TWffl-CITY DAILY SENTINE fisted Assodziei Prtss Disptfches BIXOLK COPIKS TWO iCW om nucta, iotb cxht bra yeah 4 O'CLOCK EDITION WINSrON-SALEM,,N.O. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20,1911. UES ARE DEFINED 1,0 10 ARE IB HISTORY IN THE AFFAIRS OF CHINESE EMPIRE. CHINESE REBELS ARE GAINING GROUND DOU III SELECTING JURORS mara Defense Will Continue to Insist Reiecting Those Who Think Dyna mite Wrecked Building. ANGELES, Oct. 20. Though ui n II in S of a Jury to tr 11. JlcJiamarm, inuiciea ior resulting from the Time explosion, is a matter of finite progress bad been I . S .1 - nn court optuwa iuwru ub- ih issues, principal ana couai- vi hich the battle will be concluding the examination among eleven of the twelve in the box the defense had ed by three challenges that consider as hostile talesmen only were prejudiced against I l.i'ior and its methods, ho firmly believed dynamite I the Times building. Ins certain ihat the way In e Times building was destroy- sure largely In the trial. The nsists that the structure was by a gas explosion. The of trade unionism in its broad ikI the hostility in some quar- !.rd the union movement will tive attention during the hear c rase. JIM H HEARST A REGULAR DEMOGRA OitK, Oct. 20. William R. tiMmncement that he Is back Rular Democratic fold has ucli speculation in political warding the Independence fate. This organization was y Hearst. declared himself last night ning rally of the local fusion n the first public address he since returning from abroad. fcpeaking," he said, "as a good hope, and also as a good Dem- rphy and his kind drove me Democratic party five years he commendable course of Pnal Democracy hrnntrht mo the fold." lared he would ennHniia hla fnst Tammany Hall s "undent- Mndples." audience was composed Republicans and Indeoen- Pue members. 'His declara- i surprise. T PER SHOT BY I SOUTHERN TICKET MAN. TTE, Oct. 20. Following OW the nuestlon of fare on train No. 40, F. W. Johnson. lomiuctor and- collector. seriously wounded William prominent citizen ot Cbw as en route home nnrt with the conductor an n tho 9 P'llled to Cow norm flnollir 0 fight the conductor If he ,u me train. ted at the Btnlinn or,,! 1, 1- ins immediately attacked the seeing that he was get- OfSt Of it. Johnonn Ar, t.s. and hot Wilkins, the bullet e me heart. Johnson nls run. hut retiirno.1 tr. h NO. 35 Hllrt nirranHor Jail aaltlng the result of wound LL0W8 MAN GO W PRISON ON HONOR. LN?: lnd ' Oct. 20.-John n.enced to from two to pr8 in the stt. t. . h Vlm h"e f0r that P,ace tad Ml0 8tUl payin hU Pnt ! of going to prison of ih. 10 mra Jude entr,S',lprlor Court here entreated n t.. i-.J eiifflne him -.I. n , A er sen- iv'.lCaldwe11 comes of IreT. 8 RIWay8 t00i we" . ,uea request. Site. Q, , l,,e Steel Pnrnnnll.. lH... ,n8p.,rin8t0Pad the aentes his guilt Iti. w u 20--Messrs. pri-topher, Asheville, com- ' j, circuit-cloe- NEW AGENT NAM deinstrati Mr.. Claude A. Sharp, who resides on the Bethania road, has been ap pointed demonstrator of farm work for Forsyth county, succeeding Mr. A. F. Yarborough, who Oiled the position most acceptably for two year or more, but who recently resigned, his private business Interests demand ing bla entire time. Mr. E. S. Mlllsaps, of Statesville, district agent of the Farmers' Co operative Demonstration Work, was in the city yesterday and today and this morning he was out In the coun try with Mr. Sharp giving him some practical instruction on the duties of his office. Mr. Millsaps stated today that the duty of farm demonstrators la to en courage improvement In rural life conditions, such as beautifying homes, increasing the productiveness of soil, new methods and higher ideas of liv ing. The county agent will hereafter make a report monthly to the county commissioners as well as to the dis trict manager. Mr. Sharp will have an office at the court house and ar rangements have been made for him to be at his office three Saturdays each month and on the first Mon days. He wjll Issue bulletins on fer tilizers, live stock, etc., and other in formation which will tend to make sojt-tilllng more productive and prof liable. The Sentinel bespeaks for the new agent the hearty support of the farmers of Forsyth. By co-operanting with him assurance Is given that much good will be accomplished In making the agriculturalists or the county more progressive and