-' ; . : KATES OFADVEBTISING. TERHS or subscription. )pace 1 wk. 1 m. I 3m. 6m. 1 yr. . lin. .75 2.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 2 in. 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 . S in. 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 col. 3.50 6.00 10.00 17.00 25.00 t col. 6.50 9.75 18.00. 30.00 45.(X lcol. 11.00 15.00 30.00 150.00- 75.0C k, Oao year.. - fThrco tnoalha. :3 Fsyabla La adrunce. lC3rScnda all money by rcgUicrcU 1c V U TmCnuyioi, Wilkesboro. N. C qual Taxation, pircct and Indirect, m , i i w m " :--- VOL. VII The Wilkesboro Chronicle. R. A. DEAX, Lditor and Proprietor. Entered at the Post-oJJice in Wilkesboro asstcond-class matter.' - r THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1892T . Don't forget to write it 1892. . The year 1892 has had its first and only New Year's day. The .Pullman car company liave had to shell, out $1300 State tax for the first time. Charlotte- begins the New Year dry. It will afford a good field for ?blind tigers." . f , Senator Plumb, of Kansas, died 'of La Grippe in Wash ington Ci ty, just before Christ mas. . ' Policeman Mills : of States ville, was shot and wounded by the brother of a drunken jiegro whom he had arrested. : ; j Through the efforts of Got. David B. Hill, law and justice have been vindicated " in New "York, and the Legislature is Democratic. Right has won. Speaker Crisp did well in ap pointing Springer of Illinois chairman of the "Ways and Means committee; and Holman of Indiana on Appropriations. Cards are ' out announcing the marriage of Miss Annie Badger Faison to Mr. Edward Chambers Smith, both of Ral eigh, which, take place Jan. 12th.. We congratulate (the Chairman of North Carolina ' Democracy on this wise step. Mt. Airy awoke on New Year's morning to j find Iths flames raging in ! her mdst. Both hotels and a block of stores were totally destroyed and others injured, j The dam age amounts to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, j r. The following are the I of ficers elected and installed on last Tuesday night by j the Wilkesboro I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 21: I T. G. Erwin, Noble Grand. C. H. Somers, Vice-Grand. J. R. Caffey, Secretary i G. W. Ise ley, Treasurer.' . On Thursday night, at I Le noir, the store of Deal & Deal and two or three dwelling houses were destroyed by j fire. The damage is considerable, and is only partly covered by insurance. Deal & Deal seem to be the victims of hard luck, as it has! only been a year or. two since they were burned . out at Cedar Valley. r The North Carolina delega tion in Congress fared yery well at the hands ' of Speaker Crisp. ' ; - .-; j:":" j " . Col. Cowles is chairman of the Committee on Mines I and Mining, and second on thej Ex penditures in. the Department of Justice. Henderson is chairman of the committee on ; Postofiices and Post Roads. j I Bunn i3 chairman ; of I the committee on Claims. j The others being new mem bers of course recieved! no chairmanships. i - ; Notice to Taxpay s. j I will be in my office on Mondays and Tuesdays for the purpose of receiving taxes and outside of those days you may look to see me or my deputies at your house, and I shall levy on some thing to make your taxes for the year 1891. Now7 if you want to - jsave cost Bend in your money in at once as I have got to have it. No one will be passed by without -cost If : we have to visit your house. This Jan. 5, 1891. T.rTNWOOD, Sheriff. WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY. Hf. O., JAN. 7, 4887 Caught on the wing. People of Whom yon all know some and some of yon know all. . i Clarence Call was hero a few days during the holidays. Miss Sallie Watkins has re amed to Winston after spend- g several weeks here. - 1 Whit Holmes made a visit to ayetteville during Christmas. Miss Ada Horton returned ome last week. j My Brother John he's got back alive. 