. 1 . . ' - .. . . . : " i j " ; I ' - " . : ' ' ; ' . . ;:-'';'.":';:' ;j : ,;.: , j : ',. i i ' ' ; . ' ' - ; . ; , - - 1 " ' - . : . , ' ...'.....- ' r ' ; : I . r ' ' : ! - . ' ' ' i - ; ' " , : ' - i : ' - , " i i ; . t . . ; . , .: 1 - ; ' - -il ' - ! . " " - " ' I1 J -; V ' KATES OF ADVERTISING l. fP 1 T ! XX V 'O' fl ( ' TERMS OF SUIiSCTilFTJ 5 2 in. 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 J i h ' V i I' I Three months. Jin. 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 S YnJ I' II L L I . 1 I C - rjabl in advunce, lcol. fll.OO fK.Od 30.00 150.00 75.0( V ' ....... ,ter or porUl odr nd sddrcs- I I f Equal Taxation, JDircct and Indirect, " - i I ' ' : : - - . .. vol. ivir. WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY. ! N. C, JAN. - 14, 1892. NO. 46. I 4 1 A 5- 7 , . . I 1 ' I . The Wllkesboro Chronicle. R. A. DEAL, Xiditor and Proprietor. Entered at tie Po&l-oJJice atsecond-tlaxs matter in Wilkesbhro THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1892 ! M Card From Mr. Barber. Owine to sickness. I have not been able to send to school committeemen the amount of money due each' district, but I have furnished Thk Chros'icLk with a cony for uublication, which will give the desired inf prmation. j Respectfully, j E. TT. Babbib, Co. Sup't. Jan. 11, 1892. e ADDortionment of the School Funds of 1891. The following apportionment of tli school funds was made J an. 5, 1892. The list contains the number t of arid the amount due each! district. : White Race. No. Am't. No. A 185.23 3 ?C 92.66 6 j 4 97-58 9 i 67.24 12 6- 47.56 1 15 4 10742 18 7 65.60 21 S No. 1. 4 7 10 13 .16 19 22 25 28 ' 31 34 37 40 . 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 Ct 67 70 73 7 79 83 85 88 91 94 Am't. $89.38 ; 99.22 ! 54.94 46.74 59.86 65.60 72.16 58.22 75.44 : ' 59.04 68.88 38.54 54.12 57.40 54.12 63.14 34.44 ' 90.20 41.82 68.06 83.64 4S.33 ; 50 84 ' 93-48 38.54 5.23 5330 72.16 107.42 156.C2 58.22 58.22 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 .32 35 38 - 41 44 47 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74 77 80 63 86 89 92 95 87.74 43.46 86.92 41.00 77.08 51.66 63.14 54.94 72.98 66.42 91.84 68.06 50-84 59.86 6150 109.06 60.68 70.52 86-P0 104-96 U.23 72.98 44.123 j 6232J and the time is out the 7th of March. With the hands allot ted it will require at least' I a month's work, but only ten days is provided for; hence work on Fthe new road would be thrown away. . To complete the matter, it is reported that Mr. Bryan, the apostle of incite the road. We act, is now trying to people against the That's not a good report. need roads badlv. but we need more business about it. Such '.'messing'' about it, simply creates disf action and embitters people against much needed improvements, without accomplishing any good. our committeemen and teach ers think of this subject. Looking over the field in this Congressional district, ' doesn't give a very promising out-look for Democratic success. In the firs place, the vote of the two parties, on strict party lines are about equal. Then the Democracy is not so har monious as it should be to in sure success, besides the dis sentions and dissatisfaction en gendered by politicians in the Alliance who are not farmers. That is about the status of the field, and if these circumstan ces continue Democracy will enter the campaign under dis advantages. Rev. Dr. A. W. Miller, who for 36 years had been pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte, died last Sunday evening, after an illness of two or three week. Ho was a good man. Stock Law Regulations. On the. first of Feb. the stock law goes into effect within all the territory in Wilkes county South of the Tadkin River. For the information and gui dance of all parties in this ter ritory, we jgive the law with reference to impounding stock, etc. ? Vol. 2, Sic 2816. "Any person may take up any live stock running at large within any township or district wherein the stock law shall be in force and impound the sames and such im pounder may demand fifty Cents for each animal so taken up, andj twenty fire rents for da.cH animal for vprv dav such stock is kjept impounded, and may The Supreme Court of the retain the same, with the right to use I United States has decided that I.. . I . . 