-1 1- iff t! - i ( r i r : S.J . 'U LUIU U W i 1 l- ! 1MU UJ4i,tVlHViJlJ. O C AUr i E OTS: CoV W. F;.; Henderson arj yived in the XJilaStlek. V j f . This is the. seasih ; of corn Jiuskihgs and ."possum "sop j'.' Miss . Cora Baldwin,, of Jonesviljo, is - visiting in the -city. i : TV.T-i. W TP ' TT-r nrrl fin "tine fnoved his office from Greens" which there is a strong proba Jtoro to thi3 place. - ! j- hillity. ' .: -rMfsCaroline Graham, of f-Messrs. Alien & Harris have Virginia, "is visiting at Mr. W. JI. Starr's. s ! i Some peoples' noses are .like interesting novels. They re red to the. very end. . j j Have yo.u thought about it?. It is just a month till Christ inas. A month soon passes.-' Mr. L. wi.Fulton, of Ker nersvillei was in the city last week, looking at the . country . --Goyernbr Fowle ljas. issued ja proclamation making Thurs; Iday, Nov. 27.tlj, a day of thanks giving. ,i J Mr. J. T, Finley,7 Sr., let last Wednesday for AlabanVa. jbo see after somo business fjojp- nected wit.b; bis farm. -Tl?.e first session of th Western North Carolina pon erence will be held at Concprd "beginning IjTovenjber 26th." j There is talk of organizing Land Inproyernent Company for Wilkes boro. It would no doubt ie the very thing. , I Itls said that old maids are like newspapers containing lot- $ery advertisements. Tbeyt&re .excluded from the males. -Mr. Will Hamilton and family of Aslje, who Have ' been visiting in Salem, passed through the city, on their way home last week. There has been a new post- .oflice established at Gordon, . which wAll go into operation in a few days, Fiey Bros' ;are postmasters, . ' , ' ! -What is the use of waiting, we need it now. , : We refe-p to - that telephoije line between here and the depot. Now is the best time in the world to ' up the line. Mr. Gerritt Yyne left put urday morning for Pennsvlva nia after bis family. They .expected to arrive here the! or this weefc. Tney will qccu- py the Mrs." Calloway, house rOur friend,. 'Clarence 3all, has changed from Gilmer I and! Mario w. of Winston, and ia now traveling for S. Witkdsky, that old and reliable .firm . os Charlotte N. Q, He was inthif plape a few days last week. There has been some trc ubl about getting the rock for th( i abutrnents of the (tiew- br dge ,: " but they, are uow getting ou ;j . some splendid rock at a qi arr j ome clitalube 4 wn : the. It; E line. . " :';'Vj-.:'- ! XWe acknoweldge thej re -ceipt of an inyition.from Mr. Ji D. -Cameron. Secretary-, to be nresent durins: the session ox the Southern Immigration Cqe -vention, which meets at she ville December l?th. i ; Messrs. Hinshaw, Buxton, ' Haines, and others .were j herb last wee)?, looking i after j bus ness connected with the Go don Land Improvement Co pany. It is learned that this company will be ready ' for ; worfe )n a short time. ; j j ; j v-Work upon the hotel has . been suspended until the I Jrdn Fronts each here, They have been-ordered " soine' time;, but rom some cause or , other j they have.riot yet reached here. It Jsunfortunatei.too, as! ..som V very fine working weather h&9 jjeen missed. wwade and ; Lqg wnmg, understand, have been employ- to errade the streets of the ' - . v. ' . i - . t z city of Gordon, and wilj are ast ork : TightL away. l he UViKmnrVof. k f, . U i Mr. E.. B. Jones, of Will- stin, was in the city Monday, I; - - Mr. A H. Eller. Mr. Dick uumiluujriui.x,uuiuvv,an pf Winston, were in. the city thje first of the week. Mr. El- ler owns interest in pro pert V here, and we shall be glad wnen tne' otner gentlemen purchase nronertv here, of penea up a naroware store m tne old. i? erguson stand in this ace. Mr. Allen is from Win ston and is a brother of S. E. llen of that place. Mr. Har- - ris is a native this county, . but h as been employed in Allen's hardware. store at Winston for V x i glad to,chronicle this new ac cession to the Queen City. ! r Mr. Monroe blOOp, died, at Jis home at Moravian Falls last Saturday evening, from kidney disease. He as' about 40 years old, and an excellent