THE CHRONICLE. . LbO AL. DOTS. ' 4 weeks till Xmas. : Bring that "wood. , . t December is here.' ; Wilkesboro is no sardine. This is fine weather, it is. r-Did you ever see the like of produce? - , - : ' , , Bosoms. Friends f a 1 s e fronts. ' ' - Presbyterian Church nestf Sunday. " . L The post-office at " Gordon is in operation, V ;-;' Qur delinquents will please come forward. ' : Mr. R. N. Hackett made a trip, to Winston last week. . Send us in a dollar and get the Chronicle for one year. Study seriously over the matter of haying better ' public roads. . v '-. : ' ; Will Mast in have to-' give up the Kevenue teat? We hear such talk. . v " ' Miss Ila Spainhourof Mo ra vian , Falls, is quite ill with fever." . V- ' Mr. Ed.; Reeves and his mother' were in the city last Saturday. , . : V : --Miss Lizzie Weaver is now teaching school in Alexander county. r . Mr. Carl Math eson, of the Taylorsville Index, was in, the city last week. : It would be; a nice time t have our side "."walks made da- cent. ' .; " :. - .What is the matter with getting ready for a big Christ mas tree or two? '':'-, T :Mr. L. M. Phar and wife , made a visit to their old home In Cabarrus last week. , - mm m . . c-f-r ic5 rrerrwr rr in .thA marriaere business as well as in other branches of progress. Miss : Gusta Weaver left last week for Virginia where she goes to live with her aunt. Mrs. W, F. Trogden has joined her . Husband in the Queen City, V for a few days. AY hat does it profit a man if he does carry his county Re publican and loses his revenue teat?" , " . Lawyer W. B. Councili pas sed' through the city Friday on his wav home to Boone from a trip to New York. . " . ' , :. ' ' ' : ; ' Mrs. 'Mickey, of Salem who has been'visitinjf at Capt. Hor ion.s aiew davs.deft for home Monday morning. . , ' r-M:r...W..L6ng, of Win- ston Sentinel, has what he con eiders the finest boy in. the world. Our congratulations. , Mr.' Frank - Caldwell,' -of Greensboro, was in the : city . last .week. He seenrjd very much, pleased .with our town; Better ljuild some . houses, so people can move to Wilkes boro. They are wanting t6 . come; ! rPro. Riddick and wife spent Saturday, night in the city.! Prof. Riddick is teaching an excellent school at Dockery,' this county. ! - vjt. yy . vjrruene, or vvaKe x oresv wno had Leen visiting in the 'county a few days, left for home on the Mon day morniner train. . ' 1 ITT -m - - . Mrs. White,-Miss Florence Rousseau, and Mis3 Sallie. Gen try, .of Jefferson, who is visit ing in the the city, made a: vis it ioElkin last Friday. I The Reddies River bridge is completed. Jt'is one of the finest peices of work .wo ever have seen. The masonry can not be beaten any where. . time to take the public roa scatter in hand a little more de cidedly? It goes without cue I 9 1 i "w-ii iuui mni; ul tuc nri nay 01 uc- tion that likes county cou dLj,ir,. icoi, 1 i , 1 - ( ry gracefully put ut vith U- ;;.;:,h bettor Vh,Lr.,cl u !!l7fa ,t :0 ''i.v n '-in-,- . ; ' Arthur Mctean, so u of 1. I. D. McLean, who j has been in Virginia for several years, is visiting his parents. Thomas Adams, a Wilkes boy, niw of Witchita Kansas, begfns his subscription this is siiq ! Mri I. ; S. Call last week killed hree 15 montif. old pigs which : weighed- 300 pounds, each, or a total' of 9()0 pounds. Isn't t hat pretty good? i Walter McEwen urday morning on -left Sat the train with four fine herses, which he was taking to Raleigh for Col. Andrews. ! s ' ; There will be a special com munication of Libti-ty Grove Lodge no 407 A.F. & A. - M.