3 MsJfr:ife:ffi',i, II H wm To be Thankful on Thanksgiving Day You should comfortable sh The swellesf Women, and prices that eve ?e Ou tvear a pair pes. Vine off hldrGfi of our stylish and Footwear for Men, ever shown by us, at can reach. USING 'W10VIES' IN TRADECAW1PAIGN Plan of Bolivia to Aid in Stimu lating Commercial Activity. Mm Vindows. e Co. 430 liberty Street FIELD TRIALS NEAR HIGH POINT DEC. 6 i . iwn iv., ... .,: it yr r a - y ! W!W MA J! J LA. Ji, NOTABLE BIRTHDAYS TODAY. November 19. Dr. William Krnorson Hittor. explor er of orean liottoms, who is cxtdinlin? biological rcKRarch to the Btrange life of the (ifpthb, ia M'. As director of Trripps li.vti'.uto for I'.iologioal He starcii durine the past quarter cen tury, he has built up the great experi ment station at) La Jolla, near San Di ego, Cal. There the animal and plant life of the sea are gathered and stud ied and the problems of physics, chem istry and biology, which make up the new science of ocemwy mphy, are be ing worked out. A big pier is now be ing built to accommodate the ocean going ship Aleander Agassiz, which dredges the Pacific's bottom for treas ures. Extensive additions are being made, thru the recent gift of Miss Kllen B. Scrlpps, who endowed the ma rine station. Scientists from all parts of the world are constant visitors. The museum has scientific treasures gath ered from the far depths. Dr. Hitter conducts the marine- station for the University of California, where he is professor of zoology. Dr. Henry NoMo McCracken, the new bresidont of assar College, ... Gabriel lianotau. French historian and statesman. 02. William Ashley Sunday, the baseball evangelist. "- Dr. George W. Hinman. president of Marietta College, Ohio, 52. lion. Iewis Harcourt, former Coloni al secretary in the British. Cabinet, 5: (Br NIXON' 8. l'l.l JIMEIt) Washington, Nov. 19 In order to facilitate trading between business men of this and South America coun tries moving picture films are to be utilized and Bolivia is the first South American country, to make progress in this manner. That country has prepared films representing the wealth, resources, business activities and customs of the nation. Several organizations of American business men already have been shown these thru the courtesy of the Bolivian minister. This .is the first time, it is said, that any large number of business men of this coun try has been able to become familiar ith the activities in daily life or one of these South American coun tries, trading with which has been so urgently placed before the public since the outbreak of the war. Increased interest is reported among those who have witnessed the films, especially those who have not hitherto dealt in the foreign trade. This process of education is expected to be of great value in causing an in crease in the foreign trade. Shop at Home MEET ME AT THE IDEAL Carter's Knit Underwear For all the family won the Grand Prize for under wear at the Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition, the high est possible award. This award merely confirmed the judgment of tens of thousands of Ameri ca's most critical peole. Try Carter's this season; see why it is considered so superior. Extra sizes provided for stout and, thin people. Complete stock for women, misses and children; 50c to $4.50. AH Coal Srf Reduced 1 K An c -, ''"4 pio.uu .miiis now $20.00 Suits now $25.00 Suits now $30.00 Suits now $35.00 Suits now All the very ana nest urfCL ..ll 522 to Thanksgivi A Jarge and complefe stock at same prices you paid last y Weather : Fair THE IDEA 1 WINSTON-STEM'S ii C-LJ here feJ free, HlKh Point. Nov. 19. The field trials f the Pointer Club of America will be eld on the (loorKe Gould plantation ear High Point, beginning December next. Three principal HiaKes aiv ffered; the Derby of $100, the all-age f $100. and the membership make. n addition to these several cups and ther trophies are offered Including he H. D. Klrkover trophy, the (Jeorge ould cup. and the Charles K. Whitlock up. The winner of the membership take will have his portrait painted by Muss Arnolt. or .New ork city, me George Gould cup offered for the win ner or this staKe Is valued at jiuu. The members of the local merchants association have offered their services o make as agreeable as possible th-i tav of the many members of the club who will be in attendance during th-i rials. In answer to this orrer the Secretary of the Club, Mr. John C. Weiler, of New lork city, wrote: We have al ways been most royally received and hospitably cared for; in fact, we are now so deeply indebted to your kind neighbors for their many klndnessen that it would take all our efforts to ro pay them." MUNICIPAL COURT Fair 1 winstonsjciems IL I (upf WthJyour gaF im m i m ' i Another lipht docket was before Jude HtephenBon In the municipal court thin morning: Pres fireer, a soft voiced member of the negro race, was charged with vag rancy. I'res testified that he waa em ployed by Wattle (ireer to feed the lat ter s horne, for which ne received $l per week and room and board. Othj evidence wan not in accord with the testimony of Pres and he was fined $10 and the cohIs. Oscar Simeon, a fifteen-year-old n- gro, was before the court charged with the larceny of a suit of clothes from a wagon in a warehouse. Simeon has Just completed a term on the county roads for houseoreaKlng. judge .Steph enson sent him back to spend Christ mas, giving him four months. The case h gainst '. J. Lipes, the Creek restauranteur, charged with hav ing and drinking whiskey In his caf. which had been left open since last week, came up and the defendant was fined and the costs. Notice of ap peal was given and bond was given in the sum of $150. It is the most satisfactory because it is absolutely r ble and unchangeable; it is supremely clean; it does not i ate dirt, dust or ashes; it is delivered silently to the a; ance not in a bin. Winston-Salem Gas Co. PHONE 52 CONDENSED MILK IS AN IMPORTANT EXPORT (lly MVO' N. I'M'.M M KH Washington, Nov. 19. One article of the United States which is playing an important part In the ever increas ing export trade of the country is condensed milk, and a report made public today by the bureau of foreign and domestic conference show3 that the sales for fiscal 1915 amounted to 37,235,627 pounds. The amount in 1911 was less than one-third that amount. I This article of commerce has prom ise of considerable worth should It continue to expand in the future, and the reports thus published may be expected to act as an Incentive to ward increased preparations for ex panding demands. The total value to the United States for the exports of fiscal 1915 is 3,0B6,600. In 1914 less than half the amount of exported condensed milk is shown, being but 16,209,100 pounds, worth Si )1,10!). Other figure ' show re sults as follows: 1913, 10,525,900 pounds worth $l,432,X0O; 1912. 20. 642,700 worth $1,651,900; 1911, 12, 180.400 worth $936,100. The imports of fresh and conden sed milk in HM'i a: Km) and arc now $22.", "i'0 per month. '.mm avenrd The $nper-srca:p f yfcf thasecii "IdeCdk 2 for I5c as: VZfHPiX, tig"; uwww&C fiSv w many new novelties urged to buy at thj in seeing: what we bav have assembled Gift Good tth f ot be Invites you to call any time tomorrow ana msp arranged for Christmas purchasers. You will time unless you wish to, but you wilr be interes prepared for the Holiday Trade Sea for Men, Women and Children and an i Our window disnlav alone will be worth lOnen House All Dav and In the EvenW Ufttil 10.30 " r - " i If planning to send Christmas Cards, Booklets o Souvenirs our printing department will appreciate your early orders. IKynone too soon now. 9 lectiofi will be worth your while ;it to the store. WINDOW DISPLAY Opposite Court House BAUER Gray Block Third Street