successful. Mr. Millsaps is visiting the various counties In the Piedmont section and appointing agents. He has Just start ed the demonstration work In Surry county. Ir. Joseph V. Johnson, of Mt. Airy, has been,, named demon strator. Mr. I. O. Rogers, of Walnut Cove, has been appointed for Stokes county to succeed Mr. W. A. Petree, of King, whq wbr forced to retire on ac count of ill health. Mr. Petree was regarded one of the best men In his line of work In the State. He was capable and active and his demon stration of what can be accomplished In farming has been worth much to the farmers of his county. Mr. M. J. Hendricks is dnmonstra tor for Davie county. Yadkin county has not taken hold of the progressive step, but Mr. . Millsaps hopes to be able to get her county commissioners interested sufficiently to have an agent appointed for that county in the near future. Mr. A. O. Hendren, of Straw, Is the demonstrator for Wilkes county and Mr. W. C. Wilson for Davidson county. Mr. C. R. Hudson is State man ager and he has agents In about fifty counties. t Mr. Millsaps is enthusiastic over the annual meeting In Asheville next week. Besides the county managers, the corn clubs are expected to be well represented. Representatives of the Department of Agriculture at Raleigh and Washington are also expected to send speakers. The Asheville Board of Trqde Is arranging to give the visi tors a big reception at the Swannnnoa Kf'' Pr Machine Gw Klatoo yj jri&s jj D?rtmA'i New ARMY' ii iii m a x . 1 1 mm OHIHfli iTlA OT THE i lf . 1 Mr. Hwano HAM CD A3 PROVUIONAI. PS5S7KT V OUNK3 MJVOUC Late cabls despatches announce the fact that the greater part of the Chinese Empire is now In the hands of the rebels. They are reported to have de clared a republic at Wuchang and to have notified the foreign consuls of the establishment of the new government. Ma Tsun Chlng, a picture of whom is shown above, is one of the leaders of the revolution. Slilng, who has been nauied as rrovlxiouul President of the Chlitvso Republic, also appears above. The Pekln authorities are panic stricken and are rushing forces of sol diers to the affected districts, but the revolt leaps out la new localities. Out breaks are reported from Tientsin and l'aotlng-fa and are expected hourly at Canton and Nankin. YlN - TCHANQ a Dim aCH. Mr. VIk Tsun 5H1KQ. A LSAtum OF THIt CHINE.3B Rkvoi.utiot. Preacher Is Arrested In Connection With Death Young Woman HOriTON, .Mass., Oft. 20 Rev.Clar ence V. T. Richeson, a Baptist church pastor in Cambridge, was arrested this morning as the result of the police In vt'Stigation of the death by poisoning of Miss Avis Llnnell, a student at the New England Conservatory of Mu sic. The arrest whs made at the linme of Moses (!. Edmunds, the father of Kirhrsou'g fiancee, in lt:okliiie. For seven hours the police waited outside the home to make the arrest. No at tention was paid during the nitdit to I'ne oftiopis' efforts to gain admission lo the house. They wailed until uiKht o'clock this morning and took the preacher out in their custody. A day or two before Miss l.lnnell's death cards were issued for the wed ding of Miss Richeson and 'Miss Violet Kdmands. which was set for October SI. New facts have been discovered in connection with the rlrcnnis'aneiM of (he girl's death, supposedly from lak ing cyanide of' potassium, believing it to be medicine. rticluson is thirty-five years old. I'e is a native of Rose Hill, Virgina Richeson went to the Ellwands home Sunday night almost Immediate ly after being Informed of the sudden potassium the night of October 10. Hahn knows Richeson well. He rays Richeson bought the poison to kill a "trodblesome dog." "1 warned the minister," said Hahn, "to destroy the vial aiter killing the dog." The minister requested jnc to keep the sale of cyanide of potassium a secret. I told no one until the Lln nell case developed." The druirirlst stated that he put enough poison In the vial to kill three doga. ' When Avis Lliinell, aged 19, was found dead in the La I h room of the Young Woman's Christian Association home Saturday, suicide was suspect, ed,. "The Investigation showed she un kriowlnsly took cyanide (5f potassium given her or sent by some person, which she used in the belief Mint It would remedy her physical condition. which caused anxiety. The girl was the minister's friend. It was bellev ed an engagement