TOB TWIN-CITY DAILY SENTINEL, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.MARCH 23, 191, , Six Part PP V.L.S.E. Tfye Rosary 99 At Pilpt Today ip. The houra 1 epend with, thee, dear rwl .J V 1 1 n f - ""rv - fin v j fl .1 I If I counthem ovV every on apart, JJ W JQ. jj V I w My rary, my rbsa-ry." 4 A Selig itefl Scil Play in Six Parts AS GOOD AS ANY GOOD SERMON ACTING THAT IS BEYOND COMPARE A PRODUCTION THAT IS COMMEND ED BY THOSE OF EVERY RELIGIOUS FAITH - WONDJSRFUL SCENIC EFFECTS GORGEOUS LIGHTING AND PHO V TOGRAPIJY FEATURING THE FAVORITE KATHLYN WILLIAMS DON'T MISS SEEING IT 1 1 NO ADVANCE IN ADMlSSlON5cand tOc COL. JACOB KEMPLE TO LECTURE AT HIGH SCHOOL With the Theaters MAHUARKT ll.MTO AT Al UITOHH M MARC II !B. "The !.le." by Jlnnry Arthur Junea and with Mia Marsaret llltnston aa the Mar. la natd to tin a rare anil hap py combination,-for Mlaa llllngton '. reported to iclvo a performanre that la faaolnatlng, drllrutely artlatlo and re poaefully eloquent, and Mi-nry Arthur Jonea la well known aa on of th thre of the at-eateat living KfiRllxh dramatlata. Other aunceaaful playa from hta pan Inrlude "The Silver Klnjc." The Maaciueradcra," "The I.lara." "The Itauble Bhop," "Th fane of Kelielllnua iluaan" and 'Th Middleman" The atory that Mr. June tell In Thel.le," haa to do with Hlr Kobert Hhale, .1 pennileaa .baronet living In the town of Waventry, England, and hla two grand riaughtera, Kllnor and Lucy. In order to keep th horn from ruln; to com plete ruin, marriage for the glrla aeer. moi t ' tiereaaary. Lucy th younger la aent to London to vlalt an aunt and I about on the eve of a marriage with a wealthy and titled young man, when he I taken alck and dlea with ont making any provlalon for Lucy or the child about to be born. Lucy re turn home and Implorea her alater to "a her through." Elinor, -the elder of the two a fine, true aplrlted you nit girl, haa to put aalde her own love af fair, with a young engineer, which la Juat about In It Infancy, not altogeth er willingly, but becauae ahe aee he duty to her alater. Then her alxter Ilea about her, willfully Ilea. Thla finally cornea to Kllnor'a knowledge and when It does ahe become rlgtvt eoualy Indignant but even then It li hard for Kllnor to reallie and believe that her alater, whom ahe haa mother ed and protected, would atoop to play her auoh a trick. With her excellent aupportlng company, Mlaa Illlncte will bring- 'The Lie" to th Auditor ium next Wednesday for on perform ance only. Heata go on aal at the box office next Monday. I en by Wallace and Peach at th Audi torium thla week. Th apeclaltiea are numeroua and quite well preaented. Jack Miller and wife In their "black and tan" act have atarted a wave of popularity that bid fair to continue all the week. The other principal are clever and taking It all around Audi torium patrona are certain to find the bill today worth aeelng. It In definitely announced that 'Th, Iron Claw" the new I'athe aerial wilt begin in a few day at thla pop ular theater. With Pearl White In the leading role, It la a poaltlv fact that no aerial picture ever ahown her will contain aa much human Intereat In every reel aa "The Iron Claw." Full announcement of the picture will be made In a few daya. I PARAMOUNT THEATRE Preliminary Will Start at 8:15 O'clock Matsuda to Meet Jim Poulos. PLEXDID ATTRACTION AT KI,KM Al DITORH M Lover of vaudeville, singing an I dancing are getting full measure of entertainment out of the program civ- Quick, Safe Way to Remove Hairs Toilet Talk) Keep a little delatone powder on your dressing table anil when ugly. hairy ' growtll with a little ! water, apply land hairy surface sir 2 rub: off, wash hare vanished. appear, tnake a paste tha powder and some pt nnmain on the r 3 minutes, then the slllnand the hairs ThfsJ treatment is quite harmless and rarely more than one application