teSsof strc i ... Oneear ......... . Six jiionths............. Three montlis.-....... ; Payable in fidrunce. EST Send all monr- -letter or postal order, v Chboxiclk, Wilkesbor. t: , r 1 AW rtAy rry . 3 ' it i e r r i iftfl iii t j 1 1 Pqual Taxation, pirect and Indirect. WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY; 1ST. C., JAN.. 21, 1S91 . ' ' YOU VII Bpilwt.llm.lJ.6m.Hyr.! j lf LTtfjX- . 7( III 77-- -TT nn ooo . A - . V IL ; : V . i I i i i i i 'it i r m l a i i i j r c i w . l a i i l j , h i hi I co ! eiw m S35 30.00 .oo ; . J ' ' lcol. 111.00 '15.00 '30.00 '50.00 1 7Q.00 It ' - . i - 1 1 n 1 .7 A. Cooper. T. S. Miller & C? Dealebs in -General Merchandise. loots, shoes," bats, capaj dry i?oodF, . notions, and Clothing, the lar- est lines in the tcwa. We are also Agents for FRIEND" i - ! '.-. . ; r The best Wheat Fertilizer in the trade- Til U T. RHF.RT STOCK OF IN THE COUNTY, ieel a,tole to giy customers sjoods a 4 .Ciieapas any 3. JJown. We cordially invite all to com e and ,ae us. Wo claim to be the Origi pators & Adjtastors ; of ' L6W PRICES, ' -S - ! ' i .! in Wjlkea County and we beleivo the "People hiive- found this out; T5a member the prices of Plaids, Dp mcstics, Cottonadee, &c, when vre came 'to this place. Come and see what they are now. We jSimpjy leave the matter for yon to Jdge ' Who started the crusade' on the prices of these staple articles and necessaries of life. j Wo pay the money for oar goods .and intend to give our containers the advantage of every change iri the tnarKeu-4 The Old Reliable Store of T. S. MILLER & CO. Wilkcsboro Produce Market - Corrected Weekly By 1 T. S. FILLER ScCJo, Article, " .Weight, Wheat . . - .60 . . . .'. Corn . "56 .... Rye 56 .... Oats 32 .... Clay Peas ..60 .... White Beana. '. Colored " . . Meal, unbolted 48 . . . , Plonr, Good Family, per sack. . . . Potatoes, Irish "... P-ice 1.25 ) .75 . 80 J . so : ..60 , . 1.00 ! 75 85 i 1..3.00 60 Ghikens Ooions , Tallow . Lard ... Butter i EgRS ... ...... ......12J to 15 ,70 . . . . . . . . per pound ' 04 . ...... " 10 ;J m Ber doz- 18 Coffee, Best in the market, per lb, Beeswax " " Bacun Western " 22 18J20 8 75 8 Salt, 125ft sacks ......... Sugar, Brown . , i ....... Sugar, White. Feathersiwhike, geese . . . Feathers.pnck, . : Hides, Green, ... Hides, Dry! Wool, washed and picked Fish, salt, ; Blackberries, per . poui,. Apples, dried, .1 ...... . . . . . Peaches,. . . . ' 1 herrieaj well dried, .per lb n I n 81 ;5 -SO TD8 35 5 6 ,j. . ,5 to 8 ...io to is; .;' 7 AUki dads of produce .not mentioned 'aiova at oartorcary prices. . i - . taken FARMERS Editor ana Publisher. En iered at the Posl-qffice in Wilkesboro flissec nd-dass matter. ! I W IDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 1891. Tance He-nominated anS Elected. O i the night of the .12th the Democratic j members of the Legislature field a joint caucus and j nominated Zebulon B. Van ce to be liis own successor as U. Senator from North Car olina. The nomination ; was mac e by acclamation amidst the wildest enthusiasm. . There was not a dissenting voice, but members froin all section spoke heartily endorsing TVance. To-day, the 20th, the Legis lature liolds a joint session to elect Senator! Vance will re cieve the solid Democratic sup pon while the Republicans will give their scanty votes to J. C . Pritchard, of Madison. T iere is not an abler or more honest Senator in the U. S. Senate, and our people have nevar had a more faithful rep resc ntative than Vance, and his unanimous return is a mer ited complimeiit to Vance and honor to the State. . S6me poetically inclined fel- low gets off the following:e "This world is like a crowded bus; A few good men, perhaps, Miy find a seat, but most of us; ifnef. "hsiTXT rm "hv the