JL 4J Tipperary Sili ' '" THE TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, APRIL 10, 1915. DR. SMITH BIBLE CLASS; TWO HUNDRED MEMBERS Dr. W. (.'. Smith, professor of Kng lish in llio Stute Normal College, con duets a Men's Hible Clans In Greens boro which is attracting editorial ai ti'iition. The Charlotte Observer, la renewing a very complimentary story or t,h6 cIuks and its instructor by Col. A I Fulrbrothcr, says: It t;:kes a preacher or more than ordinary gifts of mind and heart, of intellect and wisdom, to interest the nvcttige run of "men In the Mlnle, as Doctor RmlHi has done in Greensboro. Some weeks ago, i loci or Smith organ ized .1 men's elnss h, Uible study at lit:? First l'i sbytcrlnn church. The class gulheis at In o'clock eery .Sunday morning, jits! as the children of the .Sunday School do, and, hardly having j'Ol under way, this class has become, as d( scribed by Colonel ! 'ulrbrothcr, 'an inspiring sight - over L'liO'incn In all walks of UTe, nut each Sunday and men enthused.' Kvorything calls it Snillh's Wide Class. The secret be hind the interest created and the suc cess achieved is cosy of explanation. I (odor Smith,' says Kvcrything, talks as a layman ami he doesn't fail to interest to the end. die lias a happy larnltv of paying just the rignl thing; he is a deep student and he discovers things m the Hook thai the averug" man has never seen. He has been talking about Christ showing thai He was indeed a iharaeter who had sound ed all the deeps and shallows of hu man heart and mind. Those who wrote about Christ painted a man we all would like to meet; o man with whom we could all agree; a man whose views remain always In order furn ishing a .guide-post for people two thousand years ago, as well as for peo ple of today.' Colonel Fairbrother follows this with one of Uie rare littls sermons that eoii.es from the heart, which he offers as the ntason why bo urnes all his friends to attend Smith's llible CIii.sk One does not have to pro fess belief in any creed to get t he spir itual food,' says Everything. 'He sim ply goes and hears w man talk and comes away feeling t'nat somehow or other he has soinol Ming delightful In his system, and it remains (here all day Sunday, audi he thinks so much about it during the week that he goes out ami wants to share It v. Ilh his friends anil urges them to go next Sunday.' All this conies from a foun tain head of secuhirlsin. It is from thai fact we consider it one of the most remarkable tributes that has ever been paid to a North Carolina preach el." PROGRAM OF SERVICES, HOME MORAVIAN CHURCH. 11 O'clock. I'r. lu.l' -Piai.-i - ( ' ill i-i ; v. l.l'.UI. A ll'l'l'l'l' III' II1 - I S. i .:,ii 1 J. .tin I I.': .I'.l.n -" Mi oil. i, in: f..r Annie hi IS.I.I.- S : V. Iff- i ''ii - A n: hem . I v .il iii.in.t y tin. ii ii i ii : 1 1 'rin- '-'umii K.iii'.ii i- .e-k-d ' ' i ii-'1 -ui'l lulu In lln- iinim; "I Hi'' ti'i"l' .1! the l"S'- "1 Ihe am li'lu, ri.iv.-i Hymn llliii: I'l.ine. 'I'Imiu S' til I -1 1 .1 M -if' 'I'll l -Ins Ki'iMi Sermon, I' x: !.!. fray 1 .... 1 1 viiiii te: Is find inv Mining rtalva 1 loll'.'". ll'ii'il.' :...i. l'.isllllde- 'Sialic Evening Service 7:30 P. M. l'ri liiil'--l hi. i Unset. Jl.vinn .".v. nit tm a 'l'li"ii.in'l T"h- fclllK tl. Sill.'. Inl'in iiti.'ti Ityiim ::'i:i: My Faiili I. 'inks 1 1 ' ' 1'tllT. Aiiiit'iiii'i'lii.'nl-;. S, ii.line: Mm. r, 1-1". onvrinn f"i Aiii'iii-au liit.t'' Society. iiriri.iiv-Aiiih.il.. iii.: i-oni i,r ii.ihh liinti.'V Hin k Prayt-i. Ilvnm UT.': 'Iiiil Christ Ilcvcal Thv Hnly Viin: Si'tninti. suliji-et. Sail; text. Malt. : 1 n. J'raycr. Ilyinii .Mis: .l. sus. Our Lord How H i-! 