o A RATES OF ADVERTISING. TERMS OF SCL..v ... Space ! wk.l I ra. 3 m. One year....... Six months..........,... . Three months...... J Payable in adrunc. taSend all moi- -letter or postal order. V .i f. CrraotncLg, Wilkesbcn, x 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. , col., i col. lcol. .75 1.25 2.00 3.60 6.50 UXX) 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 15.00 4.00 6.00 7.50 ax 10.00 118.00 30.00 - pqual Taxation, pircct and Indirect. . j jWILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY N. C, FEB. 18, 1891. VOL: VI. NK:il. I 6m. 1 yr. 6.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 10.00 17.50 17.00 -25.00 30.00 45.00 50.00 75.00 . - " - : L LOCK OUT. See Quotations Below: We are selling good Choaper than any house a the 1,owh or county., nd 4re paying-more i for prodoce than Home of our brofher merchants in R. R elites 20 years old arid more. ' Just Think About it- Qoly had a R. R. about 4 months And have as good a market for your chickens, eggs, butter, &c, as Wine-, ton cr fitateaviile either. jhink once more about us clo sing out bur old j stock for almost nothing in order Ao get ready to ell you goois right- Hernombep the old -adage that the new broom sweeps clean." Come and help us make the ! 1 "new broom" and! we will snow you bow to 'sweep"clean." We are going to name this new broom f . The Wllkesboro Bee Hive and we are going to make it appear like a bee hive of pure honey to all Kjur customers. We expect to" sting -you with New prices and as you look ack overfLhe past you will remark : 0 how I have been cheated by oth r;rae3,in;buiog ray &oods, I shall henceforth and forever 6tick to the Wilkesboro Bee Hive, where 1 can buy my goods right and live oo ,pu re unadulterated -Honey. We laim to be the Originators & Adjixstors of LOW PRICES. l . i 1 J, : '.f "'- , ; . ' ' - - ' V' in Wilkes County and we beleivo the People have found this out. Re member the prices; of Plaids, Do mestics, Oottonades,! w nen we came to this - place. Come "and see what they are now. We simply Seavo the matter fori you to Jud&e Wh9 started i the, crusade on the prices'of these1; staple articles and necessaries of life, i Wo pay the! money for oar goods And intend to give our costamers the adYantago of i very! change in tbe aarket. The Old Sellable Store of T. S.l MILLER L CO. Tr ilkesboro Produce Market ' Corrected Weekly By T. S- fiHILLER Si Co. JLrticlt, Wheat .... (Corn ...... vRy WeigKt, 60 . . Price 1.25 . 80 . 80 . so . -70 . 56 . . . vOfct ...... .......! Cly Peas. .! ; WkiteBean.., J ... . i ....32 ..... ,..60 j...... 1-00 75 ....... 0 Colored" " . Meal, bolted . ....44 ........ Tlomr, Good Family, per sack. . ..I.. ..S.00 . 60 Potatoes, Irish Cbikens ...... ; Onions ....... Tallow Lard Batter ... ......12 to 18 ......m:...... 70 . . . per pound 04 .... " - ' 10 .... 12 Eggs .....' per doz 12 Coffee, Best in the market, per R 22 Beeswax .....i.L.. ......... " n 2022 Bacun Western ...... Salt, 1251b sacks Sugar, Brown i Sugar, White....!...... 8 75 8 8i 45 30 04 08 ' 35 5 6 .........Iper Teathore, white, geese t Feathers, Duck, ....... . . . . . Hides, Green. Hides, Dry. ......... I Wool, washed and picked ... .. . i . " Fish, sait, .'. , Blackberries, per : pouu-1, i . -ffob, anea,. . . . . . .... . Peaches,;. 