r3 . TyyiN-CITY nAItTSlgniNEI,.ffIN,STON-SAU5M... cJaUCPST. 20, 1M . : Site-..-:' t ilsu ' v - .T " ' ! ' ' ' ' Mm I ifcwl Slf You Were a Girl and Hated a Man What Motive Co a Id Make , Fog Try to KUi'Yim bister on Mis Account as yqU:ill; you jwon t ana can t strike the right., answer to that question .unless you jread "The Trey; p; Hea r t s,' ' by L o li is .J 9 s e p H Vance,in tMk newspaper or see. the pictures at the "movies." The t e's an linliSiial situaition4-a human interest jelenjerit- curi ous unexoected tWistVnH , thrillUd every lirte oflthe story and every foot of I the pictures! There . have been other strong novels. w J There have been other good A But this well, let's have -your opinion. TheTreyO'Hearts By Louis Joseph Vance Author of "The Fortune Hunter The Black Bag-The Lone Wolf Etc . Redd the Story in lifting ientiil Sec the Pictures at the Pilot and Elmont . : Theatres , Produced By The Universal Film Mfg. Co. The Twin-City, Sentinel PROGRESS WORK OF onihee. a: Hi far. !H. 'O.' Chatham; sjxsnt '"Wednfefe- diy in the city; and w&ile here talkeU interestingly of the future tif the sec tion of the, country to be traversed by inq jiiKin & Auegnany iiaiiroada The people of Vfinston-Salera art vitally intereeted in the corapletibij ,dr this road lis outlined by tnose i& cnarge of tue worft;ot building it, and its com pletJog thrJleb,ny and Ashe coun ties to Jefferson in almost an much im wrtace; tothis1 secUou s 11 : is to El kin.:' Those nnlnnrlirl nprtnlo nt the ippuntan wcoupties tire ;great rfrtends to thl; aeotiph and are, looking forward with great interest to the completion of tMa oaa.wh'ch' will, be the means of establishing closer trade relatSons between, mountain counties and Win aton-Salem ' Local .business men reh gard this line territory; .vhtcb "will 1 opened np by this road," a 'great 'land ft' much! desired asset to the- fnetropolis of Noytli Carblina.' . .;' ' ; in apealting of the worK being done ottfthe road,, Mr. (Chatham stated! that the past, .pttMf progress of 'tviliuog i,ue roaa win not ne anectea by .the present unsettled, conditions ciused by the Kuropean upheaval; He fiid Uiat it lias , caused, the ;; management , in iuea vi,.rJncreasuig tne,rorce to com- olotrf tlift rwrt n f an oo'riv !'Tho management had expected to put two hundred men, free' labqrat fdrk.,6n iu una in umuiron 10 :cne convict la bor now engaged in. the construction. The commisgioners of Alleghany coun ty ph tlie first Monday in, Angustca e4 an .election t6 lauthorige the wsn ance ot 160,000 in bonds in addition to tne J10..WM elready .Yoted lor. the con truvtlon otthe roa)J, The election was n 1,., LA J O . I Ml ' . . when the stock exchanges; .closed n New York and elsewhere Immediate ly became impossible to sell railroad to finance ' the proposed .tncreased worn. , Tne bonds upon whlcn the Al leghny ejection.. , was to have beeh held in September were to have been votca ,,one, condition that the, road reach Sparta in ,H limited time,, am on thdt account the Northern neoDl who are interested In -the Work of bulldijig the road reouested the coni missibners to call the electlgn Oil un tu financial conditions art such as win enable them to proceed more rap. idly with the work. . , " " The Bostoh firm that is assisting the people of Elkin and Alleghany county in nnancing tne road ere not large can liamtta, put they are bond dealers of nne cnaracter and solendld reDutatloh mey are memDers ortnetocK ex changes of New York. Boston and Chi cago, and their facilities for selling uonas oz the road and those voted by mer caurraefl- wni imrare speedy proj ress as soon las conditions become nor mal again. . Visitor To This Section. . The Officials Of th mart im irivlriir mpB lerniory , wme publicity. reeiit ing its reaourcea and posslbllitlea with good effect. Recently there have been many visitors over the road for, the purpose or ascertaining ita future, Among them was Mr. Collins, a irrom inent banker and railroad financier of t arloon, Maine. Mr. Collin resides In Aristook county. Maine, which in the s pimiuuer. in