'I'liy lir.ii r. Jti'iirilli-tiolt. Vosllu.k'-Vl.M'i'li Si-li-nn I'll. tininud PROGRAMS OF MUSIC AT CENTENARY CHURCH. Tlin programs of music, to be ren dered at Centenary church tomorrow, Miss Rosa Deane organist and direc tor, are as follows: Morning. I'i'i'liiili': "Risii-r Hin" Cm I. I'l.iuns-mi-n. "ilti'SUi if ll'in Morn" JoliiiHiiii, 1 1 vlMti : "l'Yoiu all thai dwell Im Iiiw 111.' Kkles". Anthem. "I Am Alpha .mil Hini'K.i" Hlalm-r; solo part. Mr. Ilrnoks Ilviiiiin nail Mrs. Woodruff. Anthem: 1'J.isli-r t'arol, "On tin- Ito-surri-i'tltui Morniiur" Itull.ird. Hymn "Win Should tin- ChiMrcn r hi- KlnK " Piwlliiil.': ".ICaster Alleluia"- -Call. Ot teiiwalilei . Evening. I'rrtml Prelude ami Futon. I) Mi ll or" Kii'h. llpnii: "Oh for a thoiHanil tnligili-s to Sinn " Anthem: "Am i! ltrgau in liawn" Vinei'hl. solo l.v Mrs. WomlriilT Solo: "ConsldiT tin- l.lll.'s" TnplifT. Mrs. WomlrufT. Hymn: "1.,-inl, Kindly I.inhl." Vosilmli': "I'oi'K'iia in A" Munias ttr. TO BUILD REFORMED CHURCH ON 80UTHSIDE. IMans for a new home for the Re formed church to meet tile grcwlng needs of the. community on Southside are being discussed and will probably be carried thru this summer. Rev. II. A. M. Holshouser has Accepted the pastorate of the Southslde church and has already taken charge. Hp is a vigorous worker and Is anxious to havi a modern home creeled for 'his growing congregation. Plans will be formulated 'at. once for thn raising of the necessary funds, and It Is hoped to liavn the work begun at an enny date, so thai before full the menilicrs ran worship In a modern anil adequate structure. I)K. OTT TO SPEAK 1 1 HUE ON APRIL 17 Thn?e who heard !r. Kdward Am herst Ott last year, when he delivered bis famous lecture, "Sour Grapes," are delighted to know mat lir. (lit is com ing lo Winston Salem again under the auspices of Ilic Young Mill's Chris ti.in Association and will deliver an ad dress at Die high school aiidiloiiuin on the evening of Auril 17. Dr. Orttl made such a splendid im pressslon during the Chaiiluuu.ua last year thai 'Win Y. M. C. A. took steps immediately lo secure a ret urn date , for lilni, hut he Is in such wide tie maud 1 1 t it was impossible to get him until this time. Dr. Oft has two other lectures Hint some of his (lil ies consider to lie stronger limn I he one he gave here last year, and the people of VVinston-Salein will have the privilege of hearing one of these lei lures when Dr. Oil appears here next week. The tieket.s will be put on sale with in the next few days and it is expect, t d that a hirge. number w ill avail them selves of the opportunity of hearing Dr. Oil. ugaln. CHURCH DIRECTORY M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH Ci'iitcuary M.'t hinli.it Churi'h Conur Sixlli ami lalnTt.v slri'vls. lti-v. K. 1.. Hain, pastor; tiMi-hers' li-nson mooting at 9:15 n. in.; Huinluy si'hoot at 9:45 u. m.; lu-earlilug at II a. in. anil 7:4,", p. ni.; Ki'Worlli la-agui' at :'. Wi' Paul lli-v. It. M, Cnurtni'V. p.is tor. Sunday srliool at '.I t,"i n. m.; 11. S. W'oiiilili-. Htip.-iiiili'iiilinl. rri'a.-titiiK a: 11 a. ni. anil ", Ci i in. ICpworth lA-agil" il' iitlonal ".I i ! at 7 p. ni. lturkh.'a'l Institutional -Iti v. W. I.. Mal'-liiiiM. pastor. Sunday st-hool at i a. in.. ('. W. Hnydir. snptrlntpnili'iu. I'rr.ii'liiiiK a: II a. in.- no s.