I V . ' -.-.jO A. .V. RATES OF ADVERTISING. TERMS OF SUBtiCKl i'TlOir. One year..:..............................L...Cl.C3 Six months-................................. . O Payable ui Admnce. ! CUT .Send all money 3y registered letter or iostal order, addressed to Tn Chbonicue, WiljaesborouI i, N. C . Space ilwk. lm. 3m. 6m. 1 yr. 1 in. .75 2.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 2 in. 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 3 in. 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 col. 3.50 6.00 10.00 17.00 25.00 col.. 6.50 9.75 18.00 30.00 45.00 lcol. 11.05-'15.00 '30.00 5Q.O0 75.00 IF Pqtial Jaxation, pirect and Indirect. 1 YOL. TIL WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY, "N. C, OCT. 30, 1891. NQ. 35. 1 i i The Wilkesboro Chronicle K. A. DEAL, IUtor Md Proprietor. Catered at tie Poil-cJJice in IFUiaboro CLSsecond-claxs matter. j FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1891. . j JYllkesbsro Needs Manufactories, j By all means, Wilkesboro should turn her attention to ward manufacturing. In order for towns to build rapidly and permanently, it must proceed upon a manufacturing basisJ The mercantile business is a bout full in this section at pre .ent. We must turn our atten tion to manufacturing. In all the essentials of posi tion and surrounding advan tages, Wilkesboro stands favor ably comparing with any rival. Wilkesboro is splendidly situated for factories, being upon the banks of the Yadkin, .and near the mouth of Reddies River, Moravian and Cub Creeks, with plenty of water jpower. j It is surrounded by a section .affoidrng immense supplies of raw material. j Her hard woods are unlimit ed. 'Furniture factories, etc., can find no better location, j The fruit of this section is the finest in the world and is grown in great abundance. Canning factories could not be more advantageously situated than here. Tobacco factories would be at home here, in the center of X3 fine tobacco lands as the globe affords. j A stoam tannery could not find a better location. Tan bark can be had cheap, with an immense supply to depend up on. Part of the hide supply would have to come" from the western markets; but the ad vantages of cheap bark largely excell the small disadvantage in procuring hides. j. The markets of the world are mow in easy reach of Wilkes boro. "The half has never yet been told." 1 " " ' i If the Subtreasury, the money loaning scheme, promises such relief, what is the trouble in Kansas? What are those people cutting up about? Has not the money borrowing and - loaning business on land out there about bankrupted the farmers, at least some of them; then where is the wisdom of .trying to make Jit easy for every farmer to get his lands in the terrible clutches of mortgages, etc.? If our farm ers would raise their own corn and bacon here in Wilkes, in stead of borrowing money ,to buy Western meat and corn, their condition would improve.' But if they depend on borrow ingmore money to send out jof tr;.e country for eatibles, we see no hope of better times. Next week will decide two interesting elections those in New York and Ohio. The in. dications point to the election of the Democratic ticket in New Yorsj bj 10,000 majority. In Ohio the matter is about in a balance, with an inclination to ward Republican . success. Campbell, the Democratic can didate for Gov. has made a bril liant canvass, and but for the third party ticket, would be ure of being elected. But! it looks now as though McKinley would get there by the help j of the third party. If the rain-makers can put up a good job in the snow lino, woare certain wo can procure them a right good job at this place, for the benefit of the fel lows who want to hunt rabbits. -i Che Henry W. Grady Monu- i . . ... ,. ' ment r Atlanta ; ueorgia was un eiied on the 21st by his lit tle daughter, amid the gaze applause j of thousands s heart-throbs beat in love I admiration of the gifted rgian. Confederate Veter and members of the Grand y stood 1 to-gether and marched side by side to do obei sance to the grandness of the occasion.' The; gifted Govern or Hill, of Newj York, was the orator of the occasion, 'and he wa i received with great enthu siasm. His beautiful tribute to the young Georgian, "who when he died, jwas literally lov- and who and GeJ A ffl Arm mcf a nation into neace." was pathetic, eloquent, grand. Georgia