TWIN CITY DAILY SENTINEL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1915 20 Pages 3 Sections 4 o'clock Edition price fivtc cunt 33rd Year IM STEAMER SUNK j GERMAN SUBMARINE; MANS HARD PRESSED TWO MEN ARRESTED ON MURDER CHARGES WITH MRS. WARREN The Capture of German Jroops at Neuve Chapelle IIP SENT 10 i i .. uvptl After in ami " in Hours -of Helpless Drifting. LciITKVIM; TOTAKh kllHIKI. 1 OKT11 K ATION KtiirdinK Peace He len Austria anti iiussia (irowinu Greater. Utreport, France. April iu French three masteu snip, teaubriant from London tor York with a cargo or cnaiK sunk by a Gcman subma- off the Isle of Wight at 1 1 Thursday. The crew was pt. Crondin and nis crew men iv."C nun mn- launci tne.r bents. At- ar.J thai nigm in withojt food the crew ted the French coast yes- lay and landed safely be Chateautiriant, tvzy tons London April 4. FE-MASTED 01 QUICKLY E) (CITEMENTTODAY IN STOCK MARKE T AS PRICES SOAR Cotton Up a Dollar a Hale Over Yesterday With New Hiffh Record. NOW WORTH $15 A RALE MORE THAN IN WINTER Wildest Scenes This Morning on Stock Exchange Since Mem orable Year 1909. c NOTED SCULPTOR IS WERE IMPLICATED GEKMftN PRISONCU8 h;klVlNO iH LANCASHIRE AFTEsl THE ATTACK ON NEUVE. CHftPf.LL6 KILLED IN AUTO IT IN STATEMENTS ACCIDEh IDE YESTERDAY station to New York, April H. Cotton went up a dollar a hale in nn active anil excited market in the first hour of trading today. Top figures touched $2."0 a hale ahove the low level of , yesterday morning anil a new high I record was made for the year. Values,' today soared to $15 a hale more than j the Ion- prices of last December. An J avalanche of buying orders swept the! I market. Wall street anil commission. ri,,. ,-,,n,...iitrnti,m c.-iini) fur ficrmaii prisoners at Hnndfortli. Kaiglund, U linked up with the rnlinuy l,v Lalf a mile of country roadway, which dips down between I lie fields to the sheltered alley where the vast build ii,.w ,,f Hi., (.nun iro situated Alomr this road recently marched i',oo German soldier ,1., tiw. ii,.i.- ,,,, vnv flmiielln. Thev suffered no hiiuilliiilioii, aifd only n few in pu-iiii farms bordering the toad watched them march past, wunt struck one most tnrciiuj fitness iiiiil we'l clad appearance of the prisoners. A few of the prisoners inilit be a light, strong step at the end of u long day's journey. Others were perhaps n withverv few ex eplinn. lisplaye'd the full vigor of youlii. Several wen ho er ' i apl un illlKlllillllllS of was the 1 excel d in t!ie I rem he tin lott.'iues mi,! si ii nl.i iver forty t more Hi. in slnokill i ig.iretles. I m t they lea relied ill) eighteen, hut they. too. and liiwanl the end of the column one of the older men found manifest bolaci; in a Pig ( pipe houses bought heavily. SWISS NEWSPAPERS WILSON GIRLS WON A.irii I" t 111,' :ie ( I t!lf I' re I'lMSri'S: I.Ti'.-Slire in;,!, i lhr,'a:er i, III vVuvei Umiii un th idle ,-,l hv Tiie r'rench with Kpares have oh in;ii:i olijei'ts of ca-l.iard of Ver il.iaiiaaies the c a:ul its oecup.i ;s aiiiuiiini'ed o!' jmi Verdun hringis ilertnans hold tiie :;int:herii tin Frencii ad- : iw ( :i 1 '. -aAloiisson and field fv;,i-nt tin; hi i er ; i ij n.s. I i, n in' this mans are They nae points. I i,t- French are in capture St. hiis been a dan-eil-ie as driven ill..- hat at the i aid Russia hv 1 of Herman o: I lie aard press rinaii lorces in the Nw York, April lu. Scenes of wild excitement attended renewal of op orations at the stock exchange today. The trading floor was crowded with members and the galleries were lined with spectators, many of them women In gay attire. Overnight buying ord ers and a further stampede Of the. short interests lifted prices thruout the list, gains extending from one to three points in speculative paper and specialties. Tiie first hour saw more than half a million shares change hands, break ing all records since 1WK, the year of the great speculative boom. Vnited States steel, leader of yesterday's spectacular movement again was the chief feature, 117,110(1 shares of this stock clninging hands during the first hour. hi: A : .,r,c IH e I re;i-, 'ri.i i about to la.