-rvici' at night. Craiv Hi v. J S. lliatt. paHtor. Sun day si hiN.I at :i:4'. a. in : K. II. Rei-sou. suiH'rlntriiilent. I'reacliln? at 11 a. ni. and at 7::tn liy pallor. S.ilim lo-v. W M Snrtth. pastor Smiilay sell, Kit at !M a. in., 11. C. Jones. Sink. suii'i'inli nili nl. I'iiiii IiIiik al 11 a ni. anil 7.:tn p. in. tiv pastor. Rouihslili. -H.'v. I,. K. Hrolhers. pan tor. Sunilay sclionl at 9:4a n. in., Frank Sink, Slllirrillti'lldi-ut. SlTVll'i'M at II a. til. and 7 :tu p. m. l.ilii'rty Sunday srhnvil 9:45 s. m., J. V. Knt i 11. Mnpi'i inli'iiili ul. PreacllInK at i p. ni. Itrsi and limit Himdnvs. METHODIST PROTESTANT Kirs I M 1'. Cliureh ltiv. S. V. Tnvlor. pantor; Sunday m-hnnl in 9-45 a. in.; preaeliing at 11 a. in, ami 7::iu p. in. pastor. Woodland Avenue M. V. Chiiri'li. Sunday mliodl al l: p. in.; no prmii hing. MORAVIAM Homo Moravian, (Salem Rnuare) Kov. GOOD CHEERHERE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Life is bright and promising when we see its best side; profit by this view, and endeavor to keep our share In It right up to the standard. Every man's work shall be made manifest; pure and sincere de sires shall be accomplished; the seed we sow will forecast the harvest. A religion of sunshine will produce more sunshine; the life of sun shine will radiate warmth and growth, the church with the bright and happy spirit will grow In grace, in value, in Influence. Optimism is the soul's essential, the soujis need In development, ami optimism reache.-i its highest quality through Christianity. I'urposeful optimism produces genuine results, gives life its bright est hopes, mukes life "one grand sweet song." Church fellowship shapes the mind and heart to brotherhood, and stimulates and develops heart, mind and spirit. "To make the mind supple and informed, to make the heart sym pathetic and human, lo make the spirit, reverent and intuitive these tasks present serious material for a lifetime of effort and happiness." No effort of life yields so much as Christian optimism: helping church' organizations to make religion real, putting helpful fellowship into dally use and making it dally valuable and far-reaching. "Keep the heart singing all the while." Carry the Gospel of Christ into dark places; promote Christian sunshine until there shall be no dark places; root out the evil und establish the good! The seed sown today will Insure the harvest later If we are dili gent In promoting this Heavenly brightness and the cheerfulness which results from it. Gild the clouds of adversity with the spirit of hope, anil put Into active use the promises of God which abound everywhere in the Word. Personal comfort or personal advantage are secondary to spiritual advancement, because spirit enlarges and radiates while personality narrows and cramps. It is ours a happy privilege to give to life more sunshine, more happiness, more spiritual perception. If you want a more cheerful place in which to worship, help make some place of worship morecheerful! Help by your presence, by your example, and your enthusiasm! This is n fertile held for church effort, right here at home! Here and now Is the best opportunity to show our belief. Listen! The church bell calls! Respond! "He which Soweth Sparingly shall Reap Sparingly; and he which Soweth Rountifully shall Reap also liountif ully." TONIGHT Open to 10:30 Boyles Bros. clotjg) U.S. COULD FIGH I1 PRESIDENT fl IA ONLY 36 HOURS IT'S SAID- It. A. I. Sff- r. !; schn .1 pimtor. 9:n a. in. Sunday school Sp.i mkIi. iim i'i ii 1 1 'Im! 'tit ; II jt. n n hv Km- M-Mt ; p. in., tin-el inK in ' t In- Sunday roniii , 7 ;;itl p. in . i-V;i ngWist i- si-rvii'i"' hy tin- iMtv; .1 roidi.il in vita t Inn : (til t Im'sc si-rvh-t-x Is Kivt-n ; Wiln-sd.i 111 7;-l.' p. 111.. prayer nn-ftin; wit 1 1 Itihl. sillily In tin- twnk of Kxndns; Thin sda a ! 7 : p. ni.. rlmir pnn-t in-. I-'ilfH Mrniorinl !!:J," a. in., SundiV Hlit'il. (I. K. Krii's, mi pi rl nl "'mil 11 ' ; I'I ,1. in. . Ii Liny, si-rii ion a nd iP-dica 1 inn 11 i'W hymn luniks, p. m., nii-tinK i lHird r fldi-rs; T:K I'Vi-nlni; praisi an-I ' s-t nmn ; TiH'sil.iy, 7 .''it, I .ailn-s A uxiliary with Mi Si-hxviirzr; Wi'dro Htla . 