Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. VOL. IX. WILKESBORO, N..C, THURSDAY. NOV. 9 . 1893. NO. 32 . The Chronicle. J . R. A. Df;AL, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at Ike Pont-ofp.ce in Wilkeshoro as second-da$ matter. THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1893 Mr Ceo D Hobbs a butcher of Winston, has been missing since Wednesday of last week. There seems to be an opinion that he was murdered and thrown into Belo's pond. The repeal bill has become a law, President Cleveland hav ing signed it. The House pass ed the bill in a few hours after receiving it from the Senate. The Senate might learh a lesson from the House. The revenues last week cap tured some blockade near Winston and locked it up in a small house in Winston. That night the blockaders came -with their wagons, broke in the house and carried the juice away. The Senate adjourned with out confirming either Eli as or Simmons, as Collect or. Cleve land has re appointed them and the question of their confirma tion will come up ogain next session. Elias will continue as collector and simmons will take chorge at an early date. The hosts of Mr J. P. Cald wells friends here are very much grieved at the death of his wife which occurred Nov. 2nd at Statesville. She had been quite low for several days but we were not prepared to hear of her death. "His many friends here as well as the Chronicle extend their sympa thy to Mr Caldwell in his sad bereavement. W. S. Barnes, Secretery of the Alliance has begun suit against pjst-master Kerr of Asheville and Congressman Crawford, - of the Asheville district, charging them -with libel and slander. The cause of the, suit dates back to the last campaign. Crawfords op ponent charged him with sign ing the "Demands"subtreasury and all and prod&ced a c? i'd from Secretary Barnes con taining all the. demands Crawfords name signed Crawford denounced it with to it. as a forgery. Kerr, who was editor of the Citizen published the de nial. Now Barnes has indicted both of them. -s- Fasliion May Decree bat no Chame. leon for Us. From the Du: hom Sua.) One of the fads among socie ty women in the South is the wearing of a live chameleon, with a srold chain around ivs neck and a long pin at the other end of the chain so as to fasten the horrid little thing on your dress. It is worn as a badge and the chameleon crawls around as far as the chain will permit at its own s,weet will. Miss Bettie Blair is the possessor of one o these 'cu rious little creatures, which was sent her by Mister Clai born Carr from the "Worlds -Fair. The chameleon, which 'lives on flies and insects, could not be induced to eat when it readied here, so it was sent down to Tearby's drug store to see if he could porsuade it : to partake of food. It seems to be trying the Tanner act; at least it acts that way. , '..'-. ':. -maa 1 :' A : I The wisest-coutho in politics is to vote for the best man and you caaot be miaiakep. $o p the uso f : bto .xVpurinors, ?ou ca ut be irttnUen if you tak Ayer's . .Sarsjp&rilLi.t be- auao all ptirtiea agree that it is the best-tho, iiroriortned:c:ae.:'Try it this mouth, Evpenor Still the Same. n-th Wilkesboro Ntys. We notice that the bad places h the road justithis side of the bridge have received no atten tion yet. What is the matter? Why don't the authorities at tend to this? In a short while, no doubt, winter winter will be on and it will be almost impass- I able; or, a horse's leg will be broken and then a suit will be in order. Fix it, at once. UPotatoThat You Don't See Every Day. Elkin Times. - All the papers now contain accounts or very large potatoes qut we will bet our copy of Joe Itobertsons' work on "The Use of poetry and music in courting (kve take this method of return ing thanks to Joe for a copy of the work) aorainst Bob Deal s new beaver bought since he was appoint ad post-master at Wilkesboro the crreatest novel ty of the season in the potato line was grown on Mr John Fields place near Flkin. The potato is a perfect production of a small boy. The head, arms and legs are very lifelike and the resemblance to a hu man being is certainly remark able. Nature must have been in a frolicsome mood when she fashioned this peculiar potato. Turne.i's N. C. Almanac lor 1891. Te are indebted to the publisher of as. Enniss of Raiiegh, N C for a copy of lrner's N C Almanac for 1894. This timber of the almanac is the most Kluable that has ever been issued. To the farmer and housekeeper, it is a mine of information for the whole ysar. In fact the almanac is valuable tb e.ery body. y you have never had Turners X C almanac in your house buy this one and hang it up by the fireplace for reference and especially in sickness, emergencies or any other matter and you will never go wtthout again. It will save you many pilars in a year, and can be bought for tne very small sum of 10 cents if you v ill Address the publisher, Jas. II. Enniss, Raleigh, X. C. Don't fail to gut one. Authors New Home Magazine is a publication that always finds a wel come in every home circle. It is essen tially a home monthly and noj house hold is complete without it. A glance at the November issue will convince anyone of this. Its opening story "'a ifatal Number," is the most realistic narrative of Italian life since Adolphus Trollope's Tuscan novels, and is beauti filly illustrated. Melville Philips l terary editor of the "Philadelphia Press" continues his novelet "was she I 'airly won," and its interest increases vith each installment. Among other capital stories are "Cousin William" and "The Veiled Isis," "Flora Culture" ought to be read by every amateur gardner. The Boys and Girls corner rill charm the young folks while the 1 ome circle, with its hints and suggestions will greatly interest the cider members of the Household. The Womans World is a complete and profuse description with illustrations cf the newest nd prettiest styles in tress. Altogether the number is px storehouse of interesting and instruc tive reading from the pens of poplar writers, and we are not suprised to laarnthat its circulation is rapidly growing; it cannot be otherwish at the low subscription price of $1.00 a year. Handsome premiums are offered to those who will get up clubs for 1894. A sample copy will be sent for five cents. Address Arthurs New Home Magazine, Philadelphia Penna. Colportuers Report. Report of Rev Thad L. Troy colpor- tber for the American Bible Society, laboring in TTilkes county for Nov. Number of families visited, " of families. found without a . bible, ' " families without a bible supplied by salet or gift,' Other individuals vb.0 had no . bible supplied, Number books sold, ' . " - donated, ' . Collections: Temple Hill metho- 356 90 22 14 96 S2 3,25 76 dist church, ' . ' : Swans Creek baptist church, '.' St Paul Methodist; south, Buelah - " " - Duhkirks " -; 7 ' " - ' ' 65 10 i Summit Items. ; Mr J W Church of Summit who has recently been appointed Dep't mar shall, is very sick. He will fill bond and be ready for business as soon as he , recovers from his sickness. ; Married on last Wednesday in Ashe ! county at the brides home. Mr Stokes Vannoy of rarsonville and Miss Nelia Osburn were made henceforth one by Rev Wm. M. Lee. We are left again you see. b'Jt I guess it wont be so next time, and I'll tell yon why, we have our matter shaped in a different direction now. Mr Editor we mountain folks want you to advise your friends who don't live more than a thousand miles away to let the land up on the Blue Ridge aione it lie nas to mauce our Moumuju girls to marry the Tellow he sell unless this scribe can buy the then its all O K. L. A Summit N. C. Nov. 3rd 1803. it to, land Trap Hill Letter. 3Ir Editor: As I have not seen any thing in your paper from this place in some time I will write you a few items. Most' of our farmers are very busy sowing their wheat. Times -.ire very hard here now, even possums are scarce. Miss Cora Gentry who lives near here died last week. Mr Wm Speaks and Miss Billings both of this place, were married this week. Mr Willborn has moved back to his old home on Hunting Creek. Miss Floss Bryan and her sister Miss Phoebe entered school at the College this veek. Mr Tyre Holbrook who has been visiting friends in Watauga is at home again. Mr W A Bryan and Mr Weaver Jones are visiting friends in Ashe this week, Prof W. R. Abshcr with Miss Ilorton paid our villiage a visit last week. A party of the young folks visited Stone mountain last Saturday. They report a good time. Miss Lula'IIorn, who has been in school here for some time will leeve in a few days for her home in Iredel, where see will teach. We are having a good school at Fair view college now, have S7 pupils en rolled and new ones enter ever' week. Prof Jones is a good teacher and is having great success. Miss Emma George has charge of the music depart ment and Prof E II Carrico of Lexing ton business college is in charge of the business department. Those desiring an education can not do better than to come to Fairview college. A. C. Bryi n, Oct 28th 93- Iload Matters Before The Cominis- tiioiiers. J R Farlier ana J E Gilreath were appointed to make the road from Moravian Falls to Browns ford, with ail hands within l .j miles on each side of said road, after voluntary work is exhausted. J H Swanson was appointed heacl overseer to complete the road from Germans Hill to near E McGrhinnis's with the hands within two miles each way of said road. A petition was filed asking for o road from Gilliams store by Bethel church to A Hollo man's. Petitions were filed asking for a road from Reeve's ferry to the old stage road near Willie Garners. A petition for a road was granted from the John So mers place, crossing Hunting Creek at S S Goforths place, to near James Combs, and J R Well born, Henry Coleman, Samuel Harris, Cornelius Henderson and Earnest Coleman were ap pointed as jurors to lay it off . The new road from North Wilkesboro to Allen Whitting tons was granted and J. F Blackburn wp,s made overseer on the 1st section from Reddies River bridge to Horsa Shoe Bend; Aaron Brown on second section froni said bend to Vickory IPyatts, Hardin Shumate on third section from said Wyatts to A Whittingtons. ' i: The road from Holmans ford Was granted and J C. Walsh was appointed overseer of 1st section to the flat on south of John Miller Hill; John E Phill ips and John McGlammery were made overseers on the i second section from said hill Lne top or tne 5rusny Mountains, The road from H C Fennels to Atkins shop was granted and R L Culler, A L Foster and P G Church were made over seers for that part of the road in Rcddies River, and Goshen townships, and Martin IFalsh, W H Edminston and Thomas McGee, for that part in Lewis . h ork: tnwTr;h n A petition was filed asking amendments on the previous survey from Union Church to Wesley Nichol's mills. John Triplett was appointed in the place of G L Shell as overseer to make the road from Mt. Zion to Adkins shop. G L Shell, formerly appoint ed overseer on the road from Mt. Zion to Adkins shop was ordered to appear before the commissioners