONT FAIR l.iyilUX. I'oitiiaal, Aug. 2a The rovernment Ih grally iMsturbeil over 'he Intense activity of Hip republicans in preparing for the general elections which are to i nehl next Kiinduy. The candidatea for olliee, 'many nf them of piouiliience, iiii iiuliug oflicenof the army and navy, have enti-red every constituency In (he country, Tim au- I'horitles have S'-nrihed the homes of ja niimlw of republican and have frmtwl utiiri.a nf nrnn 11 ii.l ' a film mitl Iriti .jtho biggest free attractions ever secnilt is known that a nuun'tity of rifles iu this city and the company will send!""'' revolvers are daily being smug i siH clal representative here to i.k I sl''l "Ho the country ac.roaa the Span- runner ami mat ne repiiniicaii The Piedmont Trades Exposition, Fair and Horse Show has pructically closed a contract whereby they will sc euie a big fire-works display for three nights ilurii g the fair. This Is one of MR. ELLER TO NAME COMMITTEE AT ONCE KM. Eton. Aug, Ji.-Stat i'Mr man A II EUer. of the lHmocrMe e h'iiiIk Vommiitee. ia he will name lat-f tiKliiy the commit tee Into whose hainlii will Im ronunlthil the duty of attainting lor new priniarleg and run VeUtK.n In the iu'h district to nomi nate a candidate tor conn rem In ac cordance with ruling of the atnte com tuilteo la.t nUrhe, lie ) lu ii using the iirnioct care to gelecl nnen who will tic partial to neither Clark Bur !inlwin or to any other poaslble inu til date who may get In the rtmieitt. This rtNiimittee will nnn the date for the primaries and for the iubst- nucnt convention In which the care will be taken to tnalntnln the camnalgn with the, least Misslble bad fceHng and personalities. The outlook is raid to be good (or the restoration of party harmony. The IHmioerailc state headiiiarter were secured this afternoon In the building of the Stuie Club on Salisbury street on the west side of Capitol Scpiare. , UNKNOWN MAY AID FLV6RS. Invents Propslltrs, Driven by Engine Exhaust, To Civs Stability. NEWHElUt VI1 I!T, Mrss., Aug. !V An tinknu a ii Italian, dn-sned in tho guib a workliiKiiutii, drilled Into the Kvliillon station at I'lum Island and laid l)"fire the nil Uilrlied avlnt oik and mechanicians a set of blue prints toverlng what, It was declared, might prove to' be one of tin nsn taluaiile Invenilims tliat has been made In ronnei Hon with aeroiilaneH !for some time. It consuls of i'i tinai propclcrs, operated by the eHnust of the engine, which take the plate of Hi ailerons f r preserving tint staVI It y of the machUio while III the air. Frank I.awton, of (iloucesler, the chief mechanician f the station, w,m so much ImpreasiH) with the plan thai he may un;e giving it a trial on some lliltgess mnchllin. NO D O E I1 TH SHERMAf FORCES LIKELY That GaUicred From Ills Re marks In Buffalo Before Leaving For West. PARTING SHOT II HIS SPEECH. His Remarks at Brsakfsst In Buffalo Crests Much Enthusiasm, Especially When Ho Hints at Factional Fight Within tho Parly Much Interest Be ing Manifested In Hi Utterances en tho Present Trip Flvo Hundred Railroad Men knout for Speech at Ona Station and Roosevelt Responds. iiiier the display. ' This cost a gieat deal of miiniigemciit Is determined Hie coming fair the I ish ii-uiuie -win ... .,. .n r,,t t. iu p.i ,i,, money hut the the elections will lie marked by di- to make tnrfcancea. It is said that tlm Inke of best in its history. l;"rl"' to i ho i Hi one. . - , , , i , lias litscn r'ii!si in a MirMrit tii.