is required, but to avoid disappointment care should be used to buy the real delatone. Adv. 1 IP mm 2EK A 'ALL THIS WI AND THEm MILITARl MAIDS Matinee 5c and 10c Night 10c and 20c t - ' - . . . I W The stage Is set for the two big wrestling matches at the Paramount theatre tonight. . A large mat was placed on the stage this afternoon and other final details completed for the event, the first part of which, the pre liminary, will begin about 8:15 o'clock. There is a lot of Interest being mani fested and a good crowd is looked for. All the four wrestlers who will go on tonight are In the city. Jim Pou los, the Greek, arrived last night to gether with "Matty" Matsuda, the lit tle Japanese, who will go on In the preliminary instead of Mexican Joe. Con Albright, who had a match in Raleigh last night, arrived on the 9:20 train this morning. Matsuda is go ing on tonight at his own request, tie hurt his arm in Wilmington last Fri day night and has not been able to work since. The laylng-off does not agree with him at all, now that he Is In condition again, and yesterday he made arrangements to take the place of Mexican Joe. This was perfectly satisfactory to Promoter Barton as the Jap Is a much better man than the Mexican and therefore the mill will be all the more interesting. The Mexican is somewhere In the eastern part or the State. Dulworth did no training today ex cept to take a good-walk this morn ing. He did several miles of road work yesterday morning but Instead of working out In the T. M. C. A. In the afternoon, he . slept for several hours. Poulos has been working out In Greensboro and Albright had a match last night which puts him In good shape. The best two falls out of three will decide the mill tonight. The "strangle hold will be barred, but everything else can be used. It has not been decided as yet who will referee" the match. Mr. Barton said this morning that he would try to have some local man take the Job. Wrestling fans are urged to ho on hand promptly at 8:15 tonight as Pou los and Matsuda will go on the mat at mat time. Tickets can be obtain ed at O'Hanlon's drug store. LOSS BY THE FIRE AT SPRAY ABOUT $75,000 RtoneVlllA. XTnrh 99 Ol. :k. Started yesterday In- a IiipIi,-,i.. about eleven o'clock In ' Bpray . waa checked about 1 o'clock with the result 01 one enure oiock being destroyed. The proprietor of the barber Bhop aald he left a small oil stove -burning aa he usually did and only went down to th TioTt atnr fn nn..m the fire was discovered by someone on me nrai noor, una snop wan on the second floor. When flrat discovered the Are had rained such headw-.y that stopping- it was imposslhio unt.i th whole block was burned, '"hlch was. the largest business block In the toivi,. The firemen and hone from the cotton ml. were uaed and that la - I saved the entire town. Those burn vt out were: Mr. S. H. Smith, confectlo i ery and aoft drinks: Meaara. Maf n Brothers, drv irnnrta- Mr r T. .k ertaon. retail grocery, and The Ru3e- ra xiaroware ana implement Cotm . pany. The entire loss is estimated.' at 17S nftn Most of the property was hei 'y fin aured. The block burned wan Muiost BlMk" kn0Wn M "He&r COMPLAINTS AGAINST NIGHT MAIL SERVICE A number of complaints are being registered against the, mall service into Winston-Salem at night, by both traveling men and business men of the city, who read the large northern papers. On an average of twice each week, the mall from the North, due to arrive In Winston-Salem at 7:40 o'clock, Is late. Sometimes it gets In on the 11:40 train and then again It is next morning before cltlxens and pa trons of local hotels are able to get their papers and other mall from the North. Propretors of news-stands state that the present service Is great Incon venience for them. They not only lose a neat sum of money, but they have numbers of papers left on