if'-" TWIN CITY MlLY SENTINEL ASSOCIATED PM.SS DISPATCHES 10 Pages 1 Section WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 21, 1915 4 o'clock Edition 81WM.R OM'Y TWO ORVT9, UN TKAJN. nv (SIXTH. ML RANK AVEDF ATI I ID HIP AT PORT TO PROTECT AMERICANS mm D mW MRNOR COMMUTE K'S SENTENCE TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT W Secretly Taken to State Prison Farm llledgeville, Ga. Was to Have Been Banged Tuesday Statement by Gov. Slalon as to the Commutation ata, da., .nine ll. l.co jvi. l'rnnk s sentenco this morning cmutctl b life imprisonment by (iovernor ttlatim. it:i:' secretly taken to the state prison farm at Milledtfe- Jev.'is to have bctfn handed here tomorrow for the murder Phaiiiui in April, 1913. Governor Slaton's Statement. jimr Slalon still was at his country home today when he U his decision over the telephone to the Associated Press. jig his announcement the governor d'etated the following itcmcnt: that I ask is that the people of Georgia read my statement mm why I commuted Leo M. Frank's death sentence to ponnu'iit before they pass judgment. itling as 1 do about this case, I would be a murderer if 1 ithis man to hang. It may mean that I must live in obscur lestnl' my days, but I would rather plow in a field than to the rest of my life that I had that man's blood on my Preparing Long Statement. emur Slaton was completing a long statement giving his for his action and this, he said, would be made public later. Crowds on the Streets. fly extra editions stated unoflicially that Frank's sentence Bcommuted. Early in the morning crowds began to gather principal downtown street corners. The arrest of a man apt ml to dismount a policeman by grabbing his horses lirrtd the crowds at Forsyth and Walton streets, and they Btlip (illicers to the City Hall, a block away, where they tprisoMi r, pending the arrival of a patrol wagon. Speak rted to harangue the crowd from the City Hall steps, but Wed liy an extra force of police. It was stated that a dele- ws coming here from Marietta, the home oi Mary rhagan. Removal Carefully Planned. removal from the jail here was most carefully plan- Htlii' ellicers Were able to elude the newspaper men and ho might, recogniw the prisoner. Leaving the jail by a 'tfslmrtlv before midnight, thev went in an automobile to Niuil station where a deputy purchased tickets to Macon. Miiot handcuffed and he did not wear the heavy specta- Wcrally wore. A black slouch hat was pulled down over The lew persons in the railway station failed to recog 1 It was half an hour before midnitrht before the report Mated that he had be( n removed from the jail. n, (la., the Pullman conductor of the train on which Mil his lruard rode said he recognized Frank in his car. 'to con linn this report here were futile for some time after Mien the train reached Macon, several persons saw the tod Iris prisoner alight and Frank was positively identified. M.v immediately started for Milledgeville in an automo- arrived there at 4 :."0 this morning. h Poi The First Fight Between Aeroplanes and a Zeppelin Ktmen on Duty, !.. June 21. Altho streets disenssoitr the 'Mill Il.lt ,.... ... 1... k l j " i' i " 111 it, ur mi i f'Miiy w.iri. mi ii... ii,. .... llt'lMMT u.i'l. ..I ii 'W cl,.,,.,, i .. j.j . " w ' i . illlll till j! P"ilu ,.,,.,, wpr ...lt .... ""I Were i,l (l l,.,..li , " w hiiiii'-'i r' aiviiiu attcinptitiK to in- rf. ;, i .i, .,. . L ,,;t "' -I. Jl III'' p., ' 1,111 i ill nil I'j'iTi "s t.,,ia y a,.ai protested his iitiiocfiM e-cif the inunler of Mar. I'luman mill expressed a coir, id ion tli;il 'tin' day is mil fur distant when I will In- exonerated." Frank will lie known as Convict . Mass Meeting on Capitol Grounds Atlanta, (la., June 21.--Incitement of crowds on the streets this mornin : after it. was announced that, tlie kov enior had con ilcil Frank's sentcne sillisidcil as tliP day wore en. A muss nieetin',' was held on the capllm grounds at noon. Tlie crowd niimhcr I'd LTiOO. Several speakers took ex ception to the Kovoruor's action. tOMARGARINE'LAW WLATIONS DEPRIVE THE U. S. OF MILLIONS The deUiro sliowa how the first liotnb from an aeroplane was dropped upon a Zeppelin In actual warfare. The Zeppelin Is nhown In the front of the picture, proceeding ritpldly to the rlghL In addition to her forwurd upced she is at the same, time rapidly rising at no less a speed than Xl'i feet a second. The attacking aeroplane Is e,eii nliove nt n distance of lion feet, and the dotted lines show the course of the bombs as they were dropped on the big airship. Tlie machine which thus had the honor of first stabblus a Zeppelin lu tlio ribs was not a aettpUmo It car rli '! ii "v-'ts but was nn "Avro" flliilnue. DEFENSE OBJECTS KASERMssiMES the THE GALICIAN FIELD TO 01 SMfSSAL OF CHARGE .Inn, f "l"irt r'l'JatH I After a pre '"'(ore him fnd.iv tl- Hi 111., ,!.. , - . , "HUH Sill ""liM ,lV,.r M. . ( li, ... ' ' ' "inioiilicenient of til J "-"'II-111.. i , k . . I Qi, .... . - 11 Ki sl.ll, "Uof .,. ta p, , ii.u ier pronamy oi" linjiilry would kh, ... 