existed. death of Miss Linnrll. I'ntil yester- Hotel on the evening of the 24th inst. day the minister denied himself to b!1 callers and refused every plea for s statement about his relations with Miss Linnell. Yesterday Richeson left the Ed mands home, eluding his pursuers. He came to Boston and sought counsel. He was accompanied by Mrs. Ed mands. After calling on an attorney, both returned lo Brookline. The police last night discovered long sought clues. Police Chief Egan. Deputy Superintendent Waits and a squad "f policemen, went to the Ed munds home at one o'clock this morn In? remaining the rest of the nltrhi BrAKiAitJUKU, S. v., uct. z in a futile attempt to see Richeson. The Winston-Salem car In the Olidden ' Today a rm'Ad was told the officers tour made the run to Greensboro yes-' would break into the hoise if Richeson CAR DF TWIN-CITY STILL MAINTAINS E PERFECT SCDR did not appear. The minister soon appeared and a few minutes later, without a sign of worry, was accompanying the officers terday in one hour and four minutes. There was a nice reception In Char lotte. The Twlrf-Clty car arrived here one hour ahead ot time. Nineteen cars to the police station. had perfect scores last night, the Deputy Snicrintendent Watts states Winston-Salem car being In the select ;that Richeson was arrested op Infor bunch of those that had not been mation substantiated by the police penalized. that he bought a o'mntlly of cyanide of potassium at a drug store in New ton Centre. October 10. Charged With Murder, BOSTON, Oct. 20 police Judge Murray ha? issued a warrant charging RODGER3 DELAYED BY DEFECT IN BIPLANE. WACO. Texas. Oct. 20 Aviator f! P. Rodgers", learning of Eugene Ely's" Richeson wi'ii first degree murder. death at Macon, Ga., yesterday, caused Hearing' Oct, 31. ' him to make a inute Inspection of I Richeson was taken to Jail and held his biplane today and probably saved without bpnd for a hearing Oct. 31. him from death.' He discovered dam-t Statement of Druggist. , age causing him to postpone leaving William Hahn. a druggist, told the Waco. j r, ... v.- .'.--. police ne sold Richeson cyanide of IE PREVENTED DEA GREAT NAVAL S COLON A WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Col. Uoethals and his canal diggers and lock builders am expected to break all records In dry -dock construction by building two great docks at Colon and having them ready for use when the Panama Canal Is opened In July, i:13. The plant will be fully equip ped for repairing vessels and may even construct in emergency. . All Idea of establishing a great naval Million at Colon has been a ban doned, President Tafl strongly disap proving. AN WEATHER PHILADELPHIA, Oct.2.-The Alh-leiks-tiiaiils game today was twist polled when the umpires saw no pros pects for the wealber clearing. Cmpire Klem said an Inspection of the field showed there miiFt lie a radi cal change in the weather if there is a game tomorrow. For three days rain has prevented the teams frg'i getting loseiler for the fourth linie in the woMds ?erl s. The playing field at Shilie Park was a regular quagmire tills morning. GETTING REAut- TO ISSUE BONDS FOR MATTAMUSKEET. RALEIGH. Oct. 20. Havhig won out In their endeavor to issue supple mentary bonds to the amount of $100, ()O0 for maintenance and Interest In the great project of draining Matta muskeet Lake, drainage commission ers met here for the purpose of Issu ing bonds to further the completion of this big project. When 1100,000 was contemplated certain parties pro tested, but the Supreme court last week sustained the lower court In re fusing an Injunction. J. 8. Mann, of Hyde county, Is chairman. ,' "IS IT WRONG TO BET?" IS DR. PITEIT'S SUBJECT Dr. E. M. Potest, president of Fur man t'niversliy, of Greenville, 8. C, will deliver an address to men at the Liberty theatre Sunday afternoon at 3.30 .o'clock on the subject, "Is It Wrong to Bet ?" The doors of the theatre ill be opened at 3 o'clock and from .'t to 3 30 the Y. M. C. A. orches rn will render a musical program. This is the fourth of a series of Sunday meetings being conducted at the Liberty theatre this year under the auspices of the Y.M.f'.A. and a large number of Twin City people will doubtless avail themselves of this opportunity to hear one of the South' leading scholars. Reports of Various Reverses Suffered By the Imperial Forces Have Already Been Confirmed. READ OF STRIKERS SAYS MEN ONLY INT HEARING PADUCAIL Ky, Oct. 10.