citi- Jen He was born in Alexander county. He come to Wilkes e nd married the. daughter of Ir. T. F. Farlier. lie wasJ uried at Moravian last Mon-! j. He leaves a wife and 3 hildren, all small. Notice. The town taxes are due and must be oaid without further notice or delay. WVC. Lewis, Tax Collector. - I More politics from the Brushlse. Shot and killed by both political parties and tore to everylasting- pieces, ind P. T. V. S. did the killing: Fare well, mister H. H. of the Brushy nation, poof feller. A Brushy Chap. Democracy has gaineda glo nous triumpn ail over tnis broad land of ours. But she! can easily, by a few mistaken steps, endanger her continued triumph . There are f no two things that will more materi- ally tena XO aiSCreaiU SUCCeSS in , i i. -i. t , ' 1892. than the ' election of a V '-ai ..il ' oouwiern.,' Liongresbraau lur Speaker, and the renomination of Grover Cleveland for the Presidency. Althouh success may be reasonably 'sure,, if these two things are j done, it will be rmM-GFtain-ifthey are Maj. W. H. Sneed, who is now dead and crone. Was the author Of many Original Say- ingS, One Ot Which at least Has a reputation an over tne United States. Many years J7T 4.: c 4-u nil TrV ncn nf " Vi o fFtTTif.r,rTr rf Alaska Was being discURSSd in !wreu ottc oexxtw, po- ator Vance, in his Speech, re- marked concerning: the climate of .that territory, that; it was nine months winter and three months damnation cold, weath er," The remark is original .with Maj. Srieed. Just after .the war Sneed had ah alterca tion with a gentleman from Ashe county, and in ;the time of it, Sneed remarked! that his antogonist was from ! a place "wnere they had nine . months winter and three months dam nation cold " weatljer," j The remark was caught up and pre served until it,came to the ears of Senator Vance ani he gave it a wide r reputation' by ; quo ting it in the United iStates Sen ate. .' '' I ; .; :i Nicole In North Carolina. Charleston News And Courier. I Much lias been said lately, said Ma. jpr'E. Willis yesterday, in the newspa pers about the alleged! discovery of nickle ore in Virginia. It is probable, however, that reference is had to North Carolina, where I am reliably informed nickle ores are to be found equal to any .in Ludbury, Canada, and only excelled by tne Ipw Caledonian -deposits. The .North Carolina ore analyses 11 tq 32pejr cent in metallip nickle. Th depoits are in Jacksqn county, lyT. C, near Web ster, nd.fcitir nailed from the x "Western North Carolina Railroad. . The mine is said'to have, an almost inexhaustible deposit of chrom.ic iron analyzing about 55 per cent Pf chromic orei There is nq reason why tpiP'nitcd States' supply of nickla.jshould notome f ron : Nortii Sat- nopone, ii mm snnaaj jneeung ; Queries for the Fifth Sundav meeting to be held at Wilkesboro " Baptist church, commencing on Friday before il riL o J '"-XT t P" Ul" UY "r-?-- act of ' individual? R. L. Patton, A, Eller. , j 2. ji there any scripture for Ap- ostasy after conversion? A.T. Pardue, i. x. rrevette, J ., w . iienaren. 3. Is John's baptism Christain bap tiim? W. C. Meadows, Bro. Blalock, J. E. Bullis. 4. What are'' Baptist principles? Finley Carlton, H. Steelman. Oliver McNeil R. A Spainhour. I. T. Pbevette, ) M. McNeil V .Com. L. A. Abernethy ) OLD SLEUTH LIBRARY. Issued Quarterly A SerUs of the Most Thrilling Detective ; Stories Ever Paullsheu. 1 Old 81euth, the DetecUve. 10c 2 The Kinp: of the Detectives. lOo 3 old sleuth's Triumph 1st half) 100 3 Old Sleuth's Triumph f2nd half 10c 4 Under a million disguises 1st a 2nd half 10c each. 5 Night Scenes in New York, lOo 6 Old Electricity, the Lightening Detective, lOo 7 The Shadow Detective lst& 2nd 10c each 8 Red-LigUt Will, the River Detective, 1st and 2nd half 10c each. 9 Iron Barges, the Government Detective, 1st and 2nd half, 10c each. 10 The Brigands of N. Y., 1st fe 2nd, 10c each. 11 Tracked by a Ventriloquist, 10c 12 The Twin Shadows, 10c 13 The French Detective, 103. 