-e grows in I he.-e are ac- ee- Mat Italy 's :,e,i.-;iiie.--i over IE HEAR NEWS FROM THE FRON T (Jrnevn. April in. abandoned the idea of fresh ofiensive against will remain strictly on Austria has launching a Servla and the defensive mencan Cotlon run.. I Destroyed. tho.isaii'i ' 'i al)oar,l the. were destroy er here ye.ster icaleil at $JIIII, aiiil troops were ' Uanie.- hel'ore Killed in A ;ir. I ' '' :r..:i, p, ''ie i,i.r;n -re k,l!e, ' r,i i n cirri Til. Accident. ' V si'tni-oflicial !',id announces 'Hii its of hiKh many injured i'ie staff of an 'I in Poland. RAI. I KAta K OPENS I 01 It CITIES TODAY WH lu. -The federal "'ill ''tubs L'ot into ,.lln ' "" ',ll , , ..f .1.- ' ' "i, e oi llio HI tile lli.Tli ;ill nn.l V... 1 L'; s iii Chicago, 1 'Ii' and lirooklvn '- us follows: St. I'n i -luirgh at Kan '" Haltiniore; Huf- e.n; H t". K.m. I - H III illll,. II I'hiiano. y- N".nk ""! ii. RESERVE BANK SHOWS A RETURN OF CONFIDENCE Richmond. Va April 111 The Itich- i mond regional bank .discounts tn.s week ending April 7 ainnuuffcil to $S1I" -7u7.1'i, reducing its gold reserve to (in per cent. Hank officers report rising confidence in this region that will show an even better record next week. LEAF SALES ON STATE MARKETS IN MARCH Raleigh. April in l,eaf tobacco sales during March reported to state department of agriculture by L'l! mark ets or the state aggregated 1,720,4-10 pounds lirst liaml for farmers and 2, 227.3HO including resales for dealers. Winston-Salem led with 4-l.23 pounds for growers and 723.500 includ-ing-esales for dealers. Reidville was second with 2Sll,till!. Total sales. Madison sold 17,298; Mount Airy, 8. PSO; Walnut Cove, m.S'.i'.i pounds. IT A LI A NM ASS M E ETI N fiS TO HE HELD ON SUNDAY Home, April HI, Moth the parties' which favor Italy's intervention and those who favors neutrality have made plans to hold mass meetings Sunday hut the police have forbidden such gatherings. Leaders insist the meet ings will he held either privately or in public squares. . The authorities already arranging measures to prevent disorder. PRESI DENT DECLLN ES TO ATTEND MEETING Washington. Apiil 10. - President Wilson has declined an ii vitntion to attend Iho waterways mci ting at l.a Salle, III. MAD PRESIDENT SUGGESTS A NEW MEMBER OF PRESIDENT'S CABINET ;',!' ' V,: '' '" The es !' " '" '' ritiieiii of trans-. , ' " " ' ''' ",,r f trans . ' ' tueinher of I., , '' ' i'dvoca-.-,-, ' V "",' ;. iT.-si,,.nl of tnt! ., . " v '' I'eii ,,nd llnrtrord 1':;ii; here before -. ," ' ":a "":'' ' and the : , ',r.' ,,'"'"r'1 I'oiinectlcut ';!!R'; Trouble., ..a.V "': ,''""" "' "' Amer . - "' l'ar,i'' ho i., , ' , "n l-art of the s'oe time to r";";'!ilioii, thin' l;i'WiM!ile con-.ll- " " tile of result.) ""n t;, 'I l,v nlimmt i :c ,,... i ii-,; Hi lie Ijr It Is to tho in order to send an additional army to the Italian frontier. Papers say it was decided at Vienna to sound Rus sia on the subject of peace terms but that It is impossible to learn the re sult. The Russians made Important cap ture of war munitions in the recent Carpathians fighting according to dis patches to Swiss newspapers. In the county of Saros alone tney took two batteries of 12 inch motors, our other batteries, 20 miick lirerg and 1,2(10 shells for the 12 inch guns. COMMANDER DENIES ANY DEFECT IN LOST F-4 Honolulu. April 10. d.ient. Charles K. Smith, commander (jf the subma rine flotilla here, referring today to statements thai the lost submarine K-l was unlit when she made her hist cruise, says: "If there wag anything wrong on the K-4 nobody knew of If.." A new motor, he said, was recently installed on the l'-4 because of an accident to the old motor. A recent explosion on the F-4 was