TWIN CITY DAILY SENTIN EL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES 1 2 Pages 1 Section 33rd Year WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1915 4 o'clock Edition bWolw oopt, two cn?rrt. ON TBJUW8. PIVJO CENT", GERMANS LOSING J XI- THEN RESUMED ANTI-JUG BILL i I, ,. i , . . . nA UarHm-c Russian Victories All Along the Line Are Recorded Against Germans and Austrians. Whole Matter Referred Back to IjiiLs As Amenaea nere Joint Committees in Effort . to Get New Bill. Passed Before sunrjse. INGRESS TOOK HOUSE REFUSES SHORT RE IKS SAYS THE REPOR CONCURRENCE ON FROM ENGLAND lP PURCHASE BILL HAS NO MORE LHAINLK .. . fceral Deficiency Apprupria- mb Bill Carried and uosing Hours Busily Spent. March 3. The closing tashinston. L of Hi" .sixty-third congresB to- fnnnd many 'mls OI u6'u" ending attention. The senate aft- U-orklliK "II night Willi approprm- bills took a recess at b:ii a. m. rpi. I . I anil THvcit ; ; o i lOcK. I lie Harbors bills were passeu eariy Lv without a recoro voce. L house as in recess until iv:ju look vatiiiiK lul lm- """-0 ill up. senate dropped the Indian bill . ... ... ; J.tlfrlit in tal-A 11 n a tiro1 fti)ul ii"u,,,&,,' -w ... il.n.i nnntA 4 (Via IlinatiOllS. MIU'11 Llit:jr uo'"c I" ml trade commission iii-puoiicuiio utt ... ... Ulwli.divlno' nn. me a surprise u; huuik'ub k i;ion to Win. Tarry, of Seattle, igressivf-nepuuiifan aim luuem v the nomination of Geo. Rublee, of Hampshire, a Progressive. Par- with tin' three Democratic mem- k was (onlinneu. notlier precedent was DroKen wnon senate sent a messenger to Vice idont .Marshal, asleep in his home request his attendance bo that buorum WOUKl OC pieacm iu jkvoo riven and narnors urn ai utiutn niurninp. Last Niarit's Session. entenlay's developments virtually ed the (ate of the Bhlp-purcnase administration leaders agreeing ; it would be almost Impossible act on the conference report in senate after it is disposed of by house. he ship-purchase bill was shunt- aiiile late in the day in the house returned to conference on a point -dor made by Representative Mann minority leader, who contended the conferees had exceeded their jiority in increasing to three years period to lollow the close of. the hpean war oeiore tne weens navai ,liary provisions should become et We. jieaker ( lark sustained the point order, and a further conference h the senate was requested to fie the reiKirt contort') to the rules. 1 reateM activity in both houses ered upon conference reports on ropriation bills. Agreement was hed during the day on the naval Iterative, executive and judicial ) measures and on tho army bill pt as to u house provision prohl- m the use of "speeding up" meth- In army shops. The senate con es yielded to the house on a sim provision in the naval measure. General Deficiency Bill. atr in Hie day the seuate passed Moral deficiency appropriation carrying ?x.i!i2,872. An amend- iw (ivlng the Interstate Commerce fcmlniion access to the correspond- f.les of carriers was striken out a point of order made by Senator w, who declared that such eleven- our legislation in an appropriation "as unwarranted. The bill car amendments inaklne .'!0(i!b00 im- Hafly availalile for use of the new 'ral Trade Commission and ap .rial ins ?', i.oimi fr the uso of the nl'Tit in ie"u!ing the neutrality and tor unforseen emergencies "K in the diplomatic, and consular "f. Action of tho Philippine Leg are in h reasini; of the war was di"wl. Injt a provision emnowerins: legislature- to naot further emer v revenue legislation was defeat Anothcr amendment appropriates 11,1,1 to Iiav cluiniu fnr Amorlrnna " on the Mexican border. BOMBS DROPPED ON CITY OF WARSAW. Wirjaw, March 3. A r,ni vutor today bombarded War Most of the bombs fell In mt reai(jtnt,al district. Many tlowi were mattered, but there . ' "'lEAN STEAMER IS w.fcl) BY THE FRENCH Nin. .11. " ' J nilCICOB .'ir.ri i '! in.. .i i nr'. , ' Tllc Overseas News k , , aVo 0,11 8 8torv t'1 r'Wa "ii '"" meuiiier na- reii.-' - i"ia. nan neen seized arhipn while making her " wugo of saltpeter to Ve. "POSITION DIVORCE PARTIES ARE K ru v. ' spring kt D' Nl'vail has begun ex- Ths j a "l08t active year. 