1 Miss Pattie Reid is at her post in the Wilkesboro High School after spending Christ mas in Virginia. I Lawyer Jones of Winston ' vas in the city last Saturday. Miss Nellie Blair is at Ronda a!s assistant teacher in the A oademy there. ! Carl Matheson, of Statesville '. landmark force, gave this of ice a pleasant call last week. Bro. A. Roscower of . the loldsboro Headlight spent a :ew days in the city last week Visiting his relative Mr Worn jle. ! Mr. S. G. Finley of Lincoln on came back to his old home o spend the holidays. j Mr. Nat Watkins of Winston who had been to the Bromine A.rsenic springs in Ashe,' re turned home last week, j Misses Lou Gwyn and Lollie Lenoir visited here during : the holidays and were given a par ty at Mr. A. A. Finley'e. Tom Chaffin has returned to Wilkesboro. Ed. Barkley has received xhe appointment of postmaster at North Wilkesboro. Ed. Reeves of Jefferson was here last week. Mr. and Mis. C. A. Sink went down to Waughtown last week to witness the marriacrei of Miss Russie Sink to Dr. A. Y. Lin ville,. which took place on the 31st. ' ! i Mr.; Frank Benbow and Mr. James R. Snyder of East Bend were here a few days last week. Mr. Vance McGhinnis is now teaching school at Poore's Knob- - ! M Misses May and Annie Bow- ie and May Adams passed through the first of the week en route for Washington City. Mr. W. H. Starr has moved into his dwelling house. Our friend W. L. Brewer is having an excellent school in Alleghany of about 65 students. Miss Cora Cowles, daughter of Congressman W. H. H. Cowles, returned to Salem school Monday. ' f Mr. and Mrs. Caffey spent several of the holidays at Bur lington, their former home. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barber have returned from their visit to Ashe. , ; ! Miss Katie Cranor, .after spending the holidays at home, has again entered Salem school. Mr. Wm. Smith has moved his family to town. t j Mr. R. G. Felts, son'of Wes ley Felts, who has been in Tex as many years, came back to, visit his relatives in this cduj1 ty during the holidays. . j Mr. Bob Porter, of Moingo na, Iowa, has been visiting in the county for several days. He is a son of W. F. Porter, Esq., who at one time edited a paper at this place. i Miss Laura Parks, of Roar ing River, spent Thursday night of last week in the city; the guest of Mr. T. S.' Miller. Addison Rousseau, Esq., r one of the oldest and most respect ed citizens of the county, is- in very feeble health. Rev. R. :i. Hoyle, Prcsidin- Elder of the Mt. Airy District, has moved his family to Wilkes boro. A hearty welcome to them. E. Walla.ce, Esq.,- has pur chase the Cooper property, for merly occupied by T. S. Miller &: Co. ; Rev. Mr. Stamey, who is at tending school at Trap Hill was in the city last week.- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harris, were visiting here last. Mi38 Mattie Bee Cooper, daughter of Capt. J. A. Coop er, of Dcllaplane, has returned to Salem Academy.. P. H. Moore has moved from Brushy Mountain to Hunting Creek. Tom Minton scored a point on the boys by capturing a fox on New Year's day. Ambrose Wiles who had both legs broken sometime since is improving. Mrs. Felts of Yadkin was visiting at. Mr. Sink's last week. Robert Hix was quite sick last week. Mich Vannoy caught a fox last week. We got it straight and can prove it. Miss Lena Wellbdrn left last Monday for Salem school. Litle Hickorson, of Ronda, has returned to Chapel Hill af ter spending vacation at home. Our friend Bob Hubbard won the corn .cake at a rainbow party in Elkin last week, tho' he had some close competitors Miss Etta Ring of Elkin has entered High Point .Female Academy. ! James W. McNeil has been spending several days in Ashe. Win. E. Underwood has been spending tho holidays in the city. Our friend J. L. Hemphill was in the Mt. Airy Inn the night it was destroyed bj fire. He was awakened and escaped uninjured and all his samples and baggage were saved. Stokes Lane of Roaring Riv er was here this week. Col. Bill Vannoy of Watauga is in the city. ; J. R. Combs, Esq., of Roar ing River, was attending some business here this week. Esquire Anderson Eller's .boys killed two garter snakes on Christmas day. J. C. Spencer, of Caldwell county, has been in the city a few days. E. Wallace, Esq., made a trip to Greensboro this week. Col. W. H. H. Cowles