; - - . RATES OF ADVERTISING. I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. jOne year........:........ .. 0 jfiix months 3 pace lwk, 1 m. .i 3 m. ; 6 m. .1 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. -i col. k col. 1 col. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 4.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 9.00 10.00 17,00 30.00 50.00 9 oo Three months mw.m.m...m.. Payable in advunce. S?Senls all money by registered ter or postal order and address The CusoyicLE. Wilkesboro, N. C. 00 17 25, 45 50 10.00 18.00 00 00 31.00 15.00. 30.00 75 oo Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. VOL. IX. WILKESBORO, N. C THUiRSA OV. 2, 1893. NO. 31 . ill n1)iff iif f$ It i 6 ft J: I t5& .an R. A. DEAL, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the Post-ofiice in as second-class matter. Wilkesboio THURSDAY, NOV. 2, .1893- The Senate has actually be gun to vote rather curious. Representative W. H. Bower has given the army cadetship of this district to Mr Joseph TL Linney, eon of Wei's Einney ,of Vashti, Alexander county. MB - If an "imported furriner can import other good "furriners" who make respectable, honest and helpful citizens, why is he not Helping: tne town ana county? Some fellow in Kansas has discovered a dye or something by which he car make negroes white, He is going to open up a paint shop and make his fortune. .Last baturaay tne zbta an unknown person entered thd home of Carter Harrison Mayor at Chicago and shot him four times, from which he died in a short time The unconditional repeal of ,the Sherman Jaw is an accom plished fact. No doubt some wholesome silver legislation will now shortly be enacted. There seems to be some chance for North Carolina to furnish the man to fill U. S. Judge Bonds place, if an unjt zed effort is made. We-, thinly it would be proper for all to Unite jon Judge R. F. Armfield, Miss.Dais7- Garland daugh ter of ex-attorney general Gar land committed suicide in Washington City las'; week, hy shooting, herself through the heart. She was subject to fits of mental abberation. 3 1 l) 1 1 Jim A Wilkes correspondent of the Charlotte Observer savs: Mr J. P. Rousseau, .revenue agent returned from Virginia where he has been for ten days looking after crooked brandy, He seized 4,000 crallons, and found bonds on 10,000 more. Mr John M Wagner of Statesville died last Saturday at Charlotte, whither he had gone to assist in the Observer joffice in the absence of 1 Mr Caldwell who is attending the bedside of his sick wife. Mr Wagner was for a time connect ed with the Lancmnrk, and was beloved by all who knew him. Some of our ''furriners" feel slighted because they were not mentioned in the "furrin" write up in the Winston paper. In fact the outhors of the great article are "furriners" themselves and they failed to sign their names. But tor ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, these "furrin" Radicals take the cake, and the world moves on as lovely as before. mm i p - It was a frost right, that on oVfonday morning, Everything that was exposed is killed. And though "The vine still clings to the rnpul dering wall .. . Yet at each blast the dead leaves fall." ; The tinge of autumn beauty is stamped upon the forests and the leaves, brown and seer - are falling oije by one. Soon the forests will be bear and jhe : wintry winds will ; be sighing and shrieking among the open ; . branch es . On e pearly shivers to think.pf it. ' p iNortn wiikesboroXsw has entered its third volume. For two years it has lived and j moved and had its being among us, greeting us weekly with its news, ard it is still pressing I forward. Its editor Mr Robert son, is a special friend of ours,, and we wi$h him and the paper prosperity and success. Dr J. C. Price, colored, presi dent of Livingston College at Salisbury, died last week. He was undoubtedly one of" the foremost negroes this country has ever produced. By his personal efforts he raised about $30,000 for the endowment of the college of which he was President, He understood the neds of his people and labored to educate them, and was conservative in his views and teachings. New Jersey belles dont allow little matters to stand in the way of their marrying, and that too, right at tlje time set. Last week one of them had the hour set for marrying. Her fellow by unavoidable reasons did not arrive as early as she thought he ought. And so she called in another of her old lovers and married him. The other fellow came up just after the ceremony was over. We want to congratulate the fellow that got left. Jn the language of Col. Linney, "he escaped a mighty 'scapement." Judge Hugh L Bond, Judge of the United States circuit court died in Baltimore last week. His death was due to heart failure. He had never fully recovered from an attack of lagrippe a year ago. He was appointed Judge by President Grant in 1S70, and presided as judge in the Kuklux trials in the Carolinas, and decided the famous South Carolina presidential electoral board ca?e in 187G. We may be an old fogy on the question, but it always appears to us that it is safer and surer and more economical in the long run to invest as sparingly as possible in com mercial fertilizers for wheat. We are aware that it is becom ang the general idea that every xhinsr we use. should be store- bought. Some even argue that it is cheaper to buy their meet and bread than to raise it at home. But this idea is not the correct one so far as we ar able to see. And the idea Df buying commercial fertiliz ers is easilv run to the extreme. These fertilizers have to be said for