Y YYv ) CO i morn . Vr less salt. f JT-orc of it as trsoil 1.5 sufil- 'provided With Kali is neces , r, ?.e Ui"'0?t;oa ofood, hence sajt indispexiisablo . cement of plant I' v. urasi-nnd positive atq esiecially iy U. Pireihacdr. ire hundred, pounds ',',oM. for 'tli j purpose at t v. Pe" ton - ny " be -applied now fn ur. 5thc 'z irraw starts, growth tr cntiilly: benefited I.-v it. YMan-. aad othvr foot rrons should receive four , hundred to '.six hundred r,vJei-u i cabbages, lind especially ragu. nerd &:t!r i'.Oiits and wheat benefited bv it, the effect of it being stiSeu -the straw and cnlargevthc yrain, gLving tt a'r?ear, brfgut skin -v The sajt nas also a 4crifccSial ettectau the ". suiVpjr its' c.h?'iu:cal action. ; Y .Y i Y" "Y: ' . v t . ' ' '" 4 M jf 4''THK .CARS P : LAMB3. ,'j ; J ; '' At limbiioj tlino , the pen should be ' P18,1 extra Avarm and coalfotable, .'as latkvfcV dropped during severe cold weath er (.especially if 3Ierin03 or fine wools) fcobn become chilled unles3 the 'room i3 warrn,' or pronipl attention is pad to theai by. the attendant. Should the ewe fail to own her rami, it is best to tie her up ' in" a separate stall; or better still, i partition, oil one corner of the pen so that she fjaay not be shut away from the flock j If the lamb becomes chilled it may be fed a few tablespoonfnls of warm milk, mixed with one-tenth part of brandy of whisky; or, in the absence of these, a few ' drops .of Jamaica ginger or pain-killer may be administered with the milk.j. This treatment, with wrapping in a woolen blanket and placing near the store, should socu restore the lamb to vigor.' If it is placed in the pen with others, it is a gepd plan to place upon the nose of the motper a lew drop3 oi tnc same ma terial that was mixed with the . lamb's drink, j Thi3 hint will often cause ; the ewe to own her lamb, or-even a strange lamb, when otherwise trouble wduld be experienced. . j ' The. first six hours of af lamb's life is the most critical time ; hence many farm- ers will go to the barn at midnight to ))look after their flock, and it; often pays to do so, as a well-kept lamb is worth in r)rt.iVhpr not Ipsa than 52.50. and nffpn vv.wiw- J - is obtained for them. When a week old limbs will begin to eat .the leaves and cflover heads, and also the fine leaves of timothy,' cornstalks, etc. But clover is 'r f mrnrir ird Khnnld Tip 'rrivon 'JniT if possible. It' not jpnly adds growth,' but" makes them strong and hearty.-:, Y: ' No doubt some tit the cr. es will be come thin in fiesh. 'These, with their lambs,jshouldliave .a separate enclosure,' nieci an extra ruiiuu ot gram, piac- ca trougn , iow enough so that voids' may also pat a .portioaof ember mat to be successful in ciising .one needs healthy sheep, ' ytooa, Avarm quarters ana prompt CARE OF. HILE. cheese ' manufacturer in this State; ileorge ;E."KewcIl in' the American lUurut, . ha3 had the following advice prflted at the head of the ;ia sneers i.c T-sues o nis patrons : good care of your Right's milk, it jou:r - i;cre miiK is aenverea ctory .ouiy once in twenty-tour qrfe'tnan tj;ainxrr attention at man hands is necessary to pre- oualitv.. Esneaally is this true eather, an& onni?hts when the sturbed by electric; 1 .storms. It al interest to the mmufacturer to eceive good: milk, Tor the renu- f Ms stock must brt maintained! ad profitable money returA yielded to lis pjatrons. s? O'dptper siglilicance also 3ardzed. as ' greatly through carelessness 13 U1U UUUU .TU&VAA J I sw JWV find ignorance iu the dai: as - by loose I tamtary conditions! in the fi of a pesti I lenceii t The thought of . e. ;ing "hurt fkhorrencei 'mpat" -filli' evenr one with ,'et the consumption of, taint dmilk is as lan arerou to , human health: illk may levdorr al k fatal poison; and y reveal uttle of it to the' sense of sm If - iThere Ire two cenleral species of. tain tit affect , Mlk. ' Wain warm front the iviDtr iu u uceu vcaaci ib tie rron prfttpa ' on , baracter. of, decomposition, i and, ,rank dors emanating -from decaying' animal t vegetable matter-cause the other. ? rTo g.void