7:1'. piMvtr notrtiiin. Fine i'hnppl Sunday school, 11 a. m.; prichlim at 7 : rto p. ni. Thursday evn 111K. prayer mpetlnjj at 7:30. Iinin:iniil Church. Waiititnwn Mow J. K. l'l'lil, past nr. 2:3u p. m., Sunday school, Mr. K. Crist, superintonden:. PRESBYTERIAN First l'n'Ml.ylfrlan Ri-v. Neal T,. An ; tlerson, 1 . ., rKtfltnr. lwv. K. J. 1 i 1 t -wik. H'V. T. V. Simpfton, pator'n as ! sUtnntM, Stinday school, 1)M5 a. in.; public worship, 11 a. ni. anil 7:30 p, ni, ! Christian KmPsivnr, ft: IT. p. in.; prayer incctltiK. Wednesday. S:no p. in. North J'rcrtlivtcrian C'huich -Itcv. Jco. W. I,fi, p.ist.n-. ItlbU' school, !i::m ,1. in.; pnMiliiitK al II a. 111. by pastui , no sc -vice al ninht. ' Faith Mis-Ion. Kutah Strcrl, l-'airvh'-w Hlhlc school, '2?,n p. m.; piayor inr-tv-, InK. Ki'Idny. 7 : 4 p. 111. Iteynoldn Chapf l 'Sunday m hnol, HI a. 1 in., preaching by IU'V. T. W. Simpson. I 11 n. ni. Chapel lli-v. i;. J, I l.M t -in charK' Minninj; woi -Sunday s. h.d.l S p. m.; Y. lTi p. ni. KvenliiK service at'lunv: pastor. Y. W. Tl will le-JptT If 1.1 u C. A. .It the WaiiKhtnwn wIk. niuiiHier ship II a. in.; 1. S. C. K 7 S p. in. Sorond Hrown, W .1. 1. 1'tiihl. Kintor. de.i or ; ;i . ni. . - p in.. Sunday t hris inn Kndtavnr; servlei Calva ry 1 1I.IMI Mlanv Hch.N.I; 7:;!') p. senium. Church -K Jr. l-'.n- 1 1 1 1 1 sermon ; tl:4.i p. in., in,, evening S. Cropland, ii. m.. Sunday nctorml. C. K supi'lntendent . VreafhlnK ai Illustrated Hervice al 7:Sti p. ni. -Uov. W. K. 'llUITll- .lohnson 11 1. 111. Christ Moravian ltl-Ri Ht'hiHtl ; p. m. Fairvlew- Uv. I.. O. I.uckonbarh. Mn-l-i-. Sunday ,scho.d a, in.; preach- Intf a( 1 1 a m.; no srvlo ni nlRht. Trinity. Hoiithsld Htv. E. C. Stempfl, BAPTIST j First liaptlat dmrch. corner ; and Church strpots, Hev. II. A taator. Sunday school at lt:4.1 a I A. Wilkinson, snpt'itnlendent. rrcachin :iit 11 a. in.; eVetihiK nong service and evnntccllHl ie pi-earning :n 1 . 3 by pas-nr. ' Ht-nwn Memorial -Itev. C. H. I nrh 1 in. Pantor. Sunday school at It; 40 a. ni. 'reachlnR at 11 a. m. and 7:"n p. in,, b patir. SahMii Sunday school ;it !t:4,' a. rn ; . KouthsiiU' Baptist Sunday school at ' H:lfi a. m. ; proaohinp; at 11 a. in. an I 1 7:30 p. in. by pastor. Hev. V, M. Swnini North Wlnslon Mapttst Sunday wlion! UMft a. 111.; preachinK at 11 a. m. I WautflitfiWn- Hev. V. It Wilson, pas I tor; ptvafhlntf every 4th Sumlay; Smut iv j nchiw)l, i: la a. in. ; pra M' servics every Sunday nltflut at N p in. Chatham Church Ilev. 1,. M.1 Murray. ' pastor. Sunday sclnml at L':30 p m. 1 ireen wimhI Avenue. Kasl Winston -j Sunday Kclnml al 0:.in. I'rearhititf at 1! prearbliiK at 11 a. in. and 7::to p. m. CHRISTIAN I, pastor, :tM pHMi'llillK at It Sundiv md 7:.'W Service ! 11. m . !i:I.V. Culll -,' ,.U'l M.m llii'i" -V, I!. The best service that has ever been rendered by a Laundry New York, April 10 The Unittvi HUiU's liiffi aniiiiiinilion cikiukIi to lust Its army, If sill 'HKuk'1 at one tunc Milder modern ronilltlons, no longer than a clay and a half. After that the eoiiilcKy of the enemy would have to In- appealed to tonllow tis to replenish our ammunition. This was only, one of the counts in I he. inilictnieiit. chiirKiiiK this coiintr)' with dangerous uirprcparudiiess made at the Union League (Tub by ('apt. ..lalhew H, lluniia, who rcuiK 1 thi i e yenr.s ao from the Keneral staff of the 1'uiU'd States .u niy. "Crazy Quilt" Preparation." lie wis one of the speakers present. ( d by the special commission on na tional dc'iiM' of the club at its month ly ineetlm-'. The othir spealur was Maj. Cen. John P. liyan, of the na tional guard of New Yorli. wh'i har aeleriiied our military preparalion.s