-T. W. McCreary, president of the federated employes of ths Illinois Central, said today an attempt to arbitrate the strike would -accomplish nothlof. Insisting there Is nothing to arbi trate because the men sre striking only for ths right to be hsardThe de clared there could be bo agreement until a hearing was given. BIDS FOR WINSTON BOND8 TO BE OPENED THURSDAY, Bids for the first Issue of JlfiO.iiOO, par value. 4 12 per cent.' Improve merit bonds bearing date, October 1st, 111, payable forty years after date, each of the denomination of $1,000, will be openpd next Thursday at 12 o'clock at the city hall. It Is thought that the bids will be gin coming Id about next Tuesday Hundreds of inquiries relative to the hon;I issue have been received by the city officials within the past few weeks. ITALIAN FORCE OCCUPIES A PORTION OF TOWN. ITVWI, Tripoli, Oct. 2" - The Ital ian fleet under Admiral Aubrej botp barded Bengali yesterday, landing 4MMt men, who. after a brisk battle, ocrnpled a portion of the town The Turks, refusing to surrender, mn le a stubborn resistance. - Found Dead In Btd. NEW YORK. Oct. 20 Morris Israel, aged ?.", a retired banker, of Charles ton, 8, C, was found dead In bed at his room fn Hotel Somerset, of heart failure. m SHOW TO BE HELD 11 THIS GITT II DECEMBER Mr. and Mrs. R. L Blmmons. ot Chariot le, were here today, returning from King, where Mr. Simmons, who Is sn expert In that tine, judged the imultry exhibit. He has been judge of the exhibits at Forsyth fairs for several years. Since he left hero two weeks ago he has attended the fairs at Greensboro. Danvills and Peters burg. He Is editor and publisher ol tne Southern Poultry Review, a very successful publication. Issued month ly. Mr. Simmons Is very enthusiastic over the poultry show to bo held In Winston silent in Dwember. "I want to see the biggest and best thing of (he kind ever attempted In North Car olina," said Mr. HI m mom this after noou. In speaking of ths Stokes county fair he remarked that the exhibits of farm produrts, agricultural Imple ments, fruit, vegetables and needle work by the ladles were decidedly cred itable. He thinks the cltlxens of King deserve much crwllt for pulling off such a splendid fair. ALDRICH REVISES MONETARY PLAN. W AftH 1 NT! TO N1, Oct. 20,r"ortner Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch, of Rhode Island, has submitted to the National Monetary Commission, of which he Is chairman, a revision of. his plan for monetary legislation. The commission may use It as the basis of Its recom mendation to Congress. Briefly, the- plan still provides fof the organisation of the National Re serve Association with capital of ap proximately $300,000,000, in which the Culled Htates Government and the banks owning shares in thn ss soclailon shall be the only depos. Itors. Tile plan of dividing the Unit ed States at first Into fifteen financial districts remains unchanged. In each district the hanks shall form local aa so-lat ions of their own, which In turn will be represented in the branches and finally In the central organization through a system of election of direr,, tors, which. It is said, will make It Im possible for sny section or set of bankers to control the whole. PKKLNa, China. Oct. . Associate Press dispatches from tlaako eoa flnBH) reports that the rebels er Inning. . wees ntMia. SHANGHAI, Oct. 19. Ths retreat of imperial forces at Haako Is conSrav. ed hy dispatches from KIu Wang. which state tne t ninesa gunboats sre retreat ing to KIu Kiang The rebelr conduct at Hnukow ft reported exemplary. The latest lews of rebel u.'sceaa st Hsnkew caused great Jubilation Among Chines hero. The run on the banks stopped. . Rebel victories St ' various Bc4nla have been reported. The movement to opposition to ths Imperial goveta tent seems to be gaining strength. Missionaries Unharmea. HARRISHURU. la.. OcK JO. A cablegram to Bishop Dubs, head of the missionary board of the United Evangelical Church. Indicates mis sionaries In the China waf sooa ara unbsrmed. Gunboat Sunk by Crew. . SHANGHAI, Oct HI, Hankow ad vices State that one Chi Bene guaNstt was sunk by Its crew, who desartad to the rebels. Hanksw Concessions Safe. , PEKINO. Oct 10-The foreign lags- iivii ill I niH navw wwiwn twi mesgra dispatches from Hankow. Th