both, milk must be set ira draught f pure air,! and be aerated thoroughly tiy stirring,jor by driving air "through he mas3.. The" fluid should no't be vio- bjitly 'handled while it is cooling; and ring, or a partial separation of the but r globules erisues. JLn " wh&tererA char ter of vessel milk is stored ovei eight, ie 3 material of course being tfn;; free rculationof air'shoula .be secured un rlthe bottom as well as around; the jaployea, and only a moderate., quantity f ntlk be stored in a can For "a dairy f Jjinl vio regularly .patronizes a 1 cheescii JfctfPil ana mates -jwiay ; Taeiiverv, oi ay', axperly thsti'ucted ;-;8hoIdSs!ei'ajprtiOf his It Bhduld stand i oai ele ipn :convenient'to tie milk- id one ojien to a itejt ;crcvit rom all tj,i2artersV YPosfcv are et high, with ashmgled roof, s high 'above the ground as uiow aown, les Bhcld be avoided as the object f nK5bstruction ' to the freest "culation; - The' catis - of ; - milk Miin'cleats rajsed at, least six Aho' floor, and ' thov never iyase be covered ovir riight 'creen.Y' A flight otv strong hjjad up" to the platform for Jeers and the opposite side W for facility in' kading f Jlilk thoroughly freed - al-hcat before it is massed uita cerfaia of k--'- a ... i ' ' ti i TXT A over one him d wfl oi ivepu m one can, and the diameter of the can the if reit On t rtt. cnni wi.- i ' mi caris ;puc tatner take a barrel to the fac tory tisr that'rposc. After a thorcx:r,h cle:i: sfag of the receptacles, they should bs treated to a.rigid scalding with boil-, ing vater. This may seem an unneces sary precaution;' it -is often- neglected to the ( etriment of the milk. Y j ;) . ..T.Tdnt in milk can not. always be1 de tected by the sense of smell, and jit pres. ents its most dangerous character! when, odor ess in the lacteal fluid, it arises as gaseous effluvia from the cooking; cheese.' Y aiJi A.XU JiOTSSJ 2Itny repairs are now in order! Frequently give your hens new. c ean nests.) r - i . amc juiii.et is heiuom overstopicpfi -with the pest. " ' j J , ' A light and effective movable fence is a desideratum. r ! j . j Cuit the burs and cockles before turn ing in the sheep. j r Keeping the weeds out is better han pulling1 them out. ' Y! Itts destroy millions of dollars' worth of gram annually. . 'TAui until the frost kills the flic bc- fore painting your buildings. j , ' Tie fall is the seeding time for weeds. Dest roy them before the seed falls. - : T ie toad is one of the best friends (of the l armer and destroys many insects, f T kill blue grass growing between bricl:s around the lawn, wash the bricks with salt water or strong solution of soda. It is 'said that typhoid ' fever has been traced to a dirty pig pen, the virus com ing ; nto the house on the unwashed feet fot fliesi Y.- " ('It Ct re should be taken to keep -castor bean a' Out of horse or cattle feedn for. they are i ital to stock. -Horses will not,how cver cat the si alks while gathering. j Bright oat straw run through ' a cut ting box and mixed with bran and a little j ground oats, slightly moistened, makis. one of- the best fodders , for hors ;s i In cutting seed potatoes cut the cye with a 'slant toward the butt or stem cad, and rut past the middle of the potato leaving as much of tho eye on the potato as you jean. . j t B( 'careful that your hay does not be com( heated in the barn. Hay, to keep well, "should be well cured? and dry be fore storing, and it should not be packed too 1 eavily. . ' i Pi ofeisor Augur, of Connecticut, rec omm (jnds sprinkling cabbage with brino stroi g enough" to bear an egg as a remedy for t e; cabbage worm. It i3 also good for t je cabbage. '. I . . j , It is only in ef ceptional cases that it will, jpay the average farmer to breed hors isj fo speed. Generally, all things cons ered; good draft horses will.return a sal erj and better profit. ; j In jplowing ' stony land for seeding to grass pput all small stones into the furrow and saver them, and lay all. larger ones out in the furrows and aftcrwarddraw then off on a stone boat. . Three-quarte.rs of an ounce of salt to the lound of . butter will be the right quantity for most markets for immediate cons imption, and one ounce to the pour d for packed butter. ; "When tomatoes are on stakes or"trel- lises it is a good plan to nip off the tops. Side shoots push out the sooner, and from these come the fruit. There is no adys ntage in so much height. . ; - ; K ickers among colts and calves are usu ally bred, not born.' Handle them gently and kindly and kickers: will be , rare. Teas ing by heedless boys and hired men orig nates most of the farm kickers." VT ;ach the boy, to dohis farm work so that it will be admired, and you grve him som thing to think about thrrf adds zest to h 3 work. Teach him to be as neat and tasteful, in his work as in dress' and you levelpp valuable qualities, such as may hold him to tho farm ' j ; If the corn crop is -not harvested and siloed when there is moisture in the stall s to start rapid ' fermentation ,we shot Id certainly, says Hoard'1 ' Dairyman, add water to the contents of the pit, and if th 3 water was hot, it would be all the mor C effective in starting the fermenta tion j."' ,' '. . ' . 1 I : E; irly cabbage are not usually as hard and large as the later kinds. They are intei tded to afford a supply while ; wait ing or the better varieties to come inr kTheT are but of little value unless early; Iti3time to have, the seed for j early plants sowed inthe hot bed, and the yourfg plants should be set out as soon as possible. " . :' i'r !' - ;' -j- ; , TLo introduction ot the bush lima bean i3 a Valuable aid to the bean grower. The chief -Expense in growing lima ' beans : is the poles, which ' require labor in . stak ing j and replacing -'when .affected-; by wincis. .Those who jiave tnea ; the ousn beanaftjKjJy are Cmly as pro- as the pole plan's, as wfll as oelng equal to the latter in quality. 1 i make tVoroueh work of the weeds thejj should Jrfe carted off the land at oncq and burnca up it dry enough, or dumped in a pile and '.worked over, for tWO years oeioie retuxiiiug to the land as cbmpost. ' This working . oyer, may be A doA4 with; cultivator and harrow in a largfe pile; it p.oea not., take much time but aeeds attention every ten. days in te fiViA of th reasons whv reaches' do noi succeed on landlong ciAtivated, is lacldof mineral plant food. iThe peach is jisually planted on light pr sandy land, thai has at best very little mineral. The seM cannot form .without pctash, and lacHicg this the seed fall off soon after setting. ; It i3 believed by sorlje that lack 'of potash is the predispoig cause of the! disease known as ': pcch ' vellowE Aaken early enongbthis ; d Wq-jf '.has tm cured by heavy iications if i w w i. l i mi' iiii Ti r nrm am. v-a .a , -ww r -w m a . .. a ,1J J - - v an iue -notash. salts. A. ', ; OH APE PIE. Y Pop the pulps but of the skins into one vessel and. put (the skins into another " Then simmer the pulp a little and run it through a colander to separate the seeds Next put the skins and palp together ind. they are ready lor jugging or for pies. Pies prepared in this wav nearly as good as plum pie, and that is GOOSEnERRX FOOL. A very, delicious , dish with a queer name 'gooseberry .fool" comes to us fram our great-grcat-grandmotbers, and is . particularly acceptable in warm weather. 'Boil green j gooseberries until tender, mash the fruit to make voice adding but little, water; mash through a hair sieve. To a quart of the strained berries allow a coffee cupful of suar and boil up once. It is delicious when celd, and should be eaten with credm. If the latter is fresh it will not curdle. It is also very nice with boiled custard. Rhubarb may be prepared in the same manner.