-r l ie advlsabtuly of having a Im.ui , , (( ,h(, (mitll,n o M.wnl contest Is so being ,,.nsidcre,r 1 he r(,,.lm,1ts , ,,,, ,,, rovt,Iiol,ulH id. a Is to have bands from differen N ,.,., h.M b,;l Voll( i.safed cit is and towns In the stay to attend L (() wnv rotl. ..IMI .MIIC1 I." fllllt .1 IIIIUH niMIHJ l will be olfeied to the winner of the CfitlN.'Kl. I .Miss Frank Ham s, chairman of the , automobile; comtnlltce, has apHilnted !!hi; fullowlng to serve on her commit jtee; McHtlnmcs Powell tillmer, Charles ' Norllc et, C. Summers, W. T. Ilrown. , W. S. Itevnolds, finorga Conn, John idi'tii'-r and Miss Mamie Dwtre. Mr. Ptwt-ll f;ilmer, t tmtrman nf An- intiiobile Day, has not appointed his 'conimljlee. Invitations will be sent out lo nutou'iobilisls ill neii:hbiiring towns and Automobile Hay will be 'nade olio of the premier events of the fair. I amors ine pap;ii Tontt, object Mnutble CilARI.OTTE. Aug. r. -The fouriii tiiunier ease that has been disposed ot during the present criminal f r,n of kletrhiirg Sit.ierior Court, is be ing tried today, Mary (iastou having been Ttrra'gnnd hris Tnnrntn on the charge of murdering li-titte fnvii. with whom the defendants hushaud had become Infatuated. The inurd'T 'iccitrred In front of a neL-r vaudeville l-!ft're a reeeiit--Snlneday-nte'-wih the slrppts were crowded. Til" ease will probatdy be ctiuepided t afteh r.-crfin. ' Two murder cases re ut thrniigli the conn, 'esterdiy. iuly Hall, a et -, -v negro, w ho killed a coiiipat'ion witJi a lump of coal five vrar-? fiKotib mitled t the f. barge of iiiPinla itUitcr and rr'cived a sentcnie of .'x years in the asvlum f ir the (r'minal insane. Helen Price a woman who sho" her husband's head off at lh home of another Allison, Kill FEARS ELECTRIC CHAIR of Anheville Swears He Will Than be Elec- Himself Rather trocutcd. 1 -ASHKVlf.f.E, Am: 2'..IfHiir.H IV. At lison, who is sentenced to be cleetm eut' l February 2). at ILa'eigh, for killii, 4 Floyd Meflhee here on July ., was taken from the Buncombe Jail this morning and started on his way to ILabdi-'h lo await execution. .Though assuming such a , totally .-Jit-dilTercnt manner during tho tr'ul Hnd eomletlon, Allison has grown desper ate splice hi ing re-eommitt'-d to jail He raves, swears and abuses people indiscriminately. He was accompanied by Hheriff Hun ter and another deputy. It Is believed that he has a small pocket knife eon-teulod-on bia person -and 4 hat, trouble may be forthcoming. Allison boss's ihat he will not be the first Ituncombe Inan to die in th chair, that he will kill himself rather than be extent.-.!. Even: precaution, will Ki-laken tu ptje vent Biilclde. Chicago Awit Foosevelt, CilflCV.O Aug. 2-'.,- oi aiiel lt';.sc ,irs ,1 iiiiiii io ill Lisbon, Mgr. The semloltlrlal communication said that the Portu guese charge d'affaires to the Vatican had explained the situation to the pope, Oesplte the silence of the gov ernment it Is understood that the trou ble between It and Misr. Ttmtl had its origin In the campaign of the clericals folfrwing tho fcoVefiiincnf a censuring of the arch bishop of llrauu for sup pressing a Portuguese Vranrlscnn newspaper w'thout siibmittlng the or der lo the Portuguese government for approval and because of the alleged action of the Valient! in placing diffi culties in tho y of tho npimlntmeiit of tin ambassador "r- Vntlcan. II E DISPLAY OF TOBACCO iL BE MAD E guilty to the charge of second degree nninier srnd will serve Y.'T term wish out a murmur. - 1 velt will (Wild n?iti'iV two h Chicago tomrr.w e-'-n'iig at.d If t e pians meet with h's at.proval !e waV, be given ft public reception. Hi site rial train Is due lo reach U'" City over the Lake Shore road at p. ih and a' io: I.", it will denart for Ch'y.une on" while he wa the Northwester,!. Cn h' lionie.viirl woman, jdoad lirin enflv in eteui'nr (Vonel It o.