NTINEL ASSOCIATED PRtSS DISPATCHES 1 0 Pages 1 Section WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1915 o'clock Edition SINOt.K COPY. TWO OR.T8, UN TKAJNs). FIVK CENTS. 33rd Year TWIN CITY DAILYi ITALY STRIVING TO OBTAIN DESIRES BY DIPLOMATIC MEANS FSITANCY IN E! NTERING WAR IIS E XPLAINED .Meantime, Country Is Gaining yMXy Day in Militari st re..K;th. FAPKCTEI) IN JUNE herefore. It Is Reins Argued, There Is No Reason for Haste by Italy. i;..n.e. April ', i Via April 8.) Italy's In'simmy in entering Hie war in ofliciat circles as due a,. (a-1 that llic country s oi "-ii ,. ni.ikiii:: ri possible effort to oli II Mil . I the people desire thru diplo ,iiii i naiiti'-ls. II is pointed out that ,tii ; in:- it 1 1 is ;iwiiiiK every day military strength and resources by ,itputiing In r entrance into the war. Olinial reports I'toin Kuropo.ni capi tis .ire said lo agree Unit tlie supreme ash lii-l ween the allied and Austro . rm. in aria., s which seemed certain . take place In May will lie postponed ..til June or later. Therefore, it is :unl, t'aero is no reason why Italy luuld hasten her action. No attempt is nmilo to deny that a i.ir iisaiasl Austria would he popil- ll is pointed out that the Italian urn has heen niohili.i 1 wiuhod pi'o- st : to in Aiiana. the country threat ail 'Pais is taken to indicate tliat j'li-is "f Hi'- ilu.'l nion.ii-ciiy want to i-n lei-1 ilit ii s and may yet consent ' make 1,-rritorial cone essions that It- DDECIS10N ON DR NK QUESTION ho Solution of Problem Expect ed I'ntil Parliament Meets Next Week. ."iideii. Apnl s - pin. cabinet hav- l -i! tailed to roai;)i ,1 decision on the lie. i,n. stinn, no settlement is ex ''eil in, nl arliainent meets next ' k I lie iiupn ssion is growing that ' "oil niis, cut ronient itself witli "letiMit.. prohibitum the sale of eipir- ''unscrvalh,. laader A .1 Hnlfmir el .Wnin-ii llonar-l'w are believed ' ''ly lo have privately assented to il.M'-UT aclion mav l.o t:.l,m In 'li.itn the prohibition of strong i:'k atel ;wsiliiy wines and lessen- Lie Stn-aL'lil i, - Cri. it P.r.l-.in !' Ii iiowini; it. fnotstens of uia. uliiih before. tbr adoption of I'l'iniimion, look thH Btep. Kvcn ' prallilillion of the mile nf anlrlla 1m H hkclv lo . ...i... ,, ...m,f ,.. Kra.l.!c opposition. The inlluence of . ''an' !"Vori!iK abstinence Ir trmv. Its Ulcst r....rl.. i..i...,r ,v. , ' il.i-i.Hlt; i.iii- ' "t various cliiirelw.u x-hn li'im l:r"'l to abstain trom Honors .lnrliiir 'ar iixi-ition to i. prohibiiion move ; 's in sn,H d.vri'o seetlonal.Rlnee ''""I oti.-. imes pr capita three s a- urn h soii-it.. i.-..,i.....t l, .r "- '"""IIU. UIIll ,Hf ''Mm as inn. Ii s. i,... I c,... ,s'' i.Mii..n ininht ,,.r,.at the nVa8- :)t GERMANY MAY WAR ON HOLLAND London, April 8. Rumors are current In London this after noon that a declaration of war has been made between Ger many and Holland. No confirma tion of this report, however, is possible to obtain and In official circles the rumor is discredit ed. Messages from The Hague late this afternoon made no ref erence to any declaration of hos tilities and the minister of the Netherlands in London, while admitting he had heard the ru mors, had received no informa tion on the matter. That relations between Ger many and Holland are strained has been apparent for several days with this strain growing more tense with every hour. VILLA CLAIMS DECISIVE BLOW Gen. Obregon's Army Defeated Last Two Days in Central Mexico. Kl Paso, Texas, April 8. By the de feat of General Obregon's army in the last two days in Central Mexico, offi cials of the Villa faction declare to day at Jatircz that a decisive blow has been struck at the Carranza. cau3e. Reports to Villa headquarters said Oh. regon'a force was retreating south ward from a point midway between Quere-taro and Itrpuato. Villa person ally iu directing the SHWUt- Each stdo had from 20,000 to 25,000 men, according to reports. Carranza Agency Statement. Washington, April S. The Carran za, agency director today issued the following statement: Since yesterday morning a battle lias started at