- JSleio York World. ' " KECIPE FOR ANGEL CAKE. The New York World's Housekeepet finds the following recipe for angel cake very, good: Sift the flour once before measuring, then jtakc one tumblerful of the sifted flour and -add to it a level tea spoonful of cream-of-tartar and sift six or seven times. I Sift tho sugar once powdered is the' best and measure a tumblerful and a half of the sugar and mix with the flour and cream-of-tartar. Take the whites of eleven eggs and beat them to a stiff froth. Add the flour and sugar slowly, beating all the time. Flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake about forty minutes" in a very slow oven. Cover the cake for the first twenty-five minutes. It should be a very light deli cate brown when done Let it remain in the pan when done. Slice with a sharp pointed knife held perpendicularly. POTTED LIVER. Farmers who live at a distance from a market will find this a delicious use for the liver of the veal which they may kill, as country' butchers often do not appreci ate4 the value of a veal's liver and will give as much for an animal without cither' that delicacy or the sweetbreads. Boil the liver until tender, turn out id a wooden chopping bowl and beat with a wooden potato masher while hot. Re move all skin and gristle and pound to a paste, seasoning with salt, cayenne, cloves and mace; add enough of the gravy to make a' smooth and creamy paste and pack in small cups or jars. Pour melted butter oyer the top of each until well covered and keep in a cool place. It is very nice for luncheons or supper in hot weather. Turn into a platter, slice thinly and serve with thin strips of but- tered bread,-white or, brown, or spread overliot buttered toast. American Ag riculiurist. I . IIASTV PUDDCfO OR MUSE. As this is a favorite American dish, the recipe is for a large quantity. The flour in this case is added for. ad vantage in frying the pudding when it is cold r tho pudding when hot is eaten with milk, sirup, but ter or gravy. Pat two quarts of water into a clean saucepan, with a level teaspoonful of salt; set it over the fire, and when it boils stir in a ppund of Indian meal and a quarter of a pound of flour mixed to a smooth paste with a pint of cold ; water; add the flour and meal gradually, stirring constantly with a pudding-stick to pre vent the formation of lumps. When the pudding is quite smooth let it boil steadily for j an hour, stirring it often enough to prevent burning; constant boiling improves the flavor of the pud ding. When there are no lnerisures con venient, enough meal is Btirred into the boiling water to hold the pud.ding-stick upright. That portion of tbkj pudding intended for frying should be poured into a tin or earthen dish wet with cold water and allowed to cool. -Juliet Corson. ' v' i : - nou$EiioLr rubers." For polishing furniture beeswax and turpentine are very -good, but plenty of elbow grpase i4 essential. White paint that has become discol ored may be nicely cleaned by using a little whiting in the water for washing. Save all iyoiir old white muslin. It makes good dusters" and will also be use ful for cleaning windows, as. it is free from lintt ; I ' . A good way! to remove ink stains from carpets i4 to sprinkle salt over the sonea spots an pour on boiling water; ao is pour j tmes, if necessary. " Fo eaning glasses belonging to ma- hoaraj furniture, use ciiuer puwucicvi or Knraned rottenstone mixed whifaS eet oil and rub on with a chamois Eslrs shells crushed into small bits, and shaken well in decanters, three pares filled 'Jith cold water, will not only clean them fhorougbly, but make the glasi look like new J - '. - The walls of T each room should be brushed, a duster should be tied over a broom and then passed up aSd down. The duster j must, of course, be shaken ixom time to time. ... - : ' T-or MMninr windows and mirrors one o - 0f things is plain soffi v chamois leather, having a dry chamois Ipntw o Tell to oolish with afterward. This process will not answer near the sea, because of the salt in the atmosphere. Th scrubbing of floors should be done with bath brick dust or sand and ordi nary household soap. The object of the Yrri rlr dust or Ksnu , is nuivi-u .vf-. leave all the 3oor3 and windows open for it to dry very quickly, which also help3 to whiten the boards. .When tablecloth jVire worn beyond Tv,pndinir cut squarf from the best norts'of them Xem neatly.' ey m&e nice) h little co do nATtn to use at ' -Tv for" tnern V A LEVEL HEAD. ;.';"-.' Errgeeicjr nn