as being of the cr.iz -iiiill variety, at tractive in spots, hut here and there lamentably frail, lie made a plea for strengthening of the national uaril. In telling of his experience in the councils of the geneml staff, ('apt. llanna said they tried in every possi ble way to give to ilie United States the bcnellt of the doubt and declare invasion of this country by a dominant Kuropcun power was an impossibil ity, but wero able only to base their conclusion on the assumption that an army landed in New Kngland would i be quickly at the gatos of New Vii'l;, with the water works of the city in its power. Navy Inadequate. The navy, he said, was our first line of defense, but had not been l ept up to a scale on, which it could co;-e with attack and prevent invasion. A telephona call-win bcr given a quick and courtqpus respnie. Garments returned tsf you anti septically clean. Try the " Z I N Z E N D O R F" laundry service to know real satis faction. Our Cleaning and Pressing Department is Growing Rapidly, Why? , Fourth Rlroel, CfiO W. Fourlh at'rrrt : J'I'i'at'hiiiK liy paslur. I'. H. Hii-ti.irilM .it lli'ith ji.'rvir." mi Hi'- f'lll'iwinn siili.i'ts: 'it n. in.: K.'tinil'liiiR" ; p. in.: .V.iain I im's 'iii'f." l;lli' Mi'h.H.l :i:1.",. , i-iiv- i . 1 1 1 1 1 Mrli-illlli' In .ill SouUihIiIi'. I'rlian alropt. ono hlnclt Bouth ' from oar line. W. A. Franklin, pastor 1 Hlblft flrliool, !:4."i; coiTiiiiiinliin nnJ pit 1 limn at 11 a. ni.. Hermoii at H p. in. Tub 1 lie cordinlly Invited. I F.mt Wlimtnn. Sronil strret, btwpon 1 HlKlilanil ami Woodland avenues Bible school al S p. m. ! EPISCOPAL j SI. Paul s- Iii".-. lleniy Till.T C.i' U.'. Kf't'il'. Ilolv I'liiiiiiiuiiion. 7.:til i Sunday fu'liuul and ltilili' rl.tsses a. in.; ninriiiiiK Mi'iviee and llolv niunlini, II a. m.; ev.-niim eirvii Hi'l-lllilll. S t. in.; vestrv llli'i'tillK day. X p. in . I 'a i Ish' Aid S.uli'ly llitf Monday in llir hum.' ,r .Mrs. l.l'llll. :it.' Sprih'.' stfi'i'I a I ;t::iil (j. in ; Allar Irillld will IlliM't un Fiid:i' at !t::ln 1' in in lln' home of Mil s. f'. Colli. t, W'i si 4:li sn.-i-i. The Mi'ii'n Club will niril on Wi'ilni'sday nlRhi In the lionc of Mr. Oe.i W. urr. Siiinnlil fUreet and Hie spiiik.-r will Im- Mr. W'lii.ker. The Ivmii'l- tllllLi'- will be repealed in the elmri h al 111. Sunday er Ives. LUTHERAN Ttiv F.. A Slietik. pastor. Sumlav Ki'lmol in !:4."i a. in.: pi-enehiinr at II a.1 ni. and 7 2n p in. by pastor; inn-ling of l.ullier l.r.iKiK' at lei.', p. in. j REFORMED i Itev. 1. V.. Itnwern. pastor. Kvanifelistli' S.TVil-i'S Will be held (lt. First -Ue. formed clini-eii. W'aiiKh'own. mot aim; ami lllRht. Southslde service at Crouch's , Hall; .viinl.iv schisil at 2 :S and preacli i K ai II :ti in the afternoon. Itev. II. A j M llotshouser. I'll. !., will rondiii-i ser-I i I He pllDlie Is cordially liiyitcl, I'oine and w.irshii with us. j FOUR-FOLD GOSPEL i Corner First mid Church Streets Hey. j F. II. Itosslier, lusior, will preacli ll;ii'i; a. in. and conduct the evannollstto sni -Vic at T:HII p. ni. Messaite l, i th,. elmn-ll ' in ihe mornliiK Kevlval sermon fol lowed by nfter service al nlKht. Sunday "' liool !l l.i a. 111. Vi.llllK Feople's Mice- . m IT. p. in. Th mirreicailon uniiei with the Tabernacle nieeilnn Nm-ih .i!,. 'ii. i i i i , . iiiiiiuk iue wei'K. ST. LEO'S CATHOLIC CHURCH IHkIi mass. UTiivm, leiieie!lon. lo MO a. in ; Monday school. 4 p. in.; services ilurinit week at K a. in. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES ' Th foflowlnit mPrtlnns will be he! 1 In the Army Hull on Main mrw Tues- ' ,,:,y, nl'.!' 1 o-clnek. Young IV,.,.,. i l.elon; Ihnmday nirht Bt S n clock, Sal viitlon ineetliiK; SaiurUay night ut eight HOLINESS IVnteoostal lloliii.