it , '. ji '. ;.''",'.; 'j;. .-'.'. v, . , ., .. . : i ; .; A. Advertising. .0 Cm.' 1 yr. One yeaj.7 . ;. 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00' 30.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 4.5.00 75.00 Sis? j-months,. :'iTS Three months...X .Pawn Vwl in' Send all moriejx letter or postal order, adti. 50.00 Chbqxicxe, Wilkesbororigh : Fqual Taxation, pirect and ; Indirect. I WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY, 1ST. C, NOV. 19, i I I. , 'V . '. ! ... .. 1 1 1 t . 'I t 1 I . I I V . I III . : - - SI ' " ' I 3m 4.00 COO ( 7.50 moo B.00 II V J M B I 1 t - - 111 r T- " ' : : : --cx i J. A- Cooper. iUer & Go. DE1LTB3 15 . " General Merchandise.- ' Boota, elaoc?, baU, caps, dry good, and notions, tnd Clotbiag, the larg est lines in the town. "Wo are also Agenta (or "FARMERS' EMEND" CUANO, The best Wheat Fertilizer in the trade- THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IN THE COUNTY-, leol uble 'to j;lvo UI xctistomers goods a Cheap as any p. Town. We cordially invite all to coma and 40 bi. VT claim to fco the . . . f Origi'natora Adjusters j1 OW PRICES, Ikes Coud.ty and wo beleivo the Cla bar iound tbii oat. B- tit Ka nriccs ctf Plaids. Do- slicfl, Coltopadoei &c., when "wo mQ to tbii place. Come and see fiey re now.; Wo pimply L Itarted tho" crusade on the Qt ( these staple articles and fi3ariesof life- r .; . , " . Crrt V.r tho mowT for oar goods . Aj ibeod to give oar costamers the lanugo of every chaoge in : the ni Old Bcllable, Store br VV c Mill PR CO. ; 5"oro Produce Market Filler fCb. V r I fTHE 6HROI2I0LB. ! Editor and Publisher.' Ifc&rR & Deal, Proprietors cwcond-Wa.t matter. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1830. Is Vance Safe?' Tho Legislature elect is stmg- ly. Der locratic, and the; most of the members have benelec ted on a square Vanbo plat form j there is a good majority elect e i with positive instruc tionshb vote for Vance. But is he: .ctually safe? This paper fears hat he is not,' and asks the pt ople to take notice that their representatives carry out their instructions. It ia a little remarkable that Tho Progressive Farmer, Col. Polk'i. paper, has renewed, its attach on Vance, saying square but tlxit it cannot and will hot suppc rt Vance for re-election. 'The Alliance must abandon this measure (sub-treasury bill) or it must abandon him (Vance) Vhaf answer will tho Alliance of North Carolina make to .this propc sition?" One who believes in fair dealing and the honesty and e olemnity of pledges must view with sadness this whole sale for Alliance members to' bo t instructions and pledges. The .Uliance of North Carolina exac ly understood Vance's po sition on the Sub-Treasury bill before they nominated candi dates and instructed them, and it decided in favor of Vance. Now that the Alliance has al ready decided for Vance the Progressive Farmer again Tais es the question and -advises men bers elect to actually bolt insti uctions. And yet , this who esale bid to bolt the will of tl e people, is called by the Progressive Farmer "a high and sacrpd duty." It is to be hoped for 1 he sake of regard for hu mar honesty, for f h'e good name ofair beloved state, for the wel: aro of our agricultural in tere sts, that Col; Polk's ' organ is re ckoning without its host; that honesty in North Carolina is nAt yet ready to comply with a bi 1 for treachery and bolt instructions. jB it' who can tell? t Is : there not some underground secret org xnized effort after Vance's scalp? Does not everything point in the direction that there has been an agreement that if Ingalls' head came off, that Vance's must likewise fpllow? Col Polk has 'made a fight a gai ist ingalis and scalped him Die he not recieve aid on ; the agreement that fVance should cor ie do wn also? As the hopes of lowning In qaljs increased the attack ce have kept 60 I ago when boafe,' the teased. N6w jofeated, - the ceand vig- something.' e r a' .'whble-f ers to bolt in- r fun. And pes ; out iro liance De,rfj-Vith-'Iicpufii- t ahead. The jith : surpri'j es. ig tno r idgeni'int' lo nothir rudder ! ce id it to! bolt instructions. f j We hope our fears for Vance are groundless, but there is jit ' " something in the air- .