stratis. "o J , " en W V ' Te some one who I has ome one the the money would cnarter right of way and put up a street raillvay from the depot to the court house, he could make a gooil thing of it. And now is the time to strike. j Iii the light of the best infor mation at hand, we are confi dent that the poor fellow j who persisted in approaching a can yon in Colorada till he tumbled, in and broke his neck, j is now satisfied that a jean (y) on is dangerous thing. a Senator Quay ihas introduced ai davonet v eaerai election Forbe Rill. ; It is about I the same as the Lodpe bill, but is plainer and more out-spoken in its j ro visions. It provides th a t the President may suspend the wri of. of habeas corpus and liac; -every ballot by., a bay Dnet in places he may deem proper. A pretty spectacle of puro Republicanism! A bay net for every ballot! i i' T ie financial bill has passed the Senate of the U. S. The bill passed was Senator Vest's silver bill and provides for free coir age. Senator Vest is a Democrat, and it would appear thai the Republicans jare now cha iging abouton the : silver que stion and are adopting the Democratic idea.;' This proves thai there is some good even in a Republican. j I . . ma" ; ; T ie Carolina I Banner, pub lish 3d at Tartoro N. C. closed its existence' w11 its lastissuei Reason: The support not suf jlvv w JL A fici( nt to justif its publication. The same old, old story. When the death Of a Nonhl Carolina Newspaper! is announced,' the same oia cause invariablv ac announcement, companies the And yet there ts no institution so necessary to the welfare and upbbilding of our country as the j much abused and bard striiggung jcountry . newspaper. Still the people stand by and let them,; thBir best mends, waste, away and die, refusing to give that support which their betier progressive nature un do ibtedly prompts and " which I their own and the welfare the country demands. Applications will be made to the General Assembly for sev eral charters for this section. Wilkesboro is asking for an amended charter. New Wilke boro is asking to be mcorpar ated ' AnDlications will be made for charters for banks one at Wilkesboro, other at New Wilkesboro. two the The and are LAmerican Home, Mineral Timber Land Company going to ask, for a charter. The New Wilkesboro Land Company want to, be incorpor s2j8v? It is probable that the W&esboro M'f'g. Co. will ask to be incorporated. Perhaps other applications for charters will be presented. Ail this we take as a good sign -for the benefit of our country. We are glad to see such a spirit, mani festing itself in our midst. It broods well, and speaks of fu ture greatness and prosperity. We are glad to number the Baltimore Sun with our ex changes. For the short time we have been reading the'Ston it has rapidly become our fa vorite exchange, outside the state of course. Its news facili ties are excellent, and it is re freshing to pick up the Su?i and read its daily news summary, after trying to get the news from elaboiate articles-of sev eral columns in the New York and other dalies- The Sur. is purely Democratic in its doc trine and Southern in its sym pathy. It is an able, conserva tive : and; valiant defender of southern manhood and south ern progress. "Our people can find no better paper to read-out -side of the state. Daily SuV $G per year; weekly sun SI per year. Published by A. S. Abell & Co. Baltiriiore, Md. ; ; The Legislators at Raleigh undoubtedly expect to hav? the country; in shape before they adjourn. They are going to straighten out the Railroads with a Commission, so that somebody's friends can have an easy time at the expense of the tax payers of the State. They have discovered that free -passes are a veritable sin, ajfd one fellow has