- At a mieltiig of the Winslon Tobac co Hoard of Trade this morning It was decided thflt th' ot?anIzHi 'on sVeild purthase the necessary space In the Exposition Kuildins anl make a fine iUsplay-of-4ioth- tlt raw end niamtfac lured product at the next Piedmont Fair, to be held In this city In Octo ber. The display will no doubt be ttios LfililaJjlftjiud-SLt:raar y.4Cutkn dall. of the board of trade, has con seated to 'ake the mutter in charge and a-ran e the, dUp ay. ;rwerr, v, areho ipi n'en att l mnnu- (ll faettirets will be rc-pa-sled to make thu disp'ay the twin lompi-oe exmott of tobacco ever made nnd If will b a good invesiment for the trade of this section. ' If was also decided to b"gln the sales at the r'hoei"t at V '' o clock on Tuesday. W d'ic!,iy, Thursday and Fl'idav i.r fair wi-ek. in erdef that the t r lt v ill ton of in Cr enio and tttTTi, 'wareiorseinn -itnl growers I'yer an address at the liWtH'H of tlieitiat' have a r li'i'i'r In take In the big Hamilton Club. 'event. "GOING NOW," WRITES SUICIDE. New York Man, Describing Prepara tions, Says He Feels Ditzy. NEV YOKK. Aug 2V"l plannid this suicide and will write the follow ing about how a man feels nrrnngluK bia Inst trip to h -. At present I r-el a little dl.ry. I p till now I felt good. I am m n ctnvard, but deter mined lo save a woman whom I dearly love (my wife!. and know Ihat I do not deserve her Ho I want her to be free that she may marry a man who ran glvo her love, luxurv and happiness. It's 8::.0 a. m. I am golii now" The foregoing note with live others whs found in the tlratid I'nlon Hotel last night bcaldti the body or a man silting bolt upright In a chair, dead, with a bullet tn his brain. The signature I ml but eg that be was Hnino J. Fcter,,of this city. AUTOS BOOSTED CITY. Gave Flint, Mich., About Thrice Its 1900 Population. WAMH'X'.iTON. Auk, 2a. -Tim pop ulation f Flint. Mich,, Is "S.feVi, an ln trcasu of ;".tl7, or IHIJ wr cent,, as comipnrtd with la.KH In num. The wonderful growth f this cjty Is aitri'mtable to vast Itidarliiitl etiinn- sloti. In adillilon to helm: one i t tte laig"gt cirrlage manufacturing cities in tho country, Flint Is tits borne o an jmfomobilo-plaJtt, ewrdoyUm Hw- nnda of skilled met-hatdca and there are rnanv other large plant manufac turing automobile and carrbwn (.arts, The growi'lt has been practically all from lenlilttiale eiaimlon, vitily about .'.nun M.iilHtlt'ii having been added .I tho re tilt of taking new tet riH y i-Htft the elrjr ttmtf. "--" " ' HIS HIGH COLLAR KILLED HIM. lil'KFAl.O, Aii, 2.'.. With partln shot at Ida opponents In tho (xdltlcal tight he la leavltK behlml in New York, Col. Iteosevflt stsrted on tha km l( of his western trip today. "1 fed that It's Just a little more limn my duty to hunt crook out of public life because ho happens to be In my own part, declared the Col onel at the breakfast (ivvn In his hon or by tho KlHcvtt Club and some Ms) I'ufTiilo buslueaa men St(d up and shouted themselves hoarse, recognis ing I ho old timer KtHisevt'lt and his de tern, limt Ion to fight. - . .. , ; Col. Roosevelt