TWIN ITY DAILY SENTINEL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 26, 1915 4 o'clock Edition 111 farms i aeuiiun i.vor.R OOPT. TWO CKHTM, ON T HA INS, FIVE CKNT. I v ' - 3 - tvi Year xr- i m m v t i w m t t h t t-v w t WAY ON I HE YSER CANAL ME MILITARY IIS DEEM II BIGGEST OF WAR fotA the (iermaiw Are Try- in, Urcak Thru 10 Channel Ports. MINI SUDDEN ONE .i.. v... llindinlierir Has pan -iic ;ffn liiouuhl I rom hast l Take ( Ikii kt. , ,,, ! i :'. What sump ; . .. ,,..;.: j,!,. inclined tO .,, c,v;i!.M battle Of , i- . ,!m. r w .iv tin I lie r,a-..u i:. K;..:..l-rs. i,:, :;: - "'' unaiTe anil .1 - ii'Tally ,1 :,, I" i i i'1 Germans jr.' wiiui.. desperate ef .t i , ,r- iliv i in tin' 1'rt-in-li MiA nr.f .:' "" r'' ,,(- ' ii- the U'Tinaii of ;. ' 'fa an: ii-ipalod by t tt r rts ' llli-i IIIOVP- , .? i.i;i,c ;c a .lis nu t slnxU :." ilriV.i l- 'Mi' . I: is a.-- vet In gel a m: i.lii .if la.' i Mellt llf llll' !inv .-siK'iif ''ill special il''- r.Sr ;t an so ini rj:r Fi.-. Marshal Von mIi'IiV".; iias In en brought ril lllf i',is! I,i ( ninl'lrt llll' opc "li aii'l I-! 1 1 j i I . i- illiam is ;,ir'i';l ,,s .r.H ccling to llip .r:... I V.,r,., I'm-' l.i ' Hi-1-,.; ..! iay iiili :. l ie I'rzok -' ' II'' ol' UHllt-' making a (irrman ob l. ihi' iniport " liiissians out i' Hermans are lines from in .ipilal fur iii'iv 'Hi hi Cracow Kngland in--' kept I'iiu itli i -r Xoord- delc- niar noncd till' dole- ain- HUNDREDS PRESENT AT OPENING SESSION OF INDUSTRIAL CONGRESS Muskogee, Okl.i., April 21!. Hun dreds of ini'ii of national reputation, including leaders in finance, manufac tures, commerce, agriculture, trans portation and public affairs, faced Senator Fletcher of Florida today when lie called to order the annual convention of the Southern Commer cial Congress. The gathering was one of the largest and most representative of its kind ever held in this country. The opening address of Senator Fletch er, the president of the congress, and greetings extended by Governor Wil liams and Senator Owen of Oklahoma occupied the greater part of the initial session. At the subsequent sessions, continuing until Thursday, the dele gales will discuss a wide variety of subjects relating to the development of Southern commerce and industry. Parade a Notable Feature. Vomited cowboys and Indians in motorcars lent picturesque touches to the parade here today in connection with the opening of the congress. In the opening address Sonatoi Duncan, of Florida, asserted that the convention marked the esteem which the older states of the Southland hold for their youngest sister, Okluhotua. Delegates Present. Delegates from every state and im porlant tit y in the South and from many northern stales were in attend a nee. Agricultural Needs of South. A broader conception of the agricul tural needs of the South was urged by several speakers on the first day of the six days' session. State, Aid Commission. 'establishment of slate aid commis sions which would act as clearing houses between land avallabhu for purchase and home seekers was urged by ll-tif. Charles 1!, Austin, head of I lie division of public welfare of the 1'niverslty ol1 Texas. He asserted that such a commission should keen tenant farmers informed as to .land opportunities and assist them to a more productive, home owning citizenship. GERMAN CRUISER NOW TAKING ON SUPPLIES; MA Y MAKE DASH TO SEA a. Newport News, A'a., April 2ti. - The German cruiser Krou l'rinz Willieliii. which has been i;i this port two weeks lor repairs, early this morning was towed from the James river to the Chesapeake and Ohio Steel coal pier, where she will take on between :!riiii and 4,(ihl tons of bunker coal which was ready at the pier. The coaling process will take all of today and mont of tomorrow. The Williclm also will take on about a ten days supply of water and pro visions, this being the estimated time she should require to make the near est German port The formal request for provisions and fuel was made several days a no. Collector llamillol slated today, and after con.sideralio". was allowed. Further than this the collector would not talk because of the danger of violating neutrality. Installation of boiler tubes and oth er Inside repairs were completed yes terday, it. was said here today, and ('apt. Thierfelder will be in a condi tion to attempt a dash past, the en emy's warships lying in wait off the capes or give notice that he desires to interne