their hands that have to be returned to the northern publishers. Traveling men depend a sreat deal on the newspa pers from their home towns as a method of spending the evening. When the papers do not arrive until the next morning, they are not pur chased for when the "knights of the grip" finish the day's work, It Is al most time for the papers of that day to arrive. It Is understood that the news deal ers of the city are considering pre paring a petition and presenting It to the proper authorities. At any rate It is hoped to arrange so that a town of the size of Winston-Salem will be able to get mall from the North and especially the papers on the day mailed. MR. HEMtY J. LGK DIKS NEAR KAHMINOTOIV, AGED 84 Henry J. Lee, an honored cltlsen of Davie county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. IL K. Sparks, at th ag of eighty-four years and some month. Altho he had been afflicted with Bright' disease for a number of yean, he was confined to his bed only a few days when the end peacefully came. He was a great lover of out-door life and was out walking around about the home and farm moat of the time when the weather would permit. He Joined the church early In youth and lived a consistent Christian life. Altho he was aged and somewhat Infirm, he contin ued to attend the church service every time possible. The deceased Is surviv ed by three children, Meadames H. K. Sparks, W. L. Butner and Mr. Willian Lee. The funeral services were held by Rev. J. F. McCuiston. Interment was In the Macedonl N0. Superintendent R. II. Latham, of th city schools. Is arranging to have Col. Jacob Kemple, of Utlca, N. T., deliver several lectures to the students of the different schools on the United States Navy. Mr. Kemple, who Is an orator and humorous writer, arrived la the city yesterday and will be here until after Monday. He has been making lectures alone this line for some time land has been warmly received in ev- ery city. This morning h talked for fifty-five minutes to the, children at the West End school. One would have thought It a political meeting. Boys and girls made the building ring with their choers and were reluctant about letting Colonel Kemple stop talking when he Anally did. Superintendent Latham said that while the speaker was on the floor for fifty-five minutes, It did not seem longer than thirty. Colonel Kemple likes North Caroli na. On Tuesday he will go Into Vir ginia for a few days on business, but hopes to return to this State later. "I'm always assured of three squares and a flop In this State," he said this morning. He was Induced to visit North Carolina by Mr. Charles Fra iler, now a prominent soap man of Norfolk and formerly a business man of Charlotte. Three years ago Colonel Kemple was In Quantanamo, Cuba. By special arrangement with Admiral Badger he went aboard the United States battleships in winter quarters there and delivered addresses on the most prominent features of American history. There were 20,000 American sailors there at that time. He had the same arrangement with , Admiral Fletcher this winter, but when the fleet went south. Colonel Kemple was suffering with la grippe In Norfolk It was then that Mr. Frazler prevailed upon him to travel thru North Carolina and doliver lectures at the schools and colleges. Colonel Kemple' says that in every town In the South he has visited he has been treated with courtesy, hospi tality and Coca-Cola. His loctures are delivered In his own way. He does not present them as most speakers that talk along the lines of preparedness do. He has a style that Is all his own, and this style has made him a great favorite in several towns in North Carolina. Prof. Booker, of the University of North Carolina, said recently at the conclusion of one of Colonel Kemple's addresses: "lou have como to us like a refreshing spring breebe after all