not caused by any defect, he said, be cause when the vessel was blowing out and charging simultaneously n screw driver caused a short circuit and an explosion followed. HUNGARIAN PRINCE SAYS WAS CHASED 1JY GERMANS New York, April in. Officers of Ihe steamer Hungarian I'rlnce which readied here today from Shleldx salil the steamer was pursued February 24 by a Herman submarine off Deadly Head on their homeward passage from Hahuir Hlacha lor Ixjndon. The weather was rough and the vessel put on full steam and outdistanced the submarine which chased it for some distance. WANTS TO KNOW HOW PRISONERS ARE FARING Berlin, April lu. iennany Is try ing to learn thru the American em bassy whether the crews of the Ger man sulnnanncji held prisoners by the Kngllsh are receiving the sanit treatment as other prisoners of war. It has been reported that they are nut being so treated. If this Is found to be true the l.okul Anzelger de mands retailialion. j ARCTIC ' EXPLORERSSAFE; ACCORDING TO LETTERS Sioux City. Iowa, April 10. The Southern party of the Canadian Arc tic expedition is safe according to letters received by Mrs. R. .M. Ander son from her husband lr. Rudolph M. Anderson. The letters were written from llerschcl Island. Sept' mber 111, Hill. STATE DEBATE OF THE HI H SCHOOLS Winston-Salem Failed to Pull Thru the Second Prelimi nary Yesterday. PEAC E IN EAST BY MAY. THINKS ONE NOTED GERMAN El GREAT ENTHUSIASM WAS MANIFESTED IN FINALS Marine Subsidy Was the Subject Handled So Ably by Girl Team From Wilson. public Interest to apply the so-calle 1 anti-trust law to the transportation business. "Well-organized, prudently man ! MILLION DOLLAR PLANT aged and wisely regulated combina j TO STUDY NEW DISEASES tions of railroads may In the long I run produce greater efficiency and! Princeton, N. .1. April 10. The service to the public than excedslvej Rockefeller foundation announces to competition, with the resulting dupll- day It would soon begin work on a cation of facilities and Increased ex-'new plant here fur the study of am- Ipensns. mill diseases. Ihe ground anil imllil- "I believe It would be well to havjnigs will cost one million dollars, a department of transportation, with a; - .. secretary of transportation at the head KUl AI.IM INtn.M AI6K IS of It. who should he a member of th SUSPENDED SECOND TIME cabinet. Such a man would of neces-l slty have to champion somewhat the! f'arjs, April 10 -The Royalist news rights and privileges of the transnor j paper Ubre I'arole has len suspend- tatlon business, such as the Secretar- j erf for 4H hours ror punilshlng news les of the Treasury. Commerce and . not approved by the cenxors. This is Labor speak for their particular sub-, the second time the paper has been Jecta." suspended- Chapel Hill, Aug. in. Misses l-ulla Fleming t,nd Ktlu l Cirdm.r, Hi and IT yeats old, rescctively, heaped un diing glory on Cue Wilson high S' hool and inscribed iluir names upon the Aycock Memorial Cup us the champi ons of 1 1 1 5 in the High School Debat ing l uion of North Carolina. The linal triumphant vlitmy iu the mammoth contetrt was won from Slalsllle bign school, represented by Stewart Cottlcs and Cowles liristol. Tae winning team championed the negative side of the nuery: "Resolved. That the 1'niteil Stales should udol l the policy of sui' siilizing its nierihant marine engaged In foreign trade. The third annual debate .was held in Memorial Hall, attended h "J.iiou lisilors, snliool rim Spats, Mildinls and inciiibeiK of tiie ('Diversity lac ulty. Concentrated and vitalising in terest from III North Carolina conn ties, 2" high schools and InU n rte l audiences of r.u.oun citizens of tin ('onimunweuMh centered on the liuai outcome of he comprehensive Mnte vvule debate. The winncrw triumpheil over '.i!is other dcbaiers in Itl counties and over 250 kcIioo,h. The winning dil,te of (lie cham pionship sericH v. Iiin.i had Us origin