: v KATES OF ADVERTISING. , i . . ', :. " -!'''"' " i .- ''-- . i ' ' - '- " ' i ' ' '. , " - ; ' " j. - " ' ' ! ' 1, r - ' : -i ; i ;' -..: ".' 1 .; ; . r.- j j. ; .. w . . ,MV-V "Space tl wk;. lm. 3m. j 6m. 1 yr. -'i in. ,75 2.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 '2 in. 1.25 3.00 (LOO 9.00 12.00 Sin. 2.00 4,00 7-50 - 10.00 17.50 I col. 3.50- 6.00 10.00 17.00 25.00 col. 6.50 9.75 18,00 30.00 45.00 I col. 11.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 TERMS OF. SUBSCRIPT: w . Six months Three months Payable in admnce. ' . BTSend all moner 'by tV letter or postal order, addressc f to " CnsoxTcxs, Wilkesborough. X. e. P qual Taxation, pirect and Indirect. i - VOL. YI. WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY, K NOV. 1 26, 1890. Into. ' III I 111 W m-ey, 1 ' rT 1 If I III II I 4 III III! 1 t I I I J: A. COOPIER. S; Miller & Co. '00 -Dealers ix- GeneraL Merchandise.- and ntionafnd Clothing, the larg est liues iti the town. We are a - . THE I0HROI2I0LE. DES A.iDEAL, Editor and Publisher. Blaxb & Deal, Proprietors Entered at the Post-office in Wilkesboro asiecvnd-class matter. Iso Agents for 6T7 A TlTT7iTC? FRIEND" CUAfJO, The best Wheat Fertilizer in the trade- THE LAEGEST STOCK OF GENERAt ; MEROHAE DISE IN THE COUNTY, ' -tri ble to trive uliI . onstcjmers goods a DNESDAV, NOV. 26, 1890. Be Carefnl in Handling' Apples. ) lr people do not handle ap pe s jwith that care that they sh mid. a! small bruise will Boan result in a rotton apple. Most of the apples brought to market are hauled loose in The this the wagon. consequence - - Cheap, as any J!. JL Jown, We cardial SQG US. y invite all to come and We claim to ie the Oriqri nators & Adj us torsi of. LoW PRICES in Willces Coanty and we beleivo the People have. Ifbund this out.. Ha jT3 ember the prices of Plaid, Do xnesticf?,' Cottopades, . &c, when we came to this " filace.; Come and see what they are now. We simply leave the matter for yon to J ud ye is that a good portion of the apples are bruised, decay sets in and the price of the! apples is neeessarilyj lowered. r Apples, beioremarKettingthem, should be carefully put up in crates or barr 31s and handled with care so t lat j there would be no bruised ones. This would be benepcial bcth to the buyer arid to the seller; because j the -apples would command better pri -ces rhich the buyer .could well afford to give. Put your ap ples n crates or barrels bef pre offer ng them to the marketj. Who started the crusade on (prices of these staple articles the and necesaiies of life.". , Wo payjthe money for onr goods ;a"md intend to give our coetamers t?ie lof 'every &ange tfee ? advantagd triarkeU The Old Reliable Store of i tV i T. Si MILLER & CO. yilkcsboro Produee Market Cornected. Weekly By S. FILLER & Co. Article, Wheat . . . . Corn Oats. . . 4:. I rc ... ti .;Vf...;.."..:..75:- Wjute Beans. i '. J"Vi . .-. . . . 1 " ' r 'i jr sj W t"? .. . SO yy co ; 1:00 4..3.00 Flour, uooa p aijiiiy -sAr v . .J.uu "v Chikens . Oai0118 Tallow Lard ; . Patter.- V&cifDtf evif Wigs - " S alt, 1251& . 70 . per pound 04 . . . . . .1. . - v.; per dbz ,y .15 the market, i per lb," V. - 25 - SUar,Broii L Sagar5Yhite ;,....per Ib jreathe3, wMe, geese: : .. . jr. Hides. Hide8 1820 .' 75 8 8i 45. 30 04 C8 35 'X Flea in the Ear" has a Wonderful- . . , ly Soothing Effect. Th 3 Republican bosses" of this county are peculiarly fort unatoj in quieting every ele ment of discord in their party. Had he election came off three months nrior; to Nov. Wilkes would have given a good 'Dem ocratic maioritv. Yet how did she go in Nov.? and what was done for tne relief of the peo ple during this tliree months time? ! Nothing at all. Still all their sub-leaders came prompt ly, to iimei old hatchets hvere burie 1 and they all worked to gether in peace and harmony. The worst; kickers seemed to the hardest workers for the party Nptably, Mr. A. L. Hend ix, of lew Castle town ship,' 3y the way an excellent citize i, had been thoroughly disgruntled with the Republi can administration of affairs, and s pecially so at the time of liis ig iominious defeat for Reg ister c f Deedsj, when it was gen rally admitted on altsides that Mr, Hendrix was by far the most competent man before :the conve ition. Y"et New Castle icame i tp with ,an