will (never have a grander day, nor gather to pay tri mte to a nobler, more wor th1 son. " , - Col. McClure's speech at the Exposition last week was full of wisdom, friendliness for the So ith, and good cheer for our pe6ple. Col. McClure is a Nor thern man, who has always shown sympathy tor our po- pld, and being in a position to do so, has done perhaps more thiua any other private citizen to bring the sections to-gether, in peace and harmony. North Carolina honors herself in hon- or: ng him. j '. f the Democratic party and th 3 best interests of the State ar 3 saved, it will have to be done through patriotic Alli arjeemen. Out-side advice, e ven from men who have, spent tha best part of their lives in m iking North Carolina what she is, only appears to irritate thle Alliance, so great has prej udice been worked up. The Alliance leaders who have m- fU.med this prejudice, together w th those who have depreca te 1 this wrong proceeduro all th e while should make an effort to heal the difference. . They ct n do it, if they will. They have got the rain-mak-ing business in pretty good si ape, and can make rain right a! ong without asking the Lord rx uch about it. The Republi can administrations from Grant on down have had as ht tl a as possible, to do with the Lord, and they've got the peo p e in a bad fix by it. If they k iep on much longer the Lord nor the people either will have much voice in running the things in this Government. . 1 mmmm The Keeley Institute, for the cjire of the liquor habbit, will bb located at Greensboro for this State. Mr. W. H. Eller ahd Dr. Palmer, of Nebraska, vfill have charge jit it. The Keeley cure has been working wonders in its sphere of refor mation. It has worked some remarkable cures and is doing good wherever it is tried.. If it should fall to the lot of the brethren of the Press, as is Generally believed, to receive that mandate: "Enter ye into tnat furnace which is heated Hth sulphurated stone coal," tney will possess one advantage elver their fellow citizens who will accomDanv them. They Have been used to the "Devil" all their lives. To avoid the dangers and firila and hardships to be en dured by Manners in passing round Uape iiatteras at xma easonj tHe Southport Leader ucrirests that Suthport bo made hn rnnJinc station for steam- w ships instead of, a3 now, Norf ik 6r Newport ews. lfiiil IM rn E7 Ought to be earning money WHILE YOU ARE ASLEEP- j Yhere will it do the Most Good? , At STATESVIUE, H. C, in Town lots. WHY? Because all the money received from sales goes into public improvements. Not only the past and present sales but all future sales will go to improve the value of your invest ment. There is absolutely no toomotos, fund or interest; The Company bought and paid for the property and does not ask to be repaid. These lots will soon be worth ten times their present price, Decause Dtatesviiie wm De tne LEADINp TOBACCO T0WNIN NORTH CAROLINA Within three years, if her market grows as IT ACTUALLY HAS BEEN GROWING. j ; I ' o ' It will be a Great Center of JRON PRODUCTION unless all the State experts and the Superintendent of the United States Census are greatly mistaken, j It will be an important RAILROAD CENTER, as soon as the Statesville Air Line is constructed, having then four roads finished and two more under charter Subscriptions by towns and counties are soon to be voted on. Here are enormous plies of hard wood for wbOD WORKING FACTORIES, And a capital location for COTTON FACTORIES. . '-o-t sup- The Statesville Development Company wilLhave a PUBLIC SALE, JoMler 18 1891. Come the jday before and take time to look j over "the most beautiful property you ever saw.' Special rates from Winston, Raleigh, Wilmington, Columbia and Ash ville, on the 17th, good for four days, and of course from' all intermediate points also. Special trains are expected fjrom Salisbury and Charlotte. Car fare will be refunded to all purchasers. TFRMS: jOne-fourth Cash, and balance in six, twelve and eigh teen months,without interest.! Ss tlret you are likely to secure a large profit before paying half the purchase price. If you doubt that Statesville is rapidly becoming a large and prosperous town, send for the' facts. ? C- Carlton, Sec'y. Statesville, Oct. 22, 1891. H. L. HOOVER, . " Manager. The official Alliance papors ore now saying, there is nothing in the "tariff" question. Tariff reform is aj part of the Ocata platform, and if there is nothing in it, why invoke the people to stanflTby the Ocala demands? If tariff reform is not the biggest part of financial reform wo would like to know why. Tee principal part of the gov ernments finance is raised ly tariff taxes. . j j N 1 Mr. E. C. Beddingfield, a prominent Allianceman, and a gooa uemocrat, says mere is no m I am m I A use ot mincing matters, tnat therewill be a third party ticket in the field next year and the Democrats just might, as wiell prepare to! face it. That is jijst about the size of it. i Prof. Geo. Markcrraff, music instructor of Salem Female U. cademy, was stricken' with pa ralysis on the 24th. His case is considered hopeless. j Cinv. TTolt is makiner . North Carolina Ithe best and most practical business-like govern or she has had in years. Se is the kind we need. I Ons'lowjis a good county lor bears. 20 have been killed this summer in the Stump Swamp region of that county. The total visible cotton sup ply of the world is . 2,895,590 bales, of 1 which 2,519,990 are American. "1 AH the Republicans that .ve have heard express an opinion are secretly holloing "hurrah for Polk and the third paray". ! The fastest train in the world in from New York to Buffalo. It is a distance of 439 miles and is run in 8 hours and 40 minutes, 52 miles per hour. ; j Important Notice. , There will be a meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners at the court house at 3 P. M. Friday, Oct. 30, 1891, for the purpose of considering the mat ter of appropriating town funds for the improvement and benefit of the Wilkes boro Academy. ; All parties interested are requested to. be present and discuss the matter fully before the Board. J. G. HACKETT, Mayor. . The Annual meeting of the National Alliance takes place at Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 17th. Is lie in Lore! The other evening just after mail a young man stood near the post-office reading a letter written in a young lady's hand. His attention was intense, and as he swallowed the last word a brilliant smile played over his face, and he started away happily humming a familiar air, the words, as well as we could catch, running thusly: Shesmi Swedart, Rimer bo; She 8ml Banni, Bimerjo; Soon we'll bemarrit, Never tepart, j Little anner oony 'Smy Swedart. "The Editor Oat." The old deliquent read the sign, And straightway turned about; Bat who its meaning can diTine . " "The editor is out?" Out of money not one cent! i ' Out of six months' office rent! Out of groceries bilU have said it Out of humor, out of credit; . -" Out of paper, out of ink; . Out of anything to drink; , ' Out of ideas, out of news; Out of clothes and out of shoes; Out of power to thrill the nation; Out of church and free salvation; Out of all things just , about Thanks to him who help him "out!" ' ; Atlanta Constitution. v Somewhat of a Dode. There were creaselets in his pantlets, There was English in His Bpeech; But there wasn't fifty centlets Anywhere that he could reach. Ho! for Western Uorfli Carolina! I The Garden Spot of the World!) -o ' ' . IN VARIETY OP PRODUCTS it Surnasses all other sp.ctinns. j o - Uwmg to its wonderful natural resources it was possible to establish here the most extensive Herbarium on the Globe, and with it side by side has grown up the j LARGEST WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT in l! C. Strangers wonder at its magnitude and are at a loss to under stand how it has been accomplished; the explanation is easy: r: n.i: r t ran uBaung, cuonamicai iiianagemem-, iiiinimum proilis ana Q LARGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS. Has been our aim and policv and has contributed r.hiftflv wa believe, to the success we have thus far attained. I has become a well known fact and is said to the credit of oar people that fmercliao of every description is sold cheaper in Western North Carolina than anywhere in'" jNew Yorkers frequently ay to us: "Why, yoa foIkase!l sroods cheaner This we are pleased to admit and it i9 not a rewelition to many of Hiiperienced boemess men are alive to the fact that thnt the Retail , I disej the Sootb- than we do here." oori best merchants. Juercbant can bay to better advantage to Baltimore than in Now - Yoik, than ia Baltimore and in Statesville better still than in Richmond. o in Richmond By Making Large PurcHASEs WE ARE ENABLED TO SECURE THE - - Lowest Quantity Prices; while our Expenses are Insigifioant ja.8 comparea wiiq nouses in ine large. cities '. o Our object, however, in this advertisement was more particu- I larly to call attention to a ' NEW AND HANDSOME LINE OF GOODS, BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR THE DRIED FRUIT SEASON; Our Counters are Loaded with Seasonable Goods and there are Efargains in Every Department-1 ' Stock is complete and there will be no delay making ship ments. Resnectfullv. ' i :! WALLACE BEOS. Statesville, N. C. May 23, 1891. ' . 