jrisn poiatoes in tne world. The crop of the county av erages between 200 and 30 bushels to tne acre, and the land sells for about 0 an cre. Mr. Collins anent about tour days in Alleghany county and be suite mat tne sou is lnas fine condl tlon as I" his home county in Maine. and in Alleghany county Jand is aelllng arouna an (acre. .. Mr. Chatham states that the potatoes raised in Alle ghany county are as fine as the fin est Kirge, mure white and smooth It is the purpose of the railroad dl rectors to encourage the people of At- legnany county 'to specialise in Irish potatoes until they reacn the Doint mai tney will be able to provide North Carolina with her supply of thia fa vorite tuner,, ... , A soil expert from the U. S. Depart mcnt of Agriculture will be sent to me county wunin tne very near fu ture for the purpose of making a soil survey and analysis, and aid the rail road and te people In the realization of their amWtioh. " The state Of Maide produces nolrlv otie-tenth Of the annual yield Of the nation in potatoes. nd the county rrom which Mr. Collins came Is the largest "producer of the tuber In that state. Mr. Chatham believes that the success -of this .proposition will fiot ortly result in added wealth to the mountain country, but will also result tna great saving to the people of the state as a whole. - , . . ' . . I Birthday Anniversaries. Raymond I'olneare. nrealdent nf r-rencn Kepunilc, 64 years old. cardinal MartlnelU. who was lb first apostolic delegate to the Uni ted States, 65 years Old. ', " - ' Henry r. Ralney, reDresentatlve In Congress of the twentieth Illinois dis trict, 64 years old. Hamuel Crawford, outfielder of th uetroit American league baseball team, 34 years old. To Discuss Important Problems. Port Worth, Texas. Auk. 20 Th nnancing of the farming and ranch Ing Interests of the country will be the leading 'subject of discussion bv the farmers Educational and Co-operative Union of America Vhon It meets here In annual convention week after next. The convention" will be attended by 2,000-or more delegates representing the branches of the or ganization in thirty states. President Charles W Barrett, of Georgia, will preside. ,i eofgli rtoari umm.r cunn. ara Diifemin Indict, low vitality and of inn laiut 1.1 nrtnua Throat and Lun Triniiblca, in- nvnn vonmimpiion. t. Kins w lliiTywl TfVtrfrm eojMth or cold proniiXtunJvlrrvfrnt tfaimiioatloii.. li l ithlna aid (Jhllnrnliiriind mnlcM rou fal tvit.r HJbem. To dolsy la Un Kro ret a bottle of tr. Klnt'a Now irovwy at ena. Money Imok If not tlnd. Ida and 11.0(1 bottl at voiu IN RALEIGH ECLIPSE . douniy . Farm Demonstrator Ander son and six of the members of the Boys' Corn club of Forsyth cohnty are attending the meeting of the demon strators at Raleigh. The demonstra tors were 8ked to bring as many of me . imeraijera . or the corn clubs in their counties; as possible, and while the demonstrators are discussing tor pics that will make their work more emcient; the &qy Ot the state are dis. cussing the culture of corn and oth er matter that- will' fit them for greater usefulness on the farm.. Mr. Anderson presented each of the dots aterniing the conference atRa lelgh with a pennant bearing the monogram of the 'National .Corn clubs, ana, inscrioea "fiorsytb. Corn Clubs." The corn club boys heard -bnmbers or tains on corn growing and kindred topics, . Including, the .proposed wortt ot , pig ciuDS" now being organlied much on the. same plan as the corn club. 1 " -r. ; . - ; The boys of Forsyth county " farm aistncis are planning to perfect a number of 'Tig dubs" Mr. Ander son has been talking this work to the boys of the county for several months and It is probably that "organizations will be perfectgdat n early date, y t . Conttlpatlon canaas SIckitMC. .T (Don't permit yoursalf to become on stlpated, : as you system Immedlatal.t begins to absorb poUon from the back-d-ap waste matter. Vs. Ar. KlnaJs Nea L,lf e Pilla and kAep , well. There Is nr better safeguard 'against lllneaa.:. Jum Mke-ose dea-enltit.' 