unusully iarge republican majority. f U j-We wer.e betting on Demo cratic gains in New Castle be fore the ejection, but a? know ing re jublican1 said that New Castle would be. as usual, ; that f 'a flee had been turned loose in ller drix's left ear that would keep h im scouting until j .after eieetibn,,, andthat before an other election they would turn another flea loose in his right ear, ar d New Castle would still contin ie devoted to her idols. Jiist the exact kind of - flea to be turned loosed, we did not learn, 3ut since the ; election, wie lea -n that Mr. Hendrix is troubh :d with a fearful buzzing iii left ear after Mastin's place as Deputy Collector; but we fear the bee is jmzzing a! false alarm and in the end 1 Mr. Hen drix will get left, like -common. The rbig ones" have endors ed" botli Hendrix and Mastin, and f h 3yjBoth..feel condent,j but the man who gets control of- the 1 5ry ate end of the undljf-., scratching after a little flea in their left ear. , Mr. Thomas Settle must feel very littlejand mortified at the means used to secure his elec tion as Solicitor. It appears fpom facts developed by the Winston Sentinel, the Reids ville Reveiw, and others, that the bogus ticket method is a I favorite with Mr. Settle, that he has employed the same trick heretbf ore, arid that r the bous ticket's in the last elec tion were printed and distrib uted with Mr. Settle's knowl edgefand consent. There is no law covering this kind of fraud but it is a malicious fraud just the same, and it should recieve a rebuke in; thunder tones, at the bar of public justice. We have said little about this matter, because. we had hoped, and still try to hope, that Mr. Settle will clear himself of hav ing assisted in this fraud upon .the people. But even in that case, Mr. Settle will present the spectacle of holding ofiice se cured by trickery. An incorrect report hasbeeen circulated about hero anions: tho Mothdist Brethern about the Statesville Landmark, to the effect that Joe Caldwell printed Pritchards letter crit icising Sam Jones, and had re fused to j publish Dr. Creasy s reply. Joe Caldwell has prin ted Creasy's reply and he did it without being requested to do so. No one ask him to publish it, and therefore ho could not have refused. All reportsvto a .different 'effect are mistakes. Joe Caldwell can always be de pended upon for the square thing, and hej needs no request to induco him in the ricrht line. The next State Senate will contain only 7 Republicans, and thojHouse "will have but about 20 Republicans. There will be two independents' who" will probably vote with tho Democrats. To Tap Wilkeshoro. Charlotte Chronicle. It turns up how that J. Wil cox Brown was only acting for the Richmond & Danville in tho late purchace of the Danville & New River road, that runs from Danville to Stuart, Va. The name of the P. & N. R. R. will be changed to the Danville & "Western. ' This road will bo' broadened and extended to Wilkesboro, and thence by its nearly completed line.-tc Bris tol, Tenn. This will,givo the R. &. D. the Western connec tion that they have so long desired. the Georgiaj Governor Gordon, of was elected U. S. Senator last week by the Georgia Legisla ture. It was I not hardly ex pected that Gordpn would be elected a3 the'jAlliance made a terrible fight against him and the.-Alliance controlled tho Legislature by a good majority. But Gordon got there just the same. We are glad to see it as Gordan is almost a Wilkes man. His parents! moved from Wilkes, and he has a lot of kin- folks here. Bro. H. A. Latham, of. Wash ington Gazette, who was' the excellent Reading Clerk of the House two years ago, is a can didate for re-election to the same position. If there is any set of fellows who do .need po sitions of the kind it is ' editors. Bro. Latjiam is an excellent and' congenial fellow and we under stand maBe a good Reading Clerk, and will no doubt be re elected. Some of the good Republican brethren of this county speak, of the Alliancejas "our party' That is surely a slander upon the Alliance. Its constitution says it is non-partisan. Bui some j Republicans have their own idea about! things, consti tution or no constitiou. The Chronicle casts Another of same kind. Stateaville Lwlm i k. It is rather early to be talk ing