JiiL. IL TWIN CITY BJaLY SENTINEL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES 1 0 Pages 1 Section WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1915 4 o'clock Edition sTNot.B orr two crnth, ON TRAINS, FIVK CK.VT8. i year 1) STATEMENT IS 1 SUED BY MR. BRYAN ! I GERMAN SITUATION! EXCITEMENT IN ROME AS ITALY WENT TO WAR II AT BINE SPMS F NEW ised at the Lack Spirit Shown in Their Comments. of Pointing Out That Note 'ot Necessarily Mean War, Says uryan. :ic 1 1. Former id. iy issued a his gratifl- termed the : I he press in .an note to i iit follows: if the change n-ss in regard any. From the san to publish csterday, the been predict a 1 1 1 1 1 1 be dealt firmness'; that l"M that there ili-lay in the ac counlry's de- leal pxr-si over ultai in i'i:ii' :o ih- A:ie toy. i"1' M.M I18IJ.I in - iodp (it rhi- note in i.r! in, ,ie r- il ls ilmti t pap'-rs have u! :ao :im' it:h jin-at pay w o . 1 1 , ! I be mi mon- :e iif tin.- etc :eai df -.uiiiitr-' until the ns issicl, they put their I'tinii upon it in ad- nJ ruluri'il ii to suit tlielr jtrjinscs. Ii is n relief to t papers now emphasizing nth loiii- nf the note and is o-it tli.it ii dnj-s not nec- ly mean war. itlliini; has been (rained If irrior journalists at last real ii! thi cnuiiiry docs not want i'Jt that, mi the rontrarv. it Jiiport tj.. presiilent in liis i peaceful solution -lit raised bv 10 f..-l: Hl.V.l.t ; :e ut t:i.- .rs: in -n . " marine against ARIA SENDS A T PIES TURKEY k June RBt. s,iv HtieTiiiie: protest 11. The Uulgarian a Mm ha l est dis has sent -i strong to Tui'kev luieniiHA 'M'inui-.l m.liiiei-ente of that 'ranic on the liac railway an, t, Heleniinn nf ili'l fn ie'H FEELING IN GERMAN QUARTERS THAT REPLY WILL BE FAVORABLE Washington, June 11. Wit'i the publication today of Presi dent Wilson's new note to Ger many on the Lusitania, officials of the United States government and diplomats generally d is cussed among themselves the probable character of Germany's answer. Feeling in German quarters was that a favorable response was likely as the note seemed to open the doors to a solution compatible alike with the inter ests of both countries. The note, it was said, was purposely phrased so that it would give Germany an oppor tunity to meet the wishes of the United States with dignity, and in conformity with German pub lic opinion. .' vJ- 'Am AS USA Atf SUBMARINE ACTIVITY CONTINUES A Number of Ships Arc Torpe doed by the (Jermnns at Various Points. CREWS OF SHIPS SAVED RUSSIANS REINFORCED E EVIDENCE IN NAVAL ACADEMY INI Y Annapolis, Md., June 11. The navii! court investigating irregularities in recent exaininations at the .Naval Aca demy was expected to announce at today's hearing that other midship men would be added to the list of de fendants. .Midshipman George K. Price, a member of the new first class at the Naval Academy, told the court today that he knew of only one man out of the first and second classes who did not have advance information con cerning the last examination in the department of modern languages. The information was copies of sentences and matter that had come up n class. Ho declared lie had no knowledge that any of the so-called "dope" that was being generally circulated had been copied from questions in an offi cial examination. Price said, tho. it was always the custom to get a little "dope" just be fore examination. Some of it was suggestions given in class rooms by instructors to study certain tilings. NO PRESS COMMENT ON THE NOTE IN RERUN SCENE IN THE PIAZZA BORQHESI. I he a. hinl (liK-l.itathin ot war by Italy was preceded by s .line known Hint ciuliiii had fail,.,, , t,at n,0 c'abinet would last ten days surpassed the great demonstration of some few day I rospero ( elimiia, the .Mayor of the city, accoinimiiled hV his st.imhml l-,..-,.r .,,! u n, ssioii oi ir,u.(XN) people to the Qiilrlnul t. Mlute the King. Walling for the po, esslen en the balcony were the King, Queen Klena mid l'rince tmbcrlo. As sunn as the crowd saw them the crv went in, :' "I.nng live Saroj-!