- on Frida:vlec. the 5th 890 at" 10 oclocli A. M. A full attendance desire I. ; r . ; i Miss Ida Greene lost a Gold ?en oneevening last week between her home and the post office. The finder vjrill be re warded by returning the same. ! ' Mr. Tyno and hjis family arrivdd safely last week. The Chronicle bids tliem welcome arid hopes they 'will find the Queer. City a pleasant home. j O it friend, Mr. J. D. Saun ders, who has been but- West, has re turned, and will make his home in Wilkes hereafter. He is justly of the opinion that there is no Wilkes. Mr. Coffey Laws showed Monday a 10 cent Bel Copper Coin, which was coinetlin 1832. It is the first and cjnly 10 . oent copper coin we have any knowledge of. J Herb Greene and Tom Chafion, two of the members of theCueen City's legal .frater nity nade a visit up to "God's Country' ' last week, on law and c ther important business, most y other. , j " . ':'.: i : ! - Mr. Frank Cplvard, who is engaged in carpentering " in Ashe y ille has been spending several days in Wilkes, his -old home. He has returned to Ashcyille. ; i r thanksgiving is over, jind ever " old gobbler which hap pened to escaped death; and destruction on that day, has re sumed . his gobbling; without fear of 'molestation for a sea son. Thanksgiving Day passed very! -quietly. in the Queen City. Revl'Mr. Barber, held services at tljie Espiscopal church in the mbr ling, that beiilg the only church in town at winch ser vice 3 wero conducted. , The ;Wilkesboro , manufact uring. Cor are doing a big busi- nesainow, As soon as thev complete the new hotel at Gor Ion, . they have contracts for several other buildings. They work about 20 han dsre gu - Mr. J. . Georcro Finlev. w unc erstand, has made . arrange- meats to take Charge Of and run the -liew hotel at Gordon as soon as. .completed i Mr-. Finlev' . .. .. mpleted i Mr-.'-FillleV aH expenoaccd hotelist, W xui4 uuuu counecieaj ior sov-cr- al ybars with; the rpnovn Wa- ' ' v - tau ga Hotl at -"' Blowing Rock. Thd Hotel will .Win running ordfr the last of this naonth. 4-Moravian Falls dicl tho ni cest; thing for Thanksgiving we have yet heard of . Mr. Pattbn hel l services-there in the Bap tist church; and after preach ing was .over, .a collection was tak3n for the Oxford Orphan age and the amount of Sixty Dollars was raised. MraVian Falls is to be, congratulated on enerosity. ... ; r : . ; 4-Kear Shady Grove chu'rclf Moravian Falls township s a man about 75 j'cars of ag(j, vrhoso ; locks for many years have been as vhite as the drifted snow flake. On the .Mr yiis on v trium T I ,7 I T I found. . Isnt it1 wonderful? . 'Wilkesboro is getting many compliments a market along how. One gentleman swho had been doing his trading at,.Char lotte and States ville for mariy years said hbre the other, day, that this was the best market he ever saw for he could sell any kind of produce here at good price's und could- get the monoy for i it.; Ho -also ; when he wanted said hecould get goods here that any kind of he wanted and could getx them at as ; reasonable prices as at any market We can Hurrah for us. t vouch for; this, but they say a certain Ashe man, a; fine horse trader, brought in a ! load of produce last week consisting "of i 500 pounds of cabbage, 143 pounds buckwheat floiir 7 ducks, 21 chickens, ' 3 geese 2 possom hides, 1 white cat hide which he called a mink , hide, , und . 