within the next few days, il is staled. It is believed the time limit allowed by the government for repairs to the sea raider expires Fri day or Saturday. The olticers and crew of ihe Wilhelin insist that they will again put to sea to resume their voyage. Commander Thierfelder and the collector were in close conference all yesterday afternoon and it was re ported this morning that the collect!),' olllcially informed the captain of the rapidly approaching day for the ln (Lslon as to interneinout or depart ure from this port. It is understood that on leaving the coal pier the captain will make formal request of the port authorities for a river patrol to guard his ship against any possible hostile attacks. It is known that the German comman der has received several "unpleas ant" communications since he has been in port, altho they did not In elude as strong threats as those ad dressed lo the I'rin. Kitel Friedrich. Launches from the Norfolk navy yard will probably be detailed to tile duty. im ri 'I in '"Hh Sea hut spec ai h.isceas- ERAl ATTACK N DARDANELLES. London, Ann I 5 c tl. .... ... . . . , ,lc aQ. rJy and war offir, M ' afternoon that a general n tne t-.j km h. . . . krk,7 arm' has been rClr"d Successfully. EXERCISES OF " KMANT0N HIGH SCHOOL Hai.tiii !ir!i S, 'n i '' Hit'; 1 Wltl. It 1.1,1V ! 'I'-I'.Ip i, It, PESSIMISTIC OVER REPORT BY ENGINEER AUSTRO - ITALIAN VII T I'it ii . CiVi'tl April "ml 1,. i "s l'riil,i t!l" VKIti, !-"ii . ri.. t"ir,,u "Id "I- T'lat ""I'M I'n,' ti , " ')-i.:." ,, ' Mr.' - II... t ... im w Jn,l Katur,!:,, PN0 CO up i c - vnKOTTE arl',1:,, ..... , -'ITU ,k';v Ma i " ; a,''l Mi- ( . 1 I.M.. I ' HI I ' . , . I: lll.lll . I 1 ' r J"l ii lln, The German i's conimence ;id Saturday, rs were enter i'atioiis, drills afternoon the the query be tlie Dniteti " I'hilippines." lavor of the II- K. I'etree'H l'la. ' Lazy Uol '"d il was thoro '' auilitnriuin was both Friday OFFICERS SITUATION I'aris, April -ii. A diplomat accred ited to the tjuirinal who requested his name be not disclosed told a Geneva correspondent that in a conversation with l'rince Von Huelow, the German ambassador appeared pessimistic over the outlook of a peaceful solution of the Austro-ltallan difficulties. WORK IS RESUMED ON DURHAM RAI'TIST CHURCH Durham, April 26. Work, which has been suspended for several weeks oi. account of lack of funds, was resumed today on the Falgcmont llaptist church in this city as sufficient funds have been raised during the past few weeks to continue the work for some time. The members of that congregation are planning to raise during the month of May $2,500 to be used in erecting the new church building. It Is hoped that It will not lie necessary to stop building operations again. The build ing when completed will have cost $t;.iMMi. half of which has already been paid. il Heligoland, Which Is Now Centre of Operations 'V-'" ".'7 - - V - " ' ' v " , Ul r'tTV - . - s .Jsgw ' Jr iC: t? Zi, '' ' THE MEW HflReOR AT HELIGOLAND Heligoland, w lib h Is now the centre of the now opcnilltins, Is the strategic point Hint must cither be tlwtrti.Vf d r retitlered abortive as a harbor of refuge before the ltrltlsh destroyers can hope to HUeocHsfully cope w ith the force in the Kibe or the Wi ser, llrituln has had many occasions siucc war was doclurtl lo rcttret the uclhjn of wt sUtv nien who in 1WI0 cedcl tliis islid to Germany. NEW GRACE CHURCH NEW APRIL RECORDS! PREVENT ENTRY TO BE MODERN STRUCTUR E 1: WILL TACKLE CHICAGO; BILLY SUNDAY ACCEPTS CALL. TO THIS CITY The committee tin fire prevention of the National Hoard of Fire I'nder writer issues the lollowing bulletin on conditions in Winston-Salem, a gathered by a representative dnriiu; his visit to this city In February. "The city was visited by lCnglneer .1. II. I lowland, February l'.'