14 Billy Wayne, the 8t. iouis Detective, 10c. 15 The New York Detective, 10c. 16 O'NeilJIcDaragh, the Detective, lOo. 17 Old Sleuth in Harness again, 10c. 18 The Lady Detective, 10c 19 The Yankee Detective, lOo. 20 The Fastest Boy in New York, 10c. 2 Black Raven, the Georgia Dectective, 10c. 22 Night hawk, the Mounted Detective, lOo 23 The Gypey Detective, 10c. 24 The Mysteries and Miseries of N. Y., 10c. 25 Old Terrible, 10c. 26 Tho Smugglers of New York, 10c. 27 Manfred, the magis trick detective, 10c. 28 Mura, the Western Lady Detective, 10c. ' 29 lions Axmand, the French Detective, ifrc 30 Lady; Kate, the Dashing Female Detective, 1st and 2nd half, 10c each. 31 Hamud the Detective, 10o 32 The Giant Detective, let and 2nd 10c each 33 The American Detectivuin Russia, 10c. 34 The Dutch Detective, lOcL 35 Old Puritan, the old-time Yankee Detective, 1st and 2nd, 19c each. 3G .Manfred's Quest, or the Mistery of a trunk. 1st and 2nd half, lOo each. 37 Tom Thumb, or the Wonderful Boy Detec tive, lei and 2nd halfe, lOo each. f-8 Old Ironsides Abroad, 1st and 2nd, lOo each 39 Little Black Tom. or the adventures or a miahiavnna rlarlrAV Int And 2nd. 10c C&ch. I - J 40 old Ixongea am0ng the Cowboys, let half nd 2nd half, 100 each. 41 Black Tom in Search of a Father. Lst and . . . 42 Bonanza Barbie, or tho Treasure of tho Rockies, 1st and 2nd half, 10o each. 43 Old Trausform, the secret t-pecial detective, 1st and 2nd, 10c each. 44 The King of the Shadowers, let, 2nd, 10c 45 Gaaparoni, tho Italian detective, 10c 47 Old Sleuth's Luck, 10c. Down in a Coal Mine, 10c. Faithful Mike, tho Irish Hero, 10c TheToregoing works are for sale by all news dealers, or will be sent to any address, postage P4 OQ reolopt of 12 cents each, by the pub- ' JIonroe Publishing HochE. T r t rV XT T p. O. Box 3751. n to 27 Vandowater St., N.T. Th vint sim. Perhaps you aro run dewu, can't cat, can't Ulcen. caii't think, can't do anything to your w I B .HtafHftT) tni) vnn wnnrtflr WU&t ails TOO. . . . , in ' v ..tn first step into Nervous Prostration, lou UaiUnd the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, - healthy condi tioD sarpribing results folios ue nseof this creat Nerve Tonic anl JL'icratiTe . lour appe- i-Ptnm. o-ood di?estinn is restored, and i tho Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50o at Staley & Co's. The Furniture Store is head quarters forbarnSS. t " , Don't forget that you can Can Wiy Cofiins at the Furniture Store as cheap as you can have them made. -Avhy go .to other markets when you i can buy furniture as cheap at the Furn iture Store as you can any where. If you are in need of a good buggy or cart call at the Furniture Store., Merchants should pattrdnise home 1 & buy Kerpsine Oil of Iseley & Caffey. TheTfevr Discovery. Ton have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. ; Ton may yourself bo one of the many who know from personal experience just now good a unng it is.. u yon nave ever tried it, you art one of its staunch friends, be cause the wonderful thing about is, that when onea given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after hold a place in the house. If you have never used It and should bo aTflietod with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lunfl or Chest trouble, secure m bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It Is guaranteed, every time, lot money refunded. Trial bottles free at Btaley Jk . b'a. drug store. i - " VlHbl Twsi Property for Sale. 25 acres of land in "Wilkesboro inclu ding "Barrack's Hill" for sale in lots or in bulk, also 70 acres from one to two miles east of Wilkesboro, well located oh the Salisbury rad. For terms, etc, write to L. D. Lows, Banner's FJk,s 0sT. C., or J, F. SoMEEsi, Wilkesboro, N. C. I. FIRST-GLASS LIYERYTALE - j To best Silrain the irorM fnr fiala es. Sores. TJloerg. Bli Cliean.1 Frr Sores, Bsin taTipUon, at positively cures piles, or - VJ required. It is guaranteed to give per ct Batwfaction, or money refanded. Price 23 cents per box. FOR SALE BY: BtW A. Co. V?? -when children ere cuttingr