- The King, who 'Was In uniform, took off hi ,.np, sh mle.l to the crowd, I.oiik invited the Mayor i,nd standard bearers', Willi the am ient flag of Itome to the bnl, ny. Queen up a corner of the flag and fervently kissed It. A man who uiik ,..,,, , .. n, i... i. 1.1 Iiciidi l a pro nf the I'alarc "Long live Italy live Italy !" and Klena Miatehed cues of the greatest enl hii-lasm In lioine when It be any out lis full plans. Nothing seen In Itome In tho s ago, when the populace of It. imp. headed bv I'rlnea members of the I'lty Council. she was so mm ed she could uot tpcak. WILL DISPATCH THREE REGIMENTS TO BORDER TO ENFORCE U.S.PLANS Washington, June 11. Monterey's bakeries reopened Wednesday lor the jmbWr "a -'gYenf eul"Tn"n!ie' fam: ine-strieken city" Consul Manna has advised the state department. No bread has been on sale for several wc eks. Corn was furnished to one thousand people Wednesday by the American Red Cross. Possible interference by local Mexi can ol'ticials along the border withlwas only temporary.- plana of tJi.ttsAjTross- to dispense food, surmlieu iHK)U8lllte. for,rdj. ers frotn'tho war flepiirtirient to tlive three regiments on the border from the Philllpines. American troops would cross the border with instruc tions from Washington that the war department intends to have its men, there to eni'onc any imiiructlons ' President Wilson may give. j It was said the change In orders; WONDERING 1Y MR. BRYAN WOULD NO! SIGN NOTE Ilerlin, .June 11. None of the morn ing newspapers refer in any way lo th American note or the fact that it has been received and there is no o,,,,,tti.it mi tlw. froneral situation. American note, tho printed in i oazeue aiiacueu iu me .mis-..... ... ..m VICTORY OVER ITALIANS CLAIMED BY AUSTRIANS Some Officials, After PubMcaTTDn of Reply. Show Surprise at His Attitude. IS REC ARI)EI VERY FRIENDLY IN TONE Note Not Altered After Mr. Hryan Saw It, Just Refore It Was Dispatched. Cologne, Germany, via London, June 11. The correspondent to the Cologne ii d favorably to the The full in newspapers here, was not ac companied by editorial comment in th : o'clock editions. The headlines var ied in wording but were similar In tone. Among the captions wcre'Wnier ica Stands Firm." "A Very Solemn Warning," "Crave American Warning to Germany." " of President Wilson's Second Note to Germany quarters in the south says in a dis patch that the iirst considerable bat tle of the war with Italy bus been fought in the region of Isonzo river and that it Austrians. The Italians attacked Gori.ial Gru disci near Muti aleona, supporting their advance with artillery lire from pieces of large .unl mall calibre. Tin- Italian advani . the conv.-piuulent j says, was cln-. Led by the Austrian! lire on their tl niLs. I ITALIANS Ml A CONFESSES BEFORE SHORT DIST ANCE i -Writ!. . Wcii! r, snt'n r,. ; SlRklllK '"en-Mr; An.pt-l,.;, bp, in j "tian i i re itisn-.i, Ml,,,,,',. Hian, ,. I ,ii '''"rn:,,.,, yi,iir , , y note ,, "'marv , , "P- r .,; , Hi- :,m 4tr.r. i ' itistr,-', "mthiin, ' 11. -The text of 'l'-t' to the German 111 the note follow 'he Lusitania fol- "I Slate ad aiuiiassador interim at Her- -late. " I'll."., i.ador, Merlin : " 'I to deliver text l to the minis- 1 "h your excellen '''ii lo transmit immediately upon :" "f May in rc- ay I."., and your ' "f June 1, setting ''s so far reached finan government " KS on the Ameri- i'1-' and Giilllight. "I by my govern- " 'he following In lOV'TIII "Otfs i a!i,. -rn,,... 1 the ( . riar;-.,-., , 'f the Cnited i-fuliJieation Hie !he Imperial Ger i iliscusBling the ' and Giilllight, of ' freedom of all I to Hinil.nl cl.lt.. c -Miiinirin, i. a. ss of tho im- '-'"xrnment to ac- f t. its liability 1 f'taik upon neutral ' unl been guilty of ' German aircraft ' ' satisfactorily eR ; giiveriitnent of the th, , " (iue course lay It '' ''rman govern- hitj the .7. H' 1,1 '"formation U ' on the steamer i. the sinking of the hi-. '" ana fact , "aril of v 'H Hr.,1 P tateM i.tcamer Falaba, by which an Ameri can (ilizen lost bis life, the govern ment of the United States is surpris ed to lind the imperial government contending that an effort on the part of a merchant man to escape and se cure assistance alters the obligation of the ollicer seeking lo make th" cap turn in respect to the safety of the lives of those on board the men hunt man, all ho the vessel had ceased her attempt lo escape when torpedoed These are not new circ umstam es. They have been in the minds of slates men and ol International jurists thru out the development of naval warfan and the government of the lulled I ,.,.1 ,,,wl..r-il'i,li,l I hill thev nia.ea um-.