2 gills ot apple juice.: Owing to the temporary absence of some of the merchants and the indis position" on ; the part of Fer guson and Hubbard to make such a wholesale investment, tne gentleman had to go on to States ville. J . I lit accordance, with reso lutions of the. Southern inter state Immigration Conven tion held in1, Montgomery, Ala bama, 18S8', R. W. Qolyard, Chairman jof . Board County Commissioners, has appointed E. S. Blair and R. A. Deal, del- egates, and D. E. Smoa A. A. . Finley aud k alternates to rep resent Wilkes county in the Interstate Immigration Con vention to he held in the city of Ashevillo N; C, Decemher 17 to 18, : 1890, Mayor Hackett lias also appointed T. ,B. Finley, Esq., to represent thp town of Wilkesboro at the said Conven bafore state, R. tion. i As N. Haclfett has been appointed a delegate from this Senotorial district. Wo hope thp dele gates from "Vilkes will attend. ,: A Kentucky d6ctor is in hard lucki He prescribed Bromide pf potassium for cnakp bites 'in - 1 stead of whiskey and the Ken- tuckians forth-with instituted a boy-cot t. ISemarUnble Kfufne Mrs. 3Ucheal Curtain, Plainfield El., maliesj tho itatenvrt that'eho catight cold, which set-' tlod on her lung's; she wan treated for a month by her family phjslcian, but grew v'orto. Ho told her she was a liopek s3 victim of cousump-" tion Arid that ?.6 medic' no could enre her. Her druggist 6ug:;c3tcdDr. King's Mew ! Discovery for Coj-.auujpti.jE; she bought a bottle and to lur iV.ight found hi rself'lwaVfited from '; 2tt doso. ! Shoco..tinaed its use au I after, taltiug tcii battle, fonad I eras .f sound arid' well, now d jc3 her own liun?;vrork aud is ss will as hho cvenvM. -'.Freo trial bottle at Stcky & Co's drug store, Jar;:o bottles C0-. aaJ $1.00 : , :: ' ., ' . , . . r--, , ; i ; The Daily ' Ad Tftnce. ; . ; ! JXhc Advance M ill be published Jally luring tlic session of . the Methodist .Conference, - which, convenes, in "Wilson on tlie 10th. ol December. ; . ' : It will contain all' the news of.: the Conference, and if you wish to know war.t is done, you should" j subscribe at once. Subscription for the seven day4 j 0 -.-,-! - A 1-rrf 5c5tt -rr.tna "fmn polnmn. I U750: haVf column, 1.00 one inch, 1.50. )j Caeh mtist accompany all subscription 4 J Ad vert lCCments fchOUld. bp- Contracted i ..... -. .(,. . . i sofat once, as the space is limited. BOrat once aa tne space 13 nmuea. . ; ; .iaZZ A I , liannr ooicri. ; Wra. Timmons, PotstmKter ol' Idavillc; Ind.,' writes: "Electric Bitteis has done lnorC.foi-iflo than all other medicines combined, far thafj Lad feelirjg arising j from Ivdney .and". Liver ti'oublo John i fan.icr and etockinvin, orsh.inor!ace,'8aye:.,,Find l!lectric Bitters . to bo the bi;stEidntry aud Liver medicine, . tu.add mo feel like r. now raan." "J. W. Gardner, luuxl v.sto mt-rcliBnt, same .to wtj, says: Eiectnet Bitters irfjnt the thing lor a naau . ho in all run tlwn and (lon't !;ire