at December meeting and show why he should not be prosecuted for contempt of the court in fail ing t discharge his duties as overseer of said road. On the road running from xroads church to John Blevins, F A Absher was appointed overseer of the first section, J I Handy, of the second. The petition asking a new survey from Mrs. Somers's tp Willie Bell's was granted and M F Mitchell, W N Anderson, Hiram Williams, J W Combs and PI F Moore were appointed as jurors. The supervisors of Somers township were authorized to meet the supervisors of Union Grove township, Iredell Co concerning the repairing of Warren's bridge across Hunt ing Creek, this county to bear one-half the expenses. Executrix' Notice. Having tM-s day qualified as executrix of I. C. Call deceased uoticc; is hereb' given to all persons holding claims a.ririst the estate of my intestate to present the same within 12 months ficm date hereof or this notice vi-'iU be plead in b-.r thir recover.?. All persons owing I'isi.l estate will settle without incur ring eotuy. This Oct 80th 1301. M. 0. CALL Executrix. ughfer Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer'3 Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard 13 irks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I. have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and Lave? heard nothing hut good said of them., I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one in particilar being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot -with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which. she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at. last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected; complete cure, much, to her relief and her father's delight., I am sure, were he here to-day, . he would testify in the strongest terxna as to the merits of ; : ' Aye r's- 8 a r s a p a r i 1 1 a Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co.', Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will curejyou . A Little Da NORTH CABOLli SUPERIOR COMllWIAli ADVANTAGES COiNTRIBUTlS TO HER WONDERFUL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. ' NO SECTION SO FAVORED BY NATURE. and NONE OBTAINING SUPPLIES AT LOWER COST. he Leading Of Iorth Carolina claims the credit for not only carrying the Largest, Handsomest and most complete stock of General Hex chandise in the State, but what is of much more consequence, LEADING ALL IN LOW PRICES. In Dry Goods and Notions we are the acknowledged leaders.. Few can meet our Pries; none attempt to Beat Them. The Columbian year promises to be he most memorable in our history It must necessarily be the greatest we have ever had in business, as we ar not only fixed to serve you better than any of out competitors, but that ig just what we intend to do. Years of experience, a thorough knowledge of the wants. of onr people, and an intimate acquaintance with the Manufacturers &t the East and Smith, places us on a footing to do all we claim. You wnt to be at the bottom in the way of low prices, and at the top with handsome and desirable goods. Our Stock for the Fall Trade is complete and we are ready ; to . serve you- Yours truly, WALLACE BROS., C. S. Tomlin, John S. McRorie, John F. Bowles and L. B. Bristol will rer resent us on the road and visit as many of our customers as possible. . ? STATESVILLE, N. C, June 1st, 1893. . J LOOK! LOOK! HERE FARMERS. You all want good Plows and Ioes to make good crops an4 t&e time is drawing near when they will be neeifi4. r. The place to get a Bargain is at THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE, , . where you can always find a full line of Farming" Implements,, Iron, Nails, Glass, Pistols, Guns, CornShellers, Feed. Gutters, Mowers, Rakes and Cutlery. I am agent for the Oliver Chilled Plow. r If your wife or daughter needs a good Sewing Machine, buy the Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9, the best ever made. I call your attention to the famous Empire Wheat Drill. Paints, Oils and Varnish a Specialty. j ' C. F. MORRISON. . .a FOR THE BEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS section in Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' Fnrnishing Goods, Hats Millinery, etc., Gome at once to Hix s. I keep a full supply of everything kept in a first-class Oloth ing- Store, and am offering especial bargains. Call at once. ROBERT HIX- , WILKESBORO EURNITURE Co., ISELEY & OAFFET, Proprletors- - -o-. We are now located in the new Brick store under hotel ancfc fuvnish. anything; to bo found in a first-class Furniture Store: .. V We intend to offer special'bargains in the best Sewing- Machines on the marked, for the next 30 days. " 1 - - ' Standard grades of Pianos and Organs, fully warranted. We make a specialty in finishing Cofilns and Caskets . , Be sure and call if you a cart; buggy,, wagon or a nice set of karncF. We are better prepared than ever to furnish kerosene and lubricating oils thaSi ever before, by the barrel. Standard brands Guana at starvation pri e. Thanking you for past patronage,' and hoping by fanr dealing to have a con imiation of the same, we are yours for b siriess, , ; ... TSELY and CAFTET. J. G.Hackett A. A.,rrinley, Woro . . OT - Contractors and Manufacturers of Building Material, Sash, Doors, Blinds, etc. - All kinds of fine lumher in large quantity always on hand. Nails and lime bought by the car lo ul anC sold at lowest prices.. , 2Sa.tisf action OuarantqqdU TO THE FIST. Wholesale House N'v lyi Dean. Vl a m Pkotsietors of the lannfaetiiring Comjany.