teeth. It r. qmet leep, and the little cherub airakes a bright StvT?11" W Pleasant to ta.te. It riTioL .T. , Itea" aUyU pain, jegulatw the bowel., and ia th bet known wmedr tor ai&rrhaea, whether aiiainr from teethinip or theccaoMa Twe&ty.nve ce&U a bottle. ' . NOTICE. H. M. and M. Joines, plaintifib, ' against Felix EdvrarvlF, defendant. Action for debt: ' . The defendant Felix Edwards Is herebv no. wnea to appear at the next term of Wilkes Su perior court, to be held at the. Court Rouse in. iir.ii i i "usesooro N. O. on the 1st Monday inJMarch ic5 j and anewer or demer to tho compiaint of the plaintiffs in thU action. Nor. llth I8D0. Milton McXeiL C. S.i C. John S. Cranor, Atty for Fits. . FOR DYSPEPSIA, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an effective remedy, as numerous testlmov luals conclusively prove. "For two years I was a constant sufferer from dyspepsia and liver complaint. I doctored a long time and the medicines prescribed. In nearly every case, only aggravated the disease. An apothecary advised xne to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I did so, and was cured at a cost of $5. Since that time it has been my family medicine, and sickness has become a stranger to our household. I believe It to be the best medicine on earth. P. F. McNulty, Ilackman, 23 Bummer at, Lowell, Mass. v FOR DEBILITY, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a certain cure, when the complaint origi nates in impoverished blood. "I was a great sufferer from a low condition of the blood and general debility, becoming finally, so reduced that I was unfit for work. Noth ing that I did for the complaint helped me so much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this r.iellcine in similar cases." C. Evick, 14 K. Main St., Chlllicothe, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS And all disorders originating In Impurity of the blood, such ns boils, carbuncles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-head, scrofulous sores, and the like, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY SB. J. C. ATES & CO., 1-owell, Dfass. ' Price $1 ; six bottle, $5. Worth $5 a botUeu NOTICES Twa r.ota for Sale. 1 corner lot on Main strett, near' TuMlc Stinaro in Wilkesboro N. C, S2J by 1S3 feet 1 acre lot nar E. Wallace on bck utrcet 2G6 seres of Fine Fruit land on Urushy Mts in Wilkes county, with a fine yonne; orchard. 9C0 acres in Watauga county, on which are As beatoe and Fioxible aand-elono. Sales to be prl-vate. L. D. LOWE & J. T. FERGUSON, Executors of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deceased Wiljseaboro.Oct. 13, 1890. - Eirculvn' IViicr Ilav ing qualified aa execnturs of Mrs. A. I. C:illoway, deceased, we ht rc-by notify all per 801m ind bttd to Raid deceased to como for ward and make immediate paymont And all pfron hsving claims against said deceased will exhibit them duly authenticated on or be fore Oct. 18th 1831 or this notice i!J ho plead iu Lai. of thcir rocovorr. ThU Oct. 13, liQ0. L. D. LOWE & T. FEliOUSON, Executors of Mrs. A. P. Calloway, deceased. til Tlello t Tom. Glad to see you. old fellow t St's alaiot ten ara ince we wore married. Sit own: let's uare .a cxporleno QeeUns. Ilow the wife f " , Oh 1 she's sv-o. stn ss nrsal, lwcys want ing omctainff I can't sCord." . ; well, we all want something mere than we're rot. Don't you f" .".." . . t " Yea : but I cness went wIU be my master. I ttarted to keep down expense ; and bow 111 ssyi j.'avin"anvthlneto8howrorlt..,Ii.aw your wJfe own'Jtn.pt.!)d?he looked a happy aaqucenl t tlnk she i : and wo are ecottomical. too, I'm meau," ana sue s urea or saving ina neT hav vc to.be. . My wife cm mnke a little po an anyone I eTer knew, yet c he: aiwi isins me with some dainty corttrivar further thin ways ear. corttrivance that Jul J to the comfort and beant v of olir li al wiiTm raerry as a Urk. W. little home. nen i aaa how Fh inmates ll, m mwij, ..aruj inn mt,; Ohl thst' my secret ! But I think I've riie eoTered hr mxret. When we