Ceylaya between forces of General Ohregon and those led b. Villa and I am just In receipt of a com munication from Ohregon advising me of the defeat of the enemy with a loss of over two thousand dead and wounded and a large number of prison ers. Ohregon is in pursuit of the c.i emy. The Villa agency says Carranza forces under General Jierrera had been routed at l.ampozos and retreat ed in disorder to N'euvo l.iredo where many officers and men were crossing to the American side. Villa troops, it was said, would attack Ncuvo Lare do within a week. - ARE TO CALL OUT TURKS FROM AGES 19 TO 40 Significance Seen in Concentration of Troops at Adrianpple EITEL GOES 1 1 1 11 - i - ADClANOt'lE. . IT.-? NAT1J13U AMD ACTlPiCIAL DEFENCES. A fttij 'li 1 1 :i I li hi of TiM'ki.sli trciops nt Adrianople. the ncarcl !niin- mit. 'i'url.isli ii.w n luilie i:ol;;a : l.i n I ivoiiutiuiuiry nieasui-e In Hie event of 'war w ith llul,:aria. In addilinn to this eom-eiiiratioii TurLey i- (. r.-.! orlii .rations. Adnanople i.; l.'li ndles from ( onsiaii! ilmi'le Mini b ;s a ':, ili in population of mic Iii.ik!. ary and stiatet'ie val.ie. The fiefcii. c.i inelu.le a cli:l!n of hiwc:IiiI f. :!-. wliieli h:r.i- ii-. i iiil ,,-ei, v .'.iai sii.il von dor (ioltz The v, est forts are Il.ishlik Ueilolilil, K;i: ai.:ie:'. I ; ,'-it. The south lull.- :i:e Ar ia lledoulit. Kaineacli l urt, .Mcrkes l et and lie fort, 1-cmLoui I- oft- Kcslaulil, l-'oit, Kuru Chczine fi.il, l'.a.sb I'aKi I o.i, 'Jam lei.lh r, Is liitci-ii--ti il In Sofia iih n 'I'urklsn g ftie .im es of .irlilleiy m Hie Adrlamiplo I llo i. ..lid. 'I be town and InrlieKM are of greut mill " t - i (I :i ml innili i niv.ed by ihe ( ioniums under field ''' A i. ' i l . i-:. ( l.ilalj.i r.nt. Ciiuir 'i'ei.e l-'.iit nod ll.lillllik ' I : t'Hs me K.-iyi.lik l-'oit, I'.i .!i Tn Ida 1-ort. Alvnn Itaba . h.;,;. ; .it. i;di luit, K.i.h foil, ToPjoIu lull, and KavUun Koit loss mm MEN DURING WA R m Financial Loss $8,100,000,0011. According to Figures Published. BOTH SIDES GLA SUCCESS M FIERCE CARPATHIAN BATTLE Rome, April 7 (Via Paris, April S.) Tho nations now at war lost .i,'.jjO,()i'C men in the first eight months of the conflict and spent $s,.imi,u0ii,ii.i in flu first six months, according lo figures prepared by the Avanti, a Socialist organ. The article declares the only result of (lie war will be a wearing out of the forces engaged and not a mflilnry vic tory. It is calculated that nine or ten months more will exhaust the re serve men and that the country that will suffer least will be Russia. 4 SAYS INSUFFICIENT TIME WAS GIVEN London, April 8. The Sul tan of Turkey today authorized his minister of war to call out all men capable of bearing arms but heretofore not liable for ser vice, from 19 to 40. The ministry also is given power to enroll for military ser- vice all immigrants for duration of the mobilization. -?. MEN CARRIED INTO PORT RY STEAMER New York, April 8. Seven men, cap tain and crew of the schooner Lizzie B. Wiley, which sailed April 1 from I Savannah for Pawnticket with lumber, j were brought into port today by the steamer Proteus from New Orleans, which rescued them from their water logged craft, 250 miles south of Cape Hatteras, on April fi. IMPOSSIBLE FOR ALL AMERICANS IN MEXICO TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY m Ai.e, ,ni". Tex. is. Anril l m... Utt r""l""!s f ,.vi. .., n), " " v ami i- " " "'"'"-' at the American a '"'''V " a message "a Ni-na i... . . . Ir.-fci , '"''n advising them i!.-.i, W ilson r warning to leave " '"uiiin.ins M., i ante sot- KPill!-,- Ian d u i ,:' M:1";' h '"is reply de it for .hem to leave.- !., ,!'"!, '' r'lfhi rs Hlioiil, leave rn "i.-r,, , . ," 10 r,Krat the late Mean, i h! I!,'lKian. :I r,1, Life Savings. ' fav,.1-.. lo leave Udiind l:h-,:,, ""T Inierests of a M a- .nt mi tin A I iiiani ...a . 