1 - - . H unaer proper care until all legal char- Boyd, Democrat, is the light ges ior impounding Baia block sua ior damages caused by the same are paid, There is very little talk about a candidate for Governor. Holt is a good man and makes a good Governor. The Alli ance, however. av he wont do, as he had something to do with a plaid business. The Chronicle, speaking its indi vidual opinion, does not know of a man for whom it had rath er cast a vote for that office than that honest, upright, ster ling gentleman and Democrat, Hon. Chas. M. S ted man. Jurors for Xarea Tern. The following are the jurors for the a.S A m . spring wra oi our courx, Degtniu- g March 21, which la the third Monday. Judge Armfield will preside. 1st. We.-W C Myers, W II Adams Nathan norton, W C Fletcher, Sidney Trlplett, L W Lunsford, R E Toindex- ter, Bamuel Hampton, J A Prultt, D W Williams, C E Carter, AWin Mayberry. J IS C Uilreath, Il&rald Moor. John Davidson, La r kin Livingston, William bmlthy, W S Hall, E Dyer, R M John son, B J Carter, J C Brown, II II Church, M C Williams, D L Lomax, E E llendren, W R Welborn, Q W Mar shall, J E Baity, J F Norris, B F Tuck er, J J Marley, R L Scroggs, L W Ab- sher, J R Combs, N X Watts. 2icd. Wkxk. J II Hays, J F Farsons, Jackson Staler, E M FelU, J M How ard, John Love, IT A Blackburn, Hen ry, T C DeBoard Thomas Johnson, James Johnson, 8 F Walker, 8 M Johnson, ffm. Anderson, Calvin Hays, J F McGce, C C Ferguson, J II McNeil. For 32 children &signed t ny, $26.24. f COLOBXD RACK. 1 4 7 10 13 86.10 18.76 56.53 92.66 19.68 2 5 8 11 15 54J2 77.08 30.31 5.60 2.32. Allegha 47.56 31.98 59 02 9.02 No. 14 is extinct. R. W. Barber,' Sec'y of B'd of Ed. I I The road an act of The Month of Wilson Road. The Commissioners were L beseiged at last meeting with a bundle of petitions against the new road from North Wilkesboro to the Moutin of Wilson. It was estimated that there were 500 names signed to the petitions, asking the Corns, to recind the order for the road. -IS But the Corns, have no author ity in the matter, was laid off under the Legislature, jwhich act des ignated the hands to work theron, the only province of the Corns, was to appoint over seers, which was made their r duty by that act. If there is fault to be found in the matter, it is the Legislature, not I the Corns., that is amenable to crit icism, f - I : ' ! We are 'and always have . been in favor, of better roads. This act is commendable in that it contemplated better roads, and it is veryj .deficient and unwise in other ways. , It contemplates a road, but makes no amply provisions to accom plish the matter- contemplated. It gives the Corns no discretion or sufficient jurisdiction in 'the matter. It makes no proviso ion for the necessary expenses of building the road,' - such j as for tools, carts, blasting pow der, etc. The Corns. ! cannot pay such expenses, as they have no jurisdiction till the road is completed and I . turned over to the county and accept ed. There is no provision suf ficient to complete the work. It is to be completed in 1 year said damages tp be ascertained j by two disinterested freeholders, to be selected by the owner and said impounder, said freeholders to select an umpire,' if they cannot agree, and their decision to bo final. :- Tol. 2, Sec. 2817. "If the owner of said stock be known to such impounder he shall immediately infown such own er where his stock is impounded, and if said owner shall for two days after such County Claims. J. M. Turner, Medical Service $ 5: Salho Henaren. pauper. 12: m w - w H. Bishop, pauper, $1; J. N. Myers, feeding Richard Ellis, pauper, $4.32; John Cranfield, pauper, $1; R. W. Colvard, bal ance due him as County Com missioner, $14: L. Mmton $3.21: ful Governer of Nebraska. Wm. Lee, tax assessor, $7;. L. Boyd received a majority of the Cheek, pauper, $2; John Stone, votes at the last election, but the Republicans kept him out on the plea that he was ineligi ble. The case was carried to the courts, with the above suit. 1 rc- notice willfully deem his stock, tnree or more p ship where said refuse or neglect to re- then the impounder, after ten days' written notice posted at aces within tho town stock is impounded, and describing the said stock and sta ting place, day and hour of sale; or if the owner be nnknown, after twenty days' notice in the same manner," and also at tho court! house door, shall sell the stock at public auction, and apply the prpceeds in accordance with the pre cediu and succeeding sections, and the balance be shall 'turn over to tho own er if known; and if the owner be not known, to the county commissioners for the use of the sohool fund .of the district wherein said stock was : taken up and impounded, subject