! and L'4, ini.'i, fur the purpose of tliscnssin j; with city ofllcials and interested citi zens the findings In our report of July, 13i:!, and of advocating the adoption of the recommendations, es pecially those considered most urg ent. "The more Important water supply improvement made subsequent to the r.H.i report, lnciiuie: establishing a deiartmeiil repair simp with regular ly appointed foreman in charge, the partial preparation of more complete records, the Installation in a semi fireproof addition to the Salem sta lion of a low-lift centrifugal and a high- lift horizontal cross-compound pump, each of L'.'mmi.OOO gallons capacity, the completion of a l.i"ln.iMN)-gallon get Hiiu basin at the. Winston station and a :!.t'i"i,i"ln-i:a!lo!i clear water basin lit the Salem plant. On February 21, IIH'i, the sum of $.10,0inl became avail Sunday with the Grace M the erection ship was pn congregation real eiitlue- new- buililiiu nonneenienl the details ready to be is an intere -Tfgatlou and church. The .ting day Irieti'ls n' matter 01 EOR HEAT MADE IN MANY PLACES i:h l,v ,. in t ' (ath, rn?l , J 1 1 : ;;(, i" lllllll.l.l Intert fptetl on 1 should be a '"'' Mike, a Hinson, a 18- '.. were ar- terrlay and young wo- "' lie came anv 1 1 '"' k and will ac r liuiiii. t,wi.,,. Ehl) T() ROTTEl ".ilon, iril ali in DTTERDAM ' ''he steamer HHriian llnnmn u an. ho'r', i''"-''"' l"'a,'' confer- e 10 ol'Um i"'1" ,,ownR oRoit,,.' '"'ri"w.ion to pro- rAm, ha. A MfiC, Chioago, April 25. Hilly Sunday will come to diirkestt Chicago and reform its two and one-half millions of inhab itants provided lie Is guaranteed suita ble remuneration. He made this plain in a telegram sent lo a committee of local clergymen. He also made it un derstood that hn considers (lie refor mation of a city the size of Chicago worthy of considerable reward. The preliminary move toward secur. ing Ihe baseball evangelist his guaran tee Is being made in the churches thru out Ihe city. Stock cert Ideate are bo ing sold ut the rate of $1 each. PLANT OF HIGH POINT CASKET COMPANY LOST. The High I'olnt Casket Company'.' plant, Intlndlnif buildiii!-'. machinery materials and stock, was completely destroyed bv Are which was discover ed shortly after 4 o'clock Saturday morning. (Continued on page Seven.) D. A. R. MAY ESTABLISH A NATION A L UNIVERSITY Washington, April 2i!. The national board of management of the I. A. H met here today to consider the foun dation of a national university by the society. For this purpose the old John 1'aul Jones home in North Carolina has been offered, together with rer tain sums of the state and county con tiugent contributions to the society. EXERCISES IN HONOR OF CONFEDERATE DEAD Atlanta, Ga., April 2fi. Memorial exercises were conducted In several states today in honor of the Confeder ate dead. The day was a legal holl day in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia, schools, bunk a anil other public institutions bIng closed. of a new home of ho" si-nted to the t liuri li an I with (lie resuli Ilia' iasui in the propose I : was aroused. The an was made that the plans, nf whicn are tint v i di.selosed, are brim: pr W'a.iliinglon, Apr IK hours more of son's hot spell was il.i by ti.. H.allier 1 F.xl raunliiia rily hi lures for 11 el II tl'.e Mis' i:., for Apr, I v plan-.. ist I .'il. At lo. the early sea ; predii led to-hnreau. )i leinpi'ni- on were p-porl-pninls east of ippi ire nd In in, nil. iv n in rords many pared and will he completed ai oin-e, Pile building is to lie of in.iili i'ii do sign, and of permanent construction. planned to meet the anticipated l" velopnienl ol that community for some time in the future I tin liuililin ' will be located on the site of the pre. ent building. The primary depar' merit will he located In what is now the Imsiiuii'iil of the church and on the audWoriiim floor will al-o be In atetl seventeen Sunday school l.i - J rooms. The building will also con tain a pastor's study and parlors. Th" auditorium will seat elghl hundred and six people. The building will over the present church lot with a part of the parsonage lot, hut it ha been decided to allow the parsona to remain as at present located. The building committee hopes to have Ihe Plans in hand and the contract let in time for the work on the new church to begin about .T ill v 1. $2,000 Raited Sunday. Following the announcement of the plans for the building voluntary sub scriptlons to the building fund wen called for ami $2,00(1 was raised at ih meeting. The wceHv bulletin of Centenarv Methodist church, contained on Sun day the following reference lo tie proposed new home for the Gra'n congregation: A New Church Building for Grace. Tlie tnoft pressing need of Wins'on Salem Mclhodlmn, go far as physic il equipment is concerned, Is a ii" church building for the Grace congr gallon. The City Hoard of Chun!! Kx tension has given this cnuse ri-:hi i of way and the official boards of tin-; Centenary and the West Kiid chart lies have specially agreed that, allhoii.' i the times may he somewhat string""!'