about who shall bo the Speaker of the next House, but the candidates are announcing themselves, and as The Land mark has been taught to "vote early" it casts one unintimida ted ballot right now against the Hon. Roger Q. Mills, of Texas. Felts Items. Mr. Editor: I desire to say through your.pnper to the brethren, that Rev. J. E. "Weatherman hxs just closed a meeting at Mt. Pisgah church assisted by Ilcv.S. S. Goforth and R. W. Wool- en. it was a spienuiu meeiing. ine prayers of all went up with ono accord and a great revival followed. Six hap py converted souls were added to the church. Many penitents come forward and asked tho prayers of god's people The church was greatly revived. I J. R. "Weight. I Neyfaivd Complete Stock op Goods . . . tOBTflE DRIED FUIT SEASON. - - .Miyic w- w-ail.cg3 ior years past to proTLV Trc and 8ea8ooable Gooda for the Diied Frail tod Brtj trJe; a cUsa of to c,e. the pecolkr rants of this section, and out offered by jobbiDg houses jreoerallT For Ibe eoauiog feason preperations bare been made oo a jcale brrrod nnT 'z -eytr attempted io the paat. oar stock excelling io s:z?, xanety aod cbeapors f A strioeot money nmket baa been or sreat benefit to ds in the parch is cf v stock-. Forced sales molted in the cutting or price annate enabled ts to re core some rre bajgains. We are showing many thiols io Dry Gooda and Notion below the . ctaal cost or Drodaetion. ! w.ilh Stock noeaqaalled io the State atl saperior fcintl tbroegbaat. forward jo a very Urge business, aod mean that our customeri sball not od!t eSwhere71,7 rCSpCt but Bln bTe S bclr porcbases cot : we He to be lock pro-hU WALLACE BROS I STATESVILLE. aV. C, June, 2. 1SD0. LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. . o I am daily receiincr all kinds of Irnn nnH ?;fnni Titf Carts,j and kinds of Repairing materials, such as wheel axies, springs, shaffs, etb. In fact everything kept in a iiab-viu rvepair onop.. i i Keepon Hand all kinds of wagon material, and repair wagons, buggies, etc., at shortrnotice and in the verv 1 et style. Don't fail to see me before buvincalonrt. nr " i,r. incr ak'.nrt. ing work done. Shop and warehouse on Academy street. Jonn 1j. Webster, siiKesooro, iv. u. Zfho vota in j this Senatorial district is as follows: Turner, Dem.; 4556; White, Dem., 4S35 Hendrix, ;Rep4 3Q75Shn Ren.. 2985; Turners over Sharpie, 1571 The Rar of the District pass Kesoln 't tlons. The members or thebar present at the close or Surry court, the last.court held by His Honor M. L. McCorkle in the district, held a meeting, of which C. B. -Watson was made chairman. The chairman upon takings his seat state ! the object of meeting to be, that consid ering Judge McCorkle's sacrefice in ac cepting the Judgeship, and the efficient manner in which he has dichraged his high duties, it is eminently befitting at this time, the close of his official course, to give expression-to the esteem in which he i& held by the members of the legal profession in this district. W. L. Reece, S. P. Graves and T. N. Chaffin were elected Secretaries. Thos. Settle, R. B. Glenn, A..E. Hol ton, T. W. Folger and J. R. Lewellyn were appointed a committee on resolu tions, and made the following report which was adopted unanimously: lletolred 1st., That the Hon. M. L. McCorkle, while riding the circuit- just closed, has, by his faithful discharge of the high duties placed upon him, en deared himself to fhe members of the bar and the people. He has conducted himself with dignity at ,all times and has administered the law with impar tiality, economy and great eatisfaction to concerned. His patience inthe trial of causes and liis courtesy to the mem bers of the profession and the officers of the court have been remarkable; and he returns home with the profound es teem and love of every lawyer and of all good citizens in the district. lletolted 2nd., That the Clerk of. Surry Superior Court be requested by the Sec retaries of this meeting to spread these resolutions upon his minute docket at the conclusion of the proceedings of the present Term, as a permanent testimo nial and fnrnish a copy of the same, authenticated by his official seal, to Judge McCorkle. - - - After the adoption of these resol'-tpus than ever, AGENTS for Dr- Talma-re's New. IffMrilCLl work and m-ivit