5 to 8 ...ID to 15 THE SHRODISLB' 4vj Editor and Publisher. i . Entered al the Post-office in WUkesboro assecand-kla.is matter WEDNESDAY. FEB. 18, 1891. Senator Hill of New York win occupy Gen. Wade Hamp ton's seat in the Senate ; cham- ber. .Mr. passed Reed's Congress has bill allowing; each clerk at $100 per member a monthJ "Evil Communications cor rupt good Morals," and much newspj -pe rs "cussin" is creating a little stir among the people.' iBro. D. F. St. Clair, .has re tired froni the Central Express and accepted a position upon Char- the editorial :staff of the lotte Chronicle. !The iill,! recently introduce, to repeal the law which makes Magistrates inelligible tor County Commissioners, ought to pass J there is no good reason why a Magistrate may not be aj cour .ty Commissioner, j The Alliance of Washington county a few weeks ago . did the commendable by j raising the mc ney and paying off the mortgage under which Ian af flicted BroL farmer's home was .about to be sold. jHon Kemp P. Battle has re- signed the Presidency of the of North Carolina. University! The University under Mr. Bat tle's care has experienced an .era of improvement .ana pros . perity hvill be hard to fill his pi There is danger ahead for nossum hu hter. A bill has been introduced brohibiting 'possum hunting fro m -Feb.; to Oct! 1, of each yfear. have had a 1 The 'possum must f e-long premonition that sc me f riend would cham pion h s catse by favorable leg islatioi, jud ging from the smi ling jcc untei an ce ha has ever worn. :.. j ; ;The correspondent of the Grayson! Va., Gazette who re cently claimed that Psalms fol lowed next kfter " John in th New Testoment, being driven from that position, now boldly claims that Proverbs are m Webstters Nuabridged Die- tionary, and wants it undereood that tnere is to be no backing in this matt j The f possutnologist who has . - . . mtroancea a diii ro.prpuiuu 'possu n hujaiing; except Oct. tc Feb., bught also to from make it unlowful to rtie" f possums to sticks in the. usual . manner of the present t; me. It ; tends to discourage the 'possum's want ed smile, and! to encourage him to try his musical attainments on such sad trains as, "Listen to my iiale o woe. i ! I The R J Rj Commission bill havin passed, te newspapers are being filled with' eulogistic mention bf men for the new of- Goa I Tj wdl Ia a. '1 Riirnrisiner uwo. ' " - rv-. o thing to find how many patri ots thOre be who are willing to sacraffcel their convenience for tne p ajblic: good by : accepting the office. We mignt, ne pre vailed upon ourselves " , Ex-President Cleveland, in a letter to a New York -r Club, re-affirmb his former views in opposition t p the free coinage of silver J The Southern peo ple generally do not agreo with it. cent letter on this subject may cool the ardor of some of his sup porters. But Cleveland always states j where he stands that the people may know. The R. R. Commission JBill has passed both houses of the Legislature, and three more fat places are open for office! seek ers.! It may be a good thing, but we fail to see the wis dm of it. 1 We do know that R Roads develop a country, and that we need more R Roads in this sec ction, and that we Itave been opposed to any legislation that would in any way retard the building of R Roads in this sec tion, j The bill gives the Com missioners ironclad powers, to investigate the private matters and books of the railroad, to fix frieght and passenger rates, etc It provides for a salary of $2, 000 each for rhe Commissioners and expenses. Besides they are allowed clerks at a salary of $1200. We hope it will ter minate in good for the people but at present we do not per- cieve the good, except to 0 of the people--the 3 1 Corns., and three clerks. But we dont ex pect to say any thing against it now. It is to be the law, and by the way one of the Commis sioners might desire our servi- ces as clerk as did the btate Senate, and in that