. IhU work is so Imperative, tb" Grace people and pastor will In; waf Vtitetl In nuiking their appeal to nor constituent v at this time. They will not ask you for a largo contribution, but they do want every one to help some. Spy Trirtl Behind Closed Doors. trillion, Apt II 2. Tho case tif the three alleged German apltn, which the authorities have intimated is of Ihe highest Importance, wa given a hear, ing lit hind chwed doors today with tht! Iinl Chief Justice presiding. One of the three men lelng tried, Anton Kuepfcrel, professes to m an Ameri can. One of the other claims to be a iMluraliza'd Fngllnhniaii, while the third admits he if a German, AMERICAN SENTENCED TO DEATH IN MEXICO. s Washington, April ?G. Philip H E. McCleary, an American news- 1 paper man at Vera Cru, has ' been sentenced to be hot by Carran,i for sending out uncen- sored news dispatches. Secre- " ta y Bryan received an appeal for aid today from John W. Roberts, another corretpondent at Vera Cru, and instructed Consul Silliman to investigate at ' ones. No official report ha 1 reached Washington. HONOR TO REVOLUTIONARY HEROES IN SAVANNAH OF ANY MEXICAN SOLDIER F.I I'aso, Texas, April 2ii. --American military authorities along the Mexican border have received, rtlers It) pre ti ul i nil) into this country of persons known to he soldiers of any Mexican faction, II was learned here today. Il is said the order wits i iiuhi'iI by ihe recent lighting opposite Naco and llrou nsville. COUNTY CO CRT OPENS WITHOUT CEREMONY newly created Forsyth county i onvened at In o'clock sharp Ibis Sa Minna h. G o.Ti it ion to I v. t ion lenders in lioll '.l.l.i lll.lil . A pril mi. Tardy rec of the foll'lllost South the Alniriciin Itevolii toilav, when a hand Koine monument was unveiled in mem orv til General llaniel Stewart ami General James Screven. The inciiior nil stand' ill the clavcval l of the old h,wa i lunch. In l.ihi rlv county, while lb"1 Iwo holed i oininiindirs are Inn nd. The iinvllinr was ui.nle the oi . asion Im- ilileresliriL' cen Isom in wlii'h Gi-ortia State oiTl" ials and sev eral millMa in gnnl.alioits look part PREPARING REPORT IN CARTER MATTER Ralntjh, April 26. The spe cial legislative commssion in vestigating th Judge Carter EiOlicitor Abernethy contetnpt case bfjan a conference this afternoon at 2 o'c'ock for this forrr.ition of the final report. Work of manifolding the evi dence anil arguments it the former seisons is now nearly completed but the commission expects to get a single original copy within a few hours so that the necessary recess re quired to go back to their homes and return la'er will be avoid ed as it would greatly Increase the cost of the investigation which already has been considerable. ROOSEVELT '4 , IS STILL 1 THE STAND p f. Former President' Fifth Day As a Witnetu In Libel Suit. 5 A Number of Letters Introduced As Evidence in the Libel Suit. Th t null morning with Judge II It. Stmhiiek on the bench and Clerk C V. I'egrHin at his tleik Two minutes biter the itnnt recessed until 2 : ltd tills after mum wle-n lh"' Judge iiiiuoiiliceil his I ii t ii t ii hi of hearing motions that mii'.ht he ready at that timet There wore only about tlflecn people on hand when tin- ih court formslly opened for thy first tinu. ami these i ninprised at Ionic) a, newspaper men, Sherlit Flvnt and a deputy. Owing to Ihe fat I that it was the first rimkIoii of the court and that the ten day sum nions on cases to come before the in nit had not been made, it win not expected any developments would oc cur snd therefore Ihe interest was at a minimum. At Hie Mav term of court cases no filtered Oil the ilmki'l will hf ri'tur'.e able and at the Juno term trial of case by Juiy may hcyiu. HENDERSON MILLS NOT TO SHUT DOWN I i'tileron, Apill 2i" - None of tb, tim e totton nulls in Hi n lemon will he forced lo hut down because of ls l of tlvesi'iff hot ause of Ihe curtail in. -ill t.r tlie nipplv as a result of the nllies' blockade of German ports. No It H il factory manufactures anything thai iieiefiiaies the use of dyes, and the siai'ity of the pio'lint procured ;1 1 ii , i i cx-i l'inelv lioni Germany will not .iff. i I tie in in anv way Ihriioul the depression period, Heir ,i i on i iiHim mills have run full time. Hi, mils id'e il.n k for a lomi while lull,;., lh.. tune lo-t immediately after l ii.nn of Apnl :f, which cut the . ;,.!, i wins for lb"- Carolina I'ower im I l.ii'lit i . j 1 1 j ... ii 'm plant