KATES OF ADVERTISING. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. tOne year.......... 'Six months........,......-.;................... Ml 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. I col. i col. I col. Three month.................., ......... SO Payable in adrunce. 3TSends all money by regiitered let ter or postal order and addrew Thb Chronicle, Wi 1 keaboro, N. C. qual Jaxation, pirect and Indirect. VOL. VIII. WILKESBORO, WILKES COUNTY. N. C, DEC. 35 1892. NO. 42. jl vrlc. lm. , 3m. j dm. .75 2.00 4.00 6.00 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 3.50 6.00 10.00 17.00 6.50 9.75 1S.00 30.00 11.00 15.00 SO.OO '50.00 w, The Wilkeboro Chronicle. K. A. DEAL, Eltr aad Proprietor. Entered at tht Fot-ojice in titsecond-'as natter. Of course ho is man for the place and we hope to see him get it. ; i 'THURSDAY, PEC, 15, U02. Charlotte is to have a new 3 550.000 court house. i "So near vet so far" our wood subscribers. great .Raleigh had an incendiary fire last week, but no damage was done. m i A negro girl, in Wake last week, about 10 years old drank a pint of whiskey, and died of course. , The News agrees with jthe Chronicle that II. L. Gicene Esq.. should be Assistant Dis- trict Attorney. m i The Topic mentions tho fact that Thomas Settle and Hort Bower are the only Bachelors elected to Congress, in this etate. I m m -1 i "We learn from the -Ash Re porter of the death of Mrs. Col vard, mother of the late Mr. Rufus Colrard, which occurred last week in Ashe. James Webb, of Cleveland, has been appointed solicitoi to fill the unexpired term of Frank . Osborn, who was elected Attbr ney General. If the solicitors are afraid to tackle "Gideons Band." then tho Legislature should investi gate. . We dont need any sworn Mafia in this state. Mrr Bledsoe, of Asho, seems to be of a generous turn of mind, as we notice that he ad vertises for hands to clear 50 acres of land for him after the 4th of March. He says no one need apply but revenue officers, as. he wants to give them em ployment after the 4th. j Bro Cook, of the Concord Standard, who was recently married, is trying to discourage s other bachelor editors. . Lis ten at him:. "Before marriage a woman wants tenderness. In h little while she is satisfied Nrith legal tender." That eaves us out again. ! The Presidential electors of he different States meet at heir respective Capitals, on the iecand Monday in January and iallot tor President and Vice iresident. One of their num- er is then elected to carry the result to Washington, where the final result is declared. We are requested to an- nouncc, ana we taire pleasure in so doing, that our young and t'alented friend- R. N. Hackett df this place will be an appV- cant for the position of Solici tor in this district, should that period m time ever arrive hen Thomas Settle resigns! a is well fitted for the posi- on, and recievea tne unani- w I t The official plurality for Gov ernor Carr is 39,7G1. Lieut. Governor Doughton ran next to Carr,' being only about 175 votes behind him. Our merchants are fixing up 'for Christmas, getting in toys, candies, horns, tc. Of course everybody will like to havo !a horn" about Christmas. It has occured so often that we almost expect in looking o ver the daily papers to find a heading, "Another fire at Wins ton." Just last week there was another fire there. Four counties wore not repre sented at the meeting of the State canvassing board: Duplin Onslow, Vance, and Wilkes. Why. were the returns of Wilkes not sent in? . ! - " " I It is travesty on Wilkes that her official eeturns couldn't be sent to Raleigh in time fo bo canvassed by the canvassing board. There should bo some law covering such negligence! ' j i If you think it,s an easy job to get up the county financial statement, you should consult your nearest neighbor at onco and have -him to procure a place for you in the . Asylum. I ' . ! The Taylorsville Index has come across an egg which was found inside another egg. This was broken and another egg, was inside and in this egg was a chicken well developed. Of course this Is true. JpfLKES, THE FAIREST. Tie Land that Leaps vrlth Life and Saves Doctor Bills. People who give our climate a fair trial, examine our beau tiful country, its lovely and fertile valleys and mingle with our kind and generous people, are always pleased and charm ed. It is natural for them to be, for this is surely one of God's own favored spots. We take the privilege of giving an extract from a private letter to Mr. Smoak of this