1 Vi?or. in ii , ,i loss of many in revenue, Snore '! '"at, altho frail- break 11 was said, ar' very law-break :aliui, aT 0, "as conducted by "iriln. of (ho (iilurni.l '' " WaH "weeping In ."""(Oi....' of i rPport r"v'nled Nmm,.. ;"' 11 ''! defraud- lt.J m, "t f at lenat "7 ,n. ,amP and goeclal more Important re sults of the iincstUaliiin were recov ery of N.'i! thousanil dollars in mipai-l taxes. ( vidion since January I of I'J violalors of the law, L'it of whom n'ceived prison sentences, and as--es-i menls of lines aK"ret,':iliiin' H "l0" sand dollars. Marshall, Texas, June L'l. At the opening of the court here today the state moved to dismiss the charge nC murder acainsl Frank O'l.eary, one of five Marshall men indicted for the killiiiK of William Itlnck. nn nnti C.illiolie leel nrer.here last winter. T!c motion was made on the ground that there was not sullii icnt evidence to convict (I'l.eary. O'I.eary's counsel opposed the mo tion on the proiind that their client's name "ought to he cleared of the inur dor eluirne by jury verdict and that dismissal of the case would always stand as a slur against his reputation. Iiislrid Judge I.ytlleton overruled the state's motion and permitted tlie trial to proceed. NOTED SPECIALIST AT DEDSIDE OF SULTAN Ueilin. via London, June LM.- I'ro- fessor James Adolph Israel. Hie wlddy known (ierman Hpecialist. is at the bedside oi' Sultan Meliemed at Con slanlinople, according to t!i" 'I'age lilalt. He will remain there until tile end of next week. The nature of the. Turkish ruler's illness has not been disclosed. MEMORIAL SERVICE BY FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN Fayelleville, June LI. The firemen of Fayelleville yesterday held, meniof inl exercises. The memorial services were originally set for Juii" 1::, but the absence from the city of Chief McNeill and assistant. ( liief Jones caused a postponement. DRILLING PREPARATORY TO THE ENCAMPMENT FayettcuMe, June l'l. Company F, Not-Ill Carolina National Cuard, is hav ing drills twice u week ill preparation for the camp at Morehead : lty on July ;. The company has a complement of over tin men and ( apt. Ii. .1. hainli is endeavoi ing to make it the best in the second regiment. London, June ill. Tlie an nouncement licit Furpcror William Jias assumed siipn-me Comni-ind of operations in tin- (laliciau field Is interpreted lei, as an Indication of i o 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 i;. Milan i onli.lence that the final y i, lory of the assault on Lemberg i . now so near at. hand that the emends who, dur ing the last iiMun mil lis. have Itnltered llteir way across tlie province, Willi the Fmpci'ir an ticipate pari i, ,pat ion lu the ex pected triumph Synie of lb TWO AMERICANS ARE UNDER ARREST Washington, June 21 John Reed, an American military cor respondent, and Bordman Rob inson, an artist, are under ar rest at Kaholm, Russia, for hav ing entered the military rone without permission. Ambassador Marye at Petro grad today asked for informa tion which would establish their status and secure their release. (Icniiuns and to be Kiibstan' no question Hi new victories Ii of the Calici,, AiiKlro-Cei-m.iii progressing tin west of la-lulu ed here thai the flight of l'i Indicated by .lims made by the Vustriaiis still are .iled, but there is 1 1 they have won i! Ii west, and noi l It i capital, and the advance still is i the (iro'lek lil'ie, i.