tha doctrines we have had on preparedness." The remarks were made- while Prof, Booker was thanking the speaker on behalf of the school. Superintendent Latham has arranged to have Colonel Kemple speak to the students of the high school on Monday morning and will try to arrange for him to address other schools during that day. MKK ClemrooJfVM evenlngJMarch at Clejnmons P Schoefl a mttuVf'K of busilless meiof Clem to Jllscuss1 iral ltUlt9. rged lb ajtffnd thla m thtnslvl,i about th' fareaMr subject. ttt Pit is la of Mi AT ('LEMMOKH 23. On Molday will be-Wlil and tfilgh rmefs and d jflclnlty feryoociy g and In mportatft specialist ts. Raleigh, eetii o leadThe discussion. come expictlng to as. " An opportunity ormlng a Credit and Savings Union, I which the children takeVn Important part.iThe meeting Is calHd for 7:30 VclocTc, and all are urged t SCHOOL CLOSING AT, , PLEASANT RIDGE The Pleasant Ridge school will close Saturday, March 2Sth, with an old-time exhibition. Kxerolsea will begin JiV 8:80 p. m. by the school. At 8:30 p. m. the Jr. O. U. A. M. of Brookstown will present the school with a flag and Bible. At 7:30 the main program by th school will be rendered. HEALTH AND INCOME. Both Kept Up on Scientlflo Food. Good, sturdy health helps one a lot to maker money. With "the loss of health one's Income Is liable to shrink, If not entirely dwindle away. When a young 'lady has to make her own living, good health Is her heat asset. . ; f A !- "I are alone In fthe wdTld,," writes a Chicago girl "dependent oa my own efforts for m living. L ani a clerk, and thru close application to work and a froardlng-hduse diet, fl became nervou and got sio bad'offilt waif al most irnposgible for me td keen up In the jDfflcj. j 1 7 - "A Mend RlllrraKtnrI In ma IhoMHoo of tryibg jrape-Hutsffood which 1 did, making it a large fcartfof atj least two mefUs h day. 1 j I. l oaaar t am free nrom dysbeDsta and 'tc alia of an overworked and im properly Nourished briln and bddy. To '!rar--Nuts I oweHh recovery of my health, and the ability to Retain my position and Income:" "Thete's a Rea son." Name given by Poatum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. . Ever read the above letter A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. (Advt.)' Bell-ans Absolutely T. 1 J l indigestion, un&pflckage proves it 25c at alldruggists. Petto TO ONE 6F THOSE HAND SOME OTRIPES WE ARE 1 f showing and selling thesedays. Oijr Stock Is nnmnlptp yumiJiuiu AND MANY froUNG MEN ARE BUYING NOf. LET UjS SHOW YDUfui WEEK. It Pays tcill the Arroy j -xisny W- HEALTH CONTEST IN E Man and Wife Stand 50-50 at Time of Finishing Fourth, Bottle of Tanlac. Tanlac Is responsible for a novel race for rngainea nraun ana nappi- ness in tho Luther household, 412 Wa cliona street, this city. At the time Mr. ylllUm Luther and his wife, Pearl Lither, finished tho fourth bottlo of Ttkfilac between them the score was atie. , Whilo Mrs. LUlher has been going at top notch spd toward the goal of life's material dbniforts she has been unable to gain fa Blngle point on her husband. Tls true that the wlfo leads In the weight race ifche having gained four and a half potinds to Mr. Luther's two pounds but nhe husband so far loads in the otheir1 dupartment of the race regained appetite and sleep. Therefor they stand today SO-Cfl. "We are both In tho pink of condi tion r.Kahj," Mr. Luther and his wlfo united in telling the" Tanlac Man. "Just i short time ago," the hus band continued, jl wiiis lu a run-down conditio. I susTered, loss of appetite and from lnsoifinla." "And I," broke In Mrs. Luther, "suf fered stomaoh 411s that came from Im proper digestion. J.ike Mr. Luther, 1 suffered from sleeplessness and loss of appetite The Htfle time I did sleep found me experiencing fretful dreams." "Not so now,"! man and wife again chorused: "Thanks to Tanlac, matters