has been quite feeble with la grippe during the holidays, and was unable to return to Washing ton this week. He will per haps be able to go next week; J. T. Welborn has moved in to the J. G. Prevette house. Iseley & Caffey now. occupy the old Cooper & Co. stand. . I T. S. Miller's little child is very low with whooping cough. Fritz Newland was in the city this week. : j& Columbus Ridge Backet. FThey've had a rousing rack et up, on .Columbus Ridge. Columbus Ridge is not in - Co lumbia; but it's in Wilkes, up above Goshen, just between Jerusalem and Shanghi. They all got together at Sid Triplet's still house, a dozen or more. They didn't take but a drink or two, but things got to boil ing, sorter , slow at first, but she soon got better. Pretty soon a few stray rocks began to fall and everybody started up Columbus Ridge and dodged fighting clear to tho top and j some of them took shelter in a house. But thry soon recruit- led with, fresh rocks and tho i racket got lively ; again. Tho rocks flew and tho liquor boil ed and eveything became a "general panic. They scattered wildly to the four winds, every man going his own direction. When the dust of the conflict had cleared away, and tho dead and the wounded wero being cared for, it was discovered that the most serious peico of damage done was a holo in John Ayers hati ; J Christmas Festlvltlef. The holidays havo had sev eral delightful and attractive features in the Twin Queen City, and will bo pleasantly remembered as the days go by. To mention in detail tho attrac tions and pleasures of each seperate entertainment would be a voluminous j array of. an extensive verbosity of qualify--ing and specifying adjectives and limiting adjective adjuncts and elements that would star tle the natives, : and for the performance of which task this scribe doesn't feel able.' Do you catch? Well, wo wont say it any more. ! Wo mention a few of the entertainments. To begin with, j an excellent Christmas dinner was given at Dr. Berry's. i ' On the 28th a delightful en tertainment was given at Mr. A. A Finley's. j ! Capt. Blair's family fell in line with a pleasant party on the 20th; ; ; Mrs. Carrie Pilson gave an entertainment tho ; evening of the 30th, and everybody '"'asj happy and woro I His or her sweetest smile. But tho ball was still rolling,! and on tho 31st thero was a surprise party at Hotel Gordon where wo enjoyed tho excel lent hospitality of Mr and Mrs. frogdon, and watched the 'Old year pass away, j j A most delightful New Year dinner was given at Dr. W. O. Greene's. Esquire D. A. Reese also gave a New Year's dinner. On tho 'evening, of the 1st tho young folks ! gathered at Esquire John T. Finley's, and enjoyed tho kindnesses of this excellent family, j But we will stop here. If all tho good New Year resolutions ; were to bo kept what an improved world we would have for the next year. i i in i Abreast of the Times. The Chronicle " knows a good thing when it sees it and keeps apace of tho times. It gives you the lastest.this week and hopes you will bo on hand: Th WiLxssBoao Cnsoxicu, 1 At Hour, Dm&ixa tus Yx& or 1892. i i XllBqvnt 8aberibr. 1 , t7Bxing your own refreshments. The Kaslclan's Guide. Every music teacher, student or mu sic lover should have this volume. It contains 212 pagea of musical Informa- "Ion, description of over 10,000 pieces of mic and music books, 150 biographi cal sketches of composers, and also a choice selection of new vocal and In strumental music, and other attractions. For eight twoent stamps, we will mail Free a copy of The Magician's Guide, also a sample .copy of Brainard's Musi J cal World containing 12.00 worth of new music and interesting reading mat ter. Address ! Tax 6. Baaiitxan's Soxs Co. , ! Chicago, I1L WANTED. For the United 6ut Army, ABLE BODY MEN of good character; unmar ried; between tho agca of 21 and 30 years. Good pay, rations, clothing and medical attention. .Applicants must bo prepared to furnish satufactory evl- j Apply 'boro, N. enw as w age, cna.rmcM.