1,11 in arriuu i., .i ... '" '"( as charges II i I. - e. ... u ex(H M ,.r ... ider,nge,,i:rf;e number Jiere and the demoralized con. dlllons of ptilrtlc order anil transpor tation. financial difficult ie are also ton great for the average family to leave again on a voytugo of thousands of miles. A Mexican peso also has dropped from a 0 cents American currency to lu cents during eight changes of su preme power at tho national capital since tho overthrow of Porlfirio Diaz in Mill. Cannot Abandon Trusts. Thou wind 9 of Americans and oilier foreigner scattered thriiout the coun try find It impossible to leave their all or to abandon positions of trust, th properties or business of owners in the United States or elsewhere. Duty compels them to remain. A committee Is said to bo on the way to Waiiliington to delicvur the re ply and confer with President Wilson. London, April 8. Information bureaus issue statements today detailing that the British steam- 4 er Falaba, sunk March 28 by a German submarine with a loss of over one hundred lives, was 5 not armed and insufficient time was given those aboard to es- cape. The submarine gave those on board five minutes to take to their boats and it was impossi- ble for everybody to have es- ' caped in that time. " 4 fttftS ENEMY DEFEATED Loudon, April X. The light m the Capnthi;.ns is proceeding bitterly and both sides claim sii -cei.ses. The Russians are lighting their way o. r four passes - J in!. -la, Lupkow, r.'.ok and Ko-t.K the last named being in their pos session. The Austri.-tis fceeni to have only . enough men in hold the Rusniii.is in ( heck ami are unable to ni..l,e a counter strike. Therefore their hope n. list .( -error on the (id mans w ho may for e hack the Russians as they did when the invaders had reached farther into Hungary than they have gained this time. (In that occaidon an Auslroiieriu in force attacked the Russian Hank in Hie country south of Crmow and threa'eneil its linen f coio intmic ation. A similar movement might he. ".it. einpted now, but the chances would not be as great as before, for the Russians are heav ily elil n IK bed now . Ill the v.e:t tin l-'reneli are ham mi ring away at the Genu. in weda;,' Mending to Sr. Mihiel. The d r m.uis el. inn to be i necking these assiiiill.:, b it the freiicii il. dare tin ir alliance .n steady tho slow. 'i lie allies Me celebrating King Alia i f m bin Inlay I '.day. The day also marked the seveiilh aiiiii.er .i: of Air. A: 'I'lith's pieiiuetj.il i. Within a lew dais .Mr. A:aiiith's lei III nl' ollil e will have i M ceiled that of laud Salisbury, giiiuc. him lite i curd for cunt iiiuoiis imuui beu. y s'iii e the refoi ill a' t was adopted. Petrograd Claims Success. Pi tioltr. id, April S: 'f- adiaiK e nl tin- Russians, in the ( 'arp.it hiati i has ' nt the Ausl i iau ,n any, under Gelieial lloellileh ill ti pllices. 'I be i-ieleni iviiig Is in a pierari lOls posit lull. The Russians have laptur.-d .M.isollnsl.. neir L-.pl.o'.i ,'ass. AUSTRIA-RUSSIA PEACE POSSIBLE Vienna Correspondent Indicates a Chance of "Dramatic Surprise." Turin, Italy, April H. The Gazette Del popolo de. hircH reports that Auk Ilia . lit . in j il it ieai-e with RilKsia tn .h i. ml herself agtiliist Italy are not o visionary as Vienna Indicates. The paper s Vienna, corn upon. lent prof. sue., tn have securml reliable In in; iiialh n limit Austria already bus op. ned semi ollleml pourparleri) with I no powers of the triple entente and he believes a "dramatic surprise" pos- ..lllle. SAYS AN P lndon, April S Tp.e Belgian lega tion has received this telegram: "The western side of the Yser canal in the direction of Drel Grnch'en has been freel of the enemy by Belgian Iroops. Tho Germans fled in disor der. "Today passed quietly. The hostile artillery showed very little activity." List of British Casualties. London, April 8. To yesterday's big list of British camaltlcs to the rank and file at Neuvo Chappelle was added today another list which contains the names of i.ios men. Of theHe 34'1 were killed and the remainder wound ed. The casualty lift yesterday carried the names of 1.S114 men of seventy regiments. Of these fil'j were killed. l.lu" wounded and the rest missing The total for the two days shows 9!I3 killed and l.Kii'.t wounded and 87 miss ing. Altogether the list allows