Dnnns: the late l rike on th Xor York On iroiltail road, the niihtia reri orrtereU to b in Tediae8s in case of a not. Lot iticr were ut l11.11 jnterview r- HiU M troops were not to be called upoa except in case of u emergency. Thd emergency had njt arisen, tnereiore thsy wouiluotlxj ordered ont. U wmarked that this) wa tue first jfreat rtnke ivith which he had bad experience, and he did notpropos.e to loe hb Je.d t the only point as wMci ihero had been Berious trouble wan t iyracnpc. and ther a deimty fherift" had lotsS li pad ud procipf tated an eucoiinter. i ihs btrikd c mtinied several weeks, and there n i wious action aj var ou point alous th ju&cj, out.lue civil jiutho. itiea were abljiocxpe w' . caning on ilio militia. jineieatoi cmergehcy arises wlnVa makes a hasty call ou iu8 good judgement anJ di.-cretio:i. "The niu "WnO retmnj I. in r .. , . t - oniTv Jl i H y i i" reiama ui cHiTn"r:r-,r:",l put to the fionr V Men with level hdada . w iutu uo not uuicr in the face of dn.crer. ;... j . i.. 1 viiw a. cole, of Iviiisuian, O.. Jnn i 10.. 289 ). -wntea : -In the fAl or 18SS I was feehii'? very t" nsuitctl doctor and lie said I hail unfits disease ofi.u.e kidnevs and that ho wouiu not stand in iy shoes lor - tue State t.f vnio. l,iit lie did not 1om3 courage or erre up: eBijs: 'Isiwthfe tei-timbnidl of Mr. John v.oieiuao, 100 Grery S .YNcw Uaven, Conn., and 1 wrote to him In due time I received an answer, stating that tho testimonial that he save was genuine tnd not overdrawn in any narucu ar. I took a good man vx bottles of Warner's Sate Cutei hare uoi taken any for oueytar." thv. Hill i-t; accounted a vrv sucoessfal tuaii; noiscooland caicnl4tinr and belongs to me class that do Wot lose their heads when emergencies arises. Things 0. K A Western man, whj owned a great farm in Dakota, was obliged to cross the water lor business purposes. For three months he heard nothing from the man whom he had left in charge of the farm, and at last he became somewhat dis turbed. He wa3 un illiterate ierson. though a capita farmer, and the writing of a telegram was a matter of some difli culty. At last lie sent off the following Is things all comprehensive' message right, at the fsrm?" Impatiently he awaited the answer. Bu t his trusty tore man was a" man of few words and stiict ideas of economy, and thp envelope which his anxious employer received as soon as possible, contained simply this message: . Ihmgs is." San r raneisco Argonaut. The Perils of Youth. How few havo any material sympathy for youth at that period wnen "Standing with reluctant feet N here the brook and river meet. They are urged forward by Nature's stern de cree to assume the powers and duties of man hood and womanhood. And yet this is the most critical point in the voyagyof human life. Then it is that the danger of a shattered nervous system reaches its crisis and itrno raoce seizes its opportunity to plant the eeed of future ill-heafth and misery. Then it is the quack secures his victim and his purse. This is the occasion when the hand of experience should take the Jhand of inexperience and guide its feet to the solid rock upon the farth er shore. At the approach of (puberty and during the first years of this new order of be ing, there are weakening! tendencies . that should be fruarded against. A medicine that has the power to strengthen! the various parts of the bodyr and to regulate and give control to its various functions is essential at frequent intervals. Such a medicine has the eminent Dr. John Bull, df Louisville, Ky given to the world. It is ktiown as Dr. Bull's Harsaparilla. Don't fall into the hands of quacks, but demand this remedy of your drug cist. Take no other. It is exactly what is needed and will carry you safely through to strength and robust neaJtn "Forward, the light brigade !" is almost as fatal to aklava. electric linemen aa it j was at Bal- Brown's Iron Bitters cure Drsnensia. Ma- latta. Biliousness an.l General lebdity. Gives Strength, aides uizesuoa, tones tha nerves- creates appetite, ine oest Mothers, weak, women and ton io for