place from II. S Eley, Esq., of Norfolk, Va., who with his estimable wifo spent last summer in Hoke Secrest, tho famous Wilkesboro. Mr. Eley travel- murderer has been capturod in ed over a considerable part of Snartanburg S. C. In 1878, he the county and is a capable killed his wife and child in judge of its climate and its ad- Btarke, about 4 miles above vantages. The following is a Jckory. He was tried, played part of the letter: gress of the honor of wiping j Yadkin with its different trib theso laws from the statute ? utaries. As the the breeze books. Still tho introduction of the bills at thi3 time is an evidence of Democratic good intentions that will be appre ciated. To those Democrats who ap pear so anxious to have an ex tra session of Congress, we would modestly commend that old adage, "great haste makes waste." If there is any good to come out of an extra session wo fail to see it. That the reg ular time of the meeting of Congress should be changed to an earlier dato seems to based upon good reasons. If Con gress will change the time of its meetings to an earlier date, then the question of an extia session is settled in a way that ought to meet with general ap- i . . . prouation. ,f The i cut Will O U t n -and: LD PflCfif M:fiflavto,M'- fresh and pure bathes your brow, you feel like exclaiming: "Theresa health and strength in every draught, Life-giving to the soul." If our people are not happy and have enough to live com fortably, it's not the fault of the Giver of Good Gifts, for : He has dealt generously with us. "The longer I live the longer I live" is wnai a ieuow saia wnen ne intended , , to say "The longer I live the more I r n&nt nas been to drive prices down to the lowest notch, know." I hate to own it, but he was iaK:e tne smallest profit, give the trade every possible advantage giving m my experience as well as his ana tnereby do a great Volume of business. Anrn r r mnef Ami inl)in AV.A.-X. A I m an r,r4S 7 l a AniS nas Deen our Plicy in the Past and shall continue to, be and I want the State of Wilkes" and :n u0fin, , ,, . . ; , . , her adjoining "States" to speak of me Jthefuture -f constantly increasing trade evidences the fact as wise, good and rich aud if they will j that our efforts in this direction have appreciated and that our attend to the latter, I will read the methods are correct. Tight works and act better than ever, ever ready for use and cash. I remain yours truly, N. M. Allzx, dealer in Tinware, . Glassware, Crockery and Hardware. SEND twelve cents in postage stamps to 39 Corcoran ."Building, Washington, D. C., and you will recieved four copies .of Kate Field's Washington, contain- ig matter of special interest. Give nanvp and address, and say where y,ou saw fajis advertisement. ' iious eedorsement of this coun ty two years ago. orx idiot ana was piacea in tne lonranton asvlum instead of tile gallows. He escaped from tlje asylum and has not been heard from until capturea in Sl1 in to in to artanburg last week. Bills havo been introduced the house of Represenatives change the date of tho meet g of Congress from December March, and it is thought it will become a law. If so, the firkt regular sesion of tho Fifty Third Congress will begin next March instead of waiting till December. It is not a matter that calls for many Democratic tears', tho defeat of Baldv Williams. Ho wai contaminated with tho al liaice-third party movement, went to Congress first as a ,arge quantity of excellent me and sor way the ic r deffcat can I would like for you to send me a few bottles of the water from your Springs (Smoak'a Elixir Springs) with the anal ysis. I want to show it to several of our Doctors and Druggists, also to some of onr capitalists. I think I can get a number of of fam ilies to tpend next summer up there. I feel sati.Sed that my trip with my wife last summer saved us a big doctor bill, if not our lives. I feel like a new man. My wife looks like a young wo- man and nas gained aoout nueen pounds and seems to be in perfect health. She says that she must go. back aain next summer. lain going to Ulking Smoak's Springs and Wilkes as the place for health and to make old people young. Flease send prices of lota at the Spring, and also of lots on the Land Company' property. This is a very just compli ment paid to the waters of. Smoak's Springs which are des tined to become tamous. The analysis of the water shows a The constitutional amendment "was defeated in the last elec tion, and it is probable that it is just an well that way