whether hot lives or lifcp; he oand uew Rtrei;gth, good eppetito and fr:It just f e ho had a new l-aso oa life. Ouiy 50c. a bottl,'vt St:i Hi- Co's. .tlrng st re. - ; -' Tulnablc lowu ProprrlT for Sale. 2o acres of land in Wilkesboro inclu ding ".Barrack's Hill" for sale in lots or in bulk, al30 70 acres roni one to two rnile3 east of Wilkesboro, well located .1, j - . ' on the Salisbury road. For terms, etc., write to L. DLowe, Banner's Elk, N. C, or J. F. SoMERS,;Wilkesboro,'N. C. LIVERY STABLE . LIcUVZEN b EltWIir, Proprietors (or'tli ofKousjc aa I'.u-;o ) . A new jjnpj;',' rf cxci Il'.-ut horses j-nr . a d. fi .( n,.w vt-hi.-'.frt on h-.nd.. Ai'vay-j rea-v- f t --'wl? t!.e trv.'::; - ' , ; Bueklen's Arnica Salye. . Tlio Lest Salre ia the world fbr Cuts, Bruia ea, Sore, Uieera, Silt Eljeam, Faver Sorea, Tetter, Ch.pje4 Hand, CLipLaInd, Corns, and all skin Eruption, at d positively-cures pifes or no pay required. It is guarauteedto giveper feet satisfaction, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents per box. ' FOIi SALB BY: Staley & Co. " Advice to Mother. - Mrs. Wvssuavt's Soothisq Stbup ehonld alway be used vrherf clrildren ore cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufiererat o nee; it produces natural, quiet sleep, nadthe little clierub awakes as bright fis a button.' Lt is very pleasant to "taste. It feoolhes the chilsoftsnstbe?ums,allaysall pain, regulates thobowe. s, andia the best known remedy for diarrhoea, vhethera rising from teething or QLhex causes Twenty-live cents a bottle ,.v . ' ." II. SI. and M. Joinoa, plaintiffs, . -againstr '": .: ? Felix Edward f, defendant. , Action for debt: ' : vTho defendaut Felix Edwards is hereby no tified 'to apiear at the next term of Wilkes Su perior Court, to bs held at the Court House in Wilkesboro N. O. on the 1st Monday in March 1801 and ariBwef or demer to tho complain t . o f the plaintiffs in this action." or. 11th 1803. Milton McNeil, C. 3. C. John S. Cranor, Atty for Pits. . . - T ' 12a iAre iilv.iiys liable to sudden and severe j colds, to croup, sore throat, lurg fever; etc.. IlcinetUes, to be cfiective, muit be admin i istered without delay. Kothing is , Letter cdapted fox such. emergencies than Ayer's Clierry rcctoral. It soothes the inflamed iu:moran, pf emotes expectoration, rclisves cougliiyg, aiul induces sleep.- The prompt use of this nieiUcine as saved innumerable lives, : be tii cf young and old. , " ie of my chiltircn had crcup. The case j was attenileu by our physician, and was sup : p jso l to be .well unJer control.. - One-,niht . 1 was startled by tire cliiU's hard breathing, .' andon going to Hlound it. . . , " :' - It had nearly ceasad to breathe. Rcrdizing tliat the chirrs nlnrrnir. condition had Lo conio iwssible in spite of the medicine it had tnUcn, I reasactl that such rczueues would be cf no avadl .Having a part of a bottle cf Ayer'p dierry Fectorj-4 In the r-.cuse, I gave, tho eliti.l tl voe doses, at short, n.rtI r.-ixto:ily w.iitetl results.