case, of course it would be a good law. : -4- . ; Is There Jnst One! By reference to the book for that purpose in the Register's office,; we nnd but one license for retailing liquors in the county J recorded, as provided by law. j By reference to Revenue Act of 1889, under schedule B, it will be seen that "every per son, company or firm, for sel ling Dirituous. vinous or malt liquors, or medicated bitters. shall nav a license tax. semi- & . - annually inj advance on the first day of January and July," etc! The tax is to be collected by the sheriff for the benefit of the Dublic school fund. The manufacturers are allowed to 'll .1 ! ... J 1 J X seu xneir own prouucis m quu,u tities of not less than a quart, at the place of manufacture, without State and county li cense.! ' .'.'.!' - Under the provisions of this law, but one license has been taken out and recorded. We were under the impression that there were several retail gro ceries in the county subject to these license taxes. " If there are those .in business subject to this tax who have neglected or failed to take out license, it is the duty of the sheriff to in vestigate the matter. Perhaps it is all right, but just one re corded licensed retail dealer in the county, gives a little ground fnr thfl Rusnicion that a dis- crepency may exist somewhere V .. ' mi mm" i . - Kevenuers on the War Path. It would seem from the re rnrta now reaching here that we are entering xin era m Keve nue annals similar to that of the i erood old times, still so sweetly remembered, when the revenuers armed with carbines and repeaters took the law in their hands and the ''firewater" in their stomachial reservoirs and took' in the . countrj. at their own good pleasure. If there be anything in reports, the great "Medicine Man" Mas tin has summoned some six or eight of his tribe and is now on tjie' war path in the county. The Medicine Man is giving followers practical demon- teaching them tbe fantastic steps in the "Ghost Dance.' it appears that this revenue tribe have been radio sr the county pretty lively and cut ting up distilleries. They cut up several stills up on Lewis Fork, and last week they went down to the lower end of the county and left six or eight de molished stills and some empty bottles, j At one or two places they broke open a smoke house and cut up stills that had not been used in two or three years and then were regularly regis tered. In all, some 12 or 15 stills have been cut up. It is a question of some im portance where the Medicine Man and his tribe get their authority for wantonly de stroying such property. We thought that it was necessary to advertise such property be fore it could be disposed of or destroyed, even though it were found and captured while in active violation of the law. At least, such was the case un der iiecent Democratic rule. The Revenue laws are suffi ciently severe and oppressive when1 administered decently and in a spirit of justice. . But no wonder it is odious when privaie houses can bo broken open-land property destroyed without warrant or legal no tice. i ; ' ; Compare such proceedings with the Democratic adminis tration. To the Sanday School Workers. '; Brethbbs: At a meeting ot Execu tive Committee of the Sunday School Associatio'n of North Carolina, held In Durham, Jan. 22d,4 it was decided to hold a stata Convention in Fayettevllle, on the 24th, 25th and 26th days of March, next. The Convention will be attended by Mr. Tm Reynnolds of Peoria, 111, late President of the Intern ational Sunday School Association . and now Superintendent of Organization of that Association, the most