'Che? falr trfllnS beK,n t0 local week Advices Mivl"105'' lnte many proa "'vorce seekara Intend to con ENGLAND WILL STICK TO THE BLOCKADE Not Thought Likely Great Brit ain Will Recede, Even Tho All Neutrals Protest. Ixmdon, March 3. (According to what appears to be the almost unan imous opinion of observers here, Ger many and Austria are playing a los ing game along nearly all the eastern front. Tho situation of the Austrians in the Carpathians judging from of ficial dispatches from Petrograd ars unsatisfactory while the Russians have definitely swept them from east ern Galicla. Furthermore London an nounces continued victories for tho Russian forces in Poland operating against the army of Field Marshal Von Hendenuurg. The allies' fleet again bombarded the Dardenelles forts yesterday ac cording to Athens dispatches but the British press bureau has not con firmed this report. The attitude of the neutral powers over the proposal of Great Britain to cut off all sea traffic with Germany forms the basis of most of the poli tical comment published here today in England. The 'London papers thru their Washington correspondents have all been told the United States will protest vigorously and protests are expected from other countries as well. It is not thought Great Britain will receive even partially from her an nounced Intention. It is argued that Germany without domination of the sea and carrying on an effective blockade by submarines is quite nat urally willing to make concessions regarding her war zone In the return for Great Britain relaxing the pres sure designed to cut off her supplies. "The British view is that Oermany haB everything to gain and nothing tn lose. Nevertheless Great Britain is considering the American note and a reply to this communication together with details of the blockade of the German coast may be, forthcoming. FRENCH REPORT THEIR PROGRESS SATISFACTORY Paris, March 3. The official com. mutiication from the war office fol lows : There is nothing of importance to add today. In Champagne wo hold (he first line of German trenches from Perthes to the north of Reausejour, and at several points we have pro gressed beyond this line. ( Tho progress at various points re ported yesterday Is confirmed. There has been cannonading in the Argonne. On the rest of tho front there is nothing to report. SAM ROGERS IS GIVEN NOMINATION Washington, S. C, March 3. Samuel L. Rogers was noml- nated by President Wilson to- day as director of the census to succeed Wm. Harris, of Georgia who was confirmed by the sen- ate last night as a member of the new federal trade commis- sion. Mr. Rogers nomination was vent to the senate this aft- ernoon. . ARIZONA SOLONS WILL GO HACK TO SMOKING Plinnntv Arli . March 3. After go ing smokeless for most of the legisla tive session, tho house of representa tives of the Arizona legislature voted to rescind the antismoke resolution afld ,the members will burn tobacco during the eleven days remaining of the session. ' The action was taken over tne pro test and vote of Mrs. Rachel Barry, tha ana wnmu member of tho bouse. The senate members have been smok ing thruuout the session wun tno ap proval of Senator Frances Munds, the only woman senator. PRESS OF'lTALY IS OPPOSED TO BLOCKADE Jiome, March 3. The press of Italy la practically unanimous in declaring that Franco and England's blockade tactics will result' in harm to neutral nations. One newspaper urges neu tral nations to unite and demand their rights. v . ' v , EXPECTED TO GIVE BOOM TO RENO tinue their cross-continent trip the short distance necessary to reach the fair. - . ' , The organization of a fully equipped tnnrinir r-ar service between Reno and San Francisco In the Interest of VAvnria'n newcomers Is one of the nrolects contemplated. A company has town Ineorporated. , Picture Map of Dardanelles and Forts Destroyed by Allied Fleets f:-i ix' A V :V:' . ' . vvU,:-5 mr!mSm0 GOLD FROM. . Some of the forts in the Dardanelles which have withstood the claims of the powers of Europe and the effortB of Russia to break thru from the Black Sea to the waters of the Mediterran ean and the open seas of the world, have fallen at last. The allied fleets, IRIAN E DECLARED TO BE Rome, March 3. Emperor Francis Joseph is near a collapse, the tremen dous demands upon his strength btr lig too much for him, according to a dispatch from Vienna. Count Tlsza, after an hour's audience with the em peror yesterday, became greatly alarm ed when tha emperor closed his eye, dropped hta head and remained mo tionless. The minister, Buspecting the aged ruler was dying, hastily sum moned physicians. It was ascertain ed that the emperor had not fainted but bad fallen asleep from sheer ex haustion. The emperor now practically dozss throughout the day. lie mechanically signs papers, lacks energy and is com pletely disinterested in uffairs of state, hence lie is a mere figurehead. OF TRADE BOARD Washington, March 3. In executive session late last night the seuate con firmed the nominations of fiyir of the five members of the federal trade com mission, withholding confirmation only from George Rublee, Progressive, of