in, their hands for six months to the call of the legally entitled omner." The new year has had a bad effect upon the junior Editor of the Elkin Courier. He began the new year with a jlengthy piece of poetry it was good pauper, $1; Susan Thomas, pauper. $1 : Nanc v Parks. nauDer $1; Absher& Church, goods fur nished to Poor House, $30; Pharr & Wellborn, $1.50; Nancy Blackburn $1; J. M. Adams, Clerk Bd. Comrs., for six mo. ending 1891, $111.75; J. H. An drews, serving notices, $1.20; J. H. Andrews, conveying Jane Roberts to Morcranton . $22.60: w allaca Or - GENERAL UERCHAI1SE DEALER?, Statosvillo, IV C- Leading "Wholesale Souse in the Sta 4- Dry (Ms, Notions ani Sloes, CHIEF DEPARTMENTS. Our purchases are mado with the solo pnrposo of snpp;-:,:-Western North Carolina trade and wo have " " what you want. SALEABLE GOODS, LARGEST SOCK AND LOWEST PRieP. Always see what wo have to offer before buying. Your Truly, WALLACE BEOS. SutcsTille, N. O. Nor. 2S, 191. too. The Elkih neoDle have r a' Anurews Jauor lor ec- given him two weeks to mend LQ JL W J'Vv; aimon men en, kj. his ways. The Charlotte Democrat says that our public roads are no better they were when the MecKienourg declaration was made. That is puttincr it strong, but it strikes close to S. C, costs, $7.95; Henderson Cheek, $1; Julia Cheek $1: R. A. Deal, publishing County financial statement, and other j notices, $27.50. 1800-J801 GEO. W. BIXSBAW. N. H. MEDEJLRI3. OCTOBER, 20 tb, I 91. 0 t Enlarged Storo Rooms, new offices, increased facilities, mense stock of weli-selec'ed goods at lo w prices are some of tho attractions offered by HINSHAW & MEDEARIS. 103. 120, 124 akd 12S WEST FOURTU aTBEKT, WINSTON, IS'. O. North Carolina's Llteratare. We hare pleasure In announcing that Dr. Stephen B. Weeks, lato of Johns the truth. We have progressed Hopkins University, Is preparing a com in everything but good roads. Sherman has been re-elected Senator from Ohio. ..His com petitor, Foraker, developed mucn more strengen man was It is noticable that a great expectea. biierraan is losing many of the schools in differ- M"s gp on tne umo uepublic- ent districts have been taught I an party out for the vear. Manv of Jthem were taught ' during j the summer months July, August and September. It is also j no ticable that thp average atten dance at our public schools is very small, considering ;the number of children of school age. This might bring 'into consideration 6t the subject as to whether the time of holding the schools effects the average attendance. . Every season; of the year has its disadvantages p.s well as advantages. Taking It is announced that Dr. Eu gene Grissom, once Superinten dent of the Raleigh Asylum, has gone crazy and is now be ing treated in an insane Asy lum in Colorado. pie to "Bibliography of the Historical Literature of North Carolina," with annotations. The work will be invalua ble for reference and will doubtless find a place In every library, however small. It will occupy about twenty-five pages of the Southern Educator for which it is being written. Nothing of the kind has ever before been attempted, and the author and publishers deserve the pub lishers deaerre the thanks of all loyal teachers and students for the publication Onr koyen nave recently retcroed froca tbe oonhera cities wtntl Ittj pcrciwr oost select stock of r LADIES' DRESS GOODS' tod a seriooj citttog a sir has oeea tbe resalt. We hivtlait off tnort Dress far beaoUfol liars of 26, 35. 0 sud 75 ceat Dreas Goods thso yoa crer beard cL 1 Of Sorely Silks, triamiof, and tbiors that i!XMrkerfrtdri:gtt ! vcb mp klods of Crot, Rffg, OarUios, Oaoile rertiers, Rf ps, etc. Eestet lice of Blarkets, all prion. We bvite ttt LADIES to est! spoo cs tar as jtbicr. i tbe Dm Uoodt or House-ForoUhiog live mnX plolSt them all f tli&fa! ard b . treat meat. We Derer were a well fixed io Uotittr. G lores, lirrfns CtxWwear. f . t SbawU, Ladies. Mines Cbildrra's Sjboes, as st pretest. Ovr 8bo are eude X oest aatioractsrers lo America accoruiag to dirtctiosi acd are tspecisll aispied u want of oar etMtocsert. Gentlemen's Department. Io IhU department we are carrying abetter Iloe of goods tltao ercr before soJ call tk to oar fine Hoe or Uajalmerca, Jeaoa. S&irt, Merloo Uodervear, Hosiery, Sir BooU, Uay Suto S&ocs, foe Men. Iktft, Ladies, MIsks aod CbUdres, at prie lower than erer before, mad mpeciaJ at tan lioo to oai 'arL-ct atock of Hsis. lcc!o3i- a good aaortmeot of Joba U. Mtetnoa i Go's good. W aloo carry a fall la. Friea Jeoos, Keotocky