marHed, we both knew we fhonld have to be very car ef nl, bat she made one coudltion : she would hare Mer Mamxlna. And she wu ri-ht 1 I woaldn t do wffVo t it my. uir for doable the subcrlpt!on prlcj We read i. iwhr. from the tide-pare to the" it word : the stories keep our h lJ (VJTip1! of imoortanteTents and pclentlflc md V. keeps make all her dreasea and tboee for the Idreo. ad she rets all her patterns for nothingVr&b Ma Af " and w. JaVed Joe when he was so sick wlthlhe eroap. by oton;t M dlrec trd lathe Banitanan Department, I can't tell yon half I - What wonderful Maraxinela It I Demorers Family Waine.and T What! Why that's what lil wantedf. W h3, and I told her it was an t.ITeLna . "Well, my friend, that s "erejroujnade a Crand mlaUke, and on yooM better .iWWr ioon aay on can. I ll take lyfcjg A, on my wife's account: Mblx teWt In Um. for our tin weddlr-jneit moclh. My gold wtrh was the pretnln I JltS bp a dab. Here's a copy, with the new Premha list for club,-tbe blsce t thing oat I "roadoil m in It hit Tfia want, you've only to writs to) the publisher and tell him what youwant,whetheT It is a tack haimneroranevrcaiTlaand he wUl make special terms for you, ennej w .-f trt eSh? Better aubscrlbe d "T!! Mrs. Tom. Only $ a yearwlUaavey thne. that In six months. Or iul 10u dlwt to the publisher. W. Jennings ?10' "Jrlii Itreet, Kew Toek. for a spectasa copy contilntitf the Premium LUt." t ' LIVERY & PEED T - 31 Stables, PIIABB & WELLBORN,! Prop'a: Sitaatcd on M Street. east of the Coort lloase. Go Vrl new vebiclt'a of me pontea so inai , , Wrwf' whatls Roin- on : mv wife i alw.yt lUJfc Hm i.. trZ tha hoofehold depart V71 : th all kirv'v Ncoroni'wlation o l' scarttfallj fed -5 C TFIten YOu waut til 3 AT GO DEALER D E -. . CONFECTIONERIES, I TOBACCO. A Fresh Stock Alwajs on S tovesj Stoves., toves- HAVE JUST . RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF STOVES OF DIFFERENT KINDS. WE HAVE THE NEW LEE AND IRON KING, STOVES OF THE COUNTRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of tin and sheet iron work. W. H. STARR & CO. Staley niDIIOC DATKTWT lH ELTII B lI fTQ bffvwjiwy 17 h a w. iui Im a7 iwckuuw) Tobacco, Clsarsi Cljniretts, Fancy, ana Toilet Saaps, etc . etc. 2"Prescriptions promptly and accuratefilledttipp Situated in the Steve Johnson store house. t j HMtaMMMaMlMMMHIHMIiHMMHBMHMHWHMaHMMMBMHMMMaMaMaMHsiaHavA J. iEV'ilNS &- C(v j STATESVILLE, W. C. v Dealers In t GENERAL HARDWARE. AGRICUL7 AL IMPLEMENTS, GDSS; PISTOLS, AMMUX! 5ASH, DOORS. BLINDS, PAIKTS, OILS, VARXISHl' . we nave tne largest stocK ot jWestern N. C, and handle shot M or a,Yi an F I TEACHERS! R. L. Pattok; (Amherst College, Mass.) J. W. Hendren, (Wake Forest ColUge.) I. M. Spainiioub, (Oxford Female Seminary.) . 1 o . Next term will open August 4, 1890. Tuition: $1 to per month. Fee lOcts. Board with fuel, lights, and wash, ing,$7. Rooms for those who wish to board themselves. The teachers are all full graduates, f or circular aucires: I hi WILKESBORO, Ar. (7. o- . . Ke?p on band a full line or Freb DRUGS. MKMCi.VES. OILS. TATST Varoisbe. and Ererjtbine kept io a Firsi OIa Drug . Store. ZrPRE' SCR1PTIOXS CAREFULLY CU31PU VSDEVrH io lb Old SleTe Johneoo BoiWinsr. jual opposile , ibe Coarl House. BE SURE TO CALL AND SEE THEM. . r 1 ' ; ' J ' - : 1 - . . ' WilMboro Manufiictuiing Coinpanj I -Maaufactofr3 of ! . - . . Biuldngerial ' V J ) Now: tbe TlmcV BoIId. Tha BAILKOAD will be Ccr in a Few MoottnJ BcABcaOr for It- ' ' f All pwtieVdetiriDg to baild can gATe liOUtyJJ Tint girj' cU and getting oar Prices. . ,' Wilkesboro & C Feb- 7. lSOoJCv: ; - : YTilkesbaro H'fg ff J :vnJ OO U 11 U Lisa x L3m fi U Two; Car Loads of IIABBLE Direct 1 , WHICH ENABLES ME TO rtbTlcAvol! tVJx CALL BJ fOnEWSQ t AS ! I THE LOWEST PRlCEl TO 9 IN OIGAES & Hand. Be sure to call. THE - LEADING COOK . - 7 Dealers In . 1 oneiis, v aas, uarirxagt; by the ton. alls icaile J 0- 00 at LOWEPEIf 'Tf From the Qu. WILL 1 r 1 r ' ' (North opto' A new snpply of ex illirfr -1 out oliba. The ; ni(s- i Carol i pou