-. too .. - have ever been held lo alter the prin ciples of humanity upon wlib h it lias Insisted. Nothing but forcible resist ance or continued efforts to (scape when ordered to slop for I lie purpose of a visit on the part (r the merchant man has ever been held to,lorfell the; lives or her passengers or crew. The government of Hie Foiled Slates, bow ever, does not understand that the. imperial German government is seek ing in this case to relievo itself of Ii ability, but only Intends to set forth tlie circumstance which led the com-j inander of the submanmi to be hur ried into the course which ho took. , "Your excellency's note m (nw '' Ing the loss of American lives result , lug from thp sinking of the steamship Lusitania adverts at some length to certain Information which the imperial German government has received with regard to the character and out: t of tuat vessel, and your excellency ex- . .1.1.. I ,. f, .nun t ii ,n presses tlie lear uiaj un " mav not have been brought n ...-'.I..., ,,t tlie Culled Stales In the note that the i-usoanm OF TRIESTE London, June 11. The Italians are within a few miles of Trieste, the chief port of Austria. On the western front tlie methodical French advance appears for the mo ment lo have ce.med. The German counter attacks do ui.t B'-ciii to have j been successful, i Point Taken by Italians. ; liiuesbr k k.i by courier to the Swis.-. i frontier and Geneva and Paris), June ;11 The Italian forces have capture-i Pinekcn in Austria, close to the frou I tier. Tlie position of Ibis location is PAYING PENALTY OF DEATH i important as : i-ori) ill I ii i f.'O mil I'toeketi is 1 main highway liiiicliruck. it. endangers Austria's i miles south of between Jtibach thi an 1 NOTE IS PRESENTED AT GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE Itk-liiiiiiiul, Jin, i aged 2a, who sh .v wife of Jam' s It ton county April In t he penitent . : He confes.-c 1 crated hi.-, iiroi'1 1!', who is also .' but who has . til August It., a new trial. 1 1. Luther ('union. Mrs. Maude Wilson Wilson, in Washing Ji. wai electrocuted here this morning I lis confession enu.'i . .lames Canton, aged l-T sentence of deal 'i granted a respii'- in cling ai plba tloii fo TWO THOUSAND BOY SC0UT8 IN RALLY Washington. June II Many offi cials are wondering why Secretary I Itryan declined to sign the second note to Geiiuaiiy wliiili they regarded ns j friendly in lone and cairyiri'! many expressions of good will ITu-v claim that its Ii a mlliness m.-is the very means wliiili he suggested persua i em liy wliiili to accomplish III'' I Ann i e an purposes. G'-i niaiiv ,i answer is not looked for i under ten days or two weeks, j Ii In i .inn- known hi re today that iuHIik lie1 noie was shown to former Si i n-lary Itryan by direction of Presi dent Wilson Just before it was dis pat. In-il, it was not altered after Mr Prvan had seen II. Acting Heeretsrv I. an -'IK. who Hhowed Mr. Ilryan I In; no i. , mid today thai "not a word or ieti.i' had been i hanged Mr Line li t- had mil signed the not" us sec let.irv ad interim when he took II lo 1 Mr Itryan, and at thai 'line, by the terms of Mr. Ilryan's reslgn.i' ion, the I latter still was secretnry of -date, lui l i Ilately after the. lonfere ice Mr i Lansing signed the note and Mr. Ill y-'.III.- leslgnalion bccHtue effective. Mr Lansing attended today's (abi I in t meeiinc b, specillc invitation of . I'n i ' I -ii I U ii-iili. He was not present j ., the opening of the hcsI-iii, taking I lb,, ground, as it wan expressed Hi the tati ijepniinieiii, that tie should not ,,tr. r I ii it 1 1 inviii-d. in view of th' .id nit' run ii.i i ii n- of Ins appointment. !,, I'l. .,e'it U'lhoti solved the ques ' t.nn bv in tin diati !v asking him to al tend One Russian Vessel Among Those Sunk, the Others Sent to Rottom Rritish. London, .Line II. Among the ships torpedoed yesterday by German siibnia rlncs was the s homier Kxpress. Th" crow was landed at Liverpool. Fishing Smacks Sunk. Ma as bill Is. Holland, June II. v la liu dun The llrillsti lli-lilng Hinai-ks Wei fare and Laurent I ua were sunk by Ger lliiiti submarines In th" North Sea. The crews were picked up by a Hutch smack and brought ln r". Torpedoed hy Submarine Cardiff, via London. June It. -Th'j Glasgow steamship Str.ithcurron vvn, torpedoed yesti nlav without naming by a German submarine. She was out ward bound from llarrle The crew put off hi small bo.it a ami was resi in-i' bv a steamer and brought here The Slralhcarron, of L'.sn? tuns, sailed from Havre May "S. for llarrle where she arrlvud June ", ami was reported to luive entered the uov erntnent nervlce. Rusilan Bark Sunk. London, June 1 1 The Uusslnn llnrk Thoniaslnu has been toriH'doed and sunk by a Gorman submarine off the coast of Ireland. The crew landed at tiueenstown. Other Steamers Sunk. Iunion. J'Kie IL.