New Hampshire. Republicans vigorously opposed Mr. Rublee,. and debate on his name con tinued after the others had been ap proved. Indications were that the ex ecutive session might last until tomor row. Tho four whose nominations wore confirmed are: Joseph K. Davles, of Wisconsin; Kdward N. Hurley, of Illi nois; W. J. Harris, of Georgia, Demo crats, and "W. II. Parry, of Seattle, Wash., Progressive-Republican. President Wilson toid callers today be expected to call an extra session of the senate after March 4, unless his nominations for the federal trade com mission were confirmed before ad journment. President Wilson, it was reported, had conveyed word to senate leaders that he wished the trade commission confirmed because ho did not desire to make recess appointments. CAROLINA RELIEF SHIP IS ASHORE Norfolk, Va., March 3. The British steamer St. Helena, from Charleston to Rotterdam with a cargo of food stuffs Is ashore mile and a half off the North Carolina coast according to news received here this morning. . Her csrgo was the gift of citizens of North and South Carolina and Georgia. FRENCH WOMEN UPHOLD - THE WORK OF FRANCE Paris, March 3. A committee of prominent women aided by Madame Poincare baa been organized to con duct a proganda in favor of France in neutral countries. US FAILING FOUR MEMBERS CONFIRMED made up of British and French war- ships, have smashed five of the forts near1 the entrance, and they are slow- ly making their way up toward tho Sea of Marmora and Constantinople, The Russians may send the Black Sea fleet down to meet them and thus clear out her, way to the Medlterran- BIG NAVAL BATTLE MAY OCCUR IN STRAITS Paris, March 3. Four battleships are reported by the Mntin's corres pondent to have .bombarded positions of the Turkish Army along the Gulf of Saros yesterday which Is separat ed from the Dardenneles by a pen insular. The bulk of the Ottoman bank and the German bank it is said have been taken lo Constantinople. An Athens dispatch says: -Information from reliublo sources is to the effect that Turkey now real izes the situation Is critical. Defenses are being thrown up hastily at differ ent places along tho coast. Troops rom Smyrna are being rushed to the region. NINE BATTLESHIPS TOOK PART YESTERDAY Athens, March 3. Nine battleships took part in yesterday's bombardment RESCUE OF VIRGINIA MINERS TO TAKE MANY DAYS IT IS FEARED Hlnton, West Va March 3. Res cue parties worked in relays thruout last night and today In a feverish ef fort to penetrate tho mines of tho Lay land Pocahontas Coal Company, where 182 miners wen; entombed by an ex plosion yestejKluy. Ten men had been brought out alive and nlno bodies found. Owing to the wrecked condition of the mine it niay BELGIAN WOMEN'S CAPS SEIZED; "TOO PATRIOTIC," SAYS GERMANS Berlin, March 3. -A special dh-0 patch received by the Tageblatt from Brussels Bays: The latest craae In millinery 'Bel gian soldiers' capi attained such great popularity that the German au thorities have had to confiscate the new style, of headgear from hundreds of women, and to forbid their further use for the time being. The soldiers' wives and sweethearts had discarded the flags and other national color adornments they formerly wore, and adopted the bats of cavalrymen anil carabineers, which tbey tilted at a rakish angle. "The fad threatened to create a public nuisance, as the wearing of thu hats by the women caused outburst:) of patriotic enthusiasm at every turn. The. women took the confiscation good naturedly, tlie milliners being WG on ly ones to grieve." CHARGES AGAINST JUDGE DAYTON ARE DROPPED Washington, March 3. The bouse sub-committee of the Judiciary ap pointed, to Investigate tho Impeach ment proceedings against . Federal Judge Dayton of West Virginia this afternoon voted 11 to 4 to drop the proceedings, altbo a minority report filed with the majority report stated that some actions of the Judge had apparentiy been '"repr ebensHile."