last message from the American con sul general, Roger 8. Greene, stated only that fighting bad begun, it la believed, however, that tht conces sions In Hankow ara safe, and thst tha ten or twelve foreign cruisers ssd gunboats . In tha harbor art ampla , protection,' even from tha joint Chi nese army and navy. ' - " Hut It will be Impossible to prevent stray shells from threatening foralga ers, or conflagrations and lootlnjr by tha rabbi. It would ha difficult lo cordon tha concessions, beeaus only narrow streets cat them off front tha densely packed Chinese jlty. It Is hoied that all tha women and children have already been safely r-t moved from Hankow, at It Is feared the defeat of ths revolutioonrUs might be followed by txotss on tha , part of the mob. 4 The German legation at Poking denied ths report that German troop , had engaged In fighting la tha straau of Hankow. - The fioard of Communlcatlona re ceived a dispatch which mentioned Siaokan, la Hu Peb province, an bar- -ing been captured by tha rebels. A report has reached here that. Imperialist troops have refused to da train at Hankow, other reporta say tha Chinese gunboats took llttl part In fighting as a direct Bra would hsve endangered their own troops, while a flank fir would bars Involved t bombardment over tba foreign con cessions. -. , - , MORGAN AND WICKERSHAM TO HEAR A TRUST DEBATE. NEW YORK, Oct. 20,-Attotney-'leneral Wlckersbam and J. P. 'Mor gan hsve accepted (he invitation of U'f Economic dub to stiend the first dinner of the season, which Will be held on an evening during the week of November 2. The exact date will be sntioiineed later. The subject for discussion will be "Government Ren tal Ion of the Trusts." Among the speakers will be Senator Cummins, of lows, and Nicholas Murray Butler. President of Columbia Unlveratty. GREAT THRONG IN RALEIGH; FAIR AND CIRCUS BOTH. KAI.KH2H. Oct. 20 The combined attraction of the State Pair and Har inirn and Italley's circus brought to Raleigh today one of the greatest crowds ever gathered here, sixty thou sand people being pronounced s very 'oniervailve estimate. The State Fair grounds were thronged and the rlrcus had a veritable crush of people. "THE CIRL IN THE TAXI" AT THE ELKS' AUDITORIUM. "The Girl In the Taxi" will be the a'traclion at the Elks' Auditorium to nlKht. Tiris is said to be an exceed ingly funny play and one presented by a very strong company. THIRTEEN REPORTED DEAD IN IRON MINE DISASTER. ROCKAWAY, X.-J., Oct. 20. Sum- ke. f Irw. p.a fiaiiohr Is In. ar i ui linn: .atiM ih map isr- rush of water in the iron mines at III- oerma. inineen are reprien iieau. AH were foreigners except the fore- nrninmii nr ninT utbiuiuii ur bun. U IIS IS SUSTAINED A judgment a of tha October term of superior court bss been signed by Judge C. C. Lyon, awarding the of fice of the sheriff of Korsyth county to Sheriff George W. Flynt. It will be remembered thst this ess was irgued on exceptions here before Judge Lyon laat Friday and he by eon-, sent reserved his decision In tba case. In the judgment, Judge Lyon over rules the exceptions mad by bo4h sides and In every way confirm tha report of Hon. P. C. Robblns, of Lex ington, the referes In tha case. , ... He allows Capt. Kobbine, as referee, the sum of $500, adjudging half of this srnount agslnst the defendant a. W. Klynt and the other half against the relator, p. A. Jones. The court costs sr adjudged against the relator, I), A. Jones. Tba court costs aggre gate $17 40, which together with tha fee allowed tha referee makes tha total costs $67.0. Unless an appeal Is taken to the su preme court, this judgment ends a suit that has been followed with much Interest by the people of Forsyth county. Tsft to Visit ths Black Hill. DEAD WOOD, 8. D., Oct. 10. Presl-' dent Tart Is to spend tomorrow la tbo (Hack Hills country and at sll the cities and towns embraced la the Itin erary elaborate preparations hare' been completed for his reception and ' entertainment, lie w(jj begin the day with a brief stop at Custer, from which point he will come t Dead wood for a visit of torn- hours In this city and Iesd. A luncheon at the Hotel Franklin, at which the Presi dent will be the guest of Congressman Martin and the business men of Dead wood, will be tbe chief feature of the wnaA nhnrt arnit will he made at " Sturci and the evening win be speut . St Itspld Cfljf, ' :.