introduced a bill to prohibit all free passes. Now then, some other "patriot" olight to make it an unlawful act to" take a free ride with a friend in a buggy or carriage ? Besides it is of equalimpor tance as the prohibition of free passes that it be made' a mis demeanor for a fellow's bet girl- to expect- a free Xmas present. All such things shonld be attended to, as long as the good work is to be com menced. Lets do the thing up right. The Topic's correspondent from Raleigh, in speaking of Hon.! Johfr Q A Bryan's troub les with his two party collea gues -the two negroes puts pretty rough language in the mouth of the Hon. John. It quotes John as saying 'I did n't come down here to assbci- ate with any d u negroe." Wo are constrained to believe the correspondent 4s mistaken j on Via -nn tft rii ch words, as "d n!' in Hon.: Jojm's mouth. Resolved, that we extend our heartf It is true : John his. been having felt sympathy to his bereaved family irj, a big racket with ;his partners the great loss they have sustainedin hi the frwo negroes, but i he :,on't j delvdt a copy4V thege. Resolu? say "cuss words if we are , tions sent the cakoytcih for pubs rightly informed. He mayi in Jiication and a copy be' sent to his family election times, indulge in a lit-1 ana that they be also spread upon -Tmr tte innocent campaign literr,; jninutes. : ? . - ' J. ... ature" and handle the truth v -..; , - MlUon ' j com. 4 carelessly, but, if we are right- . Henderson ( ly informed, he is a. church i member in fair standing, and i draws the lines on , 'cuss words.' We honestly believe the Topic doCs the Hon. John an injnstice in the above lan guage, and it should make a- mends. tip-Alliance brethxontn the county who blame us for not "giving more county Alliance news must know that we are not at fault. Why, bless your soul, how do,, we know what you have done or when and what you are going to 'do? Your meetings are secret and we are not a member, and it is rare occasion when we can get anything from your members. If we give your news we must know it. We are glad to get news, and because of the fact of it being Alliance news makes it neither more preferable nor less desirable. r Good Signs. We are receiving new proofs every now and then of our ex istence in this country and that we are becoming more closely connected with the out side world and are fast taking our. position among the kingdoms of the country. The latest in dication of progress and auspi cious sign is the fact that the daily papers are beginning to reach our office upon the same day they are printed. The first daily to begin its quick visits was the pleasant and progres sive Charlotte Chronicle, which we are always anxiously await ing. Tho next to begin follow ing suit was the staid, solid, and conservative News & Ob server, of whoe fatherly coun sel we love to learn. And now the bright and sprightly State Chronicle is beginning to reach us on the day of publication.. Of course this is the case only when the mail service all along the line is properly rendered. Surely these are auspicous signs, and the speedy develop ment of this, the loveliest, land beneath tne circle of sun, is becoming beautifully less an irredescent dream, but a glo rious fact, j We have one regret yet which we hope to be overcome when we ge our through line to the sea. - That is, we do not rsecieve the bright and schollarly'; Wil mington dailies until the day afer their publication. And also the Winston Daily- is a day behind, j r - Mark M. ("Brick") Presidents the Atlantic-Pacific Railway Tunnel Com pany of Colorado, that has more than 4000 share owners has good reasbns to say that this is a happy New Ylear to him. now that he has reached gold and silver ore in large quantities for, sh'p meat