- eait. The principal forts were at tho en trance of the straits. There is Hedll Ruhr on the Kuropenn side and Kum Kalvh on the Asiatic side. Further up the straits are the forts on the Kuro- pean side, and Kapes Kales, Kale 8ul tanic and Charak on the other side. OF DARDENELLES of tho forts in the Dardenelles. Blx of them were British and three wero French. They advanced within two miles of Duhnak at tho narrowest point In the straits. Detachments o( tho allies troops which were landed at Jiim Kaleh on the Asiatic side met the Turkish gar rison which was scattered easily. An Athena dispatch Tuesday said tho allied fleet had destroyed the bat teries at Chanak. AUSTRIAN FLEET LEAVES FOR 8CENE Geneva, March 3. A fleet of six Austro-German submarines accompan ied by several torpedo boats left i'olu. the Austria if naval base, for the Dur denellcs, according to tho Telegram. The fleet Is said to have been lust reported off Corfu. be days before the depths can be ex plored. Authorities are inquiring Into the catastrophe hut no coroners' Jury will bo empanelled. Despite (be cold largo crowds of relatives of the men waited all night nt tho entrance to the mine. As fast as bodies wero brought out they were taken to the morgue near by. Rela tives luter will be allowed lo view them. OKLAHOMA TOWNS END 9-YEAR FEUD gapulpa, Okla.. March 3. After nine yearn of community strife, dur ing which time it was unsafe for vihlt orn from either town to travel lo the other, Supulpa and Bristow, the two largest cities In tills section, have buried the hatchet. Rivalry will not down, however, but the rivalry now in force U the friendly kind. Beginning this week the two cities are agreed to a friendly tontcst known as a "clean-up race" not li cean-up or suns or lists, but iho modern clean up of the streets and lawns, the re moving of eye-sores and the generul brushing up which Is geting to be a charac terlbtic of the West. Ana on April ml the winner will be dined and wined by the defeated city, when the fiist cordial banquet of the rival cities will take place. The school chiliU'en, newspapers and commercial clubs are tetklng hold of the Idea and are glud tho long enmity it over. For many years revenge has been wrought back and forth, sometimes for fan cied wrongs :but now the spirit of the modern rivalry pervades and both cit ies ay they will be game losers if the other fellows piake n cleaner city. . .Now York, March 3. Tho first gold directly Imported from Uindon In many mouths arrived huro on the New York, consigned to Ooldiuati, Sachs & Co., and Kidder, Peubody Co. Wall si reel's interest was not so much In the amount 475(1,000 whloli Is small , s gold engagements go, but in the suggest Ion It conveyed that the Bank of England was willing to lul the motnl come to this country. Gold Inflow to be Light. Of today's arrivals $,"00,000 went to Goldman, Sachs &. Co. mid 4250,000 to .Kidder, Peabody & Co., both firms importing entirely on exchange trans actions which were believed to have boon made at tho recent low point of tho market. In the financial district they were wondering today Jvhelher additional sums would conraTin for eign exchange circles, however, the opinion was that tho gold movement from London direct was over for the present. Ottawa May Ship Metal, On iho other hand international bankers thought moro gold might ra- tiirn from Canada, where X,260,000 has been transferred to this city, Much speculation prevailed as to whether the gold was securod from the Bank of Kim I a ml or in the open market. It was probably guthered outside the bunk. That the gold should have returned' on an American steamer also caused comment. This will probably bo tho rase with future shipments so long as tho war zone Is lu effect. E IS TO START Raleigh, N. C, Marcli 3, March 22, I HI. "j, at. ID in the morning, the Carter. Abernethy probe will start In the House of Representatives. Tills, uccordlng to a report of the invnstir'iitinif committee made last iilghl, to the llousu of ItcpieaenU- iitos. The report was referred to Judt r iary No. I. .uihl what new angle this present), tti tho celebrated (use, no olio outside the charmed circle seems lo know, Tho Investigating committee spent nearly three hours tn executive sns- Ion yehttrdjy afternoon drawing up llio report. It seta forth that the investigation cannot properly be made during the remainder of Die sofwlon; that it would not bo Just or propc for them to discharge their duty superficially I that matters of Immoral conduct will first be Investigated; that all Infor mation touching this phase of the ln veRtigatlon In possens4on of the com. inlttoo by March 12 will bo furnish ed tho Interested parties. An Extra Session? It Is t,ald that tills action of the com mittee means an extra session m me legislature, for Irrespective of the outcome of the charge of immoral ity against Judge Carter, the con tempt proceedings will call for soma legislative notion, members ol tlic Assembly claim. It ): understood the investigating committee will devote what time Jt can to the matter between now and March 12, when ll information in'BMrm of lh-MnnilUe will be Riven the Interested 'parties. ' Judge Carter's attorneys last njght refused absolutely to make any com nient, on the commlttWs report. It is said they will issue a statement today. As they