casu alties amounting 2,!ial in killed, wounded and missing. The list evidently covers all the flghtiiiB which occurred at the scene lust. month. MUDDY CREEK MYSTERY MAY BE SOLVED; WOMAN CHARGED WITH MURDER TURKISH VISIT TO ROME CAUSES T TO NOHFOLK NAVY YARD Details of (utiiihu Cruiser' In tendment Are Worked Out at Conference. MM .Sheriff flynt and Chief of Police Thomas this afternoon placed Mrs. Ida Warren In jail charged with the mur der of her husband, J. (!. Warren, In this city last August. The officers believe thr.t the evidence lijjon which the warrant has been issued solve the mystery, which has surrounded the they r. mail identical Willi the condition of il.e liohe,, oi the dead num. , Warren disappeared from the city null' a dais before the body WJ-.I fooa'd in the creek. Nn one suspee'--' ed iinithia until some weeks uftJ ! his di -appearani e. when tne rallro.ilj an' in, i !' I .iitan tiieed liiat there witsl 1 i in i. In r at ill- li at otli' await'.ti i l.i.- .in... :'.imI nn in tnrutat ina finding of tile body of a dead man in j (.()t, a; i0 iH' wher- Muddy Creek, near the Southern rail- ,,,, v,,-,ri.n wa. em ployed by the road bridge, last August. The hear- N A. xv raiu.,. ceiplxl with this ing of the case lias been set for next ,,',. n.ti , r...iM wim viewed th Wednesday morning in the municipal iy v. hi,., i' was h.'iu,' lield ,u rn"rt- Itlie iiiidertitkii-i: eitablishnient of Vog. The police department and Kiierii'f j( r A. ,-i lar-d t,,at it u rv do e- flynt have been working on the eas" v r,.H,.i,, d t ,m ..f Warren. The n loiuiuiiaiiy s.iiee ine uouy was loum:. peer- taklt. tM, as a lead, turned even !nlie In l ea! Ritne. April x CarasHit lOssenill and Mldhat It. i. the lirst n member nf the Turkish cb.-iiiili. r of deputies ami the olber fnrmeecielary of the Turk ish i oininillee of tl ii ioti end progress, are In Rome. 'I hey deny having any special mis don. but It Is recalled they aiiieareil here on the eve of I be nego- I tint ions lending to peace between It aly and Turkey. The two Turks o.preKs conlhleii. e that the Dardaie II.-4 will nut be forc ed. 12 ARE KILLED, IX WOl'NDED 15V DOMMS Paris, April H ---Twelve women and ( liildi-en were killed and 48 others hurl by bombs dropped by Austrian avia tors In the market place at Podgor llza, Montenegro, yesterday afternoon, according lo a t etilnje dispatch to the tlavas agi n. v .Main- buildings were dest roved, si yen of the h.iliibH being dropped. Many of the Rritish Merchant Vessels Are Now Leav ing Port. Newport News, Vu , April S. -Details of the German cruiser's liiternement were worked out ut a conference varly today between Admiral fleleher, com niaiiiler lu chief of the Atlantic fleet. Rear Admiral Helm, or the battleship Alabama, Adiiiiral lle.it ty, romuuind a ii t of the Norfolk navy yard, and Col lector of the Port Hamilton. The decision of the commander to' Interne followed receipt by him of an Imperative notice from the United Status government last night that tho time for his slay would expire at mid night. Had he not asked to Interne his ship the captain would have been compelled In do so or depart not later than 4 a. in. today. On board the Prlnas Kltol today which up to the hist moment had ap peared to be ready for a dash to sea. Captain Thlerlcliens and his men seemed to be gloomy. Many British merchant vessels are leaving port today an the result of the Internemetit of the German raider which operated to lift the American embargo against commerce ships of the allied Kurupean countries. With the taking of the K.llel to the Norfolk navy yard today the breech locks of her guns will be' removed. The Kitel had heen laid up here since March 10. when slid limped into port after a remarkable raiding voyage. Reply By Collector. Knrly In Ihe day Collector Hamilton sent to the commander the following reply lo his letter of Inst night re garding the Internemetit of the ship; Commander: H M S. Prlnz Kltel Krledrlch, Sir; I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April -7 Informing me of your Intention of Interning