- j , I McQinty has come up out of the sea, and McKinley has gone down in his stead. j Tho latest novel is called urally suppose that it has a bad end.; The Lenoir Topic is receiving the meed of just praise for its excellent work for Democracy in the last campaign. It did its work nobly, The Republicans are now very busy, explaining why it was that they got so badly bea ten at the last election. . But they can,t get up any excuse extract from which they much comfort, can Blaine said before the elec tion in a speech in Pensyvania that "as Pensylvanih votes so will the nation vote two years hence."' That being the case the Democrats will elect a Pres ident by an overwhelming ma jority. . . At Shore's distillery in Yad kin county, Ira Shore struck Tom Joy ner with a piece of fence rail and killed him, one day last week; They fell out about the ownership of a pock et knife. - J A Georgia editor says that a man who would. cheat a coun try editor out of a year's sub scription would give a nickle with a hole in it to the foreign; missionary fund, and sigh bei cause the hole was not bigger" than the nickle. Prof. Koch, .of rBerlin; has discovered a cure fqr consump tion. The process is by inoccu lation. The lymph used for in oculation destroys the tubercu lar baccilli.. The ingredients of the lymph is not known. It has been tried with success. The process ' will shortly be made known. It will "undoubt edly be a great benefit to sjufter mg humanity. ; 7 Mr. Valter Hester, " a kind and genial drummer of Win ston, 'committed suicide, by shootinn himself through the tdmpl, while on the train be twee Kjernersville and Win ston, j He was on his way home fromiBaltimore. No reason is given; except that he had been troubled with melancholia for several days. ' J HFbr the Speaker of the House of the next General Assembly pi this State, the Chronicle would certainly be glad to. see itf genial and. well equipped friend, -Mr. K. A. Doughton ot llghany, elected. He has the perience, is well v-ersed in arliamentary regulations, is ourteous, gentlemanly , ana firm, such characteristics as re necesiiary for a good presi- ing officer of a deliberative bdy. , " y "There V is ; considerable talk Rhould be elected Speaker of the next House of Congres.3. Mills, Crisp, .Mc Millan, and many others are spoken'of. Judge Crisp in bur judgment is the best equipped of anr Southern 'candidate. But v,o-think : it had policy " to ithern mar ih at elect any Southern I position. Republican; ' on r '"rYXxS' spirit from Illinois j Hon. Wm. Springer. He has the acquire ments necessary for a $ compe-; tent official,: and has proven his devotion to the welfare of good government and his sym pathy with and for the fair and honorable trying towards usof the South, on" all occasions Springer is undoubtedly the proper man for the placeat Viio iiiti nfn vcl r15t?nol o PFn T-vn When, from any cause, the digestive, and secretory organs become - disorder ed, they may be stimulated to healthy action by the use of Ayer.s Cathartic Pills. These Pills are prescribed by the Physicians, and are for sale at all the drug-stores. . A recullor nxpressTacKa?e We venture the' , assertion that the one and only express package of its kind and con tents left the depot at this place one morning last week. It was nothing more nor less than a regular genuine Wilkes' pos sum, raised and nurtured and 'fotch up" right here among us under the shadow of .its own persimmon tree, which was se curely boxed and labled for the