frin Ta I - - - - v - t ; - V Through, and from tho Christ-Land,' entitled j 'FlIOM JIANGER TO THRONE", Embracing a New Lifd f Cbriat, and a " Story of Palestine an.l its People, illustrated with o ver 400 wonderfal engravioga of sceaery in tbe noly Land, copies of old maaters, and famous pictttrea froci tho Land and Times of ths Sa Totr, also a grand picture of Jerusalem oa tbe dy of tbe Crucifiiioa, in 12 cotura and ten fe t in length. This is Dr. Talmagea Ufa wotk an4 his greatest book. .Orders are now pouring in from all parts if tbe civibied world. Yoa wiU never Lave anotber like it, 1,000,000 copies will be soJd the first year. Agent should circp all fcle and secure territory- Such chaucea come but once m a lifetime. E:dusive territory gireo fall rutecliou. Tbe must remarkable and Wfud.Thi! jof all book about tbo.LanJ, Timea, and People of tbo Bible. Get to work NO .V and niakohanJrtHlsof dollars. Teirito ry going with a rush; act now; no capital ntod dtL Name territory you want, and for particu lars to I 1 B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 2C0Q Main St., Richmond, Ta. Moxirrro loax. For 5 years at per cent, on in: prove! farms; loans rcpavabla in Fraall t r.v.i::.i installments, thus enablrsg the l)rrov- ers to pay off Uie r indebi-?re out consuming crop in an v on -jrar. v Apply to J. S. CrXnoe, Wilkes bom, .N'T r TnESUjNFORlSDl. , : if Some people agr with TheStrn's cp'uilr j abooi men and th;br, aod acme p-x; l tier but crerybopy liies to set hold of the r.e4 paper which h neTer'doll and nerer afnij t apeak ita mind. Democrats knotrUut for iwtaty yvirs Tt: ' Sun baa fought in tht front line for fv-mx-rat:;! prina"rle, ueTerwacrirgor weaicnir-ia i' loyalty to tbe true in j rest of the party it b vea with fearless intelligence and !. latere Tigor. At timea opiniona LaTedi2T;rt?i t the Jbest means of aecpnjplbhing tbe cor purpose; t i not Tb4aa fault 'J v m "You Old Liar!" The remains of tlio man, 'Neath this tomb-stone doth . He, '; ' '. Whp said that Jess Ferguson's . Goods Were too high. , His neighbors condemned him,, j As a cranky old pest, j. And they put on his shroud, And laid Him to rest." tlons, His Honor, M. L. McCorkl livered a glowing to the )i "The evil that men do lives after them." It is no less con spicuously true that the unfort unate acts done by unfortunate w f . . numans at unpropitious mo ments follow -and harrass them to their grave. As in the case above, tne simple remark, un fortunate though it was, that Ferguson fc Hubbard were too high .with their goods, cost a poorfellowj his life, and his own tomb-stone still taunts his lifeless form, with "You Old Liari" But it has been a warn ing to other people, No one has since attempted such an expression.j And since tho ar rivallthis firm's new supply, 'of winter goods it is more danger for "everybody ays it is nicest, rtiie best and cheapest stock ever brought to Wilkesboro. Just come and I see.- 71; Whit ground grape-vine telegraph yljOrity over Hendrix, linenetween Wilkesboro and J r "S Ulbejeputy c6llec-A Congress meets -l.- Xv the rJ ma' further into the mUIslone. f Eigbteen hundred ard cirety-c ' irrcat year in America paiitica, r y should read Tbe Sua.) i. Daily, per month, ...................; Daily, per yerr. ; ... Sunday, per rear, Daily ami Sunday, per year Daily tod Sunday, per month. Wdi-kly San; one year, Address The Sazu New- York. BAE.BERJSH.O hiTepntup afirft class Earber 5' Wflkcsboro, econd dor from iir. 1 law ofiice, wbere yoa can bar the lcr orhair cutting, fc'iarirg, abaapo:-i-dyeinfr, etc, done in firet ciana onkr , and all times. Give me a trial. - J. K. Torre:: J. M. Turner, M. UfT icrDfDn it n II ii.IVL.OLJ JHU iim ; : r , WOISco at bis new IWidcae, whsrr . : be fouad wben not profession ally cnit ! . JOHN D. WILSC" 'Practical Surveyor & Civil rlr r "All kinds of Surveying a nd Lc -promptly and satisfactorily don,?. t"31ap-dranlng a special!-. T. B. pINLET --s WlLKSBOIZO, X. C. Will pratice In all the Conrta -COLLECTI0Na A STZCIXUI Ileal Bsiato sold on Ccuuuiasion. n.?C WztiBoax. R. N. IIac.- WELLBORN & HACKETI. Will practice in tbe State i Tiler: Isaac C. Wei ll1 Attorney at T. jriLKEsnonu n . Will prartice in all tb.' Corj ts. Dealer in Bcat-IUlate rroaii attend do pail tcth - VTc arc; Asr