-. It. is (piestion ... I liing so vital us Itiissian army, as ,, una reporM, has occurred. However, llrillnh ex perls believe the Russians are fighting rear guard actions while withdrawing their armies practi cally Intact. They suggest that cither the Russians have no intention of de fending l.eiulierg to the last or Hoy have prepared their main defensive lines in a position not vet reached by the Uermanie forces Willi less than a score of miles separating them from l.i mhcrg, 1 1 1 . -1 polnis must mioii be elucidated. Italians Take Positions. Home, June lit. via Fans, Jane L'o. -An ai niv hcadipiarters slatene lit, most of wlndi Is devoted to details of the I wo d.ivs' struggle for the heights on tlie Id! hank of the sono river near I'lnva, snvs tiial the Italians look the I, ii I of these heights June 17 and that while the Italians' losses wile heavy lie- re nils attained were 'niporlsnt The ommuiiiiat Ion says that on the l-oii.o, which the Italians "passed by in. mi lone," tlie Austrian positions have been taken one after another by (Continued on pugu Ten.) COLORADO ARRIVES AT GUAYMAS READY FOR EMERGENCIES THERE This a Precautionary Move in Case Mexican Forces Cannot Stop Yaqui Depreda tions Fighting North ot American Settlement RUSSIAN FORCES GETTING MUNITIONS Toklo, Japan, June 21. Via dlvostock says that munitions for the Russian army r arriv ing at that seaport in reat quantities. Russian authorities have placed rush orders In the United Stales for cars to trans port the supplies to the front. T E R RfF I C VOLCANIC ERUPTION AI SEA SOUTH OF JAPAN FACTORY PARTIALLY IS HELD PENDING A E WRECKED BY BOMB E XPLOSION GULLI VAN HELD TO BE I TEMPERAMENTALLY UNFIT j Washington, June 21. James M. Sullivan, American minister to the Dominican republic, is held to be temperamentally unfit for this office by the report of Sena tor Phelan, who conducted an in vestigation Into the charges. It is understood the report, however, finds the minister not guilty of any illegal act. President Wilson has read the report and it will be made pub lic soon. Windsor, Ontario, June St. The overall factor) of the I'eabody Com puny, Ltd , lo. aled in Wulkervlllc, a suburb, was u-lially wrecked by a bomb explosion today. The company is said to li ce just, completed an order of 1',, llritisli uniforms ' Shortly after tac explosion in life fac tory 27 slicks ni dynamite wire found in the rear of me Windsor armory at tached to a I nee fuse which mid lieell set for ;J:I5 a ni. but had burned out. It Is said fiat two bundled ni'-n slept in the armory last night and had the dynamite exploded the whole building would have been wrecked. N. C. DENTAL SOCIETY MEETS THIS WEEK Wilmington. June 2. A calherinx of much interest this week Is the 41st annual convention of tlie Nortn Curo linn Ilental Society, which opens at the Heashore Hotel, WrlKhtsville Heaeh, Wednesday evening and con Unties for three days. There will be a large attendance, JudglriR Ironi the reservations that have already been made. The hoard of examiners will be in session today, Tuesday and Wednesday. PIN Juliet. Ills.. June L'l Joseph ('amp hell, a iic.;ro "triiKty" at the stile pen I leiiiiaty, was held In solitary (online iiii-nt today pemliuK Investlaatloti of lie- murder of Mrs lOlmuhd M. Allen, wife oi the prison warden, whose body was I'hiii I mi a IiI.iiiih bed lu her ap.it I lie Ills v eslel'dliy, 1'ainphell was convicted In, f 'hi' airn live years : and xi-ntem ei i i serve all Indeterminate Hculem e, of from one vc.n lo liTe He s chosen per sonal servant to the Aliens under the "honor systi m " lie was Hiouiiht to lie the lust per son to see Mr-i. Mien alive. It is he lieved that sin. w.is burned bi death, altho her skull was crushedr Later Others Held. Ten convicts lieinicK 'ampin II were placed III aoldary ( ofitiiiemetit today lu eomiefltloii with the crime, A I'l'KTIIKK SH KXS IN A I'STIMM J HUM A N DKIVK r.erlln. June 21. A run In r success in the Austro (Ierman drive at l-ui le-ii? as announced today bv tin. war oltiie. The statement says that itawu, liui.si.-i, 'VI mlh'S northwest of l'Ui bciy, lias been captured from lb Hun nans, Toklo, Juno 21. UcporU of a ter rifying volcanic eruption at south of Japan have been brought In by steaineiB. The disturbance is regarded here an tlio direct causo of an earth shock In central Jupan yesterday the stroiiKest experienced In iieveral years. The marine eruption look place at K.:ii) a. in. Saturday. Its location is given as about 70 miles southeast of S.illilo or llachljl Island, 150 miles directly south of Yokohama. A pillar of fire and dense smoke ob scared Hie sun ami hiiK" rocks and iiiuulltlcH of lava rained down from the sea. Steamers which observed the disturbance were struck !iv tidal waves, but escaped uninjured, NO TICACK YKT FOUND OF KAItK STOLEN JEWELS Han Kriiuclsco, June 21. N'o trace hud been found toilay of the several ancient KKVptlan scarabs, 'iitmolids and emeralds and other .are Jewels valued at JI.Ynuii and which were stol en from the Domestic and Crafts sec lion of the Varied Industry College of the I'aii Ainerh aii Kxpuslllou on Saturday liicht lust. The article were the property of Kdi;ar I'erera, of New York. FEDERAL DISTRICT ( OI RT IS REVERSED Washington, June 'l. - The Huprem i oil 1 1 today reversed the federal His ! rlcl (.inrt of New Jersey, which ills missed the Kovi-rnmeiit Sherman law and i oiiiinodilics clause toil! aK.'ilnsI I lie Delaware, Uickuwautia and West .