and there's no getting iround it, no matter what 3rice wheat is bringing. In ;he good old days, before the store buying idea became so jrevelent, people used to gather up from every nook and corner, all the manure and rich substance and scatter it over their wheat lands and make good crops. Eerhaps the yield was not quite so great 5 but every bushel of it belonged at home, with, no store debt anging over it. And people ouldsell their wheat when ever they pleased and to whom they pleased. And then there was a real substance left upon the soil. We do not mean to holely "condemn the use of rtiuzers for wheat, it is efensible in some1 instances. ut the idea should not be run to the extreme, which appears to be the case this season. p When all b ther remedies for : ecrorala fail Aver's Sarsaparilla if persistently used effects a Jcare. Being powerful alternative, itclcancs thje blood of all impurities, destroy the germs of ecrofnal and imparts new life and vigor to efery fibre of tL bv. On a Quarter. An exchange finds that on an American 25 cent piece there are 13 stars, i3 letters in the scroll held in the eagle's beak, 13 marginal feathers in each wing, 13 tail feathers, 13 pam le lines in the sheild, 13 hori zontal bars, 13 arrow heads, 13 letters In the words ''quarter dollar. It is reasonable to auppoaa that a3 Ayer's Sr.r eaparilla Las benefited others it will benefit you No other medicine is so effective in pro lucinjr a radical change in the blood and m - partsng renewed life and energy to the system, both ..nervous and physical hole LOT SALE. The First Public Lot Sale of the Wilkesboro Land & De velopment Company, in the town of Wilkesboro N. C. will take place on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8th '93 At lOVcJock a. m. Fverv bodv is invited to at- tend the Sale and invest in some of the best property in the State. As to the future of the town of Wilkesboro, it is idle to speak to those who are acquain ted, but for the benefit of those who are . not posted we will say that the extension of the Railroad from Taylorsville is almost an absolute certainty, and English Company in con trol of the right of way from Southport contemplate building tiiat roaa ana nope to ue in shape to begin work at an ear ly day, and then other railroad matteis could be mentioned, which will make Wilkesboro a Railroad centre in the near future, which modesty forbids using as an advertisement at this time "The straws show the way the wind blows," and if you want to be sure you are right invest your money in the town of Wilkesboro. Terms of Sale: One-fourth CASH; balance in six, twelve and eighteen months with six per cent, inter est. Titles reserved until full payments are made. Positively no by bidders, every lot put up will be sold regrardless of price. Each and every member of the Company reserves the right of course to bid and buy at this sale, but will be on the same footing with all out side parties. No one allowed to bid for the Company . Every lot of land will be sold if we get a bid. In the event of rain so that the Sale cannot take place on Wednesday November 8th it will be postponed until Thurs day, November 9th, the follow ing day. No such chance has ever been offered in the history of the town to get good homes cheap, and no time in the history of the town has the progress of the place been so encouraging or her future so bright, The Iron Bridge & Curtis' Ford over the Yadkin River i now under way, and we hope to have same completed before the day of Sale, This, with 1 the improvement of the roads, will bring the whole of the Blue Ridge Wagon Trade to this town ?hich is a guaran tee for Wilkesboro of the best trading point , in the State. .The Secretary, or any other member of the Company, will be glad to show any and all prospectors over the property hef ore the day of Sale. ; : r, a; spainhour, . A; -" : president. D. E. Smoak, A: Winstnn daily f favorable to the propositian to extend the Taylorsville road to Wilkesboro. It says we have one railroad and we should sit down and keep quiet. Win ston has four or five railroads, and whenever any opportunity is afforded for another one The Daily will do all it can for it, and no one would blame it. If it is alright for Winston why not alright for other people to have more than one railroad? Winston although a splendid town with splendid people is not all the place in the world, and the Daily should not be so selfish as to dis courage the idea of any other pmue maKing ettortsrxogo forward. . , "Taylorsville is williss. TryTorsville Correspondent in Lankoiark.) The idea of of extending the Junebug railroad on to the capital of Wilkes, urged in Sundays Observer, is to the point. Thjs is the most direct route fr m the northwestern counties to the Southern mark ets. Is this road were built it .nvght take a little of the Mountain trade from Taylors viile, yet we will not stand in the way of progress. Let them build the road if they want it. Wants Lewis Fork Remembered. The Democrat of Lewis Fork town ship are not professional kickers but simply want Mr Elias and McEwen to recognize some of the good Democrats who are trying for a storekeepers place. The lending Democrats of this towdship petitions 1 the Dep't and asked Deputy Collector McEwen to do all in his power for the appointment of a cripple for a storekeepers place, but they failed in that. We had two good inen in the field for the place, the Elk man g"t. Now we are not how-ling at the Democratic party but simply ask Mr Elias and McEwen to remember a township that is nearly solid Democratic. Kenton. Not withstandsng that the Post mast er at Wilkesboro "Chronicles" the fact week after week; that Joe Robertson, of North Wilkesboro, gives it as so much of his Weekly "News"; that Mr Wm Johnson, of Jefferson, is trying to get every "Citizen" to know it; that it shines in every "Star" of Alleghany; yet there are any amount of people in this section that does not know that there is a hardware store in North Wilkesboro, tha'. it is on the corner of B. and 9th stree", tlnit N. M. Allen is striving to be usefull to themand himself. Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Idver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences, Indigestion, headache, nau sea, bilious- ness, and ver itigo indicate certain func tional derange ments, th.8 best remedy for Which is Ayer Pills. Purely vegetable, sugar coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in pharmacy. Mrs. M. A, Brockwjell, Harris, Term., says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured me of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We tliiuk there is j No Better Medicine, ( and have induced many to use it." " Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was run down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made me so feeble that it was an effort for me to walk. I consulted the doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up all hope of ever being better. Happening to be In a store, one day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed my weaH and sickly appearance, and after a few questions as to my health, recom- mended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had little faith In these or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a box. Before I had used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured, me. I am now 80 years old ; but I believe that ' if It had not been for Ayer's Pills, I should. have been In my grave long ago." I buy 6 boxes every year, which make 210 boxes wp to this time, and I would no more be with out them than without bread.' H. U. , ingraham, Rockland, lie. "-: - , ; AYER'S PILLS S Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mrm. NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR GOHHRRGIAI. CONTRIBUTE TO HER WONDERFUL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. NO SECTION SO FAVORED BY NATURE. and J NONE OBTAINING SUPPLIES AT LOWER COST. 1 This Leading Wholesale House Of North Carolina claims the credit for not only carrying ine Largest, Handsomest and most complete stock of General iicr chandise in the State, but what is of much more consequence leading all in low prices. , In Dry Goods and Notions we are the acknowledged leaders. Few can meet our Pries; none attempt to Beat Therm The Columbian jear promises to be the most memorable in our historr It must necessarily be the greatest we have ever had in business, as we ar not only fixed to serve you better than any of our competitors, but that i Just wfe&t we intend to do. Years of experience, a thorough knowledge of th.e "vrante of our people, air an intimate acquaintance with the Manufacturers of the East and Suutk, places us on a footing to do all we claim. You want to be at the bottom in the way of low prices and at the top with handsome and desirable goods. Our Stock for the Fall Trade is complete and we are ready to serve you- Yours truly, WALLACE BROS., C. S. Tomlin, John S. McRorie, John F. Bowles and LnB. Bristol will rep resent us on the road and visit as many of our customers as possible. STATESVILLE; N, C, June 1st, 1893. LOOK! LOOK! HERE FARMERS. You all want good Plows and Hoes to make .good crops and the time is drawing near when they will be needed. The place to get a Bargain is at THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE, where you can always find a full line of Farming Implements. Iron, Nails, Glass, Pistols, Guns, CornShellers, Feed Cutters, Mowers, Rakes and Cutlery. I am agent for the Oliver Chilled Plow. If your wife or daughter needs a good Sewing Machine, buy the Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9, the best ever made, I call your attention to the famous Empire Wheat Drill. Paints, Oils and Varnish a Specialty. C. F. MORRISON. ini TOR FOR THE BEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS section in Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' Finishing Goods, Hats, Millinery, etc., Gome 'at. once to Hix s. . I keep a full supply of everything kept in a iirst-class Cloth ing Store, and am offering especial bargains. Call at once. ROBERT II IX. WILKESBORO FURNITURE Co., ISELEY & OAFFEYj Proprietors- TVe are now located in the new brick store under hotel and furnish anything to ba found in a first-class Furniture Store. We intend to offer special bargains in the best Sewing Machines on the market for the next 30 days. ' Standard grades of Pianos and Organs, fully warranted. We make a specialty in finishing Coffins arid Caskets.; Be sure and call if you a cart, buggy, wagon or a nice set of harness. We are better prepared than ever to furnish kerosene and lubricating oils thau ever before, by the barrel. Standard brands Guana at starvation prices.; Thanking you for past patronage, and inuation of the same, we are yours for b ' J. G.Hackett. A A. Hackett, Finley Pkopxietobs of the Mestao Hanufactnriiii Company. Contractors and Manufacturers Doors, Blinds, Gtc. ' All kinds of always on "'hnrd "n- 1 TO THE FEON i nrr i mrn i nr AJJ-.Y AiNXJiUIi lothing hoping by fair dealing to have & con- sjness, ISELY and CAITEY. . Finley. M Dean. of Building Material, fine lumber in N Ir.r nun D