Nursin? children. In five minutes a woman can clean ur a man's room in such a way that it will take him five weeks to find out where she put tnmgs. - Delays are dangerous. Don't wait for your child to have an epileptic fit. Kill at once the worms that are making he feel so poorly by giving Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers. An irreverent wag wrote below a picture of Gabriel blowing his last horn, "Off on a toot." -, j Do Ton Ever Speculate ? Any person sendinsr ns their- name ani ad dress will receive information that will lead to a fortune. Benl. Lewis & Co.. Security Building, Kansas City, M.O. FITS' stopped free by Da. RtJiCK's GRJtax Nkbvk Restorer. No fits after In rst day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise an t $3 trial bottle free- : -TH-- Kline. 931 Arch Su Phil.. lJa. Woman, her Mrses an'l their treatment. 72 pages, illustrated; price 60c. vrent upon re ceipt of 10c..' cost of inailia?,etc. Address Prof it. II. Ku-ti. ALP., 831 Arch St., l'hila.. Pa. r.rle Itnllxvny. This popular Eastern Line is rrinninar solil vestibuled trains, consisting of beautiful day coaches, -PtUlman sleeping and dining cars, between Cincinnati, Chicago, New York and Boston. All trains run via Lake Chautauqua during the season, and passengers holding through tickets are privileged to stop off at this world-famed resort. Be sun your tickets read via N. Y.. L.E.& W. IiR. LeeWa's Chinese ieadcns Cure. Harm less in effect, quick and lositiye in Su. feent prepaia on receipt 101 , Adeier & Co-i Wranuottt.,lvanaiiCit .Mo Oklahoma Guide lioot and Map ewntanyVrhere on receipt of Socts. Tyler & Co..tCansaa City.Mo. White Swelling "In 1887 my son, seven 3 ears oUt, had a white swelllas come on his r'ght leg below the knee, which contracted the muacles so that his leg waa drawn up at right angles. I considered h'm a coo firmed cr p ple. I wti about to take him to Cincinnati for an -operation, and began glTlng him Hood's Saraapirl la to ct np him strength. The medic las woke up his appetite aild soon pieces of bone were discharged from the sore. We continued with Hood's Sarsa. paxllli and la a feir mouths he had perfect use ot his leg. Ha now run ererywhere, and apparency Is as welt as ever." Join !. UcMckrat, Notary Public, Bavenswood, W. Vs. J Hood's Saraoarilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $SL Prepared only bjftl. HOOO A CO, Lowell, Xaas. ' IOO Dosos Ono Dollar 1 4- "TT AK TED Int eUlgent AcVlve Agent in each town. I Easy to work in connection with other business. Good pay and territory to pushing man. or parttcur lars addresx, statin? present or lorue.- oocupac.o.i, W. F. C. Oertaardt, M?r Ulean Bid , Bjl tunore. Md- A U AM 11 i C. . i a hCoush. lediciDG. herd All elso fails." - "hiUiren tato it witxio BK0THSC3. 59 WmeaSUyewYoric. Price 60 cTkI t m ' k mi Toads in Hocks. '! .3fanv wfll Luthcnticated stories of the finding of live toads and froirs in solid rock are on record, and that such' thinijs an; possible was demonstrated-here in tently, when the workmen engaged in Vrtrley fc Ev rill's lime rock -wtdch had I eeu blasted out, and a frog hopped out of a pocket in the centre of ' the.s:one, sys the Sa'tj Lake . Herald. Of course, the occurrence created a tremendous sen sation amougj the workmen, and opera tions at the quarry were for the time sus pended, anjd the movements of the frog were watched ' with great, interest. The annimal was somewhat smaller than :he ordinary frog, and; was perfectly wh tc. Its eyes were unusually 'srge and very brilliant, but the frog was ! apparently blind. Where the mouth I i . ..