as any. The proposed amendment was the election of solicitors by the state at large, and pay them & fixed salary. t of compromise. In this he largely contributed to defection in the Democrat- hnks which produced his this time. Democracy afford to lose such leaders. ! im m m President Harrison in his message appears to approve of Seci etary Foster's . manipula tion nf the ficrures in revrard to the treasury deficit, which' at tcmUtoshow that there is noc eficit. This is a republi can trick for no other purpose thai to attempt to put the MnrAA fnr thft deficit UDOI1 the democrats as soon as thoy get power. .It wont work, and to bo regretted that Col. Hariison shoukTapprovo sucn triclierv. into it is Bi suggestion of Capt. Tho Coper district seems to noxi empl and for collector of this; polls Is for tho repeal of the ob il T:. li r (ius laws auiiiorizniti , ,wmpnt. ,f IT. S. marshals llection supervisors at tho hrt favorably have been tho Ijoufo and introduced in Senate, altho dicmal properties, and the good xnuxov. 17 1802 results from tho use of the wa ter, testify to its virtue and good qualities. The situation of the springs is delightful. Flowing from a rock far up on tho renown Brushies, where the breeze is aUvays fresh and pure i ana mvigorauug, uue roverts as if in dreams to tho nectar streams from which the Olympian gods sipped and were strengthened. Just above the c springs, a little farther up tho mountain, one may stand and tako a bird's-eye view or Wilkes. The beautiful valley basin which : composes the muntv lies macrnicrcent in its OClcIal SeaUment Of the days serred aud miles traveled by the members of the Board of CommisRioners of Wilkes county, for the fiscal year ending Nov 30,1892. J. A. Cooper, Chairman, 7 days, at 12.00 per day, IU.00. 254 ituJca at Sets per mile 12,70. Total t 2G.70. W. Abseeh, Ch'ra'n after Cooper's l-esig't'n, 22daya, at $2.00 per day, ! Hi.00. 54 miles at 5cta per milo 2.70. Total 4G.70. M. Joikxs. 21 days at $2.00 pertftay $42.00. 430 miles at 5cts per 23 00. Total C6.00. L, C. FERoraoN. 10 days at $2.00 per day ' $20.00. 156 mile at 5ots per mile 7.80. Tofal 27.30.- Ajrregate total 162 20. I, J. M. Adams, Register of Deeds, certi y th it the foregoing is a true statement of the accoants of each County Commissioner of the couuty of Wilkes, as appears from the records in my offica, for the fiscal year ending Nor 30th 1S32. J. JUL. ADAMS, Itegistor of Deeds. Land Sale.. ' By virtae cf an order of the Superior Court oj Wilkes county in the case of A C Bryan, fidmitiistratoroflheestateofJosb.ua N. Hoi- brook dtc'd, against Alice I. . Holbrook and others, I will sc!l on the premises at public auction to th highest bidder on the 17th day of December 1892 the following tract of land owned by Jotthua N Ho!bro'k at his death and situated i Tr ip Hill township, Wilkes county. Iving oa the wters of Roaring Hirer, between the lands of J. P. Holbrook and R C Holbrook, on the North end of 8a id lands, - containing 75 acres. Terms: One-third cash, balance in three and six months. This Nor. 23, 1932. A. C. BRYAN, AdniY. Cranor Bciton, Attrg for Adm'r. Notice of appointment of Administrators. Notice is hereby given that 1 nare been ap pointed and qualified administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Ooorgo W. Absher deceas ed. All persons indebted to the estate must make settlement immediately and all persona having claims against said estate must present them with-.n the time prescribe l by law. Lunday Abshek Admr Cranoj & Buxton Attys. for Admiuistrator. The liberal support of customers and friends has not only sat isfied us with the work performed, but renewed within us the aesire ana tne aetermination to press forward to still higher achievements. . -. At the incoming of the Fall Season of 1892, it affords us great pleasure to say that we have never been so well fixed to do -a great business.