-os Church. Oredn WihI Avenue. Kurt Wlnsjton ,.v A (1 Canada, pator. Sunday icliuul ut 10 a' V. W. c. . - I p in. FRIENDS Church, located un T'attprson Avenije Rev. 1). K. Simpson, pastor. Sunday ellrsil at 9:4T, a. in.: special evangelistic ervlcea at 11 a. ni. and 7 : 30 p. m. FISHERMEN ()NC0AST SUFFERED SEVERELY New Hern, April In. The slorni ' which visited eastern North Carolina last Friday night and Saturday morn ing doubtless caused Ihe liHliernien a greater Iohs than any one Pise. In NeiiHo river hundreds of nets were torn down and lost, and a report reaching New Hern yesterday from the Albemarle sound section was to the effect that one man had lost fif teen hundred nets during the timei that the storm was in progress. Shad are ahout the only variety of fish now lieing caughl in tills section, and there are but few of these lieing brought Into the local market, one well known fisherman is responsible' for the statement that shad are scar cer this year than ever before, and that hut few of them are being caught in any of the eastern waters. On the local market they are selling at prices ranging from thirty cents for bucks to sevenl y live nnd eighty cents for roe. The demand for them is brisk. SCORES HURT IN CYCLONE WHICH SWEEPS MISSOURI V Springlield, Mo., April 10. Scores or persons were injured and many of the houses in Seymour, Webster county, Mo. were destroyed In a cyclone which swept over the town about :i o'clock. Marshlleld, which, with Seymour, was destroyed in a famous cyclone, the subject of a poem by "liltnd Hoone," ?,', years ago, was slightly damaged. Several persons were in jured i lure. The plant of the Seymour Klectric Light company was wrecked and the town is in darkness. The big mill of the Seymour Flour and telegraph wires were blown down. So far as it Is possible to ascertain there were no futilities. NOYES-FARRINGTON WEDDING. Min ipolis. Minn, April Kl-Ix-ad. 1 OV r to h,8 ottirlal. Ten crs of society In hall a dozen ,,itle& f andv and a Kallon of bran- were inch 1 nm.mir the ntin.i,.., "'' J'es eeized in one place were at the wedding or Miss Katherlnc Shackford Karrlngton, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Luther H. Farrlngton ol this city, and Robert Hale Noyes, which took place this afternoon at the XVestininsier Presbyterian church. Mr. Noyes, whose present home is in Seattle, l.s a son of Mr. and Mrs. riiarles I'helps Noyes of St. I'aul. Among the bride's attendants were Miss Kmh H. Farrlngton of Hoston, IMiss Klizabeth .lencks of Baltimore and Miss Alice Ames nno Miss Doro thy Thompson of St. I'aul. F RICA HAS CLOSE IF CALL IN 1 members of ashore thru1 Revenue ' Officers Destroy 91 Plants and Pour Out Over 20,000 Gallons of Heer. Greensboro, April 10. A report on the work done by the Greensboro di vision of the Internal revenue depart ment during the month of March has just been compiled. This report show inat a total of 1)1 illicit distilleries was seized .and destroyed, as against i:r. seized and destroyed during March, lull. The olllcers made "1 unsuccess ful raids during the moiitih. Aside from the plants destroyed, the field men likewiso poured out l'.Vmiii gallons .of beer, about ltio gallons of Whisky and over ion gallons of low wines. Seventy-live gallons of whisky seized on lone raid were brought In and turned LADIES See Our Line Satin Slippers aSy coor 4.36 Liberty St. likewise not poured out. Of 1he total number of plants d() atroyed, 59 verc in the fifth district of North Carolin.'i, 10 in the fourth dis trict of South Carolina, and two were in the slxlh district of Virginia. The fourlfti district of this slate also kd In the amount of beer jind