- - fiuoiuu nave Oecn there was only a line, d onthe feet w as a tiarK, Horny sub stance. Mr. LEverill at once took charge of the curiosity and put it in a tin j can, but the frog died the next morning. f He brought it downtown, and it was exam ined with interest ty a : large number of iKiople, and i t was afterward presented to the museum, alcohol. Sct where it,will be preserved in entijic American. Captain Ericsson and Leif Ericsson. r - - - i A writer in Harjers WeeJdy in an ar ticle on the burial of Captain John Ericsson, at Filipstad, Sweden, says: "It is interesting- to know that the man who bestowed a service on this country at a critical inoment, worih many thousands of men and millions of money, had a con nection withj the land of his, adoption, extending centuries back from the begin ning of his own life. The Ericsson family claimed direct uubroken - descent from Leif Ericsson1, who discovered Xew En- gland A.L 1000, nearly 500 years before the coming of Columbus. Of this fact the inventor was very proud." Excellent Qualities : Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit reiaedy Syrup of Figs: It is pleas ing to' the eye! and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it 'cleanses the system effectually, thereby pro moting the health and comfort qt all who nse 'it. . jl ' . A real estate man may be very knowing and yet have lots to learn. s . . I have been an invalid since" my sixteenth' year, until five months ago, I began a use of Dr. Bull's Saiaparilla. Now at the age of twenty-three I feel myself, for the first time in my life, a man filled with health and ambition.- I want you to publish this, although I do not sitra my true name.-James Smith, JLex-, my tt vgmai inaton, icy. Tle mnnsr man who studiously cultivates one long linger nail, rarely cultivates much else. 1 ' , MaTjA.ria " cured ' And erallcated from, the system by Brown's Iron Bitters, w&ich en ricnes the blood, tones the nerves, aids diges t ion. Acts like a charm on persons in general ill hraltn, giving new energy and strong Ji. An appropriate crew for a jolly boat rowers of laughter. t -. A. M. Priest; Drugfrist, Shelbyville, Ind.-. savs: "Hall's Catarrh Cure gives the best of satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who takes it." Druggists sell it. Toe. , - ' -' ' The late !Mr. Boucicault contributed a great deal to the stage and the divorce courts. Timber, Mineral, farm Lrv" and Ranches in Missouri. Kansas, Texas and Arkansas, bouirn t and sold. Tyler & Co Kansas Civr. Mo. The God That Holps to Cure The Cold. . The disagreeable 0 tasle of the GOD LIVER OIL is dissipated in 9 trOTPure Cod Liver Oil witli HYPOPHOSPHITES . OF- XIJVfS wATID SODA. I The patient sufiering from CONSUMPTION, nnnciiiTis. corcn. cold, on ( YAKT1G niSK.4Sl. may take the remely wltlc as much satisfaction as he I would take niUk. Physlclaus are prescrlb ) ing It everywhere. It is a prrfpf t enmlsloa. I and a wonderful Ileth prodarcr. lake o other BEECH AP'S PILLS ACT 3VLAX3-IC i GE1 A VEAK ST0L1AGH. 25 Cents a Box,! OF ALL DRUCCISTS. ! TREATED FREE. Tosillrr y ?nred wrlth Vegetable Remedies ttaverui thuauadiof cai. Cure paiwnis i-re-poui.ced 111 peiesv by best physioians. From tirrt dose symptoms aisappear; ia two days at least two-thirds all symptoms removed. Send for free book . testimo nials ot 111 irat ulf .us curee. Ten daya treatment free by mail. Ifyoaortler trial, eend loo- in rtampe to pay poetace. Un.H.H.GBiLli boMi, Atlanta, tia.' RECIPES FREE. Mr. FUIpplnL manager oc Delmonioo'a, has requested us to send to any lady an ew ertnx this advertisement 111 teen reclpei from bis new cook-book. -The Tabie." You need not send stamp for reply. mnlT send full name and addrea to -ClIArtl-KS 1J.WEBSTKU& CO., 3 K4t 14tb et., .New a ork t:uy. PENSIONS pension em !sPassel1:tr rs and Fathers are a tlUetl to (19 a mo. Fee when you eet your money. JUaaJu fees U. KCXTU, say, askiaiea , & ATLANTA EX POST' FOK UOOU iiOARU FnltB HtLM aad C TION " " t AXb'ROOMJ Apply at Cotton Mllla,Atlant.Ua. ' '"V! Crf,Lr2ilciS fr fUl AWifilP irvM-nJ r v .Ml li ; ! r i. a ir QociTiur riiRr. i3MCy a w a - w L J l J R.commcnd o Plecsaut and fi byhrieians. i Stp" to tho X - yt ojectior' ' A. signal service to reak womankind is the finding; of lost health-the building-uD of.. run -down" system. Kothing. does it so surely as Dr. Pierce's J Favorite Prescxiption. "It cures all the derangements, irregularities and; weaknesses peculiar to the sex. It's the most perfect of strength-givers, . imparting tone and vigor to the' whole system. For