and sale, as .stated in the l large 1G page pamplet he sends to all who ad dress him at his Eastern Office Pulitzer Building, New York City. So fhuch for a good stayer. r " h - Resolution of Condolence, j Whereas, it has pleased the suprpme Being and Ruler of all things, to remove from our midst our beloved Bro. Capt. A. H. Ilorton President of the Farmers Alliance of Wilkes connty, Besolied, That while we bow in hun- Die suomissioii mj xj.i.o , ,""-p!" i have sustained an irrepablo loss bothj to 1 our order and the state. , &. Eeoolttd, That we recognized in Ct Horton a patriot and. a christain gen tleman congenial neighbor a good cm- an affectionate husband ana a jana V J ! It's an 111 Wind that Io the midst of the Paoin hicb has ja passed over the money c.t- . ,j th!3 coon try oar bayers were oo tha mvkpi placing rdera for . ! . . ; SPR I NG GOODS- i A panic has been dtfinetl as 'Ptople losing their heads." The d f! . one. -During the crises a Dollar io Cash was worth a bndwrae Pr, .. . ,j..ldr.t . f iiercliaudise who foood themselves io neeij of reaJj Cash were driTen .- Sk- t-j the opporlunttite for profiubte investments were not wanting. It is otdr necessary to add that we have taken advantage or the '. i to lie fui est stent aod as u result are prepare! for the Spring Trade as never bvi Economical management small proGts and a large volume of bwi. hare al ways believed, the surer road to success. This will continue to be our i . - menk lbe wiH on3 S0PPrt of our customers is always i ? . -t ia ut minds, and ftartior io the New Year with such auspicious prospects it .Us 03 pict ure to invite their continued co-operation, j 1 t Very respectfull vt r "5 t . . ! WALLACE BP. 01 atateavuie, if. C, January 1. 1891. RICHMOND & DANYILLE R. R. Schedule between Greensboro -and lVIlkesboro, In effect Nov. 2, 90. Winston and Wilkesboro. Dai.y except Sanday" West Eoud No. 10. Lv Winston-Sa!em 12-40 pm;1t Allspaugh 12-53 i-m; to Bethania I- 18 Tjs; lv Ilural Hall 1-43 pm; Tobacco 2.12 pa; Donnoha 2-00 par; Silos m 3 20 va; Rod. ford 3-65 pm; CrutcbCeld 4-30 rai; Elkin 5-15 pm; Road 5-55 pm; Iioaring Biver 6-15 pm; arrive at Wilkesboro 6-50. 5 , East Bound Koi 9 Leave Wilkesboro 845 am; lv Roaring Eiver 9-20 am; Bonda 9-45 am; ESkin 10-12 am; CrutchfieM 11-12 am; llockford II- 37 am; Siloam 11-12 pm; Dounaba 1-02 pm Tobaccoville 1.27 pm; Rural Hall 1-43 pm; Be thania 2-13 pm; Allapkugh 2-33 pm; arrive as Tinstoa 2-54 pm. Greensboro and "Winston. West Bound. Daily. Ex. Sun. Ex. Son. 4 No- 6. No. 8. No. 10. Lv.- Greensboro, 10:05 a m 10:50 p.m 6:45 a.m "Salem Junction 10:15 a-m H.-OOpm 6:55 am " New Gorden 10:22 am 11:11 pm 7 J3 am " Friendsbip 10.30 am 11:22 tm 7:28 am " Kernersville 10:45 am 11,43 pm . 7;53 am Ar. '.Vinston-Sa!cm 10;50 am 12:10 am 8;31am East Bound ; No. 5. Lv. Winston-Salem 6;30 am " Keruers villa '150 am " Friendship i 7-05 am "New Gorden 7-13 am " Salem Junction 7-20 am Ar, Gieeneboro 7-30 m No. 7. No. 9. 6p5 pm 3 DO pm 7:pm 7-43 pm 7-53 PM 8.04 pm 3- 55 pm 4- 25 PM 4- 33 pm 5- 00 pm 5-10 PM 8-15 pm All trains make concection at Greensboro with trains on main lines for all points 'north, s outb, eat and west, j j t .. . W. A. Tcjkk, DPA, Raleigh, N. C. JoshTatlok, OPa, Washington, 1). C. i Sol. Hass, Traffic Manager. "Yon fllfl Liar!" " - . "The remains of the man, ... i 'Neath this tomb-stone doth He, . Whp said that Jess Ferguson's Goods were too high. His neighbors condemned him, As a cranky old pest, And they put on his shroud, And laid him to rest." "The evil that men do lives after them." It is ho less con spicuouslytrue that the unfort unate acts done by unfortunate humans at unpropitious mo ments follow and harrass them to their grave. Asin'the case above, the simple remark, un