3 So at yuuc dru(- iai. Greatest cf. All Blessings . Tha kost wonderful thing in the world is leva lexpraaaed fcv the helpleaa infant And anlong those aids and, comforts for expectaiM mothers. Is thai well known "Motherta Friendi'vY - . i-, This U no fcxt Vnal annlicatlon to enable th abdoiiinal muacles to bertne more pliant, to SxpaSd nniurally without undue pain froit the strain UDon corda ana ligaments, li , 1 I, In almost evnhr settled community are women whp hae, enjoyei the bleaaing of uwwnoni remcuiai ana neipiul embro cation. .Their Maughtr.f bave grown up to learn of ltatsplendid putalntanca. Applied as dfrected uubn those musclea involved.it sntothea the Arte network of nerves with -which U' the ntusclea are supplied. Thus a 8TeatisiDK-s.af4ba palm so much dreaded may be avoided and the period of expectancy jssed, through In wn ana .comiort.. - r : 1 1 Anything- that adds 6 muoh comfort must. Po counted as a blesalna- Indeed la a little book sent bv mill much um ful Information la given to inexperienced mothera, :It tells how to iia "Mother'a fTlena and how to avoid caklM brnuitii: oet a bottlS to-day, and write for book te onranriu ueguIHlor (.'0.4IW I4inir Illdif. t. "'.1 va-; B sur ygu get "ifoUicr's LESS MEAT KM IT Take a glass of Salts to flash Kidneyi u siaaaer Dotners you imnx , lota of water. Eatui? b duces kidn other, say eanas the, t regularly eventually pro. y trouble in some form or a well-known authority.. be- urio acid in meat axeitea the kidneys, they beeome overworked: mt sluggish! clog up and cause all sorts of distreuiT particularly backache and mis- . n 1-J J- . . , i , b.j in miR7Y3-vum, rneuma&io (.win get, sekere headifchet, acid stomach, eon- stipatsn. lorpH liver, aleenlesaneaa. ntaaaqr ana orinarr lrriUtion. , TbW moment hour back hurts or kid nays aren't1 acting right, or if bladder wnom yoa. met about lour ounces of Jad palts frera any sood pharmacy i take a taJlenooaful in a glass of water befori bte&kfart for a few davs and vour kidnm Arill ihfin act fine. . This famous salUfis' madfc.from the acid of oraDea Joe, combined with liUiia, i used for nenerationa to Sidneys and stimulate them ivltyi also to neutralue the urine so it no longer irri idlng bladder disorders, cannot iniure anvon'e: makes a delightful effervescent Jlthia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep :ue kidneys and urinary oreans clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. and I'inon and Ifes b nuas. eii to normal acids in th tates, thus Jad Sail Jhe DavisHuIphuT Springs - . pen improvea Newly Painltd Intidm and Oof. ' .- une nunarca rooms, ciecir ic cans and lighti sewoai, etc. Uood fan and service. Freestone Wat BouiBng, Bodi PKyieiaA. Br V One ha aoVml tiiaun ana lor tatlnniai'tti'' ot bnn:S0 aiil rlhw aiiUaof aand ft t road.) Flo cltmmta ili l ift LSB fg.,t lT.t.i I . . . 1 id. hdjr wttlka. watirn tof Sulphurate 'hating Ttniit, viy. Kumsmt Aoa. O'lanA frm Norfli taro CbaAHts (C6 innaant Ara. w menu. Two Uirouzh noil tralna f nisaXttarlotta, one on Rundar. A. M.. tvturnimr V. 7m. EaUs 16 te 8 par i July ana aarnM :i to lid. Low rates for at two or throat month'eatar.oaaoclallr from Juno at. Noeonaiunpuvae uun. wo.mui Oci. IU. .. .,.-. Wttn for fttmrtrmttj BooAtrt. THE DAVIS SPRINGS. HiiUrnitm North Carolina. - Washingtbn.Aug. SO. The eclipse of hlw sun tomorrow total In pan of JJurope and Asia and a part eclipse in -northwestern America has been attracting widespread attention among astronomers and scientists,' but It is feared that the European ; war will seriously interfere with, even if it does not entirely prevent the observa tlon which the scientists had plan- The ecliDSe will be observable alone a Une extending from Alsteno, on the west coast of Norway," thru Hernos- and, on the Swedish coast; Riia on the Baltic, Minsk and Kiev In cen tral . Russia, and leaving Europe at Theodisia on the Crimean coast. Many scientific expeditions had been planned to observe the eclipse. Th most of these expeditions 'were de signed to take theirobservations from points in Russia,' where the duration of totality will be longest. Under ex isting conditions It