have, bowfcvcr, used every argument In their iwer to urge tht Investigating committee to tako mi mediate action, even' offering to waive certain legtil rights, It goes without saying tho committes's de cision can hardly be .pleasing to them. . LEGISLATE MARCH 22 MAY MEAN THE DEFEAT , OF THE ENTIRE MEASURE Crop Lien Bill That Would Pro hibit Mortgages on Live Stock Goes Over. Raleigh, March 3. Tho house of representatives this morning refused to concur in tho senate amendment to. tha anti-Jug bill calling for an election' in August to ratify the. act. Immediately both, the house and senate appointed conference commit tees to seek an adjustment of differ ence. Tha ' senate cominlltro con sists of Senators flash, Gtiilam and White; the house committee consists of Itepresenatlves Houghton. Kuro. Page, Thomas, Whttford and Battle. This Joint committee will undertake to reach an agreement and It Is believed probablo an entire new bitl will bo- offered with tlu expectation that this win cither be adopted or oil possi bility of legislation at this session abandoned. ... i Fish Bill passed. ' ' The liouio spent two hours Uila morning in an argument on the state wide fish commission bill, which Anal ly passed its reading by I'i to 61 on roll call. The senate set as a special order for Friday night the, rural raoe segre gation bill us endorsed iiy the farm era' union. , ' An agreement between the confer ence committees on the revenue bill was reported aud adoptod In both branches. This report is on the basis that tho senate recede from Its amend ment making the license lax on selling revolvers $50 Instead of )25 and both houses agreed to the amendment for funds for the enforcement of the reve nue and machinery act In the Senate, The senate called up tho Bewell In surance bill providing for a contingent basis of agents' compensation and It was tabled, Included among new bills In the sen ate wore: - By Gardner: Amend the law as to minority stockholders In corporations. By Johnson:' Extend the time for registration of veterinary surgeons. Among bills pissed by the senate was one to amend the license code of Oreonsboro and one to provide for special tax in Rowan county. There was laid before the t enuto the crop lien bill as endorsed by the farm ers' union but was forced over to an other day. , - ' i Mortgages on Llvtitook, An amendment was offered by Sena tor Htedman that would limit mort gages on horses and mules to 300 (or 1010; $250 for 1917; $200 tor ISIS and $160 for 1919, and provides that after 1920 there shall not be allowed any liens given on horses or mules. The bill as amendud went over to another day. y - Senator McMJchaul Introduced a bill to authorize Leaksvllle to Issue bonds. A bill passed the senate to amend the charter of tbe graded schools of North Wllkesboro. In Tha Mouse. Among bills introduced in the house wero : ....... By Kuro: Incorporate Iho . home mission board of tho Christian con ference. ; A bill passed tho house for relief of A. T. Grant, clerk of the court In Da vie county. FORSYTH COUNTY BILL PASSES THIRD READING Raleigh, March 3 The bill creating a now court for Forsyth county, with Ex-Judge Htorbuck as Judge, passed Its third reading In the house at 10:30 this morning'. Having already passed the senate, the bill now becomes ' a law. The first term of the court wilt bo hold April it. REMOVAL OF BLIND SCHOOL DISCUSSED Utaleigli, IMarcb 8The Collateral advantages of Raleigh outsldo of tho schooling received at the school for the blind her are superior to any other city in the state and far out weighed tbe consideration of dollars and cents, and tho building offered by Salisbury was 'unfit for a' school for the blind according to modern ideas, were the contentions made by those who advocated that the school for tbe blind should remain in Ra leigh. These points were made at a hear ing before the Joint .committees of the bouse and senate yesterday after noon In tho senate chamber.. . ' The delegation from Raleigh was headed by Judge J. Crawford Biggs, while a delegation of about 25 from Salisbury was beaded by Mayor vvooten. " A NEW RATES ON CORN ' . SHIPMENTS IN STATE Raleigh, N. C, March 3. Tbe cor-. poratlon commission announced today a new sceduln of freight mites fur the Hyde county section of North Caro lina over the boat line connecting with " the Norfolk Southern' and over the Norfolk Southern la the interior of tbe slate, by w hich reductions of ft to 10 cents .per hundred rounds on corn Is made. This is (or tbe purpose of giving an outlet ior about cr.i.OOO bushels of the 1914 corn crop of that Motion that haa heretofore ' shipped con to Germany. . i , : .