the Prlliz Kltel ii 1 1 ii your expectation of my government's further orders. These orders will come li you short ly thru the Culled Slates navy. Willi renewed assurances of my best consideration. I Signed ) Norman R. Hamilton. Collector. Asks For Instructions. After the (onference of officials Ad miral Helm asked for Instructions from the navy department at Wimliliig ton as lo details of Inleineinent prjti cedure. These plans will be formu lated at Washington The enniiiiaiiiler of Hie Gorman ship turned over to the naval authorities three men he was holding on his ship who hiiil applied for enlistment. The officers of the inival patrol on (he James river planned in send (hem here to the customs authorities this afternoon . Orders From Secretary Daniels. Washington, April N - Secretary Daniels today gave formal orders to Rear Admiral Realty, commanding- the Norfolk navy yard, to Ukn the Ger man ship lo the navy yard for Interne llient. Admiral Realty will deternilnu as to what extent the ship will lie dismant led but it Is not thought that more will be done than to remove the breech locks from her guns and detach the connecting rods of her engines. At first nfrlc.TK and men will prob ably be given the freedom Of Norfolk and later the officers given practical ly unrestricted liberty. It has always been customary to extend rather than curtail the liberty of Internsd belligerents. P, CHATHAM ! Wl If III and little by little they think tbei have woven a chain of evidence, a part of which, tho circumstantial, ie thought by' them sufficient to prove that the body was that of the bus band of the woman. Bcdy Exhumed. ' Sheriff I'lynt and Chief Thomas ex humed the body of the. dead man Wed nesday afternoon, taking with them t'. Warren. (: without re.'. iit Mrs Warren was ask ed as to li,- .i heri-aleeiH and she dl dared that be had left sometime Ir, August to v'sit his in niier lu Alabama, but the place or residence of tin- par ent could not be learned It Is said the olli. er . from time to time (uc.ti,,iie .I In r about lo r lolss ing husband and so.' insisted that she mi S.IICI- In- left, t he w.nilil v. rite tne graveyard close associates of 1.1..1 1 r.t imr Warren's. After a minute exatnina- i,,. Imving told In r t Hon of Ihe remains they were able ien lie landed, and laiun-d not to 10 meniiiy tne nouy as that of their ,;,v., ,.rned the pnstolli iiilshiiik irieini, auu iney are very pos itive In their statement. They were aware 01 several marks on his bod v. Including deformities of bones, whie'i Tb next t!i. ng coming to the nur face was the fact that the wobian had (Continued on pat; Nme.) WINSTON-SALEM THE PLACE Clean up would include paint up. There is always a demand for fresh paint. Evrry cty looks better, cleaner after the paint brush has been used freely. P.-iirt rot only adds to the ap pearance but to the cleanliness of the premises and s clean-up cam paign always includes paint. The free US'! of the paint brush, lh! whitewash brush, goes- a long way towards the appearance of a fly. Winiton Salem wants to put on her best behavior and appearance w,tii the coming spring. We can ,-ii!d much to the attractiveness of our city. We can attract people to us and m.ike more lasting friends by keepirg Winston-Salem always attractive. Trade in Winston Salem. MEMBER THE OMMI I N Raleigh, April S Governor CralK issued today com miss ions to members of special commission for revision of court proceedure and formulation of l uniform system nf Inferior courts, tills 1 commission being provided for by a special act of the recent legislature. j They tire Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the Supreme court; Judge W. J. "Adams, of the Superior court; Judge Itynuin. of Guilford; Hon. L. V. lias sett, of Kdgecoinbe, and Hon. II. U. Chatham, of Winston Salem. ' The commission will make Its re- ' Kiit and recommendations to the gov ernor before January 1, I PI 7, and the j governor Is to transmit them; findings and recommendations to the next gen eral assembly.

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