will of course be impossible for the scientists of other lands to visit . Russia at the present time. At the present'timd it Will be almost equally ' ' impossible' fof the scientists to 'change the base ot their operations to the Scandinavian' Den- Insula, for the reason that weeks of preparations are necessary .to set tip tneir ln8tniments and make ' other necessary preparations. The difficul ty of reaching Norwayand Sweden at the present time is so great, that It is unlikely that ' any expeditions to those countries ' will -be undertaken. IS View of the existing circumstances Ifia, probable that no noteworthy ob servations will be made of the eclipse, with the possible exception of thosd that mar be inptie by the Russian astronomers themselves,. "' . " Before the outbreak of the War nfeariy all Civilised countries were preparing expeditions for the" study of the eclipse, and a number of pri vate expeditions were also Deing fit ted out. As previously , stated thfe most of them had chosen Russia for their goal. Among other German cit ies, Hamburg was fitting out an expe dition, while a second one, subsidized by the Prussian state, was being plan ned by Professor Miethe of the Char lottenburg . Technical school. - In England steamboat parties were being made up to view the eclipse from Alsteno and Riga, and from the fact of the eclipse coming in the holi day season it was expected that great numbers of sightseers would avail themselves of the opportunity. wnicn will not recur In Europe till 1927. . ' Professor C. O. Abbott, heaid of tho astronomical branch ot the Smith sonian Institution, and a recognized authority on solar phenomena, gives the following account of the eclipse and the scientific results sought from such events: '"., . - Tomorrow the moon will pass exact ly between the earth and the sun, and there will be a total solar eclipse. It will not be observed in -America, ex cept as a small partial eclipse at All ' . -... Refrigerators 20 Per Cent if..- OH 10 Refrigeratoa ,.$ 8.00 $1S Refrigerators ... .fi . 12.OO 20 Refrigerators.. 16.00 $25 Refrigerators . 20.00 f 30 Refrigerators 135 Refrlgei 'ameus White Moun- $40 Kefrlge We sell t Mr'. tors.. .. ... 9g.o0 raiorj tain, Nota Seame an North Star. At the above discount stock will be sold quick. Act todn Brown-Rogers Company Everyilifng In Hardware sunrise in the northern states and Canada, but in Persia, Russia and Scandinavia the full 'effect will 'be seen...'. J:v . '' ... -? ' v' -,' - Altho the moon looks about the same size as the sun, It Is ery much smaller and nearer., : The sun is 865, ono miles in diameter and " 93,000, 000 thlles away, while -the moon is 2,163 miles . In diameter and 239,000 miles away. 'On Account of the moon's, small size compared wltH the" sun the shadow cast , by the moon is a rone,' and the point of this cone Just barely reaches the earth. ' . . ' . ' ""In tomorrow's eclipse the diameter of the cone at the earth's surface is only about 85 miles, . so that the eclipse Is Visible as total only in a belt .about 83, miles wide, stretching oyer the countries already named. , As a partial eclipse it will be seen over a very wide area, including no.rtheast.i em America, Greenland, Europe, half ot Asia and hair of Africa, Withinj thfa rmrlrin 'irtnlv a nart rt tha. min'ot disk will be hidden by the moon. .: Wherever the 'Solar eclipse is seen as total, the sky, Will become nearly as dark as full moonlight, and a few of the brlghter'stars and -planets may be' seen. Sometimes the;-moon and sun occupy Such positions that, altho the moon passes directly between the earth and. the snn; the shadow cone does' not quite reach the arth.'. Such sdlar eclipses' are called "annular" and 'ire nowhere total eclipses. - In the most favorable case a total eclipse may last seven minutes at a station, but' such occasions are 'very rare. Thert will be total 1 eclipses visible in the United States in 1918, 1928 and., 19?5. 3 GRAND ENCAMPMENT ;, t I ,L 0. O. F. AT HIGH POINT ' Messrs. R. P; Cllnman.'H. Mf. Bran don, ' W.