State of Maine. - It was sent off by Mrs. Graves to some of her friends in Maine. Shehadnev er seen a Dossum till she came to Wilkes. ,Tney don't raise them ud there in Maine. She likedi the conntehanc of the 'critter" so well that she sent one to her friends. It will be a great curiosity up there, and they say that there will oe a lot of money made by exhibit ing his possumship to the as tonished natives of Maine. The possum left . the depot seemingly in the best of spirits with a fixed assurance implant upon his countenance that he would land, safely at his desti nation where he could claim more prominence and have a better social recognition than here in his own couhtry. His face bore that exquisit smile of contentment, tempered with a sparkling glimmer of the hope of future prominence in the State of Bro. Reed;, of ! whose' quorum he should be called to be a part after vMarch ac cbrinjf 1general tary law,' - and the internal fitness of things." His ' pos sumship! in bidding a last fare-. 11 1 I'" i! 1 ' A wen to nis native nome, seeju ed to fuly realize that passage which says, "a possum is not without? honor save in his- own county;,,- His- neig&ors and relatives did not seem to real ize the fact that he was leaving them perhaps forever, for none of them was at tne depot to see him saf ely off on the train. But he did iiot seem, to mind it; the hope of being one of Reeds quorum seemed to fill "his soul with joy, and he smiled and smiled land smiled, and .he left with tnat same sweet smile still covering his face. We hope he shall realize his dreams He had a congenial and lively company, who would share , his box and the inflations of his joys and hopes and sorrows on the way to his future abode. His" companion was , a kind hearted, though tough, old Wilkes rooster, who, though of n. different iamilv. did notwisli his Aeisrhbor and" iellowl citizen o4 Wilkes leave with out cojnpany, ; Long mav the possum live to enjoy, the fU f ruitfon of gooSltb iikbatp ii- ' : i " ' " : " " "'" - New Aim Complete FORTHEi- DKEED FliUIT SEASON. " i - ' o ;,.y.. V;T V- v We have made iii a special featare of oar basiness Tor years pasUo proviiV Fresh and Seasonable Goods for the Daied Fruit and Berry trade a class of good? lo meet the peculiar wants of this section, and not offered by jobbing ' houses ! generly. Fofthe ensuing season preparations have been made on a scale beyond Auythin eyer attempted in the past, oar stock excelling in size, variety and ! cheapness. -A stringent money market has been of gretit benefit to us in the purchase A of ; this stock- Forced sales resulted in the catting of prices andibave enabled us' s some rare bajgains. We are showing many things infcry Goods and Notion' below the cctual cost of production. .v 1 . : x Wiih a Stock nneaqaalled in the State and superior facilities throughout. -we ; look forward to a very large business, and mean that our customers 'shall not only be pro tpotcxl in mdpv rMnect. bat Rha.ll -- .4. v - j - - f , - ui.uwgcoju cuutr uurcuaScS COS IU IX; U tU eisewnere. i STATES V7LLE, N. C, June. I LEAD, OTHERS FOEILOW. : :! V;-: -ol .;:-.( ; I am daily receiving all kinds of Iron; and Steel Bolts, Carts, and kinds of Repairing materials, such as wheels, axies, springs, shaffs, etc. In fact everything- kept in a . First-Class Repair Shop. ' V i I keep on hand-' all kinds of wagon material, and. repair wagons, buggies, etc., at short notice and in the very best style. Donft fail to see. me before buying a cart, or hav ing work done. V Shop and warehouse on Academy street. John L-Webster, , Wilkesbobd, N. C j ' : l r . AGENTS for br. Talm age's New If AN I tti work and great trip 4'To Through, and from the Christ-Land," entitled j' 'FROM 5IANGBU TO THRONE"; Embracing a New Life of Christ, and a Story of Palestine and its People, illustrated with, b ver 400 