have changed." e "While I have gained two and a half pounds more than my husband, he has bested me in the oth er end of our faoo tor regained health and happiness," Mrs. Lutlier said. "Wt are both in tho pink of condition, nut Mr. Luther Is enjoying a little better sleep than I am. The difference ts not much, for I am sleeping better than 1 have been In years, and I hope to catch up with him, soon In this depart ment. We are even on the eating part, as be and I have about the same good, hearty appetite." "We combine;' In cheerfully recom mending Tanlao to suffering men and women, especially to man and wife, for we feel they will derive the same enjoyment- that Is ours In our Inter esting health race." This highly endorsed and nationally favored reconstructive tonic appetiz er, blood purifier and Invlgorant is sold only in the Twin-City by O'Han lon. Tanlac's special adaption to the needs of the stomach classes it at this spring season the tonic that nearly ev ery man and woman, Is In need of. (Advt.) THIS DATK IV HISTORY, 1787 French troops captured Trieste, most Important seaport of Austria. 1815 Treaty of Oenna signed; Bel glum waa given to Holland, and Ital ian provinces were restored to Aus tria. 1815 American sloop Hornet cap tured British brig Peguln, ending the war of 1812. 1854 Commodore Perry, tT. 8. N-, makes commercial treaty with Japa nese Emperor.' 1863 Returns to U. S. war depart ment showed that, to this date, the deserters from the Union army num bered 125,000. 1871 Olrlbaldl elected Oeneral-lni Chief In France. 1877 Execution of Mormon bishop. John D. Lee, for Inpllcatlon In manna ore of emigrants at Mountain Meadow en route to California. 1885 Riot, headed by Louis Rlel. broke out among half-breeds In Bas katchewan. 1914 BattleRhlp Oklahoma w launched at Camden, N. J. - 1915 China agreed to consult Japan before making foreign financial, pollt. cal and Industrial arrangements In South Manchuria. 1915 The war: Allied troops land ed at Oalllpoll peninsula. Germans In Ghent executed 17 Belgians as spies. Russians forced to withdraw from territory they captured In East Prus sia. .' - Congressman R. L. Doughton and Miss Doughton were here a short time last evening en route from their home at Sparta to Washington. GRANDS QUALITY : MEnMEATfflEIOEATjjpj Front L aced. 3! 7i I mm in fl i I Dave You Made Ths Test of Your Corsi Do ynu fl occasloul languor, Urtmula of listless. ness, inwtmuueni iniugestion, an Intense relief at the moment oi uncorsetii if you reel these Symptoms you are developing- a premature matronly tflcjate, sacrificing health for fashion. Women who wear MODARTS never feel these warnings. For the Designer of MODART Cornets is generally conceded to be the foremost corset designer lu the world.- Every smart effect he creates must also meet his approval as an anatomist. So, If you seek to Improve your figure if you seek to gain new grace of carriage if you seek to promote your health and comfort and at the same time conform with pre vailing styles then we urge you to have a trial (it-ting. WEATHER Partly cloudy. THE IDEAI . 1 WINSTON-SALEM'S Li Phoncsso - BEST STORE - Phone in Buttericll Pattern? Spring Timei Oxford Time Everything that i New, and a Won derful Display. From $1.50 Up -f a a A. ,A Iashmit's I - 415 LIBERTY STREET! lMSBBlBlaawa Try Sentinel Want A GREENSBORO AT MARCH 25 NOTEt Owing- to the marnltul t this pro- Orffhwtrs . . fl-iwi " j f auction It la Impossible Baleonr .. S1? Tjj, (BY ARRANGEMENT TnE BIGGEST a ma tine. Galln-7 KJ PRESENT W nOPnlNoj ONE YEAR IN MEW YORK SIX PIOOTIK IN CIIICAGO fl I "WILLW HERP. c 4 io nisi v WITnARrh HIT a ,, a. !? i pnirES WITH X SPECIAlpn CAST: Ttltu U,e ato" Tk" T-rob. with Ahluta TrathS.- ThrUl. It. AnMUrT VmtU They tM i- aueaee. . .STSSX H.y Ot-e,, Pay- O fe HSti Thla Praert.. Plmr. 0l7 Oawta, ch.H.tta. 1 W. C , OMD