nack in Mnrr.ii In the i relimfnarles held over the state began at S o'clock last night. President Kdwartl K. (ra ham presided over the finals and 1. R. Rankin was see ret..ry. The presen tation of the Ayiock cup was made by C. K'. Mclnli.hii. of the, Stale lie partment of Kdu alion. The Judges of the contest wen- Prof. II. II. Wil liams. j. P. McCehee, W. S. Heinanl and K. A. Oreelaw and V. P. Gra ham i The. jtldgen rendered a unaniimais ! decision in favor of the Wilson debat-j. ers. The Winwon-Sulein team tried hard I . to win the second preliminary and I SKike splendidly. They took their de-1 . teat gracefully, and altho greatly dls ! appointed In their failure to retain the' cup they won last year, they congrat ulated the winners with (he statement that WiriHton-Sulem would try Just u hard next year. SEPARATE PEACE IS- GROWING IN San Francisco, April 10 "Advices which I am receiving here convinced me that before May 1. Russia and (iermany will have concluded an arm istice," declared Dr. Ilugn l.leber, of New York city, acting president of the commission for German, participa tion ut the p; rsmii exposition, and famous radium expert. Influencea for Peace. "Influences for peace between (lei many and Russia have been at work for a considerable time," the dis tinguished German und business man continued, "and one of the ardent ad mates for a movement of this kind was the Russian statesman, 8er gius Wltte. "There Is no truth in Iho fanciful cablegrams arriving here via London that Austria Is asking for peace." STRIKE OF DOCK WORKERS IN LONDON IS HROKEN New York, April 10 - Karl Theodore Francis Hitter, chief of the depart merit of structure or the Panama Pa cific exposition and one of the best known American sculptors died here today from Injuries received when he und his wire were run down last night by an automobile on Hroadway. Mr. Hitter was a native of Vienna, came to America lu ISSli and made his -home in this citv. He was 47 vents old. SOFT DRINKS NOW SOLD IN ENGLISH SALOONS London, April In. Tea. colTee and souft are now off trod in t lit oidlnuiy i barroom in Kuglund. and many of the saloons keep open long u(U r the 1 hours when the sale of alcoholic II jipiors is forbidden, offering Ihelr pftl j rolls "soft" drinks of varolii kinds, j but mostly these three faiorbs, tea, I t offee and soup. ! It is generally predicted that the I Kngllsh "public house" of tiie future !wlll bear u (loser resemblance, lo lh j continental cafe In its provision of refreshment counters which will su persede, the bar. , I The suloim keeper in many places jlinds that by providing this character l of refreshment ho Is utile to uraw a i i onsidcruble Hinount of trsulo fouii the Ii" tip restaurant and tea room, tunny men regarding Uic u,!immplii'ie of the I saloon as more "clubbable" limit the I more formal und pretentious rest'iu ! rant. Moreover, beer, wilh the added j war duty, has become somewhat ex ' pensive for the working man, wji" llnils that n Mit of tea. with unlimited 'puiulities of hot winter for dilution, ' serves about the s.unt: purpose to the Inner man aa twice or the ! same money's wortih of beer or spirit . I NEGR0l)l:SPERAI)6SH0T i TO DEATH IN A SWAMP Plnwood, SC., April to. -Joi I Green, a negro desperado, waa shot to dentil by a posse tmlay after lie had been Herd in u swamp hy liloo.llioumls. He berlously wounded .1. ('. Hoiiblus, state m nltenlliiry guard, iu an encounter with his pursuers. Green was wanted on a charge ol robbery. He was c hased Ihe swamp lust night. He wss armed with n shot gun and two pistols utul nore a steel breusl plate. II. London, April I". Formation of ,t dockets' battalion, collided with the threat of Ihe union to suspend th. strikers, had tin- effect at Hirketihead' today Tile week end strike of dock . ers collapsed. j After refusing for six weeks 'o work overtime or on Saturdays l he I men have given in and