-(ii ItailriKid I'oinpHliv and tin. Debt ware lo kawanna and WCttern Coal 1'ompany. SI TRE.ME ( OI RT FFIIOLDS V, S. TITLE TO LANDS WashhiKlon, .linn, HI. -The till" of the I nitisl Stales to five thousand icies of timber hind in clay county, ;,' ('., contested ti v the lliawnssei ijiimlier Company, was upheld today by the Supri'mo Court. A lower court cad held tlio Kovoriimeut'M claim in valid. William H. Rand Dead. New Canaan. Conn, June 21. Wil liam II. Hand, for many yearn head of the tirlntiiiK and ifiibllHhliiK house of Hand, Me.N'ally ami Company, died her,, last iiIkIi). lie hud been 111 for soldo time. (iiiay mas, Mexico, June CO, by wlrtdesa to San Diego, Cat., June 21- Klftlulng was reported today alontt the Yaqui Ulvur uorth of Inn American settlement Indicating that Villa forcea tiow aro begin liing active operations against the ' Yaijul Indiana. No Yaipil attack on foreigners have been reported roeeutly. The Colorado arrlvud hero last night to protect Americana if th Mexican forces proo unablo to atop the depredations of the In dians. Carranza troops are ad vancing u northern Slnaloa agnlnat the force of Uonaral Mar torena. Durncd drldgoa north of (luay tn a a undoubtedly will delay trans portation ot the Villa troops for northern Hlnulo-i Jtp , operit--. agalnit llio Idvanrlng forces ot ' farrantt, ' " '" Advices from Acapnlco and fit Una Crux stain that conditions aro fiulut except for occasional brawls amoug I ho garrison at Acapnlco, wliern tb military com mandant hus ordered all saloon to be cloned. Several case of smallpox have been reported from Acapulco. Carranxa Denies Reports. (ialveaton, Tex., June 21. Clon eial Carran.u, In a cablegram to day to Juan T. Iliirns, Coiistllu llon.il Consul here, declared llieru was no truth in the reports of a break between himself und (ien eral tibregon. No other Informa tion was contained In the cablegram. CARRANZA WON'T OPPOSE THE FEEDING OF 6TARVINQ PEOPLE lairedo, Tex., June l'l. Ouslavo I'a pluosa Mirales, private secretary to tieneral Carranxa, and li'-n, Alfaredo Iticaut, Carraur.a commander at Neuvo Laredo, has assured (Jon. ('. A. Iievol, of the American Ited Croa.1, that !r rana ofth lals would not oppose the liaimportatlon of Ited Cross sup pile thru territory controlled by the con MlllutliinHllsts, The Meslca-i officials declined, however, that report of food shortage In Mexico were krcitly ex aggerated Aloli,o II, (i.irreit, I lilted Stales consul, accoiiipuiil d lieneral lie vol lo Neuvo Laredo where thtj conference was held. Two hundred refugees, Itvliidiug four Americans, arrived here today. One American said Monterey wan itilet and asserted that the supplies of foodstuffs now available In that city were ample. SIEGEL READY TO BEGIN HIS SENTENCE. Geneseo, N. Y., June 21. Slegel, former New York bank er and department store owner, today waived the stay of execu tion of the sentence passed last November and left In an auto mobile for Rochester to serve ten month in the Monro coun ty penitentiary. Some Advances by French North of Arras; Gains Made in Alsace l.ombm, June 21.- The French and (ierman accounts of operations In the west show the usual dlver-en -es but detailed reports from 1'arls satisfy the iirillHli that the French are making such advances as will shortly permit more active operations In the sphere off upled by tlio Ilivillsh army. The French advances north of Arrtia, It I", thought here, must have pushed the (lei man into a narrowed front which will render some of their inaiiH es of troopa comparatively inetfecllve The gains In Alancu alto that the French are drawing close to the area of prominent (ierman formications. The arrival at the bedside of Sultan Meliemed of I'rof. Adolph Israel, th (jeriuan speolallst, indicates that earl ier reports that the Sultan wan suf fering from a mild attack of catarrh do not show hia real condition. This . fact that the Sultan was unable to make bis customary Saturday visit to tlie Mosipie last week showed that hia Illness was not alight, as such, art omission is considered Justified only by the must extreme necessity.