1866-J SOX GEO. VV. HINSHAW. N.H. MBDEARIS. OCTOBER, 20tb, 1891. 1DEARIS. 'V 0 Enlarged Store Rooms, new offices, increased-facilities, , im mense stock of well-selec'ed goods at low prices are some of the attractions offered by I HINSHAW & MEDEARIS, . NOS. 120, 124 and 126 WEST FOURTH STREET, WINSTOIV, IV. O. ( . o ar buyers have recently returned from the northern cities where they parchassd most select atocK or LADIES' DRESS GOODS and a sennas enttinir attair bas oeen tne resoit. We nave cut off more Utpfs from ocr beantifol lines of 25, 35, 50 and 75 cent Dress Goods than yoa ever heard of. Lota of lovely Silks, trimmings, and thines that Housekeepers delight in uch as all kinds of Cardet, Rns, Curiaioa, Cbenile Portiere, Reps, etc. Elesrant line ftT of Blankets, all prices. VVe invite the LADIES to call upon ns for anything in the Dress Goods or Hoase-Farnishing line and pledge them all faithful and honest treatment. We never were so well fixed in Hosiery. Gloves. Merino Uuderwiar, Cores'; j Shawls, Ladies, Misses & Children's Shoes, as at present. Onr Shoes are made by t! best mauofactarers in America according to directions and are especially adapted to t j wants of onr customers. j. Gentlemen's Department. In this department we are carrying a better line of goods than ever before and call att tion (o onr fine line of Cass i meres, Jeans, Shirts, Merino Underwear, Hosiery, Shoe; - Boots, Bay State Shoes, for Men, Boys. Ladies, Misses and Children, at prices lower man ever oeiore, and especial attention to oar select stock or Hats. nclndin;r , a good assortment of John B. .Stetson & Co's goods. We alson ' carry a fail line, Prifla' .Tpnna. TTpntnckv and other lines nf .TpjiriA. ' W kppn a stnnV nf f , SOH00L BOOKS, STATIONERY DRUGS and Patent BledlclneS. PI ROf! B?R 1?! WWe make a specialty of Fine CofT-e, Sjrap Molasses, JMX.JJMi 1 1JU Sugars, also cany a fall line of Fancy Groceri-3 Meat, Lard, Salt, Flonr, Meal, Ship Stuff, Grain. Sole Leather, etc., etc. j FaRMERs' Supplies, . ! We continue to sdl the beat Orchard Grass, Red and SapLog Clover, Timothy, Head's . Grass, Kentucky Blue and other Grass Seeds, that caa be bought in the: Blue Gras3 regions of Kentucky. We have at all timee a supply of ibe celebrated STAR BRAD GUANA for wheat, oats and grass. Also the STAR BRAND8PECIAL TOBACCO MAFURE and ANCHOR BRAND TGBACCO MANURE Tor the Tc bacco crop- . - WHOLESALE BEPARTAffiNT. Having very materially enlarged oar Wholesale Rooms we have not only )nereased csr capacities but have added largely to our stock, patting in a better jfcasr of Drnes Gccf i than has ever before been offered ot Wholesale in this section. Id this. Depart inenl, . T73 compete in stock, in variety, in quality and in prices, with Baltimore, Philadelphia, -1 New Tork, and can make it to the Interest of Retail Merchants to examine oar stock prices before purchasing elsewhere'. Our Wholesale department is entirely seperate !rcL and bas no connection with our Retail departments. We cordially invite to visit C3 tsd examine onr stock before making any purchases. - -n -- . " '. Yopr Friends Truly, 1 - - - Winston, N,C, Oct.,204, '91. ( HINSHAW MEDEAMC f (Jerrlt Tjnc V:WE & ; JLeonard 7jz -Mannfactarers ofaud Dealers in All kinds of Lumber, air or kiln dried, rough or drtscd . We keep a full stock of novelty and bevel siding, ceiling r flooring, laths, shingled; poplar, hickory, oak, ash, cherry, r walnut lumber. Orders promptly filled. Bills cut to nrflc r short notice at reasonable prices. Custom work pro ptly and satisfaction guaranteed. , LOGS WANTED: Of all kinds, "such as pinepoplar, oak, zzh, chei ' and hickory. Cash paid for the same. WE ALSO want Z 20 cords cf shingle blocks to be 18 inches long. Call and see us. Corrcs-or.der ' i