the entire! body Is helping today to relieve tiie: freight coin1' si ion IT SOUTHERN TO SOON RAI E RATE ON T WILSON SENDS HIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO ALI5ERT Washington, April 10. Illrthday greetings lo King Albert of Belgium iiete sent by cable to Havre yeste rday by I'nsi, leiil Wilson In the following I message : Li t me extend on this occasion of 'tin ; iiiuvcisari of your majesty's bit Hi (. reelings of friendship and good ! Mill. WOODKOW WILSON." U ASK A WILL VOTE ON PROHIBITION (H'KSTION j Juneau, Alaska, Apr,! I "-The Alas 1 kVn senate yesterday passed a bill I n-,il, milting the prohibition (iiestlon lo tile voter.- lit. Hie November, IHI'1 j election. Washington. April H. Lincoln Green, freight traffic manager of the Southern Railway announced todav that his road proposed to Increunu rules five per cent hy the new Cuts Ins amendment lo the rute law ef fective June 1!, The Increase will be, nine effective October I and will affect both cl-uss I and commodity. Kxemptloti will be mad" In some cases. R. II. Scott, general attorney oi the Ihirllligton, speaking for the we-e tern roads said he would nut say .in Increase of 10 per cent was Justinf' but did think the roads wo oil be sub jec ted to severe Injury by Ihe Cum mins law and wiine Increan; jthould be allowed. P. Christy and Clifford Stone street Are Held in Jail As Accomplices. ONE ARRESTED HERE; OTHER IN TEXAS TOWN Ollicers Relieve They Are Rapid ly Weaving a Strong Chain of Evidence. S. P. Christy, the man of mystery," the alleged principal In the murder of J. (J. Warren. I languishing In Jitil at Grand Saline, Texas, the irreit having been made by the town constabl. In i espouse to a telegram received from Chief Tbomim, conveying the luformu tion that Christy was wanted hf re on a charge of murder. The ricsmm was seta immcdlulcy following the Identi fication of the body taken from Mud dy creek In a decomposed condition In August as that of Warren, Menage were sent to officials of aevural towua and cities thruout tho WW, where It was know that he had lived In former years, and where it waa thought that he might be watting forth mystery to le forgotten. Another Arrett, The third person directly Implicat ed iu the rase, Clifford 8tontsLrt,wa arriited hurt, night. Sloneatrl la son In-law of Mra. J. O. Warren, and while he may not have taken an act ive part lu the tuklng of Uie life of nis stop-father-in-law, he l directly charged with aiding ami abetting the crime hy concerning Information which would have led to the yrosectution of the guilty person or perorlB. (Uoiw sirect bus been living with, hla wlfi at the Piedmont Hoarding House, hold ing the position of collector for Ihe Piedmont Furniture Company. Some dais ago the officers hud In formation that Htnnnritrrpt was wear, lug Warren's waU-h, but when aeaxch was made tho watch could not be found. Following Ihe trrixtt of Mrs. Warren, Chief Thomas and Sheriff Flynt went to eo Stonestn-et at his room and demanded that he produce the watch. Thla he Immediately did. Ho was not arrested until last nil. lit because the officers were awaiting further development. Ktoncstrectt has been under the eyes of thn officer for some, time. Christy Native of Iredell. Christy, who is believed to have fol lowed Mrs. Wurrrn ard her husband to this city from Texas, prompted by jealousy, which so preyed upon hla mind us to cause him to deliberately plan, and probably with others, to take Hie life of the husband of hM former friend, 1st a natlt of Iredell county. IIIh people live tiir Trootman, about ii n miles rrom siaiesvine It w as several years ago that Christy became a section lianil on the Wlu- Mon Salem and Mooreavilln branch of the Southern. He moved hii wife and children to Cleinmotis, where they re sided for some time. HI work took Christy In the neighborhood of the Hall home, and there he met Ida Hall, now