sod other lioes of Jeaoa. We kp atock of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, DRUGS and Patent Hcdlclnes. feverytjiing int6 consideration, mentary supper to the employ- Last week the eastern end of the Swannanoa tunnel on the W. N. C. R. R. caved in, com pletely blocking the track for 150 yards. The debris was so heavy as to require blasting to remove it. it is our oninion tnat tne win- per season is the most favora ble to large attendance. Where it has been tested, the Average has been much larger luring the months ; of decem- ber, January, 'and February. ees of the Piemont Wagon during tho holidays. . Co, ; 200 persons . were killed last week, by an explosion in a mine in in. HoL Polk has had a ' secret It is our opinion from what we meeting of Stato Alliance Pres have observed in tnis section, :Aanfa nt wnv.ir.rrfon that the committeemen of the different districts would be do ing a better thing for the chil dren generally by having our choois taught, in the winter, beginning perhaps in Novem ber or December. No doubt the attendance would be larger. and our schools would be ' Notice) of Dlssolntlon. Kotlce is hereby given that the firm of Pharr & Wellborn was dissolved on Jan. 12th 1892, Mr.. Wellborn! having bought Mr. Pharr's interest. All debts owed by said firm will be paid by A. C Wellborn and all accounts due the '. firm must be paid to him. Mr. Wellborn, will continue the business and desires tho patron? 3 cf the public, irrurir- t mr i nsiVhl a r L1 vs ThA stf rt1 vs rtf Art rich historical and biographical liter.: CRO CERIES 25 IT.J1' ?f,5?? McS Meat, Lard, Halt, Flour, Meal, Ship Staff, Grain, Sola Leather, ete etc. FanaiERs' Supplies. e coouooe to aui toe beaturc&ard Grass, ued and Saplreg Clortr, TTmcliy, Urast , Keotseky Bias sod other Grass Seed, that eaa be bosgbt la thevBhe G r- regioos ct Kentucky. We hare at all tioec a supply f the celebrated STAR BRAD GUANA for wheat, oata aivl grass. Also the STAB BRAND SPECIA:. TOBACCO MAFURKaad ANCHOR BRAND TGBACCO UANURKfcr theN r. baceo crop- Hsvioc; very materially eo Urged ocr Wholesale Rooms ws hare oot caly iocrear-d r r espaclUes bst ha s added UrrHf to or stock, pattlo Io a better Icasr of Drm Go- than has erer before been cfTered ot Wholesale la this sect loo. Is this lcprtcesl, cotapete in tlocK, la vsrvcty, Io qaslity sod io prices, with Bhiaoit, lliJt'riU, hew York, sod can raake it to the loterrtt of Retail Uerchaatt toexaoloe oar stock i I TbXm JT. Hi Sol CO ml I x before porchasiog elsewhere. Oor Wholesale djpart oeal is etJtlrtly seperste fr -. . " " ' I sod has do eooaectloo with oar Retail departmests. We cordially icrite to visit rs a. 4 LliliJNTlOX. tare. The Educator, it may be remark ed, is rendering excellent service in many waya to the cause of education in North Carolina. Those of our readers who are teachers and not acquainted with its merits would do wall to address .the publishers at Durham for a sample copy, it is puDiisnea monthly, ana tne prlco is only one dollar a year. For Beat Any person wishing to rent a good store house in the town of Wilkesboro N. C. will please apply to the under signed at Wilkesboro N. C This Jan 9th 1691. Miltoh- McNkil. Will open a new dental office in Wilkesboro on the 15th of Feb. 1892, where he will practice his profession in tho latest styles.' and will endeavor to t frfv ntlr nfttinfarliorL. A trial aolid.l ted. Office in Miller Building. Notice. By lrta of a tnortgtg dd executed to ma by Jeaaa OSrer to aeeurs the payxMut of S350-00 das by doU, with interest aad eost, I will sell to th highest bidder for eaah ai th ooart boas ia WHkeaboro N C oo Feb. 13, 1832, th foUowtnjc tract of land: altaatad . ia CTQkea eouaty, Wilkaaboro township, oo Lha waters cf White's Creek, known aa tba Jobo L-i tract aod ooctaioiog aboot 800 aeras. d m mortgise deed book Ko. 9, page 21 A. 130. This Jaa. 13, 1S32. examios oar stock before maklbg asy porchases. Toor Frieods Traly, Winston, N. O, Ott.,204, -91. UINSHAW 2s, HEDHAniS, VYN E Genii Yjnc UzzztZ Tjne- OS few - U llannfictnrcrs efftdd DKiler3 In All kinds of Lumber, air or kiln dried, rouph or dr4cd We keep a full stock of novelty and bevel sidinr, ceilin nr. flooring, laths, sliinles; poplar, hickory, oak, ash, cherrr. a walnut lumber. Urder promptly filled. Bills cut to order short notice at reasonable prices. Custom vrork prcrsptlr da and satisfaction guaranteed. LOGS TTArTL.D: Of all kinds -ch rir.o. tnd hickory. C"h paid for tie f.:r.?. Y,T. AI- o 4 - it.