fortunate though it was, that Ferguson & Hubbard were too high with their goods, , cost a poor fellow his life, and his own tomb-stone still taunts his lifeless form with "You Old Liar." But it has been a warn ing to other people. No one has since . attempted such an expression. And since the ar rival this firm's new supply of winter goods it is more danger ous than ever, for everybody says it is nicestV.the best and cheapest stock : ever brought to .Wilkesboro. Just come and see. a ,V "We are still the 1017 PRISES, ' FERGUSON '& HUEBKD- Blows No On:. : :odl An election will be held in :L-.-?.trra of Wils bord it. c on the Ulb day f ;V' raary IS., submitting the question as t .-thcr or i. s the people are willing to be t;.I the cqui f $5,0O.00 in coupon boods tu b. nnrd for il benefit ef s aid town. Thia Jjh. 101 ' J. O. HAClIJrT. .Matoi: Tatwable Town Projirtfr Cmr Sate 25 acres of land in Wilkesboro inc! -ding "Barrack's Hill" f..r . :!o in : la i or in bulk, also 70 acres lio:n one to t.. miles east of "Wilkesboro, well locatt i op the Salisbury road. For terms, et , write to L. D. Lowe, Banner's Elk, a, or J. F. Somers, Willu boro, N. C. MONET TO LOAN. For 5 years at S per cent, on improve 1 farms; loans repayable izx s-nuili ar.nu: 1 installments, thus enabl!::- tho borrow -ers to pay off their indel teJneps witl -out consuming crop in any one year. Apply to JVS. Craxok, Y.'ilkesboro, N C'i Sale of.Land for Partition. j NORTH CAROLINA, j . ' . . ' wilkes coustt. J Superior Court, T. J. Dula I l . n?irs at law of W. P. Caldwell J- ExTarte, Vhiteas Horton, ct al. ,) j By virtue of an order directed to me fro: i the Superioreonrt of Wilkes cotintv at r..:i terra 1800, 1 will, as commissioner appoint.- v. by said court, on Monday the 2:id day f Fc: 189J at 12 o'clock at tho court lioase door in Wilkesboro. eclJ for partition to the htgbt -v t bidder on a credit of 12 month, the proper. y known a a tho Elk or Howard, farm eontaiaiu; about 275 acres' 100 of which is first class At torn laud, lying on the waters cf the Yakin Riv er and Elk creek, and on the river road leading from Wilkesboro to Lenoir. There ia a 2 story brick dwelling with 4 comfortable rooms, act other buildings on the farm. lias nnexcelkd water for any kind of machinery, 'and is one .f finest mercantile fctanda in the county. Pur chaser will be required to give bond with, ap proved security bearing G per cnt interest Titlo reserved till purchase nW.i y is paid. Dec, 20. 1890. j C. P. J .'KS, Com. i p T. B Finley. j IT. t, Greene.' P ey and Greene, I WlLJxVSBQB U. A? C. Will pratioe in all the Ctfnris WCOLLECTIONS A SPL 1 LTTY-C Real Estate sold on cuntaiwi BARBER SHOP have put np a first class Tnlr Shop in Wilkesboro, second door fro.:i .-.r. FinleTV law ofaoe, whero you "can have u.e Uteet - stjlo , of hair cutting, Hharing, shi:ij"wi:iug, hair dyeing, eic, done in firut clas -ictr at any and all times. G ire me a trial. 1 V J. Kl 'i '. rrence. JIM. .Turner, 71. D., 1 '' .wilkesboro; k. n C'i 'OZ.ce at his new Residence, n-v.-rn he j can be found when not professional y tgnged. Practical Surveyor & Ciiii L rtTicer, All kinds of Purvey ing a : L v ve.'ng promptly and satisfactorily i CS3Iap-draVrin a sptti-ily. H. ?1- Wkixbobx. R. N. P. wfc-TT- ' WELLBORN & HACKED. WILKESBOllO, V, . . . ' 'i i .''".. ' . r--o . . Will practice in the State. Fe ; ' Vnrta. ' 1 ' . 1 Isaac C. Yvfillbrni. ! Attorney it-fc jg j . WlLKESBORt) JV .1. Will practice in all tho Courts. Dealer in Real Estate-.-. Promt attention paid tc the iollectu t rfct-ims. V. U. H. Cowlis. . : W. n I a r WJLKEnBOBOt 2.. , . Tt N. Cnarris. Al J. C. Chaiiin & Ho : ilttorncya la.-t j - 7 - Wilkesboro, 2i "."-v.-.. . Will practice in all the Cotrrtt Cozier io? 3 x SrxriAi.Tr,