prominent Convention worke In the country and by Mrs. W. F. Crafts, of New York, presi dent of the National Primary Teachers Union and one of the leading Primary Lesson Help writers. Mrs. Crafts, will not take part in the work of the Conven tion proper. but will hold separate meet ing for those interested in primary work. , ' The representation in the Convention will consist of members of the State Executive Committee, all speakers name in the Programme of the Convention, and five delegates , from each county. The round trip rates of fare usually granted bur Convention have been obtained (from all Railroads ia the State. i All Counties which have not held Con ventions since last February, are earn estly requested and urged to take imme diate action and hold Convention before the State Convention. . It is especially desired that Counties, at present unor ganized, should at once hold Convention and elect delegates to the State Conven tion. A ? representation from every county in the State is greatly desired. We appeal to the Ministers, Superin tendents and every lover of-the Sunday School cause throughout the State, to bestir themselves and see, that County Convetions are held in Counties where none have been held during the year. The press of North Carolina ever will ing to do iU part in every good work can be used, and we appeal to each worker in the cause to see for hlmselo that a call for a County Convention is issued at once. Let two or more Ministersand Superintendents issue the call inviting all Sunday School workers to meet on some stated day and hour, at some , de signated place and all organize' Let it no longer bo delayed. Any Sun- atii un the brethren to the issuance of . . . -mxT 1 t commissioned to A the call, 'i ' ' . " ; Let delegates -who expect to attend the Convention, notify, Mr. J. - WvMc2?eill, Fayette ville, N. C, Chairman of Com mittee on Entertainment. A profitable and pleasant time may be expected. Let no County fail to be represented. By order of the Executive Committee- " 1 GE3. T. Watts, Chairman It takes C7200Q-for tv-ino Ifs an 111 "Wind that Io tbe midit of Mat Poic which hu last ' SPRING GOODS- A Poi dm been de&oed ss -People lose? tLeir hed.- Th .1 f - iberdundwe who foaod tbemselw Io oeJ o vjfoiu i or proaioe ineitDeoii , " 19 xmty to Add that we b est ttrr-t aod at a malt r prtparad far ihe lconomica! maoapemert, tmaU profit aod a large voJatae c bnhn ... tr bate waja beliettd, tbe rortr road to aacceat. Tbk will cootlcae to be . 'm . To merit tbe good will aod topport of oor cottomera U alwatP t- iat ia inioda aod nartlot io tbe New Year witbacb aatpkicoa ptopttj rt nffotda c8 p are to iotite tbeir cootiooed cooperation. Very retpectfo'lr, . WALLACE BEOS. SuteaTiIle, N. Jaotxary 1, 1631. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.IL t Schedule between Greensboro and WHkesboro, In effect Nov. 2, '90. Wlaatoa and YUlkebr. Daiij except Sunday West Boujcb. Ko. 10-Lt Winston-Sal ta 12 40 m; It AlJpaogh 12 53 r; It Xkthani I- 18 m; It Rural II all 1-43 rx; Tobacco 2 42 rx; Donsoha 2-SO ru; Biloam 3 20 rx; Bedford 3-55 rx; CrctcbficU 4-33 rx; EZklu 5-1$ rx; Itonaa 5-55 rx; Roaring Hirer G-15 rx; axriro at WiUteaborofriO. j Eat Docxd. No. d.Leare TTiftwboro 8-43 ax; lr Roaring RiTer 9-20 ax; RonJa D-45 ax; E&in 10-12 ax; CroULfieli 11-12 ax; llockford II- 37 ax; Siloam 11-12 rx; Donnaba 1-oa rx Tobacoonlle 1.27 rx; Roral Hall 1-43 "rx Be tbanla 2-13 rx; Allapaugb 2-33 rx; arrife at Wioatoa 2-54 rx. ; I CrrexLsboro and Wlnatoo. j Weat Bound. Daily. Ex. Sun. Ex. San. Ko-6. No. 8. No. 10. Lt. Greonsboro, ifcOS a x 10.50 r.x 6:45 a.x " Salem Junction 10:15 ax llOOrx 645 ax " New Gordcu 10:22 ax 11:11 rx 7J3 ax " Fiiendabfp 10.30 ax 1122 rx 73 ax " KeroenriUo 10:45 ax 11,43 rx 73 ax Ar. ;Viniton-Sa!exu 100 ax 12:10 ax 8,31 ax Eaat Bound No. 5. Nu.7 XojSl Lt. Winton-Salm 63 ax 65'rx 3-33 rx EeruerarUlo 63 ax 7Ztrx 3-55 rx "FrieaJabip 7-05 ax 7-43 rx "New Gordon 7-13 ax 7-53 rx Slm Junction 7-20 ax 8 04 rx Ar. Gientboro 7-SO ix 8-15 rx 4-25 rx 4-53 rx 5- oa rx 5-10 ru All trains make connection at Gw4nboto with traina on main Unea for all point nortb, , aoutn.eaat and weat. 1 W. A . Tea, DP A, Raleigh, N. a j Joaa TarLoa, O P A, Waabinston, 1). C. Soi. Haas, TraJHc Manager. Ton are a Very Lazy 1 i s Fe AND CARE NOTHING FOR Y0DR OWN INTEREST, If you are not energetic e nough to read these few lines and post yourself as to "where to sell your produce and buy your goods. I We have not had time to get any poetry for you this week, but if you will just bring us in your produce and purchase some of our goods, you will go home better pleased than if you could repeat every line of poetry that "has ever eminated from the pen of the town poet. Our stock of goods brooks no rival in quantity, quality, va riety -and price; and our prices for produce are the highest. J When vou need anvthinjr in I the mercantile ;bne come and see us. We are still the in m jm, m f t" tf W Blows No On: Coodl , p&ssed oxer tbe qcost c- u of Ibti c r.- ttmJj C$b were drift mu . mitC mtrn cot wotIof. Ukeo adraoUjjt! r i..r, to u Spriog Trade at oercr OjC fa o4 NOTICE! T-w l.jc fmw HIr. I corner loi oa ilaia t-i t. nt i"ti. Squara in Wilaaaboro N. C. 2i by 1S2 I. t I acre lot near E. Wallarr bck mir- i acrea of Fine rroil UikI ori rroabj I ia WUkea eountr, Tritb a flti jir crc) 00 acrealn Wataoga oonctT, a wfica art A -beatoa and FUxlkle aasd-Uitte. Sl v. : priTaU. L. Th LOWE A J. T. fP.UGCSOS Executors of Mra. A. T. i. anoT, dce Witacaboro, Oct. IS, 1SO0. rlHW!e Xwta Vmprtj rr jdnle. 25 acres of laad in "VVilkeslxiro inr : -ding ''Barrack' Hill" for rale in J . or in bulk, also TO acres from one ton miles east cf ATilkcsboro. uell locct. on the Salisbury road. For terms, et write to L.D.Lowx, Banner's Elk, C, or il. F. Somees, "Wilkes boro, N. C. 1 MONET TO IOAS. For 5 years at S per cent, on laprovt 1 farms; loans repayable in Final! annn installments, thus enabling the borrow -era to pay off their indebtedness w l:. -out consuming crop in any one ycar rpljito J. S. Chasob, M'ilkosboro, X s OtKAt FmtmotM, Carmtt, 1-rm& Amm mUUM A. CO. soi umtwtr, - f 1 OUR HEY ir-TRCVED S1I10ER MICH ARM, TMiaarrtt.ONLTSXS.CO ff W1LLETS . CO., Pmica. . Pa. FPITQ cured, rrf 3 1 J W a LARGE T?UL SOTTL. i Al, Trttn Epiiapty IO.N"T SUTTl : J ANY LONGER. Cwm fOic 4 Ar Fi. " tua CHIim CnSeSOfai.'aKatt Aa Pa. f T. II Fllr. II. X Cmnr. Flnlcy and G reene, Axtorneys tit Xjt-w. W1LKESBORV. y. a Wlitrratise in all tb Cw rcovw.crriOfSs a ppe i t.ttt-t Real Rotate aold on eemmiwi r J. W Turner, H. D., VILKESBOHO IL C wOJSc atbla new RJ3n". h e b fouo4 when not prociotjl:'-jtct. JOHN. D.-WILSON'. Practical Surveyor & Civ?! Trt-ineer, All kinds of Snrveyinr ! T.rrrlir.r promptly and Ratlsfactorilr V. C2T3Iard rawing a rrt-r'alty. "i.M Wlwm. R. '1,,m' WELLBORN & HAC. Attorney t Xtct WILKESBORO, . N C. Will prattle la tb EUta it F.",i I Vr.rU. Isaac C. "Weiniorri. Attomey at T WILKESBOno k . WHl prtrtk in all Iht Cotjrt r, IValr in Bai FaUU Votot attention paid k: the ! rfe Sir n. W. IT. 11. Cowtxs. COUIES 't t i Attomoyo - -WILKESBORO .V - A T. !J. Cnims. Cllufmi C: Hf'tr,;; 11 pS .m I.-. 'i i 3 . I, j 4fl

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