- From the ivoir.citt tTii YrcilnA was given, the cl.Ud's breathing , Kia'.T eaclor, and In a short flrae it was slef j- , rjiiict'y ami titatblnj? natmrdlj-. Tlie cl'.iH is alive anl.wcll to-day, and I do not : he.c.!t:ito to say that AysrTs Cherry 1'ec.toral . rr.vcJ its life." C. J. YooldrUgc Worlhum, T&xa?. ' . . -.: , ; V, CTTor coh!3, coughs, bronchit!sT:Stlinia, a'uil tc early stages of consumption, tako fiver's 'Oljsrry restoral, - FEEPASED BT . ' TtH. J. C. AYEIt s CO., ILovrell, llass. - Bold IjJ ad Drugg!6lB. ' rrice $1 ; eix tottlcs, $5. . ftOTICKi Town ff.ots for Sale. 1 con cr lot on Mai a strett, near Publfe Sauiira i n Will:: sboi o X. C, 82- by . 1S2 feet 1 acre lot uar E. WallAce'a on hick street 2C3 acres of Fine Fruit land on Brushy Sits in Wilkes county, with a fino youn orchard. .900 acres in WaUnga county, on which ar6 As- bestoa and Flexible ennd-stone. Sale to be private. L. D. LOWE & J. T. FERGUSON, Ex'-ciUors of ih-a. A. P. Calloway, deceased. 'Wils-faboro.Oft. 18. ' . ' Kxecutors' JVotict . - . '. Having quI:fhd aa exvents of Mrft. A. F Cnil 'wayv deceased, we hereby notify all per sona iiid-.btfd to' said deceased . to : come fi-rr waid and raake imipeliato paymv.nt And all PtsiT' haying claims against said deceased iJl khiVit Ihemiiuly atithoniicated on or be. Tore. OetlStJi 1801 or, this no'ico v.;iH be plead in bar ;f Ilf .-ir recovery. This Oct. 18, 1S00. . ; . . L; I). LO,VE & J J. FriiOUSON, Executors of ilrs. A. 1'. Calloway, 'deceased. ' if TTo!lo! .Ten. Glad to eee yon. old" fellow I it's tn yrars tince wo were mariied. Sit iotvn: In'sLaye an ezperionce mcethig. llow'fl 1 tbe Tlfe.?" - ' - . "'Oa I fH-o, FRrro pP anal, always want Ins: icv!U.7i J cau't bfford." Wi ll, v.-o ail w-.::t tometiiing mcro than -we've got. Do-i'l ron ?'V ' : but I guess 1 wad will he n.y master. I ttnrtrtl v ket'.) d vn crocuses ; and now Lil says lni iaca!j.' j 8be llr'd o? saving and never sl aving au.v'thi.i? to nhow fr it. I raw yoar wifa dowDret. aid ?lie !wkod a Lappy ns n cneenl " I think she 13 ; and we are ecoxiomical, too. how chc aianaires it; e-s eiwaya l.inrhs and ays: 0!i I that's my secret !' lUit I I've c;i? covered hi-r wcrrt.1 When we married, we both knew wo ftioal.l Lav to be very can fnl. but eh Cm'.eoneco!iditiou: she would Lave her .:airazli.e. f Anl ch.iwacM'irht. I I wnnTiliil dn tfilhorJ it Trcr- pcIf ford0UijIe tho tabwriiirii rr e. ,-v Tead It topnt!ipr, frorn iho tiilc-p.ijrfe to the last word : the srorles keep oar hearts jocdj; the yr.opis pf important events cr.d scientiSc matters keeps tno po.:ted eo that I -ean talk nnderftandirfrly of what in coins on : my wife ii always 6ome . BeT idra from the hoti-V.&ld department r-eht . make - all her dresses arwa those for tlie cliildrea, and Flie rcta all her patterns for aolhitig, with the M"rjrzine ; and we savxd Jne when be wa bo sicl; with th.croitp, by dointr jat a? directed in tha ' ' Sanlrn.iiD?6art.tne!-fc. Sj;;tIean"ttellyoahalfl' . . ttondcrfal lIa?r.zuie is it ?' "limort's I-V.m"J ;!raz5nr, id ' ' "What! Why tHat' whnt-Lil wanted eotadj. . and I told her it wa an extravagance" "Well, my friend, that's where yon made a . prand raistrJcc, pd one you'd better rectify as eona a.3 you cs.r. I'll take your 'eub. rlp'at here, on mywifo'a account: fhe's bonnd to have a china tea-fetln time for bur tin wedding next month. . My fold watch was tbe preminm I got for ttinjj tip a club. Cere's a copy, with the new rremidm : Listforclub3, theb!jT''cstthk)Sont! If yon don't ece in it what you M-ant, you've only to write to the