ws the re'lpl of much attention while here and ex pressed hnimelf aa enjoying his visit Immensely. s bile ha did not discuss the political nil tuition lo-any eomtid eruhli! cxlsnt his utterances are taken In mean that he la ready and wllllnr for a light Talks To Railroad Men. 1HWKIHK, Aim. live hundroil rnllroiid men shouted, for "Teddy" lo appear when the Colonels aiieeiSt reached her. Th Colttliel Diado a, short spet-cb, snylnn the railroad man la a sturdy typo of American cltitnn and one tf the minil efflclont. As the, truln (allied out R'sisevtdt was Im plored by one of the spectator lo "t)o them up In the convention." The only, response was a amllu. six townsITddins" . FOR MASONIC HiE Choked Min To Death When He Went To Sleep in Chair. PITTSfJIKO. Aug 2V- Cherles K. Thoniiwon, .'in jears old. ho was found dead In a chiilr w hT" tie r nd slept nil flight at the home of a friend on ttic North Hide. cho1;cd to de.t'h. a victim of a h'Kh collnr h win wearing. It wits decided by the coroner who Invest t- !Mtd the - - . Thompson t ame to Hie house say ing he was not well ard asked f-r-mission to sleep In lb" cht-lr. M;irVs 'n is neck showfi that 'h1 wwlnht of his hnd cbokfd lilm. Tobacco Barn Burned. Mr. ,t. W. Ogbum. who lives near th" county home, lost a fine barn of tobacco and a good tobacco barn by fire nVout 12 uV-m k today. The loss i ou thing I k" II'1'. The fire orlgl it In Hie Imci ior of the barn but ,-ts It fat-hed up !! t oriee Mr. Og t)iirn son. who was at the barn, could not tell how it caught . Hid for the home to be built by the Maaon tf North Carolina art) bo i UK received. Ir. F. M, Winchester, .f t hnrlotte, a n ember of the cominltten on site, baa received so far, bids from tho foiio- ing place: K:ngs Uonntnlii, C.reenn biro. High Poltit, Mooresvllle, South ern pine, yhel'ir,' Hhelby's offer conies through fir. R. S, Roysier, on Hie part of Die Mrfsonlti fraternity of (hat l!y. The committee of litsp"etlon will meet Monday to coMipnr- the relative, advantage and disadvantages, of th) ' towns l idding for the Home, This comrnlile censlhis of Cant, W. H. M Eaur'ti, of Ijturltih'irg; M, Clymir, of (ircetis'xiro, and fir. Wln cheater, of Charlotte and Hon. K. X, Hacked, of Wllktialatro. The whole committee on site will iiieef as soon as the commlite of In speciion reports. DOQ DOWNS HORSE IN FIGHT. Gets Grip on Lattsr's Throat, Throw, ing It for Broken Back. ' HITTER PaAui-. fir bailie iietween a horse and bulldog, loth owned by Hev. I K . Povee, castor of ol'vet Presbyterfan church, Primped Park, fought In ths clerg). ri, all's Mable, reatijlifd In the death of the barse The animal's neck wn broken when It fell upon the remetu fhmr arter the dog had ohtaine- a hold en the horse'a throat, ihuttlns off Its wind, The attention of l)r. Hoyce a at trailed by the nols't of tho fluM, but by the time lie reached (he n cms of. The 1,aiilg the horse was down and fatally Injured. The horse bad to' h shot. tnif. Ibe deo; would not lelease !i hold up m Its victim s troat even after the ledlei wt fred. Heretofore the do and horse nlvvnya had been on ih" most friendly ferma, the dog lying for h mrs lit the hors-'it stall, 8ip-irent! del'ghted with tin con.;siin!.-fttMni of bis etjuine fr'end, Arr?sts Mde Today. PMIeetnan William irrest;fl Hay don I.owery and f nia Thotnaa to-lay on the t hariie of seilirtg Ibioor, Fan in, i . t on and l.ttcy Jones have been arrest ed on the tlmrt'e of vagrancy.