-r u wmuiuj. at Hotel Gordon, ot ilkes- w all ace GENERAL IIERCHA1ISE DEALERS, Statosvillo, IV Leading Wholesale.Honse in tlie State, Dry GoDfls, Mobs ani CHIEF DEPARTMENTS. Our purchases are mado with Western North Carolina trade and wo havo what SALEABLE GOODS, LARGEST Always seo what we havo to offer before buying. Your Truly, WALLACE BROS. 8tatemHe, N. O, Nov. 25, IE31. . 1800 - GEO. V. HIN3HA.W. OCTOBER. Enlarged Store Rooms, new offices, increased facilities, menso stock of well-selec'ed goods at low prices aro somo of tho attractions offered by HINSHAW & MEDEARIS. N03. 120, 121 and 126 WEST FOURTH tjTUEKT, ' WINSTON, 3V. O. Oar kojen bsve reccoUy rctorsed froa tbe corthera cities wicrej Ifcey perctirrd & most select stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS'. aod a serious eotting S!r has oeea tbe rerott. We ksve'cxst effnore Drrtt frm ozt beaaUfal lines of 15. 35, 50 and 75 cent Dm Goods thta yoa ever beard of. Ijc$ of loTtly Silks, trimming, sod tblofrt that HoackeepersdeIiglt i ocb all kiodi of Crdct, Ro, Coriaics, Cbeeite rortiert, Hep, etc. Ejtt i . of Blankets, all prices. We lotite tbe LADIES to call spoo ci for cjitirC ta tbe Dress Uoodt or Hooae-PoroUbieg lit axd plcdSe I be to all falibrat ard Uwil trratneot. We sever were so well fixed io Uosierj. GIottj. Mcr'no Uilrrt ar.rrei iSbaU, Ladies, Mines A CbtVireo'a Sbora, as at prmct. Oar Sfcoet are made bj tta beat maoofactorrrs io America according to dirrctioaa acd are etpecial!f adapted to tia wants of oar customer. : 'Gentlemen's Department Io tbla dermrlmeot we are cmrrjiog abetter Hoe of gnods than ever be fori? aod call attrs tioo to oar fioe tint of Castlmere, Jeans, 8birt, ilerioo UoJcrwrar, Hotierj, Hboes Boot. Bay StaU Sboea, for Mro, Dor. LadievMtsses aoJ Cbildreo. a I ft icra lower tbn ever before, aa4 epecil attmtloa to oojsrk-d stock cf Uatc, Irc'cdirg a tod aswtmeot of Jobo B. Stetaoa it Go's gooti. " We alaoo carry a fall list cf FlieV Jeooa, Keotockj aoJ other Hoes of Jeae. We keep a stock cf KOnOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. DUUCS and Fdtcnt Medicines. riRtfirilT'RTI?. w aakt a tpeciaJtj of Fioe CoTee, 2 raj, McJ.btj. VJlVJKJluL.lt2J3 Sogui, also carjj a fall lioe cf Facy Grocrriea, Meat, Lard, Salt, Floor. Heal. Ship StuT, Grain, Bols Lestber, eic etc. FauMERs' Supplies. We cootlooe to sdl tbe best Urchard Grass, Bed aod Sapljc Clover; Timctbj, IIeadi Grass, Keotock j Blae aod other Grass Seeds, that eaa be boojbt la tbe Clae G nm ref loot of Keotucky. We bare at all tltaec a sapplj of vbe ctkbrateJ STAH BRAD GUANA for wheat, oats aod fias. AUo lb STAB, BRAND SPECIAL TOBACCO MAFURE sod ANCHOR BRAND TGBACCO MANURE for lie To bscco crop- . WJBOJL,-ESIL,E DEPARTMENT. IlaTios verv material! j eslarged oar Wboleaals Rooms we bars not oo!j i&cre! ccr cspactUes bmt bars added UrjrlT to oor stock, jratUojj Io a better Icaar of Dim Goods than has ever before been o&Teil ol Wholesale io tb Is sect loo. Ia tils !7nr-,-rc!, vt compete Io stock, ia varkty, la qoalttj aod ia pdoet, with Baltlowxe. rai!3e?hla. a&i New York, sod cao raake it to tbe lolerttt of R-ial Mere bants to examine oor stock ac4 prices before porcbasicjf ehrwbere. Oar Wholesale dipartoeat is rctirtlj srprrtte frcrs aod has oo coooectloo with oor Retail departoeota. We cordially b rile to vUit ts n ' uamios oar stock before makibf any porcbam. Yocr Frieois Trsly. WrKsTox, K.CL, (Xt.,201, 91. UlNSHAW ii UEDEAni Gcrrit Tjbc llannractarcrs All kinds of Lumber, air or kiln dried, rouh or drisscd. Wo keep a full stock of Jioveltr and bevel siding-, ceiling- and flooring:, laths, ihlnjrles; poplar, hickorv, oak. nsb, chcrrv, and walnut lumber. OrdcrR promptly filled. Bills cut to order on 8Qort notice at reasonable prices. nA ctisfirtinn mm ran t red. Jjnr-vrANTEDOf all kinJu rtich a an hickory, .iun paia lor trie same. Rhmgie blocks to 12 IS inches lor.r. tail O- ?7 NO. 45. Sloes, the sole purpose of snppymg you want. S0CKA1O) LOWEST PRICES. 1801 N. H. MEDEA IUS. 20 tb.l 81. wm rj orarja Dealers In Custom work promntlr dona rine. !ir rv,v es v l. AUSO want ICmI cct.! f hert r sr. a poo r.. Cc rre -fti.lfi Ct' to rryriii nna sots

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