publisher and tell hirn what you want, whether Id i a tack hammer or a new carriage, and he will -make special tnns for yon, eitJK'r for a club, or for pirt ca-u. Better pnbscribe right off and surprise , Jfrs.Tom. OrlviJ.OO a yenr will save fifty times that in etx months. Or send 10 cents direct to the publisher, W. .Tennirga Demoreet, 15 Eaet 14th -Street, New Tork, for a epeclmeaxopy coaUicitg . the Premium list." - ". - & 'FEED n hi f-7 w hare to be. ' My wirr c:n make a l.ttie go further tha: anyoo I ever Irnew, yet she's fcnvays iar pria'ti mc with 6-icio Canity car.trivaaice that : addn 'tothecuaif rr andbesutf of ear little home,- end phe's aivrar raerrr n- a lark. When I aslc PHARK & ViTE LLBOSN, Prop's f SitQatcd on Main Street, east of the. Court Hoaae. Good horees and Dew , vehicIfs;of nil kinds ready for the accommodation of the trareling public. Horses carefa!iy fed and attended to. Give U3 a trial and eeehow wc feed. " ' ' - rnARR & WELLBORN". 0: "Wlieii YOg waist GO 31, E W DEALER IN GOECXriONEB A Frf sh Stock Always 6n Si- WE HA VR JUST KEGElVEI) A LARGE LOT OF ST0YES OF DIFFERENT KINDS; ' WE HAYE THE NEVr LEE Ml) IRON KING, THE LEADING COOK STOYES OF THE COUNTRY. . ; :' y I ' ,' '; .,V. . . Ve are prepared to do all kinds of tin and sheet iron . W. H. STARK & GO . Dealers In ROCS. PA'TEPJT EflEDIOII!S8 , ; Tobaccb, Clears, cicaretts, Fancy and Toilet Soaps, etc, etc. ; CPrescriptidns-promptly and aceuratefilledjHPJ Situated inthe Steve Joianspu store house! : "V : n STATESVILLE, mrG. - : : ' ' - r'; I Dealers in ; . ; . GENERAL ITARDWA RE, AGRICULTUR AL. IMPLEMENTS, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUN1TK N, SASH.'I'OORS; BLINDS1. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. &G: We have the largest stock of Western tT. C, and handle shot 'I 0 r a vi an Falls fc'aiemy. . TEACHERS : .. : . R. L. Pattdx, (Amherst College, Mass.) r J. W. Hexdren,, (Wake Forest College.y I. M. Spaimiiouk, (Oxford Female Seminary.) v ' ..:";! ." '.0. ' '. . ' ' ' Next :erm will open Ailgust 4, 1S90. Tuition:- $1 to Cd per month. Fee lOcts. : Boaed with fuel, lights, and vash ing, 67 ! Rooms for those! who wish to board themselves. The teachers are all full graduates.' . For circular addresa - - n irssa mm I VILKESB OR O. C, r- - ' r-i- -o : , Keep on haDd a foll line of Fresh JDRIJGS. M EDI CLVES, OILS, PAINTS sTi8. and Evervthin5r kept io aFirsi CiasssiDriiff Store, r'ppr- ' . . SCKIPTJOXS CAREFULLY ; Olj Steve JoliDsou BuiK!iriir, . BE SURE TO CALL AND SEE -THEM .V " ..Mantifactiirers of- . . Building MateriaL N0Ws jtbe.TililC to Blllia- The in a Few tontbe.: ; Be SehO. for AH parties desiring to boildjcao call and 'getting oar Jfrices. Wilkesboro?. C , Feb 7. 1 890 T Two Car Loads of lMABBLE 'Direct W HI CH ENABL ES Give me n. CALL UEFORE if rite for Dcshjua -;;-r I :. :. j.; .:- . . - TO 12ZC 213212 -EXXSr" O - aud A Be sere to call 3 r - 1 Shells, Wads, Cartridges etc., in by tho ton. . ; ; . : Moravian 'Fall3, 21. G. - COMPOUJNDEDyi Store in tha jasi' ojpposite the ' (Jour t IIca " EAILROAD ill bo C0::rLi:rzD It- " : Sa?e Moiiej by. First giving u: r. v:" .Wilkesboro LPfv C n n r-n 11 W-L From the 0 11 r v ME TO COYING AS I , and 7 ices. ' CO SlntCSTlIlC

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