--E. Beck and Col. J. C. lies- sent have';returned from High, point, wlferethey represented the local en campment nt the-Grand Encampment, I. O. O. V:, of North CaroUna. The sessions lasted two days, Tuesday abd Wednesday. ' "' :' The following ofitcers were elected to Serve for 'bnti year; K. Kendall, of Shelby, grand ipatrlach; W. B. Bagwell, of Durham, grand high priest; H. T. Greeiileaf, of Elizabeth City, senior warden; J. C. BieSsent, of Wineton-Sa- lcin, junior warden; Perrin Busbee, of Ralelgll, grand BCrtbe; J. E. Wood, of Wilmington, grand treasurer; E. B. Stradley, of Asbeville, grand represen tative for a term of two years. -It' was decided to hold the next ses sion at Kinston. ' : ' " ' 1 ' The meeting was well attehded.there being nearly a hundred members ef the order present. The session was called to order by Mr. B. B. Stradley, grand patrfaroh. , for the past year, and the routine business ofthe eh campment on8umed,-most of the two days' sessions. ' ' ' ' A !shadbw. was oast over the ses sions by the recent death of High Priest Chadwick, his station being draped in black in memoriara. At the close of the meeting Grand Patriarch Kendall made the following appointments: " J. S. Wade, grand marshal, Fayette- ville; J. B. Mauney, grand sentinel, Shelby; W. E. Herndon, grand outside sentinel, High Point. . - Phone 380 Drcsseft v Close Store doses Friday at 1 o'clock to give employe, holiday. Lawn Party. : A lawn party will be given at Mt. Pleasant church, on the Walkfcrtown road, Saturday evening. Benefit new churoh debt, ,... . k , ON PUBLIC EC JBy, Lee'L-HMr-) niade into the use of convict) L pubhc roads, the department J?! A Joint arrangement hail,, I fected between the office to Roads of the Department of w ture, and the Public Health S! for the study of convict camps udfj the utilization of convict labor i construction of roads and the am ation of road materials. There i constantly increasing tendency a 4 part of state governments tet vlct labor in works of public i provements, such, as road earn tion, rather than la the naanfaaip of articles which compete tIU &; proauci or rree laoor. The purpose of the Joint Kuijt to determine the conditions ud thods by which most satisfactsrf suits -are obtained and the linetik. which improvements mar be to rated. -Studies will be begin tab orado during the latter part ot ust, and thereafter visits win btai to camps In Utah, Wyomint'lta Oregon and Washington, tatera the studies will extend to Uidit Illinois, 'New York, New Jeraj, ginia, North and South to. Georgia, Florida, Oklahina, Itm; Arizona and Now Mexico. Lawn Parte. A lawn party will bo given it Fi burg Moravian church, igtat a south of the city, August 29. Tses ceeds will be used fortheBanaa Phliatbea classes of the ciurAIk public is cordially invited. if a TO Washington. D. C. AND RETURN yu &0PT1TOI MMAj PREMIER CARRIER OF Til E SOUTH ROUND TRIP RATE FROM WNSTON-SALEM J5.M Leave nston-Salem 8:10 p. mConnlngUnSrS Train at Greensboro Returning, Special Train Will eavev'ashington lis- baturday,;Angast Z, Mil -t -7 Daylight Trip .Through VtfgUlia Returning 'ii t f 1 r Passengers from Branch Une points Beverai junction points.conneCjtlng'i eral Junction points. mint upw"" ill use rc6'"- , . , ha iff the SiKJcial Train t tn I Separate Coaches' f fir Colored Teople Passengers must purchase tickets beforo boarding Train, w win oe soia on tram. - 1 J , . , The equipment of this Special Train will consist of first cs. No slepplnit or Parlor cars will be operated on this 'lu cts good going and returning on special trali only. Rare Opportunity to Visit the Nation's Capital at SmaD Com . , V Sorae of the Points of Interest White House, Congress In-Session, Congressional Uf' r'ji$! National Cemetery, National Museum, Smithsonian Instil"1'' Varnnn l,Unm f w..i,in..i anrl otucf all'"1-" Tor further Information, apply to, Ticket Agents Southern B1 or Address: ' " , ' ,m C : W. P. LFSTBR, C. P. and Tloket Agent. Wlnston-Saipn, ft R. 11. PeBUTTS, DIvlBlonvPassenger Agent, Charlotte, " "v'. druggist. - v . .. -II

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