overworked, de bilitated teachers milliners, seam stresses, . " shop - girls," nursing mothers, ana ieebie women gen erally, it is the greatest earthly bbotii being unequaled as an apre tizing cordial and restorative .tonic Favorite Prescription" gives satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it is promptly refunded. That's the way it's sold; that's the way . its makers ' prove their faith in it Contains no alcohol to. ine briate no syrup or sugar to de- rage aigesiion ; a legiumaie mat- cme, not a beverage. Purely, vege table .and perfectly harmless hV any I condition of the system. ' World's Dispensary Medical Association, fropr's, 663 Mam St., Buffalo, .N.X. - Watch REPAiaiKa. Don't have your watches ruined by incompetent workmen. We employ only the most skilled talent; a watch left with us for repairs is made as nearly like new as possible. "We will let you know cost of work before doing it. - Send your watch by express to us at our expense, . or write to us. J. P. Stevens Bro., j-t- -lanta. Ga. IT YOU WISH A COCM. REVOLVER purchase one of , the oele- fcrsted SMITH & WESSON arms. The finest nnU arms ever manufactured ana s-leordouble action. Safety Haxrinierlees and Target models. Constructed entirely of bemt oal. Ity wrought uteel. carefnliy lniiTe"l for worx mansh:pand stock, iney are unrivaled fr flnih durability and acearacy. Donotbedecjeived by cheap malleable east-Iron imitatiene h.ica are often cold for the genuine article and are no4 c'nlv nn reliable, but ge.: The SinTH d UTon the bar WESSON Revolvers are all stamped upon the bar- canirerons. rels with firm's name, addrs and dates of patecta- and are a-aaranteed perfect in every detail. In sist upon bavin? the Pennine article, and if roar dealer cannot supply you an order went to address) neiow win receive prompt ana careful attention. Deecrptivecataloie i t prions f nmih1 npoa - pucaton. SMITH & "WESSON, m Mention this paper. Sprinsrneld. Mass. rg fr Coughs 0 Cold si TdTWrTffgfq Thers is no Medicine Uks c -J DR. SCHEHCK'S 4 !7TII! Eat! " SYRUP, It is pleasant to ths taets and does not contain a particle of opium or anything Injnriona. It is the Bet Coogh iledicine in the Afni-M. VrS&lrivall Onurriaa.- Price, fl.no per bottle. Dr. Schenck'a Bok on Consumption and its Cure, mailed free. Address Dr. J. EC. Schenck & Son. PbiiadelpMa. PATTERN FREE. Et Special ArraTiirenieEt with TFMOBESTS fAUJLf iTAGA ZXNE, the Greatest of aa Maause, we are enabled to make every one of oor ladv readers a handsome present. Cut out this slip and inclose it (vita a two-cect stamp for ret tun postare, and year name and ad.1rc) to W. Jennlnrs Oemoret, 15 Eat 14:h St. "ew l'ork. and you will receive by return mail a fu finite pattern. ii2c trated and fallv described, of this jacket (worth 23c). It ran be tna1e ss a perfectly plain jacket, or a. Ulna. trated. Vroia out with pencil the aire lesired. Bust. 54. M, SS. or 40 Inches. While De merest 'a e not a Fashion Maftaxine. nianv snppofe it to be because la Fashion Department, like ail lis other Iepartmer.ta. s ao perfect. Yon really pet a dozen Magazines la one. ivery month, for ti per year. BORE WELLS ! Our Well Machines are the mr M0I1EY! ntUiBLl. otTt bi.e. scocxasrri. : lheydoMKKHKK ana nittCKKATF.K PROFIT. Tbey FIN 111 WelU where kn VAIL! Any rice. 1 inches to t lnche diameter. LC0U1S-& HYMAH, TIFFIN. - OHIO. Cataiosua and WMsiey Ha.t it cured at home with out pain. Booxrf par- ticnlarspent FRLE. i B.M.WOOLLEY.M.I. V- Atlanta. tia. Uice WtihIl St. PATENTS Inventor's (.aide or Hew to Obtain m Patent. SeottrM. Patrick O'Farrel!, Attrnev fit law, WAHLSGTO.V, 1. C I ASXH PJTASHR5SPEE I I r all U saferermPr.B. SCUiriTUJ.Bt. rBl.Iaa. IVflMC U u Book-keepln?, Bu3nesa Form W .l U Penmanship, Antanietic, Stiori-iianJ, etc thoroogniy lauiit uy MJlUa. Circular fre flryaat'a C.letr, Mtn St, buflaio. . V- I rreacrlbe and MUr e13 dorie Biff th?r v Teifie forthecervainc St TO DAT. i this disease. . We tre eoie many years. riven Jf mm iffl Z. 5 rroetCjtytts I v " - i j

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