-; : ' . All lines are COMPLETE, ATTRACSIVE and CHEAP. In Dry Goods and Notions we unhesitatingly claim (all things consiaerea) to offer better bargains than any House in the trade. In Shoes we are showing superior goods j and an improved line, and in nothing that we offer will we be undersold. . In a word we are on the yground floor" in every particular, and intend that all who deal with shall be on the same footing. If not already our customers, join us now, and let us show you that all we claim we carry out, what we advertise we do, and that when we say it and you see it in The Chronicle it is so. Very Respectfully, WALLACE BROS., STATES VILLE, N. C, Juno 16, 1892. HINSHAWllEDEARIS, -o- Tli 3 Seventh Presidential selection Since we commenced the mercantile business, is over, and we are STILL AT THE OLD STAND, NO3.120,,l24 and 126 WEST FOURTH ST KEE?, " WINSTON, IV. C Where we are selling the nicest and most complete stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS It has ever been our pleasure to show. These goods have recently been pur chased by our experienced buyers who have spared neither tima nor pains ia making selections well adapted to the wants of our customers. . No. 120 opens into one of the most magnificent "Wholesale STOCK of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Boots and Hats ever offered in Winston. No 122 is one of the most handsome Store Rooms in the City, Filled with choice selections of Ladies' Fine and Medium Dress Goods; Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes, etc. Our Reputation for firet quality of goods at lowest possible prices, has won for us the entire confidence of our trade. . , : . In No 124 You will find Men's andBoys' Shoes, Boots, Hats, Jeans, Caesimeres, Under and Over Shirts, choice selections of Merino Shirts and Drawers, She-tiar8, Plaids. Drills. Liudsev. etc. Also a choice line of F.inv Notice of Lan4 Sale. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to tn ne br John Suiumeriin aud. wife Ed ney .. . i . i . iVeutr-Five DoU rs. I will .ell for cash to th husmess men generally. highest bidder, at the court house door in Wilkenloro N. O. on the 5th day of DecemD-r lby2, the folic wing described tract of land sit uated in Tveddies River township, Wilkes coun ty, N. C. and aijoinirg the lands "of ' Vanco Chnrch and others and containing 75 acree more or lees. . For farther information see took.14, page 509. This Nor. 4, 1892. - M- E- FORESTER, Mortgagee. the best coffees in the city. In No 26 You will find Meat, Lard, Fish, Flour, Corn, Oats, MolAsses, Syrups, ugars, Soaps, 8alt, Ship Stuff; ssjIq Leather, Grass Seeds, in quantities' to nit the purchaser, or in car load lots " i" All are invited to call and examine our goods and compare the quality and the prices with those of any house anywhere. EST" ire mean business and will make it to your interest to trade with us. " Yours Truly, . . . . HINSHAW & MEDEARIS, Winston, Nov. 9th 1S92. , BANS OF NORTH WILKESBORO, . ; NORTH WILKESBORO N. C. ; (Incorporated. Authorized Capital $500,000. Paid Up Capital 33,100. j.-ifi. i?'inley, rresiaent. D. VV. Greenlee, Cashier. Board of Directors: J. E. Einley, W. M. Absher,' E. S. Blair, J. T. Peden, T. B. Finlev. ' Does a general banking business and solicits the accounts of merchants and sfl f Afitaffln's Batay Breeze, THE SUMMER SOFTLY DIES. foo ClmlaM' ElBGtBQ goods,1 hlankets,' better times oxpanso before the sight. Tho j and "more of 'em", etc., etc., range of mountains on which J you stand is -tho Brushies which forms tho southern boundery line and sits as a cru cible filtering and purifying the The seasons are constantly changing. The "Last Rose of Summer" will soon be gone, and the forest leaves, browned and seered by the frosts, will soon be falling to the ground. The verdure that bedecks the magnificent vallev of the Yadkin "Riv. "Grover got there," and now er which flows in astream of silverv snlender ti-rmi r, for "tariff reform", cheap hats, Lrreat "State of Wilkes", will soon be withered- and -nath cheap clothing, cheap woolen tne sieet an snow decenaing. massive pines and oaks be bend ing down to kiss its waters sweet." But Wilkes, robbed of her summer verdure, is still lovely old Wilkes, presenting in every season her own grandly peculiar charms and advantages But "we must change as all things change here " The light ' according to former promises. But if these good things do not here on time, you can still bet big money on finding one E. WALLACE, the Big Kadi- - i . , .i r winds of the south. Northward cat, as usual, on wi cymci xix lies the long Ridge of Blue, : the same old barn, selling all ...rdinW tho anoroach of the kinds ol gooas as cueapab K li ' o - . I north-wind and Inviting back body, Come and'sec him; he'll summer apparel must be supplanted with heavier weight. ,Wr need new and heavier boots and shoes, overcoats, gum coats, under-wear, dress goods, etc. All this and more can be had at lowest figures by calling on Ferguson & Hubbard. Y7e r,!:o keep a full line of groceries for the nourishraenl -TV-,, ' in an - ,1 received in all ruction". Wo i it is '3 ezpctl that the