whisky seized. The beer poured oirt In this district amounted to between S.noo and j 'i.tinu gallons, while practically all of the. whisky seized during the month ; fame from this territory. The, fifth came in for a close second in the i amount of beer, however, the total for that territory amounting to almost S.oOO gallons. Only one of the Virgin ia plants furnished any beer or whis ky, but this one had a good stock, there being over l.noo gallons of beer and about 7.1 gallons of low wint-s. A mule, a horse, two sets of harness and a wagon were taken tn the fifth ivorin i uroiina, wnne me urunoy ana lirandied poacheg were yielded up by tho fourth. San .lose, Costa Rica, April Alfredo Gonzales, president of Rica, had a narrow escape drowning when the president's was wrecked in the Caribbean days ago. He and the his party had to swim a heavy surf. Tlie president, members ol' his cabi net, a group of government officials and several congressmen went on the government yacht lo the Talauianca region on the Atlantic coast. On their way buck to I'ort Union a norther drove the yacht on the roils. Without Food Two Days. The passengers and crew had to take to the water. All reached land safely, but found the point lo be ab solutely isolated, it took the party two days, during which they were without food or shelter, to walk to the nearest point on the railroad. They came into San Jose today and were given a rousing reception. HOUSTON TO vote on BREAD WRAPPING Houston, Texas, April lo. Shall the baker's bread be delivered wrapped, or unwrapped? This is the moment ous iiieslloii that Iloustonians will de cide at Monday's election. Incidental ly, a ticket ol' city officials .will be chosen at the election, hut for the time being the bread iie.stion is the big issue in the minds of the voters. The ijuestion was first sprung sever al months ago and ever since it 1ms kept the citizenship in a ferment. The. wrapping was advocated by some on the ground of cleanliness and in the interest ol' the public health, OthcM oposed it because it would slightly increase the price of the bread. Final ly it was agreed to leave the decis ion to a referendum vote and the question has been given a prominent place on the regular election ballots. FIGHT FOR CONTROL OF THE ROCK ISLAND Chicago, April in. The latest lulu for the control of the Chicago, Rock Island and 1'acilic Railway company, whose financial vicissitudes in recent ypars have filled many chapters of American railroad history, will come to a head here on Monday when the stockholders will meet in annual ses sion for the election of four new di rectors. Recent revelations in con nection with the government investi gations have brought about a strung demand for a thorough "house-cleaning" and it is said, one of the result.-, may be the election of an entire new board of direx'tor.s, thus following the example recently set by the Missouri 1'acific. The so-called Amster com mittee, representing Independent stockholders of the Rock Island, lias been exerting every effort to secure proxies for use at the annual meet ing In support of its light against the continuance of the present manage ment. The latter also has been vi gorously at work in a hunt for proxies. Hose T-t YT.,.i Shoe Tops $1.00 Store Open Saw Evening Untiljf Meet Ms arWs i 1 WINSTON SALEMS in.- IWIg I from nTreeTni inn nnoip m. UUNUrjO PEN AI llll! Jlllllffi 'I' -Mil '''It 'finals ili'l a:3 11 iwi i I'l' Il'cjpJ wi'h nsifc . -i.iii to l"i'- v:(i.a;;ic a '. iii. iuti iy i.'H' otiu The officers nl I', the city of Wii, !.,: ; after the oUrii.l. i laws of tlie slat... session of lln- nun an array ol' liuti!. even fruit cans, in;! -.i,,! t!. I lered as material leiidants charged ing liiiior in pi. pose ol sale, and search and si izur. This nioniiii:' .1 was lined V" am ing been caughi 1 more in his m law allows, ('halm ua.