-Thn Swedish steamer Otago, bound for Mull, a torpedoed and sunk lust night. Tlie Russian steamer Ionla has heen torpedoed by s German submarine. The members of her crew were saved. Austrian! Sink Cruiser. Inneauruck. (by Courier to the .Swiss frontier and Oensv and Paris). June 11. Announcement has been mud by ths Austrians that on ot their" 'submarines Jt"P tcrrl van uk a nrttlsrrTTiilsef or wveriiooT lyps.aO miles oft 8L Jean Nebauk In th Adria tic. "" ',: - - v ..4. .... J!., METHODS U 8 E DTO GET CORRECT TIME BY WIRELESS Durham, Juno II. The Durham Jew elers are making arrangements to en tertain the stale Jewelers' association whlel, will hold Its annual convention In this city on llie l.'th. Fllb and I lib or July. ne of the most Interesting eventi of the convention will bo a public deiiiousl rat ion of tlie method used by Jewelers to get the correct time by wireless. For this deiiionsl nit Ion a wireless apparatus will be Installed on one of the highest buildings in the city and during the three days of the convention the correct tlmu of dav Will be reieived hourly from the large government wireless stations at Arlington, Va. ESTATE BEQUESTED TO ART GALLERIES Dublin. Mav tin It is announced that the bulk of the estate of S'r Hugh Lane, the wealthy Irish all exnert who was lost on the I.UBltanbi, is bequeath ed to galleries In Dublin and London The principal Hems in Hie estate are the collodions of psllillllgs s DELIVER A 1 Austro-German Advance Threat ening Leniherg Is Believed to Have Reen Checked. (Jermans and Austrians Sustain Heavy losses, SayH a Rus tsian Olllrial Statement. London, June II. British ob servers, forming their opinions on the latest dispatches from Itusslu, believe the Austin -German ad vance, threatening Lemberg from the southeast, has been cheeked. Itussla. they din lure, ha i ib liver ed a return blow mid n hard one. The great masses of tho Ger man mid Austrian troops which Iihvo forced the passage of tho Dniester river near .urawana, ac cording to the latest announce ment of the Russian war office, have, been flung buck with heavy lose.es in both men and material. Thus for the moment Lemberg Is thought to be safe, for nowhere else along the Gala! Ian front have the Teutonic allies been making progress recently with the ex ception, of course, of their south ern extension Into Huckow ins. News was received yesterday that Russian reinforcements were moving south along the Dniester from Mlkolalow and Itohutyn, but It hardly was expected hero that they would achieve, such quick re sults. If this victory has been decis ive, (t Is th Ant real chock de Jlvefed bMhaJtuwUM jlnc th "Urt tit th new . Austro-Oernum rush thru aUtl,""" CULFLIo7nFpROCIEOS ON HER VOYAOE TO DOUEN Scllly, Knglund. Juno 11. The Amor lean tank steamer (Julftlght, torpedoed by a German submarlnn May I and for whose damage Germany has offered to pay an Indemnity, sailed from St. Mary's Roads for Houeu yesterday un der her own steam. When hit ly thn torpedo the Gulf light was on her way from Port Ar thur, Texas, for.Houen with oil. The ileunier after she was torpedoed, an chored In Crow Hound and later wat taken lo St. Mary's Roads .The German government, In reporting on the at tack ss Id It was due to a mistake of the submarine commander. MINIMUM SUM FOR EXISTENCE IS FIXED Amsterdam, May 3D. - In view of thn rise In the cost of living in Germany, the German government has lined the minimum sum for existence which may not be mortgaged and against which no law suit or hi I 111 s allow ed at $.iMu, Instead of I !7.'i us hereto fore, . Statement Made by Mr. Bryan to The People of America the si lt Is Muted (Continued on page Seven.) Berlin, June 11, via London Ambassador Gerard presented ' the American note at the Ger- man foreign office at 1:10 p. m. today. PRESIDENT TO SI'ENI) Jl LY I AT ( ORNISH Washington, June 1 1 . President Wilson expects to spend July 4 at the summer White Mouse at Cornish, X. II. It will he his first, vacation since t ie foreign situation became acut". Members (r the president's family ar ; planning to go to Cornish about June lloston, Ma Irate to an in' led activiiies . rnent an i i be given in ti morrow aft' ri: ton Council, ' i of more than t be the Iirst ! magnitude li I In addition i c ises the prog: In whII si ali; i- Ing and wai. demonstration bridge biiildit: June ) L- 7o illus : : i sled public, tne var ' the Hoy Scout, mon . e deuionstiut ion will Harvard Sta'hum to i ! by the Groan r I'.im . i prising a membership a o l hoiisHiid. I Ins w ill iiionatratlon oi sin h nned in New Kngland ,. review and drill exe' am w ill Include olitesls . H-- building, fire light boiling, together w lib i in tent pitching, and and signal work. Washington, Jumi II. The text of I Mr Ilryan's statement, issued lust I night, follows: ' "fu the American People: "bin now have before voo the I' xl 'of the Hole to Germany the note v. hull it would have Ih-iii my ollni.il iiluty to sign bad I remained Secretary .of Slate. I ask you l !' In Jidg . iiK iii upon in v di i Isloiiiio resign rutb"r man to share n sponaibiliiy lor It. I .in, sure you will ir'-dil tin- with lion oi.il.le motives, but lh.it Is not enough, ifiuod Inteniious could not atone for l,i mistiike al hin h a time, on such a j subject and under such cln uuistanc- STORE OF PEARSON BROS. AT LENOIR BURNED. Inoir. .Lin-- II What threatened to be one nt Hi" most destructive tires that has occurred In Lenoir formnii) years, broke out in the store of Pea' son Urotliets, located on North Main street, about V'Mi o'clock yesterdiv The building with Its entire ronteu's was completely destroyed and two adjoining dwellings were badly dam aged by lire and water. PRESIDENT NOT TO REPLY TO STATEMENT Wjshmyt'jn, June 1t. While situation ith Germany was dis cussrd at the cabinet meeting it was ag-erd nothing more could be done pending reply to th! Amrncan note A prompt an swer it enpect'-d. The mc-imy today was held In President Wilion'i study in the White Home. Officials refuse to make any comment on Mr. Bryan's state ment of last myht It was de clared the president would make no reply. There were indications that administration oficil, however, were not pleased. If your ask no Tie ri liell-d I.IIW1 must act in bul I, o vi lli' must he verdict, Is against, me. I , I di sire none If I ha I , A man in public life Hiding lo bl . (olisi lence, i olisi i til ioUslv b'' ill Is, pi epari-d lo ..' i ' pt w it h on i i Utopia iiit any , niiiti-iniiatloii whldi Ins own errors may bring upon hlui, In- tens' be willing to bear any de-i.rvoil p i"'slitnciii, from oslr.ulstn to eeiUlloll. Hut hear me before you pass sentence "Thn President and I agree In pur pose, we desire a peaceful solution of I he ii Input ii which has arisen between the l ulled Slates and Germany. Wo not only desire It, but with equal far Vor we pray for It. but wo differ lrrc oiullalily as to the means of secur ing it. If It were merely a personal ilillen iiie II would be u matter of lit tle iiiouieiil. for all thn presnmtlons .ire mi his side the presumptions thai go for mwit and authority, lie is your President; I am a prlvato cMlcti without olflre or title bul one of tin, hundred million of Inhabi tants "Hut the real Issue is not between persons. It Is between systems, and I rely for vindication wholly upon tho strength of the position taken. "Among the Influences which gov ernments employ In dealing wl'h each other tliero nr two which aro-pro- (Continued on pago Ten.) Militia Patrols Streets to Prevent Further Disturbance Johns'. ti City, CI , June II Three lompatiliM of tin- Illinois National Guard were pairollltig the s "eets he'e today to prevent further disturbs rn between American and foreii n miners crowing out ol' tho lyiiclilug yesterday of Joseph Stronzo. Strotuo, with thr.-c others, was ac cused of shooting to deatli W. K. Chap man, a wealthy resident of this place, ami wounding Mrs P.enjamln Sehull, wife of the manager of a local mine. At Marlon, near here, extra piecau tlons were taken .to guard thn live ot three miners srreste.! last night for alleged complicity it the Chapman murder. v i 5 .1 '-. " I i

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