wonderful engravings of scenery in the Holy Land, copies pf old masters, and famous pictures from the Land and Times of ths Sa voir, also a grand picture of Jerusalem on the day of tie Crucifixion, in 12 colors and ten feet in length. This is Dr. Talmages life woilt and his greatest book. ( Orders are now pouring in from all parts of the civilized world. You will never have another like it, 1,000,000 copies will be sold the first year. Agents should drop all else and secure territory. Such chances come but once in a lifetime. Exclusive' territory given full protection. The most remarkable and wonderful of all 'books about the Land, Times, and People pf the Bible. Get to work NOW and make hundreds of dollars. Territo ry going-with a rush; act now; no capital need ed. Name territory you want, and for particu lars to '' ' ' V i'V:--v v ? .' , B. i. JOHNSON & CO., 2600 Main : St J Itiehmond, Ta. aiwn iuuN, cuvciv ma But hell return in a few days a ,1 more, With more, Goods from Baltimore, At prices ess than heretofore. Mr. J. iT. Feruuson, qf this firm, has gone North to lay in a new stock of goods. Our stock is already, but wd are increasing it to meet the in creasing 'demands of our trade. ; "We haVo and -T are receiving an assortment . of every class of goods and groceries to supply the needs each and every one, and to please the most fastidi ous. Just come right along; to the Brick" Store. He's Done Gone! v B W tO p. ; Becanse teir! Goods tee GgIbi Low. r. ' . . T. fl M III "N V . 1 i . : . . - . - . - V Stock of ! Gogs s WALJLACE BROS 1890. MONEY TO LOAN. : ; . For 5 years att8 per cent, on improved farms; loans repayable in small' annual installments, thus enabling the borrow ers to pay off their 'indebtedness with out consuming crop in any one year. Apply to J. S. Cbakob, Wilkesboro, N C. i THE FOR 1891. k Some people agree with The Sun's opinion about men and things,' and some people don't; but everybopy likes to get hold of the .news paper which is never dull and never . afraid -to speak its mind. V , Democrats know that for twenty years Tho Sun has fought in the front line for Democratic pri nciples, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the true interests of the party it ser ves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have'differed as to the best means of accomplishing the common purpose; it is not The Sun's fault if it has seen furthejeinto the millstone. ' - Eighteen hundred and ninety-or.e will be a great year in America politics and everybody should read The Sun. ' ; . Daily, per month, ,L. ,.....l.$0.50 Daily, per yerr. .6.00 Sunday,"per year, ..r. .2,00 Daily aod Sunday, per year.. ... -... . . 8.00 Daily end x Sundayjmonti??: a!-. -0.70 Weekly SujymGwr, .... ... . . .1,00" Address The Sun. New Y rk. .. "rr have put up a first class Barber Shop ia Wilkesboro, second door from Air. Fluley'a law office, where you can have the Utest style of hair cutting, shaving, sbampoomng, , hair dyeing, etc., done in first class .order at any and all times. Give me a trial.' I J IS. Torrence. J. M. Turner, M; D., WILKESBORO 11. . I r ' ----- jcarOffice at his new Jtesidence, whre he eai be found when not professionally engaged, f JOH;D. WILSON, Practical Surveyor & Civil. Egter, -All kinds of Surveying a nd. Leveing promptly and satisfactorily done. ESTMap-drawingr a specialty. T. B. FINLEY - i'LW. a WILKESBOBO, Win pratic in all the Courts . aa-coLLECTiONS a sPECiALrryr Real Estate sold on coxuniasion . ! H. H. Wkixbobx. R. N. HArirr' WELLBORN & HACKETT. v ; Attorneys at 31-x7cr. WILKESBORO, c- Will practice in the f tate & FederaH,"urt8. Isaac'iO; orn; ttoifney at X-n w9 , WILKESBORO N .C. , Will practice in all the Courts. Dealer in Real Estate ? ; . Promt attention paid tc the collection f cf im W. n pi. rnwLzs. V; W. Ikkkiu DAuBst W1LKESJ30HU.A. i ir- 2. "S. CHArrr - Jr V.