- arri-r night, and il w.i asreruati officers that lie had j.isi Mm- the farm ol' Mr. .'. K. Ikcnii five miles noriliwi'M ui tkj the Middle (Mil Tmia n,,l Armed vvilh mmp Ii :ii1 & pers Sheriff Kl tit. Hi i i:iy S er. Police Officer Kaily and j J. .1. Cofer, left im l!i." ihnii:: and instituted a ran Ii in i isc. In the barn tile mfirns large number of k-i:-. siw small quantity ii:' n lusk-y : some showing sijns i ha;:: recently emptied. In premises the miici-ri ia-m pen, and as tlie. im""! ' grunted lazily . Screes fi ed over the siil" nf tif ffl bow I be hog was e-nan W lo, and behold, in Hie M 1 hog reposed I Inv i-' ?4 '' tained about t un Lallans o!' and the other U" !'' H' the interior was siiM w.-l ' which had evidently Im ' drawn. The oil n -ts NM of the empties and all the N taining whiskev in l hir ol' svnhon'for ilr.iuiii'i the ifl the keus. anil reiuiiieil to fri Mr. Henning was - for his appeaiMti time for which Ii PRISONER ,:!.uvi' en ;,t IW "1 mil t1 DEW I To Dedicate St. Paul Cathedral. St. Paul. Minn.. April 10. Twenty thousand devout Catholics of this dio cese are expected to witness tomor row's ceremonies at the dedication of the new St Paul cathedral. The edi- flee was completed recently at a cost ; of upwards of $1.Snr),(iti0 and is said; to lie one of tho most magnificent ca thedrals In the country. Archbishop Ireland will direct the dedication ceremonies and will he assisted by ' many bishops and clergy of the arch-1 diocese. , On I ill UlUM assaul ,IIM 1 OUR DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY. April 10, Henry r. Fletcher, the present American ambassador to Chile, born at (inccn Castle, Pa., 12 years ago. lxrcn Fletcher, for many years prominent representative In Congress from Minnesota, born at Mt. Vernon, Me., S'l years ago. Cicorge Arlisis, noted English actor, celebrated for his imHrsonalion of "Disraeli," born In London, 17 years ago. Robert Hunter, noted sociologist,, and one-time Socialist candidate for governor of Connecticut, born at Terre Haute, lud., 41 years ago. (leorge K Cotton, former Rovernor of Porto Wco, born at (Talesburg, III., l:i years ago. Fishing for husbands or fish Is much tho sunie. The big oiieg get away. Visit Our MILLINERY Department A H.H 43frnTb . Ffiimster crty St. New York, April 1 ing led to a n il a! charges of ft k 1 1 i 1 1 Ing a weapon ni hi. olas Sporanzo, : '. y attacked Ileleitivi the West Side court a liar. You Ira I In a second aimtli the mix-up, cotui ton's assistance, w Magistrate Nolan, ed the officers In u the prisoners. Sporanzo had I the shooting of a ' gang light. Tin' Albert Furst sun. ! the police, say hit: tl shot that hit Hi' Witnesses Clear Today Furst tei was not in the te shooting, and sen r nlshed an alibi ler S Istrate asked Ilaln a his man, and Itolvi was positive. After Sporaiizii In $5,50(1 bail fof ii" with him toward tl. first blow Furst. wl " jumped Into the n live went down. I " Magistrate Nolan - ; blackjaiks freely then rharged Willi : ...il Tt,rltllS Two women we m . f,.,r Hi, ii.'J " 1 eoui ti utiiii i " several others in of the room were tt The aged ninth" r was In court, said he said he was "it lie was telling tlf leit tut- v.Mi mv l.nv tn iirlsotl. 1 VJ " 1" I uld.il llllOli!lf Hie UP" ,;e'l W !allillHS .,. ("tret .a :.T' . utPT '.,t, r.'il !"1 , :: i1 the m ... I tM1 l'iiliiTh ii ..irariio i he i nliil ,1 ln;i'0 i 1 i.tlW u:e" 0 - v and !' ;';r. ullHf '."111 ,.:i:llt Lll : a 1 ,,'llh. f "Iff till ,e

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