wlili h fur in In s i in rent here ANNIVERSARY OF PHA&AN MURDER IN ATLANTA Syracuse, N Y, April 2fi The cross -examination of Colonel Koosevelt In the names libel suit was continued today. It was the former president'! lifth day on the stand. Colonel Roosevelt's lestlnionjr today was preceded by Inlrodiicthin Into the records of several letters and stipula tions between counsel that depositions of four unnamed witnesses outside the slate should have the same efTwit aa If the witnesses had appeared on the stand. One of tho letters written by lluruea discussed Governor Hughes and said should Hughes be reelected he would set up a political machine and thai all politicians who opposed him would have to get out of politics. 1 Colonel Roosevelt, in his reply, aald: "Yesterday I saw Sherman Dennett, Geo. Smith, Cooks and Hitchcock, chairman nf the nations! committee, here. 1 havu been carefully going into the Hughes matter since I saw you. I appreciate to Ihe full the forco of th arguments- you urged against hta re iioniliiBtlon. It Is not pleasant for me to support a man who lias behaved badly to Ihe very men who did moat for bis election, I would approve his turning them down in the public inter est but I object to its being done wan tonly. "Moreover I appreciate that he has alienated quite needlessly very many vtders ami that if we hail the right mail to put In bis place (the right man from the standpoint of Retting; Votes) I should say that it was certainly wis. to nominate such a man. Hut no such man la In night. While therefore I want to disclaim any Intention qf seeming lo dictate the nomination, I think I ought to tell you my Judgment Is that the convention ought to nomi nate liliu." "I am sunt (list the delegate from this district will be for him. I may add that every one present agreed to keep absolutely quiet III this matter and lo consult with you before liny kind of conclusion was iiiiuoiiliceil but from tin' paper I Should Judge some one has talked." A i npv of the above letter was sent to Herbert Famous. On August 2t, I'.MiH, Colonel Roosevelt wrote lo Mr. Haines from WnshltiKtiin "Mont emphatically whatever my fi lends do up n Albany I nhall stand by them. I have given them my best Judgment Now If you iiiul thos. like you fear that I slinll ask you to rut your throats your feur is groundless." DELKiHTFCL SOCIAL SESSION OF Y. M. C. A. April 2l --Girl friends of i'lmcan the victim In III I'm nk ease, decorated her Ho vers today. It was Co il niia. I tlle M.i". , . ;i I. r. ,"! ri.i, i v. lln i mi I iinriveisary of her murder, for v.;.;.i i iinie I no Frank II'- In the Fulton "oiiiity lull with only the pos Mlnlily of executive, iltuieni) inter veiling between lii in and the gallowa. Following a most enjoyable social session, with refreshments scrvtd b Ihe Ladles' Auxiliary, the members of the Y. M C. A. held their annual meet Ing in the association building on Saturday night. The meeting was presided over by President Mixslln. Following the reading taf the minutes of the last meeting by General Secretary Craig, the president announcsd that four va cancies on the board of managers were to be filled, and that a commit tee bad been appointed, consisting of Messrs. A. 3 Han, W. (J. Jerome, W. K. Franklin. A. H. Keiinlckell, Jr., and J. II Gllley, to make recommenda tion for lining these vacancies. The committee reported twelve name from which the member were asked tn make selection of four. Messrs. I), it Hoylcs, R. 8. Galloway, Gilbert T. Stephenson and Thomas Maalin were elected the new members ot the board. 1'resldent Maslln then appointed Messrs. Gilbert T. (Stephenson, W. IS. Jerome ami J. II. Whicker as a nomi nating committee to report the name of members to be elected a officer of Ihe Young Mens Christian Asso ciation for the ensuing yeur. The elec tion of officers will take place on the night of Tuesday, May II. it waa reported that the sale of chautauqua tickets is progressing quite rapidly, and that those who de sire to take advantage of the t'l offer had better do so by not later than to morrow, as it Is thought that they wilt all bo sold by then, the number of f2 tickets being limited to 7 Ml. after which the price of ticket will be ad vanced to $2.5". NO IMPORTANT OPINIONS , BY THE SUPREME COURT. Wa!ilu;ton.. April 2"1. Noae of the important cases before the supreme court were disposed of in the decis ion today, which covered only small action. "