Mrs. ,1. G. Warren. They became !l, Initialed olid decided to elope. Chris ty deserted hi family and with tho woman went West. They drifted to Texas, w hero they lived for some time at Grand Saline. In the meantime, Mrs. Christy secured a divorce, and baa (Continued on page five.) FAVOR Milan, April lo. A special dispatch from Petrograd says the reports heard In the Russian capital of nego tiations for a separate peace In Aus tria aro based on the supposition that Gallcla and probably some other ter ritory would be exchanged with Russia for guarantees of tho preservation of Austrian Integritv In the Transylvan ia n provinces. Sentiment In Xavor of separate peace with Austria Is said to be growing. SACRIFICES DIVING TITLE TO AID HIS FATHERLAND Chicago, April 10. Instead of defending hn title as National A. A. U. indoor diving cham pion Conrad Wohlfeld, of the Illinois Athletic club, it fighting for hit native land a a lieuten ant in a German regiment. Wohlfeld left during the winter for Germany, and Coach Bach rach, of the I. A. C. swimming squad, sai dtoday Wohlfeld had written him some of his experi ences with the army. Wohlfeld won the indoor championship at New York last May and the outdoor meet in Chicago last September. In ad dition, he won the Olympic div ing championship at Stockholm in 1912. .BIG SPY CENTER IN THIS COUNTRY DECLARE OFFICIALS OVER IN ENGLAND CARRANZA AND VILLA IN RIG SOUTHERN BATTLE On Hoard 1'. S. Ship Colorado. Muz atlln, April 10. A battle between Car rana and Villa forces has been rag ing for two days at Lamuerlla Sins lao, south of Mnitatalan. The Car ranza men are said to have taken the Offensive. ; New York. April In. lndon ra-1 ' l hie to the Sun says J The story of Hie arrest and up , I proiu hlng Irlal of Anton Kuepferle, a naturalized German American citien jwho lived in llrooklyn, on a diargc 'of high treason. as discussed lor the first, time i The arrest occurred some weeks ago on the eve of K uepfei le s Intended i departure foi lb" continent, but the Iracl of his arr.-il und the various 'hearings before a police magistrate hllle been kept secret Oil ai ' oulll of ,thc extreme impiitlatin- to ihe "late of the matters involved, and the en ideavor lo ileal tid.''iu'cl with wide : rumllli atlotis or German espionage In Kngland which, it is asserted, Kuep ' 1 forlc's apprehension discloses Headquarters Believed Here. 1 The ailtli'ii i'les consider Kueplerle's arrest the most important of lis. Kind since the outbreak of the war. enab ling them t" lay hare. II Is alleged, a most elaborate system hi obtaining must wilualile infiii ma'loii of military and naul plans and i ratistiiltting lliern to the enemy The worst feature of the c ase, so oITm ials iisscit, is that It reveals that the most dangerous head- ' quarters for dispatching spies to Eng land are located In the United States, The revelations by 8tegler, sent to jail In New York for his connection j witli passport frauds, have an lm portant corollary. It Is said. In th i present ease. Kuepferle, who Is ell- gaged In the woolen business In New ; York, landed at Liverpool, and almost ' immediately traveled to Ireland, yet within five days, It Is reported,, he j hud accumulated so much Information i that he considered hla mission ended and attempted to leave Kngland for ! Holland, where, it Is alleged by th Kngllsh government, he Intended to i deliver bis Information to responsible I chiefs of the foreign intelligence de I parmetit. Say He Had Reports, ! When Kuepferlit was arrested ex ' treinely vital information was found ; In tils possession, it Is said here, j He was equipped, the authorities declare, with all the paraphernalia ! which modern spydom regards as es sential, such as reports, Invisible Ink, codes, addresses. Instructions, etc., thereby laying before the authorities the most complete plan of German i splintage which Kngland bus yet dls covered. i